t . MfVAT I ft USE EYLMNG TIMES t- W4 UUt M i f Tt.t . 1Mb aat. cs LIST t ; 4 f j - ! L4s if 3t 5' 5 ." ft i (w a ? 4iCUE ft. tAAtl. t HVIinPflilF Comniercial & Farmers Bank, AT HALF PRICE tWll, 4Wf t"MMB lnrWa "" tCWAT& I MA-t a iilii than THAT otmim GAivv riTf . .n r-ataxia, 'mm u mm , rt tM team a M uaMi " " ,T . a.t la hamr ""V aff Htt IUII M At Cl sfT, tA, trNi fe.Vt 4 Wk... ...... Uoki rata , . . . -. . " Crrrjr ., . .Iiltlil ti , t ill t , " l M . 1 11 MONDAY. UEFTK3IBER . !ilo books krj tws AfU k-i liMititt t4 bfWinow. , l,4ll It , IUil IS , I I , .! . I,l 111.11 . , . ...itti.tit ii rj . UAtUUTIU .kM la ikL lniMntJ ! STAT I ONES Y AT A SACnirCE. ' t3,COD TO EE i SOLD AT OKCE CHEAPER , THAN EVER ; BEFORE. : FREE! FREE! FREEI f f tH !'" ! !. '' " "te.tk4i mmr mwm : W fliMi '!J Uy mmm mm fm mmm SAMK THK MOXMTBOMTXl - tina at oar Bor4 . ... i. WHU U ever to U oommlU-, om emb . lhat H t Pf of wkk. - r.f.-4 to - and men. sevcrU . .Hhouib IU word, do cooukdia lb. wulti to H. U lhul .urpit" to the Uw-.bldif da. f IUIU-. H to WToUUoti of th loBKthi to which p.rtlnmhlp .-ti. -. rrr ven rood ..j it u the occaaioa ,or 1BU thought. n- nf thPM U tht th OfflCO ot city attorney In Raleigh to uao leu expense. Another to that aumptuary lejlala tlon. eapKtally when paased la th int.r-t of any om party or claas of i- -A rmanOBdlnclT tO th poiv detriment of another. It conduct or a disregard In tho minda of the larored data of the iegal rlghU of of tha worat forma of anarchy, for It to In the nature of authorised anarchy. If thla exprea aion may be used In naming the monstrosity. A third thought la that this another instance ot the remarkable fact that erer since the Watts act be came law the people in whose inter est It waa passed and who were sup posed to be especially desirous that .. ii ho nvd ud to. have lis pruvioivuo w . on almost all occasions when the op portunity came to abide by those provisions, been unwilling for the spirit or the letter' ot the law to be put Into effect Other instances this peculiar freak were numerous during the last legislature, when peti tions kept coming up asking the law makers to put upon the people ot loraiitv or another prohibition or dispensary as the cs might be, after work that to contrary to tt apwnc provtoioat of tho law Tho board adjoarnod mM Mit Thursday night to taka nnal arUoo .v. m.ihIiim'1 reoorL It that Kinw action to according to the detennina .... .i i..t avid nlahL It to UUB Ttnu understood that the petitioners for the election will take .,.m ird nrocurtnc a andamus to com pell the Board ot Aldermen to obey the law and call an election. The situation to as unfortunate at it It amailng. Not even the Jesuiti cal oroDoelUon that the end Justine the means can be pleaded in wis stultifying proceeding, for no moral question to at issue, but only the one aether the city should Itaelt mo- nopoltoe the sale ot liquor or license some ot itt cUUM to conduct we business. trwatawat iwrt hy of the raftn that I rei4 from - I rr , noi a mr awotOe npmxm 1 wo-ld. bat bate and barty. and la Im-claae eondi H will af or mtm great a4M- r to give laforstaUoa to any nan wild front drtak or drag. b tally dead, a to lb t rat ni ana kMllia tKn at IM Kwiey imu- to to. I oaiMaly M an wo r .aw a 1 waa to to at once to nMMwa. and remain n few weeka at Im Koeley IwUtoto. My people wonld aot exTBtnt my np mere iot a thoiuaad dolUr. JAMES T. BAK.. v Tinrtna N. C. Nov. 1. !. if mb nave frieads who might be benefited plea Mod their names to i ha KMlar InaUUto, Greensboro, N. C ftaak naalta. Cklrs (toil osutaadiag ToUl tl.llt l f ,UM iSo. Book Exchange, i t . j J THOMAS, rrkdewt. A A. TH0MP80X View Prarfdeot. M. M. AM Hit. a JERMAM, Cahtr. W. JACKSOS. Aast. Cahlet. LABOR-DAY GREETINGS. Throughout th country to-day is celebrated Labor Day. To those of all bodies ot organised labor thra is offered greeting and wishes. T them and to their endeavora. anch as are characterised by a clean and or ronir earnestnees and the desire to promote and advance real Interests we have words of commendation. We are toilers, all, and In that HTht we would have pass In review fhoae whose duUes cau mem w and expend the sweat of honesty in general good. In organised lanor there Ilea much of good and profit To those who are honest and pur n,rnl we have . commendation- dispensary as the case might be, alter j majority to the ri.iMt.ion. In the town concerned i . we have i, , , , lrreKumr uucot v -- had been settled under the provision of the law. It's like the engagement of Miss Flora McFUmsy, of Madison Square, who always had nothing to wr "it's binding on you, but not binding on me." ! Here is the situation. A petition was presented to the Board of Alder men at a meeting previous to last Friday night, asking that the Board call an election on the question of dispensary or -saloons. The petition contained many more signers than tH nc!8sary one-third of the regis tered voters required by law. The j pi.eparation and outlining f the Board through a committee of Hs , of a tomorf0w and to- momhors comDared the names on the , Thev. tooi look for ntition with the list of registered iaiAaraf.nn -ch aS-We believe will voters at th last eletclon, after purg- justly accorded to them, Journal. Wn congratulate that body Kditor-lB-Chlet Norman H. Job a ton, and the Mtabllshed corps ot nddl Uonal men who will edit the various deDartmenta ot that splendid paper With such an organisation, working anil In accord, them , Is uu u iu.i j rery reason to believe that The Mer chant' Journal will soon take first olace among such publications within thn 8Ute. The Times desires, nt the same time, to express to Editor wonnson words appreciative ot the comments offered concerning this paper, an or. which are stored away with the gen erous utterances vouchsafed to us by many contemporaries throughout the State. The Twentieth Century ti: 4 Wood Fibre Wall Plaster U not an experiment, having bc:cn.c an estab Ushcd commodity, and is nov approved by all Leading Architects and Contractors. When making up your plans, to be assured of a strict ly first class Job, insist on having ,TITE HOLD" Brand Wood Fibre Plaster. w Inquiries from all interested parlies solicited. Guilford Plaster Com'y. fircensboro. ,N. 15he I 9 l : 1 Irregular ones, the minority, we have the Incentive of disgust, but they will be held In check by the powers ot honesty, for capital and labor are to each other as the rise and light ot the sun to the fulfillment of, a real Iday. j The day will pass wltti & varied I tine of rest, play and endeavor. while" those whom the world calls laboring men engage In the reliev ing narts of recreation, there be those who head the oasic seaw capital, and whose energies are be ing expended in such same hours in THE SERVANT PROBLEM It seems that there is a supposed tendency on the part of many to do away with servants. Prof. Goldwin Smith even goes so far as to offer such as a prediction. He says that the family life ot old will be abol ished, that people will give up "eat- lna- at home" and will go to hotels tnoi-tment houses, and in this auu ,.- way the servant problem will, Itself be abolished. rh. Wnnhtncrton .Post offers the following In regard to the ever i momentous question: la tho large cities such a ten dency la plainly manifest, hut it is not clear that the American peopje oa whole are deserting their homes, ilhey cling to them in spite of the horrors of the servant promem, ana manv stout-hearted American wo men solve the problem by doing their own work. , They groan heneatn me drudgery, however, and while much iinromiitv has been employed In In- I "a" - . trntinv lahor-aavlne devices, imicu nf tvipip work remains the monotonous,' melancholy grind most depressing Ing the registration books of names of voters who had died and ot such as appeared twice on account of re moval. The result was that the,corr rected petition contained some eigh teen names more than the necessary one-third of the registered voters. ' Then ft was decided that at the next mpeHnir of the Board any one so de siring could take his name oft the petition or any one who naa noi yi signed could put his name on. The Board met last Friday night and pro ceeded according to the committees' report,', wlth'the result that the peti tion finally showed 634 names, 11 more than the required one-third. ; Then It appeared that those who were "opposed to holding the election wanted about 170 aajnes. stricken from, the petition on the ground that they had not paid ,thelr 'city poU tax 't tna fliSit of last 'May. This In the end there will be a direct and 0mnthftt.ic spirit ot co-operauon Inot an imaginary and dream-defined mi.ipnnlum. but the reasonableness that attaches to understanding and soundness. (.,iitittallilUAauUtUJiiltJtf CoaJ end Wood, Shingles, Lathes Plo.ce Ycur Order for Fancy ijock vuoi It Ha.s No Superior. Powell . Powell, Phone 41. EXCEPTIONALLY WELL CONDUCTED liVERY STABLE. OODALL'S STABLE. Atlanta enlisU tho I Bympathy ' Ot the South, not because. of the real nuneer to her people by infection, h,.f hv reason of the fact that yellow fever has developed at ; aljtjd her gates, .after misleading t tn thA naners in New York and W?TrZ& country. While feeling sucn ror m empire city of the South,' there Is the comfort, that comes from, the reas suring - words, of thisoTf?11 authorities In thestatement that tne nroad disease can find no dangerous 1 (idthold -ihere;..: The possible truth tact lies in the .action .or, I JJI1UI W .w "". , . i i 3 BUtU a w aw-,-- . would, of course., carry with, it thefother gtateg- and . cities in not en forcing "tne quaranuuc ico.v...- further" revislotf-W 'th? reglstfatloh books by striking, therefrom" the , names, ot all who had not paid, poll - tax this year. The city i attorney advised ' the ' ,.The Retail Merchants! Association has' the right to feel great pride In W enlargement of The 1 Merchants' - Splendid Tournouts, Good Horses, tt iiaA Rorvim. We make a spe- Tme'clalty ot Boarding and Caring for I Horses. The very best atention to "The xnotit depressing icamrts "l T . n house work, acceding to the most near Capitol. reliable mrormauon oDiamauie, . iphnes 370. dian wasninK. mauy could do all the rest of the work, and would gladly do so if Bhe could dodge the dlshpan. (jonceniraiea thnnrht iiDon. this matter has evolved a brilliant idea, wmcn is frmlv irlven to the. world. Why should there not be a clean dish sup ply system in ; cities and suouros, with morning delivery uy automo bile, and simultaneous collection ot dishes that have been useaT me business of supplying- clean towels tn tiiiainctBit nfflnes has developed into " .. -. ...... I a permanent and profitable mstuu-j tion. . The supplying oi ctean atuo to households, in neat dustproof loroatAH oneht to develop Into a busl ness worthy,; the attenuon ot eager , promoters. - '1 "Such -a. system youm t ioiu?i i j.anitnt fnr -the nurchase Ot a . 1 &w w plant consisting of manifold patterns of dishes, which wouia De reuieu, w households ; a nominal figure. . A plant, ' uueu -.hv iiora mnphtnerv ana con- Wll.ll ' u.ut u . . . nnrtRd with scrupulous . cleanliness, after the manner oi tne great uowm, would be part of the equipment,, i ne ju.,D,f ovatom 'WOllld C0nSlSC40I f swift automobiles, . arivea uy to mil nollte dellverymen. l tie iii - - responsibility for," breakage could; easily be piacea, ana uuuci v " .i conditions sucn au'iusw wwu be nearly as4arge as It Is under the nainit Bvatfim. every . uuuoeuwu would have at its command an abun ji.ttM nt ' dishes of any desired pat tern, easily expanded on occasion u meet the. requirements of entertain ing." I nlnnrl I.UIU1IU VJaro & Main Otflcs. 200-210 Postal Building, C hlcago New York Office, 61 wan ireei. All orders executed on Excu Prompt , attention given to all oul-of-town business. - Members of: Chicago Board of Trade; New tork' Cotton Exchange, New York Coffee ex change. New Orleans Cotton. Exchange St. i,.i Merchants Exchange ,niwau. Chamber ot Commerce. t t - , j"WE ARE ; 0FEN .; i 1 FOR! PATRONAGE; We are located in, our handsome new )stote at 111 JT ettevllV Street, with magnificent line Hv" FRUITS, CANDIES, THE MOST DELIGHTFUL CREAM AND ; , FOUNTAIN DRINKS . ' " A splendidly equipped Ice-Cream Parlor, r Electric Fans. "CAL!FCr.r:2A :vr.vii SHONNIGER PIANO FOR 42 YEARS 5 3 The high munlcal ' qualities and durability of the Shonln gcr Piano recognised by niu slclans cverywhwro together with Us unique constructional features, tnakn It a most de sirable piano for the home. It will pay you to Investigate. Bend tor list of purchasers. Catalogue and general Infor mation to Darnell -Thomas t Mffi?iWftrttrwiMiuuiuiig A WONDER WORKER MARVELOUS DISCOVEftY FOR , THE CURE OF ALL fOHMa OF CONSTIPATION NOT A HABIT . BUT A 'CURE;- . -YOU DECREASE THE . DOSE UNTIL CURED. J ' ( . After many years of study and pract'ce aphv8iciaav)ceiaUsthas discovered the cure "for constipation. It is called Chase s Constipation Tablet. " ' . . " . " I do not mean," said the physician to several of his colleagues announcing his , , . I An writ- tnnH inst Another Pill that breeds the pill habit. My remedy is , Hv centlv forcing all the digest-. ive.organs to perform their functions it restores them aU tb healtn ana strengtu. TH MORE, THE LESS." " "The more you take the less you need .. ......I 'n.t niv urefi.': My effort all along was to avoid the evil of the ordinary remedy which pamper organs already weak and so makes the patient a slave o the pill. Remember Nature expects every organ to do its ' Physicians have lon recognized the ' fact that constipation is at the bottom r..rlvvmr (Wase. It saps all energy , ( and makes life a burden; it opens tne doors to all evil germs and makes the body too weak to resist them. ' "THE VELVET WORKER.',' v v This new discovery is in small tablets, easily taken, and they are packed in watch-shape bottles which fit the. vest pocket. The tablet is mild, all vegetable, never gripes or vijures the most delicate organs. " But it aoes lire m u- nnrf annthincrlv 'thev stimulate ' ( and regulate and strengthen that they , have been nicknamed 'The .Little Velvet Workers." . . n.. -t..,ffl nlnn with this pre at bur den I Be healthy, be strong, be happy Read our offers , l' -'' - t ',iP niiw iW littif". nrtiHfi lift Wit tit : a-v T 1." . V . cuvki ' . . ., " I. v.: - O a; Ot AAtir lmff-V lir f has' Of; n-nf Hrtf tV ,, T n. nftiv" it -f r . v-rt Kewburgh, N, Y. : 4 $ JIv. "ft1. . , 1 IP Y0V..WJSU i A 'hnnl ttVlHVO f. fllf-MKft hair oi- a scalD clesntnar shamnoo, call V. M. linker' WowiJarlK-'r SIhp, v.2i nnn vv rutUKU'ii avn'oi. ... i s reasonabii,' Pa1 Is ' CfPnlstetit good work,- 4l if