A SERIOUS ACCIDENT. A jury of inquest was held on the bodv of Mr. Allen Melton! on Fridayjast, then lying about one and a half miles below the city, on the rail road. It is supposed that h.e had fal len off the road in endeavoring to cross a cul vert, and dislocated his neck. He had been in town the previous afternoon, and lelt about sun-down. The road, at the place where he died, passed through a swamp, and it must hare been quite dark, which pievented him from seeing his wav so well; added to which, he had been partaking of his cups fieely before he left. home. How solemn is the thought, that a fellow being will stagger into eternity, far from home and friends, at such an hour, and in such a dreary place ! Oh! deliver is from this kind ol death! The jury returned a verdict, that'AllenMel ton came to his death by accidentally falling, as we believe, off the Hamburg Rail Road, in said fall breaking his neck, into a deep culvert in said road, sometime during the night of the 25th inst.' -r Melton was an industrious man, a peaceable citizen, and the worst enemy to himself: past the middle age of life; having reared up a fam ily of children who have to deplore his loss at this late hour. Hamburg Journal." G. W. DIXON, Leaves this country soon, for Europe. ;I'm going over to London, To see Victoria's crown; And 'walk the piank' sixty hours For a bet of a thousand pounds. So take your time, Miss Lucy. As the closing of shop windows at sundown. J 3i 5 and as the wrinkles cf a pair of empty bellows. so is the count;?nanceof the juan of whom you seek to borrow money. An elephant exhibiting in Cincinnati, while the performance was going on, reached his trunk in'o a lady's bosom and took an apple .out, much to the affright of the young lady and the amusement of the crowd. English Juurnals say that a female child having- two heads, but in other respects per feet, is now exhibiting in Chapel street, Lon don. Scene in a debating society. President. VVe will take the ayes and nose on the previ ous question. Member A word or two, Mr. President. Friends, Romans, Countrymen; lend me your ears7 President Order sir; we will take the eyes and nose Cist! Phil. Ledger. They who abandon a friend for one error, know but little of human nature, and prove that their hearts are as cold as their judgments are weak. 'They do say there's nothing new under the sun, but if there ain't a new pair of stocking.' said an old woman, as she took the last stich, 'then I'm mistaken.' Close Shaving. A justice of the peace was called onfor payment of a bill of seventy-five cents. Upon presenting the bill the squire asked the man if he would swear to the ac count. He replied, 'yes.' The squire swore him, and handed him fifty cents. 'Stop,squire, you are mistaken in the amount 'tis seventy five cents.' 'I know,' replied the squire 'but I cant swear you for nothing.' It is becoming quite fashionable in our city, to paint the window sashes black. It gives the glass a cool appearance and seems to say 'keep shady' to every pair of prying optics. It also makes the windows lock like one large sheet of glass. What a pane-ful idea. Philadelphia Times. Show not yourself glad at another's misfortune. lie's a first rate book keeper,' as the literary man Said of his friend who never thought of returning borfowed books. Our conntry is good enough for any body let those who do not like it find another. A foolish fellow went to the parson of a pai; ish with a long face, and told him that he had seen a ghost as he was passing the grave yard, moving along against the side of the wall. 'In what shape did it appear T 'In the shape of an ass.' 'Go home "-and hold your tongue about ft,' said the pastor, 'you have been fright ened by your own shadow.' 'Stop me, somebody, or I shall do mis chief,' as the cannon shot said when on its way. 'In haste, yours,1 as another ball said when it took off a gentleman's head. "'We are bought with a price,' as the early straw-berries said. 'I'm getting upin the world,' as the shad said when drawn out of the water. 'Stop and take your rent,1 a3 the rail said to the shirt sleeve. Atlas. ... , The chief duties of man are to vote for Gen eral Jackson, join the Presbyterian church, and obey his wife and daughter. There is a girl down, east so sweet, tlrai molasses candy tastes sour after kissing her. Parental Softness. 'Will Utile junny ed dity have a rattle 01 a whistle for his little teen ty, tonly self?' 'No, par; 1 wont have nary one.' 'What, then, will little junny eddity have?' 'Go along to your office, par,and tend to your business; and leave mar and me to tend to the playthings.' N. Y. Atlas. - ' . 'L. L. D.' It appears by the following dia logue, that the honorary degree fately conferred upon our Connecticut Governor, is attracting some notice among our colored population : Cuffee 'What for do they put 'L. L. D.' to the hiid end ob our good Guberuor Clebeland's u a me?' Sambo 'Wy, Cuffee, you 'spose yodr ign'- rance by axin'such a foolish question; it's as plain aslhe face on a man's nose it simply means 'Leg it! Leg it! Dorr!' ' Cuffee' S cuse me, Sambo I guess may be I woni ax sich a foolish question 'gin bery soon.' Rep. Cor. Children are inquisitive bodies; for instance: 'What does cleave mean, pa?' 'It means to unite together,' 'Does cousin John unite wood when he cleaves it?' 'Hera, well it means to separate.' 'Does a man separate from his wife when he cleaves to her ?' 'Hem! hem! don't ask so many foolish questions,-child,' MohawiC Justice . A young Hans was brought up before his honor the magistrate, on a charge of having stolen stockings.which cause the honorable gentleman disposed of in this wise: 'Shon, shtant up.' Whereupon the prisoner arose. 'Saon, dit you shteel tem stocking, oi not?? 'No, mine soul, eh dit not.' 'Ten, Shoo, you ish clear you dit not shteel tem shtockins.' Pleasure is no rule of good ; when we foU low pleasure merely, we are disgusted and change from one part to another, condemning that at one time which at another we earnest ly approve; and never judgingequally of hap piness whilst fit follow passion and mere humor. Flattery Flatterers were well described by the old author, who says, 'they only lift a man up as it is said the eagle does the tor toise, to get something by the fall.' The game of life is like that ot whist, which requires both good cards and good playing to come off best. A down easier has invented a patent coat, which he can alternately turn into a hat, vest, or pantaloons, as occasion requires. Quizzing a man about getting mariied, the Picayune thinks a rib aid joke. When you go by your neighbor's windows, be sure to look in. You may find out what they have for dinntr. We never noticed particularly how cats eat their food whether they bit it, tore t to pie: ces or swallowed it whole. Last night, how ever, they satisfied us on this point, under the' window of our sleeping apartment. They al ways mevt -till late there's no doubt about it. Ibid. MELTING. 'ThoUjOthou alone, or death, Must be mine, Elizabeth; Let me win you; once you're won, We'll be one when all is done! Half aloud and half aside,; Fair Miss Jenkins then replied, 'Tender youib, I'll not forsake you, Come along. old' horse, I'll take you! (Picayune. Caution. Subscribers will confer "a. favor bv not lending thtir papers. Borrowers are always turning up their nose at something i contains. A Bad Customer. Is there anything else 1 can show you, madam?' earnestly inquired an exhausted clerk in a dry goods store, in Broadway, the other day after he had emptied all his shelves and drawers, and strewed his goods, helter skelter, on the .counter, without being able to suit the lady with a single article. 'No, I thank you, J think I shan't purchase any thing to day,' was the consoling reply.- 'As it rains, Mister, I'd thank you to step down to the stand and call a cab. Well, now, I've just thought that I left my purse at home, be so kind as to pay the cabman. Oh, I'd thank you for the loan of your umbrella as I shall want it when I get out. Good bye stranger.' 'Good toye, madam!' Cats. Talking of cats, a friend told us the following story, which he declared authertic: A neighbor of his was hewing a log one morn ing and a cat, which was capering and purring about him, coming in the way of his axe, was accidently cetailed. Not liking this 'curtail men? of her fair proportions, she quickly took leave of her careless friend, and he had nearly forgotten the occurrence, when, as he sat at breakfast one morning, something suddenly seized the lower part of his leg with its teeth, and bit it most savagely, until he screamed with pain. As he sprang from the table to take vengeance on the offender, the injured cat rushed out of the room, and was never heard of afterwards. Very sensible cat that very. Washington Banner. Latin Defined. The New Era relates a story of a farmer whose son had been a long time ostensibly, studying Latin, in a popular academy. The farmer, not being perfectly satisfied with the course and progress of the young hopeful, reeailed him from school, and placing him by the side of a cart one day, thus addressed him: 'Now, Joseph, here is a fork, there is a heap of manure and a cart ; what do you call them in Latin?' 'Forkibus, cartibus, et manuribus,' said Joseph. 'Well now, said the eld man, 'if you don't take that forkibus pretty quickibus, Pil break your lazy backibus.?. Joseph went to woikibus forth withibus. A man washing his feet in a brook, Streeter calls a Washing-fo-nian. : 'Whiskey is on the rise,' as the fellow ob served when he saw a toper heaving up his morning's dram. 'A change of pastors makes fat calves,' as the minister reasoned when he accepted a high er call. Longfellow's splendid phrase 'Suffer and be strong,' has been transmorgrined by some pro saic gentleman into 'Giin and bear it!' i . Superstition declares that on the spot where the rainbow rises, a golden key is left. Melancholy. When the last poor Indian shall be left to wander, unbefriended and alone, upon a wild rocky eoas: in search ot a solita ry being whom he might call brother when he shall meditate over the new made grave of his late and only companion,andthink how soon he himself must fall to perish in the dust like the last leaf of autum, front, a noble and flourishing tree wont he feel kinder sorter bad about it? Poor Fellow. An honest son of Enchan ted by ill luck from his native Isle, fell sick a mong strangers. He had been "given up" by his medical attendant, and completed the pre liminaries of his introduction to the old har vest death. His exit, however, from thistrou blesorae scene, was not to be so easy. His host, with! whom he fell sick, not relishing the prospect of a funeral at his own expense,pack ed the poor invalid off to a neighbor in wretqh ery, from which he was again removed still in the descending scale,"iiinbe found himself in that home of the1 homeless, the hospital. Upon one occasion of tie-usual visit of the physician, to the everlasting query ,well,how do you feel?' he?replieu, oh, very bad sir, I thank you.' 'You seem in verylow spirits observed Bolus. Yes,' answered the poor fel low, with a sigh right from the diaphragm, I think, sir, I'd gii bitiher, but for the thought of having no where to die!' LOVE POETRY. Some anonymous fair one has sent an eas tern editor the following' morcean the other day. This lock of hare I once did ware, But now trust it to your care, And if we no more each other se, Then look on this, and think on me.V He was so deeply affected, that he could not rest until he published the following reply: -Who you are That sent tht hare, I oughter had to but I don't care, I don': know you, the' you know me, But I'll try to think, if I don't blow me.' (Cincinnafti Mic. A Rich Scene. Tht following rich scene recently occurred in one of our courts of jus tice, between the judge and a Dutch witness all the way from Rotterdam. Judge. 'What is your native language?' Witness. 'I pe no native: I's a Docchman.' Judge. 'What Is your mother tongue?' Witness; 'Ofader say she pe all tongue.' Judge, in aa irritable tone 'what language did you first learn ? what language did you speak in the cradle?' iiucsii l nu uui sjjceiK. uu lauguuge in ie cradle at all, I only cried in Dootch.' Then there was a general laugh in which the judge, jury and audience joined. The witness was interrogated no further about his native lan guage. (Vicksburg Sentinel. Little is the robin, Les is the lea poor is the riter worse is the pen the rozy red the violet blue In time they die and so must you. when this you see remember me this lock of hare 1 youster ware and now i present it to you. yourfrend til death do us part. dolly. 'I want you to do a lacge job for me,' said a forger to an engraver, 'but I first wish you to cut this die forme-' 'I would die first? said the engraver. A man by the name of Shaw, committed suicide in Mecklenburg county, by drowning himself. He first attempted to cut his throat, but the knife proving loo severe, he adopted the cold water method. 0 THE ALTAR. MARRIED, Tn this Countv. on the 1st instant, bv the Rev. Samuel Wait, John L. Prichard, of Dan ville. Va- to Miss Mary B. Hinton, daughter of James Hinton, dee'd. In Washington, N. (J. on the 26th uu. oy the Rev. James Avent, Mr. Leonard H. Roys ter. formerlv of this citv. to Miss Julia H. Car- rnalt, daughter of Mr. John Carmalt.

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