..I .1 7 ! v. III mi 1 i i Trie Bailg Kusamn Visitor. VLMISD ITIRT "liOOB, (Kieept ooaday.) T VISIT'tK la aerved by carriers la the elty at '45 ceau per month, feyable to the orrien in advance. Prloea for maMo fit per year, or M eenta per month. Commanktloos appearing in these eolumna are ba the eipreaalona of the opinion of the eorreapondenu writing the tame, and they alone are responsible. A orott nark X after your name nfonna yon that your time out. Address all ordera and eommnnlea lions to W. n. BROW, Sr., Raleigh, N Q Loeal netloea In thla paper will be Fire Oenta per line each Insertion. Office-Upstairs over Hr. .T. Hal Bobbltt'a Prui; 8tor 2d floor. U- i Lift 4K4T OlfV OlROUl.ATIOa. HALEIUU, FEB. 17, 1894. l NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. ! read a paper at Qen Birrloarer will the next meeting of the Historical Society cn the battle at Ramaour'a Mill. Obarlotte wants to seeare the State Horticultural Fair this year. The con teat for it appears to be between that eltyand Wilmington. A blustering blizzard from the northeast was howling around town about 19 o'clock last night, and the mercury was falling ateadily, says the Wilmington Star. Last Saturday morning the two only prisoners in Pitt county jail gave bond and were released. It is the first time it has been empty since ic waa boUt, twelve years ago, fays the New Brrue Journal. Perhaps the largest bale of cotton ever sold In Salisbury was brought to market this morning by Sir Ben Ladwick. It weighed 701 pounds, and waa purchased by Mr J F McOub bina. Mr John Hoffman, of Guilford coun ty, had hla barn burned a few days alnee. The fire originated from matches which had been dropped by bora who had been playing in the barn. Mr Hoffman saved hla stock bat none of the feed el off could be aaved. Ool J S Oarr's factory exhibit arri Ted on a special car by last night's passenger train. Preparations for It had been going cn all day by gentle men who came down In advance Mr H N 8dow ctme down with it. He ia at Mm N S Richardson's, aaya the New Berne Journal. Four Big Successes. Having the needed merit to more than make good all the advertising elaimed for them, the following four remedies have reached a phenomenal ale: Dr King's New Discovery, for consumption, coughs and colds, each bottle guaranteed Electric Bitters, the great remedv for liver stomach and kidneys; Bnoklen's arnica Salve, the beet in the world, and Dr KiDg's Hew iilfe fills, which are a perfect pill. All these remedies are gaaran teed to do just what is cl timed for them and the dealer whose name is attached herewith will be g'ad to tell you more or them, sold at J jhn x MacRae's drug store. On their return from New Orleans last week U S Senators McMillan of Michigan, and Manderson, of Re braaka,epent a couple of days in Ashe- ville, and were delighted with the beautiful scenery. Mr McMillan says It ia the "fiuest he has ever beheld," . and Mr Manderson waa "not prepar ed to behold such marvelous seen ery." There are lots of things down In this eoantry that would open the eyes of gentlemen up there who con fine their meanderings to the other aide of the line. It would do them good' to cone down and take a look occasionally. Wilmington Star. A Quarter Century Test. For a Quarter of a century Dr King's New Discovery has been tested, and the millions ! wb have received benefit from its use tei-tify to its wonderful curative powers Li all dis eases of throat, chest and lungs. A. remedy that has stood the test so long ard that has given so universal stbstintkm is no expert merit. Bach bottle is positively guaranteed to give reiiei, or tne money win oeretunaea. It is admitted to be most reliable for coughs and colds. Trial bottles free at John Y M acRae's drug store. Large size 50c and tl . , . The Birmingham Rolling Mills, '.Birmingham, Ala, will- resume work this week, giving employment to ,OQQ mea INTERESTING ITEMS. i China la the most anoleut empire In th world and eontaloa oue-nitu or th h tjo rae. Ma-schptU' Ha-oane Society erected 'he first lifeboat atatlon in A merle a Cobaeset Maar. I Whea that la grown in ooribern Utitu l.n nrolaajf inaob more seed! than grain grown farther routh. ' Flori da oranges are b-lu ahtpped to Europe, where hitherto the Ital ian frrlthaa relgoet supreme. If it oald.be dagta Cepthof 46 miles the air at the bottom would be aa dense aa qalekailv-r. i One of the earlieet ahlpwrecka re corded In this eoantry waa that of a Dutch vessel on Sandy Hook in 1630 a small horse power engloe which is said to mike 43 cigarettea a minute is the invention of a Frenchman In Sicily it is claimed that fire will not burn nor snakes bite the person who was born on St Paul's Day (June SO ) A copy of the Latin VulgMe, claim ed to be printed in 148), has come I 1 rNnaanaatnn f I H VT1 AB Whit Anil of Hartford, Conu A pig IS months old that measures six feet long and we'ghs nearly 600 pounds In owned by Wiley Seville, of Brossville, N O. E'ghty seven and a half mill'ons of passengers p ssea tnrouirn ine vari ous railway statloob in P trls, arriviDg or departing, during 1393. The Krupp gun works claim to have m inufaotured a machine which will roll iron so thin that would take 1.800 sheets to make an inch. Antiauarlans generally consider the MnDtz Psalter, printed on ellum in 146C by Peter Schoeffer, to be the first book with a printed date. There have been more remains of mastodons and other extinct mam moths found in Ichtucknee River, Florida, than any other stream in the world. A rquare copper coin, struck by the Swedish government in the 16th century, as nearly one half inch thick and weighs a pound and a quarter. When the skull of a man who haa died with delirium tremens; is sawed into, the gas which escapes can be lighted and will burn with a blush, alcoholic flime. In West India Islands, Nubia and the Soudan whistling trees are found. Peculiarly shaped leaves and pods, with a spilt or open edge, give tne win! a chance. Those who suppose that th people of all China use the same language are badlv mistaken There are as many different dialects spoken in the flowery kingdom as there are in all Europe. AN OLD BIBLE. Frederick News B F DaUnney, 8harpsburg, has in his possession a German Bible that belonged to the Qood family. It is 18 Inches long, 13 inches wide an 6 inches th ck, weighs 80 poun !a and contains a,1 76 pages. It is bound in heavy raw hide with brass corners and a brass clasp, and contains a num ber of pictures. It was printed in the year 1730, and ia therefore, 191 years years old. A LADY BURIED ALIVE. Petersburg, Va , February 15 A rather startling report ia in oircula tlon today, which has the appear ance of authenticity. ' though no names are given Some time ago the body of a lady was brought here for interment, and ts the husband had no square in the cemetery, the re mains were temporarily interred in the grounds of a friend. Recently the husband purchased a square, had it died np nicely, and then had the re trains of his wife disinterred for re moval there. Upn his request the coffin waa opened that he migbt view the body, when it was discovered that the body was lying face downward, with hands clasped in the hair. The painfal evidence was that the de ceased had been buried alive, and that life revived after the burial. j Mr, Bland expressed hlmelf aa con fiient that his seignorage bill will I pass the House by a safe majority. Tomorrow at the Churches. METHODIST. SDturow rr. m. . a sv. J. . ooti, ruoi. I Preaching at U a m and i:30 p m 8urdy school 9 SO a-in. W J. tfoung,8upC cnrui m a aav d a njrrn. ruroe. Preaching at It a m and 7:15 p m. 8uDUy school at 9:30 i in crrr aiaioi abd bbookltm . R. whhak rrroa 8rvica every 3imdav a id weetly p -aysT meet:cg as follow: , CAfcAL'IUH MI'.U Prchig at 11 a m by the olor Bunday School at S p m I' C Williams, Jr, turciiotendent. Prayer meeting Thornday n'ght at 7 89. PILOT MILLS Suo.isf 8.:hool at 2 p ui. T 0 Williaaii, 8r, anperta'ena 'dl. raching ifJpm, Prayer meeting Thursday night at 7:30. BBOOKLT. Suodsy school ' p m J H Porter 8apt. Preachiov at 7:0 o in, bv h pstor. Prayer meeting Wednesday night 7:30. BAPTIST, nur eiv. de. j. r. casts a, rASToa. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Praver meetjiK Wednesday nixht 7:'t l A.U teats free. Politd ushers at c'nrch services. Sunday school 9:30. 8. W. Brewer, S ipt. BAPTIST WEST IND MISSION. Sunday school 3:30 r m. Services every 8und-y night at 7:30 TABERNACLE HIV. A. M. 8 MM, PASTOB. Preaching at 11 a m and 7:30 o m. Sunday school 9:15. N.B.Broughton, Supt. rAYE'TKVILLE STREET. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8:00 d. m. Sunday School at 3:30 p. m., John T. Pul- len, Superintendent. EPISCOPAL. CHRIST CHURCH REV. DR. MARSHALL, SECTOR. Second Sunday in Lent. WatIj celeor-tion 8 am. Sunday so oil 10:00 a. m. Divine service and cermon 11 a m. Evening -vrvice :00 p. m Daily services during the week at 10 a and 5pm, except Thurjiay. Thursday 10 a m , and p m Free seats. All invited. CHCBCH Or THE OOOD 8HEPHERD REV. I. MCK, PITTINOER. HECTOR. Secont Pundav in Lent. Hly CTnTimnion a 8 a m. Morning prayer und sermor 11 a m. 8unday School at 3:30 p. m. Bvemns nraver and sermon at 8:00 D tn. Daily services throoghnut ihe week t 10 a ra and 5 pm, except Wednesday at 10 a m and 8 pm. Saturday (!jt Matttms) Holy Uonimunsoa iu a m. 8eats free. All cordially invited. !HfU TIAN. CHRISTIAN BEV. J. L. FOSTER, PASTOR. Sunday school 9:30 a. m Preaching at 1' a m and 7:30 p m. All cordially invited. PRESS YTI5RIVN. FIRST BEV EHQBNE DANIEL, D D, PASTOR. Sunday ochool at 9:30 a m. Preaching at 11 a m and 7:30 p m. Cordial invitation to all s"ricei. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts. brnises, sores, ulcers, sat rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chapped hinds, chil blains, corns and a'l skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no p&v required. Ic is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refund ed. Price 25 cents per pox. For sale hv John Y Mac Ran. Land Sales, Sale of H ouse and Lot Bv vitue of power conf wed n me by two certain mortgages executed ry K-ftanley mc Intyre and wife,Kat;e tfclntyre, whica said mortgages are duly recorded Register Vaka county, in bo k fc 118, at pige 60", a id book No 124, p je 500, 1 will oiler for sa e to the higheit bidder f r cash, a, the c urt house door, on Saturday, Harc i. '7, 14, the house tn 1 lot in s tid mortgages de scribed I viii ' lust eU of the city at Ralei'i, on the west side of Smitu street, ewiiig the lands of . Li oi aid others, being ie tangular in ship , fronting 42 feet 9 inches on Smith st eet. at ruanine back I '3 fet Also at the S:tui) ti ne and place a lot of household au i kitolie i furaituri. fei c tds BKMiiPA i U B, MjHg igee. Kaleign. JN U. f'eD 10 1WH Mortgage Sale. iSy virtue of authority oouferred in a iier tain mnpfiro ia ovom l-arl tr t Pt-nh tr JefEersoa Goodwin, recorded in book 107, at page i, in Kenaer ot Deeds otnceot aKi county, H 0, we will, on Monday, the 26th day of Feo -uary 1 D, 1894, at 12 'clock in, at the court hunsj door in the city of It il- eigh, sell to the highest bid ier for cash, th it tract of inn i lyin an 1 situate ou the waters of WUnut cr.'efc, aN)utoie half mile south east of the village of Cary, adjoining the wuua ui -m itie ut'ioi iait, urio ) JOJ3, Jacob ilaynttrd, Kniou Jones and others, contai Mag 1 acres, more or, leas, and more iuiiy aescriDej in said mortgage. fK&LVi JCM&XNA.KD, Attys for Eztn of J A Pugh. Thia Janury IS, 189 1. Sale tiywirt id ot a innsagi, etdoj'ei to me ,4 .-if.. i.!..,U l by J M Pool an i wife, Elizabeth eooi. re- Kitded in tue oilice of the tteai'ster of One I of vVake county, N 0, in bb-k 125, page 770. I will sell at publi i ausiion, for on:i. on M m 1 iy, the 19tu day of February, 1SJI, t 12 o'o'ock iu, at toe court uoj-m dior i'i the city of !aieih, N O, a certain trtctof U ii situate! at tae villaga of uoura, it li i'y's townsmp, vyaKe county, iN u, aijoiniu the lanus oi uanas uyatc, ueo nonuple. Brax ton Banks aid nthers, containing abiut 8 acres. jais anxjLOSt Sale of Landi By virtue of a decree entered at Octooer term. 1893, Wake Superior Court, iu the case of J M Orensuaw agiinst J B Ferrell nJ wire, tin unleraigned will, on uoid .v.- Feb- rnary 2tjth. 1891. at the cjurt home d or in luiieia, ai nuoa. expose to public sale tne land iu Uak Or tye township, ivake county, on which J B F-rreil and wite now live. r.-ll ' . ... . .. contoining 75 acres.- Term One thiru casa, uuauca n one ana two yea's. V U xU6rJlH, TMAttiO, Jan 20th tda Oomausaionera, m 'ITobeiuiccessfanl in tMs UBiusiiiess YouShould Plant and Reliable G Iael Robt Buist's acknowledged by the truckers of Raleigh to be auperior to alt other makes and better adapted to our toil A climate. I am pleaaed to offer an aaortment of ......... . ...M ... ,. M..M M i n r, i n i nfT j ; : it it Si BKE.TS : UABBAiiK, (14 varieties), , CABROT, t PKI.hlRV , ii CUCUMBER, ii ii ii :: COLLARDd, ii KALE. LETTUCE, LEFK, MUSTARD, OKRA, him a Irish IPotaloes, (Northern grown ) (Oiuiom Sets, Con ii a amid Beams, all at j. HAL BOB BITT'S, Headquarters for Drus and Seeds, 3t&- LEICtH jst o L4AIO SALES bale ol Laid to date As3ets.- Under and by virtue of a decree of the Su perior ours oi Wi:a ii . Moveaaber term, 1S93, in a civil actio 1, e ititle.i '.'Xn drew Syma, adoi'o! Vintf Bledsoe deo'd. ya Jl JBieaaoeer. ai, we will sell at pub lic auctiou, to tue big ist oid Ier for cjsh at tne court bouse door iu tne eitj of Kale's , N 0. at 12 o'clocK n, of February 2tth, 1891, Deing Monday ot eormry term ot Walce Su erior )ourt) thef ilowi jgdejcribed Uni to-wit: T lie norm huf ot'ltt No 3, oaBa- ver, an 1 of Vo 4, on ih uCEer'a tn t of Ble i- ste's adli ion to tna city ot tUliii i, ro it- iaj 105 fdet o l th-t e wt line of Hi ju ji street ejtneusi )n, an i HJ fet o J the a jai'i .'ije ot aj ludiry street, adjo mng tbj nam corpo rate line of tie citoi tiit"ii iforjaid, oataining o ib half o' an are of lan I. il-io, tne one-lourtn nwre r wia H B1U e, deo'd, Mftir tne iife estate ot v(oj.es a. Biedsoa in so nuh of t'ie lan 1 of Cm ophHus tuater,dec' 1, aj was bequaatu! oy win to viary t and Jlirtia'jt duarer, con veyed by deed of tt try d jlallet ia partition to Martia i Bllaoi. and of whio tbe aaid Martha U Bledsoi died seized, lyin; iuit south of the city of R'leigi aforejii J,ou tue east side of tae Vayet'eyille roa i, on botu oides of Rocty bran sa and ili'Uioa H)Uie Drancb, aat ooua led ou tbe eit aa 1 aorlh by the sixth and seventh lines reijeotiyjlv of the partition deed f Miry d i tllet afore said, con t lining about eight acre, nnre or less. TH Jis tt P(J tNuiuL, ja25 TPDfiVBRliJX uomm'sai jnrs. Execution Sale, Under and by virtue of i exacutio i, is- sued to me from thadjperior Jourt o; Vaka county, return bie tt tue February t-irm. 1144 or tne .-m urior uoiirr. Deia nn ou tha 26ta day of Feorutry next, in favor of the Kileign National runt agaiast Jl a Bl xlboe. A N Sbaffer etaL 1 wni sell at Ddb- lie aucuoa to tne Uubeit oi Id r tor oi-a, af. the court house door In Raleigh, ou Mon Hay, 26ta day of February, 1891, at the hour of 12 m. al the rieat. title aud interest of tne said a W ananer, suiject to sale uaaer sai l execution, ia - id to the to'ij vi ig d; scribdd lauds levied upon ai the propertypf A. w anauer, t-wiu . . 1st lot: t'arr ot lot MO 4, aa siowaoi Shaffer's ax ot tne a ty oi liileiu. boun i ed on tbe eiat y lot of Arthur Go -ham; oa tue south bv lot of ar .Vilwa. oa tue reit by lotot Friace Atmus, ".and .on the ukcu bv Lenoir street. - 2d lot: Abo part of lot So 15, aa showu o.i Hharfer s majof tue oity of Htl izi. owln- niugatji t Brown's nor:heit orur on riiouat street. ruuam eait, witu tirovn'a Hue to the wst unj of lot o!4; ; he ice north with tae vest line of lot NjUti & Martin's line; tueuoe west wita Jiartia's VU6 to Uloun . street; theaje aoutu wit a tue east una of mount scree; to the Umiu da .. Idiot: Che reversioa i l ta hjantei lof W a HaaD m oue acre of uilii luex ad ioining the la 1 1 ot J f vtuiuiuaulota era; also in oae lot ia Apex, 25x10 1 feet, ad- joining ii i Ucinaoa, u vy I'erry aa 1 ota- ! era, an i ers.anl also in one lot in a. -llv doriaa. I coutaiaiig i of aa acre, a Ijoiuiag t ie lands Ioi 4ro ros aau otuers M .V FAQS, Jan 18, 1391 Sheriff or vaae oouuty. ,RDKN BDKM AI8 Only Pure,Fresh ardenSeeds. these seeds, including: ' I H MSLONS, eeeeaaae il 11 ii "1 NION SEED. ii PARSNIP, i POtfPKIN, ii PEPPe.ES, RADDIStl, ii SALSIFY, : 1! : : a :t ii eriHAOH, 8QUA8H, TOMATOES. TURJSIPd, &o H ii i a a Land Sales. Execution Sale. Under and ov virtue of cert tin executin ia in my naud-t.isaueJ from the Superior Jourt of wake cjuaty au t returnable io the Feb rutry terui of e&i.l court, to Oj heli ia Ral eigh, ou Jloudaj, Mlh day of Feb uary, 1891, tue oue iu i4Vor o; A iV ohiffr agaiudt M. A Hiedioaaa l Via H dieusoj, the Oi.iier ia l'iivor of Jo.u viatiing, A V ouatfer dud Ueo 1' Oooke uud against the saia Jl A Bitdjo,', lev.ed oy me upon tue linda ot tie sua al A Ble isoe, 1 ul sell at puolioa.icrun, tube higuest bidder foruaaa at tue siid jourt, nouie door m italeua. on lueau, tue tna da of Febru try, 1894. at lae uo it ot ii o uiojic iu. all the latereat of the sai 1 a1 i. iiie aoe, auuj jot to sale uuder Siii exeouiioua, iu aa and eery yart of tue . uua uiu ) ciiuicj ai'Uite lu the count ot .d.e ntate ox .ortu (Jar l.a, auilviuir ltaiu tae general oou liariea follov.tt, to wn: Ou tue uortu oy tuj s juta oouaiary liue ot tbe city of Kiieiga; o tue east by the none nan or dmiihdjid road; oa theasutu ' 0 tne south liue oi "doata aveuue." as shoffn upon "duaffdr s ao aui uian of Bledaoe'a addi ion to tue ci;y of rUieigU," (oeiu tue uort i one of t it laada ot tue said HI jus oe uiortgagdd to O Jl Jar ter, Kuowu as tue uortu nue oi tae uarter uiorigae). aud ou tue went ,v tae FayetieviUe road, save ia l excdptiaa euuh poru.naof tualimlin. exude i withia tae said oouudanea aa axe set ' a jrt aa tne uo uiejtead of tue oaid Jloaei a Bl.dioe ot OffueJ oy af otner peraoaa un der valid ooaveyance frooi tue said Biedsoe or otuerwse AH PAtfifi. Jnoai,J894 daeriff of vVaxe coauty. Execution Sale. Jaier aaa oy virtue of Cjrt uu etecatioua ui my uaa jj, isiUd iro u tae duparior Oourt ii V aKo cou tyaud reiuruibie to ine Feb- ru r terui of sai i cou,-t, to be nel l in Ril- eigu oa Jtoaday, 2tiia day of Feoruary. ; 8 4, in j oue iu favor of the it leigu a- nouai liASit. against J Jl Harria anj st a Blelaoe, tae ouer ia Uvr of the said Ral eigh Wit oual- dauit agiiosi tUe said Jf A liiOUsOJ, leidi 0 to. a oa tae ma U .if r.u aaii j4 a tiiiJdbt, l wui ae.i ao public auo uo ; to aa ui ue ,t aid Ier tor ouau at tae i.id ojutv iouse door ia italeiru a i .,i. ay. ,ue octa day ot Feoraarv. 1894. at tna uo u i t2 o uiouit a, aii tue luttxeat of the J i l BoUdJd, uu J.eot cO di.e u l.lar sid a ecuiuoui, it ail and every part of tae tauua uuiu prduiues suuaie ia tha oouuty of i.e, iUj Oi Njrta Jrouia, iuJ lyiig ViiiUia ledujrii uouu lane foiioviug, to ivit; Jutujuitia oy ;ae aouta oouaiary uue o tue oity oi Aiuifu; oa tae aet tae -ijujai-.u o. duiibadoii iOiU; o i tue sota o. tue soatu uaeoi "dJUkU aeuue," as sujwu up j i " tuaifer'a mip aud piaaof Biedjoe'e uddiaou to tue ay oi Ruieigu," oeuij i'ue uorui lueo .ujUuie j tajt ud dieOioe ui jnni ti O A. Jaaec c 1 1 yu a4 kite a jrui uue oi tue i.rter ui. tgigj; aad out ieweit oy tue Faettevule rjtHaiVe aud exjeptiu auou portioaa of tue laui lu cidded vyu au tue sai i ooua iaaeu aa are ovred by auy oaer persoai under valid oaveyuaoe froui tue uii tJ.eijje or on r. wise. J4 v rii iaa id, IdJi duerul oi Uu do ' is

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