She fPdutt ttettttt VOL. XXX. RALEIGH, MONDAY, MARCH 5. 1894. NO. Ill I 1 V'. FOR YOU AWD FOR US. Oar decani new WRITING PAPERS Which wa hare last rewired were manufac tured EXPRESSLY FOB US AND FOR YOU by the leading maker of fine and fashionable society stationer-. You cannot afford to oat in your com pondenct any bat the very latest and beat paper. We want to show it to yon. Alfred Williams k Co Society Stationers, RALEIGH, NO. M. W. 1 BQBBITT, Residence, 222 West Hargett street. Telephone No 27. Office, oyer Bobbltf s drag store. Telephone No 39. In addition to the office at my reside, 1 hae fitted np one over Bobbitt'a drag tore where I may be found from 8 to 9 a m, 2 to S p m and 8 to 9 p m. Messages at either place will receive prompt attention. e7 6t WHBOBBITT. M D. B ABE STILL IB TBI CAHDY-BUSIHESS. Our Combination Bon Bons hare been pronounced delicious. Yon ! try them and be convinced. Oar old reliable Chocolate Drops are demand. We use the beet material and therefore make candy. We are headquarters for Beaman'e Pepsin Gram, said to be a sure cure for ind geauon. Fine grades of Chewing Tobacco, and Terr choice brands Cigars. BBBBJSJBB Froita, Nuts, Ac. BARBEE & POPE. Special Bargains. We shall offer such unanswerable argu ments as no house can match; leaders and specialties at quotations that no other can offer. Stern and stubborn facta that will level your head on the subject of genuine bargains. Upon our oounteis will be thrown day after day new arrivals at panic prices, such as Ginghams at 4c; Alamance Plaids 4c; Calicos 4c; Ginghams at 5c, worth 8o; Simpson's Prints 6c, worth 7Jc; Outing 9 ots; Percale 10c; La ies' Straw Sailors 8 cts; Shape Hats from 23c up; Flowers, a'l kinds, from 10c up; Trimmed Hats from 2lio up; Men's Hats and Capj, Underwear, Dress 8hirU, Oollrs and Cuffs, Ties. 8hoes, Shoes for alL See our Men's Dress Shoe, $1 15. It is a leader. Look at our 12 "0 Shoev worth 14 anywhere. Ladies' Shoes fro. u 75 cts up; Infant's and Children's Shoes. Respectfully submitted to tfe cash trade only. THE LTOII RACKET STORE Sherwood's is the Place. r A Ttatrhl has oat several freezers and he would be glad if those having t.hAtn wonld let him know so be can 04 00 )'-.V Is the Price end fdr them. PERSONAL MENTION Of People Who Came and Went Today Mr R A Creech of La Grange is at the Yarboro. Mr T R Jernigan leaves for 8haog hal on the 20th instant. Mr Joseph us Daniels, who has been here some days, leaves for Washing ton tonight. Collector Simmons, who forsereral dare has been at Newbern, returned here this afternoon. Rev Jj B lurobnll, of Riohrrond, V. accepts it call to the pastorate of the Presbyterian ouarch at Darbam. I Rev Frederick Towers, rector of the I Chapel of the Cross at Chapel Hill, Is Judge Shepnerd's gatst at the Tar boro. Rev Dr G D Parkes, for forty years a minister of the Presbyterian ehoreh died at his home, Charlotte, last Bat day. "Messrs C Mebane and 0 W Tate of reeua oro and A L CratebfUld of Winston are registered at the Park hotel. i Mr G Farris, of Greensboro, Mr G F Uzzle.of Wilson's Mills, Mr and A T Uuh, of Baltimore, are registered at tne Yarboro. A daagbter of Capt J M Fleming Is ' very sick with typold fever at his home, eorner Booth Harrington and West Hargett streets. I Job. i A Barrioger, Esq, of Greens ' boro, is here to attend the supreme eourt, which tomorrow takes up ap peals from t ie fifth district. Chief Jastlce Shepherd, who has been at Chapel Hill a few day, re- tnrned today Mrs Shepherd wil re main at Chapel Hill for awhile. Mr RE L Bunch of the general offices of the R&D rail ry at Wash lngton, arrived here yesterday and letc this afternoon tor Colombia, S C. Evangelist ' eston R dale has finished two notable revivals at Nash viile, Tenn. These continued seven weeks and there were no less than 680 eon versions. State Treasurer Tate, after several months' sickness, which at one time was etitioal, hns returned and is at the State treasury callers yesterday. Miss Ida Watson, in the agricultural He had many lately employed department, left foi Chapel Hill this afternoon, to be come stenographer to Prof J A Holmes, State geologist. Mrshal 0 J Carroll left for Golds boro and Kinston this morning, to re tarn Friday. While away he will sublet the Seven Springs hotel prop erty, on vhlch he has a five years lease. Mr 8 A Henzey, owner of the coal mines at. Egypt, was here today on his way home from Philadelphia. He is preparing for active work at the mines, where a great deal of machin ery has been pat in. Mrs A J DeRosset died at Wilming ton Sunday, aged 61. She was a daughter of the late Rev Dr William M Kennedy, of Colombia. S O. Her husband is one of Wilmington's old est and most honored citizens. The robins, always eagerly wel corned by the boys who own guns, have appeared in great numbers. The brd shooting season expires March 15. Whiting Bros are receiving their spring goods of bats, shoes, &e, and are seilintc them at very low rates. ' Call and gee a good suit cheap. Quite a lot of cotton is held here for I a rise One owner has 1,200 bales in warehouse, which he has been holding .. for three years. Stone is being hauled to the Res cue euglue house to be ,used in pav J lug a roadway co Fayetteville -street. cm ii iiiir. j Locale PV1 ed Up Here and There and Boiled Down. The grippe is nearly at an end here. Deaths in the city daring February M; births 28. Workmen are repairing the gas main on East Cabarrus street. Brookslde park fs a lonesome now. The lake la dry, the dam having broken last fall. Dally reports of the weather at Southern Pines are now telegraahed the New York Herald. Marshal R H Bradley has planted twenty-two varieties of roses in front of the supreme court building. Seats for th Fannie Hill perfor mance tomorrow evening at Metro politan ball are on sale at MacBae's. The Wilmington Messenger states that the shops of the Carolina Cen tral railway at Laurlnburg are to be moved here at once. Parties desiring to purchase a nice Jersey cow or calf should attend the auction sale of J arse y cattle at Stron ach's auction house tomorrow at 18 o'clock. The ootton receipts in this market for the week ending last ThundwV were 23,151 bales, against 18 949 to the same date last year; the week's re eeipts being 191, against 187. The city authorities ought to have had Nash square ploughed and sown in grass last fall. As It is neither plowing or sowing has been done and the place is by nomeaiis attractive or park-like. Rev I McK Pittinger, rector of the Ohnrch of the Good Shepherd, has during the Lenten season delivered eaoh Sunday evening a lecture on the religions of the world. Yesterday his discourse was on the religton of Zo roaster, and like the other was very able. . ' ' Mr Herbert Brimley, the tailder mist, who has done an excellent piece of work in articulating the skeleton of the big whale in the new room at the State nauseam, is hoisting the skeleton in sections to the beams. It will" be suspended some twelve feet above the floor. Mr J Nusbaam, a chemist employed by the Seaboard Air Line to analyze the water at all of its water tanks, was here Sunday and today. He has a special car, and stops at each place long enough to make a test of the fit ness of the water for use in looomo tive boilers. In the superior eourt J W Avent sued the Raleigh & Gaston railway for damages for injuries alleged to have been inflicted at the Union pas senger station October 17, 1892, by baggage truck. The case was tried once before- It was tried again last Saturday and a jury gave Mr Avent $260 dan ages. Daring February the mean temper ature here was 46 degress; one degree below the average. The highest was 71, the lowest 18 degrees The pre vailing wind was from the South, and the highest velocity 80 miles an hour (on the 4th). The rainfall was 8.88 inches, the snowfall 6 inches. The average rainfall for February is 4 21 inohes. The case against the State Ohroni cle was heard in the Superior Court today. Mr Josephus Daniels, who held the mortgage, sold the property at auction. The parties who ware due money for paper, &c, famished the Chronicle publishing company claim they are "material men" and that their claims have precedence of Mr Daniels' mortgage. The case came to a quite sudden ending this afternoon, after the dinner recess Judge .Hoke resumed his seat on the benoh. ' The parties to the suits and their counsel did not appear, so the judge Rafter waiting sometime withdrew a juror and made a -mis trial, and the case, goes over until next term. BOW RLEIGH GROWS. Note: About ImnroYtmeats and A Lynchburg, V&., firm is building large planing mills at Apex and bas taken options on extensive tracts of long leaf pine t imber near there. The firm Is under contract to deliver 100, 000 feet of dressed lumber weekly. A building which is almost a cen tury old is being town down on South Salisbury street, near the southwest corner i f the capitol squ re. In its place Mrs W A Lodge will build an attractive cottage. The new quarters of the Savings bank will be quite attractive. The location is excellent. The c ntractors ar now building the vault for the safe. The entrance will be at the cor ner and the steel supDorting column has beenput in place. Mr M O Winston has purchased the Lawrence property on Halifax str-et, and is remodeling and greatly enlar. ging the dwelling. Mr John Wjatfr ton is bnilding a. neat 'cottage on North S&Msts'ary street near the cot ton yard. The grading for the ear wheel shops Is nearly completed. A great deal has been done. About sixty men are em ployed. When oompleted the wheel shops will employ forty-eight men. All of these save two will be borne workaen. Two will be experts from Wilmington, Delaware. Hammill St Honeycatt have the con tract for the brick work of the Pollen building on Fayetteville street. To day they laid off the foundation and tomorrow the brickwork begins The bnilding will be a handsome one and will contain four .stores, fourteen offices and four lodge rooms. Allen St Cram have been awarded the contract for patting the steam heating piant In the agricultural building. They have also been given by Mr J C Brewster the sub-contract for patting the heating apparatus, three boilers and water tanks in the deaf mute sohool at Morganton Mr William Smethurst, the super intendent of the cotton oil mills here, says the season will end with March and that about 8,000 tons of seed has been crashed since October 1. That is a large business. Seed have been abundant; in (act the supply has ex eeeded the demand The price of seed has ruled lower than tt lid last season. The ( Jaraletgh cotton mills are now running on thrte fourths time. New Advertisements. ?4C A Sherwood s Co. Luake a spe cial announcement of spring ging hams and laige lines of wash fabrics. which calls to mind the fact that spring is at hand. The Rosenthal Clothing Co pany daily receiving new goods, and in the spring styles. A big reduction in the prices of winter trousers U an nounced. 8 & D Berwaoger ay that spring is coming and poshing winter; that they have the specialties in hats, scarfs, light woigU' ivercoati?, &o. Some fine Jersey cows and calves belonging to the f state of Dr E Burse Haywood will bo sold ar auutiou a: Stronach's auction house tomorrow at 12 o'clock. A few days ago a white man no 1 woman' were arrested here and j -tiled for giving together unlawfully. They decided o marry and a justice tied f he knot. The husband was then taxed with the coats ' The wife was released and she is trying to collect funds to pay the costs and get her husband oat of jail. There are at present twenty ..three prisoners in Wake county jail. All of these except one will stand trial at the next criminal eourt, whioh be gins Martha. UareJwMre. &c MAMMOTH S5-A-N-N-E-R-R LAMPS. 300 CANDLE POWER. Holds one gallon of oil. BURNS K?y for ahout un For churches, lodge roimi, school rooms unu wndrever a goou ngni is wanted. Send for circulars. i0S;tfIf&SflflS, RALEIGH, N.O. Dry Ctaods, Notions, &e. .i Large Lines of Washable Fabrics Laces, Whito Goods, Embroideries. The principle of baying in small quanti ties established the foundation of a success, ful career for A T Stewart and made him the merchant prince of his time; his exam ple is worth of emulation; it is our policy ia adhere to this principle. The advantages of rapid communication and swift freight tran sit enables U9 to place on our counters every week m the year clean, new, fresh goods for every branch of our business. The advance lines of Swing Ginghams and Washable Fabrics are being received, while our cost price sale i rapidly distributing for us nearly evervtnmg or a winter character. White Goods, Lacrs and Kmbroideries now receiving the attention of the trading public The popular prices which prevail with us, and successful selling, confirm the old adage "That goods well bought are half sold." Our inithod of replenish! gotten averts carrying over goods from season to season, such goods to us seem well handled, always soli and give entire satisfaction. Be fore you buy give us a call. We have 'em right from the koms. C.A.I110D&CO. .A.T FEBEA.TB SnegSea Coisaiiioiin Sense Pebble Button Shoes. Special Value. W. II. & IC 8. TUCKER mm mum

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