I a. l i 4 k 4 a.). IN SOCIAL DON'T! Eur, uu CR LiCHmt am FlALFRCPtRTT ftMMt ia f..ka a .l . . ... . .. vf tha II ) Mt iMt ccib Without ccjisuitiks us, W).m Mk HA AMI U'fw tJUaa J1 f . Mr uw.ij e JuMtt ti t at mtt Cm, a ft CU l.uwJ Mi UtW t . ua va ul tiki. a; wtM.Ut at Km xa Wit U vr tl,t M ft t u- 4.4 u.if rw wLa Ferralls Uo l k U4 M ea Okk a ruiul U a MkMM awt u m tbUvi t-f .r i( tb I K-W UialMa Uta.a tatti t; Wt I, it, Mr lk f IM UtM t,t: t ftiM4 (lit MIiUM1 a4 I' sii ' tar ti.. t. r. -..., .uinw Ht . K l.'T W tm - mm 4 , K t W.. tin Wm w Wh la 4 W f a4 UI rw Ww4 at Mm. tmfmrf mmm Un ccr.tv w 5 ( 4 U I M Mt4 la.ua ttkttua V iU,u" - TT . t It tat Krt U r t;i t; tnM t. rue jng a u 1 Mm ! Gr H-.rt tkM ftr: tut ! M:l'kfri4 Ik 1m f ni (..1 Lil ( i'n.n,tl tl.U Uioiiiii.f t i.-o II (' I ;.ll .r. Mi 1 1. m.J Mi M1k K'.Ua lM el H i. i Ihl. -r ltri.d 7ilBI! ilirirr ' 1 u r bmn ilKl'luf frV'tid la I'ui'm,. turi.rd tollir lid Midi Brrtilr Hiirnn. "f Ikiio nrrnrd In Ihr rll lu !Mt M1m 'Ul1e Kllluc '.I. K d.t t Ull.S i'Ii Mr MIllnui Ta)r und W' i;hk1Iii lf! (or Vnhlrii:iiii ( , I bin uuirnluK to vlklt titim Mr A f !ul)'r and (lnldrvii til in IMitkhurR. 1 hi morning in Unit 1 ill mis nod ieUui- Mix (Ii-rtrude Fowlrr. "f ("hat liitir. uriivd this mornlUK 10 aiicnd KiliK'k BiiHlnewi Cnlli'Re Mrs Wllllum H I';n- ni to Ni'iiw mid Wnk Fori si this nimnliiK to lslt frl'iidn und rcltl-t Miss Sadie Urllut" hitn returned from ltix'1 y Mount. hi-rf sh Flad' horn vIslttnK Irluiids and ri'latlws MIsf Christine Hrxhot- h.m gone to 'liait'l Hill, where slip will ho tin Kurst of Miss MargHrrt Alexander. Mr. .1. ThIIov and ife.ho have iK-i'ii visltlnK relatives, return ed to their home ut Sunford to-day. .Miss Ueasje Lillian SXyorl of Fairfield. Is vl.JtlnR in the Mly. the guest of Misses BeRsie and Fcarl Guthrie. Mrs. K. I. Bliiek, of Littleton, who rame up to attend the funeral of Mr. William Black, returned this morii- Miss Mattie A. Hisgs will open her day school and music school Fri day, September Sth, at 4 17 North Blount street. 'J ri . Mrs. T. S. Simpson, of Winston Salem, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. K. B. Roberts, return ed home to-day. Miss Fredericke .Tonkins, who has been visiting at the borne of Dr. Kllgo, in Durham, returned to her home this morning. Miss Bessie Denton, who has been visiting in New York for the past three weeks, is expected in the city to-morrow morning. Miss Ella Duckett, who has been visiting friends and ' relative jfigj Orange, Va., a.id Washington, D. C, returned home this morning. ...t ... y J Mr. J. A. McGeachy and daughter, Miss Margaret, who have been visit ing Dr. R. S. McGeachy, returned to their home In Robeson couhtyttit! morning. Miss Bessie Knox Wbodard left this morning for Baltimore and New. York, after which she will go to Bos ton to resume her studies at the New Kngland Conservatory of Music. Miss Hattie Marks, of New Bern, who has been in the western part of the State spending the hot summer months, stopped over last night with Mrs. F. K. Ellington on her way home. The following young ladies arrive- this ttiorning to attend the Baptist .University: Miss Onaf Long andMisii Or .WUHates, of IMoift-oe; Misses Frances and Johnnie-Bass, of Cuhlnghatn; Miss Gladys Cum- October weddings It it 1t ' Mil " ;.'( V V I -1 I ;.i r-:c it-- . Do not delay longer in placing .orders for engraved Invitations, Our fall samples represent the YVery latest shapes and forniB v jat hare been accepted by refined and fashionable society. i We do not follow we LEAD in originating : artistic elf ects ,. v with fine material. -. Our prltiea' are the lowest. . Send for! sam k f V pies, which will .'" be supplied ENaRAVlN0;C0.tiWe4ding: at t ta Mas. aill rwfci .! MM. PliSOrtJy. PARAGRAPHS " I ' t !! '" i HWWl hM.i. .. Ka- BiAlij Mi l lit U 1 kt h I. It ! 1 lit II. -II Ik 1-1. 1. t' li hi. ' m Km l-i.n i K i.Mvt!l 1 m ik rSy Mi J J M ttr a It li 1 rtr e tn if n 1 dafa. Mr uiu.u h'.i ni . it'dar for (Ml hid.-. !... a nl aural 4 tllHl, IIiwk H t H I'm !. of V i t- Hit I h d M ' t lidr Tt.m i ' 'I. 1 1 1 1 d 1 la n ur ut tit . Ilu.ll.i l t l f Ml (.."Hgr V hltr ! iiij'iiii rh 1 h- W. '- 4.ft- ' f lurham, . h. isl a I'lllQB 1 l ki t'h t on ;.l. i Mr JuiiiH. JoiiV hi Vi;i t9l 1 t 1 11 k Mi Will St Mm muroaJ ibl. motiiinir 10 liU hoiM in f'etrfa t'WIK. 11 Ml and Mis !. H Sju--:, "f MI mlnKimi wtm havr Imii isl''n Mit 1 M .lordan. Wit Mils morning for Piline'on N I' ' Mr M I. Shlinuan. A-Mstn' Com missiiMH r of ljtUir and rtintir.K ha cone lo 1 hailotte where he will Mik Into tin- rot ton mill interests Mawit .lame I Johoiion returned this niotnint: from l. m hlnnc. 'a . whi le he wenl to attend ttie Viiiula Stale trap shiMiiers' tournament A iaril rerelied in this rttj h his ft lends auiioiinees that Mr. . U KobardH. of the 'tiens National Hank. Ib iiendluK a lew da) at tSl. il"1- M,nn I Messrs K M A 1 infield and ea- (ott Kolniison. of Hlfch I'oint, nro sMnditiK 'he day In the elty, where the are dlnntly Interested In the organization of a new bank to be or ganized at Mich Point. The rharter was to-day Issued by the Secretary of Stale. ' . . : r ' T - TIMELY TOWN TOPICS -aMr. W. M. !Jim?r.' wSo" lihs tjoeji connected with fhe Young Hardware Company, has resigned to iittiept a position with the Wyatt (Jrocery Company. ' Tomorrow will be observed as Donation Day at St. Luke's; Home j It is hoM'd that Uie friends of that Inulilull t mill ivuxill lha ituU niiit llimillliiv.il nil. iMiui .iiv. VI J vuv will remember the occasion. Judge Purnell to-day confirmed the report of the referee in the bank ruptcy proceedings of Fred Wool! cott- The judge held with the referee that the bankrupt was not entitled to homestead exemptions and he was allowed only $100, which represented the value of his wearing apparel and other personal effects. If you are troubled with' your di gestion, drink Pepsi-Cola. If you are troubled with your appetite,- drink I Pepsi-Cola, drink it whenever you i please, it will not harm you. ' 5c. at . aoda fountains. Strengtheing' too'. Less Than One Bottle 1W1 It. A stiff erer writes: .''Can certainly gaji, J.hat .'Hughes' , Ton5e is the .best chfll remedy I eVerJneard of.' Used only part of a bottle, and used no quinine, and it cured me." Sold by Druggists 50c. and $1.00 bottles. Prepared by ROB1XSON-PETTET CO., (lac), - - Louisville i' WAfiT AD. COLUMN The Times will send A. D. T.'meuen ger, without charge, to your place of business or residence for ad vertisementa for the 'want column, '"' "Phone Western Union or. primes office. All adverflsemenU Insert- In this column at rate of 1 cent word, 7 words to line. No id tak en for less than 10 cents, FOR RENT Store No. 217 South Warning tttte, streeOformerly ocou pi kJF Jf. MoBie. Apply Mrs, Florence P. Tucker. 1 1 t GE AT GEORGfi Terrell's Friday evening 6; tree of charge. 3. P.' STEVENS Stationery Engravers, 47 White- H..I . lil . 30. f j -HI RALEIGH PEAL ESTATE & TRUST CO. tttu- 1 late faaviij U-arfi la rS , 1ft ' t CALL aOHHILL ro" VrOa n. Taoa :. Ilr'.ai tl.l lU tl. I(M t4 I Tha rralai blcbt arkaul h-HU 1 a( faUac Hium Collar all) l- til MtHkdat, Srrvlf-mlT 1 1 fcwv j kafiBf. hhnrthaitd TiiUa( ai d Ka(tlb tiianrbe taufbt bf ani laajt an I d mjmiXiXL rUc t or 'bonr for our tlal low ratna J II K1.VG. lra . Pnllrn Illdc . K-fTaUra 81 amrKTKNT i.imtvvk'6p3H. Un wantl at om a relia ble U-a Hudi Prlat fchop. . Wlnalou haU-m. N C ; . WAXTKI a pu-H Mala 4-a.f rapher. Mut Xm a good aroouni ant. aeruratr nnd obr, on pra fprred who din s not amok lar ettea. Address In handwriting. tt Inf ato. rtH-rinee mod aalarr rt cctCNl, iio refi-renrea. The jol ttoa will ! a steady. OGa with rhaare far irmoiin. Address Box .. KalelKh. N c'Sl 1 w Call ax W. !.. Harria- restaurant, j 603 RaiVrmd mrwi, uimr uoamD ireet. vUUun. when you want a nice mewl. Special dining bail for wore peopla; also have ice (or sal daily. VAXTEI Your TyMwriter to Re pair. We don't fix 'era so no body else can repair them. Regu lar ten Inch Platens air Machines 11.00. Kxpcrlenced Repair man In Charge. If we can.'t FJWAIR your Tiewriter. we will ylt'jyou so, and then If you wait Hxe, we will try to do it. TUB CAPI TAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, !108 west 'Martin StreeJHlll.leTgh,, N. C. -T---" WATSON A CO., WLL .CONTINUE the low price of photographs, during ft ipouib. -,of k AugustJ.11a-bin''t 50 per duaey Y(H)I) Seasoned oak and s.iasoTie pine put in your yard; groon oak later. I have a fine lot of wood. Same man in charge who lias look ed after it for two winters. A. D. Hunter, Cary, N. C. 25-5t WAXTEI) Typewriters lo overhaul! and repair. First-class work. Mod erate prices. See us before having it done elsewhere. We also make Rubber Stamps. W. T. TERRY & CO., Holemah Building. Ral eigh Phone 4286. IF YOU WISH DELIGHTFUL Flour, -exceptionally fine Coffee and the finest Hams obtainable; 'phone me your order and will Bee that you are pleased. My business Is to study the "wants of house keepers am here to help the cook make your meals a success. You'll nearly always'flnd here plenty of Eggs, Chickens and Butter. W B. MANN, E. Hargett St. grocery man. LOST Large., Imitation diamond scarf pin,-set In gold, . lost Mon day. Liberal reward Mf returned to Tiroes office. - LEARN TELEGRAPHY and R. R. Accounting. $50 to $100 a month , salary assured our graduates under twtid. Our six schools the largest ; la America -and -endorsed by all Railroads. Write for catalogue. Morse School of Telegraphy, Cin cinnati, O., Buffalo, N. 't., Atlan ta, Ga La Crosse, Wis.; Texarkanft Tex. San Franciscb, Cal. PEARS A postal card 'onf&r v Will ; Tiring you nice, jflpe pears for pre 5 serving.,-'. No ,Alfad" fall;" decayed, ' or immature jpears will ho deliv "('eredt'f. Price $.00 per ibushel. Address T. 1VET, Cary. If. C. ' ELECTRIC 'MASSAGES MAKE YOU feel new all over. Only place In " town" you 'can ' get them. " ShavInK ,'iAy j.lean, genteei white barbersi H. A. KJMBALL.f JEst liargett, LOST! t LOST Ori Hlllsboro ! ' small Gold MasonlcSlipper"; point o pin cutr of ; reward. Return to ,George S.TprrelL , i i f' t .", BUSLXESS ' GENTXEMAJ? "wants the use of $50 until, December 26: will pay $ 1.08 per -week a'tidvprinclpal , back on that date,"- "n " 120 , East Martin street) V ALL PORK SAUSAGE AT GEORGE Te.Mn;V0' " .1, U TtUKliTK Tl .IT H4T aaat rar ta lat-te at Tarrvti a N' htlN tmia'if mt ttkl tMe triiiuM. aaa Xhrm ar ir Ha. aaa tfsaafaa4 tmntm tm ta atari Ihaa a arv (Mtat Wl a j4alt o4 -Asiu Haaav" Cfr of afcWB tliW to aiaea l-Urr famoa !"r ar ax rMntp4 4llm) GfcORCK 8. TKRIU.U. ltKIX I'ltlO A HIMICAL Ok. til arna )oa fraa aaata Ha a- trrtlar-mrat rl brl Mill hU.K Modern " loom coMaga iiu Nijrth lrawa atrrrt Aplj to, A K 8 loo at Irnrll A Tbotcaa'. aa t yon eat. alr-p or work Had llvpr! Holllatrr Horkr Mountain Te maka rtlb. rsl blotid. glree trmigth and health. Curra h-s all other fall No rur so Iiay J4 cent Tea or Tablets. H T Hicks a Co Until September 15th Re duced Rates. Uy request of many pres ent and pros j active puests, the season at Vado Meeum Springs lias been extended tmt il Septellllier 15th. This lis the very lust season to ot heiielits from the niine al water. Hates reduced. riotel Martlnliue. New York, Broadway and 3.1d St. Most central ly located. European plan. Modern. Fireproof. Taylor'a Restaurant. Win. Talor aSon. also Prnis. 81. Dtjnls Jioiv.., New York. 326-332 Faycttcviflc Street Our buyers are nark from New York, where they have been buying a nk-c line )f Hat, Millinery-, .inas Gomls, Clothing, Iiadies' Kklrtu and l Jackets and other articles too numer ous to mention. h Our Prices ar- Always Right. NEW ARRIVALS. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. Misses' Caps, latest style, 50c. Misses' Patent Leather 3-Cornor Hats, 50 and 60c. Ladies' Polo Hats, O.V., $1.15, 91.50 and 2.00. Ready-to-Wear Hats, 75c., 91.0O1 to $2.50. HAT DEPARTMENT. New Fall Line This Week. Pretty line f Caps.10 to 50c. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. New line will be In this week. TRUNK DEPARTMENT. j Trunks, 33c. to $12.75. Bags, 25c. to $6.00. j All kinds and sizes at a price that 1 will please you. LAMP DEPARTMENT. Hall Lamps, $1.00, $1.10. . Vase Lamps, $1.00 to $2.50. Nice line of Glass Lamps. UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT. 1 New line. All kinds and prices.' , CARPET DEPARTMENT. iiiOur new line of Carpets,, etc.,1 -are coming in every day. : Just in, Small Rugs, 25c Smith's Moquetts, 05c. for $1.25 size. . . ' v? Smith's Moquetts, $2.10 for $2.50 Siie.V: -.-".''''i v Smith's Moquetts, $3.85 for $4.00 size. - -. Our leader $1.00 , Rug is still ahead. " . Art Sruares, . Cotton, $1.90 to $4.75. Art Squares, Wool and- Mixed, $3.80 to $14.00. , ' "t .Floor 'f Mlcloth, 25c. s a, Hemu Caruet lO.. 14c. .ii' . 1 H -Ml.tUng, 12 H - to 20c. t -i1" Carpets, 2- iVi, 50, 57c. i wxx iirv nonrm- depautmenitj Big sto?k 'of fifl-, tclnd's of goodst Next'week'.ncw linos bl'Labe iOUM tains, Embroidery,, P" tleres. Quits,n Towels. I1 ,A i$iH SIIOK IIKFlHliMUVl'i i'.' .' All kinds,'1 from iftiU' Moccasins at lOc. pair to Meu s Shoes, size 13s. " STOVE 'DEPARTMENT. Too hot to talk about H.aterSi ut they, are here when, yon want them. - FURNITURE DEPARTMENT. Our 3-Plece Iron Beds bavA mal leable Joints and are gnavAntced 25 years $6.75, $7.00, $8.00, $0,001. '.Iron Criha, $3.60 to $6.25. s GUNS. ' CLOCKS. WATCfIEs ii T4i.KfTn uirmvnt ' ''i I ! ' r"'..'a W4 j- . - j i I Grinklcys OUR A!D.SCMMi:r? HALE' Of5 Carpets and Rugs Wtll Oc Continued Until Sept. 3 Notjt any time' hive wc rin tuch Uruttkccpn mill rvX mlu iKU opptr tuiv'ty. ' t Dobbin & Ferrall WMAAAl Plumbing, Hot Wnlcr ling. Sanitary Plumbing a Specialty. VV. A. STUNKEL & CO., Will Open Sept 4th. t No. 13 Phonei: Inttr-Statc; 576; BtH Given to No substitute as good. The most 'exhilirating and ab solutely the most beneficial Summer Drink obtainable. DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT. Tones you up makes you feel good all over. Does not injure the stomach. m r ; At all first-class fountains everywhere in the " land. Also in botUes. t; - .r . ; : Learn Yqur Save By opening a Bank Account with us. Did you ever stop tot think that a boy at the age of 10, depositing $1 a Week In tMa'ban'c will have enough ctpltal at the age of 20 to start In business. WE CHEERFULLY, PAY t ., INTEREST TO OUR DEPOSITORS If money Is left in our keeping lufllclent lime to earn U. Lest you forget, open an account with its this week and watch how easy . H is to save. wwWVWWWWywrWW INVESTMENT , ' (Jjinn CERTIFICATES M'lvJW, , FOR SALE BY' THE , ; t f ' ' Mechanics encl Irvvestors Uriiorv. T5he Owing to unusual demand for money for the erection of dwellings .the company :. will ;v , place on sale at, $92.00 Twenty-five -J . - FULL-PAID TENYEAR' COUPON CER TIFICATES $100.00. f 'At thisvprice it gives a net 6 per cent. inVest .. ;ment . secured. ;by Real" Estate Mortgages. - ; . !Por particulars address ' ' , ; , ; ; . GEORGE ALLEN. Secretary,-' Haleigh.. ; THE BINGHAM SCHOOL ; Catalogue very fufl.: MILITARY. Area b patronage widest In the South. Refusing pupils instead of enlarging accommodations. $180 pet Half Term. COU.R. BINGHAM, Supt., R. F. D. Asheville, N. G . 1 9031 1906 lUta Year OAK CITY - PRESSING, CLUB.,- :- lO.Wlartitt.Street. BESTiINcTHe'cITY. Gleanmff,ii altering i and repairiiir' 'atl y "done Ladies Garments a Specialty, 'Phones--Rcll, ,011 ; Interstate, '530, Hubbard Bros. Co. HANOVER SQUARE, NEW, YORK. MUlrRTT!RS CiV Kav York Totton Kr- change, Jew Orleans Cotton Ex- chjinge. Asoclate Members . Liver pool' Cotton ' Asoclatlon. p'A DERS .SOLICITED For s the pur- '1 hase nJ of c"ton for lutu,rs i. 'f 'Correspondence, invited. Heating. .Steam ru W.' HtrjcU St. RIti &K N. C IS0L Pcrwiul Attention All WorK. , i :. There's Only . .ONEh PEPSI-COLA Children ,to 1 Money -.ffe:'.'i .When - in' need of ' SEWING. ' v MACHINE v OR PARTS ,'. , ; Call on ' ' y R.. L. GREEN, ;, V:Nol 11 W, Hargett St ' Bell 'Phone .1501."" - v, Raleigh 'Phone 1185, V , ( if xou wisni " A cool T shave, , a first-class hair cut or a scalp cleaning shampoo call at C M. Hnkcr's New Burlier shop, No. 221 South Wilmington street. Prices, as reasonabl as . Is consistent with go? orlc- - MONEY TO LOAN 1 , On Real or Personal Security (n ' JWake jCoahty. c f', ,' y , rNTAaUfc . 'in"'' 1 il ' t t ' . . ' I

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