'i ' i L2l t i w ti V 1 Mil - 4 VCLUIIE OfiEAD FEVEH IS" IIIIIIEDECllllEgSrSSS: Dally Rcrons Stow itc Disease Is About Under Conlrcl N GOUSTRt RECORDS SHI liniE OF- INTEREST TWrt to Kw X IoU be That lb Trlkvw Krrw Epldrmto to Xt-sr OtVwm m4 Adjacent Twwws to I'tAf CWroL ' llr Ik A la' ) New Or leaaa, LA., bept. . With September practically gona. yellow ferer- la wader eoatrol la New Or leaaa. Aa the days grow eoolar, there will ba a steady disappearance of moaeultoas, It to bopad. avaa ba lora Iroat eomaa. Tbara 4a a ataady lapovr of paopla from all aacUon of tha coaatry. Tba aott faTorabla featura ot tba raport of tha Uat II boura, la tba mall anmbar ef paraoni nadar tramt nant'bara. III, tha amalleat alaca Aagaat Itb. ' 8Bda Farer Record, New Orlaaaa, Bapt II. Tba offi cial report U p. m. Uoaday night waa a follows: New caaee, 14; toul to data, 1,111. Death!. I; total. 117, , New fod,- 8. Being treated. II8 DlachaxKed. I.i7l. ' Tba low Banday record la almost a duplicate of that, of Uat Bandar , The deatba and new easet are the .aaine. . There are no manea of ape- clal prominence la the list Only are of the new . cases are' abore Canal street and two ot the new foci.- The, thera are down, town. Two cases ; ' were brougbt into the city, one from ! Ablta" Bprtnga and one from Grand Lake, In tha Barratarta country. The Ablta Springs, case excites some In terest because that la one of the re sorts in St. Tammany parish, whither many of the people of New Orleans went when the coast , resorts were closed to them by quarantine. It is bettered that ithe patient has gotten his infection in New Orleans, as he made frequent trips to this city. The Grand Lake case was broaght In on a launch to Westwego and transfer red to the Emergency Hospital. This patient had only been ill two days. The Emergency Hospital la serving Its purpose, because since the new In stitution has been in operation many - persons have walked to the hospital In the early stages of tha illness, and the result is that they have been cured. One man walked six miles In from Milnburg, one of the lake coast resorts,. to the hospital Sunday morn ing. Just as soon aa the first symp toms of the fever hit him. .! -x Dr. .White 'returned yesterday af ternoon from his trip to the quaran tine station, where he went to form- ; ally take over the direction ot .the business of fumigating the : ateam ' ships bound for American ports! and Porto' pico.';-sSU-W.4i','?vfri-.Uy The reports from the country show ed nothing ot special Interest beyond the holding of a work train on -the Southern - Pacific In quarantine at n . point . near Patterson because of a suspicious case of illness which de veloped among the gang. -j FIRST STEP 1 TAKEN ,', Toward Amalgamating 'all Catholic - Military Orders in the Country,', ' '. 4 (By the Associated Press.) ; ..' ; i j.. Chicago,. 111.; Sept. ? 6. The com" mandlng officers of the Catholic Knights of America and Knights of 8L John took thn ' first ntfln Vfiter- . ' day. toward amalgamating all Catho lio military ..orders in the. country under a general name qf the Catholic $, Military. Federation, ot America, with Dr. Hubert ' Btratton ' bf ' Chicago as 7 .. presiaent. xne teaeration represents f ,J a membership of - thirty - thousand, 5 , twenty thousand of whom were mem ' '' be r s of the Knights. ot St John and the remainder, members of theCath ' , 't -olic Knights of America. The fed ' eratlon wllll hold their, national en 4 ' 'ampmeat'iit-SaSalO"BextJttiittoiWs OFFICER RESUMES HIS BEAT Aftr Having Had a Hand-to-Hand '. Struggle With Desperate Negro. ' (Special to The Evening Tltnes Spartanburg, 8. C, Sept. 25. Af ter trlking Policeman Bates several sslslll HTELIFTTI - a sat a. At t . ., . i$ iX kt '..! U fcaae, fraetr4 Uke tew aaa rurM e 1M treat rr4 kataraay att m Ubarty MMt, wbae la aVar 4 Kwni rltun ba U bratb- lag at UM U ft store fraat wiLh bJch Ml ha bed k OvN fa KM UM, vaafag en kit he had immM la TV er, after C wards M bias aad Mr. ftalaa. Jaffced UM fcUlr f AWa bead end Hmk his hard j acrees taa bead, Iterta that hie Ufa waa la iupr, Um oOoar aito Ma Wol aad r4. wtia laa reaa.it aa autaC . After havtag hia aaa trass i a. MtM rasasaed ate d alias aa kla WL Bt USEM ACTJYTTT , Vladivostok to Hrtavaiac Mare Um rvwrUaaatiosi of Pmm. (T the Aawctat1 Pr ) VUdlTtwtok. iMpta II. Tba aid Um baalaaaa acUvlty of tba dty baa mm rapidly retaraUg aiaee Ibe proclamatloa ot, peac. lababiuau wb laft bar dartag Uvabloaa Umw are retaraing. eommerctal aad la- daatrtal life la raaaalag aad foreign staamera aad Bailing vaaMla with f ralgbt. ar already arriving. Forty, flv forlgn ataamer are eaeprtad from Hong Kong aad Bbaagbal soon. Tba manlclpal antbortUM have reoalved Inqnlrlea from thirty Ameri can firms, concerning the acqair- mnt ot bastaeae qnartara at Vladl- voatek. JapaaM Orms ar also com- lag la and preparing to leaaa groaad oa which to erect , bnlldlnga. The Russians ar also orgaaialog compa nies to deal In the far East prodacta. KANSAS CI TV 8TATK BAJCK Wbirh HeM Horn of the CttjV Moary, Haa ftoae Into Vola tu-y LiqaldaUoaa., (Br the Associated Frees.) Kansaa City. Mo.,- BepL JS.?The , u., ctww um sT..Be-atw-UtBMk-Wlrf open Its doors, having gone Into vs- uaury liquldaUon. ' Tba bank had loaned 1168,000 to the Bank of mon at Balmon, Clinton, Mo., which failed last July, catching Its deposit ors for several hundred thousand dollars. The Kansaa City Bute Bank was organised In 1188 and had a capital of 1200,000. , The last state ment showed loans of 14,000,000, deposits of 14,710,000; a surplus of 114,000. The bank held 57,000 of the city's money, ' , JAPANESE PUBLIC1 INDIGNANT. And Demand the Reelgnation of the Cabinet. ' (By the Associated Press.) Toklo, Sept. 25. The Emperor is giving his personal attention to me morials : presented to the throne, against the terms of peace. These memorials now number nearly a hun dred. ' The public is almost . unani mous in demanding the resignation ot the Cabinet, ' Even the moderates do not . conceal their grief at the re sult of the negotiations. ANNUAL MEETING Of the American Street Railway As sociation, Opens at Philadelphia, a 4By the Associated Presa.)V ; v" Philadelphia, Sept. , IS. Street cars, . their - manufacture and ' opera tion and methods forjmprovlng sub urban transit,, will occupy the atten tion ; of the twenty-fourth anuual meeting of the American Street Rail way Association during the remain der of the week. - The members were welcomed by Mayor Weaver. . ' ANNUAL MEETING . (By the Associated Press.) ' ' 'Boston, ; Mass.,: Sept 25,-Physl tcians, , surgeons and bacteriologists from all parts ot the United States, Canada and Mezlco , attended the htlrty-thlrd annual meeting' of "the Amerlcan-JPubllc . Health Association, which . will continue . until' Friday night. vf' Brew Masters Convene. ' (By the Associated Press.) Ala Cincinnati Ohio, - Sept., 25. Sev eral hundred delegates attended 'the seventeenth annual .convention of the National saociatlon .of Brew, Masters Questions of considerable Importance are to be discussed. - . A Large Crowd Present. - ((Special to The Evening Times.) i Charlotte, N. C, Sept. 25.' The day that President Roosevelt is in Raleigh the Southern will run 168 special cars 'into' that city, and the Seaboard Air Line- Railroad will run 116. It Is believed that the crowd wtlreach 76,000. , rait: a ii, jt. c, iicmut. EEPTruErs ss, ik&. -MUBDEB Eli 1 MaAaa Mi4nM Am, nuriMai UH la r fart feat V as NH la Km lUaadj latmiM. '-'V'w UtbW i Iri is, ,i c. , aMatnMlea4eJeba4 laMw.kl,,lU mUUm Mrilll MMtW'HJ U IM whtiwar m bas at 141 1414 trat aart) M-day. Tke atta waa tbe ealsaia - Qo of a ertos f algbUy atrMs Is Ut UrvMBii ptivat raslaaare. bkb wer lataadad I aforea. by "black bead saMbeda. ayaU t asoaar tor lamtaatty frvm aitark. Baclaatsg Friday alhu cr ru tted the Inn eihtly, appaeria aly t Ml Orutaii aad Hrpll when frtthtd by bar arraaaaa, De- splta tb tooaoat m4 f or bias bt tbe family, be sane dd t-day la reach - lag MtM QroMmaa. ,bfeT ibe bad a rbaaca to gi wiralng . Immedi ately after tbe clabbtag, tbe ptllce foaad two pIctarM In the Oreeataaa horns with tbeir facea taraed t the wall aad aotM demanding money written oa tbe back a. la two previ ous vlaiu to the bouse, tbe burglar bad stoles several valuable pictures aad more laaa four bandred dollars worth of silverware. MtM Oraumii'i InjorlM are aol believed to be daa- gerout. KKW SCHOOL HOt' 8 EH. The Board ef EdaoaUoa Awards Con- trade for the Krrrtk of.Tra Hoaaea, anal Are SUH Opra for Bids for the Kms Uoa of Brvra More. County Buperlatendent Z.V. Judd and tb Board of Education have been Considering bids for the arec Uon of new school bouses In several of tb school districts of tbe oouaty, and ap to the present ten eontractrjteaturee that they could 'only be de- bar' been awarded, and there aj-J - . - . t ' T suitable bids have been recelvd.1 Contracts for tbe erection of Bal-lhouses have been awarded aa fol lows: . Buckhora, dlatrlct No. 1, S. J. Ben nett, contractor, bid 470; Middle Creek, No. 1 (Fuquay Springs), .A. O. Blanchard, contractor, bid 1809; Middle Creek, No. 4, A. A. Rowland, contractor, bid 8475; Marks Creek, No. I, A. 8. Alford contractor, bid 1355; Holly, Springs, No. 4, H. S. Keith contractor, bid 700; St. Mary's, No. 1 (Garner), W. A. Mitch ell ft Son contractor, bid 81,020; Panther Branch, No. 2, J. W. Turner contractor, bid $150; Holly Springs, No. 8, an ell addition, J. W. Womble contractor; Cary, No. 2, an ell ad dition, C. D. Bennett contractor, bid 8125.L.AU of the above new houses are 4)o be substantial two-room build ings, and are to be erected according to plans made by Superintendent Judd. Bids are wanted for two-room houses at Swift Creek, No. 7, White Oak, Nqs. 8, and 4, and New Light, No. 7; and for one-room houses in Wake Forest, No. 3, Cedar Fork, No. 1, and Wake rorest, No. 2. SEVERAL DAYS' CONVENTION Of the i American fertilizer Associa tion Will Meet in Asheville, Oc- - r tober.lOth. (Special to Tbe Evening Times.) AshevlHe, Sept ; 2 6. The Ameri can Fertiliser Association will meet at Kenll worth Inn Tuesday, October lOthf -for a several days convention. The fertilizer vWbn.yiil probably re main in session during the remainder of the Week of October 10th, and, after adjournment of the convention, many of the. prospective1 delegates have . secured- accommodations for week and ten days' Btays. '. It Is said that between 150 and 200 delegates from all ver the country will be here to attend the convention. RESULT OF EXAMINATION. County Superintendent Z. V. Judd f. Announces the Result of Exami- nation Of Teachers. ' The result of the examination held by County Superintendent of Schools 2. V.. Judd . on Jilly, X3th tor white public1 school 'teachers has been an nounced,? and the result; of the ex1 amlnatton of colored teachers will be announced this week. t ." .- i h. Out of twenty-sli white applicants for grades, ,18 passed the flrBt gt-ade; ft the second grade, and J the third grade, and three failed to pass. v r i J Died. ! ' v. f .Thoma Murray Taylor, the little 15-monthhs-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor died Saturday; and the body was taken to Nashville, N.' C, tor burial. 3 K . , - illlEGS' FALL i D A a I n TrNwtv Hf trM BRIUtat i ) i'ii:it it, hr or abra)aad . CI a m m Hta to i ibi CWi kl a4 t. : ! Is I art addfj u. m b a Er ug.ii lm ! , M Ihv rltj Ifcat tkl 1o itri.d 'hi "iwoinf mild t ji (: Ld frbiu I b rovbtloM toil td.i u.tA thrtr t to tb Hlft tio-r It ould ma that Ibert tit fr that rrmalnoa at beese Hi rtutr m of faahloas-thr ladttw of KaWi(h aad tbe tlad lollkklsf srhuol (Irla Thla .too. an fxra- aloa tor maay of tbm to M la maatrr crilona Mta Car rlr Phillips has for man triaiii til brows with rlrh and hand made priiard the beadwrar of thr Ml Um. eie. tor, with tb aaalitanr of hUaa1 Tbr ar not a fw rhlldrt-D BmI Drntoo. Mlu Dalay Barh sad'baU oa eihtbiUon. aad thla rollrc rveral smart trimeter, eon ot'Uoa, It would ara, combined evr whom ar larking In the talents thing new aad charmlag for tbe III nerraaary to prod uc exceptionally tie girls of Raletth fin bats. MlM Phillips. Mlaa Boarb and MIm Deaton bad weoki ago been to New Tork. where thep atudled to be bets galore every day from good advantage the prevailing faih- this on. Ions of the fall of l05 faihloni Another special feature of Bher that are adapted by tbe foremost wood Hlgrs' opening Is the trading dreaaera of tbe land. These ladlea stamp offer. Doable your trade dis cern bark from New York filled count stamps will b given on open wtth enthusiasm, and they went to Inc day on all goods sold In the mil work and bsve prepared for this ei-'llnery and cost suit departments, hlblt the loveliest hats, many of Wedneaday. red letter day, double them the eact reproduction of the costliest paiterna thowa la tbe mil linery shopa of Manhattan: at III there's score of original beauties Miss rhllllpa' own Ideas carried out In s moat pleasing manner. There are so ' many bats, with so many scribed br an ' artist with a morei 1 tor tbe Hlggs opening. The millinery section on, the third floor was exquisitely decorated for the occasion, the pre-1 vailing colors being green and white, i with a profusion of the always beau tiful and much admired golden rod. Small electric lights partially hidden behind nattily arranged draplngs and ribbons blended with the colors and added extravagant effect to the decorations All the curtains to the windows were pulled down, and there was Just enough daylight peep ing In here and there to give a won derfully attractive picture. The mil linery display was, of course, the center of attraction of the store, but there are great stacks of new goods In all departments new dress goods, new ready-to-wear garments every thing new In seasonable merchan dise. But again to the hats. A few descriptions are given, but there are so many hats that you must see them to really Judge the merits of this opening. "Johnny Jones," an unusually popular hat this season; made of black pan velve straps of black velvet ribbon across back, caught with small bronze buckles; severe black . wings protruding from left side, 1 English Derby, black stitched pan velvet, with handsome Jet bucket clasped with a beautiful white para dise egrette. . Handsome short nap beaver. In nickel, : extreme high back, large coque pon pon, nickel silk caugnt with gilt ; and rhinestone buckel. j Thla is an imported hat and one off the aweltest of the season. j V Olive velvet ian, pleated silk, top brim and round crown; caught very high to left side With ears of- velvet ana. riuoon, nanuuiu oiive purauiae i egrette, finished with picot ends on crown. V . . ," French felt hat in Alice blue with Persian draped crown, two ostrich plumes,1' high back and side.; . Picture hat in brack velvet, black lace 'Scarf draped around brim, and Very long streamers to oaok, i large plnkroses caught -on Aigh bandeau on both aides and back, : - - A' refined style Is an exceptionally attractive toque, -formed of a black beaver berret and draped Into shape, r WE PAY 4 PER ANNUM . COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALLY, wakeH county SAVINGS HANK, rj mu.em. tt.c. aa aaajr - r - j a at bd la aie I mmtm ef 4 avi, e.a eu ua aa. HakU'M vwm talwi tMatttj ab4aa. a" .4 Ht Hb SMaM H -' kaike aWrt " This ri fcauwaiM f this ahrtMi; i trrtte bat la ataaMC 1 ' II baew aad alac kr twrm be araiiM Tai b mrf mmt'Sm N Oai "H am ' i ava vi .i i ri stiaT;! tw aa wkn at tbe rrewa sl " ' tawl Vevheta. hisa l !. ttti Inag aaerrr ikc Paaube bate aa la mM ikw Tb 1)al to i im are the leather proSix itoaa Tx are aeveraj aafi,1 a n hiMtloa at the H; taias Of raaree, laa taikocd beta ar a art af tb ehe. aa4 iaar awh vli-hnwa ra4) to f beta a Ua a, Fblaa A Airal..o aad Bui as. MM PblUlpe' rod.tio In dude ail tb prevaJHec ahadaa out I kla SMStra 4aai aha4a. bluaa thr arb-a4ailrad fraj. hlark aad vhtt. etc A eoilaetloa of laiaartrd hat .ram la for a large abara of ad m Ira Uoa. Tbeee ar rn ollv. uti. sold TuMday 1II rlly be the big day j of tb opening. However, there "III stamps tore will be Riven all ovr the MARSHALS NOT NAMED. Bcrrrtary Pogue Hays Work on Grandstand at Fair Grounds la rrogrrahtng Rapidly Col. James E. Pogue, secretary ofiand taps were sounded for the long !,.,. .rt-,'ood niaht of the Soldier to his de- mai wora was progressing rapiaiy on the grandstand, and that when flnfjhed Would be one of the finest in the 8outh. The different attrac tions are signing up. and everything towards making the next fair a great success Is moving along in great shape. Some time during the week the Joint committee appointed by the dif ferent organizations in the city. theiGrover Cleveland was advisory committee of the State Fair and the Governor will hold a con ference in the Governor's office to arrange for the reception of the President. It has been decided that the Presi dent will hold no formal reception, and, therefore, the best opportunity for the people to see htm Is at the grounds wnen he makes his address, and it is suggested that all go to the Kalr Grounds early and not try to see the President en route. Chief Marshal Mebane has made out the list of 50.0 marshals, but will not announce the names until they have accepted. R. H. BATTLE, Pres. CHARLES Established 1863 The Oldest ire Insurance CO. In North Carolina has male against all competition. STRONG AND RELIABLE Home Company seeking home patronage, has for THIRTV SEVEN YEARS of honorable service commended Itself to the insuring public. . . Tlio North Carolina Home Insurance Company ' 4 OF RALEIGH, N. C. '. $1,160,000.00 Fire JUjsscs Paid in North Carolina. mJ $ EverytHihg--- 2 When yon start out to buy anything in the way of v. , Drugs - Patent Medicines, Cigars, - Mineral : Waters, 0 j Brashes of any kind, any thing in the way of Toilet Articles, Pipes, - Tobacco, Cold or Hot Drinks, Garden Seeds, Fine Candle or Per turnery, don't fail to stop at lour store and you will Z Bobbilt -Wynne Drug Co. 5 r:llllHEflB!IIIS FEILIWHEII W Ml. 1 ad Ma a TlaM rvaw taw I a4 Kar hK kaftobd a ouural rrutalti a.,. r l'liar) T llCrnt)! afiorauua inawi 4 u. re full aslUiar bwt.i 7 t.e t. kum to ib fta nn an . a ,i t ; i n i Klbu.Dd lloattaer ad tb 'ioi, a follnat-d bt tl. tldrilrw tint k of thr iK! nU.ltr fuliM i ti Ithe ar ttn aabra- of tfcr dr t aoldlrr and atatrniaa btiir. (run. lhe rrup(ir of thr wddlr and tb, jaallltar) txt of Ihr dead man i ' verswd la the atlrruia Tbr funrtai eacort cooaUted of thr twtrcttrtt ReglmvDt of Stale troop, the Rtch moBd Light lofaati) Hluea. tb Rich I mood Howlttrrs. Ibfantry rompant- ifrom Peterhors Lynchburg. Char llotleavllle and Krederlrkaburg . R K i Ia't Camp of Confederate Veteran A large number of prominent cIUH'Ok acted aa pall N'r ri and tknitniir Moatsgoe and hi xtalf. the latter In uniform, were prenl at the obao qule Tbe aervtrea were held from the Second Prwabyteiian rhirrh. and were conducted by Rev Dr Ruaaell Cecil, paator of the church, assisted by Rec. Dr S C Mitchell, of Rich mond College. The afternoon waa a beautiful one. and the weather waa delightful, and thousand of people thronged the route of the procession and greasy hillsides of Hollywood Cemetery, famoxis the world over for Its oeauty, wherein the Interment was made. Just at sunset the body was committed to the earth, the three volleys called for by military regulations were fired over tbe grave Darted comrade. Minute gans had been fired by a detachment of the Howitrers after the funeral proces sion left the church, and this thun derous salute was resumed at the cemetery on the completion of the ceremonies at the grave and waa the final military honor rendered to the loved O'Ferrall. The following telegram from Hon. received by Mr. C. T. O'Ferrall, Jr., Sunday: "Buzzard's Bay, Mass., "ptember 24, 1905. "Mr. Charles T. O'Ferrall, Jr.. Rich mond, Va. : "1 am Intensely grieved to learn of the death of your father. The State of Virginia has lost a brave and tip right citizen, whom 1 was delighted to call my friend. "GROVER CLEVELAND." Cholera Report. (By the Associated Press.) Berlin, Sept. 25. Two new cases land two deaths is the latest report iof the cholera situation. ALEXANDER WEBB, Vice- Pres. ROOT, Secretary. a continuous record of success 101 find Just the thing you are look ,v. J

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