SUBSCRIPTION: $1.00 PR YEAR. SINGLE COPY PIVK CCNTt. JNO. S. PESCUD, Publisher. ItALEIUII, NORTH CAROLINA, DECEMBER, 1887. VOL. I. NO. 1. : ,, , , .,- h . . . . 7 - f - - ' :: 'Mr ". ' v -i f Wholesale and Retail HJ rm ISTo. 118 dTayetteville Street, Raleigli, INY C. BILE BEANS. Solo agent or th Gennine LINCbiN'LiflHA WATER. Cures nil KWlneyinll BI:idler froublW Dealer ; j in MINERAL WATERS. GAIIUES AND GRASS SEEDS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, E.e. LARGEST DISPLAY OF HOLIDAY GOODS HA VS ALWAYS OSf SAND A FULL LINT? O ,FTTRF DRUGS IN THE CITY. - - . . t . - ' . ; ' , . . . , ' . t - , . . ' r . . - . HEDICMS. CHEMICALS ID. IDGGISTS' SD1RIES, , And trust by Fair Dealing and Good Goods to merit your patronage .A: FULL LINE OF1 Elastic and Spring Trusie and Shoulder Braces For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children FINE TOILET SOAPS, SPONGES FOR THE TOILET-AND BaTH. ' ; . ' . v . " . PEESCEIPTIONS ;A SPECIAIrY. Composed of all iho popular odors from the most famons Perfumers of both continent. ALL THE DIFFERENT BRANDS OF COLOUNES. Fine Stock of AIR, TOOTH, CLOTH, FLESH AND Was NcTcr tiarscr or Better Assorted, NAIL BRUSHES. yOTJ CAN FIND AIX BRANDS OF FACE POWDERS Usually Kept in a 'First-Class Drug Store. Call and see them and pet prices before going elsewhere JUL COMPLETE STOCK OF BtUaPORTED: AMD bdESTIC. CIGARS. Call for the Best 5-Cent Cigar. HE LIES LOW. Tli above plctnre oir answrcr to a corresnondeat la Canada, who writes: 'What i: the-pcisitioa of the colored maa ii'tho SojJth? earnest eflort to elorato hlia elf a?xvo hU "surround in?' . D033 ho make an Legal Holidays of the United States. Jannarjr 1st, Keir Tear Da, Is Ifjfal nol dny in all the States except? Arkans is, leiaware, (ieorjrta, Kentncky. Maine. Ma8 ehusctts, New Hampsh r uitotte Island and North and itouth Carolina. January 8th, the antvvtrsary of tho battle of New Orleans; February 12th, thfl anni versary of the blrta of Ahraha:n Lincoln; and March 4th, the firemen's annlyersary, are le?al holldavs in Lonisilln:. , iFer.riiBry n&, Wnshinirton's Birthday, ts a lepal holiday in all States except Alabama, Arkansas. Florida, Illinois, Indiana. Iowa, lmsas, Maine, Missouri. N rth Carolina, onio, Oregon. Tenn"ee an t Texas. ' March 2d, tho anniversary, of the Independ ence of Texas, and April 2lst, the anniversary of the-battle of San Jacinto, are legal boll days in Texas. - April 25th, Memorial Day, 1 a legal Holiday In Oeorfda. . i . - ... Good Friday Is a lepal holiday In Florida, Louisiana, Minnesota and Pennsylvania. SbTovo Tuesday is a lesral holiday in Ixn Isiana, and In the cities of Mobile, Montgom ery and Selma, Ala. May Oth, Decoration Dar, Is a legal hoil-day-in Colorado, Oonheeticnt, Maine, Michi gan, New. 'Hampshire New Jersey,: New York, Pennsylvania Uhode Island and Vermont.- ' . July 4th, Independence tfaV, Is a legal hol iday in all the States and Territories. . --ThanlcsKirlnf Day, and.rullc fast days, appointed by the President, are lesral holi .days in such States as may set thenvapaft tor religious observance by the proclamation of the Governor. :' , i . Days appointed for peroral elections, State or National, are legal holidays in California, Maine, Missouri, New Jersev, New York, Ore gon, South Carolina and Wisconsin. December 2."th, Christmas Day, Is a legal holiday in all the States and Territories. Days of the Week. . '' f - ':: ' SrrsnAT Sax. Snnnandasar day of the sua. Mosdat Ger. Montag, day of the mpon. Tuesday Ang.-Sax. Tlwedag, from Tlw, the god of war. Wednesday Anjj.-Sax. Wodnesdaeg, from Odlu, the god of storms, i- ." - - - "- TnuRSDAY Dan. Thor.the god of thunder. Friijay Sax Frigedajg, day of Frey a, god dess of marriinro. k Saturday Day of Satnrn. tho aaA 4r- The names J oayj oi the week wrfsrfnated with tho Kiryptian . astronomers. They gave them the nuues of the sun, mooff and five planets; riz solars, Mercury, Jupi ter, Venns and Satirnn. i - The Chinese and Thibetans have a week of five days, named atler irn, wood, feathers and eartli. . "... .., t ' r-s Origin o-the-Dollar. : Prevloas to July 6, 17S5, the English pound was In nse. On that date the Continental Congress established i the dollar, although the exact weight was not fixed until A.usust, 178C, when H was ma-Jo to equal about that of the old -Spanish dollar. The dollar did not originate with the Spanish, but was fir? coined at Jonchlmsthal, a mining town in Bohemia. , r ; r V I Language of Precious Stones. . Th anrlnnts uttribtited marrelons proper-' .i . . t. .MiAa,M .tnn, and nnr Hr W U1BDJ U IIIO pnViW". o.j-,.-. - r ticular peina have been, marked by their own distinguishing; fables. The same notions have more or less continued down to times not long passed. : We itlve la tabular torn the different months aal the stones sacred to them, with- ihelr: respective legendary meaning. It I has been customary among lovers and friends to notice the slgnlflcan:o attached to the i various stones In making birthday, engagement and wedding presents ; !-:.'" I: JAKUART ClARJCBT. Constancy and fidelity In every engagement. ; rEBnOAaTAMKTnTST. PreveatlTe against violent passions. . MAUCn BtOODSTOSB. Courage, wisdom and firmness In affection. ; ArRitrrSArrniRB. Free bum enchantment; denotes repent rir : a nee. ; SfA Y Ell E RA L.D. Dlscoveia false friends, and. Insures true - love. . . ; .--Si-jitrXB XoATB.r Insures long life, health and prosperity. : i JCLT RUBT. Discovers poison corrects evils resulting from mistaken frlencJshlp, ( AUGUST-i-SARDOXTX. ! Inaures conjugal felicity. i SEPtKMRRR CnRYSOLYTB. Free from evil passions' and sadness of the ; mind. r i -. ..v i. . i !'; : is. October Opal. Denotes hope: and sharpens the sight and i fatth of the possessor. i November TorAE. ridellty and Friendship, dreams. Prevents, had DfiCEMBKU TCRQCOISB. Prosperity In lore. Public Debt of the United States at the Close of Each AHnr;;-ti. 1798 1800 1803 1816 1824 1H-28 ism: 1S40 Jli 1911 18 1S49 i352; mo 18:5 tm 1370 ISSO ll !Si5 George Washington:...... John Adams. ... Thomas Jefferson....!..... James Madison............ James Monroe.............. Jotm Qutncy Adams.. AfflTVW Jackson MaYvttn Tan Huron. ........ William If. Harrison........ JoHn Tyler ........ .. ........ James K. lolk;.L. .......... Zach ary Tay 1 ori Millard Fillmore. Franklin' Pierce James iruchanan. .......... Abraham Lincoln.. ......... A ndre w:J olmson . .......... Ulysses S. Grant............ Kuthei-ford B Hayes....... James A. Garndd........... Chester A. Artaur e ,. F3,7B2.17f .. Pt,97i,2fl4 .. W,l'.0,il7 .. 12T;04,!;H .. 90,2;,77 .. 67,4;s.042 .. 37,511 S.573J1S ft, VVC3 23, ... 47.04l,8; ... C3,0fil,3 ... 6r.,!9n,'t41 ... 3 1,97 -'.537 ... 64,812,27 ,..2,n80,i47,sfia ...4,ni 1,087,431 ... 2,0.)U,439,:5H .. 1,042. 172,205 ... l,8iO,.D8,-17 ,.. 151,091,201 Population of the 100 Principal Cities of phe United States. DlVlSipX OH" P01ULATI0N, 1830, CITIES. Total Pojr'Iat'h, . . . . . . . ..... - f Albany. X. Y... Allegheny, Pa Atlanta, Ga. ....... Auburn, N. Y.T..... Augusta, Ga.. jfaiiiiuuic, iiAtt...... .. Bay City. Mich Boston, Mass Bridgeport, Conn Brooklyn, N. Y..... ...... Buffalo, N. Y.. Cambridge, Mass... Camden, N. J..... Charleston, S. C Chelsea, Mass, Chicago, 111. Cincinnati, Ohio...'. Cleveland, Ohio Columbus, OhlJ. Covington, Ky Davenport, Iowa Dayton, Ohio... Denver, Col Dcs Moines, Iowa .Detroit, -M;ch. ...... Dubuque, Iowa. Elizabeth, X. J Klmlra, N. Y. ...... ....... Erie, Pa. .... Evansville, Ind .. Fall Kiver, Mass......... Fort -Wayne. Ind....;... Galveston, Tex ..... Grand ltaplds, Mich..... ilarrlsonrg, l'a .;. .......... iartford, Conn.......1............... IIoboltGTl, . i IIol yoke, Mass. . . . .... v ... . . . . . . . . . . Indianapolis. Ind Jersey,City, N. J.. ..... Kansas City, Mo. ...... Lancaster, Pa... Lawrence, JIass. Louisville, Ky... ....... Lowell, Mass............................... Lyim, Mass. Manchester, N. U.. ............... .......i. Memphis, Tenn... 4...;. Milwaukee, is ... ITinneapolls, Minn.... Mobile, Ala....;. Nashville, Tenn.. .................... ....... Newark, NJ New Bedford, Mass. New Haven, Conn.... New Orleans, La........................... Newport, Ky...... New York ............... Norfolk, Va Oakland, Cal. Omaha, Neb........;...................,.... Oswego N. Y. Paterson, N. J. .4 Peoria, 111.... ..i...... Petersburg-, Va ..............;;....;.. Phli adelpbia, l'a... . .: Pittsburgh, Pa......,....;,.,.. ............ Portland, Me... rouglikeepsie, N. Y. ......... ............. Providence. B. I.... Qalncy, i HI ......;.i ................ Badin, Pa ...................... Richmond, Va... Rochester, X. Y... CnCXctuiCaiLvr vu e v ?Ant Joeepn, 310,.. Saint Ix)ula. aIo.m....m ...... ...... ........... Pal em. Mas.. Salt Lake City. Utah...... San Antonio, Tex........ San .Francisco, Cal Savannah, Ga.. Scranton. Pa Somervilte, Mass... Spiinsrfield, III .......... Sn'rinrfield. Mass... Sprlnxficld. O ... ....I....... Syracuse, N. 1 ........................ Taunton, Mass........ ..................... Teir ; Haute, Ind.......... ....;........... Toledo, O.. ....... ........ iTtOton, N. J .. j ..................,.,.. . Xroy, jS .Yt, ....,..,.,,,., t tica, Jt."Ti 1 iam MtMtiti WashiTS,1 Ciiiiiifmnunniiii wb a.i&tf. W. a.. .it,,,.,.,.. ,,,., Wllktsbftre.l ........... ..., iuroinRWn .ft ,ejr6ler,il3... .. Native. Foreign. 90,7.r.8 78.0S2 37,4 1i 21,921 21,891 33213 20.093 36:,S39 27,043 65fi,63 J.V,-434 5-2,060 41,009 4:;3S1 21,7"2 5tt?. 185 2o5,I09 1&J.116 C1.047 29,720 21,831 3,078 "-35,529 . 22.408 110,3401 22.754 - 2h,229 20.S41 27.737 29.-20 , 4S,01 2f".,80 22,243 3-2,010 30,702 42,'i'.5 . 30.SKW 21,915 " 75.056 120:722 55,785 3:1,151 123.758 f.9,475j 38.274 32,630 115587 40887 29,132 43,350 136,508 26,45 Ci, 91 , l,i90 20,133 100,299 21,906 81,i55 30,518 21,11S 51,031 29J259 21,056 847,170 150,389 83,210 20,207 104,857 : 27,-iHH 43,78 63,000 t 36 tl,20 saf.tsi S50.51S 41,473 27.56S 20,768 2359 30,709 45,850 24,933 19,743 20,730 1,792 21,311 26,042 60,137 ,J10 ,747 I5S2 66.S9; 5n,2-i; 8.99i 10.9S1 I 20,0'j3 27,177 ; 11,389 118,013 20.204 SS8;"9 iaj65 37,ltl 4.031 ' -17,187 298120 183,480 1 100,737 1 i76 23,233 14,936 31,432 x 80,294 ' 18.-205 70,695 ; 10,107 20,644 '16.987 20.0:51 23.177 25386 21,023 22,010 28.J46 81,420 18.004 11.00W 62.44W 81,404 4o,484 22390 , 100,02j ,4I 81,234 20.151 29521 69.514 81,8744 26,191 4025 96.1781 20.92 47.211 174.733 15,42-2f 727,62a 21.181 23J34I 20Ji88 15H . 1229 22,134 21300 64235 111.784 26081 18,413 76.72I 20,706t 39i54 CO,2UN 62i44 1447J 26,775! 145,505 24,398 20J1.V 14,753 ! 129,715 27,715! 1 993 19,21,2 15.469: - 24,70 17,646;, a-v;4 16,0841, 22,050 ' 85,788 S4.191 23,2051 19.437 1.410 4,943 1.198 M,130 .:01 114,790 7.439 17794L 15,8 . 4.4ri5l 3.950 43 204,859 71.659 6,409 ' 6,487 695 7,246 8,706 .203 45,045 6,147 ' 7,53 8Ji74 7J0O 6,103 2375 ' 652 5.04' lO.OOOf 2161 1090 12,995 10.9L5 12,6 10 89,258 8JI79 . 17,2661 23,156 2:1.054 . 12.479 371 46J573 15,013 2.17 3.025 40,330 63 15.66i 41,137 6,011 478.070 : 835 11.021 930 6J61 .ia.70fl 4M '.M,Stt V. 4,605 602, 3.701 88,7i SJ6 3.S2I 3-340 126.62-li 7,0481 5.656 105,0181 15 0751 7.4-48 7.673. fJ08J 10441 2.9SH 15 857 5,8? 1 4.284 tJX4 '18.018 White. K.094 76,020 91,079 21.511 11.771 2014 420,826 27,194 558,427 08 .151 Colored. 151 51 88,065 L 22.0:9 21,2501 4CG,495 546.912 158,081 48,628 87,928 21.600 87.683 84,314, - 21,787 113,175 22,106 27,477 19,835 27.513 - 28,505 43.801 Srf.753 -1684 3184 X7.8M . 40,682 80.913 21.880 68,5.8 11951 47.613 S3.24.8j '38,99m 10247 59.2-J2 ' 87.7H 81.576 18.C77 115.-2X) 4S.50t 16JW5 87,005 133.181 25,290 60,648 15807 20.116 1,18543 4118 81.973 t9,678 2083 503 59 28.703 9.950 15292 . 83.474 19,9151 101.21 23.7001 42.92: 85,76M 19,180 2901! t2S,191j 40,!7l! 27,332 W.189, 17 Jit' S10.496 15,041 43,703 24,832 18,414 82361 18,36 81.199; 5,?78 49.206 3,4! U.1U1 1,004 .2,002 16U530 410 10,120 63,729 151 6,011 449 . 8,236 . --g' 1.18 3,.VJ1 27.2.S5 6,090 8,227 2,001 8,019 1,792 231 993 1W5 621 :l05 118 . 73 -706 . 224 8,713 160 127 5,K 432 2.907 133 64 83 6,5 H 1,371 8,172 621 135 f 011 185 604 51 14.913 307 878 11,247 1613 8,WI 153 1.234 67.723 817 20.456 10,003 lri 810 133 C92 ' 494 ' 11,703 8108 836 em ; 8,646 353 17,835 . 607,: HtJHO '839 i B27 603 III 171 1 tjm 13.401 UrC6a 144 , ei Onfr Poor Old Dog. She wm a tery little g rl and a rtrj .ool g rU hut frail, almost, ai a mom-1 nf-iory. and when tho prcat ,cw. j foundland dng wv brought Lome bv ber father., 'he told ber mother that it was for het protect on inal tfi bad pur chased it : Old UoTer was. shf of his little'm's tress nt first.' He blinked Irs grraU ofl ,os and shrank from her if sho bnt raised on of her slight hands. He had bden used to harh treatment, and th? liftinz of a hand was to him tbe firt niotio:i of a cruel blow. He soon found, however, that the l i tie, soft band of h t row m'strca never roso but to dect d caressingly upon, his shaggy nock, and at the dajs wore on. bo jn'ew to loTe the Ittlo girl, and when she wandered away frm tho house, ho was at hci heels, and if another dorj. a pi; or cow .were in tho way, . he brarely stepped n front of his lit tTo charge and atood between her a-Ldanprer. - For months, the c!ii!d and her dojf wcro afwa-8 together. "lleT'wni ai faithful a friend a e cr followed at the LUhlSng of leno. and wherever -Itaby wandered ho walked a 4 puard anil chaperone. and never a danger threat ened i but lie stood between it and bii baby compan'on or led her away. One day flic delicate constitution of -Bab'v gave way. Palo and ill. she laid her weary little body down beneath, tbe welcome-shade of a favor to tree, and the dog stretched himself on the grai beside ber. "J hoann sank low in the west and the ar was growing ch-11, and st 11 tho baby slept. Thero were bright red spots "on her hitherto pal checks, and her breaths came short and fast, and at the shadows lengthened about her, tho bravo old dog licked, bei hands and wlrncd. hop ng to rouso ber from her (dumber, but "n rain. rniea he sat upright bolide her and, wailed ai if call ng. for help, and the father of the child came and lifted her from the ground and boro her away to het hone, and wheu the doctor camo he shook his bead douttfiiliy and said it was a very serious illness. Long and weary weeks rolled by, and at morning tlie dog camo to her be iside and raised his head until lie could' seo her sweet face, and ebb put out her hand aul tm'lcd as ho 'laid his shaffgv head against it, and then he went tmlly away, and when tho even ing shades were deepening he came again, and raising himself by his great paws until his he-.d rested beside her curls on tho pillow, recclrcd gool night caress from cmaciatei hnnd and went away to his kennel, to come again with the rising of tho sun. j 1 . O:io the . physician -'cimo l and stood for a long lime in tho presence of Lis 1 ttlo pationt. apPrenQr Raffled. nd when, at last, ho raised his chin from his hand and looked around, he said to tho anxious parents: I ' Sly skill . H not great enough to save your child. If there is one ray pf hope left, it is In taking her down to the seaside, where , the air is fresh and pure. I can do no more." So, in tho morning, whon tho dog came In from h s kennel at sunrire and laM h's lead upon the pillow by the curly locks that clustered about tho brow of the li ttlo girl, she caressed him moro endear ingly than before, and as no one inter fered, the two were together many nxiuutos, and then they took him awav and chained him in his kennel; and, that dav, when he camo at sunse t, they had taken her away to tho foaside, and tho pdor old dog was sad, and all tho long night, hjeJsourbt her. up and down through all the pleasant places ithey had frequented, and as tho sun roso in the morning be camo to 'her .bed and looked or her. and the servants did not Bee him again for many weeks. ' At last a message came from tho seaside asking them to bring old llover. as Haby missed him eo much and wai growing worse all the while, but the answer tho servants sont them was that liovcr was gone, thoy knew not where, and sA I'aby asked for him at sunriso and sun-et. but ho d d not come. Sho always told her mother that he wonld corao to her vet but at the end of an other week Isaby lay cold In death in her litjLle cotfin and llorer had not come. .:" ' They had taken her home to bury her, and her friends had all passed by the opon coffin to look at her features for. the' last lime, and the undertaker w.n about to close the casket forever, when a dox. worn out with long and fruitless journeyings. came lirop'ng through the crowd and with grcatcftort raided his paws to tho bier. The un d rtaker was about to str ko him, when Haby's father stayed bbi band, and when be sa;d: It is only an old dog,M Baby's papa replied: "It U Babj's Jlover, and he has been searching for " her ever a nee wo went away to the seaside.' and the? let him 1 ck her littio hands and lay bis shaggy head against her face, and as they JilJcd the. grave "ho went away and in tho morning he was watch ng by her grave, and so he died. TESTIMONXAILS. Lrmxtrrow. Mich.. Kot.. lJWi fxrrifi lLr. Brans giro the !.cat cf aliffaetinni to mr customers : one Is a 1 ...w , doe. and 1 ry can be relied upon to do iPWivctfnllr, KIN. LAT1MF.R, M. P . Cash Irog Store , it MovMnfrnt fixt. We hare Wn sellmr Bilk Bkani for OTec a veari. and have found a rVady alo for therat ; and they give good saV lsfnction ta tho wh iie them, li IS lift pert fully, srntdGs & nita, Drjiggiiu. . C A KT E RSTTLLK.' G., Nor. t. ISM. I haw lcrn handling your Brui Beaks for I rnore than a year and, my trade lias Unn pleaetl with them from the Mart, or firt Introductlnn In thtt place. Even one sneak In hlcht terms of t&em. I could jjot a number of If noecrr. Yii-s reperlf"Ur. Sf. F. .W0KI). Druggist. "How's Your Liver?' 1,321 77 111 766 931 1,876 a t O.TUf! 19.3CT u",St ; 1. m. m. m fi B4LS04 I 5.674. : In the come opera of The Mikado his imperial highness says: . .I To make, to some extent, Kacb evil Liver A running river Of harmleM merriment, . A nobler task than making eril livers riters of harmless merriment, no per son, king or larman, could take npon h mself. The liver among the ancient1 was coas'dcrcd the sonrco of all' a man's eril impulses, and tho chanoes are ten to one to-day that if ono's liver is In an tigiy condition of dUcon tcnt, someone's head w 11 bo mashed before night! ; !. How's your lirerF" hi equlTalent to the inqnirr: ,Aro yotl a bear or an an gel to-day?" : Nine-tenths of the pare ctised ness." tho actions for dirorcc, tbe cur tain lectures, the family . rows, not to speak of murders, crimes and other calamities are prompted by the irri tating effect of the inset Tity of the lircr upoji the Ibrain. Fothergill. the great specialist, says this, and ; b? knows. Ho also knows that to pre rent inch catastrophca H9thib(r equals gutiii'i Btt beKi, unowned Urcttjhcflt thf world m i ctktt et Zsea evU Liver Arueainf rtvsf . Ql tvuijts marrtetiA Brxorr. Wis.. Oct 9. 1M' PlI.K Bkavs are ian.l do all von clslm for them. I Ther ' sell welL' and clve perfect saihfartlon.l . Uoneetfuwr. jiff C. A. SMlTIlCO.. . Druggists and Pharmacists ' ' j 1 1 ' " C, P. rAnKim.f. A Sow,, DnrooisTs-ani fcTATi'mxiu. j I i ' Owoo. Mien. ) Tour Bu;K Brans sell weir. with ns snd give general satisfaction. BLrrra. lLL., April IS. laM. J. F. Smith (t Co.! 'GrxT9.4S Mini's Bilk Braxs onfell any lircr Medicine I hav in slock. J. u. i.wis, uruggisu t- . . . v- 11 tea j 1 ill. a IT.1.1 11 1 a, i, 10 k . I hare!. I been , tronblel with piles brought on. I suppose, by Irregu'aHty of the IxiweK and find, after mint nianr different remell4, that BlLSl Braks is ibe ouly medicine to be rellc4 udou. lours tnil r, 419 Cambria street: Ornrk F. A. DlCKl. Whnf.Ksi.i.E Duuooirr, 15 ako 17 Commerce SmtrT, y WW . ATcntx. We hare handled a larce amount of tour Bilk Bf.ans rery satisfactorily. xth to oursfrlves and I he trade j they are certainly a fine seller. Yours truly. F. A. DICKS, ' Dr.rutr, Ind. Memhs. Jj F. SMrrrr & Co.: Dear Sins: Wo are free to; f ay thai wo consider Smith's Bile 'Jeahs .the' Lest renovating pills w havo in stock. ) I Vrv reperf fullr, A. ;(iADI)V CO., Druggista. Nr.rtArxfE. Mich.. Nor., Your Bif.E BEA-Ns'givrt entiro sailt faction, and onr trsxle is Increasing on them constantly. They are .thorough, mild andj tho moH economical liver remedy in tlie market. So say all who hare u?el them. Yours respectfully, I II. CtR, jvl i.; Dca e;r In Drugs, Stationery, eta A. W. Gilbert's North Kto Drco Stoke. IlerrxKR -Block. Lima. I can! say for the Bilk Beaks, we hare sold a great many f them, and every customer, v4ilnks them the I! stomach 'and liver regulator they have crcr ujcd. Wihlnr you great success with tout preparation. 1 1 1 ours, etc. .A. ,w. CILBERT. I hare ' IlfTESTTLLE, Ky. had e rootl trhde on Tout Bilk Beaks, and they bare given satis. faction fin erery case. J Thry hsvf, prored to! be Just what yon reprcaeuf them to be. Respectfully, I J. D. CRIGGS. Dry Goods and Groceries. Des Ana MO.. Nor. 4, '88. nrvnlrirrx I havo been scllinc Smith's Bile Beaks for two years, and consider thorn tiro let lircr meilldne In the market My customers will Isks nothing iin their stead. v! Very truly your. . E. W. GBAVFA Dealer In General Merchandise. Toccoa. Ga.. Nor. tL $9. T can satr with safclr I hat there has never been any remedy In this country that gave tho satisfaction that your Bilk Beaks do. My skies' on them are growing every day. I em sat l lied Iher hare done a great deal for the health of this countrvi, Yours. . W. J. HAYES, General Store. ' Arkapelttiia. Arc, Jane 21, '8. J. F. hMtru & Co.: GcxTSi-I .have 'boen living in the Ouachita and Decipher swamps for several years. andTny family haro suf 'fereil greatly from chills and .fever, and biUtus oompUlnts. ' Year before last I mcd about I twenty bottles of three different makes of tho not -popular! ague cures 'that are known in the South. They would ' all cure for awhile,! but Smith's Bilk Beaks is the first remedy that I havo found that would break the third day chills at.d keep them off. , I find lb cm not only, the beat, but the most economical remedy 1 bate crtr tried. "1 look sod fsel better fto than for ssffral years, aod children Em Bturs li tbs ml; medlelae i huy bow. tn-iy. Yf. 4A V4VU ; ' i - - J . - f 1 i

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