artorPinipIeirrs tw r it. it mU 1mo lwr Jlm fctu . avfc fcfct )k.4-4 ..: tHimm t la tU f t kM rf S IU CvtMH eay it CA:n;i W a M'l iK j m t ia4 fTM tt Civsvlus, t ' MM Afcw, i SMU i.MrfU.MiKMJri av . 4. w cm Mas, m waa SMkanai. in.M'S tt i i :.u i4k a 44 uy 14 bm aiiiis Uu aw M U Ut.,t i vt 11 tawil ii at. MM a n.iMfriM ru I n(.t la la BkJ- . rlSng . L tut 4 ; J WCa . J tit . , ..ia if It 44 14 U. f'.S wwr M ituf If mwm kwwC; a4-t 1 1. I. L 3 ftr S4 14, latsj fci I tit tr-p . a f m"m la li.ii4 i s4 4 trv4uns m ta a afi.iwg iifc a c&a ta IS lt ! t lf ts a U at a tLkt ;J last A i- r a i mA Iku Mm mm. . t kftl a k&l ' ' raui in. ffcAtnuJ ts of graatr w iinfce. im wti rT UV.w ..-.. AM i wanit tai avtMtt as? rni with tta aaiarsJ t i n- -t atnasi sad a sruasi rf ta r U tk tuMW !l '.! fat Mum mn ikaai m favra lelkMiw trmm lk la4Li Uu i:fct raaas IWm, U tst. aaaia far fruAKaaisi utM tk profaastocat ouutfat 1 star .. rrutMkkobAl WaQ trwi U U ftr; H I momH IM UtoMKt far ro4 r til of fir Us fertMily - Atr It roatpT tluMt IU flCl il 1 4 proJtfcy trtli ihrm r l ltru h tri ot tar-iV4 T BukM'i rc-lto of U nn trat la ob of tbt Btoat uik 1b of rost' UlMtrttlMt U UU 4t rortloi; kvt U U by o ma ir rUJag. U tkal orofoasioftal Wall trH aaar! m4 , roimmoa aenaa a4 oprat4 aa It Alrtd7 tbcra haa ki a mod- rata calllo la af Wall auat faa4t Vf taaka aiora particularly Ideation with Btareaatlla UtaffiaU Theaa tkaaki Had aa Incraaavd damaad for aorommodatioa la their ova parti ca- lar lalds; tbcy tt& maaafarturora and dlalrtbatara matlnc acUra prap araUont for jraar of nauiual ao tlrltf and proapwlty. Thla actlva and JeclUmaU . damand tor. money. being almvluneoua wtth the recall or funda from New York by the Westers and Southern banka, eouM hardly have failed to proroks axnu stringency bad the .war settlement ' not been on an ex-Indemnity baala. The money market la In these daya of IniUntaneoua communication a world's market, London and Paris and Berlin and New York and other world centers rising and falling In unison and funds like water finding a natural level. Foreign banker had been watching the peace nego tiations wtth the view of . providing Russia with fnnds for indemnity; and while Russia and Japan will both be borrowers In the near future their transactions are not now of the . ursent description and will be eon : ducted with a view of securing funds pa a favorable mopey market rv awcrsi tkal xla 4 ha lt;i4 Bksira. ' if.!- l k tt t4 u-irt of ar .iUiu at pr4wcr eUl aa Ua( tku aosstry far 1 tb Ua4 la ctstrtksl- it Betrfcasttas M ts Estcm sm- rla. tn U! loag fl tb loss of a lasatty. U wttri aa W r - . t..v,. i m m lr hm eswa tfce fsliu Bkaf mJ; Mr..4 JTmhi mI). I l aatara ml bedglag U1 . a a ts tia e.a M dftnnd 4 i ts Wr m ri. r iw alta tl Is UU ertta SUS aas V.ruU"tTa.x kk 11 , , Jamrtw la the wak. tl iWUaoJ m yw 4 WikrlWtaw! It la latd oat tiat tb rra Im tM taML tv ft. K. HIM mm aiatstli sitarmU4 from S ! IsaUy stm4 Had It bw graatadl fmntm. It ctoaaaM tke fciooa af aa ,,, te ;IM M ri-4 Jaa waatd bare gtrtica out of 4rk4 1 pomws aad tran'-, staVtrg MMt , tk4 klArt (k( is. r.i us Ue foretg. astloas .be - iTT.T7,'' - graareasly Uses bar boade. Aa It to J TWe Moataraff tkM m J" aiaM bav brewgkt Ut aow, tbeae obllgathms wlQ eoatlsaSf wmwtf aa ft. aV aVt Saaiiiig sp tae ea-j low maditloa -f rwas wkkb s i.r. te TV for as ladeflatta Mjrtod aadl L. .rMa brltnag Ue pmiI blUi rroi, u aa laipoaaibllltr. a4 a m.Ml tberrhy lead la task' Jlaa rwaaar- vatle rather than arrogaat HENRY CUCWt. aadranagaawt rat immj 1 WEEKLY t1X4HAL RKV1KW. YW Mm Iaipirtaa4 Ewwt, aa t'ar as lb Mark MarkK la doaxvrw ed, Was Che Agi f f asrait of the IVare Kavoya. (Special to The Evening Time.) New YerkV 8epl."4. Last week was a week of contraiiaa, of declin ing price la aplte of favorable de velopments. The agreement of the peace envoya was quite the most Ira portsnt event msrketwlse that has trsnsplred this year. It means the end of war- that has eserdsed prec is re over the European tnsrkets for the past II months. It ensbles the European financier to go a little freer, releases lsrge quantities of gold held In European centers and permits the return of this money to the ordinary channels of trade and commerce. It leaves the way open For bull markets abroad. London rs ri m V ' V ' V x Vbthsr It Is dee I V cdKtnxKtWM.1 adrtlsd or the beat tast rs l rt- Wat MM-t( yT i 10 a fear bleed with ! fVUlLY HIITAJIC. m m m , 1. - . 1. 1 o. o. a. aim) ibtv iiwur, pvraj vegta4e, asd while driving all fniaoat from the blood, will build p every part of the svaleaL Book oa U Mood a ad any soediral advVr desired will be girts wUhout charget to all who write. THE IWIFT tPCCiriC CO, Atlasta. Ca. Loulavtlle k Nashvllle earned 11. St per cent, on Its stock during the past year, and had th biggest yesr In It history In gross and net earnings. The other great Southern road the Southern Railway has steadily been Improving Its property and equipment. It has over 7,000 miles of road In the South, snd with IU strong financial backing Is In a posi tion to take advantage of the coming period of Industrial expansion In Its territory. It seems certain that In dee to a t4leg that are aon and farther II U Sao of Ue lacoailag trcriis ran not toll. HUBBARD BROU a I fix Ihf TWe an EXPORT LAGER DEER CRYSTAL PALE DEER PINNACLE MALT EXTRACT lnas products i I iswit tbe wry prmarW r4 frHmm-t ki la tWWr rapaciive hoaa. Kiport Lre la tierr4 a lUi jiarurttlar rare fur arti clan. OystsJ lsts-"ta bt'a fsnu-M the tVaaJ bwese beveras, siawthtUrly puf, atenlocd twyutid Ue PomS ll ' t t4 germ krjartain. trU Malt Latrart la a aariass Wmie and Yryajikocr, and aKnuld be U rvry borne vrbere Utere Is OVlH rata hoaJUi or aa mvaaO. Almmy mil or it- trmndt. New.Sonlli BrrweiT ft Ice Co, Kiidlnbcro, Ky. Hma tht mari will htVHimA M. rreat has been a consistent buyer of Amei- an(, the Btock enter the lut lean securities since peace was an-l . atmnA.r, a,v,ADA n.Vera.' nounced. The decline last week was due as much as anything else to (ears of a money stringency. Every day has aeen the New York banks losing heavily to the 8ub-Treasury. If In addition to this movement of money westward mere naa v neen a heavy indemnity1 to' finance, money would "have rtaclied Vmuch 'higher rates. ; As the matter stands, Japan which will not be for two months or so. The net result seems, there tore, that money accumulated for the payment of a possible Indemnity will of relief to New York;. and the weak-' will not be offered until, the crop- Brooklyn Rapid Transit's prellml- nsry report Indicated earnings for the fiscal year of 3 per cent, on the stock, but when the final figures are made up It will be found that both gross and net earnings exceed the figures already reported. Brooklyn Is growing rapidly, and even, with the proceeds of the sale of its bonds mrA th, AvnAtiitft urea nf anrnlnffH .on has Probably sufficient.. money to ie tne B. R. T. , not yfet wind up the war. ' Russia WMnsU . Mm tQ gupply the demand out k. small addiUonal loan but It tran8p0rtatlon facilities. This Is 9100 Itrward, IIOO. The readers of this paper tu o pleased to leartt that there 1 at leant one dreaded disease that science has been able to curs la all its augea, and that Is Catarrh. Hall Catarrh Cure I the only poaltive cure now kpown to the medical fraternity. Ca tarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken Inter nal, acting directly upon the blood snd mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient trength by building up the constitu tion and assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith in Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENNBY ft CO.. Toledo, O Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take. Hall's Family Pill for con stlpatlon. ness of sterling exchange Indicates that with any substantial advance In money rates here British and French money would promptly become avail able, with a view of anticipating the v large exports of American products, v As already Intimated, the mercantile 'j prospects of the country for a year ahead are highly satisfactory, and ' the industrial situation is not less pa. Steel rail manufacturers have ' . reaffirmed $28 as their price for -1906 and have already sold upwards of 800,000 tons foi delivery at that price In 1906, while prices fpr struc tural shapes have been advanced $2 a ton. The total Industrial dtvldends payable this month show an increase of about $3,600,000 over September" a year ago, the gain representing an increase In the rate on the pari; of some corporations and also several additions to the dividend list. The , copper metal market is showing BlgnB of weakness, an important de- velopment being the resale - of a round lot of electrolytic by Chinese i Interests to local dealers at a severe concession in price. -This copper Jiad " not been shlppod" The resale proba bly reflects . In an Indirect way the withdrawal of ; demand incident to .l " the1 termination of the war. 1 i The declaration of peace between Japan and Russia will be far-reach-' lng In -my opinion It Is the last of ; - all" great wars." The Hague, mode of setlllng ' disputes , between nations v -wUl hereafter supersede the sword ' The war will teach Important lessons ..; to mankind, resulting in a perman- v ent peace the world over; The moral ,& effect of a small nation like - Japan achieving its marvelous .victories on moving period is over, The market had advanced rapidly, another property which has a future before It. The traction issues held 11 Hiirlnv tha nnflt week. practically without a break from the haye ' 1jmM durlng their 1aw Ijimai v w aa m ir a n irapn fra rr IB low level of May, an average of 18 points for the " leading railroad shares. Many weak bull ' accounts had been opened and the large pub lic Interest In the market dated from the last four points of the rise. In addition there was a good deal of pyramiding by .professional opera tors and the short Interest was quite small. The break came because the technical position of the market was weak. The copper situation has, of course, changed by reason of the declaration of peace. The Japanese mines will be reopened, but , . their output is only about 60,000,000 pounds a year, and this Is less than four weeks output for the American mines ; alone. Leading manufactur ers and producers say there is no copper on hand. v If there were any accumulation, . fc , is Inconceivable that-heavy premiums should be paid for copper for Immediate delivery. The needs of Japan- and Russia for the rehabilitation ot their .navies and the resumption of - business in the two countries on a normal basis will call for large quantities of the red metal in the nefcf future. Copper Is strong, at 16 cents a, pound, and from present outlook will not decline much for at least a year to come. The strength sla Southern-. Rall way common In the .face of a declin ing market calls attention to a prop erty that has a large future before it. As Mr. Morgan said two years ago, the feature in the expansion of pur country "In the. present generation Is to be the development of the South. best earning period, the summer months; rather an unusual thing. It would not be surprising If the shares came in for a larger part of market attention before the fall. Stocks have had a 4-polnt break now. weaK duus nave Deen elimi nated. Traders are bearish and a good sized short Interest has been built up. Leading bankers say it is improbable that money will advance beyond 5 per cent, for the balance of the year. The decline seems to have about run Its course, and we look for a resumption of the upward movement soon. We feel that pur chases of stocks on this break will prove profitable In the near future. J. S. BACHIS & vJU. DECLINE IN MARKET. Due to Large Speculative Accounts But There Was Little Change In the Ideas of the Trade. (Special to The Evening Times.) New, York. Sept. 4. Although we bad a sharp decline, due to the sud den liquidation of several very large speculative accounts upon one day; there is little change in the Ideas of the trade, i' None appear to have de cided convictions regarding the fu ture course of prices, strongly en ough held, to maintain a permanent position on the market. There re mains a large concentrated long in terest in the hands of a number of successful outsiders who having large TROTTING BRED SALE. HORSE FOR Will be sold at the highest bid for cash at Woodall's Staple, Raleigh, N. C, 12 M., September loth, "Mr. Dooley," a bay gelding, foaled 1903 Bred by J. J. McDonald, Cuthbert Ga.; sire Larablo the Great; record 2: 12 4 ; son of Jaybird, he by George Wilkes, son Hambleton 10. 1. Dam Vanity by Egotist by 1. Dam Variety by Egotist by Electioneer, by H&mbletonian 10. 2. Dam Ray by Pilot Mambrino No. 516. 3. Dam Sunshine by Goldust, No 160. Thirteen thoroughbred dams. "Mr. Dooley" is 15 hands high beautiful light bay, stylish and rangy with the cleanest and best of feet and legs; fine, silky coat of ' hair, showing high breeding; sound lu every way and in the right hands will make a fast and great horse Broken to halter and has been work ed some double and single. Sold for division. C. L. WOODALL. B. P. WILLIAMSON. JOH IL LASGK, AhMKUIXK, X. C DINTIUBl TtML IaaaaaMBaaw Si m tm iL. (11111 The Finest aajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajaaaa Ranges Obtainable May Of the many years of successful stove selling we are sending out more ranges now than ever before. Wc attribute this greatly increased business to the fact that it is fast becoming known that we handle the highest grade goods of this kind brought to this market. We want every woman interested in good cooking to come here and inspect the mag- I nificent new lino of "Favorite Ranges' the hand- J somest and absolutely the best Range in existence for the money. Reasonable prices prevail. Remember we are well stocked with Heating r-i 1 ITT J j 1 oioves ior r an ana w lnier iraue. a w Hart Ward Hardware Co. CONTINUANCE OF SPECIAL SCHOOL SUITS ALE During this week, ,m hen SCHOOL SUITS will be la great demand, we are going to give onr patrons another m - - ) .1 - v' ' ' ' t i.,; GREAT SCHOOL SUIT BENEFIT - "V ' ' r ':Ve "shall give special and unusual bargaina In Boys'. School Suits,. of all slses. -A-,. , ,T..:, ,. All Of onr Suits are well and strongly made from the best of School Suit fabrics . This sale, at this VV '5 time, greatly appreciated. ' ' f . 1 'r' ' To every parent who has one or more etcnooi suns wt ouy we say mm mm x ' t v; - ' , - . SCHOOL SUIT SALE., 'pc, , - , We mention a few of the Special Prices: , ' : r -, -1 i $7.50 Suits go at. .,. . , . 1 $6.00 Suits go at.. .... . i v t ' - . $5.00 Suits go at. , .'.,;... V- $4.00 Suits go ati, ., . , r - $3.50 Suits go at. t ... . . . . - - ; $8.00 Sulta go at. ; ,. ,'4 ( X " m Krt RiiKa aa at. . . . . . , V JUST A FEW WORDS TO THE SWULdj UUi-tiisLlKa.' . We Invite them all to come and look at the Novelties in all different lines for the coming season " Anybody In the house will take great pleasure In allowing yon through the different departments, This will give' you an lda of the prevailing styles and colors for this tall and winter. 1 v v-. V iff '"-': i i ... 4 S 'f'4 ' .r $5.00 $4.00 $3.34 $2.67 $2.34 $2.00 $1.0T VALUABLE LAND FOB SALE, By virtue of authority conferred on us, the undersigned commission ers) appointed by order of court in the special proceedings pending in the Superior Court of Wake county, entitled I. S. Barbee, administrator of , Thomas Y. Barbee, vs. Fannie Yates and others, we will, on Mon day, the- 2nd day of October A. D., 1905, expose for sale at public out cry at Morrlsville, N. C, to the high est bidder for cash, all that tract or parcel of land in Wake county, North Carolina, in . Cedar Fork township, adjoining on the west the lands of John W. Smith, the lands of W. T. Maynard on the south, the lands of V. S. Barbee on the east, the lands of P. B. Barbee on the north, con taining 130 acres, more or less, and described also In the complaint in said proceedings. ; , , Terms of sale-Cash.; Time 1J o'clock noon. i ; " . , " W. .N. JONES, , W, J. PEELE, ' . '' . Commissioners Peele ft Maynard, Attorneys. fi v m. in miy . in fLAiV I j hi' 1 mf W We will forfeit this amount, if by analysis or chemi cal test. Checkers is found Qinnn Ryiuuu EWARD to ' contain any Alcohol or the minutest particle of Morphine, Opium, Cocaine, or any other dangerous narcotic druff. Checkers is perfectiyharmlees and only contains sufficient concentra' ed California Orange Wine and imported Oporto Port to preserve the medicinal properties of the formulary and render the scientifically prepared Cod Liver Oil (which it contains,) palatable and a(jpreea' to the Weakest stomach. CheckerscuresStomach, Liver, Kidney, ...aire and Blood Diseases, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Coughs and Colds, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, La Grippe, Heart Disease, Indigestion, Malaria, Chills and Fever, Nervousness and General Debility. It checks Consumption and is a good medicine for all Female Complaints. Get one of the large dollar bottles to-day, you may forget it to-morrow, and the disease will obtain more sway by delay. Sample free if you write. -'Sfe:; . . :' Cbnrknm Medicine Co., Winston-Salem, N. O. RALEIGH , DETECTIVE AGENOX ' and Employment bukeao. ' Prompt and careful attention given to all business placed la our' hands. Strictly confidential relations main tained with all patrons.' Experienced and discreet experts employed throughout the South. vv Address RALEIGH . DETECTIVE AGENCY, . -r,o. Box o.. 8i4,. . t 'H RALEIGH, N. 0, , Ellington's. Ellington's. nn i & We are now showing the newest things m Art m- broideries Hedibo, Eyelet, Bulgarian, etc., , with mate ' rials for same. You can find ' here everything : in the Art i a . ... a 1 i t; - i ' i S.4 '4 4 li i H I t 4'. J; G. Ellington, Jr. 1 ? . Ralcljrh, N. C. " -jt 7 A r r-vr TIio one i-rice , money tb Loan " - v. -..l ; i .ia I On Real or Personal 6ourlty ' In ! Waka County, I !1 Flion