cdmi UulM J cat it t ' . f W V xik Mtta f i ,r ' . IkVfWiMM CfM-a !M tart -.- - M to a 4 kc rf To Suffering 7omc-a T SIDES li'MET Kn-aii a , litre h i tiff. .. W4M mui W tat INr a,l aa - SUSt awaat- 0 4 tJ tU AaaMt.4 I (ink. awutvaJJ it l lM 26 it . tl k4l aH I I H r 1 i i i i! 1 ii ! i'. i a r ) lull ) '- t im lvi . nm4 lm t t glut nt l-u.U.t-4 tltu I !( .. UvWf i It kiwi nt UM , afcw.fc tat ,1 Ik la MN itafclk lnK 11.. r. k. 1 l l I ii- M a ! I . i i in 1 h I -i.lli Tln I i.U i--1 f ut t r 4 n it ,id lurn.u w . ill n 111 .1. .1 W lixiM.Ui III. Ill f tt.i ' k 1-6 UtfM (MW4 NiUi In Mr Itawli'l i'H Ul . : ; -H4 It ..( It .IX iJ lh i!i . 4 r.g 1114 ' Ml' tH,- il ft "f tM!t LI . lm hut A 1 ! . I f f I ..I ik. ' J ii ikMr m r i,. . i ? I.l tw'!il, .llt i Li i....i.k li-mii( iii ..1 tin I ! I'll 'il'fc titllk ;ki! Ii ! Il l rv III 1 1 1. I I'll k !.'. 4lf 1. 1 in ii 1 1 i iimw mi. . i ti i ii ,,f'ir lull i f llqld'!o !, I.nti tin 1 In l llir nt-ull M lit lllll lllllt iii i i a ln-l(i r (K-llliU .ik1 II udiTI iillv bill llii f.muit ul Ihr !iulllr. N I' . nrr limkins S 1IACHK k CO. h. u H Hih Uiii i rwli.! ! kol Hi liimi ycmn r ln fcki Sl4 il.r iiiiLtUitim !"'' l klrfc hy ' . . . J . k. I nJ I. . k ft. . n J1 KbB CI i iir nun i w . - . - II 4 I I'F.KK. .1 .1 .'I I,1j l: LL ! It In i S n 1 1 i- !! i ,il I'll j ml H'Mi tillhlMfi. Ml U.l' till, ill r (1 hi 1 1' i I .1 iirrMl CmB Marki'l 1". t. Mar A.r K.-h Mar Apr (X !l :. in Ci.lmoN or i)TTO MAItKKT. WliT Mh- V.t Urntrnt o( Y-t"nlay, Ttiin Wan a Outritr Markrt Tixhaj. (Sfial lo The Kvonlnis Tlmo. ) N York. Sppt - After the rx iin nictil (if yinlerdnv. j ulolpr nir krt .ih XKH'led nl I lio PIH"Ct:illon verltlfd. l.leriool did noi do ilino a rapidly as we did ymtrrdfly, lint tluT wore loo ninny BflUnn or-di-rs from the romalnlnp lonR inter i'kl to ni.iWo a KbNarp reHiilon For this reaction, our local trade Is now looking forward to and with this iden they have bought freel to-day. tak inK the offerltiKs to resell them on the exKvlod recovery. We find a feeling -of great dlsa' point, 'nt nt the comparatively hlnh io!nlitiv,a reiorted by the Govern ment. Among outside buyers on the other hand we believe ibe American' spinners who have sold their gopda ahead at profitable prices, are now quiet buyers of contracts as Ttedgos. We do not find any one aggressively bearish. HUBBARD BROS, & CO. Mai J tinr June- July July Aug Aug Sept t Oct -Nov Nov. I IH' Di-c -Jan Sales SMt . I one , 4 T ; t 1. 1 ii i :t i;.'i CI l .71 71 . 71 7J 7S icES-- W OEM write us nmi. zvinz mm aaMaii mm. r-t m 1 at avaak. mm a mm mm mmm w mmmm ataalMi. a 1 1 i m a ft ftZZ. WklTl alAia auaal to, aaawaMaai parir. txrv rccrs lr;.a ys pxi d-rrks, r-rm lrVi.fi4 L;!o yocr IxicS )a,'nt-w ztrrr'J.. L;t3 txa wcirjshxif, new viulty klo Jiici naves. Tiir ine,of:ai3CiEii; A Sure Cure for Women's Ills. . Thh b a pure, mdidml extract, of the ictht xlkaloLii of cerUln curatht plints and Kerbs, u-likh1uve a peculiar, specific, tonic, pain-relieving, ttroigth-bulliing , act ba oa the delicate female functions and constitution. It Is the meet marvelous meiidne In the worli for skk and suffering women. It will quickly make you welL Soli in every drug store, price $1.00 a bottle. TKUTTIXJ IlllKM HORSE ixm . 60 62 64 M'i 7.0 (Ml hales fi iH Steady. New York Collnn Mnrkel 4 P. M. OlM-n High 1ow Close Jan . 10 ." 10 60 10 10.60 Keb . 10 (16 ... 10 66 Mar 10 1 0 7 1 10 6 5 10 71 Apr . 10 6 10 75 10 64 10.75 Ma . 1" 67 10 10 67 10.75 June July A0g . . . . . Sept. , . . . . . 10. S3 .... 10.33 Oct. . 10.46 10 65 10 46 10.45 I Sot. - 10.49- .. . . ' 10. 4 Doc. . 10.54 10.55 10.54 105a. ' Will We aold at the hlghaat ild for raab at Woodtllt Stable. Raleigh. N. C, IX U lc.talT tPMt, ftr. IhmAry," Uy gelding, foaled Ife:. Rrod br J. J McDonald. CulhborL 60 n . .l f .U1.L I lu. f .ll . 'm.J ; 2 : 1 2 ; wan of JajMrtl. ha br George lUilkra, aoa lUmMetwn 10."' 1. Dam Vanltjr by KgtXiat by KlertiAaMr by HamblrtonUil 10. 2. Dam lUy by 1'ibat Maaibriao, No. 6IS. ' ' 4 3. Darn Sunshine ly Coidaat, No. 150. Thirteen thoroughbretl da mi. Mr. D.oley" Is 1 5 hands high. beautiful light bay, pulish and raogy with the cleanest and beat -of "feet and legs; fine, silky coatv4f hair, showing high breeding; esounU fn every way and in the right bind will make n fast and gr4tatRrs. Hroken t halter and has been work ed some double and single. Sold for dMslon. ' - t' v L. WOODAI-L. P. WILMA.MSON. j ".j aa I ' " i ' TaaaTi i'one: Steady. MILI.KK & CO.'S DAILY RKV1EW. Raleigh Swt Cotton. Old out ton 10 V4. New cotton 10 to 10. Receipts to-day, 17 bales. ' Jnke Seeks Absolute Divorce. Announcement was made ,yeBter day that James B. Duke, ptesident of the American Tobacco Company, C. B. VALUABLE LAND VOli i . By virtue of authority eonM-red on us, the undersigned commission ers, appointed by order of court in the special proceedings pending In the Superior Court of Wake county, entitled 1. S, Barbee, admjaistratwr of Thomas Y. Barbee, vs. Fannie Yates and others, we will, on Mo Everything Xow Depemls Upon tin .Action of the Southern Cotton tiro wcrs' Association. (Special to The livening Times.) is Becking absolute divorce from his th" 2"' AaJ ot October bride of nine months and that 1Wrs. : 1. expose for sale at public outr, Duke was served with papers In the1" at Moriisville, K. C, to the Mgb lease last Friday at her home., No. 1 1 j s- 'ddor for cash, all that tract Qf West Slxtv-elehth street. Mr. Duke Parcel of land in Wake county. North Your patronage, and If aqaare deal j Ing, will gi-l ll we will aBrreeri. M j ofliv Slicruiu Williams Paint. BUILDERS' HARDWARE. Thos. H. Brings & Sons Raleigh, N. C. Duck's Stoves-Ranges New York, Sept. 6. Yesterdays ' returned last week from a six weeks' I Carolina, lu t edarrorK townsnip, sensation was the Bureau report, find I trip abroad. Tne suit Is brought in adjoining on the west the lands of . k ... i.i u.. . i '.i r,, i m. m! i vt I .1 oh ii W. Smith, t Ji 1 n H s of W. T. i:iij liiui inn naa nui n inuiciui ine v.nancer.v Luurt ai ireuiuu, j., -- . - " - - trom the shock. To-day we are toiMr. Duke having a country home ! Maynard on the soutfl, the lands of. have the decision of the Cotton Grow-j at Somerville, N. J. Frank T,. HuV- S. Barbee on the east, the lands ers' Association on the minimum ' toon, of this city, is named'as co-;r p- B.' Barbee on' the riorth, 'cotf!; price to be demanded by farmers. I respondent. " ' ' (taining 130 acres, more or less, and The meeting now in progress at Ashe-i The Dukes were marled in Cam-1 described also in the complaint-In ville will, from all present appear- ' don. N. J., on November 29th,' of last ! said PToeeediiigs. ances fix 10 cents ao the minimum and in so doing will wisely resist urgent efforts to set a higher figure. After yesterday's thorough liquida tion, to-days' lull is not surprising, I year, after a brief courtship. Mrs. Duke, who is about 40 years old, tnen was a widow, Mrs. McCredy. It was from her first husband tat she inherited the property on West Sixty- and the general belief is that a period 'eighth street, in addition to consid of scalping markets will intervene ;erable other property. Her maiden before any new marked change will iname was Lillian M. Fletcher, take place. Yesterdays sharp break I Mr. Huntoon is the president of a permitted shorts'Tnke down hand-. I mineral water company at No: it some profits, but it rstjOnly a ques- West Twenty-fifth street. He is well tion of time when a newfyshort inter- known as a man about town and est will accumulate and trn another j lives at the Hotel Wolcott, in West improved movement will b&Jnfder. . 1 ntrty-nrst street, Terms of sale Cash. Time 12 o'clock noon. W. N. JONKS, ' Vf.'-tf'rlskLR;-- v Commissioners Pcelo & Maynard, Attorneys. RALEIGH DETECTIVE AGENCY AN1 MPLOTMENt "BUR P. W.- The range of price to-day Kas been between 5 below and 5 above Tester-, day with principal trading aroftnd last nights' level of prices. J XEW ORLEANS COTTON LETTEB. The Southern Cotton Growers' Assio ciation, at Tlefr rtrt-Aiiniia Meeting, WillI)cide A;..; Important Point. (Special to The Evening Times.J ;. " New Orleans, La., Sept. 5. We had a double header in the way of crop reports to-day ;the weekly aad monthly governmentbulletins hav ing been published atl T a. ' m. and while the weekly report was rather in favor of the market, further dete-.; riofatton having been announced, the monthly bureau condition was fnore bearlslTthan exuected. the Croo Jiav . Ira? if" ing lost-'but' 2 8 -points during the tanTyoVelitleep of More Excursionists Visit City. The streets of the city ar4 to-day animate with a number of excur sionists, who arrived , this. , Jhorning from Franklinton and other points in that section of the State. The weather is las fine as weather, ever gts to be in North Carolina, and as all the people --f romt everywhere like Raleigh there-is no reason why the day should not be happily spent here among those who are both strangers and friends of old. ''. The people, of Raleigh are ' ever" gla'd to welcome to their bounds all those who may care to enter tb.9 city gates, anij hjare Is always acefdrded to them .8ttchAa , cardial and corteoup welcome aswii'ms the cockles of the t. uvt i-.' -A' Prompt and careful aitention jgiven to all business placed 4n our hands.1 Strictly confidential relations tnaln talned wit)i all patrons. .Experienced and Tdiscreet experts -einployed throughout the. South. Address-: ...j, RALEIGH DETECTIVE AGENCY, l0. Box No.. 314, . j RALEIGH, N. C. w vilottr weeks ending with August 2-5 thy market breaking about 50 points in -rcopseqtieacei fiftar ? having', sold s. at V'ltf.Si1 teblttftig to 10.33. finally TfiidV" , Ing at 10.44. The trading was heavy ilri the early morning and the market was well supported until the reading .. of the bureau report, Liverpool show- ' ing an absence of about six points and spot salesthere were larger", six .thousand bales. 1 '' " Conclusions for, and against a' full crop were arrived at by both hulls v and bears, but the bureau figures on . the face indicate a short cfop, about ' 9,225,000 bales, the condition ; and ' : "reduction," -in acreage, amounting to ahout S 7 pef cent less than last year' " Qptl'ttfb.p'r ' rendrt. " There IS 'a poB- tiff d',. i i.u ,ttl j I'., 4 1 t ; v?' Bad UverWHiiUi8Jtei. Tea makes rclh, red i; blood, W gives strength andnaalth. .t43urev-fiTei; 'all hers dLv1i--,cttrosSbSy-fs;.- cents. Tea or Tablets. H. T. Hicks SaaSapail' '',Vv Wo'afMKM 'Bulcide. - s V (By the-Aiirioeiated Press.) - -! v New York.Sifept. 6. Francis, B. Stevens,' the grandson of the. late Commodore 'SteveBS,;', committed sul cide by shooting .imsejf to-da, 3f?i wits wufneu over, uuauciai auaii!. 1 :t- , ;ihi mUTlmtllillt. - HOTEL Shoreham Virginia Avenue and Kearli, AtloLnticCity.N. J. Patronized extensively by North Carolinians. 'Situated in the heart of the ho tel district, within a few hund red yards of the famous board- "walk and convenient to all places of amusement. 'Private baths; elevator; tele phones Jn rooms, etc. Capacity 300. Rates moderate. Write for illustrated booklet. W. B. CGTTEN. t i I yii mil Liiii i nt: riTTr..'riitTiTTi " 15he RALEIGH FURNITURE CO., No. 17 E. MARTIN ST. RALEIGH, N. C 15 MARKET ST EVER.YTHING FOR. THE HOIvE We sell for cash or not. ust At you like. Weekly or Monthly installments. Oar prices are right, mi see us if you want to tave money. All new an J up-to-dat:. Try one of our Fef Mattresses. Try one of our Cook Stoves. Warranted to ?hre satisfaction. Yours for business. ,t5e RALEIGH FURNITURE COMPANY Ralegh Phone No. 244.' . JAS. AI. IUGGAN, jMor. i Flowers, Plants etc Roses, Carnations, Violets and other flowers tor all occasions, i Palms, Ferns, House and Yard Plants for decoration. Shade Trees, Magnolias and Ever green!. Floral Designs ''". v delliered at short notice. Imported Bulbs .For forcing and out-door . planting. Hyacinths, Tulips, Freeslas,. CoIIas, Narcissus, cto. Seid tor "price list 'H. STEINMETZ THE ELEGANT JACKSON SPRINGS HOTEL - v . ., .v . .Vl. V, ' -- 'V . . y . ; fJ V A- ..,if i!.,; F -i ' - it Which" Is now the most iopular resort in T flTofth CaioUua-r-popular be cause, men and women are made new-all over after drinking the -Jack ' son Spring Water the finest In existence. The seasou is now at its best at, this resort, and there's hundreds of delightful, entertaining people there. ' . " . . Thonas 113. FLORIST, Ralalgh, N. C Of ',ic .When: in need SEWING MACHINE OR PARTS Call on . R. L? GREEN, i m 11 W?Hargett St.; r , -Bett ci'none isoi.' ' Ralefgh 'I'hone lll5, It 1 1(' .J''linAlATIt'"f a t ' INVESTORS; The Financial World '7: 7 i KAMPT.R COP FRF.K I- wo;ilrf Esthit' 9tftMik9int WITHOUT thla fearln flnaavlal vhihit tmi It; A4vle ScttIi.. - It bclps you to judpe Waltlmai. (nvMtmenU f faliM. ' It cxirave. rotten I aaare it ib ioaepnaM as it wltb all It trick and trapt. aocaot aerHUoiu ..'dr at a. adTerllslna Jut Uvea and proapun bj mxtf 'ttOMOOl Umti t, tlt;. .c vjl,, wrtn, tuuh: iiiil'lIl HAMS liSSxSS tat INSTITUTE RALEIGH, N. O, Has mode marked developments last ximux and this. Tne course in. I wla- gogy. oy.niiss jj-uiiu jitoyster, is etnai to any in tne south. . , ' . , , , 1 he preparatory work J)y Mlss. Annie Aberneth is very remarkable1 and '.not surpassed any trtienj, ;li,' ; College courses equal to those ;ttfij end for catalogue. ' Sacred Heart ACADEMY BELMONT, GASTOJT COUNTY, " ' NORTH CAROLINA. "t&'bharge ot the Sisters-of Mercy. Location" unsurpassed for healthful- ness. '" Large and commodious -build ings. , Heated' by steam.. ? Electric lights. Extensive playgrounds . Physical, moral and religious train ing, the aim of the faculty. Terms, $130.00 per Year for Board i i" RTI Tuition. . if , i .,'. For. catajtapje jappJfYjU'DirctrjcVJS, DOWN THEY GO! J, ' ' : Clearance ";SaIe: , . Emerson 4-Blade Celling Fans, regular prlce, $38.50. Our price, .$33. OC Emerson 2-Blade Ceillag Fans, regrllar price, $35. ! Onr-prices , j y 30 00 , Emerson 12-inch Office-Desk Fans; regular: price; $15.'-Ourprice.-.v.l3, 00 Emerson: 12-inch Residence Type,1 regular price, 116.50. Our price 14.00 . Emerson 12-lnch Bracket Fan,, regular price, $16. Our price,.,: .14.00 -Emerson- 16-inch Desk Fan; regular prtce,s$18 Our prfce. . . . '10,00. Fort Wayu-he regular price,, S. Oaf price'. '. ;'."';;"". ,'r." 7.00 ' ,j 1 oAi jiTHE STOCK 18 SMALL. CALL tU-RIiT. ' v ' " t-rtiiiMU . 1.' I TmMehiConstructip,n;CQrop3ny . liti;'' .'JilU ,thd ;iibi lK).l SAf.M-f.wa- 1 i avli -1 : .i f ?a:. iiii if' ntt4Md r-?ipio XiK!,. .".M-J 1 f ; ( For Women Chftrtotte N. C A blrii-srade foll(ie for Von..p, e.piUp a .Willi aveivi ru'Ot-fl imm-ove- ,. mem, Jtf I ljiiflcllnl?,.j roourlV ' I to two, per- , !,'" tV'lV.f. lt!i-lrlii duril ftiflj, inipt thnrouvh ReyJ.lUit ldfiurs, Dt rj, f" r'RESlDFNT. V ill ii , ;:': , : OivT'iV i,Offli I )1 ni- ! tiHt4t-"et-H lit t