f -1 BS CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAT. In speaking of persona faults. Pray don't forget your own; JUmember, those with be met of glass Bhoold seldom throw a stone; If we uave nothing else to do Bat talk of tbOM that tin, Tls belter we eommenoe at home, Aod from the joint begin. We have do right to jadge a mu Dntll he's fairly tried; Bhoald we not llae hit company, We know the world la wide; Borne may bare faulta-and who has not? The otd aa well aa the young Perhaps we may, f or ought we know, Hare flfiy to tueir one. I'll tell you of a bitter plan, And und It worka fall well: To try my own defeots to care Before of otbera' tell; And though 1 sometimes hope to be Mo more than some 1 know, My on hor comings bid me let. The faalts of otuers g Then let as all when we oommenoe To slander friend or foe, Think of the harm one word would do To those we little know; Semember, curses sometimes, like Our ohio&ens, roo c at home;" Don't speait of others' faults until We have none of oar own. i'he Peacemaker. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. At a called meeting of the Raleigh Aoademy of ut edict ue the following resolutions were adopted: BALBIQH AOAOJtMX OF utSDIOIHB, January Vi, 1B94. Whereas, It has pleased Atiniguty God. to remove iroji eari,n oa Umo ed and uouored brobuer, ut i tiurae Haywood; oe it Kesoived, i'Uat while we deplore his loss aud "sorrow aua.ot ail mat" we aaail "see nislaoe uo more," we bo in submission to the diviuo win, oe lievmg tnat the "judge of all tUj eartn will do rig at" and "JUs love is overall His creatures," an l tna we take comfort iu cue ansurauoe tuai the iod lu wuom Ue trusted was uis shield" auu is uow nia exceeding great reward " Resolved, i'uaft waiieDr rdy wood's reputation as oue ut tue medical pro fession lu iMofuUO roiu, aj.vutuii honored tar ueyoud the oordere oi our state, mikes our praise unneces sary, we wuo wrought beside mm in his daily wors, desire to place on re cord oar respect for ais spotless euar aoter, our e.ueeiu t jr uis virtues aad oar aduiiruou far m great uu i ral aoiiiu.es, in-tt nigu ensure, pro found learning aud exception! ss.nl, united In him, sued a lustre on his ohosen profession. Resolved, That we tender to the bereaved family of oar departed ' brother, oar heart-felt sympatay in their sorrow, and tnat a copy of tnese resolutions be presented to them Resolved, l'uat tuis tribute of re apeot to one wuoui we deiignted to nonor and wbuae irreparoie loss we mouru; be trausorioed in the records of tue ttaleigh Aoademy of Medicine, pabliened daily in the .North Oaroiina aledioal journal and in the daily papers oi tne city. Aesolred, That as a wars of respect to oar deoeased oroiner, eacn iuow of the Kaleigh Aoademy oi jleuioiue wear, for a period of thirty days, we usual badge of mourning. w 1 iioxtirtfK, UD. P K Hifiad, jLO H H LaWiS, j! Oi BETTER BUSINESS. gtBradstreet's, in its report for the week Bays that special telegrams from many of the more important cities, based on interviews in leading lines of trade, make It plain that the im provement reported a week ago.ehar aoterized as the turn in the tide, has beeu retained aud added to. Job bers In s .oes at Baltimore say trade iafal ly satisfactory, aud travelers from tnat City say the condition of business turougnoui, tnesoutn is such that a revival there ust appear in a hort time, deports of ao encourag ing usture come from Augusta, Ba vaunan, Atlanta aud JSashviile, and Boston a trade iu snoes and cotton goods is on the increase. A bet ter feeling is reported at Louisville, aa well as actual gains. At at Louis demand for groceries, dry goods,shoes and nais Das increased, as have orders for finished iron and steel, the latter being equal to those in auy preceding -.''January. . Houeliol Treasure. D V JTuiler, of Uanajoharle, Y, aya that 1 e always keeps Dr King's Kew Discovery in the house aud his family has always tound the very best rdtulis follow its use; that he would not De wimout it,if procurable. Q A Dyaeinan, druggist, 'Jatskill, N Y, says that Dr King s iew Discovery is undoubtedly the best cough rem edy; that he has used it in his family for eight years, aud it has never fail ed to do ail that is claimed for it. Why not try a remedy so long tried aud tested. Trial bottles free at John Y Macrae's drug store. Regular size 60o and 1. When the ice came that was to be placed around the remains of lira tiotoaareoker, of Lewlsburg she arose from her supposed deaoh a id said sue wauoed a uuie more heat turned n. Wllkesooro Jtfews Dealer. . 1 HIS FACE WAS HIS FORTUNE The Ugliest Man in Missouri Gets Out of Trouble Through His Ugliness. On the southern edge of Plie'i eouuty llres Soott Bwatilander. wuu Is considered the ogllest man in Ills aouri, says the St Louis Globe Demo crat, and there are some of his neigh bors who will bet his eqaal oaunot be produoed from any other quarter, Bwitxlander, who la thirty years old, has white hair, eyea like a Chinaman, no eyebrows, a nose of abnormal pro poftl. ns, which lops orr almost to hischtek bone, and is ornamented at the end with a beautiful comic bulk He is lank and tall, aud there are numerous other imperfections that add to this picture of general and particular ugliness. Bwitila der was arrested about a year ago for cutting timber on government lands In Pulaski county, and when Lis trial came up at ripriogfield before the United (States Circuit court the pris oner wa promptly arraingad 'Vhlle the District Attorney was re id lag the Judge said, addressing this Dis trict Attorney. "lou may enter a nolle prosequi in the prisoner's case After a careful scrutiny of his physiognomy I am oonvinced that any man who Is com pelted to carry that face is punished quite enough for the amount of lum ber wMoh b is charged ith having unlawfully taken from government lands Yon ar discharged, -r Bwa tz lander, lio as quickly as yoa can and don't forget to take your face witn yoa." Undoubtedly this decision of the learned and discriminating judge at Springfield, Mo entitles Scott 8 wartz lander to th- undisposed title of the ugliest man la tfise ouri. When Bab; was sick, we gave her Castorla. When she wan a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, nba clung to Castorta, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria, Cure for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of head ache Electric Bitters has proved to oe the very best. It effects a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence We urge all who are am cied to pro cure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In case of habitual coasti patlon Eiectrio Bitters cures by giv ing the ueedei tone to toe boffelH, and few cases long realist the use of this medicine. Try ic at once. Large bottles only 50o at John Y MacrUe's drug store. The Piexoto garrison at Rio Grande do oul have been so severely pinched for provisions during the past few days that they have been eatiug h rses, cue aud ooUer aninals, tue Iosurgeuts Uaving cat oil the food supply. Grip is killing Indians like sheep on flue Ridgd ageuc , in .Nebraska. Iluckleu'H Armes Salve. The best salve in toe world tor cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chapped hands, chit blalns, corns and aa skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refund ed. Price 45 cents per pox. For sale by John x j&aoctae. Chicago's unemployed, who will not work for their bread, will be driven from the city. Japanese Liver Pellets are small but great in their effaces : no griping 50 doses 25 cents- Sold as John i. lilac tiae's Drugstore. Japanese Pile Care is an aufailing cure for every kind aad stage ot the disease. Guaranteed by John X Afottae. One iViy to Di Happy Is at all tiuids to attend to the com forts of your family. Snould any one oi them catoa a slight cold or cough, prepare yourself aud o ill at once on Messrs. iV. a. niug ua , corner ot Fayettevilte and Hargett streets, sole apents and get a trial bottle of )tto's (Jure, the great Germ in ' Remedy, FRkit. We give it away to prove that we have a sure care for Uoughs Oolds, Asthma, Consumption, and all diseases of the Throat and Langs, Large sizes two. For sale by W. H. King St Oo., corner Fayetteville and Hargett streets. JOHK&ON'S MAGNETIC OIL! Instant Killer of Pain. Internal and External. Cures BHEPMATISM, NEURAL- 1A. Lame UucK. Hnrains. Brulnta .t&Hweiung8, tm joints, oolio anc . 1CRAMP8 taatantlv. fihntarn Mnr. mnn, Crour.Diptheria, Sore Throat, JHEADAGHE, as if by maelo. ' THE HORSE BRAND, the most Powerful and PenetratingLluiinentfor Man or Beast In ezistenoe. Large tl size Too, 80c size 10c JOHNSON'S ORIENTAL SOAP. I -Medloated and Toilet TheGreat Bkln Curnd 1 Fao Beautlfler. Ladies will find It the mont delioat and highly perfumed Toilet Soap on the market. It la absolutely pure. Hakes the urn ton ana veivetjr and restores the lost com Dlexloni is a luxorr for the Bath fm nfant. It alays itching, oleanses the scalp and promotes the growth of hair. frioe25o. ror sale by Jou-i x. ulv.Ciiid,jOraigiat, iialeigh, P 'itiil xn ii in .in in for Infants " Castorla la ao well adapted to children that I recommend it ai superior to any proscriptioa known to me." TL A. AmcHxa, M. 1)., Ill So. Oxford Bt, Brooklyn, N. T. "The use of 'Castorla Is to unlreraal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of superprofit 1 to endorse It. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep CaatorU within easy reach." Carlos SUbtki, T. D., Kew York City. Tbs CsHTAcm mietlriff ha 1at been held in 8tffird bv ei-'oafslerates, ail it was duoidei to tke sreis to ersot a mnnamoor to thi soldier of ntafforl county who fe'l io battle daring thn war Japtan u u. uee. a orotnr or General Fitz Lee, was chairman, and Lieutenant Hazh Adie was elected secretary. An old SDanlsh giant, converlng PeiRaoola'1' wter f'out. U deolarei llegil by FUrld iM Supreme Ooart Maenetio Nervine quiets the nerves, ? riven away bid dreams, and gives 5uiet rest -n 1 peaceful sleep Sold at ohaY M:oRi9's Dru? Store. Land Sales. Exacutioi Sa'e. On ii.- j. 1 1 by virt le of c rt iiu eccution in my hvuvls, isiadfro atheSupT'orOourt r vVake oou ty aad ret iraiblx o the Feb ruary wrtn of sii t cu"t, to be del 1 in Ral- eig'i oa M0i ly, vo u aay oi reprnary, '8'U, tno oae n tayor ot tae r.ieiga s tioul B'nt ag limt J M Harris am M A BleUoe tb other in fayir of the aa d Ril euh Kat:onal Sank against the said M A Bleilwe, leyie 1 by mi u on the lan is of the sail vi A. Bl' iso, I will sell at public auc t oe to ue hi ne t b l l ir lor cash at the said court nousy door n ltali?n O'l uoa- ay. he 26cth dv of Febmiry, lou, at the linn.- if 12 (I'oiock rn. all the interest of the Bi d M 1 Bladoe, 3ao,ct to saie uader said efecutiona. i all and every part of the lands and premises situate in tha county oi Wake, state of Njrth Carolina, and lying within tbe general bona1arie following, to wit: On tha north by the south boundary line of the city of EWeiuh; on the east V the Hollem in or dmithheld road; on the so th hs t.n i.nitta line of "South avenus." as shown tiDJi 'Mhaffers map aod plan of Bledsoe's addition to the city of Ra'einh. (bein tbe uortli Hue o' tbe lands of tin aid Bledioe mortgaged to D 31 Carter, kniwn as the north line of the Carter mortgage), and ontJnweitoy the Faveteyiile roa i. save and excepting saca portions oi tae iaaa in cluded witiin the sail biualaries as are owjed by any otaer personi under valid c-inyeyance iroui sue sau o -o.wjo r ui. " . r . it lit .i t n Wise. M. w ra.utn, Jan 18, 189i Sheriff of tfafee county. Execution Sale. Und-jr ,nd y irtus of a-i execution, is auel to me fomthdS-iDerior Oourtof Wake county, r!turu'ible ti tue February term. isbH, oc tne oup-nur uourv, ueiu'ua on the 26ta day of February next, in favor of the mieign Niuoiiai nans against ai A Bbdboe, A. 'V Shaffer et al, I willBeU at pub lic auutioa to tna highest oidd t for ca ih. at the court house door in Raleigh, on Mon- Hay, 26tu day of February, 1891, at the hour of Um, al the right, title aud interest of the said A W ahaffjr, subject to sale under said exeoutioa. in a.'id to the folloi iti da- scribed lands livied upon as the property of A w 3Qaiir, t -wit. 1st lot: parf of lot NTo 4, as shown on Shaffer's ma of the c ty of Raleizh. bound ed on the east oy lot of Arthur Go-ham; on tuesouth oy lot ot m.m wuton; ou tbe weit by lot of France Atkins, and on the north by Lenoir street. '2d lot: Ai-o part of lot No 15, as shown on Shaffer s m i j ot t'ae city ot ttal ign, bsgiu niug ut M H Brown's northwest orner on Biount straat raaaiug eait with Brown's line to the wst lins of lot o 11; ohe.ice north wrn tae vest line of lot So 14 1 S Martin's 'line; tueuce west with Martin's l'ne to Blouuo street; thence south with the east line of 'Blount street to the bagia un jdlot: Fnererdrsioiiith' ho untaadof W S ilaan in oue acre of land in Apex ad joining the laait of i V At ins a and oth ers; also in oue lot in Apex, 25x0 1 feet, ad joining ii V Atkinson, ti w I'erry an oth ers, an l also in oue lot in H tlly Springs, containiug i of an acre, a ljoining the lands of A d Poja aud otners. M VPAflB, Jan 18, 1891 Sheriff of Wt'r.q oou-ity. jBy virtue of authority co iferre 1 in cer tail mortgage exec itei by R Cooke, and duly recorded in book No 121, at page 65), ii Register oi Ddeds oifije ot rak9 county N O, we will, oi Satu.-Jay, the 27th day of January A D, IS91, at 11 o'clo k m, at tae cout h use door ii tnj city ot Ral.-igh, sell tothehigaest oid lirfor oash, tnat yalua ble tract of laud lta; aud situate tn Oary and tiouie Jreas to mips, ou the waters of Rica laud cru', nljiining ttnlaadtof Mrs Sallie S Br , l, Jam ct NVarrn, tfrs Annie L Batts an 1 otiiors, co itainiug 3741 ajrds. A'so a re uiinldr in fee of oaa to. If after the term uarion of tae life estate of Mrs J O iag i i two ot'aer traits of Uil ing 105 tad 9 ao: 'i retpsotively, and more fully dasoaoai i.isail unftjage. Chit 221 day of Jsoemoer A J -idi. PjlJiuiJi; AxAiO. de22 Alt for mortgages, &o. and Children. Caatorla cures Colic, Cosstlpatioa, Sour Stomach, DiarrhoBa, EructaUoa, Kills Worms, fires sleep, sad promotas di gestion. Without Injurious medication. "For MTeral years I hars recommended your 'Castorla,' and shall always continue te do se as It has invariably produced henef.uial results." Edwdi F. Pardis, M. D., USth Street and 7th Ave., Kew York City. Cokpatt, 77 M niRAY Btrstt, Nrw Tons Cm. LWD SALES Sale of Land. By authority of ;wer g'yea ia a mort gage from t. W Jons, as recoriea in uoos 78. pazi 337, Regier of Deeds office for Wake county, aid also by authority of oiwer eive.i in two other mortgig's as re corded ia 8oik'3. pge378 and Boik 89, page 422, said Ksgiste"s oina), I will, on Monday. January 'atn. vsui, at is o ciock m. at the court hou-'e door of Yake county sell to the highest bid ler. io cash, to fol lowing dsicnbJ l real enate in uttie Ki'xr Townsbio, Wake county, to-wit : First l'riict Bsiag a tract coireyea to saia H W Jonas bv Hart wall Horton by died as recorded in Book 11, page 107, said Register's office, nd contains 100 acr-ts. Second Tract Bn a tract conveyed to said H W Jones hy deed from H Horton as rsooried in Boo'i 12 oage357, sai I Register's offics, an 1 contains 50 acres. Third Trait Baing a tr'ct conveyed to said H W Jiaes by Henry T l id by da d as reoordad 'n Boot ai, Das,e a-, said register s offica, and contains 115 a;res. Four'h rract Bai ig a tract conveyed to sai 1 if W Jon's b? W A Horton by daa I as recoriel in Bok 'Zi, pag lio, s'd Regis ter's office, and contains 273 acres. All o' the above tracts ara particularly de scribed in the aforesaid daeds of unrtgages. rec. 30-tds W J ts. Att y. Land Sale. By virtue of power oontrirral 01 m? by a DonAs an i .iri r i J in. ar'iini 111 IrT.i A 4 A,t ,-m la 1 in -fa ti ttrv rii vv ta Hi 1 nt 7 in Boot o 83, r, pigi 2li, I will oifir for sale to tna n'.giett oiiu- ior casual, luo courthouie iloor iu tna city of Raleigh, N. n lt r.niiira K IX Jl 19 o'clock M, the land in said mortgage de- Ranei on1 others containing thirty-live acres aa I mi'e fn'U I :-i o '1 i i sail mort- gags. At san i u 11 1 mm, a lot ot cattle dejenoed in saia m irtgage. n r n r rr w r. r inLv.x vuu a, Mortgagee. Raleigh, N. 0.. Dec. 29, '93. Sale of Land. Bf authority of a mortgage from Christopher Voodard and wife, re corded in Book 74, page 131 Register of Daeds offioe for Wake county, I will on Monday February 5th 1891, at 13 o'clock m at the Goart House door of Wake oonnty, sell to the highest bidder for oash the following described lands in Swift Uraek town' ship Wake county, to wit: First tract contains 25 acres, and adjoins the lauds ot W H J Qoodwln, P P Peace ail others, and Is partiou larly desor'b-d in deed to said -Yooi-, ard from P Y ates and wife, recorded in book )5, paga 35 Bald Register's offlse. rieoood tract contains 25 acres, and adjoi ns the laul- of W H J Goodwin, P P Paaca aui others, aud Is pirticu larly doscrihe 1 in a deed from P P Peace Ms til Wooiard, raaordad in book 58 ;ira47, sail ftegister's of. This fi -u is situate four mils south of cUleigh.eootains a Una orch ard v el imir an abunlanoa of fruit. good well of w iter, creek running j through the Knl; has a good dwell' ' Ing house, stables crib. &o floe 14 W r.JVES . Atty. ):. Sale of Land. Bv virtue of adaireeo' Wake Suoeriir Court, in ths special proceadiags entitled V K Phill'in. a 1m of w w rnunps vs D ranK : J PhilliDset als. i vil' --ell on Satnrlay, the 10th day of Febr iary, '891, at the court : house Joor in Raleig's tract o( laud situ- I atsdi i Little Rivirtownslip, Wak county, N 0, adjoiuing th? lauds of T 0 Ray, B J Ray, w H Ray an1 others, and also the re-ve-sion of the widow's dower in a tract situ- i sted in the same township and county, ad- loiuine the tract first dssribed, and both of - . , , , 1 1 j :i i . iL- a; wnicn tracts tire iuuy ties ,riuou i'j iu pi,i tion tiled in said proceeding). Terms of sale, cash. Time of sale. izm. ALEX 8T HON 10H, Jan 10th, 1894 Coainission ir. S ale of JLsuojI B viT.ua o' p iwer conferred on me by a certain mjrtgtga exacutvi o? 'i ii Matnews and wife. Chri itiana 4. ttnaws, which said m irwage is A lly racordsd Register sVaka coia',v. ia boik "l IU. at page M". I will off )r for sa'a at tne court none door in tin ioityof Raleigh, 0, on Tuesday, ""ebru I ary 13, 13 J l. at 12 o'clock m, the lau 1 in sai t mor;ga;s d tsono d co uai nag sixty aorei, ! mireor la3i, a idkowa tae ao nistaad of said tfathaws. Tarnsot sa'a. cash .1al3tls BFMJirv iJlS, Mortgagee. i Raleigh. V 0, Jaa 13, lm. yLand Sales, Land in & Mary's Townsiiip For Sale. On Mondsv. the 5th day of February, 1894, under and bv vrtu of a dcre of f'S Superior Court, tri specisl pr,Ming en titled A Syrae. admr of i'e'er Pool v NU Pool et al, 1 will sWl at the court hoase door in the city of Raleigh N C, bv publio suo tion th following real estate to-wit: A t-act of land containing 89 acres. lyliK on 'he M C R R, adioiniuc the lands ot Needbam ilder anil others, tully desTib ed in the petition in sa'd procee 'iu, snd in adred recorded ia .jo k 3j. pae Go. oitice of the Refiner of Dws-lsof ake county Also two lots in tl.e town of 'uMun. fully de scribed in a deed fro o Ws'ts to P'ter Pool, dated A'i 2 , 17. Said land will be off. 'red as directei in the decree, ierms made known on da of cale: hour of sale 12 in. TH03 RPUHNELL, ja4 Commissioner. Sale " Valuib'e Lind. By virtue of a 1u'guient of the 3u-erior Tour of vVske cmniy. X 0. n the sptcial p-oee lings entitle 1 J T Bro ig 1'on. sd minivtrator of Thomas W Bennett, dc'd, vs l A Bennett an ofers, bting No Wl, spe cial proceeding docket of sid court, I will ff r lor sale at puo'ic auction, for cish, at tin court house door in the city of Raleigh, N 0, on Mo iday, the 5ta day of February, 1891, at 12 o'clock m, the following real es tate to-wit: 1st. A tract of 'and in sai 1 county in St Mary's towesh'p, partly iu the village of Garuer, a'joiu'iw the landi of I'r Bla?k, Weston Parkpr, tticliard Horton and others, co itaining 741 acres 21 The store house and lot upon which T os W Bennett resided up to tiie time of his death, situa'-e l in thj y'liage of Earner, said bounty, adjoining the lots ol' Alex Car roll aud .Sa lU'il i.arroll, the same tttat was bought by Thos W Bannett of Kli Dpres. ja4 J T BRO'Jiidr JN, Ad ur, Ac. Sale of Land. Under the powers coiitahie 1 iu a mortgage execute IbvB t Chumblee and wife, Cor nelia vV -'haubloe, t) Catherine Boylan, raistared in the oth :e of t Ue tiegister of Wake county, bjoiOl, pa;a 59 J, default having b en mvle in paviu'itof nriujipil and uteresr., 1 will on -Mon lay, F bruary 12ih. l4. at tae court house d Oi' in Ral- eih, at 12 o clock mo i, procaed to sed for cnu n.a rtja'e-tue inscribed iu tae mon isa e, being 3 7 ici-is, o l Ijea branch aui L;ttle River, in Little (liver '.owishio, de vised oy Reyfoid C'ia ub:-?e to B D Oham ble. !dTHKaiXlSBi)YLVtJ, Bv Buibea & B Hbee, Attys. Jan 10, 1894 tds Land for Sale. , x On tae i Mi day of February! fieiuii Alon lay) of rfaka county Suparior court, I will se'l at P'iblic aucti ia, a tract of land situate I iu New Light towam'o, ou Hillsbiro mil a i- iouiiuir tha 1 vi Is f 3 - Littla f. 3. Man- gun aod others, ci'itaining lilac's, bsing the lands on whijh J. LittU resi lelattne time of hii leatu. dale miJe uu lar and by virtue of a decree of the 3 ;parior court in a special proceadiur institute i d. N" Little, adrDinistrator, vs Lisheoa B tl', et al. Hour of sale, 12 m Terms ma le known ou day of sale. TH03. R. PJiitfiSLL, de 5 tds Commissioner. ortgage Sale. By virtu ! of au aonty coiferre l in a cer tain mortgage, exMutal by ?J 8 Gulley. and duly rec rde 1 in book No 124 at page m , in liegtsfer of Dieds olfl ie of Va e county X 0 aad at th req lest of said G illev, we w'll, on Saturday, the 27ti day of January A D, 'S3', at 'a o cuct ra, a: tae court nouse loor in tbe city of Raleinh, sell t j the high est bidder for cash, that valuable tract of lau ' with rist mill, cotto a gin. saw mil1, engine, tixtu esaad all machinery a-tacued and belonging thereto, situated in Panther Brancb towusnip, wakecouity, N J,kaowa as "Gulley's VlilM," siid ractof land con tains 57 a res avd adioins the lands of Ran som Gullay. Augusta Young and others. XUis lee22d, 18' . 1 KEbbj & Mil N'KU, Attys for Mortgagee. Sale ot Land. By y,rr,ia a iu)rtag', exaji ei co iue by f M Pool aa 1 wife, Klizabath Pool, re orded In tua oiH ;e of the ttaa'ster of Deeds of Yake couatv. M C, in book 123, page 770, 1 will sell a imbln au3tion, tor casn, on Monday, th 1 19tu day of February, 1891, at 12 o'clock m a: the court houie door in the city of ialeih, A 0, a certain traci of land situtal at fie village of Auburn, St Mary's townsnip. vy neoodaty. jN o aijoioiuj tn9 lands of Dal ai Mya.t, Geo Montagaa, B'ai toi Banks aid others, containing about 8 acres jais Bit ax. roa bamk. Lot M Raleigli in Mi On Moan, the 5th day of February, 18)4, at 12 m v. the co in houe door iu Ral eigh, undnr t if? powtfr conferred by a deed of mori:gaga, e.:acu ed to ma by W 0 Smery and wife, ditil ifivembai 8th, 1830, aad registers 1 in igister'soliijef or Wane coua 'y, inbun it pne 194, 1 will sell at pub lii auctii i i nrjelof land ne ar the north western do i dary of she city of Raleigh, on tbe old H;1U ir (or Oxfor1) roid, bagiu ning at Hp'i am 12 nery's corner, oa sail road, runs wit a said road southward 107 feat to a feno corner, tuea eastward with the line of Mu fea ia 30 fe.at to a corner post, then northwird para'lel withjtas road 67 feet to the m'ddia of a lin9, than with tha same northwestward to the bginniag. B WMcfiA. By Battle & Mordecai, Attys, Raleigh, S C, J.iu 15th, 1894. Saie oftand. By authority ot a morrg iga fro u 0 H Hor ton and vife, as recorde I in book 91, pag9 418, R3gjsterof Daedi olii f or Wska coun ty, 1 will, oa "hurrday.St iday of February, 1-91, at 12 o'clock m, at the court housa door of vake coiaty, sell to tha highait bidder for cash, a trajt of land in Wake Forst township. Vaiecouity, bounded by'auds of Mrs Lacindi Harris, Mouay Stall and otaera on the n irth, by T S Joua and W H Para's lands ou the east, oy S ao 1 W H Pace's lands oo tae so it a, a id by thoie of T H Mtssey aad o'-hj's on tha wast, con taining '3 1 aores, mire or les'. Tha said tract ot land will be s ibd;vid d into 60 and 1 100 acre parcels to suit purchasers. 18 W N JON BS, Attorney,

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