my cv-.wi ,r T" 1VA r irrjr ;e h'i U S i l 'i i . 4 r 'n r 'n ti KILLED 01 Tilt . or iiui L : 4 ti. ULuU MTU eAet 4 t K k rnnrn f T I J PT r f la Li, II III Hid I vTi: "rpn Ub I FATAL fllSIH ta It cmi viitixiaxi rttuu V 1 ... . p c rem q allul...L: .ULNJIiLU IIIJ 1 . U4 uiiM U,J LiiiCali YcI!:tt Fevtr SIt-it!:a fo Kcw Oilcans Centimes , , . to Improve THIS WEEK'S REFflBT EXPECTED TDEE'LESS of Loet Ware; m Dwe U th Marked Imm( -at' . Om, WhUh Rappveia Every Few Pay. (Br the Aeaocialed rr ) New Ortoeaa. La., 8pt II Tbbagh tbe hope that fever would t eradicated by October lint, waa HDftimt ago abaadoaed, (cm1! en couragement U felt that It the throats of Ua authortUea have their eff act aad sappreaaioa la ao longer prac ticed, tbe fight will b virtually t a ad fifteen daye later tbaa tha day net Two poattlve caaaa hat a hoea reported from Kentwood," a mmber town la Tangipahoa partahh. sot far from the Mlaalaatppl Uae. Thee are tba Brat ia tbat vicinity. ' , From Tallulah aad Lake Province report come of some Improvement At Lake Providence the a'tuatioa la aomewhat compllcateil by a aamber of walking ease, discovered among tba negro. Tie? .i;.id taj tarer " before they are diaooverd aad iao - laid. .: ., . ' . . Meeting Postponed. J Aa Important meeting of the Rail road Commlaaloa baa been poetponed owing to. qtiarantlnea. Confereneca are atlll tn progroaa la an 'effort to aettle tneotton atrlke on the, river front, wltb falr proapert of auccGss. Strong presaure haa been brought to bear on both aide, baalaeaa men and the whole commonlty believing that owing to yellow fever' loseee, there ahould be mutual cooceaalona ao that cotton movement, aoonsto atart, may not be Interrupted. v ' TVDey'a New. Caaea. The new Caaea to-dar were 11, a total of J.B82; deaths 5, a total of v' ;.. Aside from the fever, quarantine and detention restrictions continue to Interfere with business. As harvest time la approaching on. the planta- lions, appeals - have come from all sections of Louisiana that detention - camps be kept open bo that planta ' tlon hands mluht be sent to the . country. ; ' '-. " Sunday's Fever RMOtrl.' i'New Orleans, . Sept. 18. The of . ' flcial report to 8 p. m. Sunday night was aa follows: New cases 24, total ta date t,5?l; deaths 8, total 3 38; new foci 6: cases under treatment . 823; cases discharged 1,913. - The Sunday reports . are usually . lighter than the - week-day ; reporta, ' but it was not expected; that the re port would run as low as it did. This leads to the hope that" the reports ? this week will be much lighter than Ihey 'were last week.11 The hedvy re port laBt week is attributed to the ' fact that every: 1Q or 12 days there Is a marked Increase in the number of . ,new cases, " showing a recrud , ence from fever 1 wnlch was 1 not ' originally known. . This ia fortunate 'in that it enables the authorities to trace these cases to the original foens '.. in , the locality, t alnd 'by thorough V fumigation eradicate; the ource.,of ' infection: The success in wiping out . nests ''of infection .in certain locall ' ties, after ..the original focus In that locality has been ' discovered" 'and . properly treated, has been the source of a renewal of confidence in the ultl . mate outcome. , : The State board Is In receipt of re ' quests from several 'localities in the f,; State asking that experts be sent to t ; diagnose suspicious Cases . of " fever, . and efforts are being madr to comply with them all.4 Some of these come from : sections ot the State which -a have heretofore been, free of Infec tion.' ' 1 , -'as APPROACHIIfG MARMAGB. Miss Merrill, of Alabama, WiU Be- onie ' the Wife of - rromlneht " "IToimg North Carolinian. 1 The following announcement from the Mobile (Ala.) Register, will : be of special interest to a host of North Carolinians: t ' ' :' "The anonuncement Is made of the engagement of J.llss Ogarlta, daugh ter of Colonel and" Mrs. F. B. Merrill, s - - kt I L an 4 ki J ' tZ'.t4 tfc t a ti.-r ta lt vj j t tr j ,kn.av rtworta 4 it Nn t (b rriUM a! fcr aa UiMt. Mrt a4 atsaa ktarHU tU riira ta Mukn ll In Kta Uf Xka Morrtll Waa aaaay trUA ta l) Put, aad ta AUkraa abe ta. aad aaa W. a ave-ilat a wane alt a aoa i Ua aaor dlaUagalah4 ef tba youif W gatcrattoa of vhm. Mr. Latta ta roo,luUy oaaart- ua aaa an war anaa a ia-w iw j almaelf tm tba Ufa ef tk coaatry.. Ha ta a frova aanraaa from (U vlwpoiat "of a a aratat yoaag ariaatlat. He baa oa a alaoe ta leading laaraad orraBlutloaa aa aa ipart la many it&aa. Uy Uaaage aad by adecatloa Mr. Latu la raoog ataed aa oaa of Ui ablaat af tbe Boatb'a youag mca. Cnarlotte aad that aectioa of the Slate are to be ooagratalatad at tbe (ttUHloa of the youag woman of Alabama who will taake bar notse there aa tt K of Mr. Latta. - - AT HIGH rOTTT. latrrratiag Kwa ll Thrlvlag Fwralrare Oatre. (Special to Tbe Evening Ttmea.) High Point, Sept II. Hortoa Ar mentrout, tbe youageat bob of Mr. aad Mra. Arueatrout, la critically ill at the borne of hla parents on corner of Rankin and Roaeell street. Hurley Davla, of thla place, who recently made a trip to Virginia, la la poaaeaslon of ' a baaket he had made while .there 'by , a negro' 105 yeare old. - v Mr. A. P. 8taley, of thla place, la In poaaeaslon of a 3 2 pennyweight nugget of gold which waa found by Mrj Q. B. Kfme on hit farm In Ran- dolph county. , Thla la one of the largest nugget found la thla com munity In some time and It Is thought that there Is vein of gold running thrpugh"TEeTand where the nugget waa. found. Tha nugget Is , worth over iao.000. -t - The officers of the Hill Veneer Company have been elected as fol lows) ' President, J. P. Redding; vice president. A, E. Tatar treasurer, 0. M. Hauaer;. secretary and manager, J. C. Hill. Directors: W. O. Brad- ahaw, J. P. Redding, S. H. Hilllard, A. E. Tate and A. Snow. , Mr. Ben Hayes and daughter of Tennessee, are expected Monday for a visit to the family of Mr. D, 4 L, Clark...;, '' s; 'i?. I k,. The Jones boys, - who broke the switch lights In the ' railroad yards here- and who jumped : their bond, have been captured and sent on to court '' J's ..?' -f,Xv-;.:' - Mra. Schaub, who haa been HI with fever several , weeks, ' was taken to her home In Stokes count this morn ing, where she hopes to recuperate. A large number of people from distance . attended ' the Stuart meet ings this morning and afternoon.? The Columbia Furniture Company haa contracted' for another large warehouse. ' ..-. Dr. C 8. Farris , and family are spending a day on so with the family of Mrs. Reid at ReldsvHle. WAYAESyiLLE HORSE FAIR. r . A Number of ' Valuable Prizes Will : Be Offered the Winners. (Special to The Evening Times.) Ashevllle, N.J C.,' Sept 16.-The citisens of Waynesvllle and Haywood county - are arranging for a county horse' fslrvat iWaynesville,'? October zi-23. The purpose or the xair is to exhibit, all ' kinds of ' live stock. : A number of prlies for winners will be offered and a raoe track will be con structed for horse racing. Handsome purses for the best exhibits, of horses, sheep, cattle and hogs will be made up and " it Is expected that stock raisers from all, over tbe county will have exhibits. - ', '3 ''. " Dr. Carver at the Tabernacle. -'h Great crowds heard Rev. Dr. W.' O. Carver at the Baptist Tabernacje yes terday .!,mornlng and evening..1 Dr. Carver Is from the Southern' Baptist Theological Seminary at ' Louisville, Ky. The audiences yesterday were greatly pleased with his sermons. He la clear;' profound and eloquent. It is a rare treat for church-goers to have the -privilege ?to hear - him through this week at i and 7:45 p. m. each day at the Tabernacle. His general theme' will bes ;"The- UnlVer sal Gospel.-, ' Cholera's Death Record. (6y the Associated Presd.) f ' Berlin, Sept.. 18.-Ten fresh caseB Of cholera and' five deaths is' the latest report of the dread 'disease. - I . Ta H, n!n, him ja4 -rh itj V ,4 -4 AmK Ka, ! j TW Mad inw4 f Mpaial a TM tCvoatag Ttaaa I i tta M Tbe Vwiag TtaM K bWr. IC. C. aWf t. It A aa X.iiU. ti. C. t aalteeal abooilag affair mmmrrm4 at 1 Kt4 ta oaty ala t(k( H. J u RlckUada. Oaao iaiy. frtdayL- m it ,,tr. u. m,. . alU aad a of It rab4 He 1 , ,, ' .. "V .... ;ara rtiraaUtlv of tba Cta . . . . A aboi aad 4urvvi a ad4 by aaaxhar Bt, Bcwlhrv aorvaxd an awlag laUsnate wtita (atr aa otter. The a ma of Ika t.ra.i kr la harbor. ta the Harra ao raeed the negro, the taUer, oboea aaaae ta aakaown. ahot both aaea wim a Wlarhaater rtfla. One woead 4 maa, ahot at the aagro who was laeiag aad alt htm. bat tbe woead i la not ataaawroea. A poeae waa or gaalaad aad aa oadaavor waa toads to get htaa. bat he held tbeaj at bay with bis gaa. A white man mamed Humphrey, a tiara p tad to fK him by akeaae of point let hla irvoitar at bin, but he abot Ilamphrry. It Is fatally. The aegro fled farther, aa- der cover of dark nana bat at dava Saturday waa found la a eottost fleld, ewak from the low of blood, lie waa arrested and bat for aome white mrm. ho were aaststlng the ah art ft. he would have sufferad violence at the bands of tbe enraged eolored people, who had gathered In great numbers. He waa taken to Jacksonville and put la jail. Hla Injurtea may be aerloua. IT THE STATE . WHIM! CurwoA aaaawa aad Notre eavfatrfeet 'From the Vnlvpmfty of , Korth 'Carvlina, by the Pperlat Cor- tV reapoadent of Tbe Even . . Ing Tiaueo. (Special to The Evening Times.) Chapel Hill, N. C..' Sept II. The registration to date haa reached 05. The men taking medicine : ia ' the medical department situated at Ral eigh number 20. " ' -' t)r. R. B.' Lawson, who la well known in base-ball circles, and who coached the Carolina base-ball team the past year, will have In charge the Bynum Gymnasium. ,'A competent assistant' hat been secured to aid Dr. Lawsbn in his work. Great atress is being laid upon physical culture and attendance at the gymnasium is re quired of all undergraduates. . Professor N. W. Walker is the pro fessor of secondary school organisa tion. This position has been created by" the general educational board and is under the supervision of Dr. vena- ble and state iuperintendent of pub lic instruction, Joyner. v The Y.-M.'-r!.vA; has now for the first time a paid secretary. V Mr. J. C. Jackson, of Georgia, but recenUy from the Virginia-Polytechnic Insti tute, has this Dosttibn. He has the (iipervisloh of ali y.1 M. C. A. work ' Mr. Frank McLean, of Maxton, has been appointed' an assistant in Eng lish. ' - V ' Prof. E. K.' Graham, 'who tor the past yea has been at Columbia doing special work'f In " English, is back again. J ' - Mr. M.'.H.SUcy, who for several years haa been ' an instructor' in mathematics here, la this year at Cor nell 1 oh ' a ' leave 'of absence, doln g work In higher mathematics. Dr. J. E.. Mills," who was professor of chemistry , here last year,, is now in Germany! doing work in chemistry PrbfessorGore, who for the paat year, ..on account 'ori ill health, , has been 'out'n- a leave of 'absence, is back at work again. , . The' Fraternity initiations take place to-night ' Their s outcome Will be awaited with great interest by those who 'have friends on the "Hilt" The foot-JJalll 'schedule for ; this season is as follows: U N. C vs. Davidson,-' October-. 7 th, .at . Clferlotte ; V.' N. C. va. 1 Pennsylvania, October 14th, at PhlladelphU: U. N.; C. 'vs. Navy, October 21st, kt , Annapolis, Md.; U.-' N.. Cvvs. , Virginia Polytech nic Institute, October 28th, at Rich mond, Va-! U, Nk C. va, Geortown, November 4th,1 at Richmond, Va.JU: N.'C Vs. A.' ahd M College, Novem ber 11th, at -Raleigh; U. N.'C. vk Virginia k Military Academy, Novem ber 18th, at Winaton-Salem; U.vN.' c, u vii-o-ihia MnvomliBP anth. Thanks giving day, at Norfdlk, Va. ' ' I A Ttvcvtuig Maa, fl.aid at IW Itnmm ttaua U Uawa-. At- ' Mifaa aataW f taaMai ttla TVMwt. a xJ (aMbiiaar. of K Tork. rwM fraoi kia root at I ta Ortie Uri )Mm4i annraiaa. 'fc btanl atraaaaiag fntwi a4f lBh1"d la hr itrMt Vaaaaa aa ffrtK( Ilk kIb fnaata. obra ita 4cM oaa eoajoiutod lia aaa aad earrtod by force la tbe hna(ttal whav hla roadltloa aa proanaar4 aertoaa. Hu lajarlea wrrr nada with a raaor aad roaalai of ikrr ir alM rata thrao larhea toe nirkd- lag bwa tba laryas aaa th- mot of taa toagae. Vaagbaa ta a aatlv of Norrroa. Ua . wbar hla family ao lt bhot Wife aad Hlanrll. (Hy'tha AaanHatd firm Pony. Mont , Sept. U W. 8. ( Crerma. an old aad prominent real deal, shot aad killed hi wlfr last algbt aad thea pat a bullet into his oti bead and died aa hour after ward. On hla marriage Crwnn sign ed over to his wife all bla proerty aad tbe management of bla former i poaaeaatoas had been one rauae of bis family trouble. WELCOMED BY To-lay Marked the Formal Opening of . .the Kifftity-Thfrd Anneal ' jOwrriTnniik-atloB of the Hov ( A, , 4 Vrrlgn Grand Lofl of " -I 'Odd Fellow. v (By the Akaociated Preas.) Philadelphia, Sept 18. Dlaagree- . 1 - . able, weather marked the formal opening of the eighty-first annual communication of the Sovereign Grand Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows. . The opening exercise consisted of the address of welcome by Mayor Weaver and the responses. Simultaneously with this cere mony there were held prize drills of the Patriarchs Militant .The compe tlon . waa keen and prizes were awarded iat the conclusion of the drllla. ' 'Later In the day. competitive de gree work of tne lodges, encamp- menta and the Rebekkh lodges took place. The Grand Lodge will con sider the 'Question of making mem bership in subordinate lodges the basis of admission to the Patriarchs Militant, which branch shows a loss in membership for the year; also the advisability of ' extending the order InW Porto Rico, San ' Domingo and Scotland. ' The subordinate lodge member ship' is 1,217,145; ' encampment, 177,839; Rebekah, 474,059.- Total Increase, 102,105. Expenditures for relief, . 14,633, 649: .total revenue, $13,638,791. Total resources, '137,645,071. AUTOMOBILE 'ACCIDENT. A Party of Five Were Thrown Out, Bnt "Aiy EsciKr StHOuh injury. ((Special td Thev Evening Times.) v Wllminglon,' N. CTSept? i8.An automobile, i"n which were Mr Frank Herbst. a local dealer In automobile his Bister-ln&w and hla three chil dren, turned "turtle near the , Pem broke 'Jones . place whllelthe party was returning from , the sound yes terday" afternoon,''' the occupants be ing i thrown put, but , no one, It is thought, Was seriously, Injured. One of the children 'was bruised severely WC PAY--1H-PER ANNUhf ' COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALLY nJtO "'otPOSltEO" waiic COUNTY SAVINGS OANK. " - - -let, UGH C: r.lAYOR WEAVERi , f " '.if . . 1 . 70 Aa4 t Kn 1 k.. a--. 1 1 a fonw f tMiita ta al owl m tag laf J Marl -4 Ctrar4, fur roat a oartaal baa two ar- tkie wt! vbe eaavoa a Akfhla Mr'.f . oaor fVik road aaukla. taa Ma4a all Olrarf la a trwr irlvor aal bnerBad atife Ma. Mak. wm far fraaa Iba a4aee ln ktlaa r-Tr'trt't body oaa fakC The aaUw a a aaaUty of tbe anaa a cH kta ta tba atak of Mra Maboa'a tnrbea aad kt told tbaaa Clrard bad rbaaaad all kls garaMWle eaort bla eudefvlwbaa Uat Tbtraday aaorolaa; bad faced boad alalM oo tba rtwbe. bet bo ofierad ao rtlaiiaki aa to ka tber rama there AbOTHtK HIGH P1HIT . mlthtlebl Ab twaaee to tbe rool With tg Onw rrm . Cbaage of Xaaae. The Itoeretary of Btate to-day Jaauad rk art art to too oomiaBlea aad eertlnrmtee to tba baaiaeas name of Ika UUbert-liarri Co.. of Tbomaa vllle. wfalck baa bee chaaged from that of th W. O. Burgle Co. Tbe Daltoa Faraltare Co.. of High Point, waa chartered for MO.Mt. of which amount 11 1, BOO haa been paid la. Incorporator are R. F. Dal ton. of Greensboro, and J. A. Turner and IW. G. Bradabaw. of High Point Meaara. John 8. Barnea, of Clay ton; David T. Baraea, of Raleigh; W. A. Kdgerton, of Kmlthneld; E. A. Stevea and J. J. Broadhurat, of Ooldaboro, are Inrorporator of the Barnea-Edgerton Co., of Bmltbfleld. They are capltallaed at tSo.OOO.. of which amount 15.000 haa been paid In. N1XTH ANNt'AL CONt I N i lO. Of He fwtematlonal C'li-m of nHvlt- mea aad Htroctnral Iron Wrk eff of America aed Caiuide. '(By the. Ashociated Preaa.) , Philadelphia, "Sept. U.Nearly one hundred delegate, reprusentiag thirty thouaand members o( the in ternational Union Of Bri'lftemon and and Canada began their Ninth Annual Convention. The two principal mat ters before tbe convention will be a general strike of Iron workers against the American Bridge Com pany and the election of a national President. DEATH OF SCIENTIST. General Isaac J. Winter Dead at the Age of 87 Years.' ' (By the Associated Press.) Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 18. Gen eral Isaac J. Whiter, the philanthro pist and scientist, died to-day at Clay mont, Del., after an Illness of one day. He was 78 years of age. . BATTLE, Pres. R, H ' ' CHARLES ROOT, Sewtetary. Established 1863 The Oldest Fire Insurance Co In ' North Carolina has male a continuous record of success against all competition. . ' ' ' Home Company seeking home patronage, has for THIRTV "8EVEN f TEARS bf honorable" service commended Itaelf to tlie lasurlng public , . . -: . Tiio i Jorili Carolina Homo InourcinGo Company OF RALEIGH, N. C. 81,150,000.00 Fire Lasses Paid in North Carolina. -When you start out to buy anything in the way 'of , Drugs,1." Patent Medlclnea, Cigars', Mineral i Waters, . ? ".. Brushes of any kind, an thing in the way or Toilet ' x Articles, " Pipes, " Tobacco, Cold or Hot Drinks, Garden , -Seeds; Fine Candles or Perfumery, dont fall to stop at" r ; our store hnd you will find Just the thing you are look- BbbtlUrlVynrie Drug Go. )$ Tratcilrs: Salcsnm Dies Aflcr Taltrs laaiassn With Salcilil Intent HIS FRIEKQS ARE SHOCKED AT SAO DEATH lo Take MM Ova IMr Hrfvr Hetp (WM Mr tbe Raab Art Ha4 llee (OaawMard. FpanaatHirf g C. Rn-l Ik R A. SierrNt. a tiawlioa aaleaaaaa. tf tad la hla room at tha Sparlaa Ian about t o'clock yaaterday morales aa tba recall of a aelf-ad ministered doaa of laudanum takea with suici dal Intent The body aa removed to (he undertaking parlor of J F. Floyd A Co., tbeara to the home of E. H. Bterrett. a brother of the de ceaaed, on North Dean street where It remained until the afternoon. when the remala were taken to the name of the dereeaed at Charlotte. Ha was well known In Spartanburg, wjiere he frequently vlalted In I he latereat of hi house and hi genial nature aad good fellowship won nambera of friend who are griev ously shocked and saddened by hi untimely end. There haa not, up to the present time, developed any cauee for his act. Mr. Sterrett arrived in tbe city on train No. 35 from the north and went to the hotel named above and regis tered. There waa. nothing unusual In his manner until he, accompanied by a bell hoy, reached the room that bad been aaalgned by the night clerk. When Inalde the apartment he turn ed to the boy and Instructed him to bring paper, pen and ink, stating that It war hla Intention to kill him self. The bell hoy, horrified by the j words, rushed down the talrway and 'gave the alarm. The clerk and others' west at once to Mr, Sterrett' room to prevent him carrying out his threat,- but they arrived tod late. The fatal poison '-an ounce of laudanum had been taken ' and the young man quickly passed into unconscious ness. J A i physician was called and every method known to. meaicai science resorted to in an effort to resuscitate him. Once it was thought that 'he was partially aroused, but Quickly the spark of life dledrOUt and Mr.' Sterrett's Intention had been carried out. The traveling men at tb.e hotel subscribed handsomely for a beauti ful floral tribute. ALEXANDER WEBB, Vice- rres.

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