111 TEST W 4 iW..4 i 4 Im- flu,.,. iSWBV i b . a .;. -- - - J t; e i. .! ike - SKV.aac.. !. tfca f wk ui ka.1 tot t.4a- l ub !.: ' (vtut No CockI, tl-axijc-l. Sc:.t U See tr Altrr-i:. Sale Vriau M !c at Uf ije.ncc s:aa (tar 1 tWavt tf aa M Of aw eat k-wmwkt MMO. I t..., t Mm M r..tt lit U- Mm la W .tj NEW GOODS COMING "I 2 iu tw rv- f V 4 fm, rr-C TV J-Aa-aJ CMfl - ra.te4 tla TVM f, ftjM. Ik aaaiUemaa.my U IW rt mm ii au r 4kr ).rv - tut TV tU W - Ws4 - - -ut.kM W Ja4r 0-srt Mk.tt imf, l-M tM-t f imw HM Hr IV. nift f IV. i fl tear - t- - la IV -M. Utf .l Uw UmMm. V H4iit" Kartf rT T lit wlriowi, tV fcJtv- . l-Tery irLiz fixa lt Kcr-h brtr Utigtl cr exrt-j C.;s it:;i Alrti.jr t Tnt vyj Drta Ooovii iv- Ccttca .rcnc. new jidcrj, cukk u.uits. eve - TVtM. r, .ki-4 ) ..r4 V 4 f kit w mnr-n-u rmlh home -.(-i,Ur f.ll u..L 1. inin S71A &iu S10 00. Tin .nr. W ill .4 Ur lire I u -r-- k -r-rua'W-t4 m' ' Jr H.f-r rr( -4 -lc--l 1V rewtf (V lr.1 fur til k-iI for taM-H M "--! MM lb Ullrf for tkro- nxi-tb for ru stag MBtbltM -rtr-Fn b Hrrta A Hrrl. alll u ot rtl mt ktbMI cori Vrfur Judo PanHll to Vor rava bi k hou Id V laprtaoad. and th hr lag b ka at aorn lalrr da Thla caao raaa IM V aalrhad vita lat-i-wt la Ralrlia. aa apoa thla dwtaluB raata tba juatka aaalbar taa polkra jaatlra naa tar right to aood a naa to the road for a Mtty nlademeaBur without thr trial br Jury. la hUBuotlo. for th writ th -tltkara Vajr that their lmprlt)ntnnt It contrary to article i of tb Fede ral Conatltatlon. THE MTT-i.TVWtT. ! I trr Tbotm.kins ntR, in Tl.r itiilhix-n- funr arr !!;HU Iu, Tan and Hrpwn. lavrk at wurk mm thrir a-'Kavr Ihr rail. OlLer tyli."i T ratioti ami tier? i r biuy lrualii in half, ihrre-quartf r Lum in thr work rtu. ral aoratallt), aad la t aorcnaNty aaa aer-allbd labors, gu-a ii4HMki aad laaly ' - - mill k -f ia iu " I B i m b eVudlauat of trat-'c-.. m i.n-. a),,iw. Li.k M ltlff tU-llf lof th" lHr : rJ""'5- c- - "-r---rr latw, -r. futun. TlwTc will lx a a ta a f0ir- . b.. tu.: i.f . i ...i..- it.. : ' Brad ky J J -cnuaald. CtV. r"" ib adalt la a aere .tr aad Cft. -t, iMrtm tB, Uraa4 r4-d l " !i Xt lIM'lith. Are VOU fidfrl. age Miif J.tl-.4-t 0-. It- f.r iff Vm ilt ill J w " I I 4 1 I . ' ' Te vera belmlag ni)orlty niea la taaaclal life mum t .WBkea, mom Haa.Urtu Im. IU1 L.lt Wl,t. liHin..rv Or I. Daai VUH- br l-r-tlt b. ""1 - aay to kill Uau betae-a duak mmm'a-n.-. h, i,ukU4a. lUlHHIltS. TninminirK. ff. n m. bib. I . . ter tboa of Lacullua help out boom . rj.-, . i . K 1 niJH)Uh. . READY TO WEAB HATS. Tklrta-a thoroughbred da Boa. j l?n,liMil i-hnnfr ill V(m Mr. Doolay- la )l baada high.' nanfM 1U wiim bautiral liacht bav. atyUah ad raaar all licadirt ar. Many Kt VIOS boara; tkeatrea, frdt, aorlat har raha anything la keep ap th ex rtteaieet until th alghi la ell apod. For cuntraat, caM ap Thoma F. very unique, Kia ana ireaK ' ipsh. ve withal verv stvlish. CoBjceraln Co-aty HtmA Workera. There aa tried yeaterdav at Rolea vllle one of the muol Interesting caaea In the hlatory of that section. H. 8. Jonea waa called to account for failure to apepar and to do road work for the county. He win repre aented by attorney Joseph Haywood, while the proaecutlon was conducted by County Attorney Norrla. It was a case of a man paying taxes and working the roads. There was some or the thing called demurring. Then there followed arrest and trouble. The stay out of the jury was only a matter or minutes and there was son a verdict or "Not guilty." When the verdict was rendered, after a trial before Jury, there waa much applauding and a real JolUDlca tion, all of which lndlcatea the, de gree of Interest that waa felt by the auditors. 3c .-...- a .a Millinery, nenec the impii laritv. They are selling nyaaa ooua. ai any ii.fr Hl tfc cMllni, m4 bt ,f rM,t oclock la th. tvenlag His wlf.M4 fc. t ,IIky u t,,r who Is bis right hand aod whom a wwl- i.i.i, iraui.,. .,a i. married when he had lea thaa'.. Mt ln th, rtfnt BBodll The Ilt'W ailtl nobby Fn'Iiell hirand" br,rwS,rl?VrOM.h?iSiwl!' ,M "d fcor"" . Felt Hats for street wear. husband haa retired for the night BrokB to halter and has bee work' 4- , ,, ,, aad cannot be awakened. doubl, ,nd itt. u for (Jose pnt t'S this year (ll all when bualneaa down town Is over dlvladom rtyan goes leisurely ap to his nouse WO0DALL.' at iweuin si reel ana nrin aveaue. r r .m ,mi The house la an old-fashioned 6e. ricllt alolltr distinguished at once by its covering VALI AIILK LAM tXR S.U.K. . NEW COATS FOR YOUNG of ivy. which Itaeir. ao far aa New By T,rl0, of ,uthorlt7 sonfarrad T intTQ AWTk York customs go. It a relic of half a on ,he nip, comaalaalon- AUl.a AHU JSliaaiS. century ago It Is plain, very plain .ppomt, bJr or(llsr of ,n nmfaome stvlisll but It Is eloquent, ev.n outwardly. tn. ipex.u, procdlg pmdlat In .,,,,1 nr,nt or the people who Inhabit It. With ,he BuD.rior court of Waka eonntv. " the Ryans domestic lire. Its unity. Ila !entted: t s . Barbee . administrator IHimed Hlt to meet the peace. Is paramount.. There are ' . Thoma- Y nrhi a r.nnie .... ..f o..l.rt,,l .rl.-lo f., Yatea and others, we wlU. on Mon- fnU -ri,,. .,... i.wl.o. nil n iau. j iivi r uiuin- EUBHOIDEIIED TURN OVER COLLARS. Ju?t in, k-nne of the m't exquibitr Kilk FlmlroideiVl Turuon-r Collar, Block CulUrs and . Chtniiivtif auiinf-thirii? new. Diintv tiJr X AND NURSES CAPS, aftaira trifluiRly priced. HtunethinKWwinLadiea' vxa.vi.io. yevf naaes in aii-ouk horses, but not a ahowy .stable or mem. mere la one auiomooiie, ana h.. ti.. o.i f rw.h a i that Is a machine made ror comrort, j BWt Xpoa Tor sale at public ut- pensable for t'Ool mornings K wL:.b,,.?mntT.Tom-!!f evenings, and dressy for parcel of land In Wake countrvTthi?11 ana Winter wear, llie Carolina, in tJedar for it towoafiip RALEIGH MAN MARRIED. From Charleston, 8. C, There Comes a Bride Will Reside in This City. There was solemnized yesterday In Charleston, 8. C, the marriage or Miss Harrle M. Prince and Mr. W. O. Jones, or this city. The ceremony was performed at Bethel Methodist church. In Charleston. Mr. Charles Hudson, or Raleigh, acted as best man. - ' Mr. and Mrs. Jones arrived in the city this morning and will be at home with Miss Love on Oakwood avenue. Mr. Jones Is well known in Raleigh, where he holds a responsible posi tion with thei Southern Bell Tele phone and Telegraph Company. THE WEATHER Partly For Raleigh and Vicinity: cloudy to-night and Friday. Forecast for North Carolina Tor 36 hours to 8 p. m. Friday: Partly cloudy to-night and Friday. The atmospheric pressure is still low over the New England coast, and the southwest; over Montana and the Dakotas It has risen ; in other respects it is about the same as yes terday. The temperature has re mained about the same, except on the coast- ' The highest maximum tem peratures during the last 24 hours were: 92 degrees at Jacksonville, Tampa, and San Antonio; 94 de grees at Taylor; 96 degrees at Abi lene; 98 degrees at Phoenix. Cloudy and partly cloudy conditions prevail throughout the country, and rain has fallen at many stations in the In the English acceptance of the term. Religion Is here, lor Mr. Ryan and his wife are devout Catholics; and charity, for through long years Mrs. Ryan, as almoner, haa aided her husband In the noiseless dis bursement of probably millions or dollars to aid the poor In manifold ways and to further the cause or practical education. He has never been known to hold, however, that it was a disgrace to die rich, and present Indications are that his In tention Is to die very rich indeed. Mr. Ryan has a devotion for the mountains of Virginia, his boyhood's home. He has a farm In Nelson County, some hundreds or acres, with a plain old-fashioned colonial house, but for short periods or repose it is too remote from Nassau street. He wants to be near his work. Seeking, therefore, in the environs or New York for a suitable resting place, he hit upon the country sur rounding Saffern, in New York State, just over the Jersey border, and he purchased a tract or land and equip ped It with everything that a good farm ought to have. There is a big farm house, and big barns, and broad .acres, and woodlands, and the quiet and strength and restfulness or the mountains. The Suffern place he calls Monte bello, and it commands as fine a view of mountain scenery as Is to be found anywhere In the Ramapos. Senator Ives owned the place once, but sold it to a lace manufacturer rrom New York, who killed himself there. Mr. Ryan, after buying it, tore down the house and built one to suit himself. He built stone walls about the place, made a lake and constructed the finest of roads. He has a competent farm manager and the best or Holsteln cattle, and the farm Is run on as sound business principles as if he had a living to make off it. adjoining on the west the laudator jonn w . smitn, mo tanas or w r. Maynard on the south, the land or V. S. Barbee on the east, the lands or P,B. Barbee on the north, conH talnlng ISO acres, more or less, and described also In the complaint, in said proceedings. Terms or sale Cash. Time 12 o'clock noon. , W. N. JONES, W. J. PEELE, Commissioners. Peele $ Maynard, Attorneys. . HuttleR, llut Forms and Dress Pad. just -to round up and fill out. The wanted 11 In. Kind in urses lap, iwws and Aprons. Of course, prices always the lowest WOOLEN DRESS GOODS. First shipment'of Woolen Dress (1mh1, liroadcloth, Serges, Cheviots, Henriet tas. Dress Flannel a n d Fancy Mixtures. COTTON DRESS MATERIAL. The improvement in the fashion and fabric of cotton goods is a surprise. The Worsted effects at a short distance you'd declare to be wool. The Sergei, Etamines and Poplins; then the staple nndj new fall style Ging hams, the Outings, Daisy Cloth and Teazle Down in bright fall tints and color ings are.all in and customers now crowd this department. V9 7s Ribbons in plain colors and fancy combination iu belt and sash widths, fancy wash Hibbons, etc Panne Velvets In all the new even ing bhadfs. LACES AND EMBROID ERIES, The fall shipment of Fine lWes and Embroideries in all widths is in. Special prices will be featured as ithe lots are thrown out on the tables. Edgings and Embroideries to match. The staple Laces, Nainsook and Cambric Embroideries are here for the vear round. LADIES' SHOPPING w BAGS. . ' High grade Leather Hand Bag! in all kinds of leaUier, shapes and sizes,' Blue,' Red, Brown, Green, Tan and Blackf at all prices: from 50c. to $0.00. 1 . Mlaalflnlnnt vnllev nlnnsr the Texas coast, and In Utah. The greatest L Only two things are maintained rainfall yesterday was 1.70 Inches at New Orleans, r Thunderstorms oc curred at Boston, Savannah, Tampa, New Orleans, and El Paso. V A. H. THIESSEN, In the Boston' Suburbs. Whither away, little hoy?" In quired the well-meaning stranger. "t got to swim, sir," replied the spectacled Infant. "And where do you swim?" per sisted the stranger. "1 swim, sir,' the infant made an swer, "In. the shallower purlieus of excessive dampness." - . " there which could by any possibility be looked upon in. the light of fads. There are kennels where blue-blood ed dogs are raised, and a stable and pasture given over to a herd of Mexl can burros.' These, when they are thoroughly ' brolten, the ' financier makes use of as gifts, and to receive a Mexican donkey froth Thomas F, Ryan 1b to be officially informed that you are decidedly in his good hooks When the day's business la Wall street has brought a knotty finan cial problem for solution' Mr. Ryan deserts his office early, even though it be in the deepest snows of winter, and takes the train for 'Suffern, 1W ; CORINNE-RUNKEL STOCK COMPANY. Uvery night this week.) Strong repertoire company. Change of play nightly. TO-NIGHT, "A WOMAN'S POWER." PRICES 10, 20 and 30c. I 1 a 7 9 Mr. Charles Famme, a, eel? , cbrated; cutter "and tailor from Schloss Bros. & Co., or . New York and Baltimore, will be at our store the re-" mainder of .the week for the , purpose of taking orders for mado-to-order . garments. ' Jf . you wish a handsome, cor- reetly tailored suit at a, rea sonable price, by all means, have your measure taken to- day. ' ' ' v Your patronage, and If square deal big wilL get It we will succeed. offer Sherwln Williams Paint. .We BUILDERS' HARDWARE. Thqs. H. Briggs Sons .JlaleishXC I. "'; .Buck's :- Stoves-Ranges Grove's , TheEliminatipgandStrenening,CITorJc " , The effect of the ingredients in Grove's Tasteless Chill' Tonic , appeals . to every, mind-rrfca Q:"s-:9 .61VCS .oat Sold by all dealers for 27 years. Price 50 cents. ' ' " - wanted. ; Students on Violin, Mandolin and Guitar.' . - 11 PIANO A SPECIALTY , 'At very reasonable terms. - " Guarantee ; Full Satisfaction. , Special rate where more than one til the family, are instructed. ' ..- No extra charge for giving lessons at home after school hours. ,." 1 PuplH taken on trial. : - " PROF. J. LEVIN, . STUDIO: 411 West Hargett. ' - Phone, Interstate, 512. :, 5y ii cross .&i Iineham so iir 'milino YVoman . : Smilea r better than tears. . Smiles mean good health an4 goad aalmal Srailea axa. rectlfflranIalitadarJ!?i"'. If yaa sr sick o caat mile sad you caa taiaep. mewRhormulteh ' are t ftraiKthenint Cerre food. They brlnf ' the light at hanpiaesa to the eyca the amilo j ol perfect phyatcal csnditioa to Un Hps. If your nervout aystcm h run down, II you can't alcep or enjoy H.'e ai omnerly, tako i Zell Nerva Tablet and fct welL 1 he-i , ' will aurely cure yon. ,Oiur gwaataa -erery box. , f ' By Mall anywhere for SO Cents . I. plain package. .' , THE ZCtX DKCQ CO., Gallon, O. -- bUi(i 'by) ' .... V 'TUCKER iBUILDINQ PHARMACY, RALEIGH, N. C. ' - . ; ; . ' a i l: f-- Wm Taken. : 1 ,i;v ' Mi ,ffV II 4 M.V I, 'if" ' I 1. M-il..-. M : : m wnun - RNE tLOTHlNG.V n r . ' We hold bill' of lading for a shipment of these fish which have been -packed especially for our' trade. They will be on 'sale to-morrow "(Fri day) by the barrel or at retail. 'Phone us your order. s '';, , j ' :. ' , '' Interstate ' 'Phone No. 12. : 'Tk. - j- . : - vtf Raleigh 'Phone No., 28 ,v " ;T ' 5 Bell' 'Phone No. 23. . ;, '"; ,D. T. JOHNSON & SON Clear Eye, ,E::c-:l Coiuplerdpn. ).'. Sure Signs Good Health, Both Follow Use ' " R0BINS0N-PE7TET CO., Inc." - , - LOUfSVlLLE,' KY. . r - - -.ri70r,,Qi' Oreftt Medicine for Hprliitt mid Fall Sucot'Ha over 40 yearn Kit better than drwlntf with ' oftloinel mid tjtilnlne.. t;urH ( lillln and h ver HhMow loin (ilea Ion, mkI Ilmr derH, Ix-cutiKe It ( IraiiHe the avKtom Ants gently on lloweln and I,wr line l untr, gives aiipellui and atrungtU 1'leHHuiit tu taHtu. '1 ry It liiHlm on 11 Uu Hhsi' and no otliur. 60 cent and $1.00 Bottles at Druggists. A .i A

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