T i J 4 V Mttm VOL. XXX. RALEIGH, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28. n Got Tats continues to Lnprove. Bee th beautif al views at Metro politan hall tonight. hftlf r John P Kerr, of the Aaherille Oltiteo, la In the elty. If rt Vary Banke, ol Durham, la via ltlng friends In thla city. The different rallroada did a very thriving bnalneea Ohrlatmaa. If r Oeoar Beatty, of Ban FraneUoo, la In the ally visiting hla uncle, Mr A A Thonpson. Bext Monday la another holiday and the banke and public buildings will be eloeed. The docket for the coming 8upe riot Court U quite large, but moat of the eases are trlvlaL The grip 1a preTalling In the city, but ao far it baa not developed Into a very malignant tyro. Mlaa Maud Marehall, of thla elty, la to be married January 81at, to Mr J W L Butt, of Norfolk. Matteraln theclty have about re sumed their natural aUtoa. The Ohrlatmaa excitement haa entirely died out. Mr Albert Andre ws,1; of Atlanta, .who haa been apending the holidaya with hla relatives In 'thla city, haa re turned home. . The eldeat invabitant is now pot. aliog hla braiu for a similar Christ mas in poin of balmy weather. It does not often occur. It was reported today that there la aome Improvement In the condition of Col Heck, We hope he may soon be reatored to health. The neual new years calls will be made next Monday. We hope our -governor will have a popular reeep tlon. It looks like old tlmea. - Dr Hubert Haywood haa returned to the city from a visit to Wilming ton caused from the sickness of hla alsteri Mrs Preston L Brldgera. We hear that a very large crowd from the surrounding country attend A the funeral of Ooncul General Jones today at White Plains, the oia l hard tlmeg bot 80meh0wor other al family sea near Gary. I m08t everybody had little money and Yesterday our friend Dagh I received I two large orders. One waa for a wed-1 ding at Mebane and the other for a I reception, at Aabbo'o. Dughi's sr-1 vices are always in demand. I . V i iu..AlMnnoiM ovenooKea. This is good The monument society has not yet I eB ,. . RTOnad and tl. hAt awarded the; contract for the granite. I "It CiDrdDoae to leave the selection to I thet. ataU geologist. Tnia uagooa ' ' ThVerJDis.oreveral hundred post master aire about to expire and It Is, xf4 thsho president will send In many nominations as soon as con grass assembles, y. Don't fall to see the World's Fair at Metropolitan hall tonight -TheCTeat bow can be -Seen in miniature, it will be an intervating occasion under the auspfces of the Christian church. There Is .'ml constant 'Ihcreaso. of studenta at the A and M College. Al mnat everv week brings new addl tiona. ft is getting to be on of the mini uvuurvu uuvuiiuv-. -w. land. Hurrah for our boya I the Gov ernors wuara tney nave nenaereu their services to the ladies and will fhrht the battle of Gettysburg for - them In the Confederate entertain ment next week. The new short line Inaugurated by the B D railroad from Washington City to Tampa. Florida,' '"will greatly facilitate the receipt and delivery of northern paper throughout North Carolina, as it haa been Selected by tb government as the great south ern mail route. Wc hop our Ohamberof Commerce will not loss sight of the . importance; of the electric railroad nd suggebt om plan whereby it may he run. ; It 1 oks rather like , a reflection on our lt hat such lan enterprise should fail when in otner places, noi so large, Haletaloi. w Messrs Junes Will, Harry and KW mer Walr, all spns of our retpeeted eltlien, Mr Weir, are In the citv sDendlng holiday week with their parents. These young gentle men make it a rale to visit "the old folks at home" each Ohrlstmas when it is poeslbto to do so. Thla Is highly oommendab'.e, aod we hope they may long live to enjoy each reunions. Trip ts the World's Fair for a Quar ter. Unole Zedaahit the World's Fair Is the most popnlar steieoptleal on tertainment before the publle this win ter. TheLadks Aid Society of the Christian church have engaged Prof Hermanee tonight at Metropolitan hall. The bet recommendation we can give this exhibition Is that It baa been presented twenty four tlmea to Norfolk and Portsmouth audiences. 100 scenes, 600 feet of - canvas. Ad mission adults 2 children 15. The Weafler. For North Carolina: Showers to day or tonight; fair Friday alightly warmer Friday morning, Local foreoast for Raleigh and vi oinlty. un jrri"ay: r air eather warmer, aouthwest winds. Synopsis: The slight low area yes terday central over the lake region has developed into a storm of con siderable intensity, with the lowest pressure at Marquette 89:88 inches. Brisk southwest winds with much warmer weather prevail in the central valley, with bat little rain The weather is generally cloudy end threatening everywhere exoept over Florida Our Merchants. We took occasion today to inter view aome of oar , merchants relative to their trade during the week pre ceding Chrlst i as, and we are pleased to note that they express themselves highly pleased with the patronage received. To some this was an agree a.Vti a rllaannAlnfmAnr In . eVn spent It freely. We can farther add that most of those with whom we talked said that they were indebted to advertisementa for their trade, which in these days of competition our business men may find ample en eouragement during the coming year. Interesting Report The committee of the Chamber' jp! Commerce has made a most interest ing report as follows: ' 1. That the Press of North Carolina urge upon the business men of the towns and cities of the State to form business men's associations and to connect themselves with the State Association That the Press of North Carolina ; will actively urge the importance of such association, contributing to the fund neeessarjMlo denayvROrthoaro Una's, proportidnate part of th ex pense of pupils nlng the letters of the Sovenikbi ofr the twelve-, Southern States, setting out the material r sources of each State an1 the advant ages offered capitalists and imml grants. 8. That we urge the several raft roads of the State to encourage In Vestment of capitalists by setting out the peculiar advantage along their various .routes by publishing books and pamphlets for distribution and to encourage immigration by (reduced rates and such other; inducements as they may be able to offer. i. That the press of North Carolina wiU further aid tbobj acts of' the said I v"wu -J'a V Z information relating to their i lmt' dlat sections-.? -t,- in i.i ! r i : -, OE NTS make a lay. Oreatesc xXkltcben fatenell ever invented. Re railn RRa 2 to A s jld la everv hoase Sample, postage paid, five cents- Be " - - - - m . - Jast Hcl ved. Boiled eomd beef. Old N C hams Bogllsh eared hams. Fine sugar eared hams. Roe herring, bbls. deS8 it 0 W Young. Flour, all grades and prima, t 0 W Xonog's Canned poaches, tomatoes and corn at way dowu prltee. 8 lb eanaasaftsd wine apple, t 'i' per can, at Rubber shews, M sixes, at vWoollcott ft Boos. We ace offering great bargains in dress goods. Woollcott fc Sons. Hons Furnishing Goods. Daring this week great attention will be given our various nnee of house furnishing goods. In ail these departments, household aod table linens, comforts, blankets, counter panes, carpets curtains, dej , will be found something interesting to bouse keepers. n n S K ' UCKBH m CO. Ijetft Over. We have a large lot of wagons, doll carriages and wheel barrow left from Ohrlstmas stocs, also a nice line oi dolls and some few small toys, any of which we will sell at wholesale oost. Parties buin for Chrl'tmu trees or private use will do well to oall before January 1st. D.T.Swindell. tr Until January 1st, We Will sell any of the goods left from Cbriststtas trade at wholesale cost. In this stock k a nice lot of wagons, plush goods, doll carriages, wheel barrows, carts, doll and small toys. These eo&la we do not want to carry over ao wlU sell any of them at whole sale cost from now ontil January 1st. D. T. Swindell. Christmas Goods Left. All the Christmas goods on hand now will be sold t cost from now un til J&uuary 1st, as we do not want to carry them over. These are all new rresh goods, ana parties wisning to purchase can save money by calling at Swindell's. When you want a pair of shoes go to Woollcott & Sons Fries and stews 25 cents each at A. Dughi's Telephone 128. 25 for Two 1 A box containing twenty-five fine O.cent cigars for two dollars, at J. Hal Bobbitt's. Have you een the fine assortment of organs and pianos at Darnell & Thomas'? Darnell St Thomas are giving big bargains this week in organs and pi' anos. de30t $350 will buy a floe pair of mules, wagon and Harness. Apply to delO Ot J N UUBBlRD. For Bent tor 1894. A good three horse improved farm on reasonabln terms. Apply to L. R. WY ATT. No 216, Fayetteville St. Raleigh N.O. Fine celery for sale by R M Utz man, corner Jones and Dawson sts. 14 a full line of sheet music at ten cents per copy. v Darnells rnomas. de20 6t No 114 Fayettevllle street. Fresh.oyster at A Dughi's ccsry vming. CoaL Just received 600 tons Kanawha. West Va solint coal (best bituminous coal on earth). Also several ears egg, nut and stove antnracite. del4 TLEbirhabdt. Cut Flowers. Bouquets. Baskets, Floral Designs, Palms, Rubber and other foliage plants for bouse eulture In the winter, Hyacinths, Tulips, Lillys, Narelssps and other varieties of bulbs for fall planting. 'Chinese Sacred Lily.' Tele phone 118. ;" ,s19 ;- "U H STIWMIT. Florist. ' Lost. Vols 6 and 14 American Reports. de13-2w J W HlsTSDALB. A BEAUTIFUL IJptlrfht Grand fAII All T FjS4ao.ofanoldllll! rlUbie wake. I Ull WmII only been need three months, will be sold at about halfjts value. Call on or write.' -i DARNELL Sf THOMAS, flom Fayettevllle street. PI fl 1 1KIIV dost Lasting Gift and life long reminder of a friend la a handsoue Picture. The PICTURE A AT WATSON'S a Stocked with the beat and moat r&. rled line of pictures ever before dis played It I Winter Millinery, Xmas Goods. W are offerina aoedal brnmini la U trimmed Millinery for Udies, Misses and ChUdren. AfaUlineot EEEEEEEERKE V EKEKEEKBEB I INFANTA CAPS I E E EEBEEEEEEEE V EEEEEEEEEE in brown, nav bias And bUsk. Borne noyelttw in X aai good inexpensive. STAKPKD TlilV COV1SU. Boaffe and Biieau Scarfs, Ao. Prices on all goods to suit the times Cell and see as. MIS? MAGGIE REESE, my2 209 PAYETTE VILLE 8T. DO MOT forget to make you sweethnart a pres ent of a box of the best candy in town. DO NOT foreet that we make the purest candy to oe round any wnere. DO NOT forget tha we hare te bet fruits, nuis ana raisins ic we ciy. DO NOT forget that the beat is the cheapest. DO NOT forget that we make specialty of fine quality of candies, if not quantity. DO NOT buy inferior candv forfrour chtldtsa They are sweat enough to have the . sweetest. BARBEE & POPE. Eicrybod) Wants to llaie Some body Bappj on Christmas, and I believe yon ean please . any unn ooj or giri nioi Racket LYOH Store They have all sorts of dolls and do'l car riages and all kinds of toys an1 picture books, scrap books and albums, doll trunks, banks, pistols and caps, guns, wagons, shoo fly and carts; lust the things to make the little folks laugh. Now for the grown-up people hanakeroniet ad glove boxes, eom te M Tell Ml eases, anana'sure sets, picture, albums, wetones, clocks and Jewelry, gloves, hand kerchiefs, large easels, cloaks an 4 cape, sleighs, bed blankets and horse blankets. TOE LTOfl T STORE V, m For roasting Bretd, Cake aii, - 'V Hw Style Cl ' . in Rlptfflnt I.inA rjruim . v -"' V Goes in GarGocds. GALL AT RALEIGH, N.C. Arejou Interested in Low Prices? THE GRANDEST OPPORTUNITY, AWAITS YOU. TremondoiM MARK-DOWN on Certain Lines). Oar Prices Gladdens the Hearts or Economic Bayers. Our V's.U snd Winter stock was neTer ht ter. Sales larger or values of such intrinsft worth as now. i Oar adTert'sements are as eool as treasnr notes for our promises. Purchases ai, equal to a savings bank deposit. Dnreliabl, " roods never find a place on oar counter Money reranaea at any time it tt amrc With these lacts before you what are tfi goingtodoabontit? DID YOU EVEti BU 125 Seal Plush Capes for 19 78 1 va uo'nmbia Coats for 98.75? 20 Worth Jackets for $7.61? We answer, nobody does this. WHO EVE SOL Burt ft Packard's S5 shoee S2.98? Blacker, Oerstle & Co $3.50 Kid B t v.iorsi.817 Harris' 12 Wool Caaaimeres for.73c ' We answer, nobodv does thin, ut r 'a ' adopt this style of adrertising. It a statement. The fact that an article is reduced in i f is self-evident that it is not worth anr ' 4" A atrakht tin. saaare daal and h ' treatment saoanes au. Our prices, stock thronrh nd thmi are lower tnan others- Think a mom compare expenses, figure a tiHIe, tne i vantage you readily are is ours. We hai ' the nerve to mark low. Nothing pleases the - le so welt gains their con&denos or - i their trad .aa tb foundation nrinni."- v Thos Bles uponrwhioh we rests our claim for pub- c patronage. v.- B.A. S&POQl Ho. Dry Crosli, Htlra Ac ODDS and ENDS. The rash smel confusion of Christmas 1st over. All through the house .. aas snd Ends ol Tarloua lines which we are anxious to clear out. Many of these are practital all-the year around goods, cat to clear stock Tery lew prices will be made. T. II. A It. S. TUCKER . CO. v V". V ''v(.".fi:''l A'- - Iheyareaarried on with success. d.206t Raleigh, NO. 1S 125 ffayettovllle Strow I i I v 1D1DTSVTT T

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