1 -.v , H 1 . IT . 1 i ' 1 6 fi that! re he ' . friend. ' ,lln- jf does not Ild. Oar peo- ' int in tarnish- : uthand. Daring ' a good maseam ted. A soliciting1 Jet step and it should .4' Bill Co.. have rt- to the store jfcoupled by J D Bedford v the former stand on bast street. This enterprisiug " ve now ready to push business ''''' -yle coming year. '('. prospectus is in contemplation j v ',r chamber of commerce. It will be very interesting in the matter of statistics. We hope the press of the State will puBh the matter vigorously. The most elaborate preparations are being made for receptions at Washington City next Monday. It will surpass all previous arrange ments. We hope there may be something like a united effort in the matter of raising funds for the Confederate monument. No time to lose. The capital club gave a most de lightful german on Ohr'stmas night. It was led by our gallant young friend Mr Henry W Miller. The English prize lighter Charles Vlt,f..hnll has arrived at Jacksonville. ' - - la. He was greeted by a very large irowd SThe Grand Lodge of Masons will "'-iC'-.Y; ''&eet in Wilmington next Tuesday. vteaacea rates uu tuo umoroui wnuo, ig up for January term of. court for rial of criminal cases. &Most of the county officers went up '" Gary today to attend the funeral of cnsul General Jones. The next session of congress will fV kT iViTr HiMn. ..donbt open with a warm discus not the tariff. gravel on the Atlanta special train p increasing, li comuines pleasure ' '.j.th swiftness. vj.i -j Kr..kt. hi,-. 4 n 4. slack times. Col Kenan, clerk of the Supreme Court, has goie on a visit to Duplin county. Considerable fati ng off in country produce at the market since last week. Getting ready for new resolutions to commence from next Monday. Considerable decline in the toy business since last Monday. Slain would not be oat of place just now). It seems to be needed. Mr E B Clark, of Portsmouth, Va., Is in the city. H. E. Fries, of Salem, is at the Yar boro. A Pitiable Sight It is to see an infant suffering from the lack of proper food. It is entire ly unnecessary, as a reliable food can always be obtained; we refer to the Gail Borden Eagle Brand Condensed Milk, which has an established repu tation. Aq invitation to dinner in Japan commences as folio s : " I beg par i'on for thus insulting you in begging your company at my house to dinner. The house is small and very dirty. Our habits are rode, and yoa may not get anything to eat ; and yet I hope that yoa will condescend to be pre? eat with as at 8 o'clock on December YOU WANT present? J We have an elegant lot of J Perfumery, both foreign and W -3 Also a beautiful lint of Cut and Pressed Bottles, all styles and prices. DRUGGISTS. JUST A FINANCIAL DISCUSSION. Chicago Tribune. 1 he stranger with long hair had eaten a great breakfast in a Clark street restaurant and was making for the door Without settling when the oashier called to him: "Here, sir! The money!" "Money? It's the engrossing topic of the hour, and I'm not surprised that, you evince a keen interest in it. I trust, sir, that you will agree with me when I say that the recent repeal of the silver purchasing law will not greatly relieve the business world; the remedy must be more' '-Oh, stow your tongue and out with the wealth!" "I agree with yoa. The point is well taksn. Wealth is a great bless ing at all t mes. but legislation can not increase or diminish the volame of currency. The first thing neces sary is to strengthen the public con fidence by assurances" "Now, se here" "Pardon me, but I have the statist tics to prove all that I say. I main tain that the repeal of the Sherman law, as recently accomplished by con gress, can only mitigate" Just then something bit him in the back, and he struck the ourb on the other side of the street. As he gath ered himself up and shouted for his hat aud remarked: "It strikes m? as a mighty singular thing that some men cannot discuss the financial question without flying into a passion." AN INDUSTRIOUS WOMAN, I Mrs Adella Nlver, near Sera nton, Pa, makes a good living out of things that would go to waist if it wasnt for her industry. Every spring she taps fifty or sixty maple trees near her house, gathers and boils the sap into syrup herself and sends the pro duct to market in tin cans holding a gallon each. At the end of the sap season Mrs Nlvers begins to pick win tergreen berries on the neighboring ridges for the city markets Last spring she gathered two barrels of the bright red and fragrant wild red f rait. Later in the season the indus trious woman dug several bushels of gensiog and gold thread roots in the woods, which she sold at fair pricn. She also digs quite a quantity of sas safras and sarsaparilla roots every year. In August Mrs Nivers gather ed a wagon load of boneset, pressed it into pales And tent it away to be sold. She gets a little money oat of spearmint and peppermint, as well as for small qaanties of pennyroal and wormwood. All the farmers in the neighborhood let catnip grow on their places for Mr Nlver to gather. In late June and early July she pick ed two boshels of field strawberries to sell and later she sold and gather ed 800 quarts of red raspberries and blackberries. This fall Mrs Niver made a few dollars oat of beach nuts. MR. CHILDS' FIRST CIGAR. He Was a Boy Then. But Ho H Never Smoked Since. Ladies' Home Journal. One of my first recollections of i Christmas day is having no sled with MM IKS which to enjoy the frost overed rroand, (or we had frost and snow on Christmas when I was a boy, and I made no my mind that before the next Christmas arrived I should have one, writes George W Ghllds. And I did, and wlthoot any one giving It to me, either, as I both earned and saved money with which I bought it Christmas presents ' were always abundant, thoagh of the simplest kinds. The one which I remember most distinctly was package of fire crackers -more suitable to Indepen dence day than to Christmas, per haps, but I was not long In carrying It to the street and sharing my pres ents with my boy friends. As many of these boys smoked penny cigars we utilized the spark as flames to ex Diode the eraekers. When the crack ere were exhausted I bought and smoked my first and last eigar. Later in the day. as a further Christian celebration, I went to a menagerie and while there was taken so violent ly ill that I made op my mini then that if I ever reached home alive I would never again roach tobacco. I And I never have. S. A. L. Seaboard jAir-Line. ! THROUGH SCHEDULE Between Atlanta, Athens, Charlotte, Fay etteville, Raleigh and fortsmoum. ret burg, Richmond. Wasoington, Baltimi Peters- ore, rmladeipnia ana new iur. Schedule in effect July 2, 1893. "ATLANTA SPECIAL." No. 127 1 No. 134 7 30 pm 12 15 a m 7 20 am 9 42 am 10 67 am 11 13 a m 12 46 pm 200 pm 2 88 pm 810 pm Lv Boston Lv New York Lv Philadelpoia Lv Baltimore Ar Ax At Ar Ar Ar 7 00 ami 8 05 pm 7 18 pm 4 57 pm 3 40pm 325pm Lv Washington Lv Alexam xanana " Fredericksburg " Ashland Ar Richmond Lv Richtuond " Petersburg! (Union Station) " lupm 1235pm Lv 1200 m I Ar 11 45 a ml 3 43 pm Lv 11 03 a m I 1.11 n m " PetersburK 10 55 a ml (Washington St. Station) 5 26 pm Ar Weldon " 20am 3 00 pm 8 11 p m 343 pm 414 pm 4 40 pm 5 61 p m 535 pm 658 pm 8 30 pm 800 pm 815 pm 9 23 pm Lv Norfolk " Portsmouth . Suffolk Franklin " Boykins Ar Weldon Lv Weldon " Henderson Ar Durham " Raleifeh Lv Raleigh " Sanford Ar 11 4 a m ' 1135 am Lv 11 02 a m " 10 -a a u "10 0) am 9.25 a m 9 00am Ar Lv 789am 600am 630am 6 15 n m 610am 424am Ar Lv 10 08 p m 10 b5 p m " Southern Pines Ar Hamlet 335am 500 pm Lv Wilmington "Charlotte Lv 500pm JO 00 p m 10 00 p m 11 05 p m Lv Hamlet - Ar 11 16 p m " Rockingham Lv 11 49 p m Wadesb&ro " 12 50 am " Monroe " 2 00 am " Chester " 314 am " Clinton " 3 57 am " Greenwood " 4 21 am " Abbeville " 619 am ' Blberton " 618 am " Athens " 6 64 am " Jug Tavern " 8 30 a m Ar Atlanta, Eastern " 7 30 a m " Atlanta, Central " 3 25am 316am 241 am 1 57 a m 1218 am 11 07 p m 10 25 pm 10 00 pm 9 00pm 816 p m 7 28pm f 45 p ni 4 46p m No. 41. PASSENGER AND MAIL. No 8 9 20 pm 1 03 a m 230 am 4 10 a m 915 am 12 10 p m 8 00 pm 11 16 a m 730 am 910 am Lv New York "Philadelphia " Baiitimore " Washington Ar 6 50a m 8 46 am 12 48 a m 11 10 p m 6 30 p m 325p m Ar " Kicnmona At WelHop,A.O.L.Lv Lv New York Ar 8 0iam 6 20 a m 7 00 om " PhU.NY,P&N uiamnt Ar Portsmouth Lv 600am 200 pm 430 pm 7 00 pm Lv New York " Philadelphia L tBaltimore i Bay Line) " Old Point Ar Portemoutht Lv Portsmouth Ar Weldon Lv Weldon Ar 120pm 10 47 am 7 00am 7 00 am 800 am 9 35 iir 1207 pm 1215 pm 2 3 i p ra 4 10 p m 4 30 pm 7 uu i m Lv Ar Lv Ar lv Ar Lv . 6 00 p m 545 pm soar m 3 00pm " Henderson Ar Raleigh Lv Baleigh " 8anf ord Ar Hamiet 1 09 p m 11 i5am 10?.7 am 6 00 pm 750 pm, 9 31 am 7 20am 5 00 a m at Charlotte Lv In 00 p m The fast mail leu vine New York at 4 00 a. m., connects witn No 187 at Washington. No 134 has Pullman Buffet sleepers, At lanta to Washington; connects at Washing ton with the Congressional Limited for New xon; ranorcars, Washington to New York. No 127 has PulLman sleepers New York to Washington, and Pullman Buffet sleepen Washington to Atlanta. Parlor cars between Portsmouth and Wei don, Sleeper, . No 134 Raleigh to Charlotte o i namiec co Wilmington. Trains No 88 connects at Weldon with through Pullman Buffe Sleeper for Rich mond, Washington, Baltimore, Philadel- piutt' iuq now xurx. Train No 41 connects at Weldon with LPullmau Sleeoer for points south, via At- Daily. tOailv eioeDt Sondav. B.ttwalr. fast. I Dinner. SSuDDer For information relative ta achiidnlMi. bi. apply to ticket agent, .or A.. J. Cooke, pas u. v. bmixjIj xrafflo Manager, i I 03 Q Q O G U Q XL z a S (f) yi p e h O E o fX , a o a H W a o Q O H 5 s ... 1 a s a a W r g; D a I o . -V: IB eg P N I g Reduction Sale Continued. The great success attending our reduction saieoflast week has prompted us to give the public the advantage of buying Clothing at redncrd prices for one week longer. We have therefore determmed to continue our sale of MS, VHnRi 111 BOYS ClOTuIl 1-3 SUITS THAT WERE $25 " : 28 h SO w M 15 ' .18 10 f T 0 1 tf V HTC From $5 00 VJ. V JMlxSjVJA. xO at the same iT A TVTT'Cl We make a specialty in Jl ixIN X O ' just received from one of and offer tnem at less man umbt ens' or manuiaciure. . Our terms during this sale are strictly casn. no gooas sem qui on approval. Qllrsemit1bs&l'(nMuunug Doj 305 Favett87llle St. Qua Post Office C. 0. BALL & CO. have remored their WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . GROCERY In the store formerly occupied by J F BEDFORD, juBt opposite their former stand. It has been HANDSOMELY EQUIPPED and they are now ready to fill orders for their customers and friends at lowest prices and strictly first class gOOdS. .:- C. 0. BALL & CO., " Ka.8tsll0nirg8ttSL 2 a o a e i t a - r: o c !Zi I 4 to i P5 o f n o a i a a o IL o iii & u 0 O i 1 sJ h a- 3 .. S 0 o 111 . ( , O o . ' mm 0 " s u. I i '' ' mm ' O 13 m I O . stf ' B-'- .. Z te 2 8 . 2 3 CO I i s-I M i. 00 NOW GO FOR $18 17 60 " " 15 00 00 " " 13 83 po t. 19 oo 00 " " 10 00 50 " " 8 U (10 " " 8 81 1 50 " 5 00 to 120.00, elegantly trimmed andlmade up,.go reduced rates. ext-a size pants Parta fsm 76c to 810.00 the laigest manufacturers in the counter, SuperiorCoyFeei Compounded and prepred with fresh Pe Meal, Condition Powders, Pare Bran ant other milk producing foot that gives bot't quality and richness. A trial will convince; you that it if cheaper and better than any thing else to be had -ALSO A 3 that will soon give flesh and life to the poor est sni dullest horse in less time than any you can procure. On hand all the time best Oats, Corn, as well as the above SfSfaes at marks prices. - .-v. No 216 Fayettevilk ttnet, nol7 BaunXNa.Na 111 DUE nitnr L1M6 BranandHay pnn