if fP)e r OL. XXX. RALEIGH, MONDAY, JANUARY 8. 1894. NO. G VI CITT II BRIEF, cala Pir cd Up Here and There and Boiled Down. Yesterdy waa a typical rainy 8un lay. Day's length 0 hoars and 63 min iates. Bad eolds and grippe are having their day. Reserve seats for Archie Boyd at iMaeRae'e; 79 cents. It is probable. the Confederate me lange will be repeated. vOcr friend Mr Charles T Askew is She eity looking well. rs J70 Neal Is very sick at her residence on North West street. The next meeting of the Masonic irand Lodge will be held in Raleigh. Mr Charles F Cook, one of Raleigh's rioters, left this morning for Wil mington. It is now expected that .the attend- anoo at Chapel Hill will be over 400 he present session. Mr W S Orr has been elected chief f police of Charlotte, to si'cceod the te Capt Dick Mason. Mrs 0 H Belvin, who has been vis- ting her sister. Mrs L W Crawford, in arham, has returned home. The easiest solution of the prize fight question in Florida is to leave it to a vote of the people of Jackson Tille. t a An adjourned session of the U. 8. District Court, with Judge Seymour ton the bench, was vpened this morn ing at Wilmington. Mr Geo L Morton, the new post (master at Wilmington, has filed his bond and will enter upon the duties i fof the office in a few days. t i. .Mmat.l tw t.hr .ill h J very large falling off in the receipts . .m fh. mrhant' nurnhase tax an . " I Well as Iroui uiuoi suuivin nuriun' ,, . ..I OL.! L i lage In ..lno. U aiinnfwnrl tn h h i TW.V 1 fcause, Kaieign uouncu, oyai Arcane, i JMO 001, meeis m uu u... w- night at 7:30 o'clock. Degrees will be conferred and officers iustalled, after which the council will be entertained with a huuorous address by one of the Past Regents. "Sam'" and "Dave." Berwanger an- Inounce a uase oi musi - in iueir u- vertisement today. Their list of prices, especially in the matter of boys and youths clothing, are simply amazing. They are determined to close oat their lines, and they will do Jo at each prices as must attract pub Alo attention. I We have received the January number of the Cosmopolitan which, as usual, is full of the most interest I insr reading matter. It is undoubt- I edly one of the best magazines not paly in this country but in the world t numbers among its list of con tributors some of tue most distin gaished writers of the age. The price of subscription is very low, only $1.50 per annum, 15 cents per copy. The regular annual meeting of Ep worth League, No 84, will be held Wednesday night in the -. Sand ay Igohool room of Edenton Street Meth odist church. Election oi omcers, and other important business de mauds the presence of every member The superintendent of the Sunday school specially desires every teacher and every scholar of fifteen years and over to meet him on that occa sion. ::..' One of the most noteworthy events in the verv near future will be Mr Arnhie Bovd's production of "The Country equire " Everybody will re member with what wonderful success he has been playing Joshua Whit comb in the ' Old Homestead" for the past four years, and the fact that the veteran manager Mr Harry J Clap bam, will pilot tbe'veDture is suf ficient guarantee that everything will be brought up to the highest Special VaUes. The Rosenthal Cluthlng Company ' today announces special valaes in ready made garments for bojs and ouths. The price are placed at the most eitraordlnarj low rates and mast attract public patronage It shield not be forgotten that "Dave" Rosenthal is up to the spirit of the times in all that pertains to the clothing trade. Oil and see him. Complimentary. The follow'ng letter speaks for It self: Tr'sity Coli bgb, Durham. N 0 , Jan. t), 1894. A Dughi, Rtleitfh, N 0.: D"AR 8.B The cream came in first cia8g order an-1 give perfect satisfac tiou. Youth truly, John F. Crowbll, Wake Superior Court. Court convened this morning at 10 o'clock with his honor, Judge Hoke, presiding. The following is the Grand Jury as drawn : W E Ashley (foreman), F B Gnlley, 8 R Cunningham, W G L Allen. J 8 Oneal, w A Beck, H P Smith .V H Richardson, Quincey Adams. J A Adorns, Jno W Reddish, 8 J Mite'ieiier, W T Howe, D D MasRej, J J Edwards, J Q Shaw, Marion urefoy, J O Ross. The Weather. For "forth Carolina: Partly cloudy weather Local forecast for Raleigh and vi cinity; On Tuesday: Bligbtly warmer; cloudy. Local data for 21 hours ending o a m today. Maximum temperature, 60; mini mum temperature 3; rainfall 0.fi2 Synopsis: The weather Is still cloudy over the Southern 8tates, but the rain storm has disappeared and e pressure u u u0iU,.u.jr, A,.. i : !.1 - v,l HI V,n t.nn a n.o.f foil lr WUllO t UVtO UilO UCCii Oi filCOH .11 u temperaiure. . t ! . 11 I d. I ne weacoer is com mruuguoui tha north and northwest, and erener- . . th inflaenoe of an ftrea of hieh Dre8gure. The pressure is comparatively low over Kansas and Texas, but there is no well defined storm center to be seen this morning. "The Country Squire." The Atlanta Constitution of Dec 26 says: . '. Last Dight a good sized audience attended the initial production of The Country Squire" at the Grand The play is on the order of "The Old HoinesteRd," and is very cleverly in- t rpreted. The plot, though somewhat com plicated, develops by degrees into a clear and comprehensive ending The work can only lay claim as being a right good domestic comedy drama The audience present last evening appeared agreeably entertained with the show and the people who gave it were substantially recognized Mr Archie Boyd, who was for some time identified with ''The Old Home stead" Company, essayed the title role. He g ve perft ct satisfaction in the part aud made a good impression nnon the se present. He fills the bill K as the country squire completely and is a great su.-ce s. The support Mr Boyd has is, in the main, good. Mr Krone, as Bob Giersou, is a pleasing actor and did the character wtll Mr Bell essayed Beveral roies in a satisfactory manner. Mr Adair and Mr Hurley were only moderate as Jack Morrison and An drew Tobias. Ihe part of the son brctte was attempt d by Miss Stemp- ler. Miss Conner and Mies John ap peared to ' p'ease the house. One of the very best features of the evening was the singing of the quartet, which compiiaes Messrs By croft, Chalfant Cohen and Adams. The voices are sweetly blended and the singers were called back several times. "The Country Squire" will please rrr.ii if tnn Ilka a domestic drama. I Manlnee and night performances. Miss Jennie E Lyon, of this city, Jeft this evening on the 4:20 train for Dnrbam to attend the marriage of her brother. Mr W C Lyon, to Miss Mary Hlnton. Wednesday evening, Janasjy tOth.et 8:30 o'clock, at the residence of the bride's mother on Liberty street N. C Apples by the crate oi measnre at D i Johnson's. Finest Fresh Butter 30o a lb at D T Johnson's. The Jnnaluskt sale of wine will only lest about siity days Those Wishing to purchase bad b-tter pur chase now before it is too late. Our January Sale of ilnuse Fur nlshiug: God9. During the week beginning Mon day Jan 8th we will offer from their respective departments, lines of bousefurnishing goods at such prices. that will make this sale of the great est interest to every housekeeper Some of these goods will be shown upon special tables. Included in sale are table damasks, towels, white counterpane, aud wool b'ankets We cannot itemize prices here, but we urge every housekeeper to inspect hene departments during the week. Also bear in mind that we are going to quit keeping chamber suits, so we will make any one price upon cham ber suits that will insure a sale. W H & R 8 Tucker & Co. Now is the time to get your alma nac for the year There is no almanac comparable to Turner's N C Almanac for 1894 The oM reliable It is a marvel of state and general informal tion. Great is Turner's N U Almanac. For sale at A Willlims & Co's book store, Rale'gh. Price, single copy. only 10 cents. jaQ Our Hue of hosiery is very complete and we carry a floe line of Queen's own tast blacK aaies fine nose at 25 cents a pair. Woollcott & Sons. We shall have a great bargain sale on the 15th of this month. V oollcott & Sous. m Pure Wine and No Adulteration I hae now become President, Sec retary and Treasurer of theJunalus ka Wine Company and wish to dis pose of the stock on hand as soon as possible to cleau up the business. There will be no sales of less than a quart From one- to five gallons 50 cents a gallon. Vessels will be charg ed for unless funis ed by the purch aser By the single quart 20 cents. By the barrel 40 cents a gallon It is distiuctly understood that no boys need apply. Terms strictly CASH jan5 6t. A. DUGHI. For Kant. Two four room cottages North Bloo t worth street; best of neighbor hoods; del cious water; none but good tenants need apply ja4 A B STRONACH. Cninaland, R'ght here in this town you can see a wonaerous dispiav. xoutnins you know wht is going on in Raleigh.but will wager you will oa surprised u if you go and see the vast quantity of crockery and glues on exhibition at Swindell's. X nis is a new department and we have gone in to win. We are showing moro and varied china, croekery and glass than you ever saw unless you saw it in some larger city Just for curiosity stop in and see. We will gladly show you tbroagu and not expect any tr ide it you, oy way oi exercise, stop and see. u i Etwinaeu 25 for Two! A box containing twenty five fine lO.cent cigars for t wo dollars, at J. Hal Bobbitt's. For Rent. The store on Fayetteville street next to Mr E V Denton's saloon, used now as a barber shop Apply to de30-eod2w A W FRAPS. Fresh oysters owning. at A Dughi's vcery Coal. Just received 500 tons Kanawha, West Va splint coal (best bituminous coal on earth). Also several cars egg. nut and stove anthracite. del4 T L Ebbrhardt. Cut Flowers. Bououets. Baskets. Floral Designs Palms, Rubber aud other foliage Dlam s for house culture In the winter, H acinths. Tulips, Lilies, Narcissi's and other varieties of bulbs for fall Dlanting. Chinese Sacred Lily. Tele. phone 118. Be is H Branun. Florist. Carpets) and Carpets. Our Importation of straw mattings from China and Japan will be landed thla week and we witll need all our carpet room for them, ao we will lull you a carpet this and next week at prices to suit you. D. T. Swindell. Oar bargain sile will begin on the 15th and continue 10 days. It will be the greatest sa'e ever instituted by a dry goods store iu North Carolina. Woollcott & Sons. For Rent. One nice office and three stores for rent cheap in the new Academv of Music Apply to J D Riggan. jl6tp Dry Goods. We will nav epecUl attention to the dry goods part of our business dur ing 1894 Dress goods and trimmings and dress furnishings can all be found at all tines and in the late stvles at Swindell's. Remember this. AGEVT4 make fa day. Greatest kitchen utensil ever invented. Re tails 85o. 2 to 6 sold in every house. Sample, postage paid, five cents Mo MAKIN & Oo., Cincinnati, Ohio. d38m Fries and stews 25 cents each at A. Dughi's Telephone 123. Winter Millinery, Xmas Goods. We are offerina special bargains in all trimmed Millinery for Ladies, Misses and Children. A full line of V C D 17 Dl 17 17 17 C 17 Ci Bi Ed Ci Ed Di Ei Ed Ei Ed Ei Tji tji tji n C 17 C TJ' 17 17 M!d EiEd Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Ed Et E B E E i INFANTA CAPS E E eeeeeeeeeee v eeeeeeeeee in brown, nav blue and black. Some novelties in Xnai goods inexpensive. STAMPED TRIY COVKKS. Bouffe and B ireau Scarfs, &c. Prices on all ewds to suit the times Call and see as. MISS MAGGIE REESE, my2 209 FAYETTEVILLE ST. DO NOT forget to mikeyou sweetheart a pres ent of a box of the best candy in town. DO NOT foreet th-t we make the purest candy to De iouna any wnere. DO NOT forget tha we have te bet fruits, nuts and raisins in the c;ty. DO NOT forget that the best is the cheapest. DO NOT forget that we make a specialty of fine quality or, candies, it not quantity. DO NOT r buy inferior candy forlvour children They are sweat enough to hare the sweetest. BARBEE & POPE. A Change. If you want Shoes we have them. Fine shoes, medium priced shoes and cheap shoes We can beat the town on boots Now is the time for Bed Blankets and Com forts, Also H rse Blankets, Canton Flan nels, bleached aud unbleached. A full line of colored Canton Flannels. All wood flan nels from 19c to 50c. Pants oloth from the cheapest up. The best line of bed ticking in Raleigh for the money. If you don't be lieve it, come and see. Men's heavy under wear, ladies' and children's underwear, wraps, shawls, capes and cloaks. Also a fen overcoats left we will sell at cost. La d'ei black hose 6o Good prints 4c per yard, worth 6c. High prices must change to low ones; "we will boss this" and drive others to it When you want bargains come to T1IE LY09 LUCKET STOKE MISS HE BEBSB Hardware, &c. T OUGII T UBKEY T E3TDEB. BY USING SELF ft BASTING ROASTEB ANO BAKER. For roasting all kinds of Meats. Bread, Cake and Fruit Knife?, New Style Carvers. In Elegant Line Caryars & Forks Guns and Gun Goods. CALL AT Tftos. H.Brii5&Soiis, RALEIGH, N. O. OUR BARGAINS!! -IN- L1DIES' AN i) MISSES is the talk of the town. Note the Difference ! I MARYLAND OLD I BiCIlWTiON. iNKvV PRICES THE 8?OT CASH DOES IT. P -IICES 1893 I I 1894 115 00 1 Tai'or Made Qaraients 111 00 12 0) " ...... 8 oq 8 00 " " " 6 00 6 00 ' .. .. 4 00 5 00 " " '! 3 50 Children's Gretchen's & Reefers. Warm school wraps for children at prices nerer before mentioned. The grandest line of ladies and children's shoes ever ho wn for school or dress. o AC Ladies' fast black, full regular j AO Uoiade, Ribbed Hose, only lv HO SPECIAL DAYS but SPECIAL prices everyday. We make it a comfort and pleasure to our patrons who visit us and guarantee perfect satisfac tion in every instance. Money cheerfully refunded u desired. 'n Ci At Dry Good. Nations, &d. Selling Slippers. We have too many Fancy Slippers. We h i ve placed them upon tables iu cen ter of shoe section. We itemize some of the lines, These prices are about half . TAN RD98IA, (with buckle) $2 50. RED OARMENCI fA'S, $3P0. GREY SUEDE OXFORDS, $.f0 PATENT LEATHHR OPERA8, 2.60.i BRONZE OXFORDS, $3.50 BLUE SUEDE OXFORDS, 13.00 LAVENDER OLEO'S, $3.00. Upon other tables is a general line of la dies' fine shoes worth from $4 50 to $7 50 per pair, which we have marked down to $3 and $3 50. W. II. & 11. S. & JO 123 & 125 Fayetteville Street. r