I Q i-.-.jWR :,s. 1 :.'-'-iir:W:'J-.':-& 1." ' . '(. -.: . a wv . ..eta - -'.1 ....... J - - -. - ' jI S '. per will be ' ftsertion. s' trt, 2d Uoor. n t-tjj iriM -)EC. 28, 1893. BBIEF. '. v.'. sed Up Here and There and V!:.- Boiled Down. - - v feo 0 Heolt is In th city. vry litJe cotton has been brought :) jSnarket this wek. Merchar ts will soon be looking af. ter the pprlng trad. Mr aLd Mrs H H Crocker spent the holidaye in Baltimore. Ex'Collector White informs us it is probable he will return to Perquim ans county to reside. State Treasurer Tate is improving and it is now thought he is out of danger. Quite a large crowd of nur citizens attended the funral of Consul Gen eral Jones at Cary today. The examiniog committee of the State Treasurer's and Auditor's offlse have resumed their labors. The ladies who are to take part in the monument concert, met in Metro politan hall, this morning, to make arrangements. Our champion clothier Dave Ros enthal announces that his bi? reduc tion sale will be continued for an other week Now is the time to se cure unusual bargains. Mr Jamos Hunter, formerly a inenin ber of the Board of County Com miesioners died at his home in Neus? Township, this county, last Monday afternoon. ; a meeting of the Executive Com- gmittee of the Board of Trustees of A & M College was held yes -'- iterday. There was a full atten : Idance. JNowstnai the street cars nave sua. rjended would it not be well to look after Avent Ferry road between Hilleboro road and Pollen Pars so that it can be reached withouF being mired in red clay. The crreat storm period wbicb was predicted would put in its appearance on the 23d inst. failed to come to time much to the gratification of all who desired to eDjoy the holidays. The competent manner in which Chief of Pjllce Heirtt and bis corps of men performed their duties on Christmas day is commendad on all sides.' They had quite a rough tlae but "got there all the same." Entertainment An entertainment of a most enjoy able character was given at the Suns day school room of the First Presby terian church last night. A present was given to all the scholars and there was a plentiful supply '.of the good things of life. The New Hotel An elegant dinner was served at the new Park Hotel yesterday, and the establishment was regularly opened. The menu department is in charge of Mr Daniels who is a first rate caterer. The office and business department are in control of Messrs Owens and B rod us who receive all guests in Chesterfield style. The Inner decorations of the hotel are fine and the arrangements are in full accord with the progress of the age It is said that cold weather doesn destroy the grip gertr. it goes on and attends to business all the same regardless of the capers of the met .ft. jteting ioo ?n tonight at 7 ro nomioauon auu ' aeert conferring degrees and ' fm.xrtaot nutters to be at A to. The uiemben earnestly Ranted to attend. Orgnlet and ... . 9 f J gr-e stall win do 01 uanu m um f . . I I .! I imj. visiting oreiureu uearwij w come. Married. On Christmas night at 9 o'clock, Mr Chas 0 rdner, of Wilson, was united in marriage to M'ss Mollie, eldest daughter of E R Ellis, theffl cient inkling clerk in the Raleigh postoffice. The ceremony was per formed by Rev D H Tuttle, pastor of Central M E church. The contract intr parties left on the Richnood & Danville road for their future home in Wilson followed by the best wishes of a large circle of relatives, friends and acquaintances. In this city on the 27th inst. at the resideuc-3 of Lewis Williams, by J C Marconi, JP, Mr John L Williams to Ml s Martha H Thomas. A Musical Event. Next Wednesday, January 3d will be e great musical event fn this city. On that occasion Remenyi will hold the boards at Metropolitan hall. Since the days of Ole Bull there has been no such furore in musioal circles Remenyi has astounded the old world with his performances and has re ceived the plaudits of the great critics of Europe. In making this engage ment Manager Heartt has in view the wishes of the muso loving public and no doubt will be duly apprecl ated. Officers Elected. The following officers have been elected for the first term of 1891 for Carolina Lodge, No 779, Knights and Ladies of Honor: B F Faison, Protector. Jos T Broughton, Vice Protector. Levi Branson, Sec an Fin Sec. W N Snelling, Treasurer. H B Bagwell, Chaplain. J W Evans, Guide. John H Porter, Guardian. W Ford aylor, Sentinel. Dr M E Gait is, Medical Edaminev. Levi Branson, J T Broughton and W N Snelling, Trustees for 1894. The lodge is in good condition and anxious for other new members. Lkvi Branson, Sec'y. Telegraphic News. The net balance of the U S Treas ury has declined to the low figure of $88 9' 4.096 This is ihe lowest bal ance ever reached by the treasury. There is a deficit in the city treas ury, of Chicago, of r-arly $3,009,000. The Fay Templeton opera troupe has gone to pieces in Cincinnati. FourBig Sicce8ses. Having the needed merit to more than make good all the advertising claimed for them, the following four remedies have reached a phenomenal sale: Dr King's New Discovery, for consumption, coughs and colds, each bottle guaranteed Electric .bitters, the great remedy for liver, stomach and kidneys; Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the bent in the world, and Dr King's New Life Pills, which are a perfect pill. All these remedies are guaran teed to do just what is claimed for them and the dealer whose name is attached herewith will be g'ad to tell you more of them. Sold at John Y SiacKae'a drug store. An insanity expert in Illino s gives it as his opinion that Prendergrast, the ma who killed Mayor Harrison, is suffering from an arrested mental development, called paraneoa. bnt that he knew full well what he was doing when he shot Mr Harrison, and that he was committing murder. This being the case, he enjoys suffi cient mental development to entitle him to be hanged. Guaranteed Care. We authorize our advertised drug eist to sell Dr King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds, noon this condition. If yon are af dieted with a cough, cold or fny lung, throat o. chest trouble, and will nse this remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial, and experience no benefit. you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr King's New Discovery could be res ; I -.rl on. It never dlsaDDolnts Trial bottles free at JobnjY MacRae's drag store. Large size 60o and $1. UuckJen'a Arnica Salve. -The beet salve in the world for cute, braises, sores, aloers, uK rheum. fe Tr IAM1. tttar nhintwbl ha nr. a whll. HI ft I n Anrni .! all alrln A.nnHAn. and positively cares piles, or no par required. It is gnarauteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refaud -ed Price 43 cents per pox. For sale by JoUq Y tfacKae. FHE RALEIGH COFFIN CO L, O BAGWELL. Funeral Di-ector. W H VO&TH, Secretary and Treasurer. I have sold out mi entire Interest in the colli n business to the Raleigh Coffin Go. I will continue with the company as Fu neral Director and give ii myj personal at tention. The Lew company have now on hand and will keep a full line of Coffls, Caskets, Burial Robss, Ac, which they are prepared to furnish at reasons ble priced. Call and see our stock and get our prices, L 0 BAGWELL. W H WORTH, Funeral Director, Bec'y and Treas. Raleigh Coffin Co. de231m. Cotton tad Mi. H 'chest cash price paid for good, sound. cotton seed delivered at. our coal yard. One or more car loads per day. Jones & Powell. COAL, WOOD, &0 FOR SALE. Kentucky Lump Splint Coal. Tennessee " " " Virginia " ' " Pocahontas" Semi-bitaminou Coal. Russall Creek Lump " " Oavton, Red Ash, Egg, 8emi-anthracite. Anthra"ite Coal, all sizes. Oak and pine wood, cut and long, Corn, Oats. Hay. Bran, Hhingles. Lumber. Laths, &c at lowest cash prices. J0NES& POWELL Raleigh, N 0. Phon 41 and 71. Houses for Rent. Two nice cottages, 5 rooms each, on saunders treet; good neighborhood and good water, $10 per month Two 4 room cottages on Cabarru st; city water: price iK per month One nice 5 room cottage on W J one? st; good well of water; large lot; price flv. 50 per month. ttood 8 room bouse on south street just west of the 3d Baptist church; large nice lor, good well of water ana shade trees; price $'.7 '0 Two o room cottages, one on corn Halifax and lohnson other cor WM mington and Johnson, city water; price $10. A very nice 7 room house on New Berne ave, 4 doors east of capitol, all modern improvements, first class in every respect; pric $3 per month Une o ro"tn bouse on Jt ayetteviue street, 2 doors south of the Law build ing, first clous place for nice boarding house; price $10 60 per month. 10 room bouse on Halifax st; larga chady yard and good garden, in first siass nelghooon; rrloe Ilo.o'J. o room brick dwelling on Salisbury st one door north of Jones st, has beetPreeently cut in good repair aud connected with sewer and water main price mo 66. we will be glad to show you any of the above bouses. Come to see us or drop us ros.al card. Wishing you a merry Xtras and happy New Year we ave. yours truly, el6 J M B ROUGH TON & CO. COPYRIGHTS CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT f For a prompt answer ana an nonest opinion, writ to nllJNN 3k CO., who have bad nearly fifty years' experience In the patent business. Communioa. tlons strictly confidential. A Handbook of in formation cmcemin-r Patents and how to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue Of mechan- -uai hiu wawuDo dwu nui xree. Patents taken through Munn tt Co. receiTS special notice in tne setentttie American, and thus are brought widely before the public with out cost to the Inventor. This snlendid inner. Issued weekly, elegantly 111 nstrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientiSo work In the world. S:t a year. Sambie conies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, SloOe year. Single copies, 'ii cents. Krery number contains beau tiful plates, in oolors, and photographs of new houses, with plana, enabling builders to siow the mwni uBsiKiiB aim secure contracts. Aaaress MUNN & CO NSW YORK, 301 BBOADWAT, 1 i vni bii i 1 1 u ivh mi u u w r w CliniSTMf BOOK AND booklets CAkDARS AND CARDS, PRAHGkOLIDAY PUBLICATION, FINE ART BOOKS and BOOKLETS, Calendars and Xmas Cards. ;We have one of the largest and finest lines ever opeaed in the.SUte, all new and bean. RAPHAEL TUCK & SONS' FINE ART BOOKS ASP BOOKLETS, CALENDARS AND XMAS CABDS. We are lust in receipt o our stock of goods for the holiday season and would be glad to serve our many friends and patrons. We feel justified in mak'ng the claim that no such assortment ol these goods has ever before been exhibited in Raleign. hee goods have been selecte t from e line of the lrest m nuf acturers of this country and Europe and make a collection of whion we leei jusuy There are here to be seen METAL BpN BON BASKETS, JARDINIERES MINIATURE ULOCKS, Jtc. fhir G1L Porcelain and overlaH goods, such as Toi'et Bottles, Vases, Globes, Photo Panels and Frames, Wacques, etc., are very IN LEATHER GOODS We show ladles' and gents' Traveling 8ets, Portfolios, Lap Desks, Photo Frames, Card Cases, L'tter Oases, Pocket Books, Purses, etc. Triplicate and Wood - Writiner - HAVDSOMELY INLAID GOLD AND 8ILVE& PEN )IL CA8KS, PEARL HANDLS HANJff LOKM ANUFESS, BSdr J4AKSS OF FOONI?ALN PENS, and a great variety of articles in wood, medal plush and celluloid too numerous to name arO ... . POLITE CLE t W ILLi Aiiiu iv ivtiv nt3uc.o. HAKE YOUR PURCHASES Raleigh Stationery Co., W. C SEPARK. Manieer. Still Heading Great Big BargaHs in HOLIDAY -:- GOODS Alt Bobbntt'. Toilets Cets, 3:.aY:iif Cases. Cut Glass 'Mies, Plush Oder Cas:s, Perfume Atomizers. Ciaar Stands, Men chaum Pipes, Fancy Colorae Baskets, naments. IN SHORr, EVERY NEW NOVELTY IN GLA.S8 AND OrORS. You will not go elBewhere after examining my line. I am sure the prices and the good will U'it you . HAL BOBBIT', RaleiTli,:iT.:C. prouu. attractive. Hand Mirrors, m o rv mrv vmtd nri a i.a EirfLK BEFORE THE RUSH the Procession ! i jury.