THE RASP. RALEIGH, APRIL 9. ALL Letters to the Editors must come FREE of POSTAGE. OC- Mr. James S. Stiles, is our authorised Trav elling Agent, for this State, to receive subscribers and give receipts. YOUNG MEN. Classing ourselves with the above cognomen, we would choose through the medium of our little sheet, to descant in a brief manner, upon the size and progress of young men, not those Who are born with a gold spoon in iheir mouthj and surrounded by all the comforts and plea sures which affluence can bestow, but those who are less fortunate those who are depen dent upon their resources for advancement and success in life. On them we would enjoin the necessity, of first learning the propriety of governing and subduing their passions. This is a shining virtue which our immortal Wash ington, in a great degree possessed, and he ex emplified it in both the public and private acts of his life, and set an illustrious example which all young men should endeavor to emulate. A young man who is under the direction cf a superior in calling, is often subject to many ills and mortifications, sometimes real, bur, to a sensitive person, often imaginary. To them we would say, be of good heart, and, re pine not at the ills of a moment, for t hey are mere transitory ripples upon The lake of our existence, and the quicker they are banished from thought, the more exhilarating is our cup of happiness. Let not the fiery impulse of a moment sever the ties which bind you to an endearing frieud,for in your calmer reflections, the keen pangs of shame and remorse will in crease your agony and distress. You must bear up with a bold front, and combat with a manlv heart, the many trials and misfortunes you will encounter upon the stormy Sea of Life. Persevere in all your undertakings with an unliringzeal. Execute your common every day tasks, with a buoyant heart, and willing hand, and the dark cloud of distress will be dispelled; and while your bark proudly sails into the happy haven of succpss and prosperi ty, the brilliant sun of peace and enjoyment will shed its glorious effulgence around the trophies of your well earned honors. A young Miss, in writing to her lover, from an adjoining county, to this City, seems to have forgotten to say something about home affairs, and, after sealing up her letter, breaks it open to add the following. N. B. I break this letter open to let you know that our calf runs alter folks. P. S. So no more at present, only her horns ain't large enough to hurt any body, if he was to but 'em. Superior Court of Wake, held its Ses sion in this City the present week, Jude Settle presiding. Hardy Carroll, a freeman of color, was put upon his trial on Tuesday, for breaking open a shop in this City, and at tempting to fire it. He was found guilty, and, as this h's second offence, will not, of course, be" allowed the benefit of Clergy. On Wednesday, Allen Jones, a free man of color, was put upon his trial on a charge of forgery, and acquitted, On Thursday, Chamlee and Griffin were arraigned at the barforthe murder of Bunnjand up to the time, that our paper went to press, (Friday,) the case had, not been submitted to the Jury. Er" We would call the attention of our rea ders to the advertisements of J. J. Biggs, and Messrs. Love & Beits. SOAP LOCKS. We present to our readers to-day, on our first page, the picture of a dandy, of the real soap lock order. We have missed it in but one particular, and that is, the hair is not suf ficiently long.for the present fashion. We had the unspeakable pleasure, of letting our optics rest upon one of those onhuman looking crea tures, during the present week, and, although his soaplocks, hung in profusion, onnis should ers, could but pitty the young man, that the soil was too soft to produce any thing else. What an apt; and striking illustration Jo we behold in one of the soap lock order, oi the desert of forge tfulnes, where, we Iearn,oothing but weeds, in countless masses, spring up, to choke the free circulation of intellect ! ''It is a fashion, of every fashion, and no fashion at all !" We are inclined to believe, that, if our young men, who wear their hair so extremely long, were aware of the fact, that the intro duction of this fashion, was by a culprit who had lost his ears, and let his hair grow out to hide the deficiency.some of them&t least,would abandon the fashiont and look like they were intended to look not an imitation oi the hu man species. ACCIDENT. We regret to state that Mr. J. E. Lumsden, while engaged in fastening a sign up to the side of a house, let the board fall, and, shock ing to relate, it struck, and fractured his thigh bone. THAT GOODMAN. There is no man without his good qualities. Even the sot, who rolls about our streets, and wallows in the mire, has a good quality. The low and degraded of all orders, will, on some occasions, exhibit a benevolent spirit. We are not as ungenerous as some others who will keep from his Satanic Majesty, that which is justly due h'm. The established maxim, 'give the devil his due,' is one by which we shall be governed in giving unto him who is the sub ject of this article, a sarcastic glance. Had we a pen plucked from the mine of a porcu pine, and sharpened upon the grindstone of indignation and disgust, and dipped into an inkstand of gall, we could not write in language sufficiently satirical, the meanness of this nin compoop. He is not only at home when in the house ot bacchanalian revelry, and walk ing arm in arm with the meanest outcast in the world, but he is at home when passing from shanty to shanty, wearing the shirt of benev olence. The man who would demand of the weary traveller, the very shoes from off his feet, as compensation for one night's lodging, would disgrace a pirate's tomb, and causp dis may and confusion iu the caverns of the lost. Such has been the conduct of one, who pro fesses au upright walk with God. We speak fearlessly; and stand prepared with liviog evi dence, to prove every assertion we have made here, and even more than we have said, but Gannot utter publicly, without shocking the modesty of the most callous reader. We challenge any man who may feel aggrieved to ask us for a public explanation! he shall have his request complied with, accompanied oy a long flist of awful disclosures, touching the whereabouts of Gallows Hill. flr Some of our Washmgtonians attempt to play the orator giye it up, good sirs it is not your calling tell the plain and simple sto ry of what you know cf the effects of the intoxi cating cup, and you will be a blessing to your fellow men. NEW MONTHLY. We have received the first No. of the "Bal timore Monthly Visiter,5 a very neat literary publication. Price 51 50 per annum. . ECf3 A Washingtonian says that the night on which he was married he got pretty well corned. 'Will you take this woman to be your wedded wife?' asked the clergyman. 'Y-y yes,' was the reply, ''I come a purpose!1 d3" A serious riot occurred in Macon, Ga., on the night of the 23d ult., in which two men were killed and four dangerously wounded. Those who were killed and wounded, says the Macon Telegraph, had no participation in the affray. v GREEN. A real green horn, happened in the .Circus, second night of the performance, and after lis tening impatiently for the last of some grand march which was being performed by the band of music, rushed suddenly through the crowd to where the musicians were seated, and with a lion-like voice demanded of the Fiddler that 'he play the fishing hornpit cause the congre gation was tired hearing that hymn.1 The banks of North Carolina are to resume on the first of Nov.-N. Y. Dollar Weekly. Amen! But who made you so wise? We dont believe they will resume until they get ready, and they'll take particular care not to get ready quite so early. The people have not cried for mercy loud enough to reach their interested deafaessjuor will they cease their op pressions, until the scream of the hungry wife and the frantic yell of a distressed father is heard over our land Every body is a prophet now-a-days. Joe Smith, Elder Knap and such worthies are held as oracles of sage wisdom; and why not we ? We'll bet a shinplastet picayune to a Benton cent, thai in a century from now Mexico will be added to Texas; Texas to this country, and the flag of 'stripes and stars' will wave trium phant over the whole. Will any oue take the bet? Here's our Selma Press. Yes, we'll take that bet. Here's our IXf3 Who shall we leave to ascertain this fact? ELOQ.UENCE. A Western lawyer who was employed to defend a man charged with stealing a hog, a rose, and addressed the court follows. 'May it please your honor and gentleman of the jury: My client never no more stole that are hog than ar frog's got ar tail.' SARCASTIC WIT. ' A gentleman and lady, who were on their way to church last Sabbath, chanced to pass by a flourishing clover field, when the gentle man observed, 'that is a fine place for a calf to graze in,' whereupon, the lady remarked, xhop over then !' The gentleman was Stat mutusf SPLIT IN THE RANKS 1 ! A few Democrats cf this County, held a meeting in this City on Monday last, for the purpose cf nominating candidates for the State Legislature. Massy, Mangum, and Wilder, were nominated for the Commons, and Siep ard for the Senate. So far as we have been able to learn, the nominations have not given general satisfaction. We understand that there are 9 districts that were not represented consequently, Rands' friends and Whitakers' friends, will support them as heretofore. We acknowledge,(by request,) the re ceipt of $3, per post master, Sandersville,Ga., paying the subscription to the Rasp, for Jesse A. Northington, and A. G. Ware. The Ladie's Cabinet Magazine, for March, although late in making its appearance upon our table, richly repays the reader,by pre senting on every page originality and variety. TO CORRESPONDENTS. Several communications have mysteriously disappeared from our table, which, should ve chance to lay our hands on, shall appear in our next. The letter from Wake Forest, about "that weddiog," will appear next week. IXf Lady's World of Fashion, for April, is before us, and as we anticipated, is a little more than what it purports to be. This work will compete with any other monthly publication in the United States. In the present number, is presented a splendid steel engraving of the Spring Fashions all calculated to please the Ladies. In walking with a lady n public, her opin ion of you will not be enhanced if your counte nance wears a perpetual atid unmeaning smirk or grin, or if you keep dancing around her like a monkey. A consequential strut, or a minc ing gait, might be avoided with advantage. There is a chap, down East, so cursedly little, that be can't see himself without a mag nifying glass. Oh ! crackee ! f (Written for the Rasp.) TO FRIENDSHIP. Amid the sofj affections that exist In human hearts, and cast sweet morsels in Our cup of joy, there's none more sure to give A cordial drop than thou, O, friendship! hail! Thou brightest jewel of the virtuous sooU? As morning dews in summer do cheer up' The withering leaf, restore its verdure too, And add new beauties to the drooping flower, So thou art want the heart that oft has felt The chilling blasts of cold adversity. As pleasant winds do chase away. the cloud Thai in deep darkness hides the noonday tunt So those in social confidence in friends, Sweeps fromthe brow that gloom,which some rouffh touch s i -; w - . - -j - . . - Of fortune, or ill fate Jias left thereon. '.'" WAKEFORESlV Adapting the means to the end killing a flea with a brick. A man took off his coat to show a terrible wound he had received on his arm. Not be ing able to find it, said he recollected 'twas brother Bill's arm. A tall minister said scoffing! to a short one 'when in the pulpit, you look like a collar of brawn in a dish.1 'And you,' rdplied the other, 'like a pestle in a mortar.' In the town ot Frome, there is a singular placard, in a window, to this effect : 'Wanted a few young Parsons to learn the straw business. Do not enter the room suddenly where yoti know there is a young lady and gentleman sit ting, busily engaged in fanning a flame. If you are but a newly married pair just caught the dining roora,par!or,or stage coach, is not a proper place for your billing and coo ing. It is very aggravating to old bachelors. RATHE a LATE. ' My dear, I believe your lamp went out before I got home last night, remarked a gentleman to his lady at breakfast. True,' replied ihe lady, ' but then you know the sun was up.' Nothing more said. IPBsIKBISS StfSU(BlEIE)o rsiHE subscriber most respectfully informs -- the citizens of Raleigh and the public gen erally, that he is receiving his SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Consisting of almost every style and quality of oiotns, oassimers anu vestingsja good sup ply of goods very superior lor Summer wear. Also, a general supply of fancy articles for gen tlemen. The subscriber will invariably close his ac counts every six months, on the first of .July, and the first of Januaryon each and every year. He considers however, that the money is due when the Clothes are delivered. A very lib eral discount will, in all cases, be made for cash. All orders, both at home and abroad will be thankfully received, and attended to with the utnost despatch. Reports ot Fashions received monthly,which at once enables us to render entire satisfaction to those who may desire the earliest Philadel phia fashions. J. J. BIGGS, Successor to Oliver & Smith. Raleigh, April 8, 1842. 11 t4 AT OUR HOUSED f OVE.& BETTS are now receiving a new supply of Family Groceries, among which thev have two baars JAVA COFFEE, an article pronounced by those who have tried it. very superior. RIO COFFEE, ffood article, LOAF and BROWN SUGAR. PICKLED OYSTERS, excellent. OUR BAR, Which is at all times furnished with the choicest wines and liquors, is no less the re ceptical of the tee-totaler, who indulge in LEMONADE; -A beverage in itself pleasant and innocent. In fact, the quantity of this delightful drinfc which has already been made at Oar House, has had the tendancy to entitle it to the name of the'Le monade House.' Raleigh, April, 1842. H