lw-a tj rwy au. . .:- .v:;r : MERCURY t fcjr ao4 kj aat m w , ft. kl.m til - . . Bo'vlaii-Pearce Co. BovIanPearce Co. otM awersaa C-"t a4 V fcfca e.r U auaaW ia U auwat "la m ktk.aaM a it o.. . ' bi.lnt 4 W i t iiii i V : Mrf ta." il aa a fcwil .a U04 4 tat aia it- annua.' aa a u a4 w au4 wia tka ba an .t.4 a at.mn.j tu. I Ska Imj cat fcraiaa bm. ItaaV : 3 , t.K a at at ia aanrt tmiw :i . u. . i uf aiV X C . tka a4 Was koaaaa I. at ...l . L U .t( .aHfti , .., . . i ... lVal f' rt a 1,1 u t.n,ui,4 watbv4 I.... .. i t. la.t.4.iM k w. i.ti W iaua .aa , .it-M . m m.4 m ilaa . t .a "i . ? Svta h l ' . I a Iti.'to. . i ' . ti.ci :tt .4 x. i l. i i w it fM t a it. ..' H I .. J..t.n .1 t II t ! ! ii.. 4 7 1 fc h t)4.a N I.i. , i. , t : IV.Cf U? M io..Wk4 lr til mumium tk( IW r- f BMt tuT tkll l CtUU H i tU Jfr. C Ik1 lB orjn tlu4 tll Ik Vail tl ( f IHoc t ftwM ! r ' ltlH4 la NuM M fof It artMjHtt to k taiu4 lni I Jt lal t ! r to " U a drr tt Wt MMllil roSt- Uoaa. Tt fllaia to tfctra to , rJio fwvr t worm mIm I otullr imim a taa Idkmu: !! aoarroa W rarraatlioa ar Haa flMaf AaMkricaaj taa Ii'Idii toar afur aa m va ptn ih covoiaatoa iitita veaoorm. Ta ana4 la ta roaatmrttoa ol M m93 amuarr that taora aboald ta a fwary. nuaaii r any obrr ral...l. ".kJl U) tba work. It U aaaauad t mat asta io cod to tha l.ibtuua aronld j THE SWIFT 8tCtFIC CO . At'ae'a, 6a, rTill ct tkaf (oaad that bettor pro- J . rialoa had tMn mad for their com- NTATK M.WH. fort tbaa low UU. At prraont ,hp ,u, . dreaamaker bo Ttoy ttt tka Americana mployad In ',UPj . lady for refualnc to pay for eicrlctl work o aithar to Colon or!, irrna wj,cq WM nij, for j,er B reaama la aoarrh of rrreatloa. It sw York macerate "had to decide hat be pa found that lalta to theaa whether the lady bad a fit or nof." towoa har a dcmoralUlnj effect on ,n exchanite. We are repared tho force, Tha Uflaor which la aold to belter that ahe had a duck fit at the plaoe It aald to be of a hen ahe found that her new drest posutiarljr bad and Bcry nature. The idldn't fit. Wilmington Star. oommlaaloa, thorefora, would eitab- " llah cantaona. at which only beer and I William Jenatnm Bryan lectured waaavw wwwa " tnoant they bellere thay can mlnlmlte drenkennoaa and kaep the aaen era-1 just tnakoa that mention, and doea ployed on tha canal from seeking inot nay whether or not It was an! queatlonabla recreation la Colon and jeulony of President Roosevelt on ac 1'anama. i jcount of hit aervtces as peacemaker. 1 : It la the tesUmony of many army 'a doea say though that a lunatic officers that the canteen kept the cn- taken to hear Bryan Jumped from lifted men In the aervtce out of a his soat In the audience and loied grent deal of mischief, Including ex- cesalv drinking. Probably this In- atitutloa, which our temperance , frlenda denounce so vlgoroualy. ( would acfromplish aa good results In . Panama aa It la alleged to hare done In the army. But alnce the temper ance people Jiellere that the Govern ment should not engage In or counte nance the sale of liquor to Its aerv auts, the canal commissioners must expect to meet bitter opposition. The War Department la In charge of the - canal work, although the President 'seems to .be the supreme authority tn all That relatea to the canal.' Mr. ' Roosevelt's act,lon on the com ml s , alon'a recommendation for .a canteen system will be eagerly awaited. The President, as a practical man, nnder : stands ' the necessity for Improving the conditions of life on the Isthmus. If he believes that. can teens would not Impair the efficiency of the work' Ing force on the' Isthmus there is rea- son to believe -that he would sanction them. He is not a candidate for re - nomination and therefore has noth- Ing to tear for a decision in favor of canteens. If he agrees with the commission that canteens are goodito apprehend the lynchers, and we tot Panama a revival of the aglta ; tton for the' sale of beer and wines by army canteens Is probable at the next session of Congress. Baltimore Sun. The, children can drink Pepsi-Cola, old people can drink it. It is the most delicious of soda fountain drinks and the "best for your stom ach.'. Every clerk and book keeper - will find -work easy and nerves steady if they will drink "Pepsi-Cola." 5c. at all ' soda fountains. ' All for Him. "Your financee seems to have a will or her own." , "Yes, and sometimes-1 half regret that I'm the sole beneficiary' Phil adelphia Press. J .. -: - ' . ' Enough to Kill. . . "Of .course," said Dabster, only write 'poetry to kill time, not to ,eelt " ,u . "WU.V quietly replied Crltticfe-, , handing : back -. the manuscript, "If, Time; weren't next to Immortal , I'm sure you'd' be successful. "Phila delphia Press. Midnight Flyers. -- "What oavreadlng, son?" queried the old. farmer,. , . - 4'Book on ' aerial navigation," . re plied the sonj- who will return to 'Col lege In September. t r "Gosh! , On airships?" v - ' Z "No; it tells bow mosquitoes fly." Ulittl September 15th Re . , duced Kates. , - ' ; By request of many pres ent t and prospective guests, the ' season at .Vade"Mecum ' Springs' has been extended until September 15th". This is the vcry best season to . ct benefits, from the mine 'al water. Rates reduced - r """" tKtwl ... tM,MH M M 1 m4 . a g ft , I n i Mad lui mK ttdiM for CKr EJm4 hue. Il UnnUy ft4 urraiMtraUy rtmUuikl f tr,,li- w,Md lb( M krrr-r? .n4 Js. 4 b. U k.t rr4 Lb. cluut rrr put cW lix tdy feM Wtt by tta punfrikf . uwic tfti-rt. S. aV. ft. tnaovn as rfrrt of lh trtal- limn ) i ra fr I iaw mmm . a. a. U w w rv.-r.vw a brtrf t7. K. J lOl KD) tima. lot - -ai- -hut ! MJRU.Y VXttTABLt. B.8 R. toauuta !. aparliclao i Ull 1 HQ aTllIlVO Ul rrUVC I U IUUI" O ana on latt Wcdneaday. The report;! in a river." Cnrollna Muscot It is estimated that by January 1st next there will be S00 generals on the retired list of the ' American army, or, about one general for every ?0(Mnen 1ritba a Aa eraer-9 gency It might be possible to work up the list of retired generals to a number equalling one for every com pany of privates In the army. Greenville .Reflector. We are sorry indeed that North Carolina has had another lynching. We had hoped that such things were over with. There was -no excuse for that one in New Bern whatever( It was not for what lynchlngs are gen erally for, but the negro was in for robbery and struck and cut the lady with an axe because she .discovered him. Of course, the community can get along better without the scoun- jdrel, and if he had been killed as soon as the thing happened there 1 would have been nothing said about it; but he had been put lii jail-and the law should have-been allowed to go its course. An effort will, be maderl hope they will be punished. Clark- ton Express. Our people, who patronize the con certs by the children from the Ox ford Orphan Asylum will spend an evening 6f genuine1 pleasure and real profit. It cannot fall to warm the neart, broaden the sympathies, en large the life to see and hear and help these little ones,; - Prom the Peace-'-Maker. Rev. R. S. Stephenson has received a card from the President thanking him for a letter written Congratulat ing him upon securing peace between Russia and Japan. Mr. Stephenson's letter closed wit hthe following quo tation: "Blessed " are the peace makers, for' they shall be called the children of God." i $100 Ileward, $100. The readers , of -this paper will be pleased to learn that pore is n't least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that Is CatffrTll. Hall's Catarrh Cure ls41eC.HJ0?jRftU.ve. uro jiqw known to the medical fraternity. Ca-, . A. 1.. I i.i.. Zt Jl.x II ..... . . . .vj requires a consuiuuonai treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is'iftken , iter- naly, acting directly upon) the" blood" and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying .the .foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength By building ip'the constitu tion and assisting nature in doing fVs workj - The proprietors have' so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred -Dollars for any case that It fails to cure Send for list of testimonials. Address: . f F.'J, CHENN'EY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. , , c . Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. '.,.'( -4JI- or that ETery d&y froa cow ca we will tLow Hew Mtrthin dae Mertaxdii thxt it unctly cp'.oLate vsd iti conUe. Tct to ncrrow Black Taffeta. 98c. 30 inches wid, high lustre, imocth fetA r special txlue. Per yard . BoylanfePcarcc Company. Turnip Seed HARDWARE PAINTS Young Hardware 12 East Martin St. Co. The first division of the Full Term begins Monday, September 4, 1005. This Is the largest business school, best equipped, strongest faculty and is unrivalled in North Carolina un surpassed in the South. ' Call, telephone or write, for cata logue and offers. Address KIJNti'H lJtSiniUiSS COL.lifA.Bj, . : . . Italcigh, N. C. Pullen building, Fayetteville St Less than the one hundred thousandth part of . a grain of Organic Matter in one gal lon of Mida "Water. . In medicinal properties is in a class to itself and with out a rival. Try it. Let it speak for itself. . ' , ' Full - supply at Tucker Building ' Pharmacy x or Henry' Tr ilicks-Gompany, (incorporated) N A PURITY Tarleton Silk Plaids. For Waists, Blouses and Trimmings, 20 mchei wide, very hindscmc. Price, per yard $100 Rob Roy Silk Plaids. The handsomett and best finished PLii: on the mar ket, very chicjc 2nd the newest thm; out lor Waists. Priced, per yard . . $1.33 NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY ARRIVING AND YOUH INSPECTION SOLICITED. i"i- apj..'.T.'vwni eiuci PORCH .! , Tf . 4 lylany days arc still to come betore we abandon the Porch as the living place. And while you ire enjoying the outdoor life WHY NOT TRY ONE OF THE SOLID COMFORT SWING S PUT a y j.i.v.'iii:ii!i-n.i!niM.nji.nut.mjnin!iJa:J ' 1 EilibUKll V.U.' ' We do Gas tlpingi and Electric Wlr Phones 228. 124 Fayetteville St Ing. No charge" for esUmacesl NORTH CAROLINA RED SPKIXGS, N. O. Prepares for. College, West ' Point climate. Excellent mineral sprtnga ..For catalogue aidress 4li ; ' ;u;,,pnmpj. Head ; , i 9Sc SWINGS! PUT u p Taking Things Easy While Cooking on a Gas Range Meals on time, housekeeper delighted, no dirt, no ashes, no coal or wood o carry in, no trouble. Everything con venient. If you haven't a GAS STOVE buy. one now.fi SA11 tip-to-date housekeepers ii - M use inem. . For Light the vWelsbach is Best. 39SB3SSSSBNEBB MILITARY. ACADEMY nd Naval Academy. Charming Board and Tuition $200 per year." -'." ' , - . ' " , 00 M 14 hi . t I. m! ' ... 1 . ; I . .. - . ' i it. 'f ; J , . ; ... Hi t Not 'l l...'!! .! It. ktd I i'l of lilMc!i N l.J tM.i.'t U.i-:. r MHii!,i.'i!:i in a lit,.- alitt K..IJ N.f !i I..ou a'.fi-!. 14 ffi-t a t ut itiirjif aniai pat l : ti v., ,J Witi Jot.f Hire! d or'h i V' l:ut of Tluituaa II KM,,: . i. I f t--t to m thrnr nor ! ti at 11 a ra I ! ! allh mid North I.imiii urn i. feci to a Hake In (.oirlli lion:id:ir lino of aald ox! Julii's llIM'l, llifllrf l-stmi.rj- lih i. :lil ollh iKiuniJary lln- of said 'i t Jofi.- tt(i t, C3 foot to the l'ln! of l,at:lnnirK 1" ti lo kald lotii or purrcla of .and v til Mtnt tn- offcrpd M;.ar ato; and t In n lOKi'llior llils proji.-rty l finch loraicd fo rrsidfiit imt poneh. In th heart of iho H Karh parcel has a good ',!llin bonne on It. and thla sale offers fine opportunities to i.hiwii... deihlng to pnrrhase desirable homes r pro;ert for rcntwl purposes In the city. This Is r part of the property of i he lale Cornelia H King and Is sold for partition. j This 12th day of August, 1905. It. N. SIMMS, Commissioner. SALE OF LAND, t'nder nnd by virtue of power in a mortgage, which Is recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Wake county, in Book 194, page 134, and by reason of the assignment of the rald mortgage to me, I will sell at the court house in the city of Raleigh, to the highest bidder for cash,:TtH VwSmotVVqos ' llZ city of Raleigh, and being a part of lot No. 5, lying and being on the eastern side of a lot of land belong ing to Mrs. Arle Etta Moore, and on the south side of New Bern avenue, adjonlng William T. Taylor on the west, on the south by lot of Mrs. iArie Etta Moore and on the east by lot of William Parish, being twenty .feet from east to west and one hun dred and feet from north to Isouth. IDA J. POOL, August 9, 1905. Assignee. ! 10-17-24-3 1-8-05 NOTICE. i North Carolina Wake County. in the Superior Court. John N. Harrell vs. Nannie L. Harrell nee King. The defendant above named will ' take notice that an action entitled las above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Wake county for (divorce and nullification of marriage, land the said defendant will further j take notice that she is required to ! a ppear at the next term of the Su ' perior Court of said county, to be held Ion the third Monday alter tin- tiv?t 'Monday. in September, it being the !2&th hiy of September. 1905, at the 'court house of said county in Raleigh, ' N. C and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint. This 21st day of July, 1905. W. M. RUSS. Clerk of the Superior Court. Argo & Shaffer, Attorneys. oaw-6w ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix of Willis P. Turner, deceased, late of Wake county, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them U0 the undersigned on or before Au Hl!nqt 1st. 19015. or this notice will hf gust 1st, 1906, or this notice will be plead in the bar of their recovery. . All persons endebted to eald estate will please make immediate payment. MARY P. TURNER, Administratrix. This the 1st day of August, 1905. ... -Iw 6w. ? HOLLISTER'S ' Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets ' A Baay Uediolns for Busy Feopl. : Brings Ooldea Health and Rantvtd Vigor. A unoclflo forConstlptitlotti Inrtlwitton, Mv rid Kidnpv Troubles. PimDli1!". Fii'remn. Imrmre . .loort. Bad Breath. PlmrerLsl! llou-fls, Hftnilaehe ml Hsiclsach, It'sRoeltvJuiiinrRin Ton in tots form, 181 cents it Ikiit. Octutlne' 'made by tuiiLioiGn Pm-o Com-Axv, Mnilimm, Wia. GOLDEN NUGGETS f OR CALLOW PEOPLC , lib . 1. A .. ft

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