Remarkable instance of absence of mind- Miss Angelina Spifilenbtrg, an old lady, who ke-.'i 'S the Fox Indian Tomahawk, a sporting temperance hotel, at Big Bone Lick, near Brandy-vine Springs, Slate of Virginh, be sides having cork leg, has one of the most powerful Squinting or screw eyes in this or any other country. With this screw eye she can take clfher cork leg with a single glance, and screw the cork out of any bottle to which she may take a fancy. v One day, being,seized with absence of mind, she mistook a Monoogahela whiskey bottle for a stomach cordial, and unscrewed the cork with her eye as usual; but iustead of putting ihe'iight cork back again, she jammed the toe of her cork leg quite into the bottle, and she did not discover her mistake until the spirit had so intoxicated her that she could not stand. Aegro Shrewdness. A gentleman sent his negro servant to purchase some fish. He went to a stall and took up a fish. The fishmonger observing it,3nd,:hinking tht bystanders might catch the scent, exclaimed Hillo, you black rascal, what do you smell my fish foi? The negro replied, V.e no smell. ' What are you doing then, sir? Why me talk tu him, n)2sa ; m what news at sea, da'.s all, ma:-sa. And what does hs sp.v to von? He say he don't know; !;? no been dere dis j tree wee'il ask him A loafer said 'L went Ij id last night up on a bench, about two o'clock this morning, and slept out in th: open air all night, and was so cold I could'nt go to sleep. " AN 'Arkansas Girl's Letter, Thefollow ing'chafacteristic epistle was picked up on the roadli few days ago. It appears to be from a young lady in Arkansas to her friend in the East: Boston Tim:?. 9 i:Catfi;?h Eddy, Joon 12. 1342. Deer Socs : I set' down to rite you a few lines to let you no how were cumin on. Us has binn livin up hear on Rackesak about a ;year, and has slithers of fun with the fokes around about these Parts. Our settilment are not very thick, but mind I tell you, there is sum rale chaps in these hear diSgins. We bad a nice little danse at cur hous last sundy nite; thore was a raft of boas present, To tell you the rale truth, there is one young hansum fel ler that tiise to cort me mighty hard. He wares ti top close, and then he has sich a nice straw culered wesket, all full of them are yaller shi ny ,butens3what we and you used to think was s so purty. I dont keer a cus for him; his name is Sam Simmons; but I likes him to cum to our hous with his shinin wesliet butens, It makes me feel allorerish, when I look at his butens. Daddys crop is fine.. Him and Jim calcelates on makin nine bales of coten this sesin. Mammys got three cows and two caves. I do wish was here. When you see him tell him to cum, for ioie most dien to look at him. I protnist to have him. I swore it. and by gravy ile stick to it, sink or swim. Tell him to rite if he cant cum. Kiss his llt tie sister for me. Tell ned thare is no dancer of Sam Simmons; he cant cum it, even with his purty yaller butens. Thare is to be ano ther dans over the swomp, next sunday nite, but I aint a goin no how you can ficks it. Tell ned how I loves him. Deer, deer cum, and let me have a kiss from yire sweat lips a gin. Its most pes!-:y h a rd that I must stay single so long, when there is so many chaps hear that would marry me in a, and say thank ye too. Sam is jist cum. D-ut forget what I told you. Sams wesku is as purty as eyer. I feai funny jist now, lookin at his but ens, but tell ned he needent be afeard, thare aint no danger. Mammy and Kit sends their love to you. Tell ned to cum soon, for darnd if Lean wate much longer. Yore afecliont cuzen, Matilda Ann B . N. B. Sam is gone. He set up mity close, he coodent cum it ; but theres no noin what may come to pass yit. Tell ned to be ezy a bout sara and cum soo." AWFUL TIME. A poor fellow up town was awakened from his slumber, by cii unusual movement of the bidsjead he was sleeping on, and by a terrible scratching cu the iljoi. In great affright he jumped up; and lighting the candle, looked towards the noise to see what the matter could be. What was his astonishment when he be-' Jiedd four great bed-bugs, harnessed to one of the bed-post by cart-ropes, and tearing across the room with the whole concern, as if it had been an express mail stage on a turnpike, with the Dews of "another veto !" Ed3" Uncle Sam asks, "Who will enjoy the most serene slumbers the man who has over looked an insult, or he that has called out the offender and left him on the field with a bullet in his heart ? DEACON SNOWBALL'S IkJrff i i i. , ,.r nufc.v s When is a man's leg not a leg? When it is a little bear (bare.) Skip over this, ladies. TWENTY-EIGHTH ERMON. Belubbed Bruddreu: Upon dis 'casion I hope you 'squze my coat aid shirt-sleeve, for de.wedd r bein' berry hot, I strip to4him, and work in de vineyard wid my coat off. So I work all de better. Guess we take for our tex dese words: ' Molly Jenks and I fell out, And v. hst do you think it was about? Shelves money, and I loves rum, And that's the way the quarrel begun. De poet confess hirn sin in dis place. 1 'spose him am a reformed drunkard, and his lady am named Molly Jenks. I am 'tickler 'quested to say dat Miss Molly Jenks am no relation tode editor ob de Nantucket 'quirer. She fallout wid her husband, and de poet tell you dat it was a love quarrell all about love ob money and love ob rum. Money is de root ob all evil, and so money is de root ob rum: bekase you can get rum wid money, and if you hab no money, you get no rum. Dat show ber ry plain dat when dis geraraan's wife lub mo ney she was wuss dan her old man, bekase de monev buy de rum. Dis am berry plain to de meanest compacity. Dis Molly Jenks lub money, and so it follow ob konsequince dat her husband lub rum. I tink he get his rum in Sam's sullar, and I recollect de time when a woman cum dar for her husband and make great noise, and Sam push 'em beff out, and dey iumbl? in de treet togedder. Dat is time dat dey fell cut. In de fust place dey fell in togedder, arnd den in de nest place dey fell out togedder. v When de lub ob money get hold ob you,den de lub ob rum is de next ting:, bekase when you get rnonay you spend him de sullar, in; stead ob givin' him to your spected preacher who lay him up for you De lub ob rum am berry structive to de morals ob de risin' gene ration, and keep you way from dis sacred place, and dat take de bread out ob de mouth ob your spected preacher. If you dont come here I cant save your sins. Dat is de third diwision ob our subject. De lass time I hab de honor ob to dress dis congregation, I loose a leather breast pin out ob my bosom and hope dat dem dat has picked ft up will hab de goodness to hand him in at de close ob dis discourse. It hab been gested to me dat Maria Wing hab sot de breast pin. I dat case, I hope she hand him in, or I shall spose her to all dis congregation. Peter John son wish mj to tate to dis congregation dat he hab open his new shop to black boot and shoe, corner ob Cat Alley, and will be happy to make de polish shine for ladies and gem men. De prayer ob dis congregashun is ques ted for Caeser Widgeon in de sullar dat he hab more custom and get good price for he goods. Now I shall prove upon de hole, haft at a time. Dis is de science ob phrenology. Hab you had your head 'zaraine lass m'gbt by a gemman datlekterz on bobbolition and preno logy, and he sez de two sciences fs werry much alike, and he lamed urn beff togedder. He zamine your spected preacher's head, and he tell me dat I hab de bump of almontiveness berry big, and dat is de mark ob grate laming and talooss and all dat. He gib me de. bump ob fiatnoseitiveness, and bump ob bobbolition, and de bump ob preachitiveness, and he tell me if I was not a colored gemman I should be a second gineril Jeffursun. I wise you all to hab your head zamine if you want to become a great man. 1 knowed a white gemman dat was almost a fool fore he go dare, and dey make him out a Wonderful feller since. Dis is de seventeenth diwision ob de subjeck in cludin de priniciples ob fernology. I wish to call detention ob dis congregashun to de fack dat de pulpit will be painted wid black paint to correspond wid de complexion of your spected pastor. Dis will quire great expense, and de hat will be handed round fust, and arter dat we will hand round a boot to put money in for de black paint. Amen. Absence of Mind. A man, says Uncle Sam, up in Little Compton, was disposed to shave himself on Sunday morningstrapped his razor on his wife's cheek,lathered himself with a whitewash brush brush and fell to shaving the hairs off the cat. He did, not discover his mistake until he went to church and the min ister preached about whitened sepulchres. There's many a female who will eat Pencils and chalk in doses., To make her skin genteel and white ; t O, temporal O, Moses ! , - - A femQwears upon her head What moderns call a bonnet; More an ancientconvent bell, With plumes ando3es orlit. Advice for the Times. Live temperately go to churchattend to your own affairs love all the pretty girls marry one of them live like a man, and die like a Christian. If Nebuchadnezzar ate grass like the oxen for seven years, how did he manage in winter? Eat hay? the editor of the Albany Micro scope says he fed on possum, on the ground that "all flesh is grass." Catching fleas in a fish net, is considered absurd 'A horse a horse mv kingdom for ahorse! as the man said when they were riding him on a rail. ".- A wag passing by a house which had been almost destroyed by fire, enquired whose it was; on being told it was a hatter's, Ah,' said he, 'then the loss will be felt.1 'Nip'd in the flower of youth,' as the boy said when, for the first time in his life, he drank a gin cocktail. 'Touch me not,' as the decanter of rum said to the teetotaller. 'Oh! how feel the whigs who used to sing The lays of old Tippecanoe? Tip's gone he's dead; and so, to the whigs, Is there once loved 'Tyler too.' No wender he died, poor fellow!' said a ten der hearted lady on hearing of the death of a young man who was courting her sister. Why, what was the matter?' inquired a gentleman. 'Oh, he had an affection of the heart.' 'No Miss-take!1 as Van Buren thought of the pretty Miss out west, when she refused to take the kiss he was about to give her. Singular Costume: A French naval offi. cei of destinction, say an exchange paper, lately returned from a cruise in the Pacific,and brought with him, as a present to his sister,the complete costume of an Indian princess on one of the Society Island. It consisted of neck lace. " Wide is the gate and broad is the way which leadeth to destruction," as the oyster soliloquised, when he glided down the loafers throat. John Smith lately ran away with a girl in Kentucky, and then married her.- Ex. pa. You are mistaken sir John Smith is a near neighbor of ours, and is yet a single man. He has desired us to contradict this report. (Lou. Sun. Not so fast, Mr. Sun, John Smith lives here and has'neither run away with a young lady, nor is he a bachelor, but an honest old Ducth oioneer wilh a numerous family. He desires us to request the newspapers to let him alone, as he is disposed to 'fight his battles o'er again in his own way. (Eliz. Register. Hold your hoss, Mr. Register, you are under a mistake yourself. John Smith lives not far from this place, and says he never ran away in his life, nor was he ever" a bachelor, but a widower; and what is more, he was married a few weeks since to a very pretty girl in Gar rad county. (Danville Ky. Mercury. We should like to know, where John Smith was not, and what he has not done, and was not doing, who he has not married, and who he is not courting. We know him to be a confounded rogue and still an honest man. He has courted our Sail, married our Sail, and still our Sail is single. (Ox. Mercury. Come, Mr. Mercury, don't slander your poor relations. John Smith lives in this City, and is a mulatto, and fn quently employed as friend Loring's pressman. Don't slander your kin, we beseech you. Rasp. Singular Wager. A young woman had laid a wager that she would descend into a vault in the middle of the night, and bring from thence a a skull. The person who took the wager had previously hid himself in the vaultj and as the girl seized a skull, cried in a hol low voice, 'Leave me ray head!' 'There it is,' said the girl, throwing if down, and catching up another. 'Leave me my head !' said the same voice. 'Nay, nay,' saidlhe heroic lass, 'you canno.t have two heads:'' so broucrht the skull, ancTwon the wager. Accident. A boy in the Boston Bee office had his fool shockingly mangled, on Friday, by getting it entaDgled in the machinery of the press, which was in operbtion. By instantly stopping it, his leg was sayed,and he will soon recover. v v' Pudding is an excellent thing for an unquiet conscience, as when it is taken into the stom ach, the heart can quietly rest upon it, like one lying upon a feather bed, and thjs it remains perfectly quiet and at ease. Uncle Sam. Of all the birds of the air, there are none so merry as the sparrow. When a mao is care worn or low spirtied, they are continually call ing out to him to 'cheer up, cheer-up.' 'Boy, what is your name?' 'Robert, sir.' Yes"; thatisyaur Christian name, but what is your other name.' 'Bob, sir.' A little fellow who was in the habit of steal ing his mothtr's pies from the closet, was ex cused on the ground that the act evinced a tie ous turn of mind. (Penny Post. A graceless scamp, says the Boston Bee,was recently heard singing the following: 'When I can shoot my rifle clear, To pigeons in the skies, I'll bid farewell to pork and beans, And live on good pot pies.' He was all alone by himself at the time, and returning from an unsuccessful hunt after peeps and sand snipe at least we presume so. I AM ON OATH. A lawyer not over young nor handsomef in examining a young lady, a witness in court, made many attempts to confuse her, and thus to render her testimony contradic tory and unavailable. She however seemed to be calm and proof against all frivolous questions put to her; at last the lawyer,, de termined to perplex her, said: "Upon my word, you are.very pretty I", The young la dy very promptly replied, "I would return the compliment, dear sir, if I vere not on oath." As may be supposed, the lawyer questioned her no farther. Ciescent City.

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