W 4 W - w ? "A i V ! i a aw. ii mV , a i vclv::i: n. HALnan, X. nu DAT, EEPTIHEIE 53, iSd PE1CC &t am i II MBS STATE Fl ra M t t ri n n n r r UU WltU UlM l t I I I I II a rrvi (tiwrsi 11111111 I (un imw i - I HUULU 'On lUU u CEBITS 1 I r a 4.iMi frwi 11. fwaiirf to l4Uf4 i 't. fry 11 Bk.t trti(k!l til bre r mmt'Ju )t. a GS THE SHE GQUm IT C 0 r ti wf aa '..' r' 1e tr M a a n c . . l.awe frtu- la t - a ff i.w.krj ttlM wf - t.rt MtrM m.1.m -! ... FEVER S HEIGH IS HEAHLY 1 1 , Ua. A kttitr 4a at t hart) fa liaa TW hiiH at U1 Anm rinnli Qui a4 Te- via U CW mi ffaal tat Vfcr a t4 by Ik TVa Great Nort Carolla lUM ruriu w hi u luwjk. n. c. la U YtrtorU. BrHtob llatla, trpL II. Oatalla kWl'piM kMtar la Mmm mm4 ( ( r till Ik tfc OroW Ilia I Hat. . TVn -t aaaa ran(t4 r U will U aauaai attrarUoaa Iku will taaar Ulen. tut tba Urgm mart Uaa rvpay ail aa cotsa. T,HIa fcUt la iatrif. ta Rmu MtuNMtl aava atara4 aa trouUa jCajtUlB Ajaaaaarr. tw iMaiiy ar ataaaa ta ft a ark a Ur art loci aa all! )aa tka aat aaM crlUea aal affor4 (rat )aaaara and amaaa maat t tba frt crovda aa vtll attasi, Na oaa vaa attaada aaad kara aar taar eoacaralnt any at taa maar attraetloM taat will k ahova. aa taar aava Wa aclartad vtlk eara to plaaaa aad aianaia taa aaopla. Tba arofraai ta aa fotlowa: Tuaadar. .Octobar IT Fair will b opaaad fey Oofaraor R. B. Qlana. Flaa raclBf. PTaa attractions . Wadnaadai Octobar II rratar nal Ordar Dajr. Racing. Fraa at tracUODB, which all fratarnal ordar ara raapactfuJlr Inrltad to attand. aad bopa Uarl will ba a larga rapra- aenUtloa. Tbarada. Octobar II Praaldant Rooaavalt Oar. with rrand military eaoort. naa racing. FYaa attrao- tlona. . rrlday, Octobar 10 KducaUoaal Dar. A grand rally ot aducalora. Racing, rraa attraeUoaa. Among tha graat aad varlad at traeUoaa to b aeaa aacb dar on tha groaada ara: Mlla. Zlngareila, In wonderful aplral tower act Madam Laona Bonn!, In high trap eia court wab act. . Matt Gay, diving from ninety-foot ladder, turning backward aomeraanlt . Hutchlneon, tba Homaa Bomb, a moat wonderful and dating feat,, , Rolllna' Trclned Wild Animal in hibition. !.V V , ' I . , U-to-data an J clean midway. , Olaaa-blowera and many other at- tractlona to please and entertain all who atend. . ? . ? ; ,s " Theae acta and attraction will be diaplayed each day during the fair, There will algo be fine exhlblta of the agricultural, Industrial and edu catlonal growth of the State. , A the President of these United States ha consented and promised to be at thla great fair on October 11, it therefore behoove the people of this good old State not only to wel come him In large numbers, but also to make a united effort to make a great and grand display ot the varied , resource - ot North Carolina and prove to him and hi trlenda in the North and West that we are not be hind other States in attraction for capital and a good element of set tier. Welcome all, and bring big crowd and large exhibits. ASHLEY. HORNE, . V ' President. CLAUDE B. DENSON, v- : .Treasurer, JOSEPH E. POGUE. , tv.'' .,.-. Secretary, Many Entries Made, r Entries to the Fair are coming in right along, and space Is being se cured, dally by those wishing to make exhibits. . The White Furniture Company, of Mebane,- one of the largest furnl ture manufacturing concerns in the world, has secured large space at' the grounds and will make a magnificent exhibit of their products.' ' ! , Cumberland county .will have 'fine agricultural exhibit, and other counties are preparing to Bend varied exhibits. ' . , The poultry department will be t&e best of all over former fairs. Prof. Jeffry. Of the A. and M. College, ha the arrangement; ot the poultry ex hibit In hand, which assures it suc- ' The free exhibitions in front of the i '.. grand stand will be numerous. Thrill ,Jng acts and fea'a of all kinds will take place dally.. ' - " troya4 If tra at Kaboaa. Kw Cato doala. Tba acaooaar Joaaa Prota ara waa daabad ta lacae soar Nw eaatla. aflar feroaktag tba taw liaa froia tba staaiaer Halaa Nicoll oa tha algbt of aWataabar 1st aa4 aarai mta wvr draaaad. Tha Wm-br4 Chatham. B tba Aaam-tt4 Prm ) Port Said. Pvrala. apt. l Tho forapart ot tha vrark ot tba Hrliwh ateamer Chatham, bloaa up -i-c day ha entirely dlaoppaarad. but ihr atara must ba farlbar demolUhed hy dyaamlta. Thara la a bole 111 fwi dwi at tba a pot wbara the vrwk raatad. 1w ". - i Biii,t. a aivH. aaal i i. 'w4 fur alaa tKaib t a rbarg tr Uir-a) aad r-llt. aad Leti Kr. aaotbaa l( glvva Hfbt i "f tfc aakM effrat fklllla Thtma. a .luufcg arw boy. ko aald t hat hr caau bra f r Koatb Carollaa. airra cbl ,noatba oa tha raada aflr b4a( foaad (nlltj of it,flwg rkrtbla from KtMMr' a) otlfr aar chaola Tbrr aar too Miff la- dlrtniratt aalnat the boy. bai Jud n i fiii la tbra -r (atpaad4. Juilg told th buy, la paaalag irn. that after arvlag Ibf algbt montba oa tb roadi that ba bad better make a be liaa for rVtatb Carollaa. or be oold order . tka rlark to laiaa a capias la tba other in" 1 1 t , . I h. of!,. The 'Of Ion., I I In I ('in 1 Um.l. DO! dirt . ft It. . I k I 4 en- I .- i.t 1t.i . t n-u MJ V ill I. - -r ! I,. fr ' ' ' i U !( M ' , t ? C I II I tit. fc 1 I ti. u' ' f . t ' I I " i , U I I. . I h 1 . fU lii. ,t r. I Ut . I ke K rti 1 1 ' 1 - I Um II ' 1 ' !l ... . i . iid.i a. u'.r- of ri ! i. , . H i i rt i. it. 1 1 s rtiti 1 1 M tl It I III I b I. Ill I fa i" ft, hri- ' .-ri- in;i I i r, t 1 i i I 1. 1 i jrf iu :i . i ' I i- 3 nil 'I ti Ii 11 In ', Ml. K 1'' unr I'f ' 1 ' i: . inn r :i lk i ii ik aaa.rtM e t, ( k.l l.-k i t.i ,, I I. i. it,. Ult kt) 1 I. ; . tt' In ! 'kI .1.; i-t-l kaklir) nt.i i.m.k !;. It-) ,lu.i.. ... i.lhir mw kkd I'm if I bo ( e k M k Ii I 'I) BttMliM .uH1.i . . 'rk'.klttk C!fr k : 4 i Ifklbnd lot ki i.i.i la le'lti,Mw, ' if m hoe! U tra i . iiu!-kt4 l .lmiuti i, i. i kbd J'T'lfili,,:! it,. ), 'be rtatrr i ' 1-. H1J l ft iia Y.4 w !. ,1 Itrm tan (. k Ivlii, ft mmIm 1 rM .1.4 I n f. hi : ,.: i,lilr' . I . ' .t. Ikv Hilik Wt I M4i I . 1 ! I., 1NTKE PATH OF THE TYPHOON Latest Re porta of, Rynt Groat Dla aater Show Dlatrraaing State of Affalra, With Pro pert r Dratroynd and Llvee Lost. ., M! I 1 I' I ' I :. W .IS nil caaea agalmt htm aad that ba would ft-' '' " ' " " have to aerva two yeara Inatnad of! in - (;Hi ank i.ot.n. i.i eight months. . t r..'i m io t:i..: Sam Duprea. tba young white man)l' i t i k for a limit M ' who waa eharced with ahnotlnc tha mon i'i,ii S r. One ti polk-fiman at Ornrr, waa found aot' Ifn- humiilo niacin $i : r.u fcTllty of the rharte of aaaattlt With! t " i ttna nil or th.' ... iv !. a deadly weapon. , ,' irlt) i"iiy odd men i-tn n.it lrtit Tha case agaldtt Orovar Coppaga, !or nun? of the piaci-i. nmic unm tha young white boy who la charged Ba ""n niw-tl, and tb" itiipiovinK with robbing a maa from Fraaktln-iprinu-rs an- mifttn ith Kpiindtd ton of bla money and watch.Vae be- aun.'ss. nTr,iiiinK Th- ;ili ir nii-n gun this afternoon. Grand Jary VUlla Count r Itome, TBy the Aaaoclatad Praaa.) , Manila, Sept r 1 1. Report from place along tha path of the recent typhoon In the Island of Lnsoa and the Southern ' Islands, Indicate a great loss of life and property. In waters surrounding Samar and other Island many coasting vessela and island transport! hava been wrecked. The coast guard cutter Leyta 1 a complete wreck and . 11 American and 14 native were .drowned. At the town ot Sorsogon, 15 na tives were drownad.- The -lost on hemp plantation is estimated at a million dollars. The army trans port Juan Rodrlguet Is ashore at LegaspL la the interior of the Island of Samar thousands of natives are homeless, and the same report comes from many other smaller Island. The army posts in the Southern Islands have been destroyed. Cfril and military authorities are rushing aid to the suffering people in the form of supplies of food and shelter, Owing to the destruction of the telegraph system the reports are meagre. The grand Jury visited th touaty home thla afternoon aad tb convict camp near the city. Everything waa found In good condition, and th 1n matee of tha county btyae aaWd the members ot thenar? that thoy war welt pleaaed with . their trnat ment under the new superintendent, Mr. K. C. Smith. Everything was found In good on dltlon at the camp. Alpheus Vaughn, the former agent here of the Singer Sewing Machine Company, who U serving a term for embeztlemen'. rf In bi'lDR ansWiKil lluidlv ; arlvi'4 Imi ii In ii. ii inlnti r Th klliiHtlim luslilv of Uio ni'Wiiiiai or olfli i' ImiiroveH (ruin i; lo hourli WliMS (TtMViril H hi Ii Hit v Hir riaaeer. Mix. W Un H -T. Is I mliT rrr-t I It) Ihr A il,.t I i... i i xtui. Mu . f iii rs 1 1,. I,! U.J of i tlil- Bum j fminil In In' mhiiii ai tin Ii i ' I c un Hotrl ht.- bad ruiiiiii! ! mi Ui It h mm i Li :i i in t j r i tn ni !. i fun, i.i lt!i lut, i i.nilir iharRr-l mill liatiun inun-d min ll( Il1i' ,1.. U ( klltl till' klitll.ili ,i IklllllK I" fcii-p til auriftur-n 1 CLUEASYET IITHEISTEFII Tin Tlil f Who Iit Meaim of a Kurgiil t'lntk Siiunil $:t(MI.MH Worth nf Kii'urllli'k linn no Far Ili.lHitl tin- Pollrr. ki.d it t .i I .. i !?- i T t , I. ! . . . I 1 t, ,, I ot t 1 1, i II,. u ! I,,,tin lt,t,nl klld tin il Till, .1 and liefore tills time m xi woiik Tlio Charlotte News. Thi t'hronlrlo und rUr UIhutv.t will lixik as ukuuI Tim Charlotte Nowa 0Mraled throe of Its four linotype nittchlnos iitonla, and The Observer four of Its five. The managors of these p'ants de clare that they are Rueccullng be yond their exi'ix tutlons. The atrlkem are getting restless. ( Uy tin Awi,'l;il, , I'k bs ) ; Vork. Siit H So fu- as could he nsrrrt ill tied no attenipl has been made by the thief, who Rot poa fesslon of 3liU,(tOO worth of securi ties by presenting a forged iheck for them nt the .National City Hunk yea terduy, to dispose of them. Detert Ives and ftnanrlal men Interested In For the nrst noura or trie strine ti,P 0BS, are making every effort to they remained :tt home, waiting to m,Vent the negotiation or sale of the funds of the company, Is verr illsee what would hnppen. They Imag- nle aerurltles and to And the young and his condition Is precarious. THR CARTER CASK. Defendant Haa Been on Witness. Stand for Six Days. (By the Asaoclated Press ) Chicago,- Sept 29. The cross examination of former Captain Car ter, who Id fighting to prevent inn Ined that the dally papers would have I to shut up shop, llttl during the hint 26 hours many of them have been vefy active. Some have tried to keep recruits from going to work, and others have endeavored to "toll" newcomers with liquor. Every train Is being met by delegations or com mittees and the men who arrive are spotted with the hope that the Btrlk- MISS ROOSEVELT'S TOUR. Her Visit to Japan Will Be Entirely n Private One. . (By the Associated Press.) Seoul, Korea, Sept 29.-Mlss Alice Roosevelt and party - left by special ' train for - Fusan. Owing to damage done by: rain the trip to Fusan will take two days. The party will stop to-night at the Presbyterian mission at Taiku v and to-morrow reach Fusan, i whence they, go to Shlmonosekl and Yokohama. Their Visit to Japan will be ; entirely pri vate. Miss 1 Roosevelt will decline any public recognition or hospitality. The Emperor of Korea yesterday re ceived ; Miss Roosevelt in a farewell audience and presented "her with his photograph, to which was affixed his autograph. ' - - "i ' ', confiscation of $600,000 seized at lhe:erg may "work on them" and defeat time of his arrest on the charge of I the efforts of their former employers defrauding tha government, was eon-1 in a card. Issued yesterday, the typo tlnued before Special Examine r graphical union declares that noth Wyman. The defendant has been on j ing of the sort Is being done, but the" witness-stand continuously ior the newspaper men who are on the sit days, but gives no physical Indl-j6:reets know to the contrary. Men cation Of the Ordeal Both sides are' have been threatened with cracked anxious to. complete the taking of heads and black eyes. This is a testimony at the earliest moment, so bluff, tor the men who do it would the caBe" may be referred to United j not dare attempt to carry out their States Circuit Judge Kohlsaat for a j threats for fear of jail or violent re- declslon Without unnecessar ydelny. taliation. The popular method is to When the hearing was resume:!, j -tote" the boys. Charlotte Observer Assistant United States Attorney man. who presented the forged rheck hearing what purported to be the sig nature of Pearl and Company, own ers of the r.pcurlties. An official of the National City Bank, who described the transaction involving the surrender of the secu rities by the bank, said they did not differ from many bouaflde transac tions, common in the financial dis trict. It was stated that the young man for whom detectives are searching was probably only an office boy and may have boon acting In behalf of some more experienced operator. I, , l it I If I lli( I ln-rr ' ' - ' Llilh' tin I I Ih li if i tu tn )lin,i,,ii( Mikk t,. i, ... Il li T 1 ,..1.1. Id, I. ,ii If I I'll ' ill-!!.-,, Ttlf. SI'I. .H.J.mIV i tn ihi- M iMi.i,,i i,,i,t ill li'ii"!' With the rapid ni,)iiine in i in both In (Hi and S!.iii ti,an ii,ns.i. are no atallatili- (or duti ItiuroiUf ' t't-vrr Km-ord. V llili Him Si-pt rst The n mrt of ih irllo lever lliisliou In thin fit to t, mlork Thuraday aftr tHMin sun a- fil lorn n p ahea JJ, total to datf I.JII, dt-atha i, Intal . ti fi I v patleiiln belDt treatej Li, 1 imilenlM dlw harced I'.l'Hi'. The i ii i i : i on s of a lartter llht of ni' iii-,.v i-kiirdHV. beeaunf of the lar;, list of htmptrlous riw't reported In' da) before tuere Verlfli-d. lint at hat the number of new ium waa 'mall and show that a steady de line ran be expected henceforth. The list of suspicious cmsok reinirted festerday was very light (Inly five of the new can are above Canal street, while the greater proportion of the others Is down In the Seventh and Eighth wards. Two new rases were brought In from Jefferson parish, one of these coming from Harvey's Canal. Om? was taken to l he Emergency Hospital and one to the Charity Hospital. Of the deaths, all but one were below Canal street. Surgeon von Eidorf returned to the Ity from Tallulah, and left at 8 oclock last night for Jacksonville, PI a., to carry on an educational campaign In that State, which has been considerably alarmed over the spread of the fever at Pensacola. The president of the State Board of Health wrote him a special letter of thanks for his work at Tallulah. Surgeon White will leave for a tour along the Southern Pacific Rail road Saturday morning for the pur pose of consulting with the parish and local authorities on quarantine matters. Reports from the country show 22 new cases and three deaths. 1 Jimmy Garner' Fight.' ' V , ' .Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 29,--Jimmy -Gardner, of Lowell, Mass., has been matched for a fight with Willie Leads, the crack New TorK light .weight before the Hayes Valley Club to-night. . The management of the club will also try to persuade Leads td make weight meet the winner of the Brttt-Nelson fight for Its Oc tober event. Nelson has signified a i willingness to meet Leads if he can make the weight. - , i . . i. i - Czar's Trip Ending. " . St. Petersburg, Sept 2 9. The lm- No Idle Printers , In Raleigh. We- take Us'- following from the Richmond Journal: ? ' A telegram from Raleigh, N. C to unlou.headfluarters herej calls for four expert typos to handle railroad tariff composition. ' Four men will ' Recommended By Committee - ' - (By the Associated Press.) ' . Christiana, Norway, ; Sept. 89.-A special committee of the Storthing, to which the question was referred, decided by twelve totes to six, to rec ommend to the Parliament the adop tion of a government bill, embodying a draft or the treaty, providing for the separation, of Norway and Swe den, signed at Karlstad, September General ErWln questioned the defen dant regarding, seven Wabash Rail road J bonds purchased by Captain Carter and his father-in-law, R. F. Westcot, In New York late in IS!.?. for $10,326. .. The defendant said it was one of maay purchases made by himself and his father-in-law. They were in, -partnership "in several don is. in some caBes, ; tne witness sata, ne simply acted a? the agent of Westcot. Later he madd- foil accountlnt; to his father-in-law ' -and received re ceipts for all the money paid over. FREE TRAINING Oy NURSES. R. If. BATTLE, Pres. ALEXANDER WERR, Vice- Pres. CHARLES ROOT, Secretary. Established 1863 The Oldest Fire Insurance Co. Young women of Small Towns and Country Districts to be Favored. I By the terms of a fund to bo ad-j ministered In connection with the' Philadelphia School for Nurses, Wltberspoon Building, Philadelphia, j a number of young women from every country will receive free train ing in Nursing. It is planned to ultimately reach and help in this t way every village and township. The young women will be provided j with room, board, nurse uniforms; and all the refinements of a well-ap-1 pointed Christian home. At gradua-: tion the diploma of the School and the Order of the Red Cross will be is for i conierrea, qualifying lor practice in I $6,000 any State or country; the railroad: (n North Carolina, lias male against all competition. a continuous record of success STRONG AND RELIABLE Home Company seeking home patronage, has for THIRTY SEVEN YEARS of honorable service commended itself to the Insuring public. The North Carolina Home Statesville Gets Knitting Mill. The Secretary of State today granted a charter to the Statesville Knitting Co., of Statesville for the manufacture of hosiery and knit goods. The capitalization 111 An. , which - amount has been paid in. The Incorporators fare will then be paid back home are Messrs. H. L. McCall, ,J. C. Steele ft Sons, W. W. and W. D. Turner and D. M. Ausley, all of Statesville. v ,The Elk Mountain Cotton Oil Co. also, was allowed to amend its char- Insurance Company OF RALEIGH, N. C. $1,1B0,000.00 Fire Lisses Paid in North Carolina. nrobablv leav thla afterrioon-or to night.'' The posrtions are permanent. 4r for. the. Increase of capital stock Raleigh Is on the eight hour basis." from - S166.000 to 1200,000. Mr James A.1 Burroughs 1b president and Mr. D. G. Devenlck is secretary. A Big Swimming Contest. . " Milwaukee, Wis., Sept.' 29.' There are representatives " here ' from the seven most Important athletic organ izations of the middle west to com pete for honors at the big swimming meet of the Milwaukee Athletic Club to-day. Several handsome . .prizes have been offered for the event . and Those applying and chasen to re ceive the benefits of this fund will be given two years training, with a rich experience in nursing the sick . WE PAY 4 PER ANNUM . COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALLY - ..to - ' -etPn ' mm-. ;WAKE SAVINGS . BANK. ii fib fflfjurtU t m ar av W BobbItt--Vynne Drug Com'y., Sole Agents ; n ! I V1 vf ".peFlaljc.ru,,ae- is nearing jta end; and 23fd, 1 V - ' ? UewiWrecpj(l8.1)lwU ..probably be made. 4 X - 1

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