n tslfttt a VOL. XXX. RALEIGH, FRI DA Y,v DECEMBER 29. 1893 CITT II BBIKF. Locals Pi' cd Up Hera and Tbera and Boiled Down. Me k 1 Lewie is quite sick. CUr 9 I Leach ia in the city. Hot a great many toys left over. . Ml quiet in police ciroles today. Ck.der weather in the near future. Fresh ihad hare made their ap pearance in New Berne. Bee notice of land tale by B P Montage mortgagee. The old year with Its joys and eor rows, is almost gone. If you deelre seat for Bemeoyl con cert, they should be secured at once. Mr B H Swain, of the Wilton Led ger, U in the city J W Forbla, the new postmaster at Greensboro, has taken charge. Membert of congress are coming in Already. Mrs Frank Lumsden Js quite sick at her residence on West Jones street. State Treasurer Tate continues to improve. Davie County furnished one convict to the penitentiary to-day. Cotton receipts today quite small. No change in prices. The country roads are in far better condition than usual at this season of the year. Be cauti ms and change your cloth ing with the weather. In this way you may escape the grip. No such spell of weather is re Hetnbered In this section, in the month of December. Tt justices of the paace will meet with tbe county commissioners next Monday. R?v H T Darnell has tendered his resignation as pastor of theuhuroh at Durham. , ; Phalanx Lodge will meet tonight. Election of officers. Full attendance desired We had a pleasant call this morn ing from Rev. D. H. Tuttle, pastor of Central Methodist Church. If everybody who has a cold is a Tictlm of the grip, then the disease must be very prevalent., There is a i-' -1 .. . . general sneezing all around. TheCon federate entertainment will b of; vastiritereat tothe young peo pl f ,tbe Jtte, and also teach them man" valuable lessors Mr J Van Ltndley lias been elected president of tbe ortti Carolina Flo ral Association at Charlotte, yester day. Just'c Roberts we learn gave a fel low rcentlv thirty days in Jill for cruelty to right. animate. ' Served him There is try notable scarcity of nartridees and rabbits in market 'In fact ah wild game .appears to . be ' scarce; ?'v:.- f ;: The Retnenyi Company at Met ropolitan hall next Wednesday is the great attraction It will be an event in mafaa! circles rarely met with !n Raleigh. ,,,,,, ..j'". At Pactolus in fltt county, on Christmas dayvHenrMnier kilUd Dave Hardy in a drunken row.'! Both. colored. -i fi.u.i "- v - : , Persons having .information;: rela ' tive to the timber lands of Nortli Oar ol'na should report It to the chamber of commerce of this city. It wlll. be valuable in the matter of tbe propos. ed prospeetue. Prof D H Bill, of the A and M Col lege, has declined the presidency of the agricultural college in Arkansas. We are pleased to know that he will remain with us. ;i Bemenyi has excited the admiration of tbe pivlIUed worM by his $rat . musical powers. He nae periotmed have been made th will quickly before many crowned head?, t tjuj,: move every garment iu our Wrap De plaudits of whom he has reoeivedl He partmrot, and in very short order A .Vu ii.w- Woi.iil clean sweep by the 15th of January will delight the people of Kalelgh on, .oojajm . Wednesday next, too d oi Jeani; jj ; , , , 0, Shbrw Co, , World's Fair." The entertainment given by Prof W E Hermaoce at Metropolitan hall last night was fairly well attended. The occasion was highly interesting and enjoyed by all present. Superintendents A meeting of tbe association of su perintendents took place in Wilmlng ton recently. Tbe report of the year's work in the several schools was very satlsfectory. Other routine business was transacted. 1 Good Came. There will be an oyster supper at the T M 0 A. rooms Monday evening next from 7 to 10 by the Golden Rule Circle of King Daughters for the purpose of buying a carpet for tbe new D'ayettevuie street earcisc Church. Admission, including oys ters and coffee, 25 .ents. Public cor dially invited Assignment Yesterday afternoon Mr W R New- som, do'ng business as a grocer on Wilmington street made an assign ment, naming Mr Ernedt Haywood as assignee. The assets and liablli ties are not yet known. fire. Last night about 9:30 o'clock a fire was discovered on the roof of a house on South Fayetteville street ooeu pled by Frances Townes - colored The damage was comparatively small. The Durham Globe. A dispatch received in the city to day from our friend and fellow oiti xen Mr J W Jenkins, states that he has purohaped the Durham Globe which he will in future conduct. Mr Jenkins is a live newspaper man and we doubt not he will make a success of his new enterprise. Added to his bility in the journalistic line he has all the qualities of a most gen ial young gentleman. Long may he live to adorn the profession. ' The Season The past week has been a season of gayety. Festivities of all kinds pre vailed. Most dealers were busy but we doubt if there was a busier man in Raleigh than Mr A Dughi. His business has grown to such propor tions that he is continually in demand for every festive occasion The en tire State knows of him and wants him. He now has orders ahead and is compelled to keep his force at work night and day. A few days since he shipped an invoice of ice cream. 7 It was on the road for 40 hours, but rar mains all Right in every par ticular.; Just how this was done nobody but Dughi seems to know. But he does it all the same. One of the guards of the convicts In Mecklenburg County was attacked yesterday by two negroes. He killed them both. ' Sugar cured Hm 12ie at 0 O Ball & Co. Bedford'sold stand. Saor Kraut" (So pound at 0 O Ball & Co;; Kedford's old stand. , iv"V - Red Hot Shot ! fired Into the. camp of a besieged ..n il n.frn. nwiilH.. jmaa.Wm 4V ..... ana damage than the steady fire we maintain witn our celebrated shoe, "Maple Leaf," on the high prices of our' competitors. We have the -best Ladies1 Dongola Boots at ONE DOL LAR AND FIFTY GENTS to be found in this market or any other.- -. 0. a. Shbrwood & Co. . Something Nice. ' The' greatest line of Ladies' Fine Shoes on the market to day. Our B. G.,& Op.'s "Cincinnati Made." Fully warranted by tbe manufacturers and "guaranteed by as. Once worn, you I will have no other. , i C. A Shbrwood & Co. Closing Out Prices Carsilelgb, OlBghama. Having boucbt' everv remnant of Oaralelgn Ginghams at the mills. now offer them at 6c a vard Noth ing better to be had for that price. O. A y3HRW00D & CO. Salt Fish eheapr- No 1 Mackerel, 10c; White Fish, Re. and Mullet. 80 per pound, at O O Ball 4 Co, Red ford's old stand.. Doe t Sul;, f on? We have a lot of irregular sixes and makes of Shoes for males and fe males which we propose to sell at slaughter prices. ' Clean, first quality and dirt cheap. Come at once and secure a great bargain. O. BKIRWOOD Co. AGENTS make f 5 a day. Greatest kitohen utensil ever invented. Re tails 85c 9 to A sold In every house. Sample, pottage paid, five cents Mo MAKilf a Oo.,ClncInnatl, Ohio. d8m Jnsjt Reclved. ' Rolled corned beef. Old N 0 hams English cured bams. Fine sugar enred hams. Roe herring. -bbls. de98 3t O W Tonng. Flour, all grades and d!cm, at OW Young's ; Canned peaches, tomatoes and corn at way down nriees. 8 lb cans grated pine apple, l?i per can. at st O W Young's. Rubber shoes, all sites, at Woolleott 4 Sons. We aceofferln great bargains in dress goods. oolloott Sons. Iloua Furalshiog Goods. During this week great attention will be given our various lines of house furnishing goods. In all these departments. ' household aod table linens, comforts, blankets, counter Danes, camets curtains, tsu . will be found something interesting to house keepers. WUSK1 ' UCKKH UO. Iiet Over. ' We have a large lot of wagons, doll carriages and wheel barrows left from Christmas stocs. also a nice line oi dolls and some few small toys, any of which we will sell at wholesale cost. Parties buying for Chri tmas trees or private use will do well to call before January 1st. D. T. Swindell. Until January 1st, We will sell any of the goods left from Christmas trade at wholesale cost. In this stock is a nice lot of wagons, lush goods, doll carriages, wheel arrows, carts, doll and s jo all toys. These goods we do not want to carry over so will sell any of them at whole sale cost from now cntil January 1st. V. T. Swindell. Christmas Goods Left. All the Christmas goods on hand now will be sold at cost from now un til Jatfuary 1st, as we do not want to carry them over. These are all new fresh goods, and parties wishing to purchase can save money by calling at Swindell's. When you want a pair of shoes go to Woolloott & Sons Fries and stews 85 cents each at A. Dughi's. Telephone 188. 25 for Two 1 A box containing twenty-five fine lOaoent cigars for two dollars, at vv-,- . a ' J. Hal Bobbitt's. $350 will bny a fine pair of mules, wagon ana narness. Apply to del6t J N Hubbard. For Bent tor 1804. A good three horse improved faim on reasonabln terms. Apply to L. R. WiATT. No 816, Fayetteville St. Raleigh N.C. Fine eelery for sale by R M Utx man, corner Jones and Dawson sts. 14 . Fresh oysters pitning. : at A Dughi's ntry . Just received 1 000 tons Kanawha, West Va splint coal (best bituminous coal on earth). Also several cars egg, nut ana siove anmraeite. - del4. v T L EbbrhaRPT. Cat Flowers. ',' :; Bouquets, Baskets. Floral Designs. Plm8, Rubber and other foliage giants for house culture In the winter, yaomtbs. Tulips, Lilies, Narclssrs and other arietles of bulbs for fall planting. Chinese Sacred Lily. Telei phoue 118. ' ' - s A OriarMSTS, Florist, . The Host Lasting Gift and life long reminder of a friend Is a bandsose Picture. The PICTURE -AT- WATSON'S Is stocked with the best and most va riedlloeof pictures ever before dis played it M That Tell ! LIBS IE OBI. Winter Millinery, Xmas Goods. Wearsofferinc IDeeial harnina in all trimmed Milluiery for Ladies, Misses and Children. A full line of rEEEEEEEBEKE EBEEEEBEEE i INFANTA CAPS f K k EEEEEEEEEEE V EBEEEEBEEE ' in brown, nav blue n.l blark. Some nuvelties in X oai goads inexpensive. BTAVPED Tlttt CO V Kit". Bouffe and Bireau Scarfs, Ac. Prices on all eooda to suit the times Call and see us. MlSf MAGGIE REESE, my2 209 P A. YETTK VILLK ST. DO NOT forget to make you sweethnarta pres ent of a box of the best candy in town DO NOT foret that we make the purest candy to be found anywhere. DO NOT forget tha we hav tHe bet fruits, nuts and raisins ie the cty. DO NOT forget that the bett is the cheapest DO NOT forget that we make a specialty of fine quwuj oi canaus, ir boi quantity. vswsiasssi ' DO NOT buv inferior candv forffonr children They are sweet enoua to hart the . " sweetest. BARBEE a POPE. Ewrjboi) Wants to Hake Some body Happy on Okristmss, and 1 believe you can please any ume ooy or giri at ma Racket LYOH Store They have all sorts of dolls and doU car riages and all kinds of tors and picture books, scrap books and albums, doll trunks. oanss. patois ana caps, runs, wagons, moo fly and carts; just the things to make the ntueioixs isugn. now ror tne groarn-u people handkerchief and glove boxes, com! eiom isugn. now ror tne grown-up people handkerchief and glove boxes, comb cases, manacure sets, picture, albums, Witches, clocks and jewelry, glares, hand kerchiefs, large easels, cloaks an l capes, sleighs, bed blankets and horse blankets. THE 11011 EM STOBE Ferrets. Bmdf.CateV , . Hw vStTle &n Elegant Line wii Gnss t&0 Gaa Qcsd CALL At RALKIQH, K.O. ire joo Interested in Low Prices? THl QiJLKOIST dfrPOKTUxUTYj AW4IT8 YOU. ' Treraonlou MAEtKJpuWX om Our.Prieej Gladdens the Uett v or tseaomie Bayers. J-l Our I'ali and Winter stock was ner 1 ter. Sales larnr or values of suchitf worth as now. i i Our adrert;semmts are as cool as tw ; ( notes for our nromiaea. Prnhu . equal to a savings bank deposit. Of tooos never nna a place on our;- Money refuaded at anytime if With these lacta before Tonwhat! fc a ii:: eoint to do abnnt it? . ), - . DID YOU EVEll 1 f 25 Beat Plush Gapes for $22 Columbia Coats for 120 Worth Jackets for We answer, nobody doea this. mu .Hv.tt'Y suiii Burt A Packard's $5 shoes t2.9' ' Blacker, Qerstls & Oo. 3.60 H' V forll.8t? Harris 2 Wool Cassimercs fo''; ;f' We answer, nobodr does thin. IV "r adopt this style ef advertising. The fsct that an article is nrinr. - i-- , . is self-evident that it is not worth 5? 'J --if A straight tip, square deal an. ' v treatment satisfies ail. ; . Oar prices, stock through and tit, - .... are lower than others Think a m '. compare ezpeasts. figure a litle, tm. vantage you readily are u ours. We .-- .: the nerve to mark low. Nothing pfcaseft : ' people so well, gains their confidence holds their trad at the foundation prii'r , Gam upuu wuita we mi cur claim ror pu ' . c patronaKe. Dry Oeoa, Ne)tini, A. ODDS aid EflDS The rash stnel coafustoa of Christmas is) over. All through the house are Odda aad JSnds ol Tarlous lines which we are anxious to clear out. Man? - "St these are practltal all-the y) around goods, cut to clear st very lew prices will be TUCK 113 s C. L Slerioi & Co. 1 1 . af A las Fay 4 ' v. - V P- -y-iwi bU TKVTT

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