re no sal leitloi. Col A bl MoPbeetera has gooa to Baltimore. Mr Jamee 8 Battle, of Nuh, it dangerously tick. Dr T D Martin, wbo bu beenqola lok for tm tlm, ta no OQTle. cent. Bro John W Jeoklna, of the Per. hani Globe, spent last Sunday in Rl igb. Mr H O Brown, Clerk of tbe Rail way eomtnlMtoo, h returned to tbe city from a tiip t i Cuba. llaj 8 F Telfair, the governors pri vate eecretary, hns gone to Montgom ery, Ala, to attend a marriage. Miss Emma Fields of d eeusbori. is Tlsliing tbe family of Mr G H Broagbton, 121 North Wilmington street. With seeoee laid to the most pfe toresqoe regions of Kentucky, with ebaraeters aptly representative of tbe genuine residents of tht country . ... . i . ana witn a story oi aireci porpore nd considerable dramatto Interests, the romantle p'ay, Bias OrM," presented at tbe I'nestnat street roe' ntre lant night, affords an entertain ment of go-d quality The pleee Is not entirely new In Philadelphia, b it 1' baa been furnished this season with a frexlt nd appropriate seentfe on' fit aod it u esreiany ana pieaanuy in tarnutail h mmninf nl asrrw fit and capable players. Philadelphia m . f norm American. The sprloar Uk weather Is cans' ng the bads to pot forth in earnest Mr O J Carroll has filed his bond as Marshal for 30 003 For Sale. Died. Mr Robert Blackburn, a highly re sDeetod citizen of (ireensboro died in that eitv vegterdav of grippe. He was about 78 years old. Nerioaa Hallway Accident. Milk train io collision; no milkman turns up; disappointed housekeepers; coffee without ereau A pet'v annoy ance resclMog from a negloct to kep the tiail Borden Etigle Brand Con. densed Milk in tbe home: Order no for future exigencies from grocer or druggist. Caste of 40 years standing where operations have failed, have beon cured by JapaueiM Pile (Jure. Gu r- antepri hv John Y. MacRae. I V)1 acres well timbered land In Frauklio county, with koM mine Farm and truck land near Raleigh. Improved and unimproved city property. a lots in norroiK, va. Lots and stock in Olacgow. Logan City and Taw-Woor, Va Lot in Wall View. Tenn 8 shares IT 0 Steel and Iron Co. Bonds and stocks bought and sold. We wake a specialty of Fire. Casu alty and Accident Insurance and Col lecMon of Boots ja2 2t WYNNE & ELLINGTON. J. O. BALI.. I J. B. SA1 L. Th limit of the stret-t railway will What then? stoppage of the soon run out The conference between the hat manufacturers and the commltte-iof the hat makers' au' hat finishers' anions of Danbnry, Conn, has ended and all hopes of a settlement are abandoned. Tbe men refused to ac cept a reduction of 10 per cent, and guarantee non interference witu in dependent shops. Itching, burning, scaly and crusty scalps of infant cleansed and healed, aod quiet sleep restored by Johnson's Oriental Soap Sold at John Y. Mac Rae's Drus: Store. J. 6. BALL & CO., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, ;kto. 7 Bargett Street. We have a select stock of HE&VYi FAHfYGBOnERIES and we resp'ctfully "ol'cit yiur patronage. We will give vou ttia oei ani cneapest gooas on me roars i; na win uu all orders with promotwws We will appreciate your trade and will endeavor to plewe yon. COUN TRY PROD ""ICE al3 a specialty. Snelling& Hicks, DKEGGINTS, Now have oi hand a well selected stock of frenb. Garden Seed which are offered at reaso jable prices. STH1L1L THEY G0. mi mn mm. A fall 8U"py of GRIPPE remedies of all kinds PRESCRIPTIONS Care'ully and prompt ly comrourded at rea sonable prices. W. H. SNJCLL1HQ HINBT T. HICKS Corner Fayette ville and Morgan streets. linporUot qarstlon Is where best qna'lty at tbe lowest lUNLlUNDRIED SHIitrs 38; -V?! BOYS' CLOTHING Last we'k w aunoaooed a gret Shirt ale, and met l'h snch saeeees aa to war rant ns In eootlanloir this sale fortV Every gentleman wean Hhlrts. bat the all can he purchase the best flMosr. best made. an figure, v e'v got tnem a stock of Drees Shirts and Shirts for evening wear, at price ranging from 7to to $3 60; tbe finest; none Detter maae MEN'S SUITS. Oar stock of Men's Clothing la re pletc with all the latest novelties, out and mad In flrat class fashion, la Longs, Nllins Stoats and Regulars, perfect rms from $3 to $30 OVERCOATS. We bave bat a very few Overcoats left and we mast sell them We will not carry tbei over for another sea son. We believe in having new goods, and don't propose to push old stock: on our patrons next f II. so eon e ard take vour choice of what we bave left at 40 per cent off Come early and se cure the best bargains. still in abundance. A new Invoice Jost received at prices to suit the times. iVe believe iu low prices We are sat lfled with small profits and the ap preciation of our customers All wool Cheviots end fieseimeres, In single and double breasted f-J-fa 60-$3-$l 50-$4-$5-$6-$7 17 SO. An inspection of tbee suits will con vlnce the most fastldioas parents of their merit aud th lowne of prices U genuine com bloat ion ) Academy of Music FRIDAY EVENING, JAN'Y 26. Notice- Havine qualified as the adiuinHrtor of the estate of John A Norwood, 'ieoease I, this is to "otify all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to me on or before January 12th, 18U5. or thi no tice will be Dlead in or their recovery. A Q MASS Ex, Admr. Jan 12, 1894. oaw6wp rHcRALEISH COFFIN CO LC B4GWELL. K"uneral Director. W H iVOKT C, Secretary and Treasurer. I have sold out my entire interest In the coffin ousiness to the Raleigh Coffin Go. I will continue with the comoany as Fu neril Director and give it my personal at- tentiiri. l'li i.ew co'npmy have now on hand and wi 11 keep a full line of &c, which thev are prepared to furnish at reaoniblfl rricej. Call and s?e our stajk and Ret. our prices, LC bagwklC. W H WORTH. Funeral Tirector, Sec y nd Treas. Rulein Corfln Co. ie23 lm. I N THR SfTPE'tlOR COUTOFWAKE I county. N irth Carolina. James Nugent and John Devereux Jr, trus tee vs G Carpn er, Ellen Carpenter and Fames Crenshaw. To the Ds'eiidant": Tak notice that on February 9th, 1B91 at 10 o'clock a rr, I wil1 move upon affidavit for leave to issue exfl 'ution u on the judg ment heretofore rendered in this action. JOHN W HINSDALE, Plaintiff's Attorney. January 1st, 1894 oaw4w HtoseifltfhaJl Oothimg Do 305 FavsttsTllle St. Qim Post Office $ TAM.E JdD TJIC1B ! : : MR. CYRIL NORMAN'S 99 "Blue -:- Grass, A Kentucky Comedy Drama. Special Scenery, Elaborate Effects. A Superior Company. Prices 50, 75c and $1. Resrvrd wats at MacRae' s. Mortgage Sale. By virtue of authority couferred in a ir tain morteaee. executed to J M Pueh by Jefferson Goodwin, rerorded in book 107, at page 1, in Kegister ot Deeds omce ot ate county, N C, we will, on Monday, the 26th day of February A D, 1;94, at 12 o'clock m, at the court honse door in the city of Ral eigh, sell to the highest bidder for cash, that tract of land lyin and situate on the waters of Walnut creek, aoutoie half mile south east of the village of Cary, adjoining the lands ot the late ua'ios xates, uo u jons, Jacob Maynard. Kinion Jones and others, containing i7 acres, more or less, and more lully descnoeu in gain mortgage. PEELE & MAYNARD. Attys for Extra of J M Pugh. This Janury 23, 1891. CHAFLQITE" IOBSKRYER. A Democratic Paper, a paper devoted to the industrial development of North ( 'aro- lina and the South, ire best advertising medium between Washington and Atlanta. DAILY, $8 r f WEEKLY, tl i sr year. 0 per year. THE OBSERVER COMPANY. (J P Caldwbll, Editor, Charlotte, N 0. rFor sale at Elmer M Shaffer's news stand, Raleieh, N t. ja!5 tf COPYFUGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT f For a prompt answer and an bonest opinion, write to BIUNN fe CO., wbo bave bad nearly fifty years' zmriance in the natent business. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerning Patents and bow to ob tain tbem sent free. Also a catalogue of median leal and aolentiflo books sent ftea. Patents taken tbrongh Hunn ft Co. receive pedal notice in the .Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before tbe public with out cost to tbe inventor. This splendid paper. Issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. $3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, 2.60 a year. Single copies, 2$ cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates. In colors, and photographs of new houses, with plana, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address ItUMN CO, Hbw Yoaa, 361 BaoABWAT. Still Heading the Procession ! The sale ot U4th flf odd. all u&Us and o ven coats coiiitiiMaes ranutfll the last one is sold. V It is our fllu'uifi rule utiot to carry amy goods over from oine season to an other. S. & D. BERWANGER. Croat Bis: Bargains in HOLIDAY -:-GOODS At Bbbbitt's. Toilets ?ets, Shaw Cases. lit. ; ace Knt.t, Plush 0 dor Cases, Perfume Atomizers. Cicrar Stands, Merfchaum Pipes, ; ; ' : Catena Baskets, v ' Ladies' Purses with Sterling Silver 0 r- naments. IN SHORT, EVERY NEW NOVELTY IN OLA.S9 AND OrOR8. Yoq will not go elsewhere after examlulng my line. 21 ara'teore tbe prices and the goods will buit you. Ji HAL B038ITT, Fancy Cotton M fail H'gh :st cash price paid for goo, sound, cotion teei delivereil t our coal yard. One or more car loads )er day. Jones eV Powell. COAL, WOOD, &C FOR 8 LE. Kentucky Lump 8plint Coal. Tennessee ' " " Virginia ' i n Pocahontas" ,emi-bitnmin'u Coal. Russsll Creek Lump ' Oayton, Red Ash. Egg, Semi-anthracit". Anthracite ' 'oal, all sizes. Oak an l pin" wood, out and lonp, torn. Oats Hay Bran, Shingles, Lumber, Laths, &c at lowest cash prices. JONES & POWELL .Raleigh, N C. Phone 41 an 71. One More Chance alt : City STE1M LAUNDRY, 1KZ mSMMBBMI (being the first in North Carol'na) has a competent manager of 15 yeai s' expe rience, assistpd by bis wife, wbo wil! give pairons ana irienas in ine future work su perior to any in the past, and will surpass any other laundry in the state, and guaran tee less wear and iear. Don't fail to give a trial, i ' to get a nice little cottage in a rood neigh borhoodor a good, Iaige 8 room house suitable for keep ng boarders. FOR RENT. room, conveniently arranged co'taie n Sannders street: g od well of water in the nrd, with garden; hf.'Use is in good repair. 4 room cottage on North Halifax street; city water.' 4Tcom cottage on Caba rus.near Salisbui y; city water. 8 room house on Fayetteville st, just bel'w Yarboro house; good place for bo irding house. 8 room house on South street, near the 3d Baptist church. t A room house on Halifax st; large sbacj , JLVyard and good ga den. v a room cottage on Oakwood ave. For prices and terms call at once or write to JMBROIGHION&CO, jal7 8 West Martin street. SHIRTS, COLLaRI, CUFFS FLANNELS of all kinds. LACE CTJRTAIN8, BED BLANKKT8, Dciu yi' ijj'ru. Anyhiog you you want washed and dore up in first class tyle can be done at tbe OakOity CODN rERPANES. fiteum . . Laundry. Telephone No 87. ' nol7 "WYATT, No 216 Fayetteville street, Rahwh, n q 7. H. Rogers, Ho 12 Exchange, Wholesale and Retail Producs CommiMioa Merohnntrnd deilerln chickens, pg, but ter, N C bacon. Ca'l or drop me a postal whn in need of anything and save money. Chickens and eggs a speoHty. Consign ment solicited, Jail m

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