( - a VOL. XXX. RALEIGH, SATURDAY, MARCH 3. 1894. NO. 110 r ,.f . ...-r.-r- pa-is mtaJLLL , y UtettoC 0 V v CITT II 1RIXF. f a !a THr mA Tin If am anil XtiM anil . r BoiledDown. 1 n!tol apltf- t011 r K very t ling qnlet at the Ko newt la any of the departm Workmen are repairing the eeeond story and roof of W H King & 0o'.l Tomorrow aft?rnoo s from 4 to 5 drag store. j o'tlock the asal Qoepel service a$ the A n ce ault It being pat in the old . M C A. Song service SO mlnates ; Soeenbaam building for the ate of ,olas,quartette, and choratei ;accom the 8avlQge Bank, panhdbv several inttramentt. Mr MrAPFage. owner of the Park " McPheeters, Hr speaker. Young hotellehavlng a kitchen erected In men earnestly reqae.ted to attend, a rear of the hotel. I J g bAth Jag (and old Come all I rnd enjoy an LB Oa-ehart, colored, took the hour of gl)90e, W9ra,p oath to praotloe iaw before Hon R P j Hoke this morning. j Improrementl Rev B H Whltaker will preach at' Wearegl.dto kuow that the elty Brooklyn at 4 p m tomorrow Instead authorities are tak'ng an active In fatpight. There will be no night terestin the Improvement of Nash service: tqaare. New curbing it now on the Did yoa ever tee any prettier gwooi preparatory to patting it up weather for Marcht if it will only ft,on et side and we ander toy to for awhile the road, will aoon tand J ,8, the lotion o pare the be In order .: sidewalk along the east fide; also pave There were a good many country wagons 'n town today loaded with all k'nds of produce. The market it fairly glutted with eggs. That it a pretty wagon of Colgate s Co., of New York, teen on our streets. It travels through the country ad vertising the Ootagon leap At the Brooklyn Methodist church Bey J IS Cole .will preaou audadtninU ter the taerement of the I ord's emw- -per tomorrow afternoon at 8:80 1 o'clock. j All the young ladlet and gentlemen of the First Baptist church and con gregation are invited to meet in the Bunday school room of the church tomorrow evening at 4 o'clock. One of the cutest curiosities tq be teen anywhere is to found in the how window of Messrs H P Smith St Co. It it a tobacco box made of a eoooanut with the face of a monkey. Take a look at you pass. In conversation with one of our leading builders and contractors, he informs as that in hit opinion the coming tprlng and summer wilt find the building business on the boom. We hope his predictions may prove true. - The electric light, now at the cor ner of Fayettevllle and Dvia - f s. will be moved iu front of the Y -imro House and Rescue engine bouj" to as to give light to the Res ue 'upny in conning oat of their boom t night in answer to an alarm of fire It's a good move. This afternoon while officers George Upohureh and Marion Johnson were talking in front of the station house, the workmen who were working in the same, turned on the water throa h a hose from a hydrant and almost drowned tbem.,Tbey got a good . wetting. ' . -. Tomorrow wiabe thefleoondquKr terly meeting occasion at the Ifiden ton Street Methodist church. Rev Dr Atkins will preach iu the morning In place of Rev Dr Cunntngglm "bo goes to Oxford circuit to preach for Rev Mr Hermon whj it tick. Preich at night by the pastor We are informed by Judg N Q Rlddlck. that the sale of the Raleigh treet railway will take placj abr the 10th of April. The judge haa number of olaiiut againat the all way in hi hands. We hope tome He, go z ahead company will parol ase it and ran belt lines around the city It would pay if this was done. We dropped in for a few moments chat with our friend Jos E Pogue, this morning. He tells ut bis tobaoco it becoming more popular every daw that he expects his output to be fifty per cent greater this season than last, this meant more work for the la boring classes Mr Pogue hat taken about fifteen medals on his bran t at . different State Fairs. We are always proud to note the success of any Kal eigh enterprise, it goes to .how whai. n be done, with push and energy. Timer ti Htldei. t . . . . i . atxraiM uours DronKD( id a T.ruiCh .1 n..Min. 1. f.... I - . . .. - . . . s of th. defendant. Mr. L V Holder. 1. all theirs submitted b, the court. - -n j I MCA (Ob KiUera ttiuu); tun wains iu tun fquare. There have been quite a uumber of shfde trees planted. With the proper auvnut of work and a small outKy of mon- it can be made a pr-ttv place and It should te so, as it is th- first place tliat strike, the eye of visit rs being directly la front of the uoloa depot Persona) Mention. C J Brigb' of Ne Hill 1b in the elty. Dr J M Templeton of Gary it at the Central. Mr Albert Kramer, of Dorham, it in the city' M E-jfoarrisnn. of Forest vllle it iatUejtT , , Hon J O Elllrgton went down to Smitbfiel I today. Dr Q W BlackDS.ll came in on the train today from the west. Rev P f Reid. president of the Qreensb ro Female College, it in the city solicitor E W Poo left on the east bound train to lay for his home in .'roirbfleld Mr Charles Jetton, formerly of this city but now of Durhau, is visiting relatives here. Capt W 8 Witberspoon, of the R D R R. is in t city attending the -Ui'erior Court as a witness. Wm Wot Bu'ich, a former resident of this city tint now of Buffalo. N Y. came in on the raln from the west on a visit to bis mother and fa ther who are sick on North Balis bory street. Street commissioner Blake with a force of banJ8, are repairing the inte rior ot the station house, a floor of cement will be pat down, while any repair to the present condition of the Btation bouse wiU be a good thing, still a better thing would be for the city authorities to build a new police station, one is badly neaded. There ere quite a number of country p opl in town, today shop ping, ac, nd fiotn the number of phjkagesand bundles oar merchants must have bad a good day. For Rent. 1 Brick Kt"r-- Kast Hargett street be twefo v'iiiui g'oo and Bioant sts .M pi to u3 A B 8TROBA0H. A nice lot of bannnas at Dughi's. Fine lot o srers this evening at Dughi't. Malaga grapes, the finest at Dagbi'i Fresh lemons 20c and 25c doz at Dughi't. Of course there it plenty of Juoa luska wine at POc gal at Dughi. Bet ter get it now while it is cheap We kee- everything in the grocery line. Prices the lowest. J 0 Ball & Go. It ia a?OB8lb!e. You can see more different qualities ... 1 u tur. r atiif.K of uttAw innrtinir ritfuc now uu baio at D T Swindell's tbanat any store lu this state. BHOKEN (WINA. m. .. . . . . wpiiMonr DaeKaoorwMopDDig 01 walked in our ehln deoartment and hmii .WMnlnir t.hl. aft &hl oftUu & lho.f.1h. table of floe toilet sets I seized him by the horns, and after he tossed me around some, I awoke D T 8wlndell For Male. Two extra eoodf yoansr grade milk eows with young oalvrs mh8 li B WTATT. Try our sugar corn. Orient on earth. JQBall&.Oo. Odt Chairs and Small Tablet. 1 - v We are bavin? qr:Ue a lively little stir with onr special sale of small ta blet and odd cheers. The tarties are oak. Initiation mahogany anl cherry. We have last added to the rolleotlon of chairs some of a mc re substantial character, gentlemen, eaty chairs, leather bottom chain so. Th prices are taoh as ro eneoarase prompt purchasers w n o n 0 Tucker uo. Butter cups, fresh an t fine, at Rig gana. Oranges, lemons, frnit. of all kind. at J Q Balls Co. Walnot butteroups, 20o lb, at Rig- gans'. For ehoice and select groceries call and examine our stock . J Q Ball & Co. Coal. All klndt anthracite and bitumin ous coal, wood, long and cut any length, at lowest pries de!4 T L EBIRHARDT. Kraut 4o lb Spinach, lettuce col lards, onions, collard and cabbage pUnts and all vegetables of all kinds for sale at KOBT U UTZMiH'8 m2 6t No 127 Cor. Dawson and Jones. For Kent. A neat, 4-room cottage, N Wilming ton sc., next square to uaoitol. fe21 1( BF MoNTA.GrR. Ouardian. We have last addf d to our stock of shoes Geo E Rnlth's tine wear for gen tlemen. It is a slick line new, tresa. clean, elegant, dressy; price $4 00 u & nn irwoou s uo. Seaaonable Plaats.ettuoe Btroag early eabbige and iragu-i plants to set oat now. Asparagus roots. " FLOWERS, BOSKS, 0. Gut flowers, roses, bouquets, bas kets and floral designs, palms, prim roses, rubber and other decorative plants for the house. Fresh nower seeds. Magnolias and evergreens,eto. H Steinmktz, Florist, North Halifax et, Phone 118. Near Peace Institute. The cold snap did not last long enough to afford the boys any fund skating on the ioe. They can now amuse tbemseives lor two nours at the Roller Skating iak and stand a chance of getting the ladies' gold w atch, or a pair of ball bearing skates. Remember, it only costs yon 10c in the afternoon or 15o at night for the use of skates, and a chance to draw the watch or skates. The watch case can be seen at T W Blake's, the jeweler, and it is to be given away Something tor the Table. Received from. the Durham Supply Go's stock' several oases of the choicest brands of Olives, Mixed Pickles, Horse Radish. Piokled Onions Catsup, Cel ery, Sauce, Extracts of Vanilla and Lemon. All t -e above goods are fresh and yoa can buy them at wholesale cost at u r Swindell's. Quaker Oity Cigar, best 6c oigr in town Try then. Snoiling 6 Hicks' Drag Store. Tea Tea and Tea Tea. We have two eases of tea one case of green and one of black This is positively the best dollar tea on the market, and we are offering it at 60c per pound rms is lest tnan wnoie tale cost. We will not sell less than one pound to any customer. DT Swindell. B ack aud ttreen. Two cases of tea one case blaek and one green received from Dar ham Supply Go's stock. We suaran tee this tea to be as sood as any dol lar tea on the market, and we are oN I ferintr it at AOo per pound. Anyone buying this tea and find it other than reoresenieu van ice mur iuuoy rr- 1 funded. Not less than one pound to , any customer. O S SwUideU. MONDAY, HARUEI 5TU. IP YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY a ttb in nnn'onuni . t a.tc- HUB 8PECUI, SALS M0NIHr' MARCH 6TH. WE WILL ' 8BLL900D8IJIOH41M. A YD QflECKEI) MUSLIX 45 A YD A LOT OF HOSIERY AT HALF PRICE AND A LOT OF YARD WIDE BLEACHED DOME3T10 AT 80. WORTH 100 A YD WOOLLOOT T s 8QN. For lientT Twelllng bouse. fe37 L D. Womblb. FOR YOU FOR US. Our elegant new WRITING PAPERS which we have just recoired were manufac tured EXPRESSLY FOR U8 AND FOR YOU by (he leading maker of fine and fashionable society stationer. You cannot affwd to use in your corrs pondenc any but the very latest and twst papn. ' We want to show it to you. Alfred Williams k Co Society Stationers, RALEIQH, N 0. 1 1 mm Piiysician and Surgeon; Reeidfiuce, 222 West Hargett street. Tlephone No 27. Office, over Rohb'.tt's drug store. Telephone Vo 3j. In addition to the otflos at my residence, I have fitted up one oyer Bobbitt's drag store where I may be found from 8 to 9 a m, 2 to 3 pm ana 8 to 9 pm. Messages at either place will receive prompt at'ention. fe7 6t W H B0BBITT, M D. JfiAHE STILL ISTHI CAHDY-BUSIHESS. Our Combination Bon Bon: have been pronounced Jdelicious. You try them and be convinced. Our old reliable Chocolate Drops are still) in demand. We use the best material and therefore make tbe best candy. We are lieidquarers for Beaman's Pepsin Uum, said to dj a sure cure tor urn geauuu Fine (Trades o' OhewiuR Tobacco, and wry choice brands Oigurs. FruiW, Nina, Ac. BARBEE & POPE. Special - Bargains, We shall offe' such unanswerable argu- montji b no house cm matcn ikaners auu nAmnltim at Quotations that no other can offer. Stern and stub'wrn fact that will level your head on lie suoject 01 genuine bargains. Upon our counters will be thrown day after day new arrivals at panic prices, such as Uingnams at ic; aiamance Plaids 4c; Calicos 4c; Ginghams at 5c, worth 8c; Simpson's Prints 6c, worth 74c; Outing 9 cts; Percale 10c; Lades' Straw 8ailors 8 cts: Shape Hats from 23c up: Flowers, all kinds, from 10c up; Trimmed Hats from 2ic up; Men s Hats and Cap, Underwear, Dress Snirte, Oolhrs and Cuffs, Ties. Shoes, Shoes for all See our Men's Dress She. tl 15. It is a leader. Look at our $2 50 Shoe; worth t4 anywhere. Ladies' Shoes from 75 ct up; Infant's and Children's Shoes. Respecitfullj submitted to tfe cash trade only. THE LYQI1 MM STOBE Hitrifvar, Ac. MAMMOTH B5-A .rJ-M-F-R-R rv LAMPS. 300 HoM - one gallon of oil. BURNS iSSK" for 8b0Ut un For churches. lxlee roims, school room a and wherever a good light is wanted. SfluJ for circulars. RALEIGH, N.C. Dry m3k, Ationi, Have just added GEO. & KEITH'S fine f wiwc i- for gentlemen to o r stock. They are pi u tical and up to date. Evary pir vm anted in every repdct. ur sh m -re alread famed for theirgood quili'ies fhey lit tb; people and the prices suit the iiaes. .... j mumm mm for fa v?y gooda but do want Good tn tQ ir Moaev, Ifew, fresh, stviish, solid, serviceable 8hoes at moderate yncts w h9 key note to the popularity of our shoe stock. fHESE POHIS WE HAKE We clear out all Shoes in '.the season in whiehthev were brought. Old stock Shoes are dear at any price; we will not allow them to accu-naiate. We cut and sl.uh prices on short lines and let them go. New stock '.MA-LU LEA.K SHOES" iust received. 8pena annd CoamoncioDn Sense Pebble Button Shoes. Special Value. IV. U. & It. s. TUCKER ft Tbos 1 ID a CO ir iri Tin