r iiicJL iJK . i in i LlRTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE, M. E. CHURCH, SOUTH. Established in 1855. RALEIGH, N. C, NOVEMBER 15, 1899. CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE. nrrsn cf the North Carolina Conference. ,,;,;! W'KKKLY AT RALEIGH, N. C. ml-vla i"ter in the post-office at Raleigh. ! New Series. Vol. 1, No. 39. i ii -. MimiDiing blocks only when the brother is needlessly blind. I this sphere there is no vocabulary in which the word "sacrifice" is found unless it he nsprl i a REV One v v M. iv A - ' P., . . Editor , kSOX, Business Manager. rtS OF SUBSCRIPTION. - St.50. i Six Months, Cash in Advance. the relations of the august Sultan of Sulu to the United States. In all seri ousness, we ask the following questions : Has any treaty been made by the ethereal devotional i.- . i United States with the Sultan of Sulu? the incense nnr1 r I (2) Has there been made any arrange- Yon m,Kf " "T" , rSmp' raent by which polygamy and slavery ou must minister to the wnnniv, w,, Mn,f;n,L u J A g as he is not in the mud or I in Sulu, or by which Christian mission-1 he wlU Prkably locate his capital. Law i brother as lon Course of Events. The latest news from the Philippines as received by the War Department is to the effect that Aguinaldo has retreated into the mountains to Boambang, where THE TWENTIETH CENTURY MOVEMENT. All v. 7 , amoilg the thorns. Self must not suffer. ' aries nave been excluded? (3) Has any ar-! ton Yung, and Wheaton have him prac- "5 But in the course of true develop-1 ranSement whatevei " with the Sultan ever j tically surrounded. He has no communi- I ment, the ascension, continues The" rr" I f e" officiallr reco"ized by the Presi- cation with the coast, and being in a deceased lifti i s f utiW f 1 Statemente thaJ are ! country which cannot yield anv supplies, i i , , pi". aie utilized, j accepted as true by so many ever been L , W1 , ' , VK ' J ? I vwn ,JV-5 111 LUC HC111VJ3 Jl HIS Avs of the gospel and wives of ; .ixt. . I I I I T I ' - j' 1 . n. I . . 1 ",- preachers m tne .North Carolina ! signer spnere is entered. ! officially reportec .iiitho rizeu airents, will receive the -Here WC enter into t1i cPAt-nt,- . f i, t i i trnp nncu'prc tn 1 1i c nnocf ioMf n :ii i pursuers - - ovv.iv.i3 KJl LUC iUIvi ! uuotn-io v. h'i-ji. iiv. j iiisuja will, ; General Wheaton landed his .5.1. nd find the swfrt o,r.o; ,.t,:., I we think, nut the mooted matter in a new ! troops at Linjraven last Mondav. The It shows the date im to whirl, i , . -a.uip uiui.. u a MIC W T T 1 , - . 1 i ' 1 1 L. :elahel ; --I ion l:as been paid. Change in lahel :-,Ceipt. Here we beoin to "minmplnri with all the saints what is the breadth and ! is ordered changed, both old and ; and length and depth and height of that! ORTHODOXY AND NEWSPAPERS. report is that the country is submerged, ! but that the waters are falling. :i.-.t oe in veil :;;o:;oy, be sure to state whether it is w subscription. It becomes more apparent with every passing week that the movement to raise $500,000 for our schools and colleges is going to prove a great succes. In those Conferences that have completed their organization at a very rapid rate, we shall be surprised indeed if the final fig ures do not go beyond the sum indicated by the General Conference. Some of the Conferences, it is true, are lagging be hind. This, however, is not because the people are unwilling to give, but simply because proper steps have not been taken to secure their gifts. That all of them will fall into line and do their full part, we cannot doubt. The money is sorely needed. Our ed ucational enterprises are all suffering for the lack of larger means, and the compe tition which they are called upon to face love which sent the Son of God from the! While there may be a disposition on ! AT thls wr,t"ig, affairs 111 South Africa bosom of the Father into a world to be 1 the part of newspapers as a class to criti- i look 111 uch briShter for the British forces j is becoming sharper with each succeed v..-.-.:-,-' tnri.-fnu riirt-c -.r.,1 i lmtrl onri 7i . ! c i than at this time last week. .TTn to last m.e year. u.uuv .i.v m,u i.iuv.iiicu, ivt'iiiri(iii i s seen in suiuc uiiascis ui vJdbL-inm on iohoxv. x o I J 1 to the RALEIGH CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE. jisas wide as the world. Love threads i pleasing, that some of th EDITORIAL The Soul's Rest. ;i tiint nt ither the golden sky, vid'-t lights that linger on the hill, i;tn"s wistful blue shall satisfy, But they shall till wild unrest and endless longing still, The s--il whose hope beyond them all must lie. I iriou'e that love shall never seem tne rivers, climbs the mountains, sails the j seas, pierces the wildernesses, enters the ; furnaces, breathes the air of pesthouses, soils its hands, muddies its garments, ; lacerates its limbs, and knocks at the j door of death, in order to follow in the footsteps of Christ in ministering to the wants of a sin-stained and dying brother. In this sphere we are willing to give up all "meat" in the shape of privileges that : our brother may not be "offended." We are thus willing, because we live with Him whose name is Love, and who A:;: t:i n-uuaim m.tuu m ki ana nanus SOmided the verv denths of si i fieri nor fbof will cling ; i & And thought by silent thought be under- j Poor human souls might scale the shining -rood. heights of Salvation. t r.. -1-e that the next ho in will bring : A t i . , , , , Tjiat far-oit mood " hasten the time when the church Tiuir .b.-ivos one like a lonely child to God, ; militant shall dwell in this highest Who or.iv ees and measures everything. sphere, and, from the heavenly altitude. v, , r'rct as it ever was to oe, -sly that inner haunting dream haeh iieart suall see II:::tei in every dawn's fresh purity, Tl.snt 'es!v shadowed in each sunset's gleam. :h warm mouths Avill kiss and hands The Witt chin art . call a ransomed hisrher." world to "come all its radiant beauty. The field of duty ! yet it is a fact, which is both patent and i nday 11 iookecl ver' gloomy for General ie most stalwart de-ivvnue s Iorces ar aaysmitli. Hie ca lamity of a few days before, in which a large number of British prisoners had been taken by the Boers, together with the fact that Ladysmith was completely surrounded, had a very depressing effect in London. On last Friday, however, the British made several sorties, severely de feating the Boers and capturing a great number of their men. The Boers were compelled to fall back from Colenso, and the British were greatly elated. Since fenders of the faith of 'the "Fathers" are found among those who occupy the secular tripods. We are gla to see so many of our daily papers rebuking the incoherent mou things of so-called apostles who are too intellectually progressive to accept the old doctrines on which the faith of humanity and the glory of civilization are based, and on which have been built the lives whose beautiful afterglow still plays among the centuries and lights the j Mafeking, where the Boers are said to be ! disheartened over the unexpected resist- i 1, 1, 1 J il. f J way to the eternal home of the soul. The ! LUCil L11C1C lid5 ucc" d utmmc ;f;.i 4 t I news. The situation looks brighter at on certain theological questions are a scathing- rebuke to raanv who stand in All 1 4. 1 1-1 tac- IU UlCil cHLtHJKb. X lie UIC Uei- pulpits. All honor to the press which ... 1 naps conceniraiing ineir iorces arouna Kimberly. This is one of the strategic points. The report which represented up j THE SULTAN OF SULU. THE THREE SPHERES. piritual development as viewed i -.red from the Christian stand- The question anent the Sultan of Sulu narked bv an ascension through and his harem is forging to the front. stands true to evangelical truth and stand on the watchtower when the regularly annointed watchmen have fieri. t , -, c i 41 , . . the Boers as firing upon a white flag is It was ouly a tewT davs ago that the At-1 & r es lanta Constitution contained an ev cal editorial in reply to Mrs. Humphrey 1IT...J ? .. i 1." . i P1 vvaru, w7nois teaenmg coat ine story oi tne i dhicai splieres. Divers newspapers are full of the reported by.wst ethical sphere ir. which the misdoings of the said Sultan and the ! Qf atl atonir ..:-ched soul moves is that in which United States atonement is only a fiction. The Consti- tutiony like the majority of the great i According to these re- dailics, believes in the necessity and fact iT Saviour. ' It thus sends its is perhaps not a A. A. parting shaft : " This Inside of the last ten months about $24,000,000 has been given, in one form or another, to institutions of learn ing in different parts of the country. Wc cannot hope to keep up with the progress of the age unless we improve our equip ments and increase our endowments; but all the conditions are now changed, and we must take steps to meet them. But there is also another view of the subject that ought not to be overlooked. Nothing better could happen to our peo ple than that they should be called upon at this great turning point in the world's history to part with a portion of their substance for some worthy cause. Some of them are very rich, counting their possessions by the millions; a great many of them are in perfectly comfortable cir cumstances. xVll of them are able to do something. The appeal that is now ad dressed to their consciences will, if it is responded to in the right spirit, prove a great blessing to them in many ways. If the canvass does not issue in an over whelming revival of true religion, it will be because it is prosecuted, not for the purpose of glorifying God, but simply for the purpose of securing worldly advan tage. Against this danger let us be on our guard. Out of a deep gratitude for all the favors that we have received from our heavenly Father in the years that are gone, and with a sincere desire to ren der better service to him in the years that are yet to' come, let us lay down what we can upon his altar, joyously consecrating IT cannot be doubted that the United ' our own souls and bodies at the same nc. Selected. : the At-1 ' -r- ,. i probably incorrect. G( vangeh-i1 3 . . i while a strong fighter, is tmphrey 1 . 5 ' . eneral Joubert, a humane man, and would not allow such conduct. None of the troop ships have arrived at Cape Town. It is thought that General Buller can begin his march northward by No- 1 ! vember 1 ;th. ........ f bc-.K -i-.1i- ii ito rplofinnciiin i no-tc onr oTvernnifMit has mp.de a trentv r j:i.. a,. j.ii i l Hiv.ii wui; in hj iv.u.nuuo.jiin'1..., t" j . buojeci iui a. uuiiv newspaper 10 uwcii i . . 1 . T. . ..1 . . 1 r . : ...,.4- c.,l4. ic i . I States is watchino- with keen and iealnns til it is oniv a bom ioigieu, put:-; wilu uic dujjuM ouiwh ia ; upon ; but witn iinggs, pounclmg away a J j :gtrneci; and guided by God land, the southernmost of the Philippine ! at the Bible on this side, and Mrs. Ward j e'cs its trade relatious in China' U was I lis eternal Spirit. Its function group, has a population of something j 0ffering baptism to uubelievers on that, it is time for some one to rise and make re vive and to eniov, while as a bene-: more than the comoined population ot t is only to render certain duties Raleigh and Charlotte and this treaty sarc- marks." Good for the Constitution as an object of love and praise. ; tions slavery and polygamy, and excludes in this sphere, religion is only I Christian Missionaries all for the ac- LET US WIPE-OUT THE REPROACH. Ui conr abstract and negative something fit only i knowledgment by the Sultan of thesover for the cloister and the temple, inuring j eignty of the United States. tbo unfif r,f Clf frlino- nnmi i It is said that the bvnod ot iortn taro- Liiv. uv.iiv.ut vi ov.11, .v.v.v,.. wv,.. . i.i,:.i .... 4-1... n II.! t;4.: ri.:..- 1 4.1. ....j ii.:.. t bnc rfiicprl tntnkeact on in the case ! gncs. nlbuannUuay umui uu- ueiween vieai jiuian, v.nina, anu luc ulIU iUUis-lliiJ I'J luiuiv. , liuu w . j cr.iv The. North Carolina Conference has no ' enviable record in the matter of Epworth not until sometime ago that the United States could be recognized as having an equal chance with England, Russia, Ger many and France. But now it is differ ent. The "open door" is to be main tained. The following dispatch has been published in London : Negotiations in London have resulted in an agreement THE REVIVAL OF RELIGION. UY W. ROBERTSON NIOObL. blessing, the ultimate croal. It goes with- i of Roberts, the polygamous Congressman ; ! ference in the Connection. So savsRe v. H.B. Living that in this h action ' Anderson, the Secretary of the Conference 1 nnp i nf TTtah on the p-rouiid that such a V IKIL. Uill uuv. vk I . . . 4 . 1 . .. . ' rr.itii'iiftaA ah h munrr h I rnmic I hp iik cf religion is seen, and its full mean-; and silence on the Sulu question cio not L, a . , , I 11 I Mexican Mission Conference is ahead of is h-t faint v compreliencied. . moiany qtiauiatt. 1 t 1 .1 nc Vith nn v c nnr members ir has t:.i.,.. 1 . ..f, ti,Qi-e i A Xnrth raro ina c all v paper ciieers tne i " -! o . .. . . ....-j a 4. coo,w time ipiiversimore leagues than ours with 65,000 1 smr tual evolution under grace, auouier ; aynou umiaL uiv wmv, v.v. and higher sphere is -' A entered. The full I itself: a We have no sympathy with members. Knowing our preachers and laymen as we do, we feel safe in asserting that while we recognize the situation we meauin-of relioion is apprehended. It j polygamy anywhere, and betore it re- 1 in Sulu. the tin-: monies luii-oroed to tne view. 11 is nuL j - 7" ' I do not accept it in the sense of folding rdv1Wnt;,0Kfn.;h,P Tt is not onlv! seating of Roberts seemed to be tne proper 1 , . . abstrccTbut concrete. It demands not course. How can we now unseat a man onlv nimre heart bnt an outward expres-; with two wives, Ve tliougnt ne nau sion of that purity. It involves not only Ood as a Father but man as a brother. It encircles a self which expanding more, when our flag gives protection and approval to a Sultan who has a harem." The discussion has fire in it, and we the t m - 1. tvr MP!ir tr.lirh nil cnnlc Tt TfrOCrniZeS ' dO nOt WISH LU diwui v, x.v. -"v.iv..) ci 1 1 liitiiiaii i l i .j- r 1 . j j r.t i.. .1 c f,'r, a nin.; blaze, but a great big sad eyed wonder kss spiritual escutcheon but of visiting the "widows and fatherless in their afflic tion." In this sphere we see for the first time the thing which St. Paul calls the neatest thinr in the world love. But the exercise of the love has its limitation6. Jt nu-.,t do no violence to self. It goes as far as it can without causing an abridgment of the privileges of self in Wt without causing self to suffer. It cannot understand the meaning of Paul when ho said " Wherefore if meat make niY brother to offend, I will eat no flesh hile the world standeth. It lives, but it Uust eat its "meat." In this sphere are fund those who say that they are not re sponsible for the narrow views of a brother. They cannot give up innocent Pleasures because these pleasures are fills our mind and Heart wnen we uuuk of the inconsistencies of which the Chris- ! tian church inNorth Carolina was guilty of all the years when it condemned polyg amy and other evils when our govern ment was sanctioning polygamy in Utah. Thpn too. we are bothered with these trivial questions: How can we refuse to do one duty because we neglect another? Is there not a slight difference, to use the words of another, between "asserting Christian authority over a polygamous country and establishing polygamous au thority over a Christian country?" In the lirht of the fact that just now there is much "wild talk" on the Eastern question, we must be excused, until fur nished with proof, from swallowing some of the published statements concerning our arms and giving up the struggl The difficulty is not in the conditions characterizing our Conference. The Western North Carolina Conference with practically the -same conditions as ours is doing good work ' with its Epworth Leagues. The Conferences are well attended and enthusiastic. The report at Concord, we have no doubt, will be highly gratifying. Prominence should be given at our approaching Conference at Washington to the Epworth League question. A de termined effort should be made to bring this institution of the church before our preachers and laymen in such a light that there will be next year a great advance in our Epworth League interest. The under current of prejudice or skepticism must be dried up, and the demands of duty must be recognized. It has been clearly demonstrated that there is hardly a work in the Conference which cannot support an Epworth League. Let us pray and work to the end that our reproach may be wiped out. United States to maintain their " open door " in China, which power will under take to develop both British and Ameri can trade. It is understood that Germany and probably Russia will give the United States written assurances as to the main tenance of the "open door." Last Tuesday's elections brought satis faction to all political parties. The re sults mav may thus be summed up: Massachusetts went Republican; New Jersey went Republican by an increased majority over last election; New7 York, Democratic in the Tammany district, Republican elsewhere; Kansas, victory for the Republicans; South Dakota, Republi can; Maryland Democratic; Kentucky, both parties claiming the victory; Ohio, Republican, Mississippi and Virginia, Democratic. Judge Simonton has ruled that the Corporation Commission of North Caro lina lias no authority to levy the taxes which have been placed on the railroads in the State. It is thought by some that this ruling will deprive the Public Schools funds of the special appropriation of $100,000 made by the last legislature. Treasurer Worth thinks that the appro priation will be paid, though it may be somewhat delayed. There has been some talk about another meeting of the legisla ture to deal with the matter involved in Judge Simonton's decision. In the first place, like every revival of religion that the church lias known, the next revival will make Christ and liim crucified to shine before the souls of men. The preaching of the next revival will be the preaching of the Cross, the preach ing of mere mercy, but of the mercy of God in Christ reconciling the wTorld to himself, not imputin to men their tres passes. The glory of the cross must be preached in the power of the Holy Ghost who alone can reveal it to souls. I say that no other gospel has been preached to the reviving of the church. In the midst of his labors Wesley was challenged with a demand for his secret, and he answered, in the words of the hymn. "Now I have found the ground wherein' Sure my soul's anchor remain, The wounds of Jesus, tor my sin Before the world's foundation slain."7 Is this theology ? Yes, but it is the ology that may be sung. Must every preacher be familiar with dogma and be able to state the orthodox doctrine of the Atonement ? There is no theology that the soul really needs but the theology that may be sung. All the theology of the Cross has been fused into the lan guage of intense simplicity and passion, in the lines : "Not the labors of my hands Can fulfill thy law's demands ; Could my zeal no respite know, Could my tears forever flow, All for sin could not atone ; Thou must save, and thou alone. " This is the gospel of all the great evan gelists, the gospel to which Wesley es caped from the moonlight gospel of William Law. This is the only gospel for the soul under condemnation which, sees its guilt taken away by Christ, the dying substitute. This is the gospel by which we live and die, which gives the death wound to spiritual confidence and expresses completely our ruin, our misery and our hope. To bring sinners to the sin-bearer is the first wTork of the revived, church.

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