Til .4 mi K vm , '-fHHO. iBieept ouaday, tUM VISITOR Is rvd by carriers la the city at 185 oema per month, parable to the carrier to ad ranee. Prices for mailing Is per year, or S rente per tcontn. Coiumunirtioos appearing In these olo'UDj are bo. the expressions of the opinion of the correspondent Writing the same, and they alone art res pons ble. A ero$t mark (X after your name inform yon that yoor time out. Address all orders and eommonlea Hons to W. H. BKOVvW, 8r., Raleigh, N O Local notices In this paper will b Fire Gents per line each Insertion. Office Upstairs over Mr. J. Hal Bobbitt'8 Drug Store, 2d floor. Lv ( OlTf OlrtOUiiATiO. HAL EI OH. MARCH 3, 1894. - - w-.JLB -;-m'-. . ..... J... - . ' ' "LlLi? oast through the eolema eeremonie( The last Bandar edition of lueBow TT , . ,.. ton Poat was g Hun out entirely by which are Intevled'o Impress npjn . -ri,. All the adltotlahi ' . ... 1 1 W . . wen il;uou, ait I am iun u ted niaeU attention all throoghoat their mlod". and hearts the Impor tance of fulfilling the I es-to. luoul e ed In tnelr dally lives, go oat lo'o toe world and seeming! v forget that they obligated themselves in the t rerucrt of Almighty God, calling upon Him to witness thlr vow, and v hen there is a choice between a I rotber aud an outsider in a matter f bulness,or anythtng.nnheeitaMng if and aubushlngly give the out t der the preference. It is a sad com wenta'ry upon mankind th it this is true; that men who receive honors from an order, and who owe much to the practice of fraternity by their brethren for their business and social positions should be guilty of each the East. A GOOD GARDEN PAYS! Joh-eoo'e Vao-ti Oil kills all pains whether Internal or external. I tl.0) sits 60 eenU ; f 0 cent size 88 cU. For sale bv John Y MaeKne. To be Successful iii this IlBwisiiiess Liuckleu'a Arnica Salve. The beet salve in me world for eats. braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter. ehauDed bunds, chil blains, corns aud all skin eruptions. nud positively cures plies, or no pay iTH- Plant Only Pure.Fresh bv J.H9 Y Mm. I 1 fa I f . l r I arm nauamB lj jmanHHas. . r T IT Daumw m I w - w - a.MIW J. 4 IIB, iiB. r. a nal,. Bu iness Manager. Aich't E bupt. a la g ii. K . jtark, in Charge yarus na snaps. jmaigoim (SucoesMTs to Ellington, Royster Co.) MANur&ciutiBs or Doors, Sasb, Blinds, Scroll Work. And alt CONDUCTED BY RALEIGH COUNCIL, NO. 1. FRATERNITY WHAT IS IT? When a young man reaches his 21st year he is at onoe solicited to nnite with one or more of the varlors fra ternal and beneficial orders. He is shown the advantages growing oat of saob lutmbership how when sick be will receive the care and attention of the lodge, and a stipulated weekly benefit; in the event of death, burial by the fraternity and the death ben efit paid widows of deceased members. Be is also shown the social advanta ges that membership entitles him to. Bnt the greatest incentive to anyone to unite with an order is the frater nal relations which are supposed to exist between each and etery mem ber, the most exalted and the most humble, the richest and the poorest those relations which were entered into as each bowed at the com no on altar and took upon himself an obli gation to forever cherish and protect, assist and defend each and every member of the order; that in all the relations of life, he would recog nize in a member or tne order a brother; that he would always and in all things give him the preference; that when misfortune knocked at a brother's door he would be with the first to proffer sympathy and aid; that in the struggles of life the weak and helpless brother should find in him strength, shelter and proteotiou; that he would not permit the tongue 01 sianaer to alienate mm from a brother, but that he would defend bis good name as he would that of his nearest and dearest friend; that when, under the weary burden of life, one falls along the way, that tender hands will lay him in earth's last resting place, and give to the bereav ed ones that love and protection wuivu ib uv asj asswcud o is du vuco that the widow's heart shall be made glad by the loving care bestowed, and the orphans reared and educated to fill a noble end in life. uoes any order offer such an in ducement? They all do It is not the purpose of this article to detract one iota from the great and grand work achieved by the uany fraternal ordeis. Knowing their worth from years of experience and membership in nearly all of them, nothing could be farther from as than by any word or act to bring reproach upon these institutions which have done more to bring about a closer relationship among men, to alleviate suffering and sorrow, to care for the widow and educate the or pnan, than any otner agency save alone the Church of Christ. But we would seriously inquire if the full force of the obligations we take is felt by ns; if in matters of business and employment we remember that we are bound to give a brother the preference; if we look to a brother's welfare point out the dangers that may threaten him and the advan tages he may secure; if when we meet in paDllo we greet each other as brethren, and thus show to the world that membership in an order means something? We must confess that many who Data the threshold of an order, take Some may think we have puc the RQYSTR PARK. &t CO. fact a little too ttrong. and that we are seeking to pay off a personal score. Far be it from ns to bring re proacb upon any order or individual. bat after having scores of instances brought under our personal obeerva tion where men outside hae been given the preference over men in the order who were their superiors men tally and morally by a brother (?) mend er, w cannot refrain from calling attention to the evil, and asking all who would be true j to the principles of the order and their obligation to see to it that those who are guilty of such perfidy receive the just condemnation when they seek to pose ss "lights" of the order and secure honors at the hands of those whom thy would not hesi tate to iujure. I sell Robt Buist's acknowledged by the truckers of Raleigh to be superior to all other makes and better adapted to our soil & climate. I am pleased to offer an asortment of these seeds, including: I STAIR HAILS Other Kinds of Building Material. Will contract to bui'd say where ia the State, or furnish any kind of material desired. Our shop is equipped with the latest and best wood working machinery. We are lo cated on tbe 8. K. L. Railroad, which runs through the best timbered lands in North Carolina, from which we get our logs and cut our own lumb ?r. This enables as to fill orders of any s'se or dimension on short notice. W can cut 18,000 feet a day. Our Dry Kiln has a capacity of 60.000 feet, and we cut, dry and drees lumbar for the publio at reasonable rates. Telephone No. 135 Our yard and shops are on West street, at west terminus of Edenton street. feb24 rV l CU.n nUkt tlto ri.n...il I will meet in Pythian Hall in the lIOA IMOVHlLlBS ! Academy oi music, naving rentea tne same tn order cnat our meetings would not conflict with the church prayer meetings on Wednesday nights. It is earnestly desired that every member should be present. There ill be Initiation eeeaM teesea eeeeee " tl BESTS. : CABBAGE, (14 varieties), A r O All i t OELtt&Y. U CUCUaBER, COLLAKDo, KALE, i LETTUCE, . LEEK. ii MUSTARD, li OKR&, eeeeew e see. eew J k e i i ii ii ! i e ii MUMtM w .eew ii MELONS, NION SEED. tt PARSNIP, S, PDUPKirf, ii PEPPq.R0, !: RADDIHU, ii salsify, ii SQUASH, is Toil 4.TOE3, ji TURJSflPd, &o. ii i i t it ! : -ii -A-ti 2 OoxLijs per IDozen.. Next week we shall speak further on another phase of this subject. NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. An infant child of Mr AH Smith, of Williawston, N C, died Tuesday of lookjaw and was buried in the Epis copal cemetery at Scotland Neck. The body of Peter Bynum, a prom inent farmer of Greene county, was found on the outskirts of Wilson re cently with his neck broken. He had fallen out of his buggy, intoxicated From present appearances the fruit crop In Wilson county this year will be good. None of the fruit cres have bloomed yet, and unless a cold soap occurs in April the crop is about as sured Mr Wm Dautridge, a wealthy man who died in Nash county last week, had 673 bales of cotton piled up in bis yard. He had been saving cotton for several years waiting for higher prices and it is said that much of tbe cttton is so decayed as to render it worth less. Mr R ROarr, near here, had a tar key to set near the road and by some means a partridge was hatched among the brood. It is now eight mon hs old and still stays with its strange friends, comes up at night and morn ing and in fed, and seems to be per fecti y satisfied This is true and can be vouched, for by Mr Carr and his neighbors. Kinstoo Free Press. The ancient gander, several times mentioned in these columns daring past years, belonging to Q W Smith, of Sleepy Creek section, that came to his father with a flock of geese more than 70 years ago, and that passed from sire to son when the latter mar ried and set up house keeping, that ran the gauntlet of Sherman's army, the only survivor of a great flock. 1 coming out of that memorable raid 89 years ego, with a broken wing, the result of a gun shot in the hands of a yankee soldier, is at length dead. He frote to death the first night of this cold spell, and bv the bestcaloula tion that Mr Smith en make the gander is the rise of 89 years of age. The editor of The Argas secured his I nolent gandershlp the nr orning after the demise and has had him taxider mitized. He was exblbted at the New Berne fair. This is undoubtedly the Fashionable tints lu Fine Stationery: PRIMROSE VIOLE r YALE BLUE ROSE LAVENDAR AZORINE HELIO TROPE Fine Stationery in Cream and White: IRISH LINE V EGYPTIAN LINEN LINES CLOTH CRCQU1LB EGGSHELL FINISH 8 ATI M WOVE ENGLISH REPP KID FINISH rN W FLAKE BANK -NOTE BOSD FttE.NUH QUADRILL. as we are headauarters for Station' ery we can furnish any kind of Fine Stationery you may wisn, envelopes to match. W G 8E ? J R, Manager. ! Phone 14 i. Odd. Poatofflce, tin-arcfteni IPeas, Irish IPotatoes9 (Northern gro i ) IDunaoiin Sets, Carn and Beams, all at jtb hal aoBsirrs, Headquarters for Drugs and Seeds, LAND SALES. Real Eta Rent Collecting, Fire, Accident and Casualty Insurance. WY1 1UKTI NEvV OFFICE, No Steps to Climb. No. 10 West Hargett St. Bouse and Lit or Sale. By virtue of authority conferred by a certaio deed of inortg te, executed on the Uth day of April. 1891. bv Turner R Jous aud Fanule Jones, his wife, to Ed a Lee & ', and regis tered in the office of the Register of Deeds l'or vValio couueo, N U, in boos 118, at pg at), we wM on Tuesday. Jklarua 40, 1891, sell at pu lie auction, to tuo nlghest bidder, for casu, a lioase aud too in Riieigti township, .Vka county, IS O, east of the corporate limios ot the city of RaleUrh, situ ate m a wt-t-i si te of an uunamed etreet ruuuin c at ruht angles south trom ilaruu street extended Bald lot being rectangular in shape, fronting 66 feet on said un named street and running baca 105 feet to the Oatling line bounded on the north by tbe said Jones and Beverly Short line and on the south by tbe Wm Thompson line for full de scription of said lot reference is made to said mortgage. On said lot it loo ted a house containing a store and five rooms and stables and necessary outhouses Also one gray horse named Charlie, eleven years old, one trray mare sold said Jones by Ed H tiee as uo, and one s otted milch cow Time of sale la o'clock m. Place of sale county court house door in Kal eigb, N O. This February 17, 1891. HA I WOOD & U Ax WOOD. fel7 tds Attorneys for Mortgagees. Notice of Sale. By virtue of a decree of th Superior Court of wake couuty, duly made ia ttte special Mary B. onon et al., I will expose to public 8lest (he court house do ji in the city of Kaieign, on monaay, Marcn za'n, iy i, the following described real estate, viz: A lot of land on tne corner of Halifax and Johnson . streets, in the city of Rami n, kuo va as the "litwren e place." ims iuua will be di viae.1 and sot l ia lots tronti m on Hal.fax.. Jouuaon auU dllsbur; atreeio. Alsoacer- tain other lot ot iaua list south ot the south- -tra bouudary luie of the city of cUleigh, on. me S 'Utn siae ot -ersn street exteaaed,. auj.jiuiug lot iorinerly belonging to Priui--rosMon tuenirth anJth lot formerly be--longing to Va s on the south. Terms of' sale: O je th'rU cash, balance at one and two years, with intereii at eight per cent. i M UtJSBe.a!, Oommisaionez. ttaieign, xat. za, iwi. tos oldest and most historic gander on I npon themselves the obligations, and ' record. Qoldsboro Argus. H. F. Smith & Co., Cor. FayettevUle and Martin 8ts., Wholesale aud retail dealers in all the popu lar oranas or Ciaars ard Tobacco, amoicers' Uoods and Walking Canes. Everything new Our Anl'm Rtnntc frmh and embraces all the favorite brands of the best manuf actoriei in the country. JDroo in aousee as. feblv For Ront. The dwelling houw nn T)vl dtraflt hn. tween Fayetteville and Wilmington streets, and the office corner Wilmington and Dsvie strootis febl7eod2w AW FRAPS. Mortgage Sale oi tteal instate. By virtue of power conferred on me by a certain mortgage deed, exeou I ted by J F Brown, and duly recorded in Registry of Jouston county in oook A, No 6, 1 will offer for sale at the court house doar iu the city ot Ral eigb, N 0, to the highest bidder, for cash, on Monday, JtlarcU 19, 1:94, at 12 o'clock m, tne laud in 81 1 mort gage desorioed, being tot No 8 iu the division of the lauUa of trie late John t R Brown Said lot having been as. signed in said dlvisl n to cue said J F Brown. Maid laud said to coo rain 91 acres and lying within one half mil of the village of E 4rpsoor-, N O. b J MO ' V AO UK. fe17 Attoruey for mortgagee Land Sales.! Sale of House ami Lot By virtue of power conferred jixcmbs two certain mortgages executed oy R Stanley Mc Incyre and wife,Katie Atcintyre, which said mortgages are amy rocoraea negjacerv Wake county, in book do 118, at page 0', and book uo 124, page 500, i will oner for sale to the highest QiUdar for casu. at the o ourt house Uoor. ou darurday, jUaroa, 17, 1894, the house anJ irit in Slid mortgages de scribed lying jusf eut cf the city ot Kaieign, on the west side Jbmita street, adjoimag uie lauaa ui a. uigva b .u uinurs, ppiug iso tangular iu shap., fronting it feet 9 inches on dixuth Bt et, and running bacx Li'3 teet. Also at the same time ana place a lot oi household and xitcneu furniture. felo tds atfSijt i-AdUifi, Mortgagee. Kaleigh. N 0. Feb 16, 1B1M. AT.JK Romero, No. 12 fizciiaiige, Wholesale and Retail Produce Commission Merchant and dealer in cbicxeni, egg, but. ter, NO bacon. Call or drop me a postal whn in need of anything andsive money. Chicaens and eggs a speoi lty. Oou ign ments solicited. a3in Caveits, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat-J ent Dullness coitauctea tor Moderatc Ftts. t Our Office is Opfoiite U. S. Pattnt Officc and we can secure patent ia leu time than tnoM J remote from W ashinirton. 1 Send model, drawing or photo, with deacrlp-j tion. We advise, it patentable or not, free of J rhirn, . Our i a not JIiia till TialAnt ia aecured. d A Pamphlet, ' How to Obtain Patents," witht cost of same (n the U. S. and Jweign countileiZ tent free. Address, J O.A.SOW&Osv merit to secure th.i couticeace o. entire communities and hold it year after t w.i&sHOODSarsanaril Utrlt v At.,

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