DEACON SNOWBALL'S SERMON. Belubbed Bruddren:'D day ob our Lord, J or redder, dis ebening of out Lord, I 'scend de pulpit wid grateand lively 'motions ob grati tude, becase Ibab received a pail ob pantaloon and boot from SamJonsin's aunt,widde 'specks ob de giver. Accordingly we lake de text from de follerin' language ob de poet: ''Dingdong bell, the cat's in the well. Who put her in ? Little Johnny Green. Who pull'd her out ? Great big John Snout" Dis eloquent language is?suppose to be writ 'zactly one thousand year arter de birth of Caesar, and 'lude to de practiss cb tollin' de bell at funeral possession's. I 'spose you know when de fust bell was tolled- It was at the death of Abel. His brudder kill him vvid a big slick, and ebber arterward he was called a cain. Den de curfew bell was tolled by Adam's servant, and all de people come to de funeral. On dis 'poVtant 'casion when de cat get in de well, I 'spose de bell was tolled by de town crier, and he offer a reward of five dollar and give 'scription ob de cat to de find er. In dis piece de poet does'nt say who 'scover de cat and get de reward. 'Praps it was King Solomon as he was de wisest man in do world, and know what came ob de cat berry well. s . Dis is fust part ob de subjeck, and den we come to de 'portant 'quiry ob 'who put her in?' Dar is de pint, becase if dey cotch de feller dey make him pay for it. So it turned out to be little Johnny Green, and he too little to punish fordoin dis ting; bekase why? he don't know, no better dan fcr do 'em. De next 5quiry is as Jportant as de todder. Who pull her out? I 5spoe de man dat pull out de cat hab dis re ward for his doins', and de tanks ob de ownei. It proved to be massa Snout; and dis massa Snout is a big feller too. Dis ack of generous aess in massa Snout who risk his own life to save a feller crelur wordy ob all praise, and it prove dat he is a fine feller. I jueps he be long i t temperance siety and went to de we)! to g-et drink ob cold water, and when he get dar, he see de cat in dar. 'Praps ht link dat she went dar to get a cold baf on de Graham system; but he soon perceive dat she is tryin' lo get out. Den he lower down de bucket and be pull up de caU She shake her skin and de water fly off. Den she run rite off, and her missus hab great time ob rejoicing. Dis is de twelf division ob our subjeck, and den comes de zamination cb de cat specie. De cat specie is diwided into two parts, de Tom cat and de she cat. Dey were preserved by Noah in de ark, arter de flood, when de ark rested on de back of Mount A-rat. Dc Tom cat ketches rats,and de she cat ketches mouses. Kittens driDk milk, and lick up grease when de wimmin spills it on de floor. When Noah hab cats in de ark, he hab to put 'em in a cage to keep 'em from ketching de rats and mice and de little birds. De dogs was tied up to keep 'em from killin sheep and worrying de cats. De bears and lions and tigers was put in,pehs to keep 'em from devourin' de live an jrrials, and Noah lay in a plenty ob fresh meat for; 'em to eat. ,De fresh meat kepp good, I spbse, for de five or six months dat dey stay in de ark, bekase if it had'nt dar would hab been a 'trong smell. U 'epose dese animals hab to be all kepp separate 'less dey kill each odder and fight like, dedebbil. Any ratede arkmushab been bigger dan de steamships to hold 'em all, wid provision to lass five or six months. Den dey make sich a noise de lions roariti,' de tears growlin, de oxes and cows and bulls fcellowin de do?s barkin5, de parrots lalkm', de cats squawlin', de pigs grunting, and de hoss neying, de shake Bissin', and de wolves and painters and crackidiles, and all de rest, dey-make so much noise dat I guess massa Noah must be wide awake feller if he could sleep o' nights. On dis 'portant 'casion decat was preserTed in de ark. I spo3e Noah milk a cow to feed her ebery day, when he feed de rest ob de cat tle, and snakes, and birds, and wild beastesses. Guess he get bery little time to feed heseff. I spose when he come outobde ark, be hab a plenty ob manure to put on de ground to make de grass grow agin. But arter all dis trubble dat poor Massa Noah take so preserve de cat, she fall in de well and like to get drownded. I guess she wish she was in Noah's ark when she find her sefl in de water. So dis brings us to de sixty-fuss diwision ob our subjeck, and I'm gwoine to prove upon de hole. In de fuss place, my belubbed breddren I hab to put you in mind dat Sam Johnson hab raised de price ob fried eel. He "will receive company ebbery day and ebening at all hours. De report dat Sambo Wing hab eloped wid Phillis Wheatley is false. De warioos city papers will oblige de parties werry much to make dis statement, as deir crackters hab suf fered in de public estimation. De grate poet Lord Byron says 'He dat 'teal my crackter teal trash, but he dat teal my puss takes away de bread ob my mouf.' Dis is werry true, and I hope you nebber teal nossin ob de kind. I've ben formed dat Shakspeaie speak agin stealin If I find de place, I will get it put into print and stuck up m de treet, and dat will perwent anybody from tealiog. Dar was a werry sad accident happen down our way yestarday, dat show de brevity ob hu man life. A fine boss owned by a gemman named Peters, fell down in de treet and die dat should make consider you latter end, for jt would be berry unconfortable to die as sud deuly as dat poor hoss did. Uncle Sim. We are gifted with passions for the purpos e of commanding them. We are placed amid temptations, in order that we may resist them. The most sublime sight in the universe, is a man tempted by the allurements of earth, the moral pa i t within him urging him toyield,and with opportunity to grasp that which he desi ers; yet, by the exercise of a self-controlling sense of right, passing by the thing he yearns tor, living without, and turning his back upon it for ever. Degeneracy of the Pres.?. The Albany Microscope, speaking of the degeneracy of the press, says: "Ghost of Franklin, hold thy breath! Last Saturday we saw an old revolu lionaryRamage press sell under the hammer for $5 50 ! And to what use is it to-be put, think you reader? To squeeze cheese!! Equivocal. cBoy, who do you belong to ?' asked a gentleman the other day as he stepped on board of a steamboat and saw a 'darky' list lessly leaning on the guards. 'J did belong to Massa Williams, sir, when I come aboard; but he's been in de cabin play ing poker wid de captain 'bove a hour; I don't know who I b'long to now!' (Pic. , , 'Where does the fire go to, Paddy, when it goes out?' 'Faith, an' its aisy to be tellin'you the like o' that. Where should the fire go to, at all. at all, but;to where you always find it again?' 'And where is that, Paddy?' 'Why, at the end of the lucifers, to be sure.' A singular coincidence in the death of the great and good Washington, is, that he died in the last hour, in the last day of the week,in the last month in the year, and in the lastyear of the century, viz: Saturday night, 12 o'clock, December, 1799. John Smith has been elected President of a temperance society in Philadelphia. The Rich mond Star says il John goes in for cold wate the question is settled. They have a hen down in Ipswich, Mass., which last Sunday, laid an egg, on the shell of which was etched 'just as it was laid,' the in scription, 'Beware of False Teachers.' The prophet pullet which produced this wonderful egg, has given to the world several others con taining inscriptions, quite as remarkable. Greenlanders suppose that thunder is caused by two old women flapping seal skins in the moon; and the Aurora Borealis owing to the spirits of their fathers frisking at foot ball. j A SPRINKLED DISH. In upper part of the city is the following curious sign: 'Washing, Ironing and going out to day's work done in the backroom? Balwer says 'There are few people more to be pitied than vromen who have lost the pow er oi blushing. With them the bloom has gone off the fruit, indeed.' 'I say, Pat,' saia a Yankee to an Irishman, who was digging in his garden, 'are you dig ging out a hole in that onion bed ?' 'No,' says Pat, 'I am digging out the earth and leaving the hole. 'I am a going to soger now,' as the lazy ap prentice said when he received a subpoena to do militia duty. Dutch says that a blind man is always in a state of ex-sight-ment. It is a great misfortune not to have mind e nough to speak well, nor judgment enough to keep silent. Hence the origin of every imper- tinence. j Why is a north wind like a soldier ? It goes wheie it listeth. 'Thou thou rain'st in this bosom,' as the loafer remarked to the thunder cloud. What looks worse than to see an old tooth less widotv, trying to vin the affections of a gay, handsome fool 1 The New Orleans Crescent City says that the first cases of yellow fever there always breaks out in northern newspapers. All clever fellows are named Tom. You never knew a Tom who was not a clerer.fcl low, unless it was a Tom cat. Persons' by the name ot Jake are easily appeased. 'Vich is the lion and vich is the dog, Mr. Showman ?' 'Vichsomdever you pleases, my little dears the like vas never seen.' 'It's pretty, but not pleasant,' as the monkey said when they painted his tail blue. A great man is one who can make his chil dren obey him when they are out of sight. Meddle not with the affairs of others, but at tend diligently to your own. Teach not others, until you have learned well yourselves. Take care of your body, but not as if were your soul. fT All clever fellows are named Tom. You never knew a Torn who was not a clever fellow, unless it was a Tom cat. Persons by the name of Jake are easily appeased. (Atlas. fid3 At a ladies' temperance meeting in Newburyport, one of the members remarked, the temperance ceuse had been a great bless ing her, 'for,' added she, 'I slept with a barrel of turn for nine years but now,' she continued her eyes brightening, 'since my husband has signed the pledge, I have a man to sleep with thank God.' Then all the spinsters laid their hands upon their hearts, and said Amen. his Attest, SYX PHAX. mark. H3f 'Daddy, is you got much bank stock?' 'No, Tom, not a bit,' 'Well then, is bank stock got any father?' 'Fudge! boy, what nonsense.' 'Non sense! you be darn'd arn't this paper got som'thn, as says the Virginia Bank stock wont go for par, no how you can fix it? Fury and scissors! dontl know what par is!" s ICf2 The fair daughters of Columbia -may they add virtue to beauty subtract envy from friendship multiply amiable accomplishments by sweetness of temper divide time by socia bility and economy and reduce scandal to its lowest denomination. tlT Jabe3 what are you doing there on the floor?' 'Why, sir, I have had a shock.' 'A shock?' Yes sir.' 'What kind of a shock?' 'Why, sir, one of your subscribers came in during your 5osence,and offered to pay a year's subscription; which produced such an effect upon me that I have been perfectly helpless ever since.' 'No wonder, Jabe; but eheer up; if your sur vive this you are safe as there, is little pros pect of such another catastrophe in this office.' 'Drop a lineU-you want to see oe,' as the fish said to the angler. :& fi There was much sound truth in the speech of a'couotry lad to an idler, who boasted his descent from an ancient family. 'So much the worse for youj'-said the peasant, "as we ploughmen say, the older the seed the worse the crop.' . , y - ,ry 'Be-ware,' as the potter said to the lamp, of clay. 'I will be burnt first,' saucily responded. the mud. 'This i a leading article,' as the editor said to his little responsibility. - s - " 'You're doing a.mashing business,' as the gardener said to the hail stones. Let those who would aflect singularity with success, first determine to be very virtuous,and they will be very singular. . A recent philosopher discloses a method to avoid being dunned! 'How? how? how V we hear evry body asking. Never run in debt, 'Walk up, ladies and gentlemen,' as the over seer of the treadmill observed to his company. 'You're beneath my notice,' as the elephant said to the ant. 'I'm not accounf-able,' as the clerk observed when his master found the cash short. 'J' 'In-tea-resting,1 as the fellow said when he. discovered a dead rat in a box of lea. A mixture of ground glass and the juice of pebble stones is a cure for the blue devils ; and no man is ever visited with the nightJ raare, who sleeps with the great toe of his right foot in his left ear. Artaxerxes Memonn, king of Persia, being upon an extraordinary occasion reduced to eat barley bread and dried figs, and to drink wa ter, said What pleasure have I lost till now by my delicacies and excess. A general council of the Cherokees have passed a law, that all spirituous liquots found at any time in their nation, shall be poured out on the ground. There is said to be a woman in Worcester so large and who sleeps in a room so small, that she is obliged to go into another room to torn over. There is also a family in that town so large, that they could not all have the mea sles at once; there was'nt enough to go round The following important information was? communicated by an ingenious gentleman to an Encyclopediea, published in London that ninety millions of mites' eggs amount exactly to the size of one pigeons' egg. ' Now, as you are on ray side, I hope youH stick to me,' as the patient said to the streng thening plaster. ' I'll take your part,' as the deg said when he robbed the cat of her portion of the dinner. 'I'll help you out of this,' as the powder said to the bullet. ' Lead on, kind friend!' as the drunkard said to the blind man. The ice house of Francis Tuttle, in Acton, ! was partially consumed by fire. Whether the fire was the work of an incendiary or was caus ed by spontaneous combustion e do not know. The, times are so hard that the boys can't fly theirkites not being able to "raise the wind." A man in" Dublin having been lately told that the price of bread had been lowered, said it was the first tims he ever rejoiced at the fall of his best friend. The editor of the Philadelphia Ledger say he has h?ard a Dutch parson commence his sermon in this way: 'Mine dere friends, let us shay a few words before we begin.' X3 Why can't a rich man go to Heaven? Because he never is punished for his crimes on earth, and must, therefore be punished hereafter.

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