Weeding Onions. sAtf Irishman employed on a farm near this city, was some days since set about weeding an onion bed, and with ihe weeds pulled op a number of the largest onions. Upon being asked why he did so, he rpplied that it was to Have room Jor the litlle'ones to grow, sure (Tbid. - Mr. James Wade ol iew York, has married Miss Lucy Fur. O, Lucy -fur, hat a-malch. . Queer, Association, A contemporary :n- jr tending to make a heading for some small ar ticles, wrote 'Shreds and Patches.' The com positor made it 'Shad and F caches P Poetry. A bottle of ink thrown at a sheet oi paper. A dry joke. To get thirsty in your sleep and dream of drinking. Sharp Shooting. Shooting at the edge ol "a razor, and splitting the ballet in two. Called for Kindness. Killing- a musguito on another persons nose. The curious editor of the Boston Post has beeoiout.' lately. He seems to have made a discovery. c Ladies who take the air of these fine even ings on the piazzas of hotels not a hundred miles from town, should remember that if Jthe iroon is fto sweet,' her light is also powerful enough to make visible some (kings which ought not to be seen.' 1 The devil's in the moon for mischief ' sure and sartin I 'Knock again if you wish to co; m,' as the hollow tree remarked to the woodmaivs axe. IMPORTANT WORK, - NOW IN THE COURSE OF PUBLICATION. A DICTIONARY . Of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, contain ing a clear expolitich of their principles and practices. Bv Andrew Ure, M. D. F. II. S. M. G. S. M A, S. Lund. Mem. Acad. N. S. Philadei. S 3Ph.43oc. I. Germ. Hauov. Mulii. &c. &c. Illustrated with one thousand iico hundred and forty-one engravings. THIS" is unquestionably the most popular voik of the kind ever published, and a book most admirably adapted to the wants of all classes of the community. The following are the important objects which the learned author endeavorto accomplish: 1st. Toy instruct the Manufacturer, Metal lurgist and Tradesman iu the principle of their respective processes, so as to render theni, in reality, the masters of their business; ana, to emancipate them froma state of bondage to such as are too common governed by blind pre judice aad a vicious routine. 2ndly. To afford Merchants, Brokers, Dry saiters, Druggists, and officers ol" the Revenue characteristic discription of the commodities which pass through their hands. 3rdly. By exhibiting some of the finest de velopments of Chemistry and Physics, to lay open an excellent practical school to Students of these kindred societies. 4lhly. To teach capitalists, who may be de sirous ol placing their funds in some produc tive branch of induMry, to select, judiciously, -an? on 2 n!" It claimants. eorr.c i.ly. To er;fible;gentlenifn of Law to be- eqauiaiet with the nr.ture of those We! the ;tv'te ruanuiactures, as may cOb, heavings !' cried a nice old lady the other day, 'if the world 2: ?s ccrae to an c r.d next year, what s,hall I do for snuff?' 'That man is a fool says Dow, Jr., 1 ivho wastes his time in trying to lay salt on the tail of to-morrow.' ' . The Moon UninUabited. An old lady'who had been reading the fam6us moon story very attentively, remarked with emphasis, that the idea of the moon's being inhabited was incred ible to believe ; 'for,' said she, 'what becomes of the.pecple in the n-ew moon, when there is nothing left of it but a i i t tie struck?' It is said, however well young ladies mav be versed in grammar, but very few of them are able to decline matrimony. before which of us has ne t childhood been a thousand times called by music,nnd to which of us has she hot spoken, and asked, 'are the rosebuds which I gave thee not yet blown V Alas! blown indeed they are, but thev were pale, white rose. OUR AGENTS. Mr. James McGowen, Greensboro,' N, Mr. J. C. Poe, Pittsboro,' N. C. Mr. H. G. Parham, Warrenton. Mr. John W. Justice, Foresiv Mr. Robert C. Hay, New hern, Mr. L. H. Royster. Washington, N. C. Mr. Isaac B. Kelly, Kenansviiie. Mr. Wm. Shaudincr. Golf'sboro.' 4 Mr. D. D. Phillip?,' HiMsboro Mr. A. Cox, Martha's Vraeyard, Chatham. Edr The above gentlemen ore fully author ised to receive monies for the Rasp, and give receipts in the name of the Editors. RALEIGH PAPER MILL. THE Subscriber, Laving rebuilt his PAPER MILL, which was destroyed by fire in Frbrua ry, 1841, and put it into full and complete operation, with all the modern improvements iu Machinery, which experience has shown to be so valuable, is now prepared to supply the Printers of North-Carolina, and others, with as good and 'cheap Paper as can be purchased in tho Southern iMarket. He is prepared to make all qualities, sizes and quantities, and his prices will be as low, as can be aflbrded. All orders for Paper, must be accompanied with a satisfactory reference, (where the person is unknown) or they will not be attended, to. On all purchases, amounting to $100, a eiedit of 4 months will be given, the purchaser giving an Acceptance payable at Bank, or Note, with Security. If the amount purchased exceed $150, the payment will be arranced at 4 and 6 months, in equal instalments. Persons ordering Paper will specify the size, that is so many inches long, and so many wide. The usual size for Newspaper is 23xS3, but if a different size be wanted, it must be mentioned in the order. All kinds of Paper for printing Pamphlets, and Colored papei for covering the same, constantly kept on hand. MANASSEII SATER. Raleish, Julv 1S42' . 27 ot Jrotn east ih. linn laws wmc: o y, or cherish one braueh of it to nitnv others. iogivi- the general reader, intent lu.ii Cultivation, views ol e.aevciiieui ui o-ieoce. patent tel.. riics, which are to apt to give use to litigation. Giiiiv. To ptosentio legislator'", such a clear expedition c dissuade the injury Ana la's: I chi.flv o I. !( many ol t!;e nouiesi i.i effeeth z thoe grand transformation 5fra al ter to which Grt'.1 Hritain and the United States owe their permanent wealth, rank aad power a. no fig. the na:ions of the earth. The litest statistics of every important ab ject of Manufacture are given from ihe best and usually from official authority at the end ot each article. T?)e work will he printed from the 2d Lcn dun E'litLn, which sells f..r 12 a copy. I will he vt on croc d paper, in new brevier type, and will ir.ake ;:boui 14 GO Sro. pagrs. It will he i -. ucu;.i t w e ty-on e eui i-i'non I ii 1 y numbrrs m covers, ut ;J5 cent-, each, payable on ueiiv- j To any person sending us five i.o!i r. r s r-dvir,ee, we will forward the m ii1, poi . rmiu. as soon as thtv at one t j e in n 'dinners I come irom ihe press. To surtaido aeats thrs aflords a rare appcr luni'y, as we can put the work to liieai on term? extremely favorable. In every manu- - & .J facturing town, and every village rhroegbou the United Siares and Canada subsciibers may be obtained with tne greaU-?t facility. Ad dress, post raid, D. Appleton & Co. l&l3,Ful ton stre et, Kew York., Toevtry eiiiior who gives this adver visernent cniire 12 insertions, we willforwaid, to vrder, one copy of the whole work, provided the paper containing; ihi notice be sent, to the Ne :.v York Vr:; Lch man, tv April 1G; J ; AO w i uric. 20 FALL SUPPLY I HAVE i oived niy Fall supply of just rece .u.iiy Grcceriesand other artices, io wit CciTee, different qualities, IMolassts and Candles, Uacon, Lard, Flour, Meal and Corn, Spool, Flax and hoe Thread, OOli and upner Liiatuer, Large quantity of uubfeached homespun, Powder arid Shut,; Mullets, Ko. 1. Siioe Blacking, , Soaps, dill'trent kinds, Plough lines for farmers, llice and Salt, Nails and Iron, Vinegar, Snuff, window glass and putty, Crockery and Tinware. J. Pv. WIilTAKh.il. , August 27. Iialesh BANKRUPT LAW. ixh, unoeisigned he& paid some attention to the Pankrunt Liw. and is prepared to draft Petitions, &c, iq a correct manner, and at the sncrtesirnotice. VV.AV. HOLDEN. July 27. 1S42. V A IS TK D AT rill a U FF J C K , A few dressed BUCK SKINS, for which the high est Cash pnee wiU le given. lPh Aumtst. JDK. EUHL' RESTORER OF THE BLOOD, FOB CHRONIC AND OTHER DISEASES WHETHER produced by bile, phlegm, from in ternal morbid matters, arising from badly cur ed bldsdisorders, from the use of mercury, calomels baik, &c; or (in females') from the change of life, a, specified in the Pamphlet Price per Bottle $1 ; Pint $1 50 ; Quart $3. Anti Syphilitic Syrup. This Medicine is in all Venereal Disorders a certain remedy, and the patient will feel himself somewhat benefitted in twenty-four hours. Price per Bottle : Pint, $1 50 ; Quart, $3. Abyssinia Mixture, -elebrated for its speedy and perfect removal ol Gonorrhoea and Gleet ; also of the fearful results-consequent on its improper treat ment. A benefit will be visible in 12 hours. Price, fourth of a pint $1 50 ; half pint, $3 ; pint, $5. Gold Mine Balsam, for Billious and-Nervous Af fections, Cold3, &c. Price, 50 Cents. Aromatic Extract, liniment for Indigestion, Cold ness in the Stomach, Numbness or Weakness in the Limbs, Rheumatism, &c. Four ounces, 50 cents, half pint, gl, pint, $2. Dcpiirative Powder, for Billious affectionsBilhous Fever, Headache, Diseases of tha Eyes, &c. which is to be taken in the Restorer. 50 cents per box. Japan Ointment , for Piles, which is to be applied besides the Restorer. ' 1. Bengal Ointment, for Tetter, Ringworm, Salt Rheum, Scaldhead, Eruptions of the Skin, and Foul Ulcers ; is to be applied besides the Restorer. $1. Universal or Strengthening Plaster, for Diseases of the Chest, Dysjiepsia, Inflammatory Rheumatism, Palsy, Paralysis, ice. winch is in most all these cases to be used besides the Restorer. 50 cents per box. The Restorer ,nxd all other above mentioned Med icines, are of Dr. Kuhl's own discovery, and are pre pared l.y-himself. 'yJr" For a fill and particular account of Dr. Kuhl's Medicine?, their properties and natmre, see Dr. K's. P;i:rjpu:et, wherein will likewise be found directions for their use, and numerous testimonials ; which ac company every Medicine, and may likewise be had, gratis, at the office of Dr.K. or of his agents, by mail. AGENTS IN NORTH CAROLINA. Dr. N. L. STITH'S Drug Store, Raleigh. Biannock Sc Woollen, Wentworth, Rockingham. J. &. R. Sloan, Greensboro ugh, Guilford. James Brannock, Waterloo, Guilford. Ilargrave.GaiUierdcCo. Lexington, Davidson. Jenkins cc Biles, Salisbury, Rowan. "J. M. A. Drake, Athborough, Randolph. Price, Dickinson & Co. x anceyviile, Caswell. James R. Galium, S Perry, C. C. Henderson, B. Gates, J. F. & C.Phifer, June 30, 1842. Milton, Caswell. Kernersvilie, Stokes. Lincolnton. Charlotte. Concord. 3y WOULD rent he House an. I Lot in which 1 formerly lived, near the Gum Spring, cr baiter it for young negroes. J. II. KIRKIJAM. Raleish, July 23, 1S42. 26 THIS establishment, situated r.tar the late :Coltage,'on the West side of the State Square has been re-opened, and re-fitted, and re-furnished with ihe best liquors, that have ever reached the City of'Raleigh. To be short, the Bar of No. 1. is now the most complete Ertr, in the City. The Proprietor, has also made preparation, to furnish, st any time, and at all times, sup pers, snacks, and relishes something more than a cracker and a piece of cold h'am. All that I ask, is to give No. 1. a fair trial, and it will prove to be ahead of the Foshinn! May 20, 1S42. VvM. FOWLER, FAXCY.M USICJE WELLERY AND BU Y GOODS. 1 1 rpE-lANKFUL for the encouragement they A. have heretofore received, iulorm their Iricnds and the public in general, that they opened at their new stand, corner of Fayette ville and Harget streets, a choice assortment of Goods in the above branches, by far larger than formerly kept, and a?they ahvavs seiFat very moderaie prices, they hope to merit 3 con tinuance of favors. Their new supply con sists in. COXFECTIONARIES a fresh and large assortmpht. PERFUMER Y-r-choice articles. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS finest to the lowest quality. ROOKS especially, for children. FENCING AND BOXING APPARA TUS every thins: in this line. FANCY GOODS a veiy great variety. GAMES AND TOYS. lzi ri.iv i , oi iiiie joiu anu Oliver, as well n German Silver and Pinchback. DRY GOODS. In fact the variety of articles on hand are very numerous, all of which will be scld on reason able terms for cash. G. W. ec C. GRIM ME, Corner Fayetieville & HarL-el sss. Rakish, Jun. 17, 1S42. " C2 PERHAPS tlieVefs no o&e vthois receiving in this City, i better and greater variety of Confectionaries, Faucy articles. In addition to what I haye heretofore advertised, I have the pleasure iq offering to rhy former' custom ers and friends, the following choice articles: Oranges and Lemons, Iristf Potatoes, Sperm Candles by the box, Tallow Candles by tae bosr, White Wax Candles, ,Sugar and Coffee and Teas, Pulverized Sugars, Crush Sugars, Best Principe Cigars Regalia Cigars. Nutmegs Liquor Flasks, Hearth Paint CanarySeed, Dried Beef Bologna Sausage, Pine Apple Cheese, Preserved Ginger, Candies, assorted, f Coco Cake Nuts, assorted, French Candies, Mrs. Miller's Snuff in bottles and bladders, Pine Apple Cologne, g, Otto of Roses Fresh Figs, Raisins in large and small boxes, Sweet Meats and Jellies assorted, Toys, &c. Fancy Boxes, - Work Baskets Canary Cages, Soda Crackers Fresh Pickles, Wines of various kinds, Mustard, First rate Chewing Tobacco, Smoking Tobacco. STEPHEN L. TUCKER. Raleigh, April 29. i: 14 TO PRINTERS. A Compositor who has serv ed his time in the Oihce of "The North Caro lina Standard," and can come recommended for. so briety, capability and industry, wants a situation in some Ofliee in North Carolina or the adjoining States (tj-Address tbe Editor of the "Standard." Raleigh, July 9, 1S42. " 24 f. NEIL BROWN respectfully informs the citiz ns of Raleigh and cf the county, thai he still continues to carry on the hatters busi ness at his shop, just below the Governor's house, "where he would be happy to accommo date all v. ho may favor him with their calls. He wi;l afso work up Racoon fur for any person who may wish it. Farmers would find it great ly to their advantage, in buying wool hats for their negroes, to give him a call first Raleigh, May 27. m 18 C THE SOUTHERN PLANTER, A n Agricultural Periodical, EDITED WITH AN-EYE TO THE CLIMATE SOIL AND INSTITUTIONS OF Till) SOUTH THE PLANTERfs elegantly done up in Pamphlet Form, and issued monthly, at One Dollar per annum, in advance. The second Volume commenced in January., 1S42. Well aware ot the importance of illustration?, ihe Editor designs to enrich theWork with a great variety of Elegant ENGRAVINGS.- Its rea ders will be kept constantly apprized of the New Improvements in Agricultural Imple ments, which will always lie accompanied, where it is practicable, with an Engraving. For this purpose. Extensive Arrangements have been made, both at the North aad the South. The value of this department alon will be more than ten times the price of Sub scription. The Work has progressed with uncommon success io the completion cf the First Volume. The Patronage bestowed upon it, not only in Virginia, but throughout the Southern coun try, has converted that, which was an Experi ment, into an established and permanent un dertaking. The whol time and energies of the Editor will be devoted to its prosecution. The plan of condensation, which has caused the first volume to be received with so much lavsr, will be continued in the second. m-TERMS One Dollar and Fifty Cents per annum, to be discharged by the transmis sion cf One Dollar, tree of expense ai any time within GO days from the date of Sub scrij lion. F-Cj Six Copies for Five Dollars. The First Volume can be had in. Sheets for 1 00, or neatly Bound for Si 37 12. ; All Subscriptions to commence with a Vol ume. ; . , - Any Postmaster will frank, a letteripclosing money to pay the Subscription to a paper. The Planter will he published regularly on the first of every month, at Richmond, Va. All communications should be addressid, postpaid, to the Editors. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION PRINTED 'IN THE NEATEST ISTYLE, KELT CONSXA-NTLY CPs HANI). Sheriffs Ch iks5 of Courts, and Constables will find it a. great saving to purchase their biai:ks from us.

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