THE ViUTHtR t II U IM Vtlkll V." SilUV.l I r ' kb w tii an a . . -J ".:: i i t k,k . rf t M-Kai ta CfeCMttM 1 1 ksM 4 TbfAi T. 14 apia, -K a cw.u4 ) wrtKU; ikt an 4a4 M4 atUt . Ik r)' TV 1 1 r te ka Ik kkja. a4 Ur a.iaa. .k. to 4rm i4 tot ata.. It I aj.A wrimtf fciffc ea tk awwifcaaat tk -r l in TU t . area 4r raa,. laa kat tk. as,. rase la kt'ialaas lk TVi fcljfcaat aaaiaaaa rm atWa " i ka S4 TJ 1 H'W TkSKja. .a M efr l rkall Has a i hum Mrr4 at ttatak. 1 im w . kb tn i : TliliWfi(i MliiMM ion I'kartaatea & 1n. Ottakwak. hall I. llii A M TMIKKMCS UikM. kMU U- ". m 4, 14 u Um k i" I Mil tntk kmkra WaJ Kw T- iJ. k" Ike f4 MM am itHt (W Ui ra kf Co. Oretrv Trcvie Discount Mo.m; s Tree Mi 18 luttkl l IHT tMi MMV lfc-, Mr4 lr4ritaf la Hrlar M.-1W M ItoOtfrt U N4 rl hm Afrfrtd ky Tkr Uwrd 4 nidll and tli.tint n i la r-yir m u.1 tuoutlili mviuii lt-rda T kr Aaguat rollmlKiB ifKfii-i Mf H I'll) Tkl Coll!ur J K Junr 4 71. b rfclrf of wKr null lint 0 drMi llrvtia-. t l-ldlT Ikviim-. T Spd mtfttrlla iipuu llo b 11-' ttK l tv1nft, 114 :i. niarkl rrnl. r01 rar ri Ikt-nar. Ilto. rolotcj rrmr Irrt, IJ toul. $!i E, Kjwr of lh Park Hofll r-Krt v) TO lakra In during Augual CuIImMIuuk by Kanitart Ofllitr T ' Sal amouDtrd lo 4n6 !k The board conaldtrvd I he lax rale ifl 10 od thr $ 1 Oil raluatlun aod ll.Stt on the poll) u bm I tied by the Board of Aldtrnicn, but did not art upon It. Thr board of audit and finance h.ia not yet approved the budftvt for the year and will not act on the lax rale until thin Is done avt kM kakrtak Mi V CM Kmmtmtt kf krht, ktimlt trvm Ik Tt"4 ltirli It! k iM-4 kkt '" kM I lik la k ruiHata (! tr ikfw . kt I M iarraaa Uwii Ittau Jwa Tau Naaklka UalM t i .. . Ultra t lurab I l,aah!irr ku fcUHk llllW Htim k LaanlM-i ( v saJtsr4 Hau tiir Uvrir-il a l4lr Klikbiaa Hulls a J fW Ur w.;l4 Ik 1.. t , ka MM 4m4 tMwl w l-l Ik MV t k W .4 k. H.C Tk kM.lf a i4 la fiHki rtf 4 ktt V k t .4 a- kv.l lkr . .av-iik4 4 if ..W ttravtt Ik iiAr f.r J tk h.k Na Coosl U.irjf i, StrJ lo bet cr AtiersUwUi M--tf at U trance Sale Prices. Ixlx ilr Kail U Htm J T Jotker Mair SurB) lrt4ral of mkoola. and I" ' tarla 1) Mrllver. Prraldenl of Slat Normal. Irfi for Nra link vtundajr. hrrv I hey alll am II lud.v on Ik IMvcaer. for a all e-k ur of Kurop The) mill iiu V'ranre. Ceiiuaat lial and otbi-r mr iix utal rountrlea. and Ihrn (o '. KiiilaBd and St-olland MISS IUMA M.AHW OK HI TTK. A Remedy Without A Trer. "I find Chamberlain's Stomach and l.lver Tablets more beneficial than any other remedy I ever used for Htomuch trouble," nays J. P. Klote, of Kdlna, Mo. For any disorder of the alomarb. biliousness or constipation, thte Tablets are without a e!r. For sale by W. G. Thomas and Robert SimpHon. AFTKUN(H) MAKHIA(;K. yilsn K' A. Ijfhman llcompii the Bride of Mr. Alex. V. Wheeler. A pretty wedding was solemnised After Two V ear She Kound Krsml; for IkBiMlmff. Mlas Kooa MrAhan of ;il W. Quarts alreet. Hutte, Mont . ' Herplrlde has tborouKhly rleanm-d my M-alp of dandruff, with mhlrh II was entirely covered: and it has slopped my falling hair I hnve tried many different preparation In the past two years, but none look effwet except New bro s Herplcld." Dandruff Is a Rerm disease and Her plrlde is an Infallible destroyer of the germ. "Destroy the cause, you remove the effect." Kill the dand ruff (Term. Ask your druggist for Herplcide. It U a delightful dress ing; allays Itching: makes the hair Roft as silk. Sold by leading drug gists. Send 10c. In stamps for sam ple to The Herplcide Co., Detroit, Mich. Henry T Hicks Drug Co.. Special Agents. r SVM4 Wkim VL k4kU CW a4 truest t asn4 M kr amirrr4 as sltukaw nNUr Masf rmtti mmrr4 M MSk ar a kA, kkf as rt taaaraa ! Ik lr- kr1 af tk sVat tk ti4a s skwwt kit carwi ta tM rat rl a4 rt SwitaM ran U4 4 n r raitr kkr TWr r bm (4kialais W t trial a4 k U.g kt Ik Ik rrw r rMn (tl. Ik MlM a4 cai- kaxag fa4 k4 tk kwl U k k4i TV rrwa k ka ik irr lmna I k at m . k awttaai ) 4 rrf fi i4 Hrklac k4 Wavam wit anwti ia tk rl a4 MtrAl aurlkwk of ik aklk la tk ' M axklkf am taiir4 a krali faraaa lkn ai teaa rarta f aWd4lag aa4 lumlbs 1 k caktrs 1 1 aa4 rm MriH,aa tlt la th aat tkar ar mil rrgar4. tbr plaaia ked4ia( tk4r tup kolla, aa4 lo pi-e the eoitoa is tars tag ycllva Tbr -Uoa In la aaat Is aura tag It l( aid io waks er llar tbaa Ui vrar nd prmtrrl Tb ilrld Is under the araraca. kid OB rrMjrl oal) a onr half crop. Cora Is about made in tbvaaat and central portions of the Slat, aad la tb wet It Is maturing nlcalr. la th aajit lb coin pron-wl la for a good crop la the et and fair la the cvntral pan of the si me Sartag of roddST and ha i under way la all MVtlona of the Stair nd la most Mictions of the nM It Is all boused I Peanuts promise s .l crop. Swart 'lotatoe and turnli are dolog floe In nearly all localities la most place row peas nv promising well, but there are reMrt of vines being fine but very fern peux Irish pota toes are doing will In all sect Ion I . but In some plnc-ei in the west the) are rotting In the ground due to vet weather. Grapes are promising Veil in the east although there mra ftw reports of a short crop. Peaches art scared In a 1 1 sections and applea are nearly all lost hiving rotted and fallen to ihe ground. BackwbaaJ where planted is doing fine. Laad Is being turned for wheat and rye. and In some sections rye and oats art be ing sown. ' '"- The following rains have been1 re ported: Raleigh 1.27. Goldaboro 1.14. Greensboro 0.08. Lumberton 0.86, New Bern 1.0R. Weldon 2.44. New Goods Fast Appeecrintf rerj tic-til trii ui r j-c W. ir stVJLzg tit ttw Lzts ta t:r & Icdcu fxll 1 iirtv Wt tin diztel CI ienrer rr;rii ia Inzc'i tctitr 1906 till cf nirni:rt rzeniziis$. Hcz trw tzl vxr.ti by & fu- c-t 19u5 I ill iicic ci izsrz. lidicui trtuU Uj tXii-j-tJ uw-wt Lit CTerlcUi to ft4turt Icwird cuirg cur ttw CUfixy ctxzUt vc4 irsrt tiinrutt lixa tier, CHILD RZX S CLOAKS. l pjirnJ new fall itvJ of ttiiUirrnB Cotti ' f r KhttJ. Tlif rut j irk ii 1--riyi Jvaiitprm, T!ie rl jH are lMu Urown. Tan am! HUrkt $5.00, W OO, 70 atxl $10 00. LAD ITS' CRAVENETTE COATS. Tlifs rainproof 'rtkats air liitdv and warm u kun- rn.piiau la '"'..hint tlavs M-nt H as a r!tak a Kt-mral utility panntut, at $7-50, $10.00 aiul $1100. NEW SHIPMENTS OF SKIRTS. The latest f t vies in Au tumn Drcsn Skirts for latlifs, in broadcloth, Pana ma Cltth, Clieviots, 8?rRe and (Vaventttc round Ifiiffth in Black, Navy, Tan and (Ira v. The mate rials used in them; (Skirts are guaranteed shrunk and sponged. Prices, $6.00, $7.60, $10.00 and $12.50. CHILDREN'S SCHOOL HATS. New things in Children's Patent Leather Tri-corner- ed Hats for school wear: modestly priced. Only 75c. ami $1.00. Misses' Felt Top Hats, trimmed Paris style; in Navv, Havana Brown and I Oa!r.!.rue. TLcw onlr 75c Cr.tfrjtit PbpTran w.d, 0UT1NQ FLANNELS. cU..r Cml art fiun frt." NVur iJiipnwtit ef OutinsiTlie jttfmt ar Wild lio. Cloth. Amo-Atas "Tratl' Srarlft Poppr, Vkdrt and Dturn" tiki ,laur nuth' S rt.ll dt rict. in all wLite, in flain color, li:Ht athl'the irix for all Wing only dark mixture, for kiinona,'ihe price of the flsa alone, raj Hi, guwiiH and dretw ;.25g trold last fall for Tbttsl Pillow on Linen nave 10c iCanrai. DnUr Head. Fmok- LEATHER GOODS. 1r and Poppy Pillowi anU Xottltiea In Leather Linen tntrrpie of Violet Hand Bag, lit lta and 'and "n, PI')' DaUr, Iure a clean, utraightll nl other deigna in . i a a . a m m line of cotnla at iiopuiar w"r, ail irec lor me a0? l i 1 a m x pricet; good values, ouc lbc.t $1.00, $1X0 and up TABLE LINENS, TOWELS AND NAPKINS. You can save money on these staples, and it a a aav ine w-m a a w m i itiue ana jsrown lame Linens at 19, 45, 65 and 89c. Turkev-lietl Damask. Oil Colors, 23, 25 and 45c Tabic Napkins, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. , Fruit Napkins, 50c Face Towels, 10, 15, 20 aivd 25c. Bath Towels, 25c Bath Mat. 50c. and $1.00. ROYAL SOCIETY EM BROIDERY FLOSS. . Just to introduce a trial of this new embroidery ma terial, the stamped , Linen price of the floss alone, 50c LACE GLOVES AND LACE STOCKINGS. These, lota of Gloves and Summer Hose for ladies come in for no small share e staples, and it a a aav-'of your attention, if you are well worth the making . of Urjrain& Indies' Black Lace Silk Mitt. 35, 50 and 75c. kinds' are now 19, 25 and 38c Finest Lisle U loves, Black with lace fingers, 50c value, 19c Ladies White and Tan lace Hose, 50c., now 38c Ladies' Lisle Lace, Black, Cliampagne and Mode,' 75c, now 57c; $1.00 now 75c Iiadies' Black Silk' Em broidered Hose, $2.00 now $1.25; $2.50 now $1.50.' y Ladies. Blue Embroider ed Lisle; Hose, 50c, now 38c -Ta, w VJ . I f 17 V 'i ti 4 mm :( ' :y'--r- - ' - - ' i MEM i ' k..' a . V. J w-" i ;. -it .. Now M PFOfFess. Men who prefer having their garments made to order will again have an opportunity to have their measure taken at our store. We have arranged with CM0 BFdDS. & Co., the famous "Quality Tailors', of New York and Baltimore,to have their expert cutter and fitter, Mr. Famme, at our store the remainer of this week with a full line of samples. The Fabrics this year are unusually: I handsome, while the style and fit of Schloss-made Garments is established. We want to show you the new tailoring fabrics that will be popular this Fall and Winter with well-dressed men. Prices will be in keeping with Lross oc unehan Los., usual way ol reasonable charg ing for high-grade, superbly tailored apparel. .-v 'On this, occasion the:veiy .finest' fabrics Jrom;(the.;forempst American and Foreign Mills will be displayed. It will be a shovin f hat will eclipse alt former exhibits of the kind. The most stylish suits worn here this season will be made by our Tailors. We cannot say too miich for our tailors.. They have mastered, the ; tailors art--they; have perfected every detail in 1 ii ririvni ifl jainri tiffin inv I jirnmnc 'jririnion iir .Mil Jim w iriivr iiiii 'jrr iiii iviiiiiu jiiiriii i ur vi dii ill iiifi iinin , iiiriii iivri .. ,i v ,.,., UIIIIVIIl IIIUUIII) UIIVI kllV lUJIIfVIIJ UUVlVU IVI . I Ull UliVI ITIIIkVI UIV MitUrfuuuj uvmuvviivi.v ; vil ill UIU ivrvi .vi.i ..v .J, ;'"-m -i .:"'" :"' 1.1 i ' wii i ' i-'.:- 1 i y. e "I :- t I ; l - f . .1. . voooa Ml il I )bd Proposition: We propose to show.yoii thd best. and. most .fashionable fabrics for the.. v ; : ! !i ' coming year, if they please you; w 1 (7r1, v.. '; X. a ts , it L . -J L. o v

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