At VUj t J? 4 1t ii "4- An Open Letter twtJ Ulta k4 T.m i rww. X r. tK la TW t-X'-t mmut l it fm trfv;t t a ti-i.w.) Ma J tai,4 a4 as W'l Mr ft. U C nti. ii U k- aWnwaw i, m4 lnaa rww M it l ia Ma tria4 a.- .. 4 lar iU'iiHv k a-a;a- VSW a i I iJwa-rtW aal Ci 1 t i r I I 1 1 f V 1 00mm To Friend &rd Patrcrj: W will csoTf frcra pur pre&ect loc.tien la J-xmrr Wt hiTt ctxrlj J 40,000 00 worth of new and deainble poods in tht itort. We want to tell at much as possible of this stock dur ing the FalL To enable us to remote we will make many sacrifices during the season. Just at present you will find the Boys' Clothing and Men's Hats, all the Trunks, Crock ery, Glass and Tinware marked at a tremendous sac rifice, as we will discontinue these lines entirely. We can truthfully say that you will find our entire stock being at lower prices than of the other stores in city. Goods keep ad vancing in price at factory; our prices are going lower. Will be pleased to see you at the store. Very Respectfully, Walter Woollcott, sold any the 14 EAST MARTIN STREET. HERE WE ARE AGAIN rtaMt t 4. M. aWa-a. it. 1m tfca a kf IT lM km la kulMH I. at IttW, i aaa M IW war fcklUtag 4MUM ln4aM ttraa a4 ra a s-arai 4t aalaaaa tarta al lfc awlalia ml k a. HwWrt a U itana.U IU arttfc aa altar trvhuU J a ta. Mr. HaaU to aiw a la al Wai KataaJ Va W tkal dtf asa ale sasa frwaa kaa aa4 ara aua. fw alai mmi I wW7 Imii ta ta aaf-t ! tk w ataala " thnia ! Mn r rrvi fc4 ta iatar Ml ll M tela last IWIflfWI I twi Im W arraaf1 a a 4 a aaa4 saaai rassn U la rrBt4 I Vk laar , Lam t Mr Jaaa Taraar vaa la lortaaat uc aa4 lk hBH H K a. i a , M a ar 4 l'k-u(k, i t . 4 Yt, Ma a4 T a tk MkJtr4 Mar4aar CMJ kr lkaT attl waar a fc aat a4 rrwti aa tfcal tU wwvr Maatra. Hr4r. JeB I H a4 taMl M klila.4 a4 Mr. lHia SV IUlaaav atl raai4U a. Kr w, t T rarawra a4 MarrWaU ' Hi.t tu a at4 at krtM Haa. ' la ai). aa4 (U 4a a a4 kaalaaaa lirarp rtiur ar M a4 W R OrtSa. j . h Mrii, A. r May. K K. ( hU a A. Uoodr4. J K H-H. L N tt Ilium. C K May. T , 1 Mat. U J Mar J O Mai aa4 A C VarWrvath, Tk caHlal arfc ta for lia. aa4 (ktr -Mr kaataoaa alik fl.4 Clkla. la kurr roaaty. comma fr-, aar4 1tk a rural! ar roiajr. lion a i ho RfKI Wilib roraliur to do a vaotaaal and r- . L"w 7' . .J" " " t.U baala . aa4 ! a c,.IUU foot) playvr aatoei t br larff aa krr of at ad rail imral ' ' Una of III. .10. lik !.( paid la laror jrtor ar W. S. Rrtrh. J T , Walah W H Kharna and W M Krm tnnarr of (rarrJ Lr, , Tba fact thai H loo fPjBrtJyt; T '"" Moohiala Graali Com iraaaaln. la Amrrlr.B kl.tory UatBaf. al Salubury. la charl.rad with do accaral tad auihmtlc aeftralil aio. k of 1.00. aad of faor ri n.rn I. faithfully r-, ' Tb lollowlag nam afr4 kaa rauard a numlxr at tha f-hBi4a ar tncoraoratora: 4 C doad admlrvr. of Oaoral Rokrt tMcCaalraa W F RatdrT, L. H riem K L lo lalrl ihfinaalTaB UlBl. d P H. Thon.paoa, all of Sal- tjtaj t SCjaWlO ti t -i rrtnrtr t DigJO CWrrf J nrs aS nna i ftaiH no ar huTNastcoTic. 1 A iaa. I rvun . Sour Stww.I)iTrtwca Kumalnvu!sjniifwrilv rra aval Loss or bixu rtSaM Sifnaaara af . NEW WHK. II- - Th2 Kir. J Ycj Hsva Al.vays Bc:hl Beara tie Signatoo of AW- it at.4W L EXACT COTY Of WlPTOL In Uso For Over Thirty Years A raua a prfwt picture of lb graat graoral to b made and lo b pr aTTfd for all tlm TbM work, after a I a ft of forty year, la now under way by lb John i A. lowtll Bank Note Company, of Boat on, wbo ar ualng for (hit par- poaa thr exact pholoKraph made at ; (neral Lee'a rraldenre In Richmond a lew daya after the aurrender. I which picture ha always been coa- aldered by the lee family and rrienas i Armm ronn . aa the moat erfecl likenesa aw taken of the general at thla period. The work, when finished, will be otfti. the hlgheat art of ateel engraTlng, aO that It will thus be preserved for all future time. Isbery. Tbe Uallaa Lumber Company, at Dalla. in (iaaton, will begin bualneaa with a capital mock of 5.IS0. The following are Incorporators: John (' Proeit. S ) Wolfe, E. L. Wliaon, H T Wliaon. S A W'atklna. W. M. Utile, M A Carpenter. J. M. Shu ford. I It lwla. P. M. and E. R. Rhync I' 1) and J M. W. Sumniey. A I. Kulwlnkle. H. L. Lewis, C. B. K N Queen. W. H. Uea- ton. I. A ThorntJurg, A. J. Kmltn, J. 8. Vlpiterman. C. H. Jarrett and f. Clemnier. 1 1 H 1 . ; in i n 1 1 i , i ! ntanrtaann nwMm KrarlnK Hpace. Mr. H. William Bason, of the Con tlnental Chair Co., and Mr. W. W. Corbett, of the Mebana Bedding Co., Ou a Km-UI Trip. Mr. and Mrs. John K Brldgers left to-day for Norfolk, Va., where Mr. jC rldg rs was railed on account of Tbnslness connected with the J. O. V. tV M. From Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. both situated In Mebane, In this1grldcera Wlt t0 Boston and other With another magnificent display of Fall 1905 Fash ions in Perfectly Tailored Suits for men a display outrivalling all previous attempts, and you know we have always shown the best there is in clothing. In cluded in our new Fall gathering of Men's wear ables is the well and favor ably known make of ETJP PENHEIMER, the world famous style producer, and artistic designer of 'men's fashionable apparel. KTJP PENHEIMER garments are unequaled.for fit, style and workmanship. J. Rpseogarten State, are In the city to secure apace for the exhibit of home-made pro ducts at the State Fair. Both facto ries will display a large and varied line of goods. TIMELY TOWN TOCS Marriage license were to-day Is-, sued to Edward Jonea and Loretta Dunn, colored, of Falls, K.jC. ' , . There will be a regular meeting of Monteo Lodge, No. 8, I. 0. O. F., to-night at 8:30 o'clocck. AH visit ing brothers are cordially Invited to be present. i The man) friends of Master 1 points In Massachusetts, Vermont and Maine. They expect to be absent from the city until Christmas. Sale of Valuable City Property. - -It jBy virtue of an order of the Su- IT J n L . . , 1 1 Mtarior voun oi vvaKe county 10 me directed In -the special proceeding en titled 'N. W. West and wife,' Bessie Wf.' West, and Henrietta P. Martin (widow),- , plaintiffs, versus Univer aftr'of North Carolina (a corpora Uoo) defendant, I will sell to the highest bidder at public auction at the court house door in Raleigh, N. C, at li o'clock m. on Saturday, the 14th dny of October, ? 1905, the following described lots or par- Thomas Drewry, who has been serl' usly ill for the past, three weeks, j. ,Bnd ,y,ng and slUlate , lhe Willi be pleased to learn that his pres-jcU o( Raleigh( Raleigh township, ent condition is much improved. Wak, county North Caroiina , 1 ne general comminee 01 associ ated charities will hold their Septem ber meeting to-morrow morning at The Total Assets ' ... ' '' of the Seven Hanks of Raleigh are $3,740,394.12 The Citizens '.National" .wishes to thank Its patrons for its share of this Duslness. n Capital : : - $100,bo6.60 ' Surplus nd ProfiU $121,000.00 ASSETS: $1,216,674.55 NEW BUSINESS SOLICITEDa JOSEPH G. -BROWN President. HENRY E. LITCHPORD, Cashier. eleven o'clock In the rear office of the Carolina Trust bulding. Every member is requested to be present at the hour named aa thtre is import ant business to come up before the committee. - : Lewis Perry, one of the most hlghltf respected colored men of Charlotte, and a stableman there. last night lost an overcoat while on his way down town from the union station. The aoat fell from the car riage in which Perry was riding. It was a garment of much value, of black cloth lined with aatin. You Want to Sell or Buy Real Estate We are the people to ssee. If you., want1 your rents collected better than you can colloct them yourself, . put your property in t our hands. Bo not buy, sell, or exchange real property without Seeing us. -, . RALEIGH REAL ESfATE & TRUST CO. 130 FAETXlITXIiE STREET, KALEIGH, N. C. , Decision. Reserved. (By the Associated Press.) , Montreal, Canada, Sept. 19. The decision . in the habeas corpus pro ceedings to secure the release of Gay nor and Greene, was not handed down, aa had been expected. It was announced that 'Judge Ouiment would probably hand down the find ing Thursday. 1 ? ' i bounded as follows: .Being a part of lot No. 815 in the! plan of the city of Raleigh as shown by Shaffer's map of said city, be-1 glnla gat the southeast intersection : of Dodd and Jenkins streets, in said , city, runs southerly with the east line of said Jenkins street 177 feet! to Mark. Williams' line; thence with) his line easterly 169 feet to Teasley'8 line, lit a ditch; thence with said ditch . northeasterly, said Teasley's and Royeter'a line, 138 feet to George W. Llgon'a line; thence northerly 43 feet with Llgon'a line to Dodd street; thence with this street westerly 198 feet to the beginning.- i -erm8 of sale One-half, cash, balance in six months; and tbe right la , reserved to accept or reject any and all bids. M. ASHBY LAMBERT, ' " Commissioner. - NOR.FOLK Oysters Fresh Every Day. Giersch?s ! National Bank dosed. (By the Associated Press.) . ; .; Mlnot, North pakota, Sept. 19. The Mlnot National Bank has closed pending the action of the comptroller of currency. , t RALEIGH DETECTIVE AGENCY , AND EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. prompt and careful attention given to all business placed in our hands. Strictly confidential relations - main tained with all patrons. Experienced And ! discreet ; experts employed throughout the South. Address RALEIGH DETECTIVE AGENCY, P. O. Box No- 314. ; RALEIGH, N. C. f We Sell, Rent, Repair, Rebuild, Inspect, Exchange, All Makes Of Typewitcw. . T5he Opital Type writ . er Exchange, 108 W. Martin St., RaIdgh,N. C R ! ; No Cholera Deaths To-Day. s.'' . .(By the Associated Press.) i Berlin, ' Sept. . 19. There were seven fresh cases of cholera to-day, but no deaths.' MARROW "Noiifll? Said GrccxzOicrG, ' - . N. C A tonic that .makes sick people well. Drives out all impurities that collect in your : syBtem. A family to'jlc for tha sick and afflicted. Hol lister'a . Rocky Mountain Tea. i'Zi cents, TeVor Tablets. H. T. Hicks & Co. ' " , " r A health authority rises to state that a newspaper folded across the chest will protect the lungs from the chilly . blasts of ; autumn, a . Now is the time to subscribe. Cleveland Leader, . , Hotel Martinique, New York, Broadway and 33d St - Most central ly located. European plan. Modern. PlreproofTaylor'B Jlestaurant Wm. Taylor & Son, also Props,' St. Denis Hotel, New York. ...: YOU'VE TRIED THE REST, NOW TRY THE BEST. ; Of E Y & Son, Bfvrbers THE YARB0R0UGH HOUSE The Cro well Sanatorium ' For the' treatment of Whiskey, Mor phine, etc., and Nervous Diseases, ah kinds of electricity, eiectro-massage, various kinds of bath's, et5. Special apartments and nurses for lady pati ents. All modern jmproYouiouia, ' ' 8. M. CROWELL, M. D., Superintendent,, Nol 8 W. Third St., Charlotte, N. C DR. GREEN L. REA, M . : Resident Physician. - ' R. J. Hiishes, Architect And Builder Tucker Bid. RALEIGH, N. C THE SPLENDIDLY EQUIPPED AUDITORIUM LUNCH COUNTER Is convenient, being under Academy of Music, back of post-ofnee and directly on your way to union station. Open day and night. : Lunches Delight fully Prepared at " Moment's Notica. Heating Stoves All Standard, from Smallest sizes to the Largest, Delivered and put up In any part of the Gty by Competent and Ex perience Stove Men.' PRICES CORRECT OWIiA IIARDVARE (0. 225 S. WILMINGTONST, 1 -" JOHN 7. MAYO civil ei:s!;:::o ' MIM.IK AM. IM. C. C. WATER POWER MUNICIPAL WORK Inclndinsr Wtrirork, Prwro Rlcdric l.iifhtmjr. Slrerts. Il'i'liwayn, ' . and J'arlt ltuvrovrint tut. Ha. Snh '- St.. f '. J