The eves of the idle man ate apt to look in to his neighbor's pocket for he who will not live by honest industry, will, be readytb sup ply himself by other men's means. - A man in: Bangor having fasted for six months, became at lastso ; tarnation hungry, that he ate himself and didn't discover his mis take till be saw one of bis neighbor's dogs pick ing his bones, . y ; ' You ought te be ashamed of yourself.' How very common,1and at the same time how very absurd it is for a 'pietly girl' after she has been kissed by a chap, to turn round, pout ing her lips, and say, 'You ought to be asham ed of yourself " when every one must know she means nothing by it. It is sheer nonsense girls, to make remarks of the kind, and 'you ought to be ashamed of yourselves' fox utter ing them. Come right out, like the 'down east gal, who had been kissed, and say, f You das'nt dm that again V OUR AGENTS. Mr. H. G. Parham, Warrenton, Mr. John W. Justice, Forestville. Mr. Robert C. Hay, Newbern, Mr. L. H. Royster, Washington, N. C. Mr. David H. Holland, Sraithfield. Mr. Isaac B. Kelly, Kenansville. Mr. Wm. Sbauding, Goldsboro.' Mr. D. D. Phillips, Hillsboro.' Mr. A. Cox, Martha's Vineyard Chatham. Mr. Henry Miller, Halifax, N. C. fl The above gentlemen are fully author ised to receive monies for the Rasp, and give receipts in the name ot the Editors. (D S3" If3 m n KT Jl ZB "Eg) FANCY,MUSIC,JE VVELLERY AND DRY GOODS. nnHANKFUL for the encouragement they A have heretofore received, inlorm their Inends and the public in general, that thev opened at their new stand, corner of Fayette- ville and Harget streets, a choice assonment of Goods in the above branches, by far larger than formerly kept, and asthey always sell at very moderate prices, they hope to merit a con tinnanee of favors. Their new supply con sists in, CONFECTIONARIES afresh and large assortment. PERFUMERY choice articles. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS finest to the lowest quality. BOOKS especially for children. FENCING AND BOXING APPARA TUS every thing in this line. FANCY GOODS a very great variety. GAMES AND TOYS. JEWELLERY, of fine Gold and Silver, as well as German Silver and Pinchback. DRY GOODS. In fact the variety cf articles on hand are very numerous, all of which will be sold on reason able terms for cash. G. W. & C. GRIMME, Corner Favetteville & Harget sis, Raleigh, Jau. 17, 1842. 52 JOB PRINTING IN ALL ITS VARIOUS BRANCHES, Done at this Office H Per cent cheaper than any other Office IN THE STATE. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION PRINTED IN THE NEATEST STYLE, KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Sherifl's Cleiks' of Courts, and Constables, will find it a great saving to purchase their blanks from us. A. NICHOLSON Architect and House Carpenter, RALEIGH, N. C. VFFERS bis services to the Citizens of "Raleigh, and the surrounding Country, on terms, to correspond with the hardness of the times. He flatters, himself, that, in every branch ot his business, ha will be enabled to give entire satisfaction. March 25, 1842. " 9 tf. ' FOR SALE AT THE RASP OFFICE. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. T. R. FENTRESS, Merchant TaUoiv v Fayetteville S.t two doors south JV. C. Book Store. HpHE .Subscriber adopts this method of an nouncing to his friends and to the public generally, that he has just receivedfrom N.York, by the Schooner Margaret,a large and splendid and beautiful assortment of SpriDg and Sum mer Goods, which he will be extremely hap py to furnish tothose who may choose to ex tend to him their patronage., on the most rea sonable terms. Among his stock may be found the following articles: Sup'rWooldy'd London bl'k. " U " brown, )rj nrrirCi light and dark blue f 1 Hb " " Green, j Allpaca Wool Coatings and Drap 'dete for Summer Coats. Light single mill'd Cassimeres of every variety Black " li " tl Drab ct " " Doe Skin. Fancy Cassimere; Gambroon, White Satin London Drilling, Fancy " " " Scotch VelvetjChina Silks; Light SilksWhite Satin and white Ctimp'd Satin Vestings and Mersailles of every color. Together with a rich and varied assortment of Fancy articles comprising Men's knit Silk and Cotton Shirts and Drawers; MohairScarfs and fancy Silk and Satin Cravats; black and white Hoskin Gloves ; Silk and LinenCam- bric Handkerchieffs; Summer Stocks; Shirt Collars, Rosomsand Suspenders. The subscriber is sincerely thankful for the kind and liberal manner in which he has been sustained by the public, and he takes this op portunity of assuring his numerous inends and customers, that he is at all times at their ser vice, ready and anxious to merit a continuance of their support aud patronage. He hopes at all times to be characterized by punctuality,in tegrity and promptitude, and he knows of no consideration ivhich could induce him to swerve for one moment from that path in which an open and honorable business ouht to be con ducted. When his friends and customers favor him with a call, he will teil them himself, what re duction has occurred in his prices, and he be lieves he hazzards nothing when he says that both his Goods and his prices will be such as to please the most fastidious. The subscriber also deems it expedient to close his accounts bv Note or Cash, he would most respectfully remind his customers that he does business upon a credit of six months in most instances, and that the time allotted, has, in respect to a good many, expired. He hopes the call for a settlement will be general, for he wishes, in order to do full justice to all his customers to know precisely the situation of his business. T. R. FENTRESS. N. B. A Plate of Spring Fashions just re ceived. Raleigh, April 11, 1842. 12 2m AT OUR HOUSE, OVE & BETTS are now receiving a new supply of Family Groceries, among which they have two bags JAVA COFFEE, an articlepronounced by those who have tried it. very superior. RIO oOFFEE, good article, LOAF and BROWN SUGAR. PICKLED OYSTERS, excellent. OUR BAR, Which is at all times furnished with the choicest wines and liquors, is no less the re ceptical of the tee-totaler, who indulge in LEMONADE, A beverage in itself pleasant and innocent. In fpet, the quantity of this delightful drink which has already been made at Our House, has had the tendancy to entitle it to the name of the'Le monade House.' Raleigh, April, 1842. 11 THIS establishment, situated near the late 'Cottage,5 on the West side of the State Square, has been re-opened, and re-fitted, and re-furnished with the best liauors. that have ever reached the City of Raleigfi. To be short, the Bar ot No. 1. is now the most complete Br, in the City. The Proprietor, has also made DreDarations, to furnish, at any time, add at all times, sup pers, snacks, and relishes- something more than a cracker and a piece of cold bam. All that I ask, is to give No. 1. a fair trial, and it will prove to be ahead ot ine ashionf May 20, 1S42. WM. fc'OWLKtt. OERHAPS there is no one who is receiving "- in this City, a better and greater, variety of uoniecuonanes. Jj'aacv articles, in auuiwuu to what I have heretofore advertised, I have the pleasure in offering to my former custom ers and friends, the following choice articles: ; Oranges and Lemons, f Irish Potatoes, Sperm Candles by the box, Tallow Candles by tie box, White Wax Candles, Sugar and Coffee and Teas, Pulverized Sjgais, ; Crush Sugars, V Best Principe Cigars Regalia Cigars. Nutmegs Liquor Flasks, Hearth Paint CanarySeed, Dried Beef Bologna Sausage, Pine Apple Cheese, Preserved Ginger, Candies, assorted, Coco Cake Nuts, assorted, . French Candies, Mrs. Miller's Snuff in bottles and bladders, Pine Apple Cologne, Otto of Roses Fresh Figs, Raisins in large anil small boxes, Sweet Meats and Jellies assorted, Toys, &c Fancy Boxes, Work Baskets Canary Cages Soda Crackers Fresh Pickles, Wines of various kinds, Mustard, First rate Chewing Tobacco, Smoking Tobacco. STEPHEN L. TUCKER. Raleigh, April 29. 14 ATTENTION GENTLEMEN ! Cheaper than the cheapest ,and as good as the best !! r I HE Subscriber has commenced the Tai lorins Business m his own name, at his residence, in the South-eastern part of theCity where he is prepared to execute the manufac turing of Gentlemen's Clothes, ia a manner not inferior to any workman in the State. His terms will be cheaper than the cheapest, and his workmanship as good as the best. Gentle men desirous of having work done, will find i to their advantage to call on the subscriber. ALBERT CARTER. Ralefgh, April 18. 3t 13 HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. MILITARY FLAGS and BANNERS of every description, painted in the neatest style, on the shortest notice, and much cheap er than they can be done elsewhere. C. FRAZIER. Raleigh, Jan. 29. 1841. 2 6ra HAVE just finished a Piano, which, both as it regards finish and tone, will bear a comparison with any of the Northern manu factured. In f.ct, I have never finished any which so universally pleased all who have seen it, as the one just completed. All I ask is,come and see it. I have on hand for hire, a number of excel lent instruments. I would also take second-handed instruments in exchange for new ones. WTESLEY WHITAKER. Raleigh, May 13. 15 NEW LIVERY STABLE, The subscribers, having rented the Stables formeily belonging to the Washington Hotel in Raleigh, respectfully inform th public, that they are prepaied to keep horses by the day, month or year, upon as good terms as any other person in the city. They are determined, that nothing shall be wanting on their part, to give entile satisfaction to those, who may favor them with their custom.. Riding and carriage horses, Sulkies, Barouches and Hacks kept constantly on hand for hire. JOHN C.MOORE CO. Raleigh, Feb. 13. 3 HLMFB8 .HLMPBS NEIL BROWN respectfully informs the (iti7pn n f F? a I o i rr K onH nf fho nnnnfir thai he still continues to carry on ibe hatters busi ness at his shop, just below the Governor's house, where be would be happy to accommo date all who may favor him with their calls. He will also work up Racoon fur for any. person who may wish it. Farmers would fand it great ly to their advantage, in buying wool hats for their negroes, to give him a call first. Raleigh, May 27. m 18 6 . CANDLES. T HAVE on hand, for sale, 26 boxes, different Nos. best Fayetteville mould Candles. . Per sons buying by the box, would find that they are much cheaper, than by the single pound .J. K. WHITAKER. Raleigh, March 25, 1S42. IMPORTANT WORK NOW IN THE COURSE OF PUBLICATION. A DICTIONARY Of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, coniain ing a clear exposition of their principles " - r? andl practices. -" ' -By Andrew Ure, M. D Fi R. S. M. G. S. M. A. S. Lond. Mem. Acad; N. S. Phi la del. S, Ph. Soc. N. Germ. Hanoy. Mulii. &c. &c. Illustrated with one thousand two hundred and forty-one engravings! THIS is unquestionably the most popular work of the kind ever published, and a book most admirably adapted to the wants of all classes of the community. The following are the important objects which the learned "author endeavors to accomplish: 15 ? 1st. To instruct the Manufacturer, Metal lurgist and Tradesman in the principle of their respective processes, so as to render them, in reality, the masters of their, business ; and, to emancipate them from a state of bondage to such as are too common governed by blind pre judice and a vicious routine. . 2ndly. To afford Merchants, Brokers, Dry salters, Druggists, and officers of the Revenue characteristic discription of . the commodities which pass through their hands. v 3rdly. By exhibiting some of the finest de velopments of Chemistry and Physics, to lay open an excellent practical school to Students of these kindred societies., 4thly. To teach capitalists, who may be de sirous of placing their funds in some produc tive branch of industry, to select, judiciously, among plausible claimants. , , . . 5thly. To enable gentlemen of Law to be come well acquainted with the nature of those patent schemes, which are so apt, 16 ive rise to litigation. 6thly. To present to legislators such a clear exposition of the staple manufactures, as may dissuade them from enacting laws which ob struct industry, or cherish one branch of it to the injury of many others. And lastly, to give the general reader,intent chiefly on Intellectual Cultivation, views of many of the noblest achievements of Science, in effecting those grand transformation of mat ter to which .Great Britain and the United States owe their permanent wealth, rank and power among the nations of the earth. The latest statistics of every important ob ject of Manufacture are given from the best and usually from official authority at the end of each article. , r The work will be printed from the 2d Lon uon Edition, which sells for $12 a copy. It will be put on good paper, in new brevier type, and will make about 1400 8vo. pages. It will be issued in twenty-one semi-monthly numbrs, in covers, at 25 cents, each, payable on deliv ery. $CT To any person sending us five dollar at one time in advance, we will forward the numbers by mail, post paid, as soon as they come from the press. v To suitable agents this affords a rare appor tunity, as we can put the work to them on terms extremely favorable. In every manu facturing town, and every village throughout the United States and Canada subscribers may be obtained with the greatest facility. Ad dress, post paid, La Roy Sunderland, 12G, Fulton street, New York. To every editor who gives this adver visement entire 12 insertions, we will forward, to order, one copy of the whole work, provided the paper containing this noiice be sent to the New York Watchman, New York. April 16, J 842. , 20 A MASONIC CELEBRATION. T a regular meeting of Hiram Lodge. No. 40. held at their Hall, iu the City of Ra leigh, May 16th, A. D. 1842, A. L. 5S42,it was Iphrate the aDDroach- ing Anniversary of St. John, (June 24th) in an annrnnnatp marinpr. and according to the ancient established custom of the Fraternity. Resolved That we respectfully invite the rand Lodsre of North Carolina, to attend and participate with us: also our visiting brethren in general. Raleigh, May 24- i 20 LOOK HERE. , TW1V JUST received-, a laie nuantity of IRON and SPUN COTTON, which I will sell low for cash. J. R. WHITAKEU. Raleigh, March 19. "