THE HALEIGII DAILY TRIBUNE, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 25, 1697. l':. I. IV Kri 1;, 1::; L N . N N N T 1: V. a: I T V I : : ' rr ., u Bulls Playing the Uct for a Rise. (I Alar- So. Railway 5's con.. nrefd 18. c. 4ig U. S. new 4's, Dec " Coup "" 8C4 0 27 f 100 122 122f IS B SIEEL PRODUCTS ADVAnC E uriD FIRM TO THE CLOSE - . WITH SIGNS . . :ZZ 1 ". , 21-Flour-Un- vtit4ii&rvi. i h; ii v" w m-. changed. ' - '"" nour un" Wheat Dull, weak; f. o. b tc- ;:?;r, J Itu- .iw. options: xo. 2 cmuiry, ouc; .March. SIHc; May Corn Spot dull, easier; No. 2, 2V le vator 30c afloat. Options quiet and easy at UUc decline, with longs realizfng Fr ari" 2YC May; Hcf July. 5Xf: Oats-Spot quiet, easier; options diill, weaker ebruary. 21Hc; May. 21UC. Spot .No. 2. 21c; No. 2 white. 23c: mixed. 20 23c. nipping, i,.; good nay l.asy; choice. 72,c. Wool Firm, changed. Beef Quiet: f jrVMr AdvanceThe Shorts on cks Stimulating Rise In Prices The Movement Checked Heavy c 3 1 : ,n a in Favorites. 21. Wh'-n business ' t Stock Exchange i u.un ieenng was in . , 71. "! Tutors for a rise t... rial decline reported I w-v inclined to take ' i-w of tlie situation. - ti.. St. Paul statement -. k February showed , .-irnin-rs as compared .!.! as it was announced : t"r steel rails had ' . 1 !4 proportions that the , . , J works were refus- : ,- at anything less than Th. who were running i 1 f. y are generally men Uiii-cht with more free ; ? and succeeded "in lift per cent. In a few ' i',-- rise was still more M t;t Irin moving up 41,;-. . ', ; i Gas 2. and Leather pre : . r .-nt. The last mentioned . : : inthienced for a time by 1 -port submitted to the - - at th-ir meeting today. - ;- ! ame nervous because . .... ..t'iitty t force out stocks v k hands and they, too. 1 . buy. with the result of . :? - th- rise. The upward move- . j, .... kt d during the afternoon : tion In the Senate ot . .-. .:i demanding the prompt S.tri:uilly. now Imprisoned T:.;- t.ivi- simulation a chill. ::-.mIiately suggested by - t1, tt the resolution in ques- . :'r-.-h batch of disquieting th- Cul'iin situation. r l-eloped increased th- session drew to a ; i ojy was the early im- -t. Iut a number of lead- - Manhattan. Burlington , St. Paul. Rock Island. t:;. . Louisville and Nash . . ;.t. Western Union and 1 - - , s ..:.! 1 .:!,!'.. .. c; moderate demand, 310.50; to un- ex- ex- family. yj.m tra mess. S7.00. 8.00. Reef Hams Firm; IIS.OOQ 18.50. Tierced Reef Slow. sim1v . T.itj- - J ' j 101 iiiui.j mess, l-i'llic. Cut Meats Firm., fair rUmanH- pickled bellies. 4UC: shoulders 43. t? ."c: hams. SUi'Jc. " " Iard Firmer, better demand: west ern steam. J4.20: citv. i.rr.n- Mnv n i- refined quiet; continent. $4.45; S." A.'. $!..- compound. 4f iUc. Pork Firmer; moderate demand new mess. $i.2.Vf Rutter Moderate demand, liberal supply; state dairy. lOTMSc: state creamery. lCfxlSc; western creamerv. lGfKc; Klgins. 1'jc. . Ksrs Weaker, unchanged. Cotton Seed Oil Quiet, steady; crude, 2('?i20Uc: yellow- prime.-2Zi(i 24c. Rosin Quiet; strained, 'common to good. J 1.70. Turpentine, Steady. 2$fI29c. . Rice Firm, fair demand; domestic fair to extra, 3"if6c; Japan, 4HM!c Molasses unchanged. I'e.anuts Molerate demand; fancy hand picked, 3lZc. Coffee Steady, o'filS points down; March. 9.009.03; May. 9.10; July. 9.13 September. 9.20. Spot Rio dull, weak; Sugar Raw firm; fair demand: fair refining, 2!ic; centrifugal, 96 test, 3Uc; refined quiet, unchanged. mixed. .4fi3.62U: choice as- 3.70; light, $3.5033.70; pigs. choice sorted. H.ZZQ 13.303.70. Sheep Receipts. stronRer; inferior to Iambs, Z.'JrJi 3.20. 14.000; market ! choice, ;.50t4-25; SOUTHERN RAILWAY. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TYIO EYES. r TWO EYES. TWO EYES. i-iverpooi. Feb. 24.-12:30 p. m. Cot ton Demand fair. Drices unchannd. American middlinc:. 3 15-16d: Rales. 10.- 0-; American. 8.800: speculation and export. oOO; receipts. 7.000; American. 3.. 00. Pjtures opened steady, demand good: February. 3.36: Mrrh-Anrl .-.'a3.3C; April-May, May-June, June July. 3.37; July-Ausrust. 2.3S: Auzust. September. 3.35: SeDtember-Oetotr. 3.49; October-November. 3.43- Futures quiet. Tenders at todav's clearing: no bales new dockets. f Liverpool. Feb. 24.-4 p. m. Febru ary. Februar-March. March-Anril. .53ft3.3s; April-May. May-June. 3.36b; June-July, 2.36 3.57s; July-August. oi.;.7b: Aueist-Sentemler. 3.v4- September-Octoler. 3.43. 43s; October November, 3.44b: Xovember-Decemher .io. ruiures closed nnier In Effect June 11, 1S96 (i'nvate Wire of John A. nimn -w 3)7 Wilmington Street, Raleigh, N C.) New York. Feb. 24. Stocks The early hours were marked h of shorts. It lost its imnetna In tha tif- lemo.jn on tlie discussion of the Cuban question in the Senate. The -speculation was dull. j i-aim-a-i list after early strength, saggea. ie;ow the closing level of terday.. industrials were irregular with sharp recession from top prices. Chicago 'las, after an advance of broke a point. United States Leather Preferred a.s marnea up one point at the start, but became unsettled on the publication of the Company's unsatisfactory annual 11 yes- on all New ances: S36.522. York, Feb. 24. Treasury Coin, I12S.278.622; currency, New York, Feb. 24. In the dry goods market today the jobbing trade vfas fairly active. Prices continue steady in all departments and without quotable change. New closed bales. April, York, Feb. 24. Cotton Futures quiet and steady. Sales. 1S7.200 February, 6.90; March, 6.89; 6.95; May, 7.00; June, 7.05; July, 7.10: August. 7.12; September 6.S1; Oc tober, 6.70; November, 6.72; December, ti. 11. 1 'i to li per cent, losing. The traders aisted lot that they P i!in with almost ev- 1 tit. of the transaction. an e is to be attached Tie stocks that devel- -t u akn-ss in the later Manhattan. Sugar, Chi- ;iaii"ts. Reading. Jer . nii-ss-e Coal and West - total transactions wer . in. hiding 2;.5oO Sugar, 1 !t -ferred. 11.200 Tobacco. II and Quincy. 9.1)0 St. i:-aiing. . - -!..w declines of Ul'a ! !-;Tding shares. New York. Feb. 24. Cotton Steady : midling. 7; net and gross receipts, none; exports to Great Britain. 2,775; forwarded, none: sales, 1,319; spinners. 203: stock. 261,43. Total today: Net receipts. 13.S43: ex ports to Great Britain. 9,919: France, 4.S16: continent, 1.724; stock. 923.346. Total so far this week: Net receipts. 61,445; exports to Great Britain, 36.S70; France. 6.Q90; continent. 40.636. Total since September 1: Net receipts, 5.s6964; exports to Great Britain, 2, 526.070; France, 537.1S5; continent, 1, 4S0.25G; channel, 5:481. New Orleans. La., Feb. 24. Cotton Futures steadv; February, 6.69; March, 6.70: April, 6.74; May. 6.S1; June, 6.86; July, 6.91: August. 6.S2; September, 6.50; October, 6.46; November, 6.49. report, augar advanced one point covering of shorts, but lost about us gain jaier. lODaeco was nervous. There was a sharp break in Jersey Central in the afternoon on the an nouncemnt that the Lexow Committee would take up the investigation of the alleged anthracite coal trust. Market closed unsettled and irregular, with signs or renewed bear aggressions. N. MNKY MARKET. V :k. F k 21. Moncv 1 :-r. 1 r it:.. on call Last loan at 1J Prime mer- lu.s .tt 1 ; per cent. ; :.: -t - :i cr ten. Bar . ilvcr C4 r c xcu.mcre dull, with ac-c-s in bankers' bills at 4.8oa - i!.ivs and 4.b7a4 for de 1. 1 rates 4.S."Ja4.SS.. Coramer 1 v:::altJ. Government bonds ?u!e bond dull; llailroad bonds 1-. "Silver at the board was firm. A:...-.. A:... ::. A::.,::, At.-i.f-. U. X (. A ( :.:. v . r. a STOCKS. Cotton Oil .... prtf'd. . St:-ar Kttincry prefd 1:: Tolacco . prerd n . I 11: Pacific V Alton V - .1 -i ' A Lackawana C. V Klcctric C Ural ' V prefd : I. A N I-.N A V. . M A .. s. . " V ", " a r Consolidated 1: Central ; Pacific .l . oi.i, prerd ' :.':,! 1 ' n'ral X 1: I. . I. a: 371 Chicago, III.. Feb. 24. The wheat 'market was enlivened about noon to- dav bv a break of over a cent. Previous to that hour business was extremely dull and uninteresting. The war news from Europe was the hull argument all through last week ,and now that things over there have assumed a less threatening aspect, holders are begin ning to display, discouragement. It was "long" wheat which was mainly responsible for todays work, although the bears helped it along. May wheat opened from 73c to 75.8 sold between 751c and 73";c, closing at 74$7741-8c, i l?!.c under yesterday. Cash wheat was weak and lc per bushel lower. Corn The confidence shown in the corn market yesterday was absent to day. A St. Louis operator of considera ble prominence who has recently been doing some heavy buying was not in the market to any extent today. A big "short" line was covered yesterday, thus removing the support which would naturally come from it. Under these circumstances, little life and not much strength was apparent. Wheat being easy, was another adverse factor. There was a decline when wheat brokt later, no support being accorded prices. May corn opened at 24c, sold between 24Vc and 24lic closing at the inside, ic under yesterday. .Cash corn was 2c lower for No. 4, but other grades were steady. Oats Most of the trading in May oats during the morning was 174 173Ac, a fractional loss from yesterday's close. Weakness was partly due to heavy arrivals, but the action of wheat and corn was of more importance as an influence. Prices declined further, when the other markets collapsed. May oats closed U'ftc lower than yesterday. Cash oats were Vic lower. , Provisions A fair improvement in product prices was quotable, but the trade was certainly devoid of interest or activity. First reports from the hog market gave an advance of 5c and sub sequent ones added another 5c. This was the consideration affecting pro duct. May pork closed 10c higher. May lard. 10gi2c higher. higher. May ribs, 5tI7c Mai! i rtificate ('M:d & Iron. 1 aci prefd . c rrerd ; Union. L. E. 24 7.J1 133 C4 2i SO 9 6 15 82 1 iH Closing. 7i 74a74i TH G0i 22 24 25 1 2Cia2Gi V e. r:r.. uv Chicago, 111., Feb. 24. Leading futures 1 11 iViric 14t rangcuasioiio,: m tuefd 37J upenmg. " February.. - 73a73 -.r 1 01; .nay t - T..I.. 1 To-" J Ul V September 70 CORN ' February 22$ ' Mav 24 July .." .-. 25. September 20 1 OATS -February 15 May ., 17al7 July IS MESS PORK May : 7.971 July 8.12 LARD Mav-'. 4.00 Ju.y 4.12 SHORT RIBS May 4.10 4.15 July 4.20 4.22 9 15i 17 13 prefd 5 EOXD3. t'as A n C et. o s dtf t. 1:. s K.i).."": - coup 103 105 9S 96 102 122 80 805 S.17 4.10 4.17 V . , c 02J 111 113$ 95 Union Stock Yards, 111.. Feb. 24. Cat tle Receipts, 16,000; market weak and 10c lower. Common to extra steers. $3.505.33; stockers and feeders, $3.00 4.23; cows and bulls, $1.S0'S3.75; Tex ans. $2.234.30. Hogs Receipts, 33.00); market firm and 5010c higher; heavy packing and shipping lots, JS'g'-.eO; common to New York, Feb. 24. Cotton The cot ton market was dull and featureless. The fluctuations in prices were con fined within an extremely narrow range and at the Close rriee u-oro nna nnirf bal- lower to 4 hitrher.A t the oneninc nrie- $o9,-es declined one to three rioints The Liverpool cables were disappointing, and tired longs sold out. Notices for about 25,000 bales were issued, but were quickly stopped. Before the close, pric es rallied on buying by some of the the early sellers. The spot market here and the southern spot mark ets were firm and moderately active. The receipts at the ports were light, and the exports continue to be liberal. The total sales for to-day were 187.900. New Orleans advanced five points Ion March; Liverpool advanced l-32d on the spot, with sales of 10,000 bales; futunes there opened one point higher, but re acted, closing half point higher to One point lower. In Manchester, yarns were quiet, but steady, cloths quiet. The ex ports from the ports were 16,489. The receipts at the ports were 13,845 bales against 12J40 last week,' and 14,208 last year; thus far this week, 64,445 bales against 56,432 thus far last week. The receipts at New Orleans to-morrow are estimated at 2,500 to 3,000 against 4,b948 last week, and 4,216 last year. 1 Houston expects 1,700 to 1,900 against 2,913 last week, and 3,083 last year. Au -gusta received to-day 448 bales against 91 last week, and 849 last year; Mem phis, 307 against 728 last week, and 429 ast year; Houston. 3,058 against 1,608 ast week, and 1,991 last year. Spot cotton here was unchanged, with sales of 1.116 for export, and 203 for shipping. Middling uplands, 7 cents against 7 cents last year. St. Louis advanced 1-16; New Orleans sold 4,000; Mobile, 1.200; St. Louis, 750; Augusta, 736; Sa vannah, 500 and Norfolk. 436. j M'INTYRE & WARDWELL. j Chicago. Feb. 24. Wheat Further liquidation carried the price of wheat about one and one-half cents per bush el lower than yesterday s final closing, making a decline for the two days of 2 cents per bushel. Indications at the opening pointed a firm market, vthere being good buying by New York and some large local traders. During the first half hour or so, fluctuations were narrow, but prices held steady arouhd 75U- The only selling "that was at all conspicuous during this time was byj a commission house? These offerings, however, evidently supplied the demand and it only required a little selling latei in the day to cause a demoralized feel ing. As soon as the1 market turned small, holders began dumping their wheat and found few buyers. This sel ling increased as soon as Bradstreets' statement on the world's visible sup ply was received. A decrease of about 2,000,000 bushels was the genral esti mate, and the figures, making a de crease of only 795,000 bushels, were dis appointing. The market closed at about the lowest point of the day with out showing any reaction of note, with indications of lower prices to-morrow morning, unless it receives 'something, in the way of encouraging news over night. Spot wheat in Liverpool, closed at a decline of Vsd, with futures id lower. Clearances were only moderate, 211.000 bushels. Corn and Oats Corn and oats have been weak in sympathy with wheat. Traders who sold yesterday at the ad vance were the best buyers. . j Provisions Provisions were weak at one time, in sympathy with the decline in graip and on large selling of ribs by a packing concern. Near the close, the market strengthened considerably n some good local ouying, nnai ngures being about best for the day. LAM SON, BRO. & CO. RALEIGH COTTON MARKET. Raleteh. N. C. Feb. 24. Strict good middling 6 Good middling .1 6 Strict middling 6$ Middlinc. - 6 Receipts on market yesterday 30 bales; University Notes. Chapel Hill, N. C, Feb. 23. The regu lar monthly meeting of the Shakespeare club, was -held yesterday in Gerrard hall. The president. Dr. Hume, opened the exercises by a few remarks on the scenes and character represented In a very valuable collection of Shakespere an pictures which have recently been presented to the club'by Mr. St. Clair Hester, of Brooklyn, X. Y., who was a member of the class of S8. A vote of thanks was unanimously tendered Mr. Hester. The first paper of the evening was presented by Mr. Burton Craige on the "Book of Job as a Dramatic Produc tion." Mr. S. Browne Shepherd followed with a paper on the "Development of the Historical Drama." "The King In Edward II.," by Mr. Lional Weil con cluded the programme. . It is understood here that the Repub licans will go into caucus during the latter part of the week to nominate ja man for the position of railroad com missioner, and should they do so, no better selection could be made than "Col." James B. Mason" of Chapel Hill, a life-long Republican and one of the leaders of his party since its organiza tion in Orange county. For him to be nominated is the desire of the commu nity. TRAINS LEAVE RALEIGH: 'NORFOLK & CHATTANOOGA LIM ITED." 1:40 p. m. daily Solid vestibuled train with sleeper from Raleigh to Chat tanooga, via Salisbury, Morganton, Asheville, Hot Springs and Knox ville. Connects at Durham for Oxford, Clarksville and Keysville. except Sunday. At Greensboro with Wash ington and Southwestern Vesti buled (limited) train for all points north, and with main line train No. 12 for Danville, Richmond and in termediate stations; also nas con nection for Winston-Salem, and with, main line train No. 35. "United States Fast Mail," for Charlotte, Spartanburg, Greenville, Atlanta and air points South; also Colum bia, Augusta. Charleston, Savan nah, Jacksonville, and all points in Florida. Sleeping car for Atlanta, Jacksonville, and at Charlotte with sleeping car for Augusta. "CHATTANOOGA AND NORFOLK LIMITED." 45 a. nu daily Solid train, consisting of Pullman sleeping cars and coaches from Chattanooga to Ral eigh, arriving at Norfolk at 5:20 p m., in time to connect with the Old Dominion, Merchants & Miners', Norfolk & Washington, and Balti more, Chesapeake & Richmond Steamship Companies for all points north and east. Connects at Selma for Fayette ville and intermediate stations on the Wilson & Fayetteville Short Cut daily; daily except Sunday for Newbern and Morehead City; daily for Goldsboro and Wilmington and intermediate stations on the Wil mington & Weldon Railroad. . EXPRESS TRAIN. 8:53 a. m. daily Connects at Durham for Oxford, Keysville, Richmond; at Greensboro for Washington and all points north. EXPRESS TRAIN. 09 n.-m-'dallv For Goldsboro and in termediate stations. LOCAL. 2:00 a. m. daily Connects at Greens boro for all points nbrth and south and Winston-Salem and points on the Northwestern North Carolina Railroad; at Salisbury for all points in Western North Carolina, Knox ville, Tenn., Cincinnati and western points; at Charlotte for Spartan burg,. Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all points south. TRAINS ARRIVE AT RALEIGH. EXPRESS TRAIN. 3:09 p. m. daily From Atlanta, Char lotte, Greensboro and all points south. LOCAL. 7:10 a. m. daily From Greenboro and all points north and south. Sleep ing car from Greensboro to Ral eigh "NORFOLK AND CHATTANOOGA LIMITED." 3:40 p. m. daily From all points east, Norfolk, Tarboro, Wilson and water lines. . i From Golsboro, Wilmington, Fay etteville and all points in Eastern Carolii&a. "CHATTANOOGA AND NORFOLK LIMITED." 11:45 a. fn. daily From New York, Washington, Lynchburg, Danville and Greensboro, Chattanooga, Knoxville, Hot Springs and Ashe ville. LOCAL. 9:00 p. m. daily, except Sunday From Goldsboro and all points east. EXPRESS TRAIN. 8:53 a. m. daily From Goldsboro. For tickets, routes and rates, or other information, call on or write to THAP. C. STURG1S, Ticket Agent, Raleigh, N. C. J. M. CULP, Traffic Manager. W. H. GREEN, W. A. TURK, Gen'l Supt. G. P. A. 1 DIFFERENT REFRACTION In the two eyes of the same person ia quite common.. One eye may be correct and the other long-sighted or far-sighted, , or they may have different degrees of same defect or one eye may be far-sighted and the other near-sighted. No charge fortesting eyes. H. HAHLER'S SONS, Jewelers and Opticians, RALKIGIIt c. I TWO EYES. SiI3I3x I 2 TWO ETES. T H E C ECVITRAL HOTEL, Corner Wilmington and Hargett Streets, half block from Favetteville , Street, one block south of Capitol Square. : 1 RALEIGH, -X". C, 'mm TTnn Been Tliorouully Cloriiie(l 1 Newly Kvirnisliel, And now offers to both Transient and Regular Boarders first class fare at moderate prices. A. J. JONES. IVIcaricager. ; WE SHALL s Have no need of the Chinaman in the future if every American laun dryman .will supply the proper kind of work. We can launder your linen much better, much whiter (without the use of chemicals), finish them in much finer style, and we won't charge you any more, and we won't senu them home minus the but- tons, either. ' Prompt Delivery. Drop a Postal for; our Wagon. J OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRV, 216 FajettevillelSt., YaUit h,X. C. PAGE & I AICS1I ALL, Proprietors, j C. F. & Y. V. RAILROAD. JOHN GILL, Receiver. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. In Effect December 20, 1S96. S. A. L. Vestibuled Limited Trains. North Bound. Atlantic &N.C. Railroad. Time Table No. 2, To take effect Wednesday, November 27th. Lv. Wilmington Ar. Fayetteville Lv. Fayetteville Lv. Fayetteville Junction J Lv. Sandford . . . . . . . Lv. Climax Ar. Greensboro.. Lv. Greensboro ........ Lv. Stokesdale. Lv. Walnut Cove ......... . Lv. Rural Hall. Ar. Mt. Airy................ South Bound Lv. Mt. Airy Lv. Rural Hall.... Lv. Walnut Cove.:....... Lv. Stokesdale Ar. Greensboro ............. Greensboro ............ Climax.. ,. Sandford. Fayetteville Junction. Fayetteville Fayetteville , . No. 2, Daily. ... 7:50 a m .. ..11:00 a m .. ..11:21 a m ...11:27 a m 1:00 p m 2:25 p m 3:25 p m ..?:.J5 p m ..4:23 p m ..4:55 p m ..5:26 p m ..6:56 p m DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE. ; Shortest and Quicest Route to'Atlanta, New Orleans, Norfolk, Richmond, Washington Bal ti mo res Philadelphia, Boeton,. New York. ' , - ' No Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Ar. Lv. Ar. -jI 13 f STATIONS 4 j 4 2 aTmJi M.ji- ! a. M.jP. M. 7.20 3.20 !. Goldsboro.-.-- '11.2.51 8.00 7.53 3.40 L-Bests------'1103 7.20 8.1G 3 49 -LaGrange . 10 52 0 50 8 3G 4.00 !. Falling Creek 10.42 6.20 9.24! 4.12'LKinston 10.32 G.00 9.38' 4 21 .-Caswell. 10 20 5 18 1015j 4.30 iDover -.10.12 5.00 10.40 4.42: L Core Creek . 10 004X0 4 54 L.Tuscarora : 9.50 3.3S 11.31! 5.00 L .Clark's ; 9 42 3.20 1.30 5.25' ! .Newbern v 9.30 2.50 2.12 5.50;Kiverdale J 8.53 10.10 2.20 5.53 L.Croatan i 8.4910 00 2.43! G.Oo f.-Havelock .--!' 8.40 9.40 312' 6.18 Newport.-.--j 8.26 9.06 3.2o! 6.24! Wildwood . 8 19 8.47 3.31! 6 29' ..Atlantic 8.15 8.38 3.51 6 42i -Morehead City. ' 8 07 8.20 j ..Atlantic Hotel.. ! 4.01 9 50 M. City Depot.. 7 45 7 50 P. M. P. M.l iA.'M I A. M. Lv. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. Ar. Lv. Ar, Wilmington.. .. North Bound. Bennettsville ........... Maxton... Maxton.. Red Springs. ....... Hope Mills.. Fayetteville.. ...... .. .. South Bound. Fayetteville Hope Mills Red Springs .... Maxton.. ........... Maxton.. Bennettsville 1, Daily. . 8:40 a m .10:04 a m .10:32 a m .11:07 a m .11:55 a m .12:15 p m ,12:43 p m . 2:55 p m . 4:12 p m . 4:18 p m . 4:35 p m , 7:45 p m Schedulei n Effect Novemger 1st, No 4, Daily. .. 8:30 a m .. 9:40 a m . . 9:50 a m ..10:18 a m ..11:01 a m .11:19 a m No. Lv. Ramseur Lv. Climax Ar. Greensboro Lv. Greensboro.... Lv. Stokesdale .... Ar. Madison : ? South 3, Daily. 4:28 p m 4:49 p m 5:36 p m 6:09 p m 6:17 p m 7:25 p m North Bound. No. 16, Mixed. . Daily, ex. Sun. m m m m m m 6:45 8:! a a .. 9:20 a .. 9:35 a ..11:07 a . .11:55 a Passenger Daily except Sunday. tMlxed Freight and Passenger Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. JMixed Freight and Passenger Monday Wednesday and Friday. j " S. L. DILL, Superintendent: GRBEI9FR0HT SALOON, J. E. Hamlin & Co., Proprietors. WHISKEY, WINES, Beer, Cigars, IotaGGO. LUNCH ROOM. PRIVATE ROOMS FOR PRIVATE PARTIES. NORTH CAROLINA Corn Whiskey A SPECIALTY. Harry Bassett Bye WTiistey OUR LEADER. 205 South "Wilmington Street ' Bound. No. 15, Mixed. Daily, ex. Sun. 12:30 p m 1:28 p 2:40 p 3:25 p 4:20 p 6:05 p m m m m m Lv. Madison . Lv. Stokesdale . . . Lv. Gieensbcro.. Lv. Greensboro.. Lv, Climax ,. Ar. Ramseur North Bound Connections At Fayetteville, with Atlantic Coast Line for all points north arid east; at Sanford, with the Seaboard Air-Line; at Greensboro, with the Southern Rail way Company; at Walnut Cove, with the Norfolk & .Western Railroad for Winston-Salem. South Bound Connections. At Walnut Cove with the Norfolk & Western Railroad, for Roanoke and points north and east; at Greensboro, with the Southern Railway Company for Raleigh, Richmond and all points north and ast; at Fayetteville with the Atlantic Coast Line for all points south; at Maxton, with the Seaboard Air Line for Charlotte, Atlanta and all points south and southwest. J. W. FRY, W. E. KYLE, Gen Mgr. Gen. Pass. Agt. ffie 1111. The first of American News papers, CHARLES A. DAjSA, Editor. The American Constitution, the American Idea, the Ameri can Spirit. These first, last and all the time, forever. Daily, by mail, - - f6 m J Daily and Sunday, by mall -tear The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday Newspa per in the world. Price oc a copy. By mail, $2 a year. Address THE SUN, New York. ; TRAINS LEAVE RALEIGH: 1:26 a. m. Dally. "Atlanta Special., Pulman Vestiblue for Henderson, Weldon, Petersburg, Richmond, Washington,' Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York arid all points notth. Buffet drawing-room" sleepers and Pulman coaches Atlanta to Wash ington parlor cars Washington to New York Pullman sleeping car Monroe to Portsmouth. Arrives at Washington 10:45 a. m., Baltimore 12 noon, Phila delphia 2:20 p. m., New York 4:53 p. ni. Also for Portsmouth, Norfolk, Old Point and local stations Seaboard . & Roanoke Railroad. -. 11:31 a. m. Daily. For Henderson, Weldon, Suffolk, Portsmouth, Norfolk and intermediate stations, connects at Portsmouth- with Bay Line for Old Point and Baltimore; with Norfolk -and Washington Steam boat Company for Washington; with N. Y. P. & N. Railroad for Philadelphia and points north; also at Weldon with Atlantic Coast Line for - Richmond, Washington. Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, and with. Scotland Neck Branch for Greenville, Washing ton and Portsmouth. .' Pullman sleeping- car Atlanta to Portsmouth. 6:00 a. m. Daily. "Atlanta Special,, Pullman Vestibule for Southern Pines, Hamlet. Wilming ton, Monroe, Charlotte, LIncolnton, Shelby, Chester, Clinton , Grenwood, Abbeville, Athens, Atlanta, Augusta, Columbia, Macon, Montgomery, Mo bile, New Orleans, Chattanooga, Nash ville, Memphis and all points south and southwest; through Pullman Buffet sleepers and day coaches Washington and Atlanta, connecting directly at Union Depot, Atlanta, with diverging lines: also Pullman sleeping car Ports mouth "to Monroe. ! 3:40 p. m. Daily. For Wilmington, Charlotte, Chester, Greenwood, Athens, Atlanta and all Union station, Atlanta, with diverging lines. Pullman sleeping car Ports mouth to Atlanta. 1 TRAINS ARRIVE AT RALEIGH: ' 3; 40 p. m. Daily. From Nrtrfolk, Portsmouth and points north' via Bay Line and N. Y. P. & N. Railroad, Petersburg. Richmond and" Washington, Baltimore, Philadel phia, New York and Boston; also from Greenville Plymouth, Washington, N. C, and Eastern Carolina points via Weldon. 1:21 a. m. Daily. "Atlanta Special,, Pullman Vestibule from Atlanta and points south. Ath ens, Abbeville, Greenwood and Chester. 11:26 a. m. Daily. From Charlotte. Athens, Atlanta and intermediate stations. 5:53 a. m. Daily. "Atlanta Special., from Norfolk, Portsmouth. Henderson, Weldon, Rich mond, Washington, Baltimore, Phila delphia. New York and the east. Magnificent Pullman vestibuled trains. No extra fare. Apply to ticket agent, or to H. S. LEARD, Sol. Pass. Agt. Raleigh N." C. E. ST. JOHN, Vke-Pres. & Gen.Mgr! H. W. B. GLOVER. Traffic Manager T. J. ANDERSON, Gen. Pass. Aent. V. E. McBEE. General Superintends FOR Commercial Printing : County Supplies Blank Books WRITE CAPITAL PRINTING CO. RALEIGH i