TATT T lPv W a-a v f n v. f FEl'EB'S fUlL'E . BUHDIUE Ml (he Sunday- a:l Mc:liy Fever Rcccri Was Seal! CDUHTBT SUUHTIol IS STILL SEE A CUm at Um Ma. Wm Um Jtrw Dhh ev Daily Mrtv MmM " tW lb XNmm I Bats Rafidly redJala4. (By taa AaaoclatM fra) Kaw Oiiaaaa. lpt. ll.-Ttia fatar ItaaUoa ladlcataa aoma UnpraTa toaat. aotti&ta41as taa ftra, vat vaatbar. , ' " ' la aavaraJ eaaUr at tka city aar favar aaratofora praTtiWd, ft aaa 4taappara4 aa4 aaau of lafao Uoa ara acarca. Waaa Bawa raacaa4 aara taat a BQBbar of rafogaaa from TalWlaa aaf Laka ProvtdaBea, ba aniad at ClaclaaaU la a paaallaaa condition, tapa vara takaa to rallava their 41a traaa. . Coatrlbatlona vara atarta4 la Nav Orlaana and Moaroa ralaad tbooaanda of dollara and talacrapbad tha Bkma to Coacraaamaa Raaadall, who ta la Cincinnati. CoBKraaamaa Rknadall haa ratarn ad tha contribution and repdrtad all rafataaa infflclaaUy auppllad with monar, and - thr Bra balng hoa plUbly traatad la ClnclnaaU. Owing to tba rigid quarantine InsHtutad agalnat tha Stata capital by Eaat Baton -Rogoa pariah, oottaa ta re ported to be going away from that city and corn balng atolett or rotting In the fiJd , ' i . " - One poaltlva and one aueplcloui caaa have been found on the govern- - nent boat! at Kemp'a Bend 1 North Louisiana, tha Infection being trace able to . New ' Orlaana, Tha fever fighter at Lata Providence are un der a great atrala, owing to the great number of case, and pt. Bernard haa wired tha State board specially aommendlng Miss Edena, who re mained on duty 60 hours at a stretch with four cases,' one of them having the black vomit. Aroontf the cases at Tallulah is Miss Miner, who went there as a nurse. Baton Rouge has developed only a single case, but Dr. Corput, of the Marina Hospital Ser vice, aaya It U typical. v . The Presidenta' Reception. While novvord has been received by Mayor Benrman from tha Arkan sas .authorities ;as to whether- the train of the President will be permit ted to enter that State, It Is expected the answer will be favorable and tha loa&t committees are. to go forward with the arrangements for tha Presi dent's reception on October, 14. ; , '-''si': To-Day's New , Cases. ?'""' ' 'The new cases o-day were II, a total of 2,617: deaths 2, a total of ' 141.;; .Low temperatures . in Texas , and frost as far south, as Santa. Fe, ' was the cheering news which reached the fever fighters. ... . . New eases continue to apepar out ;Slde of New Orleans. 1 The situation ' In the country Is much more difficult to handle, owing to the wide separa ; tion of .foci and the difficulty of get ting through the Quarantines. " " The fever has not been obliterated -from the gulf coast, six cases being under treatment In Mississippi towns, Chattanooga has followed Memphis In "the" matter of v strict quarantine ' and now requires health certificates , from every person entering the city. no matter from w&at direction. Galveston has quarantined against f Havana and requires live days de- tAntlrtn Yt9 VADoata fvAm Vi n f nnvt ; 1 On fw Cam. i ' Natches, Miss., Sept 19. One new case of yellow fever has been report ed, postmaster John Walworth being .t.n .l.ttM TT I 1 A-t i ma flVtllU. : lilt, IB IUV SWUUU VttBO in the fashionable neighborhoods. , Physicians are examining three sua - picious cases, within half a block of , tpe Walworth residence. , r jv ' 'Monday's Fever Record. . New Orleans, Sept. 19. -The yel low fever report to six o'clock Mon day afternoon was as follows: New cases, 84; total to date, 9,605. Deaths, 6; total to date, S41. t f New disease centers, 9. .-: Cases being treated, 811., . Cases discharged, 1,953. I The number of new cases is espe cially low for Monday and Is taken as an indication that the record for 5isS Sfcsae tlal t 1aatis ra, HUB 010? eiy faa-V .are arvaraJ Vatt kkaaa aaa ati4 ta IM km mm Te mmmirt sstaejiaav ft t:l f aa- - ( a-' Basvraa tke raree ta aw toctit-; UN fa rasters trim Ike n(iul lasrsaa af utertiM, n.u osur is tub uia fw "Has Him." Baill, mm4 MMrWO, T ta Mm4 Ta.tgM la ta Ri a-4 Arm. Taeoaka, Wut, Spc II foi- lawars ftaUc raeu ana rat Bar la- jriia4 ta nrt la Cfkt bare ta alght valve Joba L. Sslitvaa aa4 Caariaa W. Mitckatl aa a theatric) taat ar fare. The toe are asafe bed ta hot trtaaa rosads al Rerreatlo Park, for Brty aw aaat at taa gross raaalpta. vtaaer la racamitl lHboa I. hi. b.x4r w.. t,rk. eaat, and toaar Ik aar m Th., A k .til k - M kl . " Btnui o Qaeaasbery rata. Both bum have ba aat af eeadttloa for yaara. Mltckall touchaa tha acaUa vail above twa aaadred. while old Joha U Upa the aaass at aaarly 4 hundred pounds mora. Borxrt OVER TO COCTtT. Ckai-frd Wit Trylmg ta Borvr PHaUtv ta Take the PUre of Strikrra. (Special to Tha Erasing Tltnea.) WlaatOB-Salem, Sept. II. w. L. Woodward, who vas sent hare from Roanoke, Va., to secure printers, to take tha place of striking union man, and who vaa arrested here Saturday at the Instigation of the local typo graphical anion, charged with .entic ing labor from this Bute without taking out. tha required license of MOO, waa given' a preliminary hear ing last evening and bound over to tha Superior Court In the sum of 1 1 10, which his firm furnished la auk. . ;i Jx ,.' ".v.-,-.--.. i HIS COXDtTIOJr IMPROVING. It Is' Now Thought That J. O. Vaughn, Who Attempted Bulcide, Will ' ' - Recover. : (Special to The Evening Times.) Wilmington, N,- C, Sept II. Mrs. Vanghsn" and little daughter and H. , V. Jones, a ' friend of the family, arrived here laat night from Norcross, Oa., to be with J. ' O. Vaughan, the traveling man who at tempted to end his life by cutting his throat at the .' Ortoa Hotel Sunday morning, but who seems to be Im proving. There is now no doubt but that the man'a mind was unbalanced and that waa the cause of the rash deed. . ' ; ' . GUILFORD SUPERIOR COURT. September Term for Criminal Caaea Convened Yesterday. (Special to The Evening Times.) Greensboro, ft. C, Sept. 19. The September term of Guilford Superior Court for the trial of criminal cases convened yesterday with Judge Thos. J. Shaw, of this city, presiding, and will last one week. The docket con tains 180 cases, none of them, how ever, of any great Importance that is, there are no capital cases but the usual number charging retailing, gambling and larceny. There are 60 prisoners in the jail. BEAT WITH SWITCHES. Guilty Persona Have Not Yet Been . Discovered. ' ,v '(Special to The Evening Times.) Boone, N. C, Sept 19. Some men disguised themselves and went to the home of a man by the name of Gil ley, who lived five miles from Boone, dragged him out of the bed and gave him a severe beating with switches. The community is stirred up consid erably about the affair. Nov one knows who , the guilty persons are. Mr. Gllley has since left the county. LOSS Bt. FLOODS. To the Santa Fe Railroad Amounted to Over 1 2,000,000 During Past :. - By the Associated Press.) ' r. Chicago, Sept. 19. Western, floods caused the Santa Fe Railroad a loss of more than two million dollars In the fiscal year just closed. This is stated In the anpual report, showing gross earnings, ) amounting to more than- sixty-eight millions. , Guilty of Bigamy. (By the Associated Press.) : ' New York, Sept. 19. Indictments accusing Frederick E. ' Carlton, of Brooklyn, of bigamy In marrying four women, three In Brooklyn and one at Rochester, N.'Y., have been found by the grand Jury. ' CRUSHED EVERY ' mm4 fcWy M Trigir W-Jh lw 4f ArWnai fc, U tW BVaat Wmwt, TW (W ! oraiy IKtrUI ta Taa ErlB Tlaaa) I Traiaa. ara II OU, lV faf-al4 mm td Hi. T K. Oat a ail. mt 4ata f(ar4ay aftaraeaa) at 4 H a rtrk la a ataat aarrtUa mm iar. Ha a-aa alaitai araaai ai tatbar a gta aa aaa caaU r a laraa aalt. klk harl4 aJa wK tarrlbla larta acalaM a larga pal try. waara. la taa tmlakllag of aa ar. aaa rrk4 ti dath, alatoat 9rrf - , of hlm w,. i... ,1, ' ' 1.. ..4 1.1. out taa atltrhlt.1 la tha brlt. Tba community Is greatly ahacaad ovar tba tragic jfcttfrae and asuch sympathy Is snowa the 4l(tracte4 ' parents, vho are aeaida themaelars with grif The Jhtle fallow vaa aa I uansually bright child aad bis auaay disposition nude ' everybody kova him. - ' . . HT1LI. NO C1.1 K Of Kranrtl. IWiW-y, 'Wbo'lMMpprar- ed Last. Fcbnuirjr. Bpeclal to The Evening Tlme. ) Elisabeth City. N. O. Sept II. Seaator 8. M. Beaaley. of Poplar Branch, Currltack eounly, paaaod tnrough this city yesterday en route to his home. He has Just returned from Norfolk,, where be carried Bls.grsmnie of the apcial aprvlrro held wife to a hospital to be treated for 'Sunday morning in Philadelphia, at nervous debility, resulting from the Arch Street Methodist church. In mysterious disappearance of , their amall son, Kenneth, February IJtb last. Mr." Beasley says that the meiJTiTbe- ttienifiorn attended strain upon his wife la wearing her life away and he ; expressed strong doubt. aa to her comvlete-rcor unless the missing boy is round. He says . there nave been no , develop ments, no new clues, since the search was abandoned. He still thinks. however, that the boy la alive, but entertains no hope of recovering him. Funeral of R. A. Sterrett. (Special to The Evening Times.) Charlotte, N. C, Sept. 19. The funeral of Mr. R. A. Sterrett, the well-known young traveling man, of Charlotte, who committed suicide In Spartanburg, S. C, Sunday morning. Was conducted from the Sterrett home, in Dllworth, yesterday morn ing at 11 o'clock, the service being conducted by Rev. J. R. Howerton, assisted by Rev. J. A. Dorrltee. Damage Suit Continued. (Special to The Evening Times. ) Ashevllle, N. C, Sept. 19. The motion before Judge Pritchard yes terday by counsel for the Southern Railway to set aside the verdict of 187,600 In the case of Thomason vs, Southern Railway, and to grant the defendant new trial, has been con tinued - until some day next week, when argument on the motion will be made. . " THIRD ADVANCE IN PRICE. Standard Oil Co. Raise the Price of Oil Once More. . ' (By the 'Associated Press.) . Pittsburg,. Pa. Sept. 19. The price Of all grades of crude oil, ex cept Ragland, was advanced by the Standard Oil Company, making the third advance in two weeks. As usual, the higher grades are raised three cents and the lower grades two cents. ' , ,j Disastrous Fire at Toronto. (By the Associated Press.) Toronto, Canada, Sept. 19. Fire Captain Worrell was instantly killed, Captain Sargent probably fatally in jured and Firemen Robinson and Fot were cut and bruised 'In a fire which destroyed Brown'a Flour Mills ion the Esplanade." The mill contain ed 10,000 barrels of flour and 350,000 bushels of wheat. The loss amounted to 'f 250,000.; . : ' Wise Parson.' ' "Old Pawson Smlff am suttlnly a wise man," said Deacon Blackberry on his way heme from meeting. . . , "In what way?" asked r Deacon Jones. v ' 1 ' - - VWhv. about de . collections. He nuts all de eood nickels in his pocket en sends-all de buttons 'en nails to de heathen:' He say If de.heathen- ant gwlne to wear clothes dey must hah buttons, en if dey's ' gwlne to build dey must hab nails." Chicago News. SHE JUMPED " ' TO HER DEfll? O a sa Lrat Im M , u u H.T M r fMkaf St If -4 MHarr Ara' ! u. Rraar Mr -..'(I ta 1 fca krl..ir Tin.". ' Utr a;.t l- . '.. tU.i II tiurfc Mm ItlUr J..1.I i. u(irr of Mr Mkfilr lukam 1 1, iiwa Mr N V;ri . !, hhl.i.i, istttalp. Ikt to.tii )uii (j-.t Itiiu ih aall at brr (uw biti araB4 bffjra nnM b r.- ,. i The oalT rwaaoa t H I .. i, u minri fur tba aaMdr 1 iiai i,. wf oiuaa kad bwa iu in,t kilih for aoma tln It l. h.mh-4 that nha bad bruodtid o t 1 . 1 . lt uaill br (ukifl tiiu lnii.ii.-l ll ka .-fldrnl thai hf ka.l U- n ,iiu IO( utrld. fitr T) rriiil, hr aakxt kuma of hor lrlc:i.1. II ihr) Ihoiifht sb wuuld br ki It iir mrrr to takr brr own llf 1 ". into lilrt iIm JuiiiimhI 1 1 uun Ikiui 2b twi ti- and roululiik (ml. nt.oul inn im 01 saicr. oi tin- omii was drowned baforv h . on I ba lakn oat. The eatrsnof to th mell l vry narrow. Mint Johnston was alttlng on tba well io. and aha lumH through tho owning fwt fotvmoat. The ramalna will fx- bnr iiKl at New Stirling rhurrh trvday NPKCIAI. I. O. O. F. SK H ICRS. Ralrlgh Maa Attended Ktvrrlkm in I PlillW4la .Sovereign fir and Lodge Preitrat la a Body. I The Tlm8 Is Indebted te Mr C K iaumaoen, or tnia city, for a pro honor of the members of the Sov- erelsn Qraad lxdm I. o. o . which convened formally ycHiurday. In body, and Mr. laumsdea writes that the church waa filled and the congre gation .heard a line discourse by Dr. George H- Blckley, the pastor. The programme follows: Organ Prelude. "March Pontl flcial" (Lemmens). Hymn, 14 0. The Apostles' Creed. Prayer. Anthem, "Fear Ye Not, O Israel," Quartette. Responsive Reading from Psalms. Gloria Patrl. Scripture Lesson. Offertory, "Seek Ye tho Lord," Tenor Solo and Quartette. Hymn, 783. Sermon, Subject: "Honesty In Private and Public Life. ' Prayer. Hymn, 776. Benediction. Postlude, "Hallelujah Chorus" (Handel). GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS FIRED. For Swearing Falsely at Trial and . are ; Removed From Service. (Byi tho Associated Press.) Washington, D. C, Sept. 19. The department- of Commerce and Labor has issued an order, removing Ld- ward Bolts and Charles W. Steven son, Chinese Inspectors. They were charged with assisting In smuggling four : Chinamen Into the United States at Buffalo, and with swearing falsely at the hearing of these Chi namen, whose cases are now before the . United States Commissioner at Buffalo. - This Is the first time since the Government has been enforcing the Chinese exccluslon act, that an inspector has been found guilty of such an offense.' . ,i ; : P6PULAR DISSATISFACTION. Is Still Felt in Japan Over the Peace ' ,"i f Arrangements. , i (By the Associated: Press.) ' Tokio, Sept. 19. Despite the fact that the ebulltion of popular dissat isfaction ; over the - peace . arrange ments continued unabated, there are indications that the business, con tingent t is slowly sobering, - down. Capital Intended for new enterprises', following i the successful conclusion of i the . treaty of peace, is gradually commg Into the banks as deposits; in amounts which tare likely to lower the rate of Interest. , ' - . ' " WITH THE ODD FELLOWS. Important Questions are' Introduced V, at the Business Session, for Set " '' ' tlement. w :; - , .' (By the Associated Press.) ' Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 19. The real- work of the Annual Communl. cation of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows -' began when various resolutions tor new legislation and I amendments to the present flaws, te'raaf l tab luara aaj M SS;!1YSTFM If) asiS at e t.jwctu to taw at a Pvtae eVtU VeB rk.- ik A twatlexe f lk ' paraSa a4 (,ta4 Prbwwa ikla af twit T wa Baa af auanb a a bmh Baa ikrwa a.ita aaa aal a twraaaS It ta aUl.iW an. otft.1 friak ka (ara Mil la n. Tto fV 14 ttaa lbw- frr-rmtr4 ta hKtJae at IW k By larwwgtal. tfr IBs a wau r i I Maaklactaa. U I". iw,n ii t l. ArittK Barwati rmt rvaiari aiti "PSbwIag baa ! .rra-aid t drusgbt ta ttoHkoaa ol tba Suat ti-r laWtaa Wk'ia a attcht lin(,rormbi la the evadlttoa of outtoa la r-iufiaj fwm OktaBoaia and tb ladlaa 1 rr rltorla aad portlutta of Uulin aad Sort be m Taiaa. Ihr roi a a kola. awr tb moat of iLc l-1 1 baa vktrtra4 Httkc or ao rkaag. nk a tradrarr loaard dalrrturai l Pra aaat ara or(liig la axlanalTrlv ro ported la lb bailers and Vwint idlstrkts. Blit onlr a f-w ootnilaiBti of this cbsrartrr wara raraitad fmia jUaCaatral (.ortion boll waarila ara Inrraaslag la Trsas and are rauaing Injury la Western laouiaiana A poor top crop la promised Picking is advancing rapidly and Bearing uompletlon la most Balds In Houth era Ororgla "Kxcvpt In Kentucky, where about one-third of the rrop remains to ba Kerured. the tobacco la nearly all rut and housed. The tuolat atmosphere tiaa not twn favorable for curing In Kentucky and New England, but In Virginia. North Carolina and Ten nosfeo the crop la being cut and cured nicely. "Neirly all the reports Indicate very light apple crop." Political Campaign Kunda. Hy the Axsoctated Preaa.) , Nev York. Sept. . State Attor ney General Mayer has arrived here Intending to Interview members of the legislative Insurance Investiga tion committee and counsel. Re garding the political campaign funds paid by the ife Insurance companies, It is reported that the Attorney Gen eral haa bee nlnformed the money o i paid out would be restored to the in surance companies, but this would inot necessarily prevent him from taking any action he might think 1 proper. REVOKED HIS LICENSE. Because of a Refasal to Ahl the President's Yacht, When In Distress. ! (By the Associated Press.) j Washington, D. C, Sept. 19. The ! Department of Commerce and Labor haa revoked the license of the Can- tain of the steamer Oterl. formerly belonging to the United Fruit Com- i """uer or tne scnooi next year a few pany, because of an alleged refusal days Defol'e tbe opening of the school, to aid the President's yacht Sylph, I "K'hdly notify your teachers also when disabled off the coast of North tnat So.on 4087. limiting instruc Carollna on April 18th last, after !t,on ln school with only one teacher having conveyed Florida. Mrs. Roosevelt to , OPENING SESSION TO-DAY. Convention of the National Assocla tion -of Life Underwriters. (Bv tht Associated Press.) Hartford Conn., Sept. 19. Three hundred insurance men from all over two or more teachers so that, more the country, attended tbe opening thorough and more advanced lnstruc session or the convention of the Na-1 tion may be given. An enforcement tlonal Association of Life Underwrit-!of this law will, I believe, result in ers. The meetings will continue i the establishment of more such through Wednesday and Thursday and the program provides for discus sions of various interesting phases of the life underwriting business. CHARGED WITH FRAUD. Officials Of Packing Companies AV i cepted Railroad Rebates. (By the Associated Press.) Chicago,: Sept. 19. Four officials of the Schwartzchlld Jfc Sulsberster Packing Company were notified appear in courtto Plead to an indict men t charging them with' acecptlng railroad rehnten i Th ense went oyer' until Thursday:- DIED 'SUDDENLY. Former Mayor of Fon du Lac and a Prominent Knight of Pythias. ; (By the Associated t'bsss.) v Fon - du Lac, Wis., Sept.' 19. Former Mayor - Frank B. v Hosklns died suddenly to-day. He was one of the most prominent Knights of Pythias in the. United .States, . Disabled Steamer Towed Into Port. V - (By the Associated Ptdss.) J Halifax, Nova Scotia, Sept. 19.- The' German steamer Bremen; A New York - fon Bremen, ' with passengers, was towed -Into this port- by ihe teamer Lucigen with a broken shaft. , t vt. i i . 4 V-VW M .Hi t'A.v'.tA:. tw UIUIL I I I STUDY COURSE H'tm i Ju'larf i.lP'IS lrt,o- af k-4 a ' I, lkkib a null asa i n ihui i, n.iA Ii l .tl.a'l. H1L uu. ' l.rlli i. ra A of a ni. dHiaiir , rti la bbl'ttr aliiM a ii. 7 1 in i-f 7 t Irl ,.f !kr r lot liloat a lk la ' yii lu rbto'tv it aSib4oa tf a v.rr ff iydt Ut ' t at, Lnrti'.ar) juMk m kuoia ivbialDad la tt.a BifciM latuad frt.ni n of 0 auiua DMialba asu A I i In- llinr uf Ha tMtllaUoa I im-di lu fr couiiti aaiariislredrsl a tttnVl.at aaabri u( tm ol Ikt rourar of stad) lo u I) rrry cuUlh wliuul ta-swrr If mirr coplra at ue-ded to aufpl; your tearbara. a-oil yoar order at uui and ll will b Bll.-d it.ai eary laaxhrr In kiui county haa a ropy of thla rourw of atudy. and l iMIM Ibal ba or the will tx held raapoaaibla for Ha adoption H la absolutely nreaHary lo rt-ducf the work of tba public srhoola lo Mm. drBnlie ayatem. Thla graduaMon and rlasalnratlon of the work ahould be commenced at once. Thla courae of atudy fumlahea a good working baala Call the attention of the attention of tha leather (p tbe fact thai It will practically be ItnpoMtlble lo keep properly the new rgiater and make the new reKrta unlesa thla course la put Into operation In the schools at once. Section till of the Public School Law says: "The county superlntend est shall not approve the .final vouch er for the salary of any principal or teacher until all report a have been ; made according lo law, and until the register has been properly filled out and (tied with the chairman of tbe school committee or with the county snperlntendent of schools.' A teacher that falls to classify his school ac cording to tha adopted course of study cannot make out his reports and fill out his register aa required by law. and he ought not to receive tils voucher for salary until he has done his duty and obeyed the law. 1 think also that it would be well to .require the teacher to tile the regis ter with the county superintendent arter having it examined and ap- i proved by the chairman of the school committee, or the entire school com- j mlttee, so that It may be preserved and Inspected by the superintendent. These, registers, containing a com- I plete record of the progress of the diffesent classes, should be sent by I the county superintendent to the j chairman of tbe committee or to the to me elementary subjects, that are the foundation of an education, and ; allowing Instruction In other branch ies only ln schools of more than one (teacher and only after adequate pro vision has been made in these for I thorough instruction in the flrst i named subjects, must be strictly I obeyed. We need more schools with schools and in much more thorough ! instruction in the elementary branch es. Jt Instruction In the higher branches is needed and desired, a iway will be found ln most instances !t.o have a larger and better school with two or more teachers." Writ of Error Granted. (By the Associated Press.) Richmond,' Va., Sept. 19. A writ toiof error has been granted to AUBtin - 1 Johnson (colored), who was to have been hanged in the Henrico county jail . Monday, for asasultlng Ruth Pinchbeck, a 10-year-old white girl. Forty-First Anniversary. . (By the Associated Press.) Chattanooga, Tenn., Sept. 19. The Society of the Army of Cumber land . held a business meeting this morning on the forty-second anni versary of the first day's battle of Chlck&muuga. - .... i ; Several Killed in Riots. (By trie Associated Press.) El 1 Paso,, Texas, Sept. 19. A dis patch', from, Coahulla, Mexico, . says that riots followed Sunday's guber natorial election and several persons were killed In Baltlllo, the State capital. ,ilv;t ;4. ;; ta M V rata ta, Imm i m tW ti w... Bwaaiiniill ilat Ml Bui m TVa Irrryw ttjf.ai a kti ) triani