t 9m li A. am. VOL. XXX. RALEIGH, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25. 1894. NO. 78 mm PRETTY SHORT WORK. America Whips John Boll" and Rates in the Cash. THREE MINUTES' A ROUND I Corbett Still Champion of the World. I the WesternV A special bnlletln of Union announced that the fight be tween Corbett and Mitchell took place today at Jacksonville. Corbett knocked Mitchell oot In the third sound. Time of fight nine minutes. The referees at once declared Corbett champion of the wor'd. The Weather. For North Cart llda: Fair, precede ed by rain today in the east portion; eolder Friday morning followed by rising temperature in the west por tion. Local forecast for Raleigh and vi cinity. Decidedly colder Friday. Local data for $4 hoars ending 8 a m today. ' Maxim am temperature, 69; mini mum temperature. 81; rainfall 0.23. Bynoptils: The blgh area and cold wave has reached the North Middle Atlantic coast, and the Oulf of Mexico this a m. It will reach Florida today. Since last night at 8 p m., the temperature has fallen 28 degrees at Charlotte, 28 degrees at Raleigh and Norfolk;, Va., the center Of the cold wave is over Minnesota , ana iowa, wun a temperature oi xo degrees below lero at St Paul and 20 below at Davenport The temperature is 18 degrees at Atlanta, 12 at Knoiville 2 at Mem phis 2 below xero at Nashville. The cold weaher will continue over Friday and Saturday. Important Decision. In the United States Circuit Court in New York, yesterday, the judge handed down a decree in the salt of W P Clyde and other against the Richmond and West Point Terminal Railroad and Warehouse Company directing the receiver to offer at pub lic auction all the real estate, stocks, brands and assets of every kind be longing to the company, except the interest of th corporation in the suit now pending- in the Circuit Court, brought by the receiver against John H lnman and others. The sale is to take place at Riohmond, Va. Married. At the residence of Mr W M Carter on South Person street, this city yes terday morning at 10 o'clock, by Rev A M Slmms, Mr Alphonso Moring, to Miss Nannie Stevens. Mr Moring was formerly of Garner, this county, but In now a resident of Portsmouth, Va., beh g In the employment of the At lantio a Danville Railroad. The bride has been a great favorite in a large circle of relatives and friends whose best wishes go with her to the new home Reports. A small supply of the 18th, annual report of the North Carolina Horti cultural Society are still on hand These will be sent out as long as they last for three cents a copy. The re ports are very complete and extreme ly valuable to the fruit and vegeta ble raisers and farmers generally. Address Gerald McCarthy, Secretary of the Horticultural Society Raleigh NO. 100 F. Regular meeting of Beaton Gales Lodge, No 04, 1 O O J tonight at 71 o'clock, sharp. Work in the degrees. Members of the lodge earnestly ret quested to attend. Organist and de gree staff will make lt convenient to tn hann h.nri In rina HmA A nnrrliul Invitation to all Odd Fellows in good standing. CITI II BBIKT. Louis Pfrled Up Here end There end Boiled Down. Cold wave upon as. See notice of exeoa'lon sale by 11 W Page, sheriff. 8ee notice of sale of land by Thos B Pnrnell and T P pevereux oommli sloners The train fro" the west was rev- Aral hnnri lufn thl. mnrnlntr. earned from an accident to the locomotive, 1 he King's Daughters are me kin arrangements for soon. The exact a "Parple Tea" time will be an. nounoed hereafter. The trial of E J Fuller 'or the mur der of B O Parker Is in progress at Fayetteville and creates great in terest. The committee are on the rounds soliciting funds with which to enter tain Gov Flower and party Febru ary 8d Don't fail to Bee Mr and Mrs Cyril Norman and a superb company in "Blue Grass" tomorrow night. A Kentucky story. Refined comedy J Hal Bob" itt hue on hand and in dilly receipt of the b-st and fresh est garden seeds of all descriptions which be is ottering to the public on moderate t rnis. I here is no bet ter seleo'edVtoek in the city. Call at once The Bright Side. Correspondence of the Visit or. In the last few years it has become finite a habit for naonle to crv "hard tlmpg, bat lt 8eems that Mr Brough- ton in bis last two articles ou that subject has entirely overdrawn the picture A'ter reading either one of these pieces one would think that our town was doomed and starvation stared us in the face I live in Ral eigh, do business here, and talk a ereat deal with the working class of the olty and I find that while busi ness could be made, better tp't, we are not in any danger of such tfmesas Mr Broughton had in mind wien he wrote the two articles w'lioh I allude to. If we want, to do any thing for the people of our town it cannot be done by talking "hard times." We have bad an abundant crop and a beautiful open winter What else could we wish ? Oar business men havo had no cause to grumble up to this time and I think it will dn us more injury to call a meeting of citizens to relieve distress nan it would If we wouli keep our mouths shat and let things re gu late themselves. What we need is to be up and 'doing. Let Che merchants, the mechanic and the manufacture era go to work and stimulate their business; that will do more good than all the of " hard times" that we could indulge in for years to come. Let us then be up and doing With a heart for any fate, Still eschewing, still pursuing Learn to labor and to wait " T. F BROGKWBtL. Raleigh, N. C, Jan 25th, 1891. Personal Mention. R W King, sheriff of Pitt, is in the city. M'EO Hackney, of Durham is at the Yarboro. We regret to note the continued sickness of Maj Jno B Neathery. Capt Pallas T Ward Is in the olty His many triends are pleased to see nim looking well. We regret to state that Capt 8 A Ashe, editor of the News Observer Chronicle, is oonfinwi at home with sickness. Feeding the Kick. In many instances invalids are re stricted by physicians to easily diges tible food, usually boiled or sterilized milk Is prescribed. In such oases the value of Borden's Peerless Brand Evaporated Oreatn, or unsweetened condensed milk is apparent. Pre I pared by a x Condensed Milk Co "Blue Grau" a Story of Romance. "Blue Grass," a beautlf at Kentucky romance, will be the attraction at the Academy tomorrow night. Mrs Cyril Norman the leading lady, is said to be a woman of rare beauty and pos sesses unusual dramatic ability. The songs and dancing which are inci dental to the play are a very attract ve feature and can be fully enjoye 1 as all accon inlnoents are rendered by a full orchestra. A stick of dynamite was thrown by an unknown party in the smoking cr on the Michigan, Kansas and Texas road. 8everal were instantly killed and others wounded. We have opened today a new and complete line of laces and edgings, and white goods Woollcott s Bons. House for Rent. A nice cottage, conveniently looat ed, terms moderate Appl v to ja21 J Hal Bobbitt. 8,000 yards checked muslin at 6c yd. Woollcott & Sons. Notice. To the Citizens and Public Generally: We have moved from 210 Sruth Wilmington street to No 14 West Har- gett stree, between Fayetreville and Salisbury streets where we will be rdeased to see all of oar customers and friends and public generally. We will taker pleasure in allowing our goods to all that clls to see us. J K TAYLOR Be HON. ja84 Merchant Tailors. Sleeper, Awake. Blow people, move. Why sleep and idle voar life away when time is so precious. Be progressive; keep up with the push or the present times; take advantage of what you see today and don't put off until tomorrow. fhe bargains we are offering in shoes are here tod?:, perhaps they will be gone tomorrow. we Qua some people progressive and know bargains when thev see them These are taking advantage of this great shoe sle and the stock is going rapidly About two thou sand pair left in this lot. ifivurytning m men's misses and la dies shoes; we are offering at about one half wholesale cost, at D T Swindell's. For Bent. The residence 8 roo us, bath room, with boh water and sawr connect" Ion; ou Salisbury street, nearly oppo site Supreme Court building; posses sion given Feb 1st. 1894. Apply to L K Wyatt, 210 fayetteville St. J23 5t WMte Granite Received today several orates of white granite All iu original import packages, and it is by far the cheap est lot of crockery ever brought to this market D T Swindell. Now Iu. One hun 'red rolls of straw mat ting, all beautiful patterns. D.T. Swindell. Selling Ail of Our Blankets. We will begin "taking stock" dur ing the week beginning tfonday, Jan 23d It has always been our custom to close out our wool blankets before our inventory. We have marked down wool blankets and if low prices will sell thm there will be none left to pack away Ooecan afford to buy blanket now even if not to be used before next,winter. W, H & R 8. Tijobibr & Go. Hicks1 beef, wine and iron is the best recuperator to take after the "grippe." Pint bottles, 60c. Snelling & 'Mcks' drug store. Turner's N O Hams & O 's Almanacs at A WIU . jalStf For Kent. The dwelling house now occupied by A W Fraps, on Davie street, be tween Fayetteville and Wilmington streets; 8 rooms and good basement. jal8 eodiw : A W FRAPS. Ooal. Just received 100 tons Kanwha, West Vasollat coal (best bituminous ooal on earth). Also several oars egg, nut and stove anthracite. dell T L Ebbrharot. Cut Flowers. Bouquets, . H.tskets, Floral Designs, PMuis, ttubbw and other foliage plants for house culture in the winter. Hyacinths, Tulips; Lillys, Naroisscs and other ' varieties of buloB for (alt planting. Oniuese Sacred Lily. Tele, phone 113. 613 H SXBUUUTX, Florist. For Itnt. Two roam bona hitthan mil imnil garden on Avent ferry road, near In tersection of Rillahoro rnari. ! nil. llml e. Possession after 8th Inst. Jl3tf J N Hubbard. For Bent. Two four room rta.ffu W.-trfk Blood worth street: bnt nf naiirhhn.. hoods; del clous water; none but good tenants need apply J&4 A B Strobaoh. We ean inr nlv vnn with all kinds of tablets, scratch pads, charge and credit pads. Raleigh Stationery Co. A GETT make fi a day. Greatest kitchen utensil ever invnnt.Arl Ri tails 85o 2 to 6 sold in every house. Sample, postage paid, five cents. Mo oiasiv 9 uo .uinoinnatl, Ohio. d28m Engraved cards, novelties, &o Raleigh Stationery Co. Everything needed in anhonl atn.. tionery supplies 4 Kalefgh Stationery Co. We can furnish you with anything you may need in office supplies. Raleigh Stationery Co. Winter Millinery, Xmas Goods. We are offering special bargains in all trimmed Millinery for Ladies, Misses and Children. A full line of 1? C 17 sS I? 1? O C C 1? O 17 C H1 C C 17 C C 17 1? TXT17 A TVTHT A fi A "DC E K AJL1 JL KJIXJL O E S E EEEEEEEEEEE y EEEEEEEEEE hi brown, nav blue and black. Some novelties in Xnai goods inexpensive. STAMPED TttiV COVERS. Bouffe and Bureau Scarfs, &o. Prices on all goods to suit, the times Call and see as. MISS MAGGIE REESE, my2 209 FAYETTEVILLE ST. W5A,ESTIUl : IN THE CAHDY-BUSIHESS. Our Combination Bon Bons have been pronounced 'delicious. Youj try them and be convinced. Our old reliable Chocolate Drops are still in demand. We use the best material and therefore make the beat candy. We are hetdquariers for Beaman's Pepsin Gum, said to be a sure cure for indigestion. Fine grades of Chewiuc Tobacco, and very choice brands Cigars. Fruits, Nuts, &c. BARBEE & POPE. INDUCEMENTS THAT THRILL you to the pocketbook. It is a positive waste of time to go else where to buy shoe or any other goods. Trade tn-ra and h 'rvast dollars. Men's and Boys' Boots and Bix-m, La dies' and Children's Shoe. Weaillsave j YOU MONEY on every py you buy. Men's Dress Shirts, ; Night 8hirts. Oallars, Cuffs and Ties, Dress Uoods rrimminfi-s, Uloves, Handker chiefs, Corsets, Lwses and Hamburgs, Table iJneui, Napkins and Towels, Books.Story Ba ks, Writing Books, ! Tablets and piper for all the little folks. TUELYQH BACKET SfQSE MISS MAGGIE REESE Hardware, &c. TOUGH EXDER. BY USING 1T1 SELF LI BA.STI HQ & 11 JU KOASTEB AND BAKES. For roasting all kinds of Meats. Bread, Cake and Fruit Mm. Naw Style Carvers. An Elegant Liae fiarY rs & Forks Guns and Gas Goods. CALL AT teH.Bfiis&Sflns, RALEIGH, N. C. OUR BARGAINS!! -IN- LADISS' ANJ MliSES I? is the talk of the town. Note the Diiferenca 1 ! "TiTlVT 1 IUASIM OLD iiifiDJ'jriON. NEW PRICES THK SPOT CASH DOES IT. P tlOES 1893 1891 15 00 Tai'or Made Garments ill 00 12 03 " " " 8 00 8 00 " " " 6 00 6 00 ' " " 4 00 5 00 .. '! 3 60 CWldren's Gretchen's & Reefers, Warm school wraps for children at prices never before mentioned. The grandest line of ladies and children's vhoes ever hown for school or dress. ) AO Ladies' fast black, full regular 1 A3 4 Vmade, Bibbed Hose, only XV SO SPECIAL DAYS but SPECIAL prices e7erv day. We make it a comfort and pleasure to our patrons who visit us and guarantee perfect satisfac tion in evr instance. Money cheerfully refunded if desired. c.A.Mltfco. Drj Ctoods, Notions, &c. Special -;- Values. list. A table of Ladies' Fine Hhoes, worth from $5 to $7,r educed to $8 and $3 60. A table of Ladies' Even log Slippers, in fashion able colors, correct styles and not shop worn, worth i 50 to $5 09, reduced to $2 50 and $3 00. nr. ii. & it. s. TUCKER 123 & 125,FaytteYille Strew V

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