""'r y ,jtirirtiMHJ fin Sic VOL. XXX. RALEIGH, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1894. SO. 95 CITT II BRIM. Locals Piri d Up Hera and Thara and Boiled Down, lfr A v Bienchard, of Varlna, U la tha city. A K Whlla. of Lnmt erton, la stop plog at the Central Hotel. Tnrnln aalnd In hnnrianee on tha. market today at ten cents a peck. I It Is raid Raleigh will know her ; Daw postmaster before many days. j The cold wave has reached as and brought with It both hail and snow. The health of ex Gov T M Holt, ! who is now in Florida Is said to be most excellent. WmL Marshall, of Wadesboro, has been appointed a notary puollo by the governor. j 8herlff J M 8pell,oflaampson coun ty, has settled In l all with the state treasurer $5,799 10. Mies Maggie Bonn, of this city, left today to visit her ancle, in the wes tern part of the State. rve prettiest valentine of the sea sf vJallttie ifitnei .Lyon witn golden She is just seven years old I dirt from of the large hole on Fayetteville street is fast disappear lag and the erection of the build ing will soon oommenoe. Mr Frank Gllroy from Mr J 9 Carr's farm near HUIeboro, N O., is in the etty with a fi le lot of horses which were in the parade today. Secretary of State Coke will in about two weeks publish the annual ' report of the insurance companies doing business in North Carolina. Mr Will's Sorrell, of Cary Town ship, aged 73 years committed suicide yesterday morning at 9 o'clock by hooting himself in the head with a pistol. An alarm of fire was tamed in last " evening abont 6 o'clock, bat tarned oat to be nothing, as is usual the case in Raleigh, as oar fire depart ment are always on hand in time to prevent a fire. i It is now known that we will have the Baptist Female University We learn that the school will we opened next September In the Adams 8nd Pollen buildings. To make pare of this the citizens of Rt'pfgh huve promised to raise $2000. Will Simmons be Confirmed. The Washington correspondent of the Charlotte Observer says: Collect tor Simmons is here. His confirma- f tion was not considered by the finance committee today. Reports err anat- ing from h re, purporting to give pre-! else division on the Simmons matter of the committee, are probably with- . tnt,. r- o oat foundation. Whether Mr Sim- mons receives a scaiority or not. a fa- tare event n t yet clear enough to speculate Intelligently about, it is pretty certain that he will have a majority of democrats in the senate and perhaps some republicans If the republicans and populists all vote against him be will not be confirmed. Spring Time. Has winter left us? Yoa would think so if yoa could have seen the fine tender lettuce Mr 0 0 McDonald has been selling for the past two weeks. It is elegant and the very thing yoa have been longing for. Call on him as he wants to dispose of all be has by 8aturday. He will have some on sale at Mr Long's stall in the market Sataiday morning; if yoa want any before then Bend to his res idenoe, 408 .Oakwood avenue. He will Interest yoa in his "Hobby" "Toma toe and Tomato Plants" In an ad . . . u mA I- -,,Air.mn- in wuiuu ywu win uu a few days. Watch for it. .1 &4 Sick In Philadelphia. Mrs Heck, widow of tha lata Col J M Back, was nnabla to' attend tha funeral, bnt Is at Philadelphia with two of her daughter. Misses Fannie and Susie, who are qnlta sick. Appointments. Mr John C Scarborough,. State 8a- I ii j a - a nH!. a a. permwnuem oi mono insirnoiiou, hu made the following appointments for public speeches in the interest of public education: Four miles from Smltbfield, Feb 21; v. t inlander, April 12; at Republican church, B-rtle county, on the morning of April 13, and at V Indoor in the evening; at I Boss church, Bertie county, April 14; at Salem, Forsyth county, April 28. There will bn a public auction of household and kitchen furniture at Mr Daniel Hortous on Franklin street tomorrow at 1 o'clock. Reynold's Shoes. The celebrated Reynold's shoes that we have been handling for a number of years and which has given such entire satisfaction, will be included in the lot of shoes from the Durnam Supply Go's stork wt are selling at cost Remember, every pal' of Rey nold's shoes now la stock will be of fered at wholesale cost D. T Swindell. Notice. Five O" tea men can get table board at Jordan's dlaing ball by applying - soon. Prices reasonable, t 18ts A E J mrs ait, Prop. Try 0 O Ball's c sugar. Special Embroidery Sale. Beginning tomorrow, Feb lota we will offer a limited line Df cambric embroideries, edges ana lnsertlngs, at prices ranging from 15 to 87 per cent. less man usnat. While these embroideries are not our high class stock, yet they are sightly patterns and reliable good far superior to the Inferior goods gen eraiiy solid as bargains They are all now, fresh and clean stock, bonght undervalue, in which our oastotuers may share the advantages. These on a special table W H & R S TUOKKR & Co. Try C O Bali's 10 coffee. Reynold's shoes at Cost. Everv pair of Reynold's shoes now in stock will be offered at wholesale cost. This line of Bhoes are well known to the eoiile of Raleigh and surrounding country, aud every pair is new too a rule is a ere at cnance and every one should fake advantage or it. v v Swindell Fruit cheap enough for anybody to eat at u u call s. Kggs lc a piece at 0 O Ball's. i .. . . 1 qq Bal 'u ierooos good for the grip i - are especially Gents, Look. The celebrated E & W collars and cuffs that we bought In the Durham Haoplv Go's stock are here and they will be sr.lii at. wholesale cost. A 40c pair of cofft) for 80c. a 8kj co,la for SOo. These goods are well known and i always taae me ieau in i neir line. 1) 1 Swindell. Notice. I have sol i out my new saloon. No : 75 Exc auge Pice, better known as ; the Mark's stand, to Click PeBoy, Jr ! bat voa will find me at old reliable No 11 Exchange Place, where I have voa cm find the best and purest li quors in the city. I carry a full line of liquors, wines, caampagnes, Dotn imported and domestic. Also a nice line of imported and domestic cigars Thanking yoa for past favors and asking for a continuance of the same 1 am res.eotra iy, John TJ. Smith, 2t No 11, Exchange Place. At Bight Prices. 1 am positive you would not waste money if yoa knew it. Yoa would not pay t wo dollars for something yoa could buy for oue dollar by step ping in next door, Hence, if yoa really knew how far a dollar would go at Swindell's st"re now while the Durham fruopiy Uo's stock is being sold tnere, we are positive yoa would never go any wuere else. yoa get money these days yoa work for it. And a little thought will save I yoa many dollars. Forty eight thou ' sand dollars ortu o. drv goods.oloth I lug aud 8noB ftt wholesale cost; DT Swindell. Valentloes ! Valentioes ! ! The largest and Dretlest stock of Valentines can he foand at Woollcott 6 Bona. Kites, kites at Rlggan's. Seaaonable Plants Strong early cabbage and lettnee plants to set out now. Asparagus K)tS. TIJWKRS, R09KS. AO Out flowers, roses, bona nets, bas kets and floral Tieslgns. palms, prim roses, rubhr aVtd other decorative plants for the- !i nse. Fresh flower seeds Magnolias and evergreeos.eto. H Steinmbtz, Florist. North Halifax st. Phone 113. Near Peace Institute. Ah there I Get there I Valentines, comic and fancy, at Rlggan's toy store. See them Sporting lab Cigars Are the bost on the market for 5e. They are for sale onlv by Ie7 J Halt xJOBBITT. Don't-cher know Riggau's is the place to get floe cigars. Oar first special bargain sale of the season will be M on lay, February 19' h. 1891. On that day we will offer 800 all linen hnck towels. 15x10, 8.0. 300 all linen back towels, '8x36, lie. 803 all lineu hue towels. 20x38. i8e 8.000 yds of the very be t shirting prints at 4o a yard. 8.000 yas fruit ot tne oom, l yara wide, at 8c a yard. woollcott li Hons. A Sarupls Line Ladles Muslin underwear. We have last placed on sale a com plete line, no two garments alike, ot adies muslin noaerwear. rnese are not shoddy, poorly mde garments, the ki. ds freqaently off ered as bar gain sales; but are well made and of tne nest material Attention is asuea to the variety and attractive prices. A display of this purchase may now be reen in oar north Fayetteville street window. v W. H & R. 8. TO0KBB ft OO Garden Seed Special Offer. I will sell yoa a dozen papers of Baist's new crop garden seed, as sorted, for 25 cents. j uai tJoooitt. . Coal. Just received 000 tons Kantwha, West Va splint coal (best bituminous coal on earth). Also several oars egg, nut and stove anthracite. del4 T L Ebbrhardt. Ilotice Anv Demon desiring to make a loan of $5,000, to be secured by a first mort gage on real estate, will please ad dress F O Box 283, Kalelgn, JN u I o 1 W. 1 Physician and Sargeon, Residence, 222 Test Hargett street. Telephone No 27. Office, over Bobbitt's drag store. Telephone Vo 35. In addition to te office at my reaideacs, I have fitted up one over Bobbitt's drug store where I may be found from 8 CO 9 a m, 2 to 3 p m a:ia 8 to a p m. Messages at either place will receive prompt at' en tion. fe7 6t W H BOBBITT, M D. PRESBYTERIAN HYMN BOOKS. We have just received a full supply or TH New Hvmn Books Adopted by the First Presbyterian Church of this dty. Prices: 350., 50a, 65o. and 11.00. eaitions 75c, 11.25 and I2.P0. Note The book will be used exclusively on and Jafter next Sunday, 4th of February. Alfred wiiLUKs 4 co. B3BB1TT Hicks' bef. wine and iron is the ! best recuperator to tak after the "grippe " Pint bottles. 50e Snelllng "lets' drug store. Tamer's N O Hams ft O 's Almanacs at A Wil JVStf Every ODOBf TO UK OUR r.xss Family NED CARE 8BOTTLD BE TUCEVTO QET THE BEST WD PHI1V & Iresb and Se Ufl bftQQl lect Stock. "WeAsls: a Ti?al J. G. Ball & Co. NO. 7 HIEQETT 8T. Ws hare the bst sad cheapest goods in the oity. Try them. We gaaraotee satisfaction. l a halt. nn ja3 No 7 Hargfett 8t. DODD, NICHOLS & ffl., BE IL ESTATE, ... AND GENERAL UVS E3S AG'TS, BLKIQH, N. C. w have the following valuable property for sale: TIMBER CUT Land, and 2 Cottars, 5 rooms each, with necessary outbai'dingg; 2,500 acres land, 100 seres cleared and five Sores in standard varieties of grape"; located in Hoore co'mtv, a great nareain. 2.000 TO I.OA fi nn p.itv nrnnprfv nrefpr to loan nit to one party. . rr-"jtr HANDSOME B IRl')K RKSIDEN'-K with 8 acres of land, for sale on accommodating l71LUB. AUJ. BUI CQ Ul 1HUU BUJU1UU1K I A, 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 ' me oil v; win oe ioiu as a waoie or in psrceis to snit purchasers. DWELLING, Carm Houes. Mill Site and 300 acres land, 200 acres cleared, located 3 miles north of tne city of Raleigh. 800 ACRES Land, 7 miles south of thi city r T?aloivKk trf ia f . A rn Klin ftila iCH acrs in orieinal eriwth of oak, bickorv, pine, Ac; cleared laud sufficient for a 2-horse I arm 10,000 acres Pine Land, 10 miles railroad track; railroad laid with steel rails; land cov ered with long leaf pines: located in Moore and Cumberland counie, N C; a splendid bargain for lumber manufacturers. CATERER w,N ! ED An exrerienced caterer warned to take charge of a restaurant doing a fine business; an intere t in the bus iness will be disposed of to the right kind of a person. Apply to DODD, NICHOLS AGO. "jye ARE STILL IN THX CAHDY-BUSIHESS. Our Combination : Bon Bon C! have been pronounced "delicious. You! try ! mem ana oe convinced. Our old reliable Chocolate Drops are still in demand. We use the best material and therefore make the best candy. We are hexdquar'ers for Beaman's Pepsin Qum, said to oe a sure cure for imi gestion. Pine grades of Chewing Toba co, and very choice brands Cigars. Fruits, Nuts, &c. BARBEE & POPE. SPRING GOODS. Nice styles in 8priig Gingham at only 5c per yd. It is no thin stuff but is goods worth double the money. It is a bar ain for you Come and see it before the prettiest ratierns are gone. If it is not the best goods in Raleigh for 5 cents, we don't ask you to buy. This is no special s ue, but one price to all. iTM UQII BACKET STOPsE GOO Hardware, &c. rUOH T ORKEY T EVDEB. BY USING SELF, ItOASTE B AND BAKER. For routing all kinds of Meats. Brgad, Gtte and Fruit Klim. Nw SlyleJ Carvers. An Elegant LinaCawrsSForh Guns and Gun Goods. CALL AT . TflOS. H. BfiggS & SOUS, RALEIGH, N.C. ry Good, "futons. &. Cut toi Ont and Rring It With i You. j . i mfTt n -a ! 9T SI Ui III CUT hki m on al! Wiater Drss Goods and Wool en Underwea of all kinds ill continue until Feb 17. i " T ) A C P A D A DCj : U-U aaX1.0 QL ill ilxll O at helf former price, a few left. Only Saturday is the Day. We will close this week with a grand Jabtlee Sale of New Sprhg styles of the famous AMOSKEAG Ging hams at 5c per yard; former price was 10c. Come early in iS the morning. The day will be a busy one. SHOES at manufac fare-s prices to close out QUICK IQlSf IB i 'JJ J W.H R.S. War i Co. Four Shoe Items. FOR PHYSICAL CULTURE, Qum bottom. black and tan doth tops, at 85c toll 00. 'S Glove Grain Bals $1 00. Glove Grain Button $1 25. rmnvr inn SIHH 1 I.H y 1145 lUllUIJJllilJJ LL If UUJJ U.UU BOYS' HEAVY Calf, Sprirg Heel Button, at $2 25. ZIEGLER'S LADIES' WAT both opera and common sense, worth 9250 at $2 00. THE BEST SHOES alweys at the lowest prices. 123 and i2i-?tttililii Jtieet,. . , I." irt ir t rrn