The fiailu Co eiung, Visitor. ! - Eieept oaaday, Til ITJT VISITOR Is served by carriers in the eity at 25 cents per month, .payable to the earriere In advance. Prleee for mailing 3 per year, or t$ oenta per month. Communications appearing In these olnmna are bu. the expressions of the opinion of the correspondent writing the tame, and they alone are responsible. erott mark X after your name informs yoa that yoar time out. Address all orders and eommonlea tlons to W. K. BROWS, 8r., Raleigh, N O Local notices In this paper will be Five Cents per line each Insertion. Office Upstairs over Mr..!. Hal Bobbin's Drug Store, 2d floor. LB4K4T O ff ClROULVriOSI BALEIUU, JtfAIlCU 8, 1891. Eirr::r." : v . : j ; NORTH CAROLINA NEWS. The fishermen on the Goshie, Roa noke aud Chowan rivers and Albe marle son ad pat in their seines. Charlotte News: Mrs Graber, mo ther of Prof Graber, of the celebrated mnsioal fainllv, Is la a dying condi tion at her home, on North Church street, bhe is over CO years old. The body of Mrs N A Wainwright, who died in Emporia, Va.on Snnday, was interred in Wilson on Tuesday. Her son, Mr George Wainwright, is a citizen of Wilson. Greensboro Record: Onr Methodist friends are not making any fuss but they are going right along with the work on their new church. It is nil covered over and they can go ahead with the inside work without trouble. Charlotte News: Spring work on the farm has beguu in earnest and ploughs are going in all the fields. The farmers say that so far the fruit trees have not been injured and un less a freeze comes shortly, tner will be a big fruit crop next summer. NEWS BY WIRE. ' August 27th the president will re flew the Knights of Pythians in their encampment at Washington. Wyndham Carter has been adjudg ed a criminal lunatic. He menaced the life of Qieen Victoria. The DeniBon, Texas, cotton mill, the largest in the south, has been sold to satisfy a judgment. It cost $50,000 and brought 30,000. The seignorage bill in the senate passed today. Ella Norwood, colored, is' under ar rest in Durham charged with the murder of her two weeks' old baby. Congressman M C Blanchard has been appointed U 8 senator to fill out the unexpired term of Senator White. On account of yellow fever at Rio the port may be closed. T J Lowry.Mt Airy.and J W Knott, Oxford, have been confirmed as post- mosters. INTERESTING ITEMS. In India cable is 21,000 miles long. Electric irons are used in laundries. On the Alps vinegar is made of milk whey . Members of the Austrian Parlia ment get 4 per day. The castor oil plant grows In Amer loaaawellas India. Water expands in freezing, while other liquids contract. The total income of the Church of England is about f 1,000,000 a week. Sandwiches made by machinery re the result of a labor saving de vice just invented. The oldest clergyman in England Is Rev Sir John Warren Hayes, who Was born in 1798. The total number of electors in this country, including women entitled to TOte. is 18,500,000. All the glaciers in the Alps would Dot equal in size in one of the largest In the Territory of Alaska. Bismarck, N D., was so named In 1873, just after the Franco Prus Jan War. The women of the Middle Ages al rays parted their hair with a small when not in w it rled In tbe girdle. Roasted coffee and ground eoffeo beans ml zed with hominy are need to restore broken down horses in Germany. In time ofwarFranoe Is prepared to put 310 oat or every 1,000 of her population in the flild; Germany. 810; BuH'a, 210. A Spanish musioisn has devised a system of musical notation by which the sharp and flat system is done away with. A retired French naal officer has Invented a rifle wbich is capable of firing two kinds of explosive bullets a once. On some parts of the coast of France when the wind is east the mist that appears, it is said, bears with it a noticeable perfume. New England people's investments in Western farm mortgages are said to have shrunk $100,000,000 within the past few months. When the skull of a man who has died of delirum tremens is opened the gas whioh escapes can be ignited, and burns with a blush, alcoholic flame. A SLIGHT MISCONCEPTION. They Didn't Realize How Much the 'Purty Ones" Cost. A tall young fellow wearing a heavy pair of shoes and a suit of clothes of wbich the trouser legs and the sleeves were too short for him, together with a gawky girl who had a brown sack, a red dress and a light yellow hat, stood looking into the window of an up town candy store. It was chocolate day evidently, for there was nothing to be seen in the window but the oark brown confec tions. The two stood and gazed for fullv tpu minutes. Then the girl bunched the man in the ribs with her elbow and 8vid, "Say, Jim them look mighty good." "That they do, Marthy," answered Jim. There was no movement on Jim's part to go into the store and buy some of the candy. On the contrary, he stood as if rooted to the spot and continued gazing through the win dow. Martha waited a few minutes longer, and then her longing for candy overcame her scruples She hunched Jim in the ribs again and said, "Well, hain't ye goin t' buy some?" Jim blushed a little at this direct invitation and hesitated no longer. He took Martha by the arm, and to gether they went into the gaudy siore. . "What kind ye want, Marthy?" asked Jiiu. Some of them there purty ones in the winder," replied Martha. Jim turned to the trim young wo man who had come to wait on him. Gimme 5 cents' 'ortu of that there," he said, pointing to the most expen sive confection in the store. How much?" asked the young wo man. "The hull of 5 cents' 'orth," repeat ed Jim, with a lordly air, while Mar tha snuggled close to him and whis pered, "Don't be reckless, Jim." The young woman behind the coun ter looked perplexed. She hesitated a moment, an t then got a knife and cut one of the bonbons in halve. She took one of the pieces, wrapped It up and handed it to the domfonnded Jim. How much is that there stuff?" he gasped. "A dollar and a quarter a pound." replied the trim young woman. Jim would nave fainted if be had known how. As for Martha, she caught her escort by the arm and said: "Come on, Jim. I bet we kin find a place where we kin git a hall bag mil for o cents " And together tbev sallied out leav ing their diminutive 5 cents' worth behind them. Buffalo Express. Two Lives Saved. Mrs. Thoebe Thomas, of Junction Oitv, 111., was told bv her doctors she had con sumption and that there was no hope tor her, but two Dottles oi ut. King's XNew Lhscovery completely cured her ad she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. E rgers. 139 Florda 8t ban Francisco, suffered from a dreadfn cold, app-oachimt consumption, tried with out result every thine else ; thev bought one . . . i r tri i vt r: j . Dnmeo'ijr Aanjs new isiacovery ana in two weeks was cured, ue is natural! 7 thank ful. 1. It in mn , nwnlta of which th.m an. samples, that pnve the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in cough and colds, iflre trial botile at John Y. MacRae s drugstore, Regular size 60o and II. See the We r Id's Fair fer 13c. Upon receipt of yuur address and fifteen ocnti in posiM stamp w will mail yoa repaid our Souvenir Portfolio of the W orld's iolumbUo Eipjeilioa. the regular prio is fifty cents, bat as we want yoa t have one. we make the pnoe nominal Yoa will and it a woi k of art n l a thin t to be prised. It ooouii.i full page views of the great bond ing, with deecri.Tti n of itme, and is exe cuted In highest tvle of art. If Lot satisfied with it, aruar you icei it. we will refund the stamps and let you keep the book. Address n it buckles a fjo, laicago, m. Instances of extreme old age are more common among those who cz erclse themselves with gardening than in any other employment. Bocklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for eats. braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil blains, corns and ail skin emotions. and positively cures piles, or no pav required, it Is gnaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refund ed. Prioe 25 cents per pox. For sale by John Y MacRae. It's the Suit Not the Man that catches these days. YOUNG MAN how is you suit? Is it presentable? If not, whv not when you can get such a ''bang up," stylish suit of us for so little money? , XThiitirigr Bros. Andbew S. Jones, Lin. H. Roysteb, Business Manager. Aren't & Bupt. B'ld'g B. F. Pabk, in charge yards and shops. ' ROYSTER, PARK & CO. (Successors to Ellington, Royster Co.) MANUFACTUBKBS OF Doors, Sash, Bliods, Scroll Work, STAIR HAILS And all Other Kinds of Building Material. Will contract to bui'd anywhere in the State, or famish any kind of material de sired. Our shop is equipped with the latest and best wood working machinery. We are lo cated on the S. K. L. Railroad, which runs through the best timbered lands in North Carolina, from which we get our logs an 1 cut our own lumber. This enables us to fill orders of any s'ze or dimension on short notice. w can cut is.uuu xeet a aay. uur Dry Kiln has a cap city o' 50 000 feet, and we cut, dry and dre?s lumber for the public at reasonable rates Telephone No. 135 Our yard and shopi are on West street at west terminus of Edenton street. feb24 Hishast cash nrice naid for eool. sound. cotton seed delivered at our coal yard. One or more car loads per day. Jones & Powell. COAL. WOOD. &C FOR SALE. Kentucky Lump Splint Coal. Tennessee . " " " Virginia " Pocahontas" 8emi-bitaminpus Coal. Russell Greek Lamp " " Oayton, Red Ash, Egg, 8emi-anthracite, Anthracite )oal, all sizes. Oak and pin" wood, cut and long. Corn, Oats. Hay, Bran, Shingles, Lumber laws, kc at lowest cash prices. JONES & POWELL ;Raleigh,NC. Phone 41 and 71. H. F. Smith & Co., Cor. Fayettev'lle and Martin Sts., Wholesale and retail dealers in all the popu lar Dranasoi Ciaars ar d Tobacco, " wwus uu -i-au8 vaue Everything new. Our ent're stock is fresh and embrace1) all the favorite brands of the best manufactoriei in the country. Tropin and see us. febw COl(Oi) Seed rated A GOOD GARDEN PAYS! To foe Successful im this JLousimess You Should Plant and Reliable G I sell Robt Buist's acknowledged by the truckers of Raleigh to be superior to all other makes and better adapted to our soli & climate. am pleased to offer au asorttnent of A O D a T 4 flTT J i : ii i! BESTS, : CABBAGE, (14 varieties), . CARROT, i'i CELKRY. Ii CDUD&lBER, ! COLLARDd, if KALE, ii LETTUCE, : LEEK, MUSTARD. u ii : : ii HOKRA, l Ab 2 OoxLijS Gardeu IPeas, Irish Potatoes9 (Northern grown.) Core mui Beamis9 allat Jm HiLLBOBBirrS, Headquarters for Drugs and Seeds, LMiO SALES. House and Lot or Sale. By virtue of authority conferred by a certain deed of mortg tire, executed on the Uth day of April, 1891. by rurner R Jons ind Fannit) Jones, his wife, to Ed ti bee s Co, and regis (.ered in the office of the Register of Daeds for Wake coauto, N O, in book U8, at page 'Hi, we will on Tuesday. March iQ. 1891. sell at public auction, to tlx highest oiaaer, lor oasa, a noase and lot in tUleigh township, wake county, If east oi tne corporate limits of tne iity of Raleigh, situate on the west side of an unnamed street running at runt angles south from Marciu street extended said lot beiug rectangular in s jape, fronting 66i feet on said un named street ana running back 105 feet to tbe (iatling line bounded ou the north by tbe said Jones and Beverly Short line and on the south by the Wm Thompson line for full de scription of said lot reference is made to said mortgage. On said lot if loc- ted a house containing a store and five rooms and stables tmd necessary outhouses Also one gray horse named Charlie, eleven years old, oue stray mare sold said Jones by Kid U Lee & Co, and one s otted inileh oo w l ime of Bale li o'clock m. Place of sale counr.y court house door in Kal- eigb, JN U. This February 17, 1894. HAY WOOD & a AX nfOUl), fel7 tds Attorneys for Mortgagees. Mortgage Sale o! Seal Estate. By virtue of power conferred on me by a certain mortgage aeea, exeou ted by J F Brown, and duly recorded in Registry of Jonston county in book A, xNo o, 1 wilt oner lor sale at tne court house d er in the city of Ral eigh, N O, to tie highest bidder, for oaen, on Monday, Jiarca iv, loa, at 12 o'clock m. the land in said mort gage described, being lot No 8 in the division of the lands of the late John R Brown. Said lot having been as signed in said division to tbe said J F Brown. Said land Bald to contain 91 acres and lying within one half mil- of the village of Earpsboro, rt u. BP MO X VAGUE, fel7 Attorney for Mortgagee. To tlie Public. I have returned to the city and will take charge of my shoe work again. Half soles from 35c to II. Work delivered In any part of the city. My shop is 3081 East Martin at, mh6 6t W MOORE. Only Pure.Fresh ardan Seeds. these seeds, including: IP MELONS, mos SEED, PAK-il.BY PARSNIP, PUdPKlX, PEPPr.RS, RAJDISti, SALSIFY. BPINAOH. Z m S ii : ii ii : ii ii ii SQUASH, j. TOM&TuES, :i TUKJSIPS, &o ii ii 1 1 'a per JDozoicl, ) Land Sales. Sale of Land. Bv authority of a deed of trust from A J Hoiieycutt and wife, recorded in i.ook 92, page 1m, Register of Deeds office for Wake county, 1 will, cn Saturday, tbe 7th day of April, ikh, at ii o'ciocK m. at tne court house door of Wake county, sell to the hien- est bidder tor cash, a tract oi lau l iu Pan ther Branch township, Wate county, ad join ng t e lands ot James Adams, Jinn xoung, Willis ransn ana oiners, containing 50 acres, and more particularly described in tne aioresaia aea oi trust. mh6 W N JONES, Aty. Notice of Sale. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Wake county, duly made in the special proceeding of a. McC. Snow, adm'x, Sw., vs. Mary B. euo et al., I will expote to public sale at the court house do a in the city of Raleigh, on Monday, March 26th, 1891, the following d scribed real estate, viz: A lot of land on tne corner of Halifax and Johnson streets, in the city ot Raleigh, kno vn as the "L wren e place." inis land will be di vide J and soil in lots frontiog on UaLfax, JoUnsonand Salisbury streets. Also a cer tain otneriotoi land just south ot the south era boundary line of the city of Raleigh, on the south side of Pera a street extended, adjoining lot tormerly belonging to Prim rose on tne n.irtn and the lot formerly be longing to vaa on the south. Terms ot sale: Oue th'rd cash, balance at one and two years, with interest at eight per cent. VJ lVUJUU) n ... n. ....... ( Raleigh, Feb. 'lib, im. tds Sale of House and Lot By virtue of power couf orred on me bv two certain mortgages executed by R Stanley Mo xntyre ana wiie.naue Mclntyre, wmon said mortgages are duly recorded tiegiaterv Wake county, in book tic 118, at page b0', and dook ino va, page ouu, I wui oner lor sale to the hkhest Didder tor cash, at the court house door, on Saturday, Marcti, 17, 1894, the house and lot in said mortgages de scribed lymg just east cf the city of Raleigh, on the west side of Smitn street, adjoiniag tne Janus ot a Logon ana others, being l oc tangular in ahapf, fronting 42 feet 9 inches on Smith stieet, and running back 133 feet. Also at the same time and place a lot of household and kitchen furniture. f e lo tds B i MON i'Ai(JUi, Mortgagee. Raleigh, N C. Feb 16, im. Hotice. Having qualified as the administrator of the estate of J N Kllis, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said esta'e to present the same tome on or beiore February 28th, 1895, or ttm no tice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Those indebted to the estate will please make payment. F F ELLIS, Admr. Feb 28, 1884. oaw6wp 10 BOGUS bo gus Doctors' letters used to sell HOOD'S Sarsaparilla. Every one of b eittwtiwmfiata u absolutely trotv .

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