lu. gi fT.'i- f j i H UJ I l wa ao-t id I :j. ia ua atmita aa mm mvrl at k a.a mm 4 iW BoYlanPenrce Co. BovlanPearce Co; Sis 1 ' i L I t : ta -. 1 i 1 " n u 1 I $ 1 - JliliHiilliul -- fcblMrt a, k.lfc M tfc Ulj4 k--a- U4 Aw kat a k.k mmt, kt .- aUl a at llic tn .tM ah , ..- t ! mk'Jf a I w , cmhI ajr aa a k4 t AntvaaA Wth4 t- i . a HI, a tl 11 atiami M. at IU (w1 kaaa la tka f: 4 A.lUl. X C. - Imi mm a kktMa k4ir I . . t. LUt l.i iv 4(Hm4 it. t ! abk awni4 a A. M t f t ML J Ik. f . A ... J ft .4 Ik vm u tLa Kvttw UhimM1 HA MU. A ty4 lft-t4 1 .. W ma (utl I kit wM.kM (teal tnai aj 1 1 W O 1 - twaiH Are. A 1 rrj . , Hs -aaw f IW Ikaf. iixil I T Ealn TIbmm I M prtadlr ak t-ar laat U irakk h-r fH a rattc-tla U a la Mltrtli til 4aJ. Tra tkoas aa tttnli4U a tka port ( coadltloa kM ooaraacd MrcfcakU u4 4itr allk tfcal Ibrr n vaiuag U) tbatr re. It to ot Vl)f4 lkt rlrk Urr MTt W lh sa!M kail ool j Utr fcoldlBfi bar nU, thoacb M Apr U tbou(t aeBt f i altor a-Jt7 br kav 41pea4 oC At least r-' itom vt thalr cotton. ' '"r Cktl(rB rrptt U prlaflpal A ellart fr lmporlara. ! U4 tha Urarpool market t t!lav than1'1 Mutkvra markaU wr attar. , 6ck, think thfy ara mlaUkea. A rjr atcadr vudartonc la tha baat T00" feat arc. No 00a vtha to operate on ItSa bort aide. iltBBARD BROS. A CO. I k"k 4a r . . .. l t ik kUr ...... 4 I ktar kiw . Apf kta .. ... ,. t 4 k HiHkM ..... I kt l it Jkb Jul! lit I Jaij-Jla . I J I !AiK -CW-i-t hjK -Ore 1. 1 1 , Ot Ko. . . I H K .!. .. .. II l.H 'Di-Ja ,'ktlM. T.t k-m k ti. j Too kUcaJr, 3k- Vark CMim MMkr 4il4 r. M. Oiw Mlak. Uav ! ki l l ) i it it ii it ! 7 II Tl tl II M 17 Ik l It 10 T II II III II. 4J 11.41 tttcadjr. II ti II II 10.41 1U 41 10 IS II. II 10 41 10 4 A'ltIM II II II II II 41 10 41 lUlrlgk HkH C4tun. Raece of prlrca to-day 10 51 to 10S- Etctt dT frcra bow cn e fhow New Kerchia distv iierc.ird:ia llAt is ilrirtlj tp to Ut vr J aa AcaAUe. Fcr to iscrTow Black Taffeta. 9Sc. 38 icchfts wide, high lustre, tnooih tzuh. BUck Ta( fetA a iptxUJ TAlue Per yird ... 98c Tarleton Silk Plaids. For WiiitA, BIouk And Triimningi, 20 mchei wide, rery hindwne. Price, per yird $1 00 Rob Roy , Silk Plaids. The hiadjomest and best finished PUids on the mar ket, yery chick and the newest thing cut for WaUU. Priced, per yard $139 NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY ARRIVING AND YOUR INSPECTION SOLICITED. it.i. in a tl , i i a . i !. a t. t a u . k a ba ka?.aalaa aal Kuttk n.c (! atkaiif V,. t 1 .!. :m l) 1 awt le a t s l iki tf Tltiba H l u.i.. irti4 j'!"- t k. .4 ,b rn. t. -4 It U tkr !ib ! lU'iu It hnajia I n ft h l!wt.if bottkwartl? ! .. : I. m.j liaetxHi I . ' t In I U ft ft kr ta I ani t Ul 1.4ft' IIW ftftld W ! JllftM ' I ."!.( Irt'lllt.i Ilk kald !,' Ul.r 1 I ftft.d ! j in n ft'-1!. r f.t w t, jti. i.' .f - i.i i t ) J C.wrilit'! I" !. .- ; . 1 I I : i r 1 1 mu ' It ft ' Mi a .!ftl. i if I A Jnl.i-f ft' 1 . ! ' i ii ' ii ' In it itl r 1 ( ftCd ri OHIC( I tietif r Id a iltir amllfl alih IlftSftoc lr-I S4 d-e' thrnra -ahlrdl par mi l put Jun ftlrr-! ft. , I III lill I J V ' .J . VII . . . f iil vrh i In l;n uf Thouini H !' hiifp, .'. " fi-'t lo a fctakr. Ihrnce . nor Mi rd. iiamllfl Hli Mild Norlh MILLKR A tX).8 DAILY IlKVIKW. The lVIre Qnratka W1U Have aa lm mrnae Inflaeare With Pau-mrra. (8ecial to The Evening Tinea.) New York. Kept. 7. The eenUment la Liverpool la crowing more bear ish and Prk-e proclaim! aa early and aevere break in prloee. Bill! there Hrr Incwnvcelrnt f'athrr. When Mlaa Alice Rooaevelt aai a little girl the altered a com plaint that must aurely find an echo In thei heart of every wilful law-breaker whose caae haa fallen Into the bandi 1 of our uocompromlRlng President. Her teacher at school had born In- milrlnr for Mn Roroievalt. who wan ' waa aome near, quiri. ogymg wnico ,nd A,cJ ,nicr(i, plaintively: . a few lOkpected aa being for the ac- . ghfJ Un.t mucn tt Yes, j count of the leading bear. All eyea u.g pr((Uy h,rl pBpB Uvg ,t homt) , are tornea on Aaneviiie. out tne oniy moit a tne Um1 you ,nd lnat news wnicn naa eo rar come irom;,!,,! ,t dreadfully lnconvenknt." there is the announcement that the present crop co million of 71.3 points to a yield of S.S88.1SS bales. The price question has not yet been reached In the committee, but the general belief Is that the figure will be placed at 10 H to 11 cents. Whatever V,iua brocettQ VltU certain to have an Immense Influence with farmers, especially after Brat pickings are out of the way, and tenants have settled their rent ac counts. The market la very steady, about 8 points down from yesterday. NEW ORLEANS XTTOX LETTER. It 1m Reported That the Southern Cot ton . Growers' Association Has . ' Estimated The ' Growing Oop at Ten Million Bales. (Special to The Evening Times.) New Or loans, La., Sept. 6. Amerl- - "Why, how Is that?" "Oh, don't you see? Ho doesn't understand, like mamma. When, mamma tells me to be at home at 4 o'clock, and I get there at half-past, she understands: but when papa aays 4. and I get there at ek-en quar ter paaP he doesn't understand at all!" Youth's Companion. Schooner of the Iraert, "Johnny," said the teacher, "what Is a dromedary?" Johnny did not know, but Ralph did. "I know," he said, pToudly. "A dromedary is a two-ma8ted camel." 4 I). BoylaM.-garce Company. sun nnni. 9 4 fi-el to a ulske In 'ii milh Itotindary lliic of iil Wr-t JuiH-ft Mrvfl. thence Binthn1 lih mi Kl ftotnh Ixiundary line .' ,iid W i'St JotiM treet. f Z feet to It.'p tti: of tii-RtnnlnK Tin- two said lot or inn ;- ... land first be offered e, a'atel- and I lien together l !,ls property Is finely located f o ri.lli'nie purposes, in the heart of tl.e lij Karh parcel has a booJ ilwclllm: hotiHe on It. and this sale Hiti. fine opportunities n pi-i-m . .H'diliiK 1 purchase tier' iraljie ni , i (iiieit for rental pin po-i1 i:i l- cl! Tills is a pHrt of the j.rope.n u! '!c late Cornelia II. Kins am! i - so'.i! 'or uartlllon. l'lils lL'th day of AiiKiist. 1905. Ii N SIMMS, Commissioner. Turnip Seed THREE JIRORS CUKED. Of tTiolcra Morbus With One Small ltottlo of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and - DJarrlioea Remedy. ' Mr. G. W. Fowler, of Hlghtower, HARDWARE can. speculative markets failed to ap- M relalC8 an experience he had j predate the steadiness of the Liver-!wM,e serving 0B, a tit Jury In a! pool market to-day and instead of imurder case at Edwardsville, county i doing much better, opened a few ;BesLt of Cle00urne county. Alabama. I liolnta lower. December here at i He says: "While there I ate some iu,iu against yesterday, alter- fr -h .oat KomB .. mfiat and wards selling off 4 points additional, u mo cholera morbu8 in a very to 10.3s? for December but finally isevere form j Waa neVer more Bick c'.oslng at 10.46. Mr. Ellison's flg-i, mv . Rfint , the druz store ures on invisible stocks In. Europe, 880,000 against 410.000 last year, 470,000 larger and Mr. Hesters' ex cess of 82,000 as the invisible sup ply; had by American mills 234,000 compared with 152,000 at the end of last August.-one year ago, or a total excess of 652,000 bales in the invisible supply when compared with 1904, was made the basis for the further attack upon the-market to day, . - In this connection, It is only, fair to say that Mr, : Ellison's figures are quite liberal for mill stocks, whereas his estimate for last season's con sumption was much too low, about 11,400,000. against 11,883,000. The visible and invisible supply is placed at 2,757,000 bales. 'Traders, how- ever, do not. seem to realize 1 that . spinners takings the past Beason were 11,397,000 bales and that 'if- the world was to take, a little amount thla season,, providing it was obtain able that it Would require a crop this f.ycar of .12,397,000 bales to supply Vtbo demand if the visible and lnvlsl- bio supply at the end of next August Is toe larger than what is supposed to bo carried over this year. , The need of a full crop is becom ; lag all the more apparent every da v. By that we - mean a crop, of fully .11,500,000 . bales statistics . shows that the mills of the. world consumed . practically 12,000,000 bales duHng the -past twelve months and at a time when two- of the greatest powers on earth were at war.. The trade of 160,000,000 of people having' been : affected unfavorably o. thereby fur ther, labor Is well employed this sea son, no strike at Fall River as was : day season arrives the period of en world Is at peace and the output of gojd from the mines has never been more liberal to promote the expan . i pansion of business throughout the universe. " v We , have It this evening , by i wire PAINTS KALE OF LAND. I'nder and by virtue of power In a mortgage, which is recorded in the office of the register of deeds for ar-Sa. y-v f "w "" I I C7 XX 71 IV T a t Wake count- ln Book 194 Pa8e 134 YZJ I I yf L j I-! j5, JJ I I I 1 kkaa f and by reason of the assignment of T W 1 1 V V 1 1 VJ tne gald mortgRge to me, I will sell . . . i at the court house ln the city of j Many days arc still to coma before we abandon the Porch as Raleigh, to the highest bidder f6r 1 '1 m . a . . m - nnK-kn..Wltnn..kln-. n K a Uving place And whUe you are enjoying the outdoor lite ; i 2th of s eptem beiC i oos, WHY NOT TRY ONE OF THE SOLID COMFORT SWINGS i ,12,c ,M following piece vi iauu i ii wane i-uuuij , . -. ill i liiv city of Raleigh, and being a part of lot No. 5. lying and being on the eastern side of a lot of land belong ing to Mrs. Arle Etta Moore, and on the south side of New Bern avenue, adjoning William T. Taylor on the west, on the south by lot of Mrs. Arlo Etta Moore and on the east by lot of William Pariah, being twenty feet from east to west and one hun dred and feet from north to south. IDA J. POOL, i August 9, 1905. Assignee, i 10-17-24-31-8-05 for a a certain cholera mixture, but the .druggist sent me a t bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy Instead, saying that he had what I sent for, but that this j medicine was so much better he would rather send it to me ln the fix I was ln. I took one dose of U and was better ln five minutes. The second dose cured me entirely. Two fellow jurors were afflicted In the name manner and one small bottle cured the three of us." ' For sale byf W. G. Thomas and Robert Simpson Young Hardware 12 East Martin St. i A Daughter's Usefulness. 'Mr. Grumpps: ""I'd j. Just , like to know what good , all ' these cooking school lessons are doing our daugh ter." , Mrs. Grumpps: ' ."Everything she cooks she brings home." . (incorporated) 1 The first division of the Fall Term begins Monday, September 4, 1905. .9100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has beea able to curd'-fiT-all Its "stages,"1 and thai Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure iatthe onlv nositlva cure now known to the medical fraternity. Ca-j tarrh being a constitutional' disease requires a constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken lntef- naly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby . destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitut ion and assisting nature in doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith ln Its curative powers that j they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address:.- F. J. CHENNE Y & CO., Toledo, Q. . Sold by Druggists; 75s.v - r ( Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation, t ' . " - ' i - . v , ,' This is the largest business school, best equippedstrongest faculty and la unrivalled in North Carolina un surpassed in the South. Call, telephone or write for cata logue and offers..;-;' Address KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, 'Raleigh, N. C. Fullen BOlldlng, Fayetteville St. nwwtmvmsmaism FWfM MMmvmaim , $w mm goo P UT SI PUT Pi3T9ira . . lyrviirill -Iw Kvirvl am AU i ivitiiirvi & MJAiLiwiwk-iit.fuayBjjiijLifi mmw uiawm HHiif r.wu is u i.i mimm&iakmrn,,, RURIHYl Taking Things Easy While Cooking on a Gas Range Meals on time, housekeeper delighted, no dirt, no ashes no coal or wood to carry in, no trouble. Everything; con venient: If y(hi haven't al ,ake count?:' N- c"s is t0 n A a omrtTrn ii'- - . k a11 persons having claims against the uno aiwju uuy uiie now. NOTICE. North Carolina Wake County, ln the Superior Court. John X. Harrell vs. Nannie L. Harrell nee King. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Wake county for divorce and nullification of marriage, and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the next term of the Su perior Court of said county, to be hold on the third Monday after the first I Monday ln September, it uuniK lae 2fith lny of September, 11)05, at the court house of said county in Raleigh, iN. C, and answer or demur to tne complaint in said action, or the plain Itlff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint. This 21st day of July, 1905. W. M. RUSS, Clerk of the Superior Court. Argo & Shaffer, Attorneys. oaw-Gw ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix of Willis P. Turner, deceased, late of f All up-to-date nmisekeepers Vise tnem ; estate of said deceased to exhibit them i to the undersigned on or before Au-. Si gust 1st, 1906, or this notice will be .a " -p- T.'U ai.- Tir-i-i i. tf.pieau in tne oar oi tneir recoveiy 4CT A IkJTk A DTI r" A 42 A WTV " o"r - ue aUdLu lBgj All persons endebced to said eslae 1 Less than the one hundred thousandth" part of a grain of Organic Matter in one gak Ion of Mida Water, r ,wl , ' In medicinal properties is in a ciass xo liseii aiiu viui out a rival. Try it. Let it sneak for itself. , ' jj'uU- supply ,at luciter Wft i?r"irv i a-ii i " ' MutU M. IkV Jm Phones 228. 124 Fayetteville St Best. We du Gas Piping and Electric Wir ' lng." Jo charge for estimates. NORTH CAROLINA MILITARY ACADEMY V" . RED SPRINGS, N. C. i Prepares for College, j'West Point and. Naval Academy. Charming climate, s Excellent mineral springs. Board and Tuition $200 -per Tear. Buildi ng'-Phamacy or I Fpr. catalogue address ; - ;. ' . . 1 -k . DK, S. W. MURPHY, A. M., Head laster. - will please make immediate payment. MARY P. TURNER, Administratrix. This the 1st day of August , 1905. Iw fiw. HOLLISTER'S i.ozky lilountain '"Sea Kusgels A Btxf adiolaa for amy Fsepla. iHiiuct dolnES llsftftli mid RenwBcV Vigor: eitfo for Cnnntinn.Mii.. tpgitiori. IJvp -iter Tiiiiibles. I i- ... - eim, InipHr lUd rii(Th, Him- , .Ms, Hvniiaeh r'.ftrtttiU hn. Il.'s Itn'lvV Jwn'MiMm Tim tu ta'.' form. H5 cnls n bor. linuiue in;id by i HjLiiiiTun Ditua CovritvY, Mmhuoii, Wis. . J0LDEM NUGGETS FOR SAU0W PEOPLE i'i v'l) -liw MiH r-'" ail oh t if r. 4 if r

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