Telegraphic Xewt. The iru 1 Li lge of Uaiooi met iu Wilmington Iks' uUht. Tho atteo GREETING THE - HEW - TEAR. THE COBWEB CURE. Not a Fine Spun Theory, but Proved dLse wm Ur?e Specific for Asthma. PitUburg'Dispatcb. For several years, in fact, aluioi-t Inee Infancy, M Us Katie Faber. tb 17 year old daughter of George Fa ber, of Wooster, O, has been a con stant sufferer with asthma. Her fa ther spent hundreds of dollars with noted Bpeclallsts, but there was to permanent relief. About a year at." while Mies Faber was suffering from one unusually severe attack, a neUli bor who had happened in said ttat a missionary who had returnei from India had told her that the Hindoo eared asthma with cobwebs, and ex plained that the mtho.l of taking it was to gather a "web," roll it into a pellet and a w&llo it. NH' ertbe young lady's mother, nor the lady who had told of 'he cur-, bad any f-iih in it, as they were afraid of poison. Not long after Mies Faber hd a very severe attack of the d settee, and, to use her mother's words: 'Katie said 'I miyjustas well be dead as suffer this way and I am going to try the cobweb c ire.' Sbe secired a small web, and, rolliog it into a pellet, swallowed it. The queer pill apparently had no ill effect, nor did it help her. About a week after Mrs Faber concluded to try the cure again, and went to the icehouse, where she found an uncommonly large "web," rolled it into a pellet, and gave it to her daughter, who drank it with a cup of water. Io bad effects vvere noticed that after noon, nor the night after the piil was taken, but the following day stve was very sick. The next day sbe said she was unusually well, saying that eh Mt as though a great weight had been lifted troni her This was early last June, and from that time to this she has never had an attack of the disease although the attacks b-ftt were daily, i-nd iua tew months from being a pale, dencate looking voting won an, is uow rosy cheeked, and where ehe formerly w-iirhed 1 pounds, now tips the tca'es at Vi'i pounds. Persons who doubt t be truth of this story need only to wri'e to Mr and Mrs Faber, and they will verify it. The Weather. Local forecast for Raleigh and vi cinity: On Thursday: Fair, but with in creasing cloudiness; warmer. Local data for 21 bours ending 8 a m today. Maximum temperature, 48; mini mum temperature. 26; rainfall 0 0. Synopsis: The pressure is highest over the Southern States It dilute ishes to the north and west and the center of a "low area" (or storm cen ter) is found over thj lake region This storm center is not producing much rain, but to the west of it con siderable enow is falling The "high area" in the south is causing air and pleasant weather in that section. The "low" now over the lake regioD will probably pass to the Atlantic coast during the next 36 hours and cause cloudy weather in this state Thursday afrernoon, but the ceut er or the ' low" will be too low far north to cause rain here. Handsome Testimonial. The following testimon'al to our fellow citizen, Mr A Dughi speaks for itself: Ashbcro N C. January 1st. 1891. Mr A Dughi, Raleigh, N C. Dear Sir: The ice cream came promptly and I am p eased to say it gave entire satisfaction. Indeed I was delighted. It was nicely kept and was beautiful. Two years ago Jacob Fussell Co., of Washington, D C, furnished me cream for an enter tainment and I do not hesitate to saj that yours was much more satisfac tory. It was more nicely packed and more beautifully kept. Very Respectfully, Mrs (J 8 Bradshaw W. H. Rogers, No 12 Exchange, Wholesale and Retail Produce Commission Merchant and dealer in chickens, egg, but,, ter, NC bacon. Call or drop me a postal whon in need of anything and save money. Chickens and eggs a specialty. Consign Sfiittor Faulker, of West Virginia, is at rnuipfou Vft., for the purpose of getting mirried. Hirtiop MeNorny the well known Oarh .lie prelate at Albany N Y died at 8:4 i yesterday etening. The Montgomery Iron Company of Kennedy. Pa , have made an assign inent. Liabilities $130,000. Tim Homestead nlant of the Car negie Street Coiipoy has resumed operations In evtry department. The statement is-ced yesterday afternoon shows a uet lucre ise in the public debt for December of $3 861 6GJ Mrs Luci who has been a source of annoyance to the president by fre quenting the premies of the White Homs hftsb'en pronounced insane. Positively One A ppesrance Only. SATURDAY EVENING, JAimABY 6rH. Grand Concert. Grand Opera. The Distinguished MARIE TAV1RY Grand Operatic Concert Co, An Organization of Select Arists. ,rME Marik Tavary, Prim Donna. Mm it Klkv Von Doenhoff, Prima Donna Contralto. St-nor Fermndo Michedena, Signor Luigi 8rfon Italian Haesj, Herrnoud. Urand concert program and Act 111 of Fut" i" costume. Feats on sale at MucRse's 50, 75c and $1. House for Rent- A T Tirrt atnrtr aairan vnnm Vyvii ia ttt I f V, Kni-K IW Jl ei- cu ' JJ 111 nv ii c u Ltll 'cl IX room an 1 pantry aodcl lets; water in liwe and kitsh n aud connected with sewjrage system, i arue grdin, lot aid barn. Vo 621 Wc-t J'n"s stret. Apply to Mr J O urown; Keys wun air aenry oung. janp Notice of Sa'e. By virtue of thp provisiorsof secion 173, vo'ome 1, of the Co ie of 'North Caro'inthe ir-i emigned will sell, at public auction, at thf court h ime door in the c'ty of K d igh. on the 17:h day o? Jmiua'-y. lS9t. at 12 o'clock ra one (1) horse buggy, the pro' erty of lshani Ivey. T' is S'de is made under-a mechanic's lien for material furnish'd and work done in re 'airine; and rfpii. ting said buerg, to the anvni' tof (220OJ t wenty-two dollars and expens- s of thi sale. ThisJanua y2 1894. , JOHN FOUSIS. Coin M faifei H'gh.'st cash price paid for gool, sound, cotton seed delivered t our ;oal yard. One or more car loads per day. Jones & Powell. COAL, WOOD, &C FOR SALE. Kentucky Lump Splint Coal. Tennessee " " " Virjuiia ' ' " Pocahontas" Semi-bituminous Coal. ftussall (Jreek Lump " ' Oavton, Red Ash, Eeg. Semi-anthracite. Anthra'ite ''oal, all sizes Oak an 1 pin wood, cut and long, Jorn, Oats. Hay Bran, Shingles, Lumber, Laths, &c at lowest cash prices. JONES & PO WELL Raleigh, N C. Phone 41 and 71. C O. BALL & CO. have removed their WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERY in the store formerly occupied by J F REDFORD, just opposite their former stand. It has been HANDSOMELY EQUIPPED and they are now ready to fill orders for their customers and friends at lowest prices and strictly first class goods. C; 0. BALL & CO., d28 No.8anilOHarg3ttSt. ff IE We ba-e a lage an ' well select ed Mock of bponges which we are oflVrinr at intere$t:og prioea. AU htfWs and rices " Blenched SpoDges, Carriage Sponge, 6c to 75c 15o to 60c Also a fuU supply of "GRIPPE" remedies. SPELLING & HICKS, DRCGGtST, Corner Fayetteville and Morgan streets, RALEIGH. Superior Cow Feed Compounded and prepared with fresh Pea Meal, Condition Powders, Pure Bran and other milk proluciig fool that gives both quality and richness A trial will convince you that it is cheaper and better than any thing else to be had. -ALSO A- that will soon give flesh and life to the poor est an 1 dullest horse in. less time than any you can procure. On hap i all the ti ue best Oats, Corn, Bran and Hay as well as the above specialties at market pries. Hi, Tl WYATT, No 2 '6 Fayetteville street, no!7 Raleigh, NO. . THE RALEIGH SOFFiNCO L 0 B A G W E L L. Funeral Di'ector. W H vVORTHL, Secretary and Treasurer. I have sold out my entire interest in Tb.9 coi tin business to the Raleigh Coffin Go. I will continue with the company as Fo neral Director and give u .my, personal at' tent ion. TL,.- Lew company have now on hand and will keep a lull line 01 jvm u, ui a J, uuii'41 u'uj dec, whi"h thav are prepared to furnish at reasons Die rncej. Call and see our st jck and get our urices, LC BAGWELL, W H WORTH, Funeral Tirector, Seo'y md Trea. RUeigh Coifin Co. ie231m. "I N THE StTPE 310R COURT OF WAKE J county. North Carolina. James Nugent and John Devereux Jr." trus tee, vs u carpen er, Alien uarpnter and Uarnes rensnaw. To the Defendants: Take notice that on February 9th. 1894. at 10 o'clock a rr, I wilt move upon affidavit for leave to issue execution unontuajuJg ment heretofore rendered in tnis action. JOHN HINSDALB, Plaintiffs Attorney January 1st, 1894 oaw4w Sale of Land. On the 8th day of JanuarWbeiug M6n1av) of Wake couuty Superior court, I will sell at pnbi c auction, a tract ot land situate! m New Light township, on Hillsboro road a' joining the l.mds of S. N. Little J. 8. Man gun and otaers, containing 1 "4 aor-s, being the lands on whioh J. ('. Little resi ie iattne time of hi-i death. Sale made under an t by virtue of a decree of the 8 iperior court in a special proceeding institute i a. N Little, administrator, vs. Lisheba B d', et al II mt of sale, 12 m Terms made known on day of sale, PJtUlSLL," . . deStds Commissioner. Land Sale. By virtue of power conferred oti m by a certain mortgage ded executed by R D. Banes a id wite Nincy, which mutgage H dul recorded in Registry of Wake Co intv in Boon o 83, t page 245, 1 will "ffjr for Bile to the highest bi ide' for cash at the courthouse dbor in the city of Rileigh, N 0., on Monday, January 29, 184, at 12 o'clock M, the lan1 in said mortgije de scribe adjoining the lands of Norman KDes and others containing thirty tlve acres and me fully d8'crib?ii iu sai i mort gage. At same tine ani place, a lot of cattle described in said m wtgage. a. 1? JttOJNT itilJK. sum CHOP We're piano d to rlva '894 a charao'erUtla BBIWAtfOER eloom. Qualities will be mad to dunce, and rrofit ahill pav the piper, while onr pa'rorr very man In Raleigh reap tha beneflt of cur merry making iOHIMY HOIIE'TIIL S&TlfBIIaYn 684 of oar Finest Fashionable Fitting Cvereoa'a hall go at the following reduction: OLD TEAR I It ICE 30, ?8 50 and $ 7 60 $aS4C0aod 83 60 130 and $18 $16 60 and $15 $13 60to$lC Go right to tl e vercoat Department Theie's where you find them. 8ee all th" styles Try oo as many as yon want to, and when yoa make your selection yon will have the cheapest and best coat yoa ever bought. The original prices represent their actual valoeo. It is now that yoa hae the met need tor tbse "COMFORTERS" Take them now at the above reduced prices, with oar compliments of the season f All sizes, every fablooable quality, all the different weights In Keraeyl Melton Chinchilla and Ohevlots, Storm Goats, Single Breasted OvtreoatsJ Doable Breasted Overcoats Extra Stout. Overooats, and extra long ones. we re n osr sure tnat yon nan be salted in our assortment. J S. & D. BERWANGER, 0 a a) a a. . a) O C J3 O at o a p e fa o Hi c a o u "5 . u 00 to" O w C O v c w a p 0 z 0 H M M U H o h 0 o 3 ' a X Q. ? t a cd 5 . a a bp a O O 4) 'I m a o Reduction Sale Continued Tte great success attending our reduction bale of ;last week' has prompted us to giveti puouc in aivaniaeor nuying loining ai reauccu pnoes ior one weea longer. We have therefore determined ta centime nnr gala of i mt, YOUTH'S HI BOYS CMTfil ........ A rn . . AT 33 1-3 PER CENT OFF SUITS THAT WERE $35 00 NO V GO FOR $16 67 " . " 28 150 " , " 15 (10 " '0 00 " 18 8 IS 00 " 13 00 " " 15 00 " " 10 00 13 50 " " 8 84 ' 10 (10 " " 6 67 7 5 fX rFlJPn ATS Froni '5 00 to 120.00, egant'y trimmed and made up; J V Ei'lijWix'X O at the fame reduced rates i . ; .. i I T A "VT'T'C We make a spcit'ty in ext n size pai. Pals fr6n 753 to I X. XX i 1 JL O just received from one of th 4a g at manufaiituuers In the com and offer them at lesi than th r cist of manufacture. ' ; Our terms during this sale are strictly cash Ni goxls srnt out on approval. Miosebtlial Olotliiiig D 305 FavattolilaSt Odd.- Poi.Offic'3. 1 NEW YEAR PRICES $:8 ro 18 71 16 00 19 75 8 88 a o 3 a o CO Q O O C Id Q a X G o fa, o o fit OS u 09 0- a fiO a 9 CD O fiO h B o (- fifi a hi w 0 03 a h a o c C & h B O OQ a s . o Ix &. "3 J3 o a oo II O u OB 4 a ' h D O et J3 O O a o o o CD "o n 2. O h 09 O o S3 . p t a OB CB U a. o c to Oi cl o a a k nn ment solicited. Ja3 2m Mortgagee. Raleigh, N. C, Dec. 20, '03.

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