r it T I i .... L L- .. 1 1. . T'U Vi-:. fit a r.il-i-r j C. CiCWATKA lJ UU'M M OTHia ca p4 Mnw tj a.AXf.iCH CvHk.l ttt A- J AM A..... ...... It AS ' Om ft ttraa fM w..w. OAS) AAA) IWl mil i i rAir4 AiMd KaMK k. C, aa Ail aUa C Ua a a I U ACAArAAAAA tU UA AXl A Ooata. lUri .ltT. WCDNKSDAT. AEPT. . THAS aR UKK rM MlM. Th CWabt Sli to fr14 . w . Bia aill kiriM Ala . idOM or AAAAAlklAf AklA tO AAA. TA fcrt AAd tll AM cra.t lb. imh.Ia M,lnU()tl far p.r- thA bee flu tkAt tbj hA KAlAr4 ' 4am orcAptoA too baaca of Iaa Go rroai tkA pwblicllr of h flr of ror'i Ub. BtwIdoA It 4om Aot tbA rPAln tATldABt to lb drfrat of tbA Rabaa na Ia Ia Kr East TbA Bute : TboAA of our radr ho Aaa not otitfroAA tbA good old habit of rAAdlAg tbA EAcIlab Bible will rrAll that OA ACWAl lAlATMtiAg otcaaIoaa wheA thA Pharoah of Efypt auOarAd aom tAniblA dtaAAtr and promlAA4 10 bA ItXXl. AA AOOA A tbA AtreAA Of Atom bad BltlfAtAd. btA bATt bo ram bArdAAOd. It WOuld b BTOAA InjuatlcA to tbA able rul- or Egypt to oompArA them to thA pallid ahadow that rati on thA tbrooA of Ruaala, but It is not lnconflTable that, comparing grcot thlnga to araall, we may aca a historical par allel betweA tbA Pharoah of thA Exodus And tbA Ciar of Ruaala'a greatest cAtAAtrophes." ThA 8UtA goet on to say that the CAr, under thA terrible pressure of the defeat In the Far EAtt, hai promised his people certain reforms in their home government, but there Is some doubt that the "Little Father" will keep All these promises made during the time of storm, when fair weather comes Again. The SUte further say: "It seems very likely, Judging the future by the past, tbAt theae prom ises were never seriously meant. But they mAy be Accepted for the mo ment as sincere, that. At least, the fearful distress of Russia, and of the autocrats In particular, had made the Cxar sincere , Inhia, terror and willing to disgorge some of the privi leges he had taken from the people, in order that he might save himself and some of his plunder from in evitable wreck. Granted, then, that the Czar, for good or evil purposes, for righteous or for unrighteous alms, was sincere at the moment he issued these high-sounding rescripts is he sincere still? Or has the relief that Japan has kindly proffered him. made him again self-confident, and hardened his heart? Has exultation and stubborn tyranny succeeded to dejection and a submissive spirit? . j,i vT . I n I I u Bninit Vi la fat a' nan no nnw ftsiVft flla own despotic authority?' e-.' . It is stated bv the press of the world, that a youngster by the name) of Mass has been hauled up for do - ing a "Bluebeard act" over i France. His rearn&Jhe may be irreg ular, but he gave it to his little part of the world as Marquis de Massa - Malaspina. He is the sou of a French hatter, which ought in a measure insure a fit. The boy has been doing about and doing people as well especially women. . There were those who jere with him as ' wife or wives and. then there was noted, in regular order, disappearances. , So there came, the title of "Bluebeard." Even before he had attained to the dignified age of 17 the expert had been 'al work and had won, and hoarded his win nings. There were dead women and ' an augmented bank account in the name of Massa!- Were it not vul garly detrop It might even be added that he was a Masher .as well. He plied his vocation well and In fact. le was fooled little himself and' he 1 fooled nearly everybody ..well up to time. - After ,, so, many doubtful triumphs , he was tied up on the charge of having forged an indepen dent I. O. TJ. ' It is said that In Francs "race suicide" is one of the most attractive features; this being so It is all right. Such progeny from parentage cannot he desirable' for the buuding,of .a. citizenship, 'l , Elizabeth City bulges up and out : again. This time: It Is a supposed 1 case of a world of gold hid away un- w 4W t 4 t- .W-k 4 ! .. a .a. LLEHi t.!we ts fat iKfcUi a-ima 1 ..- left trwa. Ik as? Mi W tw.4 l as AA r tbkl MMI tt A CM UM AaA M . .m,,, M A b.M AUe fc f WtA ll.t aA th;t4 tWr) ! rat t FsralA twl ll b wcw U4it It I aa; ta Ae AMI la l tkt ' ..(' MH4 AA Ttl lTVKVHJLt Al life ( A htitowtM A4ltfUI twA-i cwtaUA A AtAaaIM ArC A AHA .riiA ia a FAUfcAUoA (a TV Uki. W lA ratxa iaa MUAltAAtMAjt mt A BtAio lr... Lfll.. - C. I, ,k7.n .A AAOAt4 AA 4AA: "Taa tm tiAMA tAAC ItlAAl AAA AA14 ATTrJ Ia Ar AAtAto. KorU CATOit AA AAOA&4 AAV A A AOAT4 Of T ma to as tbAt It Ia right to plar 0 rl rioAaibUtty aaoa tb ! aboulder of oaa bqaa and dvoiAAd that AA ah All dor id a apoa All the mAttAr, Neither OovAnor 01 At nor bto pri d At f on barA AttetaptAd to Ablrk this duty, but tbA 4aty to loo, Every application for a pArdoa d errea to be tborOAgbly considered. Hamantty demsndt tblA. ThA Oov- ArBor who gives tbea things thA at- UnUoa they fleaerrs oftea flads tbAt too much of bis tlrnA la occupied Ia this way. It Aoems to as that a board of pardoas would fnrnlsb thA correct Aolatloa of thA problem." The truth of the business Is, that the 8UU and thA WArld begins to wonder mora And mora what 1 thA use of thA high tribunals commonly called the courU of the land. If tber Ia to bo eternal interference and re hashing and threshing over of old straw by thA Governor of a Bute Aided by the attorneys whose caaea bavA already been handled, Nona wllf 'denr the, right of Ap peal. That la normal and right. There Is, however, little reason for a general slopping over at tha dictates of cbosea counsel, when the Gov ernor of any Commonwealth shall retry a case, or any number of cases, set Aside or modify th findings of a court., Jury. and Judge and bring about a conflict in tho lines of Jus tice. There is, and there has been. too much of this thing. For that reason there It less and less respect paid to the initial court proceedings. In this Nes the cause for many a usurpation of the law of the land by individuals who are usually called a mob. The Superior Court and tne 8a preme Court certainly are vested with the law. It Is their part and 'privilege and duty, and not the de- ! moralizing insistence of the Governor I of any State .that should make for change of punishment. In tnla lies the ever decreasing trustfulness In 1 legal tribunals. Hand stand for anything it is for Right and Justice. Interfere with the voice of the court and you inter- 1 ten with all the law. When a Judge has heard a case, when 'a' jury, nai rpassed..0n such a case, and sentence nag oeen and sentence has been pro- nounced, thefe 1s;3ttP roc-m for out siders to' play the" risky game of In terference. At the. other end of the avenue' lies .lynch law, and" violation. Lack- of confidence will presuppose anything. , " GENERAL PRESS COMMENTS. oTha Holy Jumpers, the religious enthusiast who. have been holding forth at Danville for several months, dropped down on. Reidsvllle Sunday evening. There were three men, two women and four or five children In the band, and - their " musical outfit comprised a bass drum, kettle drum, "tambourine and organ. They, held services on the Market Square Mon day r morning, .but found the outlook so discouraging that they left on the noon train for Greensboro. -Webster's, weekly ' ,,f ,., - V - A tramp. In the citySatur day. visit ed' a home on Spring street and ask ed the lady of the htouBe for a hat The tramp was told to: wait a few minutes, and when the lady returned she presented him with a straw bat. The .tramp very calmly refused the hat, explaining that tt,. was too near tne winter season w w - wearing straw hats, and walked away.; : The tramp evidently had never heard the old saying that "beggars should not be choosers. '.'-Concord Tribune.' f ! f Hid nl I tit GATES OF DEATH r"4 A Ultirt ru AWAjAW IW fMr w - w A I Mrtw4 Kwlt ImUiM tat Ik ikvicy AWt tB Mm. ltt. 4k4 ltAA AUA. AAA tMf A Uim AAA UrM ! M.Uvl7 rrA I CmA IrwAfftMy am tfcAt I aa ttA 4 mt A4 AAf AM'A A Ak AA A1 tAtAAJAAUAf At AAA. I A'- AA iiahw rM At imtM rf4 Ay IAA llwWjr Cia 4 IwUlil At Ci aIipta. At tA tt.t iAMkt a; iaa rtar, akAAAr AAl kr IUIAN A( LAA lAAllAtA I . til AAr UAt I IWM AtfM Ak for AAf tottar, ta tar AarlM auji At Ua lAAUtAU WAA AAMAA4 At lAA AAtlMTA frv mm iiaa fcr A 4rAAAr4 Abt4 Lilt AAA KAA4A7 TTAAtAAAAt Ai Omtr Wore, ia be carwd of Iaa Uor habit: Bataaaa a kWivy 4otrrA bto wit AA4 AAAkAA blM A fool, kwAAAA It dA- tUwyA cOa at14a aa4 Aik Mai A 4togTA tA) AlDMAtf A Ad fABBUy; Dw oa aaa It 4AAtrAra bto maabood A ad aaBU bias for tA datr or dtlAeav Ahlp; bjcAAAA It daAtrora bla Aelf rAABACt AAd tkAreforA tb rcApArt of otbAra for bias; aacaaaa It cauaaa bla tO AAglACt biS fABlly AAd fAilA to provldA for then: bw-aua It EAAkAA htm coward; bo will ukt aa Ia salt froai tbA kwct grogAeller la tbo IOWA U AA tftOagbt BA COUld (At A ... tKmwT. wI1. MBM him to deceive bla beat friends ba rs use It will drwAs bis wifs And chil dren la raga; because it will deairoy his health and causa him to fill a premature grave; and last, bat by no means least, becaflsA It will damn bis souU TbA reason a drunkard should tako tbA KAAley Cure At Greensboro is becAAAA It will most assuredly care him of drunkenness and causa az Actly tba opposite of the adova. Hoping you may tare many poor wretches, I Am, 8AM BOQASSE, - . Foreman Newt And Observer,' Raleigh, N. C. Sept. II, 1104. If you have friends who might be benefited please tend their names to tba Keeley InitltutA. Greensboro, ... ta EDITORIAL JOTTINGS. k Newt comes from the Philippines that war has broken out In the pro vince of Samar. We reiterate our opinion of several years ago that it would be the part or wisdom for Uncle, Earn to trade off the Philip pines for a yellow dog and then thoot the dog. Shepherdstown (W Va.) Register." ii, as oecretary Bonaparte sus pect,, the "father of lies" is the grandfather of the disfranchising amendment In Maryland, what is the moral status of Senator Gorman, who is generally credited with being the "father" of the measure? New York Evening Post Governor La Follette keeps his own connsel concerning his inten tions with regard to the senatorial seat. And on this account be has got two .or three bunches of poli ticians, squirming like they were sit ting on something hot. Rochester Herald. ...when Mayor Woodard asked his friends and constituents to elect him mayor, he gave as the reason for his ambition that he wanted to make a world-wide reputation. The mayor has ' landed. Richmond Tlmes-DIs patch. Nothing but poverty or common sense will keep the average parents from making a saphead of their boy. Unfortunately, neither of these is very fashionable at the present time. Puck. Before John is 10 years old his parents decide to make a doctor, . lawyer or a professor out of him When John develops he will natural ly take to the calling he is best adapted to as a duck does to water. Walt 'for those developments before trying to mould a lawyer out of natural mechanic or farmer. Clif ton Forge Review. Secretary Shaw says he is proud of the recent record of the G. O. P With a 30,000,000 deficit staring at it from Leslie's own department we fear that the G. 0. P. will not recip rocate., with any degree of enthus- iasmJ--Newport News Press, '. The feelings of very, verf many lovers of Justice were reflected In Mark Twain's comment on the peace treaty when he said: : "In all sin eerity, I . believe that this peace is entitled to rank as the ; most l con spicuous disaster in political : his tory." -Gastonia Gazette. i -It: is reported that, there are ll' girls all of same name spending a vacation in New Hampshire. If thesel girls were reported to be of the same mind the story would be too good tol be true and too incredulous to be be lieved about .the femininity. Wil mington TJlspatch. ' ' ' " Commercial & axlJOi Um vt 4 tvi w-W Oa .jMrin, w.fA Ua uh4W Ima k4 kuar4. -I i u. ! Ml f uiu w '. 'tw-n-k AntkM cw(Wh. . .... ' ! kvi aa4 tivr(, , j t k , , . . K.(r sA. T4J U IHUTIU ' Cjvi'l a Ai4 a ,. .. n4 faad . , l'A4tt44 HMta. Una CArraAt aai mn Ad rw4 trtkits Aokjwl to tbark. lA4lrldAJ lT.lti ft! 4fHlt CAi.ir's rAmka Autta4)Ag Total. ft. S J CRM AN. CAtklar. It W HCX.MS. A mL CAAbiar. The Twentieth Century Wood Fibre Wall Plaster is not an experiment, having b::on.c an estab lished commodity, and is new approved by all Leading Architects and Contractor. When making up your plans, to be assured of a s:rict ly first class fob, Insist on having "T1TE HOLD" Brand Wood Yibtz Plaster. j Inquiries from all interested panics solicited. Guilford Plaster Com'y. Greensboro, N. C. KM AiAiikiitAfcU -si Goel nd Wood, Shingles, Lathes gPla.ce Ycur Order It Ha.s No Superior. Powell (Si Powell, Phone 41. 1 EXCEPTIONALLY WELL CONDUCTED lilVEEY STABLE. Splendid Tournouts, Good Horses. IJnxcelled Service. We make a spec ialty of Boarding and Caring for lorses. The Very best atentlon to Stock. Stables open day and night Promptness assured. East Morgan Street, near CupitoL . 'Phones 879. WOODALL'S STABLE. J Louis, Chamber ARE OPEN FOR PATRONAGE ; iWe,aro located In our lmiulsome new store at ' 11 1 Fay" - -,'iJ' cttevllle Street, with a magnificent line, .' 1, . - FRUITS, CANDIES, THE MOST , - . DELIGHTFUL CREAM AND... FOUNTAIN DRINKS .' . ; A splendidly equipped Ice-Cream Parlor. : Electric Fans. CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE. IVtAJA ' Farmers Dank, S-liiSk. m i t 44.1 I , . . . . . I At.lll tl Hi J! It Mil 111 tl it m a 1MTI f X ... 141 11 f .itM.m t t ! , tS,A4 A . tl.ltt 4J i;i,tti it J 4 THOMAS. rmadeAU K X, THOMI-aOS, VIta rrUaaL ) i for Fancy Block Coal 1 IVaro & Loland, Main Office, 200-210 Postal Building, C hicago ' . ,, New York Offfte, ?1 Wall Street, . . All orders executed on Exch Prompt attention given to all out-of-town business. " . Members of: Chicago Board of Trade, New York Cotton Exchange, New York Coffee Ex change, New Orleans Cotton Exchange, St, Merchants . Exchange, Milwaukee of Commerce. ,( uLiiuUL uliuaO AT HALF PRICE station est at asacuich wo:o tooo to re SOLD AT ONCE CHEAPER TllAIi EVER JJErOEE. ! TREE! FREE! FREE! j Oitt 1 Ar tA A4.W- lA.bWA) thMAA Uv9 4 IA IW tAaakkA) Mr ataar Wia a awh. ' oat t ttakAMjto MrrrC t ctl amh aa4 Uy AaAAa Aaxw AA fwAl a4 ta A4 IB ;So. Book Exchange. S V M. M. AMint. emiinmnjninTTrur.,viuiimAia SIIONNIGER PIANO FOR 42 YEARS Z 3 The high musical qualities And durability or thA UhonlA ger I'lano recognised by m tlrlana Averywbara together with Its unlQUA constructional features, make It a moat de sirable piano for th home. It will ray you to lnveatlgatA. Send for list of purchasers. Catalogue and general infor mation to Darnell & Thomas gi ft "UTfjpyu uikViMftH' anuumt g A WONDERjyORKER MARVELOUS DISCOVERY FOR THE .CURE OF- ALL . FORMS . OF CONSTIPATION NOT A HABIT BUT A -CURE VYOU DECREASE THE UJOSE UNTIL CURED. After mnnv years of study and practice A physician specialist has discovered the cure for constipation. It is called Chnne't Constipation Tablet. -v - ' . "I do not nienn.' taid the physician to several of his colleajrues 'announcing his . success, "I do not mean just another pill that breeds thcpill habit,.' My remedy is a cure. By gently forcing all the digest--ivc organs to perform their functions it, restores them all to health and strength. "THE MORE, THE LESS." " "The more you take the less you need ; until you nee'd none for you are cured. ' My chort all along was to avoid the eviP" of the ordinary remedy which pampers organs already weak and so makes the" paucnt a slave to the pilL ' Remember- ' Natnre expects every organ' to do its -dutv." ::v Physicians have long recognized Hhe ' ' fact that constipation is at, the bottom of nearly every disease. It saps all energy, and makes life a burden; it opens the doors to. all evil germs and makes the .' body too weak to resist them. , n "THE VELVET WORKER.", , i This new discovery is in small tablets,' easily taken, and they ; arc packed in watch- shape bottles Which fit "the vest pocket. The tablet is mild, all vegetable, . never gripes or injures the most delicate organs, i But it does ths Vorkt .So na-. ' turntly -nnd soothingly they stimulate 1 and regulate and strengthen that they have been nicknamed "The Little- Velvet Workers." - . Don't shuffle along with this great bur- dnl Be healthy, be strong, be happy, ' Read our offer: -, , . irTtaii 'if : To Any reader who sends lis 'tits or her ' name and address with five stamps to cover postage expenses, Ave will at once mail a full biz; 23-cettt bottlt of CIuim's Constipation Tablets, the worker that cures, Nat a sample, mind, o full-siie 25-cent bnttlc. Let us prove it to vou. Write to-day, addressing Chase Mfg.'Co., Ijlewburgh, N. V. . . 'ANYTHING TLT.CTRIC MARROW "Nouab' Said" ' ' Crccr.z'orOf ,j 7 i r