i: soal ulcus ; k ( Ural tuiHtl, 4 Ba- a-i.. a k..-. ac-a J t v tiaR rwiiiHi aa tna Hi U N lara. Mrm. W. D Kmm a4 tmW AaaaV ter, Uart t I ne rMU( Mr T. M Jeraaa. ton U.M MiU let imi a 1 CMa. fiae Bmi ta er4Mkt aai lt.Ur al iy at rnr. ton late armia tor M TtMk.. Mr. Joar Krrtl Baa Minrf tmm KImmm, fU.. to aa t4 Wwt vtaiilac N4Um. tin Knab aa t(kmbibW4 Mm kr Mr. J. P. fot. aa will vUH ralatlvaa bar. ' Mr. aad Mrs. J. a rrt ton &atrday lxbt tor N Tarn etty. Mr. Pmm U1 HtW la fcaytM fall mock (or Ut aw tra or Bojr- Ua-Paarva Cmmii wbUa be U abaU ' KArTA ALTMA RA5QlKT. Tba Kappa Alpha fririty baa arraax for a fcaaaaat bara dartai fair Mk. at leaat a committee coa- aUUai Of Dr. R. B. McOaacby. Dr. H A. Rojaiar. Dr. F. K. Cook of Dmr- bam. Lout Bmlih. Val Perklas and Uaatoa Roim hava bora aamed M perfect the arraagamaoU. ! The Fall ftaankm. ' ' The fall raualoa of tka Woman's Clab will ba bald la tba Raney LI brary Hall September. I, at 4; SI o'clock. Tba Taar Book for ltOa-'M la bow la tba baa da of tba piintara and outllnaa a year's work of deep Intaraat along many llaee. ' Rajraarmcnt Aaaoaaced. Mrs. Jonathan McOaa.Heck an nouacea th ent aremeafr. of bar daughter. Miaa Susla McOea Heck and Dr. Charlaa Alphonao Smith of tba Untveralty of North Carolina. The man-lag will occur In November ' v t Johnaon Glean. - 'Th following InTltatlon naa been received:' "Mr. and Mra. Alonto E. -Olaaft requeat tba honor of your prea- . enc at the marriage of their daugh . ter Audrey to Mr. Lattla Merrimon Johnson on Wednesday evening, Sep tember twentieth, at nine-thirty o'clock, at Central Methodist Church Raleigh. North Carolina, nineteen hundred and five." ' FlF.t: SJU fAF-ACFJlFr.S htr ft. htarrt.1 to t.r.f -4 a a a ru Kint trwm Cty iu a.- aw M Mr ht.M tXmr of T iaauug Ttaa, fcuUf -k kta ti kr mif la I1r aa aaa aw rtiv Hai aTr a rum la .ia ktojr prkaa. Ja at tat Mr. WaJiar auikJ M at mm LUa t'tbanfe a4 M4 atWa. V mw4 Mr. Wawiirwtt la r- Ug ( la N TacK. k rwtar- Dr. U B. Kwll. fr4B Cbarknu. arrt4 la tk ry tlka ara.lag Dr K!l waa ravaaU t4 a a asat tloa t tka tarvliy mt IA aaalcai boat at Cfca4 KllL -TM altkt tnal of Drwagb- oa'a ImIhm Cattle fmm tat( I w'rlock aad wtu eoaUaa dertag aarh waak. wttk th atnrytloa e4 W'adaaaday aai katarday stgkta. Mr. N. B. Bragkt. f tkla rity. will addraaa lb atadaau a4 Dragoa Baalaaaa Cottage 10- w avaatag at oclork. Hla ab)aci baa atot aaaoaac4. Mr. Joba Atlea, ao waa foraaarly with War A Lclaad. aa4 wko baa epaadlag aum Uaa la tk Watt, baa arnr4 la tk elty aad to tklaklag of locating bar again. Hla saaay frteada kar will b glad to vtloom him back. Alas Aadrawa. Cm., baa rwturaad from Narragaiiaatt Ptar. where b waat to attend tka National Bar Aa aoclatloa. Mr. Aadrawa waa V Portamoulk when pear waa de clared. Ha aat at tba table adjola ing tba one occupied by tba peace avoja. Yi'ANT AD. COLl.'LN i-ti a. Ttiuaii .r a4. a a-r a a . mm M thm ai a,tavia la ar- 1 wm mm a'4 A tL 1 . pat. '4tK4 mrpK aa fi r a.4a a. aa mimi : la a a a I e HiaMiMUt, aMta a to M aaiaa. is TIMELY TOWN TOPICS 1 1 , -V .awMM On account of Labor Day there la only on edition of The Time this afternoon. All patron are aerved with the 3 o'clock edition. y. To-day at the court house the store building occupied by Walter Woollcott waa sold at auction, the purchaser being Mr.- Job P. Wyatt at a bid of $11,300., The lot SUltO feet. t A-Th young people's meeting ot tne First Baptist- church meets to night at 8 o'clock instead-of 8:15 . The usual monthly collection will be taken. AU are invited and a special v- inyrtaUon Is given to strangers, Mr.; Goodwin, - the blacksmith 'who has been occupying the shop on the ait of the proposed Elks Temple - on South Salisbury street, is moving t to-day to make way for the erection of the temple. The old bulldlngB now on' the lot will be torn down at ' once and the work of excavation will beffin. It is understood that the lot - facing Fayettevllle street and run nine throueh to " WilmmKton, .r on which is the building occupied by W, N C, Stronach Hons grocery store, has ' been tourchasedT from, the Towles ' estate by Grimes and Sheppard, the purchase price being $16,000. Judge Badger : had a sma ' docket this morning. Amy Walker ' a negro woman, was charged with be . Ing drunk on the Btreet In this case Judgment was suspended. Sam Ray' nor, a negro man, was made to stay in the lockup twelv hours fof the same offense. It appearing that he -" 'Kras on his way home when arrested ;' , , : Board of Education.,' The Wake County Board of Edu cation was. In session to-day to re ceive bids and sign contracts for the erection of ' ten hew : school houses, Up until three o'clock none of the bids had been definitely decided I upon. ' ' . ; Y " ft4 aJ at a4 Vm mil- kii a mat twM akMK. k C. k-l r J km. Ur m1 (toac Ki y AiA W AKTED I DiliA n trhrp. Send dtrriptitD or out- r lin anil nam iirir. M' V VV.1.f ytL'"7 Pal 1 aat.r. r ! r i tirrirr, .v-Mi vat et.iat raaaaruta a r(k vert ljuiKiinp, Baltimorr, , itewM-i, i( M 4aa it aiu ' fwoia. rltoa a lu. ) rtiaH-oxaitoa, om tka aBf , Vmik-T bay aad WI ail ktada ' ""M ! f aw aad ad aaad faraltara ro"r- ,v,l . u iimui aa nbrt Piatpaoa. WAVTKI Oma or two good. gatlc aaa that raa til good rt at poalttoaa. No oa awd ipHr it ho to aot willing to work Add Boi 171. RaMgk. WAXTKIk Aa riprrt Mato Mraog- rapfarr. ataat b a good arrouat aat, acrarat and aober, one pro frrd who doa aot amok rlxar tta. Addnwa la handwriting, atat lag age. etperteoc and aalary fl ooded, a loo rfrcno. Tb por tion will be a ateady one with rhaac for promotion. Add rem Boi 4(7. Raleigh, N. C. SI lw BASE BALL lLAYKRS IXJl'RKD. aVvrai of the Lomlavlllr, Ky Tram Badly Hart la Bmaab-l p of Mrert Car Tltrhrr Kraaa, Who at Oae Time Waa (n A. and MU Tram, ' Iajared. In an account of a Btreet car acci dent la which the Loulavlll base ball team was thrown from their wagon and aeven aerloualy Injured, the Lou lavlll Courier Journal aaya that Mr. Kenna waa the worst Injured. Kenna was at on tlm on th A. And M. College team and la remem- oer4 by some of tb baa balliata In th city.' Aa to Kenna'a Injuries, the Courier Journal aald: . "Kenna a inlurlea were of a more erloua nature than thoa received oy th others. Hla left ey waa al moat gouged out, hla hose was split and fractured, his forearm dislocated and hla left knee Injured.. He was removed - to St. Joseph's Hospital Brasher was thrown against th front of -the car and waa knocked to the right of It a distance of twenty-five feet. He suffered a contusion ot his thigh and bruised about his left knee. Others received their Injuries by be ing thrown to the pavement. New Dry Goods Firm. Messrs. J as. H. Anderson and Ed gar J. Thlem have opened a dry gbods store at 18 and 20 East Martin street next door to the Commercial and farmers Bank. The style of the new firm Is Anderson V Thlem. The doors of the new store were thrown open for business Saturday, and the polite corps of clerks were, kept busy all day. The Btore building, whicn was formerly occupied by Dunn Brothers, Has been remodeled and renovated from top to bottom, and one of the nicest lines of seasonable dry goods and notions in the city has been put In.l ' ' The Times welcomes this new ad ditlon to the business firms of Ral eigh, and bespeaks and assures for these gentlemen a most liberal pat ronage. PENTON'JS RESTAURANT Will k6e everything good to eat at reason able prices. . - Night School. . , v The regular night school session at King's Business College, will be gin Monday, September 11th. Book keeping, Shorthand, .Typewriting and English branches - taught ' by same teachers as day Bessiou. Call, write or phone for onr special low Tates J. H KING Pres., Pullen Bldg.,.. Fayettevine St. LOST On ' Wilmington or Fayette . ville street, a Confederate Cross ' of Honor.. Shape -; of ,. a Maltese ' Cross, in Bronze metal.V Suitable reward for. Its ' return to . J. BIRDSONG. . . . : - 7 . a a l s tj t ia lU( eta w htM. TuMrf. CCaa, osa. Ttm mnmsrf batiot. oac, laWj ltoH Bmm u Mt UtiJ a TllltU. UAaTluc MAaavAuaai at la at tuT tmmt lr aJ t OaOj )wm a ta - a aj iWa vw-u b (MM. HI1 t-no w-tov M. A kiMattx. it Imi tuipii ItTUtoU CrT Ctork ai Anr at Ikt arfar m tHUi Mwtw aa At iy at th mkww I atoa Ttoar4b t CltUtaB HHI lMM tar to km likMt Iimi ltoM a aad baaaafaratoklaaa. tvoa a ai rtolty. KMORT A KOUNCK. Ill Koatfc WllaHaroa Kt. laloratat rboa MM T li Dobbin FerralTs 'STE GIVE DOEEIN ic FEKJULL'S COLD TRACING STAJPSL (rt futrrci) ocrf CAvh jxuvhiir; f lUT.p Lr every OUR AtlD.UM.MUU SAU12 OP Carpets and Rugs Will Be Continued Until Kept. 3 Not at Any time hive we given such values. Hrusekeeprn iU not miss this oppce-tutvtf. IXKJ IXMT Whit pointer bitch with faint lemon-4-olored ears; an swers to name, "Sprite." Ixxt on Saturday, Aug. llth,. near Saun ders atrert. Suitable reward, if returned to DR. A. W. KNOX. CORINNE-RUNKEL STOCK COMPANY. Krv ninht thirt vtk. Strt'iii; reK'rtoirr timiaiiv. Cliantrt' of play nightly. TO-NKJHT, "A MAN OF MYSTERY." , PRICES 10, 20 and 30c. The Crowell Sanatorium 5 Dobbin Sz Ferrall Plamblng, Ilol Water Heating, SI cam nt- ting, Sanitary Plumbing a Specially. VV. A. STUNKEL & CO., Will Open Sept. 4th. at No. 13 W. Hargett St., Raleijrt. N. C. Phones: Inter-State. 576; Bell. 1502. Personal Attention Given to All Work. POK HALK Pony and buggy. to BHKW.Y SWAIM. DUEElJ ..OF.. SUMMER DRINKS For the treatment of Whiskey, Mor- phlne, etc., and Nervous Diseases. Ail Apply kinds of electricity, electro-masaage, .various kinds of baths, etc Special Th hoc RAlliner fmitifafn TlrinU nn thft markftt to-dav Daatl MavavV V Wm VWw1 M HIAtTTIfl TTtl TfATTTi Tt TTtl FOR RENT 3 or i nice unfurnished rooms. Interstate Phone 121. .apartments and nurses for lady patl ents. All modern Improvements. S. 11. CROWELL. M. D., Superintendent, No. 8 W. Third St., Charlotte, N. C. Call at W. 1L Harrla' restaurant SOS Railroad street, near Johnson I uku.kn l,. kka. street station, wba you want a nlce Resident Physician. meal. Special dining ball for.whlt I people; also bav ice for sale dalljv. WANTKIV Your Typewriter to Re pair. W don't fix 'em ao no body elae can repair them. Regu lar ten Inch Platens all Machines 11.00. Experienced Repair man in Charge. If we can't REPAIR your Typewriter, we will tell you so, and then If you want It fixed, we will try to do It- THE CAPI TAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 108 West Martin Street, Raleigh, N. C. WANTED Four telephone opera tors. Apply In person to Chief Operator, Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Company. Crinkleys 326-332 Fayetteville Street Summer 1905 Goodbye COOLING, REFRESHING, TONES UP YOUR SYS TEM, DIGESTS YOUR FOOD. Causes no wakeful nights -makes your sleep as peace as a babe. At all Soda Fountains. Also bottled. . ixa v mr. tw ! 1 at. Learn Your uiiiiuren 10 Save Money Ily oiioning a Bank Account wUh us. Did ou ever stop to think that n boy at the age of 10, deitositlnR $1 a wwk in tMs han't will have enough ctpilal at the age of 20 to start in business. WE CHEERFULLY PAY INTEREST TO OUR DEPOSITORS Our buyers are in New York this week contracting for Fall and Win-1 ter and Holiday Goods. Many of the new goods are here already and soon every department will be pack- ed with the Right Goods at the Ki;ht DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Mechanics Dime Savings Bank BroRQciotns, 7 SC., Sl.UU. ! jf If money Is left in our keeping sufficient time to earn it. Lost vou forgot, open an account with us this week and watch how easy It Is to save. J pine put in your. yard; green oak later. I have a fine lot of wood. Same man in charge who has look- ' ed after It for two winters. A. D. .Hunter, Cary, N. C. 25-5t WANTED Typewriters to overhaul and repair. First-class work. Mod erate prices. See us before having it dqne elsewhere. We also make Rubber Stamps. W. T. TERRY & CO., Holeman Building. Ral eigh Phone 4286. Gclal)2F xveddiiia s A i I , II ' 1 1 m Do not delay longer in placing orders for engraved Invitations.; Our fall samples represent the very latest shapes and forms , .that have been accepted by' refined and fashionable society. We do not follow- we LEAD" In originating artistic effects with fine material. Our prices are the lowest. Send for sam ples, T'hlch will be supplied freo of charge. J. P. STEVENS ENGRAVING CO., Wedding Stationery Engravers, 47 White hall St. Atlanta, Ca. i v. .. Nice Suitings, 25, 45, 50, 75c. i WATSON & -CO.' WILL CONTINUE! Mohairs, Tricots, Repellants, the low price of photographs during! China Silks, all colors, 50c. the month of August Cabinets Big line Outings and Flannelettes, $1.50 per dozen. Prints, Ginghams and Domestics, - I Tickings, Table Linens, Lace Cur-; WOOD Seasoned oak and seasoned I tains, 40c. to $2.50. Pictorial Review Patterns. Pictorial Review, 10c. copy. SHOE DEPARTMENT. The C. ft E. Child's Shoes wear; all sizes; 55c. to $1.50. solid. Men's Shoes, $1.00 to $4.00. Ladles' Shoes, 05c. to $3.00. ' CARPET DEPARTMENT. I Our new line Is coming in every i day. i Rugs, 25c. to $5.00. j Granite Art Squares, $1.00 to $5. Wool and Mixed Squares, $3.50 to $14.00. I Carpets, 14, 25, 35, 57c. yard. Floor , Oilcloth, 25c. yard. i Door Mats, Shades, Poles, etc. TOY DEPARTMENT. . Velocipedes, $1.40 to $2.25. Wagons,' 25c. to $1.75. "Automobiles and 'Carts. Goat Sulky, a beauty, $2.75. LAWN. SWINGS, $3.75. Rockaway Horses, etc. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT. Cash Boxes, 37, 45, 05c. Handled Axes, 57c. Mechanics'. Tools, , Pocket , and Table Cutlery. k TRUNK DEPARTMENT. NEW LINE TRUNKS. Bags, 25c. to $6.00. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Our new line ' is commencing to jome in. . ' - ' FURNITURE DEPARTMENT. Woven-Wire Cots, $1.35. A .' Safes :'. and . Cupboards, $2.25 to Iron Cribs, $3.00 to $0.00. , Iron Beds, $2.00 to $10.00. Springs, $1.35, $1.50, $1.70. $2. Nice Line Chairs, Rockers, Tables, i Sideboards, Dressers,, Hall. Racks, Lounges. '' - CLOCK DEPARTMENT. 25 will Alii CHICKENS ARE SCARCE, yet you will nearly always find them at our store. Fine apples, potatoes, cabbage, etc.; and everything else that goes to make one's meals a i success, r Phone us your orders. Prompt delivery. . W. B. MANN, a Hargett Street, v ' POWELL DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. will send you free sample. See ad v vertlsement elsewhere: ' Plenty of Fresh Oysters at Doghl's. PEARS A postal card order will ' bring you nice, ripe pears for pre serving. No "wind fall," decayed, ' or Immature pears will be deliv ered.. Price $1.00 per' bushel. Address T. IVEY Cary, N. Cv CALL 80RRELL FOR WOOD. elgh 'Phone 2268, Interstate Bell 21. . ' ; , ! Ral 631, tf DON'T ASK WHAT kind of f Dughl has,: but Just order . you want, he has It. 1 . fruit what LEARN TELEGRAPHY and R. R Accounting. $50 to $100 ; a month aalary assured our graduates under bond. Our aix school the largest in America and endorsed by all "Railroads. Write for catalogue, Morse School of Telegraphy, i Cin cinnati, O., Buffalo. N. . Y., Atlan ta, Ga La Crosse, Wis., Texarkana Tex. San Francisco. Cal. v ; INVESTMENT ClOO CERTIFICATES P FOR SALE BY THE Mechanics nd Investors Union. Owing to unusual demand for money for the erection of dwellings the company will place on sale at $92.00 Twenty-five FULL-PAID TEN-YEAR COUPON CER TIFICATES $100.00. At this price it gives a net 6 per cent, invest ment secured by Real Estate Mortgages. For particulars address GEORGE ALLEN, Secretary, Raleigh. J5he RALEIGH FURNITURE CO., No. !7 E. MARTIN ST, . 15 MARKET ST RALEIGH, N. C. . EVERYTHING Alarm Clocks, 65o. , , 8-Day Oak Mantel, $1.00. : Office Drop Octagon. $3.00. ' Marblelzed Parlor.. , 3.25, $4.00. LEST WE FORGET ASK TO, SEE ! OUR PICTURES, LAMPS, TIN- i WARE, CROCKERY, MUSICAL (JOODS. , - FOR. THE HOME Wc sell for cash or not, Just as you like 'Weekly or Monthly installments. ' Our pricisare tizht,comi and see us if you want to save money. All new and up-to-date. Try one of our Fel v Mattresses. Try one of our Cook Stoves. . Warranted to eive satisfaction.' Yours for fcusiness, ::,-""f me RALEIGH FURNITURE C0UPAI1Y JAS. M. WGGAN, R!cr. Raleigh Phone No. 244. " 1 DENTON'S RESTAURANT will Open 7 G up to-morrow. -