p ALONE. Alooe, alone, alone! My spirit strays where wild winds weep la sadness o'er t .e wintry deep And wandering billows tuonu A nameless ship wita sails all f , rled Adrift upon the watery world, Ataudoned aud aiooel Alone, alone, alonel Among tn bu-d-st 01 my kind, With pleasure, gia or ushIou ul.ud, Unknowing aud uukuou Ah, Godl Mo accent stirs the broth With drearier note Mile nid of death Than that ad word, alo el Alone, alone, alonel Around me rolm tne nuinm surga. The birth, the weddug song. tu dirge, In end we monotone, Bat heed I "88 ot tan vr. log moo-, Lost In the dark srul sititud , Still must I walk alonel Alone, alooe, alonel Lovecatebut once & weird ei dream Of seraph iugs the fl shin f l.'ui Then btGk to Aid u A u As fat as seen the tvs of heaven To sooie grieved spirit nnforgWen, And 1 am left alouel Atlauta J urual. When Baby ran sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cr,so for Castoria. When bhe became Miss, sb? clung to Castoria. When she aaJ Children, she gave them Castoria SHE WAS SORRY FOR THE OTH ! ER TEN. i We were campd alongside of ar emigrant train in Nebraska and Just after supper a womio about 4ft ye m of age, who was smoking a pipe, came over to our fire and gazed tie crowd up an I s tid : 'I've got suthin to say I'm plain spoken woman When I've g t a thing on my wind, 1 don't beat aronud the bush." We looked at her with curiosity and surprise and she leaned .g i.ict the wheel of a wagon and continue ; " I've been a widder for thn-e years "Over thar I've got a span of mewl, ti good hoss, a new wagou filled with hpusekeepin stuff, and I kiu rake up about $80 in cash. 1 cu along with 1 . . i ; T,. tne -party to tase up a ciaiin i iu good tempered, healthy and can swing an ox or hold a plow with most anybody. As I said, I'm a plain spo ken woman. If there's a critter "among you who wants to get married let him stand up while I take a look at him " The 11 of us promptly stoo I up. "Git into line," sue continue .with a wave of her hand. "I hain't after beauty or eddecashun, bur I c u't take up with a fellow whi'd k-. r wolf to death." She passed down the Hue and then returned half way and said t a ivid die aged man named Remington: "You'll do, I reckon. There's a preacher in oaup,and 't won't take 1 minutes to settle things. All oi you as want to see themarrying,comeon." We followed the couple, who were made man and wife inside of twenty minntes, and next morning as we passed the wagon on the road the woman looked oat and bowed and Bald: "Sorry for the other 10 of ye, but - perhaps you'll meet up with another train soon and strike luck' Luu!s ille Oommerckl. JohnY. MacRae, Druggist, recom mends Japanese Liver Pel eta for con stipation and siok headache Small, mild easy to take 50 pills 25 cents. mt In the little town of Georgians?, in Georgia, people were troubled with burglars. The v set a gun trap, and, for a wonder, killed the burglar. An arrangement a little more crude, but quite as effectual as paid detectives and courts of justice. - - That oily and rough skin cured and the face and hands beautified by Johnson's Oriental Soap ; me iica ai a nn mcniv tiArriimRn. nniir nv jjohn Y. MacRae The trial and conviction of Pren- 'dergrast, the Chicago assassin, were .prompt and effectual. It no re nnlos to be seen wh t can be eft act- 'd in the way of delay, new trials, re prieve and pardon, simply to defeat ' .justice. Japanese Pile Oure is the only oae ' that can be guaranteed, as it is the -poly mre. Sold by John I, MaoiUe,, T A n T 1 - E Instant relief experienced and a permanent oure by the most speedy nd gretet remedy la the world Otto's cur- for I'nr t and Lung dis ess Whr will tou continue to lrrit-tt vnur thront aud lungs witu ibat trrlbl hacking cough when 'V. H K'.ug & Oo., sole agents will luroUh you a fre sample bottle of IhU grit guaranteed remedy? Its uuc'xs is shnpl v wonderful, as your druifglst wl I (ell you Otto's cure is now Hold iu rv town and vintage on this continent. Samples free. LurgH bottles V)e. F rsilriv V H. King Si Co., corner p .! avIIIp -i1 Hi-yprr. streets Is told with written fjjarante to cure NervousI rostra tion, Fits, Dizzi ness, Headache and Neuralgia and Wake f ulnosn.cued byex- Tobacco and Alco- -(.'2II2hol: Mental Deores- OCTf-UHC - M-ItH ,ion, Sof tenirig of ,v Crnln, cansins Misery, Insanity and Death; . :vness, Xmpotency, Loot Power in either box. V ramatura Old Aare, Involuntary Lonees, caused I v over-indulgence, overexertion of the Brain and F'rora of Youth. It Riven to Weak Orirana tbeir Nr.tural Vigor and double the Joys of life; cures tiucorrhoea and Female Weakness. A month's treat ment, in plain package, by mail, to any address, $1 ler box, 6 boxes S3- with every fft order we give a Written Guarantee to cure or refund the money. Circulars free. Guarantee Issued only by our ex elusive agent. JoHu X, JwU Draggist, Raleigh N.O. Valuable Personal Propert? for sa e. By virtui of authority conferred by a cer tain m jnage rec rde i in tae ottise of the Kui ter o( UeeJ for ake c yinty. ia bjjk a- pagt) 1 will, Oil VedajaJay, ran uary lOth, 18il sell at piMic utcry to th ; hiaast ouJer, tor oiu, vilu ible peraoail pro erty an t Uinws. ,:ie g-ay lu tfd uHiy, ' bout 5-years old; on- mull oil a ion- 2 yeii'd o d; om black :ii ire a bo it 4 y 'a s oli; ouj to.) bugJ- au 1 arue.ss; alsj one halt' invrest in the follov Liwing oiMJUal prjp ny tow t: 1 blick mare tnjle Qaiu A 'Vg; 1 l-'razwr roadAart; iwj it jise waio i; ouj air piattorui9cale; scis do ible h ne; 1 sat diable u:gy lam s; I e-3 siag e bigy htraass; 1 i i oriati uiru s ; 1 bug7 poles. Xira ct sale, U o'olo;:i oi fi toe of xaK- L,-;uk trouaca 3 ajot o l .uu ia iu ' , j. V? vH MCHlUo til id, Bxen.itris or Taos K Bridg-rs. lia tie & -Uordaoai, Auy. Ue20 tds i-auxdL Sables. Sale of Land. By authoiity of a mjitgae from JM Fr ee aud wife, record -d ih oook Mo, age tU', -.teidcer ot ue 0'Ill-efo wate coun ty, 1 will, ou M ju 1 y. HJi lia r of January, WJl, at 12 o'clock ui, at t tie court housn door of wak i couuty. sail to tue highest bid' dar, tor cab, a tract of 1 tnd iu Jlark's irek tovualnp, Vane cjun'y, adjotmug iaQds ot 3 W faarci, J tt fearce, a. vv ttich urdaoa and utuer-, ruow i ai the home place of J Vt i"nce aud ptfticuiarly .described in tu j atores-iid mortgage. Said tract of laua o jat i;na 88 acres, dels V W J JN tiS, Attorney. Vdiddblj Lou for Sale. At te reqaent of the admiaistrator, and hairs oi N t tiouavuutt, aua tor the pur yoii oi aiuiag iu tue iuttieiueutof aaid Hou eycutt s estate, aui by ykvue of authority .;oinerrai by a c-uia u i o.itract of purchase vitu said ilO:ie uatt, dated July 8, lsi'Jl, we win ou 1'uejday, January 9th, !891, sail at public oitory -j tae nkhesc bidder foi casu. lots o. aud No. 12 of bio:k 3. :ii ih id i moil to tha Uity of ttileigU knowu as "idhwdd" - a shou on the imp of "ldlewiid". r cordei iu the Oilice i the tt.'giSterof Uaeds for Wake county, N. C, iu ujji iu, ao raga onu io,s are sit uated oa the wst s do jf j. aell aenue be tween Jones Hi Liae streets, and eacu lot iroULS o2i ieet ou aaawelt avouua aud runs uacK t8J teat t j an unnamed street. Place ot.sale cjuuty c urt house door in Ealeiga, d. ). lme at sale 12 o'cIjck m. twAL vWJ. LAND A i i-d.fitJVEitNT UOJli-ANY. dec8t!a Laad for 3a.le By virtue of authority conferred in a mongaaee'ecntei by J A Perry and wife, Cora A ferry, bearing date vlarsa 4th, 189J, aud duly recorded iu the -iegister's oitica of akecoauty, N 0 iu boos Ul, nage 407, on June idth I8d2, i will, oa Monday, January ljth, 189 k, at the court house d or in the ct or -dale gh, at 11 o'clock m, sell to the highest outuer, for cash, th? I.. mis therein described, situated i i N w L ght to wuship, adioiniux tue la 'dof L M. Lineal Josaoh F.aroa. J t atkin aii others, containing one nuudred and twelve. (112) tee?, 'Jethe atme mjre or less, and Known as the place wherao isaidJ A Perry and wife, Cora A Perry now reside. JUUJN jM. UK Hi IN ail AW, M.iri"agee. Wake Fores', N O, Dec 13th, 1893 Sale of Land. On Jlonday,J:iumry tue 15th, l99i, I will sell at puolio ou'ery. at the court house door, iu daleigh, N 0 for cash, all that tract or parcel of laud iu Vane couut., N O, ia Oar. town 8sip. adj iiu the lauds of George J ues airs & Bi . ' ltalcer, O 6L Clark nd the tiotr-t of lellirs ju (ioodwiu, ooutaiuing ohn uuudred and sixty oue a ul.out ti tlf acres more or less, b )l the uiti i b'iy of tne laud oc cupid by Jeff trsou (iood wiu up to tlie ti f e of his duaili, aud mora fully deturibed ia the complaint iu the civil action lately ii iioi? ia Wake superio Uourt citiried W tf Llht f.)oc -aud otutrs vs Joan Good via aud ofiiers. V J PEELS. Attorney iu fast. Pmbui ft MAISAiiO, Attys, de!9 1 w m w u m m mm m jt for Infants " Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I it-commend it as superior to any- prescription I. now n tome." IL A Archeb, H. !., ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T. "The use of 'Castoria Is so universal and '.a merits so veil known that it seems a work of siiiHrerogalio:i to endorse It. Few are the intelligent families wba do not keep Castoria within easj reach." Cabixw Maxitn, D. D., New Tork Clt j. Ths Ccntauk Land Sales, Sale of Land. By authority of power g'ven in a mot gge from H W Jon's, as recorded in Book 78, pagi 337, Regi.er of Deeds office fr Weke rounty, and lsi by authority of power given in two other mortgnges as re corded in Bonk 8. p ge 378 and Boik. 89, pnge 422, aid R'gite 's offic? I will, on Monday. Janu-rv 29th. 1891, at 12 o'clock m, at the court h ju-e do'w of Vke ciunty, ell to th highest b'd ier. fo'. CMh. the fol 'ovini described red etate in Little Rir Townsbio, Wake county, to-wit:l Fi st Tract Being a tract conveyed to said H W Jones by Hartwel1 Horton by d-ed as recorded in ook 11, page 107, said Register's office, "nd ontains lUO acrns. Second Tract Being a tract conveyed to slid H W Jones y deed from H Hirton as r-wrded in Boo 12 page 357, sai i Register's offic an ' conta'n'? 50 acres Third Trant Being a tr-ct conveyed to s id K W Jiaes by Henry Todd by de'd ss rec rded Jn Book 31, paae 3', said Register's offic , and cmtains 115 acres. Four h Tact Being a tract conveyed to said H W Jon-m b" W A Horton by dee 1 as recor 'el iu B iok 22, pag 185, saiu Regis ter s office and contains 273 acres. All o"' the above tracts are particularly de scribed in the aforesaid deeds of mortgages. eo.80-tds W JN JONE8, Att'y. Mortgage Sale.'V . By virtu of auf hority conferred in a cer taiu mortgage, execute' by V 8 Gulley. ani duly rec rdd in bo)k No 124 at page R78, in Uegis'T of Djeds oifine of vae ounty N 0. a id at th req lest of said Gullev, we w'll, on Saturday, the 27ti day of January A D, 183', st '2 o'clock ra. a' tue courthouse loor in the city "f Raleigh, sell to the high eat bidder for cash, that valuable tract of lan with rist mill, cotto gin. saw mill, engine fixtu'es and all machinery a taohed and belonging thereto, situated in Panther Branch township, Wakecou-ity. N C,kQ0Wii as "Gulley's Mill--," siid .ractof land con teini f7 a"res a-d adjoins the lands of Ran som Guilty, uuata Young and "thers. This Dec22d, 18!. ' PSELE& MAYS' RD, Attys for Mortgagee. Mortgage Sale. By virtue of authority conferred in ft cer tain mortgigs exec tted by V R Coo St., and duly recorded in book No 121, at page 65 in Register of Daeds office of -Vake county N (!. we will, o Saturday, the 27th day of January A D. 191, at 12 o'clo k m, at the cou't h iusedoor in th city of Ral :igh, sell to the h'ghest bidder for cash, that yalua ble ract of land lying and situate in Cary and Hnue Oresk townships, on the waters of Rich'and craeV, adjoining the lands of Mrs Silhe cC Brjwn, Jam is K Warren, Mrs Annie L Betts and others, co itaining 3741 acres. A'so a reoaainier in fee of one h' If after the termma'ion of the life estate of Mrs 0 0 King ia two other tracts of land adjoining the first above de-rr bed, contain ing 405 and 9 acres respectively, and more fully described iu said mortgage. This 22d day of December A D 1893. PKELH& MAYNARD, de22 Attys for mortgagee, &o. north Carolina, lauMriorort Wake County. f P6"01 " iurt B F Cheatha o and others plaintiffs ys Geo Greeu and oth'rs defendants. By virtue of authority couferred on me in an order of court in ci abave eutitled ci ril actio 1. 1 wii1. oa Monday, the 22d day of January A D, 191, ex ose for sale and sell at uuuiiu uuburv, a-, iub cuurd uonsa uinjr in Raleigh, JH 0, to the highest bid ler for cash. all that part or par telof landin Wakscoun- ty. North ' Carolina, in 8 ift Creek town- ! ship, adjoini g the la 'ds of Gei Buford, Ap W.raiall, B Ball ind D C Gill, situated about five mille from Raleigh, NO. ou thi "Rham ' natte ' raa, ana more miiy uescrioea iu the complaint V J PdEUfi, Com'r Peela x Maynard, Attorjeys. a&li ts Sale of Land. Unier and by virtu? of powers conferred in a mortgage nade by William Dozier and wife, Elizibath res irdadin thi office of the Regiite of Deeds of 'akecouusy, book 12, pve32, I will, on the 20th day of Janu ary, 1894, at 12 m, sell for cash, at the court house doir in Raleisb. the lan I de scribed in slid morrgtge, situated i- Bir to 's Creek township, wake county, ad joining the land t oil i L Jackwn, Z idock Ray, d c'd John orwooi, bing th n w o n-ner of a tra t co myed to said Elizabeth uozier by Wm ihion in 1847. Title oerfeot. Th )S R PURtf LL. de21tds Atty fy Mortgagee. Notice. The annual meeting of tne stockholders of the R deign lo-.tn Mills will be held a', the Major's ifi le WadnmdtJ. Janttiry 10th, 18.) 1, sUi o cloc't m Transfer books will be ci jse.l after Jauu try 4th. DoiW-lQd J e V7XNE,8eo'y, and Children. Castoria cures Colic, Constipatioa, Sour Stomach, Diarrhaaa, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives affiep, and promotes CI gestion. Without Injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended jour 'Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so as It has Invariably produced beneficial results." Edwdi F. PAanss, X. DM 126th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. CoMrairr, 77 Hduut Stkext, Nw Tout Crrr. RlGhmaA 0.vwtlla R R. Co Samuel Soencer,F. W. Unid koper and Reuben Foster, Re celvers. RICH. & DVN. AND N, C DIVISIONS, Condensed Schedule. Ia effect beptember 84, 1993. DAILY. Nos No No SOUTHBOUND. 9&3i 11 87 P M A. U LvRiobtnond, 13 4 j 12 50 Lv Burke ville, 341 840 LvKeysville, 834 317 Ar Danville, 5 40 6 35 A Em LvDaoville, 605 5 00 5 40 Ar Greensboro, 7 83 7 30 6 64 Lv Golds boro, "2 3, ArRaieigh, 4 85 Lv Raleigh, 430 100 Lv Durham, 538 8 80 Ar Qreonsboro, 7 30 5 80 L Wioaon'Salem, t6 05 4 45 Lv Greensboro, 733 8 00 6 54 Ar Salisbury, 910 9 45 813 Ar Statesville, 1106 P M Ar Asheville, 400 Ar Hot Springs, 586 AM AM Lv Salisbnry, 9 17 9 50 8 13 Ar Charlotte, 1050 1185 9 3 AM P M Ar Spartanburg, 1 10 8 55 11 37 PM Ar Greenville, 155 405 18 38 Ar Atlanta, 6 30 10 15 4 55 PM AM Lv Charlotte, 11 85 9 35 AM PM Ar Columbia, 510 ISO Ar Augusta, ,,8 45 4 85 DAILY. Nos Nj No 86&10 13 38 NORTHBOUND.!- PM AM P M Lv Augusta, 5 00 1 00 Lv Columbia, '915: 480 AM Ar Charlotte, 3 20 i.8 10 p M ' Lv Atlanta, 645 9 50 100 AM P M ArCharioTie, 8 30 745 814 Lv Charlotte, 2 40 8 35 8 34 Ar Salisbury, 410 11 03 9 87 Lv Hot Springs, 12 44 Lv AsheviHe, 2 30 Lv Statesville, 711 ' Ar Salisbury, 8 SO Lv Salisbury. 4 15 10 10 9,37 Ar Greensboro, 600 1140 10 49 AM. Ar Wic8ton-Salem,8 35 12 60 Lv Greensboro, 730 1201 Ar Durham, 9 38 8 85 Ar Raleigh, 1030 7 80 Lv Raleigh, 1035 - Jj Ar Goldsboro, 1310 A. aaC P P M Lv Greensboro, 605 1150 1049 AM AM Ar Danville, 7 40 130 1207 ArKeysvL'le, 10 30 4 05 4 05 Ar Burkeville, 1105 451 4 51 P M Ar Richmond, 108 700 7 OC t Daily except Sunday. E Berkley, J SB Thompson, Supt, Supt. Greensboro, N C. Richmond, Va W A Turk, Gen Pass Agt, Washing. ton, DO -S H Hard wick, Asst Gen'l Pass Agt, Atlanta, Ga. W H Green. Sol Haas, Gen Man'g'r, Traffic Man'g'r, Washington, D O. Washington.D C. ATLANTIC. C. R B, Time Table No 15. In effect December 19th, 1888. Going eait. Schedule. Going west No 51 Pass trains No 5CJ A' Lve Stations Ar Lve win 8 80 Goldsboro 11 88 a m 6 17 4 20 La Grange 10 46 10 48 449 I 54 Kioston 10 09 10 14 4 18 8 48 New Berne 8 87 8 44 8 n or- 1 fHt- aw (l 88 DON'T PUT OFF today what ean be done tomorrow. Send THE! VISITOR to a friend or relative. Take it your self. It is only 25 cents a month. Aiiantle IAn WllmlDgtOD Weld on Failroad Branehes. Condensed Beaedule. TB41N8 GOING SOUTH. Dated Jan. 4. No 88 No 87 Noil 18V2. Dally. F'tm'l d'y, ex DaUy. Bund'y LeWeldon, l!8Cpm 6 48pm OiOam ArRockyMt, 140pm 0 86pm T47am Ar Tarboro, i 18pm L Tarboro, 18 68pm 6 OOpJU Ar Wilson, 818pm 700pm 817aM Le Wilson, U 86pm Ar SelmA 8 80pm Ar Fay'trllle 680pm LeG'diboro. 116pm 740psa v warn I Warsaw, 414pm 10 00am Le lfagnolU, 4 87pm -8 40pm 10 14am Ar Wil'gton, 6 OOpjmQpm 11 45am TRAINS GOING NORTH. Noi-o 78, No 40, 'dadly. d'y, ex dtiiryV-' Bund'y. Lt Wil'gton, 810am 915am 4 00pm Lt Magnolia, 8 8'. 10 67am 5 40pm Le Warsaw, 1111am 556pm Ar G'dsboro, 4 Mam 18 06am A 66pm LeFay'tville, 9 10am LvSelma, UOf.m Ar Wilson, 1810pm Lt Wilson, 6 14 m 18 68pm 74Cpm Ar Rocky Mt, 5 87 1 80pm 8 81r m Ar Tarboro, 6 80am81Spm Lt Tarboro, 18 58pm ArWeldic. 6 86au 8b5pra 9 85pm Oaily xeept Sunday. Johh F DiTISB, General Superintendent. J R Kuwly, Snp't Trans. T H SJafi05. General Pass Age. OREOLK AND CAROL IN A B.B 0OSDEN8KD BOHBOCLB. Dated August 9th, 1891. South No' th Bound Bound Train. statiohs. Train. So. 101. No. 100 V. M. P. M. 19 60i L've Pinjer's foint Arrive 6 25 1015 1,'ye Drivers, Arrive 2 01 10 27 L've Suffolk Arrive 4 47 1102 L'e Gates, Arrive 414 1120 L've Tunis, Arrive 3 54 1137 L've Ahoskey, Arrive 3 3S 11 52 Ij've Aulander, Arrive 3 21 12 31 L've Hobgood, Arrive 2 39 12 53 I've Tarboro, Arrive 217 ,120 Ar Kooky Mount, L've 15q P. M. A, No 101 makes conneuuon at Roc&v Mou. with W W Train No 23 for all points South, and No 78 train for ail points North. G M dKttFKb, J R K.BNLY, tfsn'i Manage' ouut Trains T 5tiii-T. Phmi' Agt DON'T BE A CLAM. DON'T HIDE YOURSELF. ADVERTISE. ADVERTISE, IADVERTISE.INI THE VISITOR. DON'P BE A OLAM. DON'T BE A CLAM. TAKE A PAPER TAKE THE VISITOR TRY IT A MONTH. Cavets, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat- """:..- cui.uuuicu jor MODERATE FEES. and we can secure patent in lesa time than those Send model, drawing or photo., with description- We advise, if patentable or not, free of ""8 ics uui uuo tin patent is secured. A Pamphlet, How to Obtain Patent ," with cost of same in the U. S. and fweica countries sent free. Address, ' CsA.SOWrfo, Opp, P'i::'".Fict, Was""- c. i0 BOGUS testimonials, no bo i gus Doctors' letters used to sell HOOD'S Sarsaparilla. Every one of V tftavtisements is absolutely troo. . r min) TTfcv tip

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