y Si 7 S C 2 I J k MING TIMES i EALtlGH, K. C THUESDAY. SEPTTUBEB T, im PEicr 5c ELO FIE THE s BUFFETTEQ Dl HOB OF THE iHr- P D W E R BEMUD .fifefcUu lkr TM U MUHDEB IFIULLI Maw. U4 7 MmW4 THE ililT SEA YELLOW PLAGUE THE T M ttJ fttsatar c4 Um hm te ifce Late ir tf to lxw. t forty tm lr V a) MU.ll (r It GKlfcMi. ( " Four Attendants of StatcS: Hosrltil Arrested Yes terday Afternoon NEW EVIDENCE HEARD BY CORONERS JURY ftmirt Jmrj tlada That Hmnhm U. Halt (W to HI I Will t tit Hajad el AHnlMU- KeMf Ulvra Out a to Sew Evk&rar. la mpotw lo an order laaued by Coroner T. M. Jordan late yester day 'afternoon J r. King. U R. High. W. r. Durham aad Jack Peele, tn attendant or the Stat Hospital who rapture! TUumaa H. Nail, the escaped maniac, on August 14th. are la jail awaiting trial for the killing of Nail. The coroner's Jury In aeaalon all day yesterday at Strickland Coffin Hoaae, where the body warn, and late la the afternoon they ren dered their verdict, which vai that the deceased came to hla death from wound Indicted bjr the four atten dant. The proceeding of the coro ner' court yesterday were aecrot, and o far nothing ha been given out a to an; r.r: ctlJsnco placed before them. The evidence of seve ral were taken who were at the Cara letgh MID, and a farmer by the name of Maasey waa published In The Times several day ago, all of which tended to show very strongly that the atter. lants used undue force In capturing the escaped Inmate. The body wa brought here yes terday and examined by the coroner and Jury, and sent back for burial immediately. The following gentle men composed the Jury: A. M Powell. I. C. Blair, John Ward, C. J. Parker, A. R. D. Johnson and J. H. White. The formal verdict and warrant upon which the men were arrested reads 4s follows: "State vs. J. C. King. L. R. High, Jack Peele and W. P. Durham. "To the Sheriff of ( Wake county Greeting: "Whereas, on the 6th day of Sep tember, 1905, an Inquest over the bodv of one Thomas H. Nail was held by me in the city of Raleigh, N. C.,; and, "Whereas, a Jury was duly sum: moned and sworn, according to law, to make said inquest; and, "Whereas, said Jury rendered as their verdict that Thomas H. Nail came to his death as a result of blows inflicted by J. C. King, L. R, High, Jack Peele and W, F. Durham; "Now. therefore, you are com manded forthwith to arrest the said J. C King, Jack Peele, L. R. High and W. F. Durham and them Bafely keep in the common JaU of Wake county, so that you have them at a court to be held In the county of Wake on the 25th day of September, 1905. . , - r r "Witness my hand and seal this 6th day of September, 1905, (Signed) - ' - "THOS. M. JORDAN. (Seal) ;' V "Coroner for Wake county." 5. , The arrests were maae by, Deputy RWIffs i WalterB and Stell. " The . young , men were taken very unex ;n DectedlrV as they perhaps thought ',: that nothing further would be done V v about the matter;,'. . However, they ;.:' came to Raleigh very quietly and were placed in Jail. They; then sent ' ', f of Col; S. O. Ryan, who will be the leading; counsel for the defence, , Dr. Jordan i trying- to get the tes tlmony ready to give to the press by t to-morrow. Two stenographers are .at work on the notes taken. ' - . The only new testimony, and on . - which the verdict was based was the ! testimony of Mr. Moody, of Chatham . who buried the body and exhumed i I it, and Dr. Taylor, the coronet' of . : Chatham, who - testified as to the i skull of the dead man being broken, and other evidences of severe licks ; !by a stick.' ' v , ' "', VICTIMS OF THE STORM. , It Is v Reported That Fully - Forty -.. " - Lives Were Lost On Lake 1 VV , s Superior. . ' ' ' (By the Associated Press.) : ' - Marquette, Mich., Sept. 7.- The ' todies of four men and one woman til - Urwrtof. K C. ' tksr Uc. k tora wttk Mr Julia r TrWr a4 wta fr t Ofwi borm rarwitar CMnpaay. vaa kotd ImI alckt at S6t4lht at eoraw c4 W 4 jm aad (Wr Krw as rvlWvod 4 III. He waa alk tag aUwg mH Lm trwt hem t . a cm) 4 a toll tary were w kit of Mark, rasa mp to ktsa. I e taking him try la arsa aad the! hr dravtag a ratal oa ktai. Owe i of Ike smsi told Loag to give htm what bbob7 he had. Ixxig aald he1 had o taomr. The aaaa told him that he kaw he did haw B"r aad that he had Juat aa wall gl It ap lxcg. serlag the alaattM oi (ar tbvr drtiikl. gave the tartk tht Cftaro dollars that he had oa hi pvraon Hit wa ttna allowrd to prord Police bd quarters waa notlned of the affair aad Hergaant Ptarre. who was la charge, dlapalcbed a police man to the arena. kiJ calling up Chief Neelry, who oa laarnlng of the hold-up derided to look Into the i matter some himself. A abort while1 before word had come that burglars bad tried to effect an entrance Into i houae on Weat Le about a block i west of wber Long wa held up and two policemen had btn avnt to In vestigate. These policemen were In two hundred yard of Long when he was held up, but a the affair wa very Quietly conducted they of course had bo mean of knowing that they ! were needed. RAILROAD KATALITIKS. Two Wrecks Occurred To-Day In Pennsylvania and Many Persons Werw Killed and Injured. New Castle; Penn.. Sept. 7. A collision of two express train on the Western New York and Pennsylvania Railroad occurred at Wilmington Junction this morning. The report Is a score killed and fifty injured. Three Killed Outright. Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 7. A fast passenger train westbound on the Pennsylvania ran into a party of five worklngmen at Homewood station. Two were killed outright and three seriously injured, one fatally. The dead are William Gardner and Robert McKee and Wm. Gundy will die. N Feloniously Not In Bill. Salisbury, Sept. 7. Late this af ternoon, during the trial of James, Charles and Will Carruthers, charged with conspiracy In connection with a secret assault upon young Walter Crump, on the morning of August 26th, Mr. Bennett, of Charlotte, their attorney, madea motion to art rest Judgment In the first case, In which the three men 'were convicted Saturday. He Introduced evidence to show that the word "feloniously" was not in the bill. Judge Long Bald that, under the. circumstances, the only safe course for him to pursue was to grant a new trial to the de fendants. DEATH OF DR. MENKES. Was One of the Best Known Physi cians in the South and a Former' Member of the Confederate ' Congress. ' (By the Associated Press.) . Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 7. Dr. Menees, one of the best known physi cians In the South, la dead, aged 83 years. Dr. Menees was a member of the Confederate Congress and had been professor In the medical de partments of several Southern col leges. , ' , i Stoned By Mobs, ' ' . '(By the Associated Press.) , Toklo, Sept 7.s B. H. Harriman, President ' ot the - Southern Pacific Railroad, ' had ' been threatened and Marauis Ito; President, of the brivy council, has been stoned by mobs. Neither were Injured. ' " Moroccan Government Yields. w': . - (By the Assootated Press.) i) Paris, Sept. .7 A despatch to the foreign office announces that the Ato- roccan Government has yielded to the French demands and.' given com' plete satisfaction, , , af; ,' ; Ready for Next Campaign. ": SU Louis, Sept.' 7. The sub-corn mlttee of the Democratic StateCom mittee met 'to-day at the call of Chairman W. N. Evans and began its work of organization for the next campaign. - , , , , ; 1 ', f J,;t, Ttc Entire Tiip if ttc K Trorlc Filled With Excitement CREW REACHEQ USD AFTER LONG STRUGGLE Ttw HitimmI Mtlr, parwr and Ulfi- a of llw I rew rr MMlr ilvura Trll llw Mtiry of TlK-lr lrt ttlk.aa. bMlBl lo 1'he Kvenlng Tlnn ) Charleston. C. Sept. 7 Tin nrlllKh sieHtnuhlp Tropic, 2.3 4 W ti'iih Captain Hurler, arrived in tl.ia Kirt )tfHprdav after a Toye tbt had laaied ti-arly tbre month and wbitli tu nllfd with excitement. The ond mate, purser and fifteen aeamen are mimting. Sailing frotu Valparlao, Chile, June tut, the Tropic met with bad weath er at one, and on June JHtb, ahll oft Pii i u and about flftren mllns from Conmltutlon. the lookout retried "breaker ahead," and before the ahlp could be got about abe hadonc hard unround not over SOQ yards f rom the beach. High eaa were run- ntnK and it waa real lied that some thing tnunt be done. The second mate, punier and t fleen seamen put out In the nrt life-boat for Consti tution, for aid, but never retarned. All night the seas dashed over Hhe Tropic and Che twenty men on board huddled Iq the cabins and jmmurfta- illy ' expected the end. ' MomlnK brought hoe In the Right of men en shore but there Beemed no way to get to the ship. No boat could live in the breakers and no swimmer could make the Bhore. A happy thought came to the captain, and (Continued on Tage two.) Negro While on Way to Jail Knocks Sheriff Down and Runs New Furniture Store Boy As saults Father, With Knife. (Special to The Evening Times.) Burlington, N. C. Sept. 1. Sep tember term of Alamance county court Is In session at Graham this week, with Judge Ward presiding. Many, minor criminal cases have been disposed of. Albert Russell, a Burlington ne gro drayman, after having been fined at Graham court yesterday for participating in a fight at a ball game at Glbsonville recently, and falling to raise the necessary amount of cash to satisfy the State, was ordered placed in jail While Sheriff Kernodle was taking the ne gro to jail the negro knocked him down .choked him and ran. He evaded arrest .' until to-day at noon, when he was arrested by Deputies Squires and Vestal and placed in jail to await his summond to answer the charge of forcibly resisting an of ficer. --Dixon- Furniture Company is the style of a new furniture store to be opened at the corner of Davi9 and Spring streets at an early date. Rev. M. C. Arrowood, paitor of Burlington Presbyterian church, has resigned his, pastorate.'' To-day,'s issue of The Burlington NewB contained an item of news which reflects no credit; to the civlli asation of ouKlittle city, but which you if ."' i correspondent reluctantly copies. It is as follows: "On last Monday morning at the breakfast table Joslah Allen, 'of East Burlington, attempted to administer ai: thrashing to his 16-year-old son, when' the boy drew his ; knife and whacked away at the father; cutting several dangerous ',lookIAg gashes across hl3 back. The father was not conscious that he waa being eut -until warned by his wife, and in order to free, himself from the littler rascal that Was whacking away at him, he picked up a piece of stove wodd and SHERIFF HIT BY PRISONER (Continued oa Socond page.) ' as THERE IS A DEM FDR STATE QUARANTINE I In l'r-W( Hit U4l tot! ' 1 rlliutr lo (lw I rtii i t I lw- Marlm s.. V II . II n .1.1) ( Hi II.. .V . i . I S, (IiUhiu, I.. i - Ml! li"ii of markti im ! . ' - v Mi li de nuled uoii Si ( H i i it umlit .iti.l made life nu.-i .il.l several I .mi rs. itii:i'e.iii 1 i I he feier - it Hill IOII KllllWe.l Il.l In ' nil . iKlllJtl tii :i . :i Hte:ul I in .' i . i.n ill lein siiomii In the i Ity i ..'Mitri :.iui .it Ion Is dlKionri'i 1 1 in: ome ".n ttur.s. Th dlsivise I., ., ,i:ue:it l i:ot ii Rtrori tl.nKl .it t.ihMlali .i nil l-iki1 I'rovldi'iii iittil i- ull .. len in imiiitB at Jefferson. St i li.n l.-. ami Si .lolin parish.". The I" al Iiusiii. sk Ml nation Ik .steadily Impi ov i ti m To-llny' Casit.. I he nei ru Hex sun e kit o elm L Wednesday were 11. a total of l'.l.,:i. deaths 3. a total or SIM. One .a si nus reported al Sellers, l.a rue weather 1 threatening and cool. WedncKilny'i. I'Vver Ket-oril. New Orleans,, Sepi. 7. OflW-l.il re- nort o C p. tu. VVuUneaday ulghl was as follows: New canes, :i 1 : total to date it: Deaths, 4 : total, !is New foci. li. Canes under treatment. 1117. CaseH dismissed. 1 . r. 2 ? . There was no special IVatim (Continued on page two.) In OF Uddy of W. A. llarbee Carried Back to Duihain Last Night By His Brother Act Supposed to Be Result of Busine Troubles. The body of W. A. Barbee, the young man who committed suicide yesterday in room No. 34 of the Yar borough House, was taken to his home iu Durham on the early morn ing train this morning. His brother, Walter F. Barboe, of Durham, in response to a telegram, arrived fyom Durham on the Keys ville' train at 6:25 last evening and took the body back to Durham. There is nothing more to add to the account, as the Times covered the matter fully yesterday afternoon. Within half an hour all of the details were In print, and there is absolutely nothing more to add. The unfortunate man, as stated, was W. A. Barbee, of Durham, a son of Justice of the Peace G. A. Barbee, a well known man in Durham, who has reached the advanced age of 71 and is' well thought of by all who know him. .When Barbee left Durham, after losing his position with the Durham Bull Tobdcco Company Tuesday morning, he had about 600 or $750, anq seemed to be in a very, despond ent mood. He came to Raleigh, and drank more or less for some time, but did not get drunk, He was a frequent visitor to East Raleigh, and a woman in that section says tnat he: had $400 when there, and said that he was going to kill himself, but she thought nothing. of it, as this is a very usual threat made by men who v frequent those places, when under . the Influence of drink and troubled. .Besides his father he leaves one brother and five sisters, three mar ried and two single. Ills sisters seem especially to have weighed upon: his mind for to all whom he confided his troubtes he spoke of the distress hia business misfortunes Would give them 1 vt 1 ; . . The only reason that can be sup posed for the rash act' of 'the young Griming Eacli tm B) MOR DETAILS Tt. ''' ki4 ili' kbJ f ' ' fn i c,kl ..I I e i vi- tbft I ! t vi- 1 l.i urn i M nn t.. ni w k h luilrt, I. ISBl lt-l K kll II"' - 1 SI ' ) h'ftt ,iJ . rr Minn ) r-BB and v Hlh I'kii.i I . W. . ! I , . ' H. H via -i IMIMIITIM HIIKiiH Illim.U l . i.lral al .1 tie " ..lli 1Ur it IUIIa) IMHsin a !-.. Irf-Btar of liar Ten ltew. - en Ira I I I . ! I.. . 1-1 . i N until. ii ! I ii ii s. ,.i I i ii ri iliTut m .l tii.it the Illinois . . and tt.e MillttleTll la:lai I1.1I1- .e ijllll.'d I tie I .-:i lie ,:..-e (elili., ,i..i. 1 a NM ie:u H,fr ilnliMnr. the Inn r N t -1. 1 .11." i.inl 1 nini- t Ihim- tan mill- IIHI. to t lie 1 It I I Is s.ilit the I I II noli- IVnHaJ ret- t lie ro-.il li. iaii-- it til 1 1 Ii- and Ho, .kin: i Hie Sonthein to ir.it" t h- . v I s 1 1 1 11 ol the main line In nmn Jiin.-tion as well ;i i' he lua in Ii hues and the llllet II d I 111 Mhiii lllllei. of vrim uoiths dkstium m Vii.l All (lie I'lidoriew and Oilier Worts Have lb-en 'loaed. I H . the Asm., lat. d I'ress ) Ti (1 Is. Sesit 7 All the napllia Hoiks at Haku have been destroyed ind all the factories and other works closed. Artillery has been despatched from here by a special train. Prices of benzine, kerosene and their resi dues have risen enormously and the supplies are small,' The Tartar - movement In northern Caucasus la .said to lie directed principally against the government. I'RKUJBT TRAINS ('(11.1,11)1.. And Cause the Instant Death of One Man, anil Several Others are I'nder Wreckage. . (I!y the Associated l'ress. ) I'aducah, Ky., Sept. 7. -In the head end collision of two freight trains at Obion river bridge In Ten nessee, brakeman Lewis, of Mem phis, was killed, three are missing and four others hurt. The missing are engineer Williamson, fireman Smith and brakeman McKadden ol ton producer; it Is a meeting of in Mempliis, all believed to under the telllgent men; It is a meeting or wreckage. prosperous men. In fact, it is a ATTEMPTED SlICIDE, Cornier City Treasurer of Norfolk Shoots Himself and is Not Ex pected to Recover. (By the Associated Press.) Norfolk, Va., Sept. ". City Treasurer Wallace W Former Hunter attempted suicide by shooting in HI m wood Cemetery to-day. No cause Is known. Recovery is thought to he impossible. UOYCOTT SITUATION SERIOl'S. I Trouble With the Coolies is Expected ' to Occur in a Few Days. (By the Associated Press.) Amoy, China, Sept. 7.--General Corbln and his party have arrived. The present condition of affairs in connection with the anti-American boycott inovement is uncertain and the coolies are expected to make a serious outbreak, about September 13th. St hooner Goes Ashore. (By the Associated Press.) Atlantic City, N. J., Sept. 7. The schooner Edith and May Fernandina, bound for New York with lumber, and the crew of five men Went ashore at Corson's Inlet but will probably float on the next tide. SIX DEATHS. More Additions to Cholera's List of ."' f'; ' " Victims. ; (By the Associated Press.) Berlin, Germany, Sept. 7. There were fifteen new 'cases of cholera to day and six deaths," making a total of 105 cases and 32 deaths. Miss Settle Will Not Go On the Stage. . Greensboro, tiept,. ?.--Miss Flossie Settle 'wiri not appear' here in "The Clansman." ' -, An acquaintance . of hers here received from her on yes- iterday a. letter in which her engage ment with , the company producing "The ClansmatiV Meeting Will Terrctualc the Reign of "King Cotton- THEY UE HELD IN GROWER S INTEREST II I'ur'MAr of ll.f .-1ll,i; 1 un to a.air hiimii In. tlx I .row 1 r ami In In He Vlluin.uiH I'rii 1 I .Ml. .11 .1 I mi. I If. Wu III. II .1 1 o 1 ti 1 HI III 1 (Mirted of the ss.m la was a it ti 1 1 loji a . otn nut 1 ii 1 ; r o i'r& ed lo .lai I t In ' 11 in al uiii her u I '0! ion 1 inn w lih h reHirt liililK Ih I .; ti.iU-- nriMl in t ion a-- eouditlon ..1 ioiiipar.il ear 7:1 i and an loinpar.'d (in eminent eMIniute ot ileld Is renarded in wl I as from ten to ten ami a II llllle ere ex m-i ted Mltll l.-1-.t Ullll the 7 t 1 he nilil 1 - tin hall llillll The lrod in t ion and pi-iieuiaK- ! Slates Alahunia 1 .112 1 1. 1 ( Mi :.-. 1 ! 7 7 II Arkansas I- lot Ida (ieorgia 1 Indian Territory . Ixi u Is I ana North Carolina . . . Oklahoma South Carolina . . . Tennessee :ti. 1 .1 mi :t i 5 . f &.!.". 2 0:10,(1114 307.602 791. 7 242.202 2,:iX2.762 1.20078 1 s 7:t Texas Mississippi Miscellaneous . . Wednesday's Ashe vi He, Sept. 7. 74. 70. G""..i ib. Meellng. The Southern Col (on tirowers' Association, which convened at Kenilworth Ian yester day morning at 10:80 o'clock, with President Marvin .Jordan in the chair, is distinctly a meeting in the inter est of the grower; It is a meeting for which the manipulator has little use; II ii a meeting that has little use for the manipulator: it Is a meeting on which such men as Theodore H. IMrce may look in upon but whose voice must not be raised in its coun- - cjf, it Is a meet Inn composed of the hnwnnil ninovnhhn 9n,nh .k i meeting to perpetuate the reign of "King Cotton," with the Southern Cotton Growers Association as the power behind the throne. Opening Session. When President Jordan rapped for order in the sun parlor of Kenilworth lnn ne looked out upon an assembly of committeemen, delegates and visi tors to the number of fully 200. The attendance at the convention is gath ered from the 14 cotton-growing States and Territories of the Union. They are here for business. They are representatives of the most prosper ous section of the nation, the cot.tou belt of the South. They are all smiles and they intend to make the "people on the other side" feel their 1 power. President Jordan dispensed j wit h a set speech. He Btated in terse and concise language the purpose of the meeting: to hear discussion on conditions; to secure accurate statis tics direct from the growers; to fix 'the minimum price of cotton and to strengthen the association. I BODY OF MISSING BOY FOUND. : Ray Parsons, Eight Years of Age, Drowned in Broad Creek. (Special to The Evening Times.) New Bern, N. C, Sept. 7. Ray Parsons, an eight-year-old white boy, j was drowned in Broad Creek, Pam lico county, Tuesday afternoon, by getting Into deep water. The boy was probably alone as he was not missed until the following morning. I it being supposed he had gone to some relatives home. The body was found late Wednesday evening. APPOINTED SPECIAL ASSISTANT And Will Conduct the Cases in Re gard to the Cotton Leak Investigation. (Bv the AsWtclafed PresR.) :' Washington,. Dw C Sept. 7. Former United States District Attor ney Beach, District of Columbia, was appointed special assistant to , the Attorney General, to conduct , the. cases involved In the cotton leak In vestigation. . 1 i, - ' ' ; 1 .i h T i

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