RESPECTABLE SHOPLIFTEILS. A LOVER'S AGONY. 3 I DRY GOODS, . .... rt mrl.T in-ltif.lJIItTEES I HE HUES IU3 SWEXTHXABT UllLX TU VILA in vuvnr. ire nirr kleptomaniacs J 1 his eyes. Kmrintndent Crawford, of 3IcCreery s Two Hundred men siooa arouna a uurnuig .Irr ods store, at Broadway and Eleventh-st., building near Palmyra, Pennsylvania on last .JtZr.Urr nffpmmn tnot fmecial notice of two Thursday morning, and saw a i young girl .-ITcVilir lrvcc1 wnmn who were coiner from roasting to death, unable to help her. At 2 .. rt mnnirr xamininrr coodsi Their o'clock Epbraim Laudermilch, a lamer, was w-v ---- . v - i i i i .i ,i: i w ,rtTici tcoc actions arousou hi3 suspicions anu neaieuty iueucuauuiustuicicu tbem. Finally, he saw one of the women take on fire. He aroused his wife and two chil- nnd Klin it into her dren. and also tried to awaken Miss Katie nocteL Kecnin- an eye on them, 3Ir. Craw- Shade, a member of his family, but without 123 ana 125 FAYETTEVILLE STREET. . -t cnn,mnnr.i rwti' Hirtev and Lan- avail. The farmer, his wife and the children thitr. who had just come into the store, and then leaped from the second story window, es- had the women arrested, iney were inuig- capmg wun a iew uriuaeo. H. & R. S: Tncfcer & Go. nant and protested their innocence, but were compelled to submit to uemg searcueu. iuc following articles were found in their posses sion! Eif?ht silk underskirts, one oold lace- William Schaeffer. a neighbor s son and . . - w - u lover of Miss Shade, arrived by this time. TWIIrinr tho situation he rushed into the n ... burnincr buildincr and into the bedroom of his rinj a pair of silk hose, three pair of bracelets affianced, but she was perfectly wild with fear and a roll saun nuoon. ue two veiaeu w uubuuu w hcc uciwu. most went into hysterics when confronted with on, but she beat him off. As the flames leap- the evidences of tleir guilt The rirnt decided ed through the room the young man rushed to make a complaint against them for hoplift- down stairs, only to see the building fall, the ;nr..i ,r.T? noroinlcn rtPr.liVo TlWdrtunrtM-s. beautiful vouncr crirl eroincr down with it. She TnKtnrBrrnrstAlkedwithther)ris4iersand was seen wildly waving her arms toward otthem to confess their guilt Hi learned heaven, and the roaring, seething flames en- that thev were both respectable married wo- gulfed her forever. men. une gave ner name as Jjn .uuuiu 124 and 120 WILMINGTON STREET. RALEIGH, N. C. This Lime Phosphate. Secure a Home! BUILDING LOTS ONLY $30 EACH! WHAT IT CONTAINS: TTi nTi.lprsicTifid takes this method of inform- Every bag of this phosphate weighs 200 pounds, e poouo ma ue yry and eYery Dag iniaranieea to contain Ifardecir and said she lived at No. 1C3 est Fifty-first-st The other said she was Mrs Kate Mace and cave her address as vio. 328 West Forty -eight st The former is thirity- In the meantime the barn caught hre. Farmer Laudermilch climbed on a wagon shed to help put it out lie fell down and re- ceived fatal iniuries. The animals were re- leas!, but in their madness they acrain tried WAR AGAINST ALIENS IS CHINA. 1 and the latter tliirtv-Jirht In- to rush into the flames. In trying to drive spector Byrns asketl them why thev itole the them away several persons were badly gored.. tilings found on them. Both woinfen broke down and wcrt Thev said they had no rea son' but could not resist tho temptation. In spector Byrnes said that the husband of Mrs. liardegg "is ' an artist, in good standing and circumstances. He wxh sent for, and -when he learned that his wife was locked up fur steal ing he cried like a child Spring we have Imported all of the goods of Foreign Manufacture, direct ourselves. Our trade lias grown to such an extent that we feel safe in ordering our full lines of solid cases all. of the Imported ; goods . we will need for this season's - trade. court this mormnir. N. l. Tribune. The Occidental. and Oriental steamer Ara bic arrived at San Francisco Nbnngmg Hong Kong news to Feb. 29, and Yokohama advices at Marrh 11. In Shantinc the anti-foreiflm Tho other prisoner, excitement runs hicrh. On Eb. 23 at Chee- the Inspector said, is tho wife of a ostoffice Yoo the Eupropeans feared at attack from mu- oCicial w ho Las held a responsible place lor tinous troops. It was -reported that the Uhi- twenty years. The Inspector thinks tbe women nese troops were meeting at the fort, and that are kleptomaniacs. . They will be nrriigned in the mutineers proposed marching against the . . r m ! a i . - - . . . . - Custom Houses and other places, as no man- of-war was there, intense excitement prevailed. No attack was made, however. A missionary from Chi Hai -Yu states that the Chinese in that city have posted placards outside various foreign residences, notifying the tenents that they intend to massacre all Christians before long. The rebels are sup posed to number 2,500. On Feb. 22, 500 sol diers wero sent to intercept them but could find no indications of the enemy, who are sup posed to have gone inland W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO., SHOES, SHOES, BIG FIRE IN THE WINDY (jlTY. SHOES, SHOES, GRO- A MILLION' AND A HALT Di COFFEE, TEJLS jAXD CERIES 1ESTK0VEI THE LOSEE-S. The Grand Central Warehouse git Bush and North Water streets, Chicago, wn burned to the CTOund Thursday morning, and build- in" and contents aro a total loss, th aggre gate of which is now placed at $1,500L000. A singular feature of tho affair is that twice be fore within a comparatively short lime the building has teen on fire. Two weeks agq there was n slight blaze in tho structure, which, though easily extinguished, was very suspicious m its circumstances. Ajuerman SHOES. SHOES. We are the largest dealers in , "BUSESESS METHODS. S HOES HOES in North Carolina. Carrying the largest lines, the The Postmaster-General is applying "busi- ness methods to the administration oi tne Mahicrre, the owner of the building, laid this postal service with a promptness and vigor morning that he had no doubt that tho three which promise early and' satisfactory results, fires wero all of incendiary origin. One branch of the service which became corn- It was a government bonded warehouse, pletely demoralized under the malign control and 90 ier cent, of its contents were leas and of Don Manuel Dickinson - ond his immediate coffees in bond for the import duty? Their predecessor was the railway mail service. A ownership was widely distributed. (Perhaps new superintendent was, appointed last week tho heaviest losers are I itch, Howlann A; Co., to succeed bpoilgman .Bancroft and to-day a of this citv, who had $250,000 worth 5of teas number of important changes were made upon in the building. Other Chicago firms who his recommendation. The new men are all ex had property in the building, but the amount perienced, having had many years of service, ot whose loses are unknown, are; C. B. Lath- and were removed under'the Cleveland Admin- rop :tic Co., Falker it Stern, Wineinaiif Conant isrration. Their reinstatement is made, ac best (assortment of styles anil at lowest prices. None can begin to compare with us. as follows: 10 to 14 pounds Phosphoric Acid, in a form that plants can take up; or - 23 to. 35 pounds Bone Phosphate. 100 to 120 'pounds Lime, in forms suitable to feed plants, act on the soil and on the manures. - 1 to 4 pounds Potash, in a form available to plants. ' " ' THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT TO BUY IN A MINERAL FERTILIZER. - 1. The vast majority of commercial fertilizer contain from 30 to 40 pounds of water in every 200 pound bag. Our lame Phosphate contains less' than 4 pounds of water in each 200 pounds. As we do not want to sell you what you have a plenty of, we make this Fertilizer as dry as we can before weighing it out 2. Most fertilizers contains 60 to 80 pounds of strong Sulphuric Acid to each bag, which is in great excess above the needs of plants and is in jurious to soils, making them sour and productive of sorrel and such noxious growths. This Phos- lots at Asbury, N. C, only six miles from tne city of Raleigh, on the North Carolina and the Raleifi-h &r Augusta Railroads. Persons who take advantage of this opportunity and build at As bury will have the benefits and advantages of the city without any of its expenses. The trains on both roads, going East and West, make regular stoppages, morning and evening, and it is only a matter of ten or fifteen minutes ride between the two stations- The lots, which are 80 feet front by 210 feet deep, are sold at the small price of 830.00 a lot. The lots are going rapidly and those who wish to purchase should make application at once to SAMUED J. IRELAND, or J. S. Hamptox. Raleigh, N. C. Where it is not convenient to pay whole amount cash payments may be made by install merits- titlfi- reserved until full payments are made. Ix)ts donated for schools and manufacturing purposes. QUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. phate does not require Sulphuric Acid to dissolve North Carolina, ) In the Superior Court. it, and contains only just what plants need, THIS IS WHAT YOU DON'T WANT BUY IN A FERTILIZER. TO WITH COTTON AT CENTS, Poor crops and bad prices, WHAT SHALL BE DONE? Thousands of thoughtful men all through the South are considering earnestly this question WHAT SHAX.L BE DONE ? With prices of then- products way down and the prices of all they buy the plaintiff will apply, to the Court for the relief not reduced m the same proportion, what shall do aenianaea in tne complaint. Wake County. C March Term, 1880. India Hinton vs. Elbert Hinton. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court by the affidavit of India Hinton that Elbert Hinton cannot, after due diligence, be found within the State, and that a cause of action for divorce from the bonds of matrimony' exists against the said Elbert Hinton. it is therefore ordered that the said summons for the defendant, Elbert Hinton, be made by publication in The Raukigh Signal, a weekly paper published in the city of Raleigh, for six successive weeks, notifying the defendant, Elbert Hinton, of the fact that a suit for divorce from the bonds of matrimony has been this day brought against him by the said India Hinton, and that the said Elbert Hinton will take notice that he must appear and answer or demur to the said complaint at the next term of Wake Superior Court, which convenes on the seventh Monday after the first Monday in March, 1889, it being the 22d day of April, 1889 : and that if the said Elbert Hinton fails to appear at said Court, that done to feed the family, buy clothes and send the children to school during this Jsew leaf ? All this time sensible men are cutting down every expense and. resolving that they will make more at home. Milk, meat, vegetables must, be made in larger quantities and groceries saved; corn, oats and grass must be provided for the horses, cows and hogs. High-priced fertilizers and eveiy extra thing are entirely out of the question. The wise man will but the cheapest and best ingredients only and make fertilizers at home this year. At this time, the N. C. Phosphate Company, an exclusively North Carolina Company, working CHAS. D. UPCHURCH, Clerk Wake Superior Court. J. C. L. Harris, Plaintiff's Attorney. . F ARMS AND LANDS FOR SALE. Improved Lands, Timbered Lands, Swamp Lands and Town Properties. - The counties of Robeson, Bladen, .Cumberland and all adjacent sections offer fine opportunities for investment. The opening of direct railways North makes the Maxton section a new and in- nothing but North Carolina material, wants to in- viting field for Trucking, Gardening and Fruit, form the prudent men just described how they Climate and hygiene advantages unsurpassed in can help themselves and help a home enterprise any country. A competing point for freights, o r ; -:- Farmers We offer the best TOBACCO PLANT BED! by buying Lime Phosphate, the cheapest phos phate ever sold and mixing their fertilizers at home. READ AND REFLECT. Good for all crops; a specialty for wet low grounds. Address, " . N. C. PHOSPHATE CO., Raleigh, N. C. Railways North, South, East and West. Quick transport North by several routes. A grand op portunity for safe investment, and a better one for practical Farmers and Horticulturists. Come and see or write to O. H. BLOCKER, Real Estate Agent, Maxton, N. C. Goods bought for cash , And sold the same way Are cleared out and leave no trash When everybody pays. ' J. P. GULLET'S Is the place to buy your Hats, Clothing, Shoes, Shirts, Collars nul CuJV, Half Hoes and Underwear, ' Ladies Dress Go ids, Corsets, hose, ruffling and edging; also every d... scription of Yankee notions you may need. Special drives m . ME N' S HA ND MA D E S 11 (J KS from $3.00 to $7.50. Let everybody, when in need of any nitiHe f comfort, luxury or service, call at J J. P. GULLEY'S STORE. ' ' TLANTIC COAST LINE. WILMINGTON & WELDON R. It., ' AND BRAUCHES. Condensed Schedule. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Jan. 1 18S. d'3 Leave Weldon . Arrive Rocky Mt Arrive Tarboro . . . Leave Tarboro . . . Arrive Wilson Leave Wilson ...... Arrive Selma Arrive Fayetteville Leave Goldsboro . . . Leave Warsaw. Leave Maeniolia . . . . Arrive Wilmington . 12 40 p m 1 52 p in! 5 43 p in 3 55 p 10 20 a 2 25 p in t2 35 3U5 0 00 p in 7 00 p m 3 15 4 10 4 25 GOO 40 p in 8 40 p in i) 55 p in Leave Weldon Arrive Rocky Mt . Arrive Tarboro.. , Leave Tarboro . . . No. 41, Diilly . ex. Sunday. 600 7 10 a in No. 15, Daily ex. Sunday. 10 45 11 50 p in Arrive' Wilson . Co., W.F.Peel & Co., Robert Jeffnjjr & Co., d the Union National Bank. &Co. and Uut&ido hrms which lose by tho nre are Hyde A; South worth and E. S. Conant fc Co., both of Boston ; Siegfried & Browncjfenstein, San Francisco; Eppin, Smith, Wymari & Co.,' Carter. Hawlev V Co.. all of New York City. j A MILITARY DEFAULTER t FOBt LAKAHIE S CAXKER SKITS WITH THREE THOUSAND j DOLLARS BELONGING TO HI 3 rARTNERi ;. OFF FOR CANADA. Fifteen months afro James Grant arrived at Fort Laramie as one of a batch of Recruits. He claimed to be a member of one of Jhe lead ing Virginia families, forced to enlist by busi ness reverses. He was prepossessing, intelli gent and well educated, and was boon pro moted to a corporalship. " Gaining tho confi dence of Joseph Eoseburg, a privatei soldier, who had saved several thousand dollars by long service, ho induced hun to form a partner ship to loan money to the soldiers from pay . day to pay clay at ten, per cent, pen month. Business prospered,and the next step wvs to bor row money paying five per cent, per niooth inter- csl x.vcrj imug movcii screuciy, lmeresi w as paid promptly, all obligations were mjt, and a general banking business of large dimensions was being done, many ofheers loaning money or having pay warrants mscountedj Satur day last, when tho soldiers were paid off, Grant is said to have collected $2,000 of the loans of the previous month. With thk and $3,000 or $4,000 more, all assets of the firm, ri k Itfifr f hn till rrk nrt n rrc? r lAirtnmnft t- rxnex of the officers. At Lusk ho clothes and left on an Telrams to arrest him for embezzlement and desertion have failed to intercept hmf, and it is feared he will reach Canada yith the mnttev. "f cording to Superintendent Bell, in the interest of the good of the service and the promotion of the prompt and efficient distribution of the mail matter on the road. -THE- CLOTH at the lowest prices in the market. N C BOOK STORE. f . E & R S Tncter & Co. ORIGIN OF GREAT "INVENTIONS. belontrinS to bought icitizen's Eastern bound train ITO lew EMPEROR WILLLUI'S GIFT HOSPITAL. Sister Benedicta," SuiK?rior of tho ficw city hospital, at Baltimore, now being ercted at Caltert and Saratoga streets, to-day received a check for $150, forwarded by Empejor Wil liam, of Germany, for the beneht of lhe insti tution. A letter accompanied the gilt from Emil Heydenerick, Acting Imperial German Consul, explaining tho object for v&ich his Majesty had transmitted the money. OX is un derstood that the gift is the result of n report made by Consul Heydenreich to theF oreign Office at Berlin at the request of theiatter to name some institution in Baltimore where a gift from the Emperor of Germany, would be acceptable. The money will be used lo furn ish a room in the new building when com pleted, which will bo named to hono- of the Emperor. . HE PAID $4,000 FOR $1 AND j, YLFE. Four months ago Casper Grissing; who is 5S years old, and a resident of Monfclair, N. Jn lo6t his wife. Not long after he fell in love with Minnie Treu, a remarkably pretty blonde of 23 years, who was employed as a sTrvant in a wealthy Montclair family. Although Min- , nie arnveil in this country i rom uavana oniy a year ago she was shrewd, and befoVe prom- ' ising to become Mrs. Gnssmg she gcjt Gnss ing to agree to sell to her all his real estate, worth $4,000 for $L Last week the transfer was made, and yesterday the marriage took place in the German Presbyterian Ctarch at Bloomfield, N. J. Rev. John M. Ennslin per ornied tho ceremony. 5 ' x- . i I Glass Known in Egypt 1740 B.C. Bollows Egyptian; . used 1490 B. C. Needles Firt made in England, 1545. Oxygen Discovered by Priestly, 1774. Candles Made of tallow, used in 1290. Cotton-ginMade by Eli Whitney, 1793. Engraving Invented by Chinese; 1000 B. C. Clocks Water clocks used in Rome 158 B. C. .- ' Hydrogen First isolated by Cavendish, 17GU. - Thermometers Credited to Santorio of i Padua, 1C09. Barometer EvangelistaTorricella invented, 1G43. - Tl Iff YORK GSW A New and Influential Factor in Re- publican Politics. COMPLETE REORGANIZATION. NEW MANAGEMENT. When you want School Books, Sunday School Books, Law Books, Miscellaneous Books, Station ' ' ery, School Furniture, or Any thing Else in our Line, Send to Alfred Williamsfe Co BOOK SELLERS AND STATIONERS, Raleigh, N. C. AND SALE. By virtue or a decree of the Superior Court of Wake county, m special proceeding entitled J. W. Hockaday et al. vs. John. W. Norwood, I will on the 4th day of March, 1889, sell at public auction at! the court House door, in the city of Raleigh, a! tract of land in New Light township, Wake county, containing G3i acres, being a part, lot No. 2, of the Lucy Mangum dower land, fully described in a plot herein filed, the same being the third interest of the Bailey heirs;' Terms of sale onethird cash, balance in six months. Hour of sale 12 hi. T. R. PURNELTj, j ' Commissioner. t; i No. 14, No. 7H, Paily. Daily. AND SALE. I ' Under and by vii-tue of power of sale contained in a mortgage executed by J. B. bteadman. and wife, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of I Wake county, I will on the 19th day of Janurary 1889, sell at public auction at the Court House door in Raleigh, the land described m said mortgage, situated m uary lownsnip where said mortgagor resides. Terms' of sale cash. Hour 12 m. T. R. PUBNELIi, "Att'y and Assignee of Mortgage. M ORTGAGE S.ALE OF LAND. Leave Wilson ... Arrive Selma Arrive Fayetteville . Leave Goldsboro. . . Leave Warsaw . Leave 'Magnolia. Arrive Wilmington . , 7 43 a m 8 35 9 33 0 49 11 30 a m 12 31 a m 1 20 a in 2 15 " 2 35 3 55 TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Wilmington . . . Leave Magnolia. . . . . ; Leave Warsaw. , Arrive Goldsboro . . .. Leave Fayetteville Arrive Selma. ..... Arrive Wilson . r 11 50 1 15 p m a m 2 15 a m Leave Wilson.. . . . Arrive Hocky Mt. Arrive Tarboro Leave Tarboro. Arrive Weldon . 2 57 a in a. m 900 10 35 10 50 " 1150 " t8 40 11 00" 1210 12 38 p 1 17 in 4 34 a m 3 55 10 20 p m a m 3 40 p in Air Otto Guericke of As a vigorously Republican' newspaper THE GRAPHIC appeals to Republicans all over the country for support. The new ownership is daily Anemometer Invented 1709 by Walfino, to making a better paper in news; and illustrations Jiadgeburg, Pump Made by 1G50. We have the largest stock in North Carolina and guarantee lowest prices. Send for Busbee's new North and Form Book, price 2.00 Carolina Justice mentioned in measure force of wind Barbers Great antiquity; Ezekiel v., 1. about 590 13. C. - Billiards Ascribed to Henrique Devigne, who lived in the reign of Charles JX. of France. Algebra Arabian origin; known in Eu rope, 1300; used generally, 1590; LucaBorgo's book, 1494. "In the accounts of the marriage of the Em peror of China," said Mrs. McCrackle," I see that his household comprises even cooks and thirty physicians." Tliat's about the right proportion," replied McCraclde. Time. THE SIGNAL. We shall endeaver to make The Signal the equal of any weekly paper published in this State. Now that the election is over politics will occupy but a small space in our columns. bpecial attention will be given to the collection of local and State news, and the foreign and domestic news will be gathered in intelligent form" in every issue. , The publication of The Sigxal will be con tinued simply as a business enterprise. If the Republicans throughout the State will do their daty a first-class paper can be easily maintained in Baleigh. Will they do it ? We know they will. We offer the following club one year $1.75. The Siqjjal and eekly Philadelphia Press each for one year $1.75. The Signal and AV eekly Philadelphia Press each for. six months $1.25. The Signal and Weekly New York Tribune each for one year $2.00. The Signal and Weekly New York Tribune and proposes to aid sound Republican Principles with agrgessive beenind pencil. THE GRAPHIC is the only' illustrated daily . paper in the world, and oners the best record of passing events for out-of-town readers through its pictures and news columns. THE GRAPHIC now has a news services and staff of writers unsurpassed by any other evening paper in New York. THE WEEKLY GRAPHIC : I- is just the paper for .Republicans throughput the country who need a general newspaper in addition to their weekly. It is a twelve page paper, six of which are devoted to clever pictures of current political and news events, and six pages to bright articles by bright writers, social, political and literary chat with all that makes a sound news paper. , REPUBLICANS: During the coming year some of the most promi nent leaders in the Republican party will contri bute timely articles to THE WEEKLY GBAPHIC." - ; ;. Remember that THE GRAPHIC, being an illus trated paper, does not interfere with any other paper. Cobb's map of North Carolina 4.50. Depository American Bible Society. BRANCH- Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a mortsrasrc deed executed to me by Alexander Lewis and wife, and duly registered in Book 100, page 783, 1 will sell at public outcry, to the high est bidder, for cash, at the eourt-house door in Raleigh,, on Saturday, the 6th day of April, A. D. 1889, at 12 m., the lands mentioned in said deed, the same situated in Middle Creek township, ad joining the lands of R. Mathews and others, con taining 25 acres, more or less. r B. K. PARTIN, Mortgagee. March 6, 1889. ISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. Maroie anfl Granite Ms OF ! Van (xunden & Young GEO. B. HISS, Manager, Southwest Corner Morgan and Blount Streets, IiALEIGH, N. C, Execute all orders for Monuments, Tombstones, Curbing-, The firm of L. M. Banner & Co. have this day dissolved by mutual consent, E. J. Banner and George K. Pritchard retiring, leaving L. M. Ban ner, the surviving member, who will assume all liabilities and collect all debts. The business will be conducted by.L. M. Banner alone.- -Li. M. Banner, , E. J. Banner, j Gep. K. Pritchard. Elk Park, N. C, Dec. 19, 1888. : : , - Leave Wilmington . Leave Magnolia Leave Warsaw ....... Arrive Goldsboro.. . Leave Fayetteville. Arrive Selma. Arrive Wilson ...... No. 40, uany ex. Sunday 400 5 40 5 55 0 55 p m Leave Wilson Arrive Rocky Mt. Arrive Tarboro Leave Tarboro Arrive Weldon. 7 52 8 29 p in 9 40 m p No. CO, Daily ex. Sunday. 4 15 11 14 11 28 p in 1 40 a in. .2 1G " 3 40 Tablets, Window Sills, Door Sills, WE - WANT - YOUR - SUPPORT. SPECIAL OFFER. ; SEND 40 CENTS FOR THE WEEKLY GRAPHIC FOR THREE MONTHS. (sample copies free.) , j REGULAR SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In short, everything needed in either Marble, liranite or oanas tones in a worKmanuice manner equal to the - best that can be obtained anywhere and at prices which cannot fail to suit. There fore we respectfully invite the public to inspect our stock oi nnishea work ana obtain prices be fore placing orders. frr kit TnrTith $1 9. The Signal and New York Press each for ne 7 graphic, one year. . . . rates: . ..." ?JZZZ The Sigxal and New York Independent each Weeklv Grating .... tl Tt n- ' Look out for the cross mark. It denotes that your subscription is about to expire and is also a request that you renew at once. Here is the chance to get your home paper and one of the best weekly papers published in America for very little more than the regu- ar subscription jpnee of Tine Signal. Six months Republican Agents W anted Everywhere, ples and Advertising Matter Free. .$9.00 .14.50 .1 .80 .12.00 .11.00 Sam- i . LIBERAL COMMISSION. Address, j ' GRAPHIC PUBLISHING CO., 39-41 Park Place, New York. r&reata, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Patent bu'fcieaa conducted for' Moderate Fees. our OtHce 1 Opposite U. S. Patent Of-f'-. V.'e have no sub agencies, all buaineM di.ict beuce can transact patent bndlness in leu tii'ie and at lesa cost tll&U those remote from Washington. Scad model, drawing, or photo., with descrip tion. We adrwe if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due tiJl patent la secured. A book, 14 IIow to Obtain Patents," with refer ences to actual clients in your State, county, or town, sent free. Address, C. A. SNOW & CO. Opposite Pateit Office, TTuiUgtoB, D. C $5.00 REWARD. Lef is my house, in Halifax county, on Nov; 16, my son, Jim Henry, 17 years of age, spare built, dark Indian skin color, black hair and eyes, sad countenance, dressed in streaked vest, round jacket and pants of Kentucky jeans, brownish color, low-crowned, black-speckled hat. Five dollars reward will be paid for information that will lead to his recovery. i WM. HENRY RICHARDSON, (coL) Essex P. O., Halifax Co., N. C. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA CHAPEL HILL, N. C. '' The next session begins August 30th. - Tuition reduced to $30 a half year. Poor students may give notes. Faculty of fifteen teachers. Three full courses of study leading to degrees. Three shSrt courses for the training of business mn, teachers, physi cians, and pharmacists. . Law school fully equipped. Write for Catalogue to HON. KEMP P. BATTLE. july5. , President." j ' TVrnjT' Who are Weak, Nervous and Debil J.VI I l-Ll itated, who are suffering from the effects of early evil habits the results of ignorance or folly, will find in Peaks' Specific a. positive and permanent Cure for Nervous Debility. Semi nal Weakness, Involuntary vital losses, etc. Cures guaranteed. Send six cents in stamps for Pears Treatise on the disease of man ; their cause and cure. . S. S. PEARS. ! 612 CncBcn St. Nashville, Tenn. i Daily except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Uranch Roal Ipavph. Halifa&for Scotland Teck at 2.30 P. M. Upturn. ing leaf es Scotland Neck at 8.20 A. M., daily ex cept Bonday. Train leaves Tarboro N. C, via Albemarle t& Raleigh R. R. Daily except Sunday, 5.05 1. M., Sunday 3.17 P. M., arrive at WiUiamston, N. C, 7.20 P. M., 4.55 P. M. Returning leaves Wil liamston, N. C, Daily except Sunday, 7.10 A. M. Sunday 9.50 A. M., Arrive ut Tarboro N. C, 9.15 A. M., 11.30 A. M. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Ooldn boro, N. C, Daily except Sunday, 8.00 A. M;r ar rive at Smithfield, N. C. 9. 30 A. M. Returning leaves Smithfield, N. C, 10.3.A. M., arrive At Goldslxjro, N. C, J1.45 A. M. i. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount at a 00 P. M., arrives at Nawhville a 40 P. M Spring Hoie 4.45 P. M. Returning leaven Spring Hope 10.00 A. M., Nawhville lo.a A. M., arrive Rocky Mount 11.15 A. M daily, except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, Daily, except Sunday, at a 00 P. M. and 11.10 A. M. . Returning leave Clinton at.&tfOA. M. and 3.10 P. M, connecting at Warsaw With Nos. 41, 30, 23 and 78. Southbound train on Wilson & Fayetteville Branch is Na 51. Northbound in No. 50. v except Sunday. Train No. 27 Sonth will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro andMagnolia. . . Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wl-. don for; all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and daily except Sunday via Bay Line. Na 501, Vestibule Train, Southbouml. Mm.. day, Wednesday, Friday. Leaves Weldon 9.50 P. M., arrive at Wilmintr ton 2.00 A. M. " No. 500, Vestibule Train. Northlmnnd. day, Thursday, Saturday. Leave Wilmington 1.08 5.33 p. m. Trains make close connection for nil North via Richmond and Washington au arums run souu Detween Wilmimjton and Washinsrton, and liave Pullman 1a1aa Riiu.r attached. : ! a. in., - arrive Weldon J. R. KENLY, Sup't Trans. JOHN F. DIVINE, . Gen. Sup't T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent