f - BBBBtSft -a-a. .a i fc- W Vii EiXEIGH. K. C OCTOEtB 12. PUCE ftt lESIOEin :agsji,ifto TO DO III THE sswaam W ti IMI14 a'lV"a ne m Tten m aotw ipnit'iM oa to oka BHEEIII15 La B. lrrtM'e, aa K M ial.aj.ea, ' ae k. tB Ware aU till X WwW UiN HIS DEATH MIOST OF HEWS ITEMS ) a Ml 04M a W It M eeiled ta kta Muiwt SktKk karov . . a ta-ai4, 4 . - - 1 itaa fc lit eaaa ml IV I k ika kw ) u- to Ito Mad via a ki u ee IVftdran aa toatarweww to tag It II at lath U Ue I nor. Ua Ua ftuia. fair kvOorlttoi al irpnUUm of t aUfaraail rrkUttoM .tK.tk cKjr ta BAkka 4Ba!U arraacreata tor, U roep!lo ( tat rrMM Tkarada of rJr Work, ui U Maia aoarUl roMaUtUa T valrh o-lU k Ua firot lo rocarva taa Cfclof Cxa cUt. TbU ooansJitaa will eoaa poaatf of OoTor Qlcn aa4 fcta raoaJ auf. Ilarr Joojwom hit oouacll. taa oOcw of lha Buu rir, rpraaUUTa froai thm arl ua ortuixatlooa la lha eltjr aad Mrarai rrprcaeauUT man Urot(a out tba Buu. , Baaldaa tbla aparUI eoamlUaa, wtlck will b1 tha fraldt at tha Irala, MaTor Johaaoa haj aaka4 taa Chamaer of Commm, tha IaduatrlaJ Club U4 tba MarchaaU' AaaocUUoa to act u a Knaral rommltt, aad III badfoa hara bora praparod for tbla oommlttoa. Tbta oommlttoa will wait on tba oulalda f tba.aaioa abad wub tba mUltla. ' rrota tba train to tba Oororaor'a ataaaloa, whara tba praaidanUal party , will braakfaat, tba llaa of pa raua will ba aa follow: Up Martin to FajrattaTllla: up rayatterllla to tba Capitol; arooDd tha aaat alda of. tha Capitol to Wilmington. From hara lha Una of march will ba dowa atthar Naw Bern arcare or tlcston itraet to Blount; down Blount to tu Exa-J cutira uanaion. Ona of tba prettleat and ' . moat plaaalag aichta that tba Prealdant will wltneaa aa ha rldea from tba train to the Mansion will bo tba 1.000 achool chUdrau of tha city who will present ona grand . bright-colored . pbalanx along tba aouth and eastern parapet Of the. Capital Square. The children win great tlie Prealdant with moving flags and patriotic song. The music for tha occasion will be ar ranged by . Prof. Wade R. Brown. Governor and Mrs. Glenn will en tertaia at breakfast besides the preal dentlal - party about SO personal guests. . All of the Invited guests will go from the depot to the Mansion in carriages and will go with the presl dentlal party to the Fair Grounds. The Military. Mayor J. J. Bernard,, chairman of the committee on military, said this morning that he had received official notification that the following com panles would, be here to act as i military escort , to: the President: Companies from Clinton, Lumber bridge. Fayetteville. , Goldsboro, Salisbury, batallion of A. and M students. Besides these, which have .already been ; heard from, it is ex pected that the following companies will also be In line: Greensboro, Louisburg, : Frankllnton, Henderson, Warrenton, Oxford, Burlington, and Sanford. Battery A,' Light Artillery, qf Charlotte, will be in line . Counting the two Raleigh com panies the Oak City Guards and the Raleigh Light Infantry there . will be sixteen companies In line with more than .1.0Q0 men.'; This will .be a military escort worthy of the oeca slon. ' It -Is understood that the unl form of the militia will be khaki, the favorttevcolor- of tha President The Races Will Be Good. M.r. Cyrus T. Fox, of Reading, Pa. ' and his "kon Mr. C O. Fox, of Phlla : delphla, "who, will have charge of the ; .races at the State , J"air next week, ' arrived in the city yesterday and are busy to-day arranging the face , en tries,' which will " be announced to morrow. There are 13 classes la all, and the outlook is good for success ful racing. Mr. Fox Jr., will serve as clerk of the course. Jt 1 i i i . - The Social Side.' 1 ' -. pearly all of tha marshals -Invited to. attend have accepted .and the , social, aide of the fair will be one of the most successful in the history of ; the association.;. There will be dances ton Wednesday; Thursday and Friday . nights and Here i;- will be . banquets v 1 galore. - ' , , t . t T ' YELLOW FEVER REPORT. .... f ... -The Present Record Is the -Lowest - ,-. Since liast July. " "s i (By the Associated Press.) - ' v r v New Orleans, Oct.; 12. The report of the fever situation in, this city up to 8 o'clock) last night is as follows New cases 16, total 2,216; deaths 2, total i 17 ; cases under treatment 170. The low record, which is the low est since July, -would have been still 111 ka a !tW I'UMMM4 BJli tM ta t .a.tw - . - - a..a1a . a. - - cm tat Wwt m euaptiBa Mm rv ,tj t taaaa aae Caaal aira aw a that atraV, m ltl for tbe I rat elate ifca , ! la w a4ar tw l a? to a aerUn reaarta tM n - L A. C L. roftKlUX Ctam)IUT10. are, Aaifwalila to FtoaWol rwewta. (HoerUl ti The Bwalag Tia 1 ' Nrw Bara, X. Ort. IS. la dor to aretd aalu la tale eoarta Umf tka uviMt miu kr ttia km, AUaaila Coaat Lisa Railway Cobb paar aaa drlar4 limit t W tor- otga roraoratioa aaa. thorofora. aaaoaable to rodaral eoarta oUy. The eosapaay had wot fenai tbla aiaa a or wary aatil the groat aambor of law aalu arlaiag from tba Brace Croak dtaaator of Auguat J7tb prartl- cally oompallod them to da so. Thair object la doing tbla. It la bettered, la to pat taa case ta tha Jartadlctioa of Uaited gtatee eoarta aad wear thai plaiatlf oat by oonUnaaacea aad other techalcalitloa.' la view of thla atep Editor C L. Stevena, who, a few days ago begae suit against the road for 110,000 damages for detentloa while aa route from Norfolk to Goldsboro, baa en tered A p)ea of . aon-ault aad will again begin aa action against tba road for- IS, 000. the latter sum be ing the limit for which they caa be aued la the Bute court The suit will be Interesting aad tba plaintiff s lawyers will make a hard fight for him. On account of these proceedings the caae will not be heart until the November term of court. THREE WllfES Frank Norton, Who, It la Claimed, Formerly Worked la Thla City, Arrested la California Ac cused by Woman of Bigamy. (By the Associated Press.) Oakland; Cat., Oct 12. Frank C. Norton, a painter, of Charlotte and Raleigh, N. C, was yesterday accused of bigamy by one of his wives, form erly .Miss Josephine Qulnlan, of To ledo, O. She claims that while look ing through his papers, she found that he was married to three others beside herself, not having had a di vorce from either. t The papers atate that Norton made an almost fatal attempt to kill his second wife. Miss Elizabeth K. Milton, of Butte, Mont, and a third is Anna French, of -Los Angeles, Cat ' The couple is In court because the wife attempted to kill Norton. She claims that he was going, to kill her to keep secret that which. In some way he found out she knew. She shot in self defence. Norton's names does not appear in the City Directory and nolthing could be learned of him here to-day. SHOT HIM IX THE DARK. Mr. Caleb Penny, a Well-Known ,' Farmer, Shoots His Son-ln-liaw, s k Mr. Hollcman. n , i Mr,. .Charles J. HoUeman living about eleven miles from Ralotgh, was shot through .the , left .should.er , by his father-in-law, Mr. Caleb Penny. Eearly yesterday morning before daylight Mr.-Holleman wept into thd stable, to hitch Tils horse and while there . Mr.n Penny came " out of the house with a pistol In his hand and fired, the hall striking Mr. , Holleman in the shoulder. ' Mr.-' , Holleman wrenched the pistol from his father- la-law's hands;-vTr Young extracted the ball, and Mr. Holleman U nbne. ma wutat) -ui um wvuuv- i'Vv1 . Tho reason for the thootmg can not be learned, v It is said 'that.Mf Penny , and - Mr. Holleman, f though living in the same house,1 have not sooken In six months.' It is not known: whether the shooting was an accident or not. , - . :j British Steamer;, Ashore. , (By the Associated Press.) , v. Gibraltar, , Octf 12. -The BritlBh repair ship Assistance is ashore on the coast of Morocco In a dangerous position. - She carries a crew of 862 men. . . , IE II ID IT.. Uim Law lavaa MtoaW ? m KnUi to Km ). 1 Kw Totk. Oi-t. II 4raHac K.tlk,lli IWa ajai. i caa mansklttaw, roinarlti4 MUi4 ,Bir4ag rrom tk otadeo of u rwa) 'aaa. Mattbrw oaa ta bare pJaroa oa trial lo-dar oa a aana bkh arrw oat l ika mllsi ar or-Uka rdraJ TUak aaa ika Kltilrrlii ' ail4. pmddrat ev lb bask. !"" adraarod r. Wlf la - prortlre of law aa aa pclltttra He was a frtoad. of fornifr Otrmwe Black. Tbla snor4ag ha racntved a )MrUI dollwry Mtrr After road- lag. tba houora pr bard bias g" to bis baibrooai aad oxa a ladrw Few aoFoada later be jaaipod to al most laatant death Matbee-e was ladldod teat May oa rhargea of aplrary and grand tarroa growing oat of taa looting of tba Walsael oa tfte or ablch Darld Rolbarhlld. tba wrorker of tha Federal Baak. wa admlnlatrator. Rotbachlld, Joba w. Wootea and Lawyer Bemeol I, Far guaon were all Indicted with Mathewa oa tha aaroa charge. Rothschild I waa already eervina: a long term In the Bute prlaoa for wracking the Federal Bank and Wootea waa con victed in Jane aad aenleneed to nine years and fire months at 8tng Slag Ferguson was expected to be a wltneaa against Mathewa. Aaairv Vote School Taa. ' Angler, a email town la Harnett county oa the Cape Fear and North- era Railroad, baa 'voted a apodal school tax, of -SO eents on tha hun dred dollars worth f property rand 90 oenta on the poll. The vote waa II to It, resulting In favor of. the taut. . '' 'i . . i . , Col. .. C. Angler, general manager of the C. F. aad N., for whom t be town was named,, spoke for. the tax on Monday. . He being the largest property owner in the town, the tax will fall more heavily on him, but none the less he was an ardent sup porter of the tax. Democratic State Convention. (By the Associated Press.) Providence, R. I., Oct. 12. With no Important contests for nomina tions and little difference of opinion to a 'platform, the Democratic State Convention opened to-day with every promise of harmony. It Is an ticipated that Lucius F. C. Garvin, Governor for two terms up to last January, will be nominated by accla mation. I . Two Twenty Ycar-ers. Sheriff R. O. Rlddick, of ' Gates county, arrived in the elty this morn ing, , having in his care two negro prisoners, Arthur Walston and Bill Hargraves, who will serve 20 years each Tor .burglary, of which they were -convicted at the last term of Gates court. American, .Bankers' Association, in : Convention at 'Wshiuton, , dominate tfflcers - and ; . Committees for En suing Year. -( i .V.' ( -;- h 4, l.'.f !"" ( By its. . Associated , Press. ) ; Washington, Oct-1 2 The follow ing' officers "Were .nominated . by the nominating committee of the Ameri- lcan Bankers' Association to-day: : President," ' John . L. Hamilton, Hoopeeton 111." , '"Vice: President, C, S..Whitson, New York cftjr. f xecutiva coinmlttee Q-,M. . Rey nolds, Chicago; Charles J. QdwardB, Burlington,- Iowa; ,-J. J Sutlivah, Cleveland; Henry Wilcox, Baltimore, and MlltonEUes oL v;a,shingion ; v The following are among the vice hrealdentat.-i-'.vW. .M. Habliston, Rich mond; A. G. Brenlser, Charlotte; B. Wi'Lane, 'jacksonvlllej ' fev "3., feucjt, Mobile; W. B,. Montgomery, Ifarjon, S. . Cv and Wv F. McCauley, of Savan nah,, Oa, , Vl i DSllS ELECT TITFICERS Ml MW la fctwr t Mr i. Roar Hrv b IB A aw M. Or. II t I 4 kMakaa UM akl Oklu t.-i A al 4 uoiaor aal lar4t kiag i.d iiihu la tituitu fm. km u $ ' 9 aaic of W ,. ( n J Tk- m, ... kir. , '.. . nH M HrrT' I 14 1h.rt bo arV in l. i, hwtuI aufawlvd a frt' .-f thr Mrm Hrrr had owi i.imd trx.m rklldhood. byi ka-o iir houw b krart aad ha4 boce Jone ik rooking She hid .iHfd VpiiIo oa Ibr aaa atotr u n (he nTf of brr draas. rotnltig in niari artife the karate g gaa. bfw-amr lnid Tbr daughter roarhd home ),ni m brr mother waa d.vlag HItiH riT M-.WS. If-tu nrrd CmimrM Inmi lh" nttarr Tnnn. High Toint. Oct 12 At a tna- tne-ilns of Friends at Oik Hill laal 'Bight it was enanlnioualv d-ldHl to build a Quaker church al (hat place, one and one-half nil leu from thla city. There are quite a number of Krlcnda In that locality and the ned l of auch a church haa been frit for ' some time. i The bank of thla city took a half .holiday thla afternoon an aa to give; their employe a chance to aee aome of the fair at Oreenaboro. The graded achool children wore given , holiday yemterday ao they could take 1 la If 3 fair. High Point haa organlaed four , factories lh thirty days and lost one by fire Tuesday night the Eagle Fur-1 nlturt "Company. Of course High. Point hasn't any factories to Spare, but bad. the record named above Isn't ' Gov. Hey ward Can't Go to Charlotte. , Charlotte, Oct. 12. Several days ago Mayor S S. McMnch Invited Governor D. C. Heyward. of South Carolina, to be one of One Of the glie8t8 oi oonor ai me rresiueni s re ception, October 19th. Hj received a telegram from Governor Heyward 1 ll.t. J Ll . - . 1W to(tof, WW taMaal u bap.bw. ... regrei ai Resolutions favoring government being , unable to be present. TheJald to 8hlpplng were from message follows: "Accept my thanks. the executive council and agreed to.! tor your invitation to be included Anions vnnr fruoata nt hnnor tn ti-root ' President Roosevelt on the 19th Inst. I have delayed answering a few hours trying to arrange to be with you on this occasion and sin- cerely regret that I cannot be pres-'duced t0 take ttctlon The opinion which amount $5,050 has been paid ent l feel sure that the President s , of the commttee is that such legis-1 in. The company will conduct a gen brief stop in your eity will be made i ation should provide that United j eral realty business in renting, buy most pleasant by your. South Caro- ( States tootea 0f egai tenders should Ing and selling. una lar neeis ana tneir ionn ..aro - Una brethren, and am sorry that I cannot be with you." (Signed) D. C. HEYWARD, Governor. The Find of a Man's Head on the - Street in New York Leads to the . Discovery of a Horrible Murder." (By the Associated tPress.) : . Nbw ; York, Oct 12.j-'he finding DISCOVERY if CriUTAL CHIME of a man's head In front of 616 Eastiof nnnnlnmnntnl p.nrrncv alonir lines aiRUieeniairoei, lu uiorums, u to the discovery of a murder. The head as .wrapped in a white and blue Jahirt ' and- he Sunday supple ment of a German newspaper.., Soon after the head was found a man told the police he believed a murder had been committed at 1'49 f hird avenue last night, and the , body J4ad been cut up. A search of the house resul- VI 111 ' IO tVMUVV VI J V. UIW MtV KUU legs. Of a man. In a suit case .and thd trunk Of . the body was found In a closet. i , 1 . THIS DECIDING GAME U r..";""" w.ttr h- Fpr ,-thei; World's' Base-Ball Cham a pionsbip Will be Played TonUy.!, r 4 (By, the Associated Press.) .;v k Philadelphia,, Pa,,' Oct ,13. Tha postponement , yesterday, - bf cayse ef rain, of the third game in the world's lot fit. TV ktUMl LaT tm aua tk k ' Ua rlort okikt ka t ttno k rUiadr'.ia ka o aaa eoftl laal FrMa) . I i la4 tkai Ik ruaMa-a kM k k i ik attuaUua O; kr' link rkr Nat lk a a tmt aaa ta tVMlaa. fcitMk aad mm Mk Tk eeik U mt aa lrit) (to4 (-IHCT 1 Tlirk4" raiT. Taa Mr K-rkly StrakaVd at Hr folk T -! (B) tha Aeaortetad 1fmt I Norfolk. Va. Ort IS Mtrkarl Mrra. chief alr Iradrt aa4 Pit Hrk eWaleJaarry. aorooA-rlaaa flramaa. at tha ioroodo boat Slofkloa. vara nvrinualy araldad to-dar t; tha bioa III! oat of a tab Tha fcltx Hon a (al altghtly 4a.ataj.v4 'cRt WER m trtuwrm W 111 IW riarrtf la OnmaakMrii (Mv brr 17th. (By tha Aaaorlated Preaa ) Waahlngton. D C. Oct 11 The crutaer CbarleatOB will be placed la rommJealon tba 17th Inal. wltk Cap tain Herbert Mlnalow. commander Tha Char laal oa will ba put to aaa for a ahakedown and drlU for the crew after which It will and trio sev eral teate aad trlats to which naval veaaela are subjected after coming from the hands of the contractors. THE GURRENGY Importaait Owcations Concerning the Preaent System , of -National Bank Clmtlatlon Are Be- ' Ing Considered. (By the Associated Press.) Washlpgtonton, D. C, Oct. 12. At the hankera convention a commlt- j, . . .i,,hr,rtoH In mnfor with a committee of shippers and car- rlers to agree on a uniform bill of j lading. xh PB.ni,ltionB favor th ahln anh - 1 UU sidy measure which has been con-, ment Co., of Salisbury, with Messrs. Bldered by Congress. The currency ! Charles B. Borden. R. V. Brawley, committees report states that if some j Whitehead Klutti, Col. John S. Hen ulan of currency reform could be I derson and others as corporators. d Coneress mleht be in - bo retrerJ If practical. Also that re- serve fund should set aside In the United States Treasury to provide for redemption In gold of about six hundred million of silver outstand Ing; that the Secretary of the Treas ury should have discretionary power to deposit in National banks such portion - of the surplus fund in ex cess of fifty millions, whether derived from customs or internal revenue, as he may deem proper, to prevent the absorption of the money by the Treasury such deposits to be guar anteed by United States bonds or Other securttes acceptable to the Sec - retaryj an amendment or repeal of I nQ two ioreign an exym i. the limitation of three millions peri members will award three medals, month upon withdrawal of clrcula-! carrying with them respectively tion by the national banks, so that 11.500, 11,000 and $500. the limit should be either six or ten I millions or to abolish the limit; that! Arrested for Conspiracy. expansion and contraction might be i (By the Associated Press.) in measure become automatic; Issu-; - Liverpool, Oct. 12. Thirty-three ance in times of great flnaclal stress SUgge8ted by SecreUry Shaw. so. to appeari Identical with the present j captains orders during the voyage National Bank notes, but heavily from New York. Each was sentenced taxed so as to secure Its retirement to one week's imprisonment at hard as 'Boon as stringent conditions had!abor. passed; this currency not to appeari - as any hew form of money, but to be guaranteed r by the government bonds to, be permitted to issue sup- Ipiental currency ' In limited amountSr. . f . Tha committee questioned whether the time had come to depart from the present system of national bank cir culation., The present output of one mllllottr gold dally is regarded as al leviating the monetary situation and in a measure the demand tor addi tional circulation. ' No action was taken on the report, The, history of tha Scotch ystem f fmnkihir ''was presented by Robert Blythe, ot Scot land. " . to a t V llBlbt-l.at. 1X1 i; It,. til I Ma ri a! !! ) WllUM'M. tik iattB lt IttW ta tk rtt r-ui a toarrt akuk ka kaaa OO la Ike PuerVM Oar' k ftwr J4( W K k wt, ui... m 4i' afieraxwti rant le aa (er4a ike I'laltUff lubml'iiii w a aaa eli aklfh i ntuiili a ie lor lor the ! aatlag ti ai-fmai mate); la itmiin II ie and lb' rlhl la oawiaie tbr rot k yarr which haa hera abut dowa iii't for everal tsnalka The ptalrtlO latrodatwd a ei deuce ta the riw. after the (ae for plaintiff had been c Uiaed an old dead to tbr iro;ett kc.tn thai Moak had legal title to the coateated proert. which waa turned dowa by tbe )u4ar. oa tha groaada that It ahouid hae trD preeeated before It aeema that the deed waa aot dla rovered until yaalerday. and thla puta a new look on the caae. which thoufh ended for a time will come up at aome term of the court to tome. The fnnaral of Capt William Thomaa Sellara, one of the bat known pllota of tbe Cape Fear , liver, and moat aucroaaful blockade runner In the South during the Civil War, who died yoaterday at the real idence of hla daughter, Mrs. W. G Pinner, la thla city, will be conducted thla afternoon at hla old home at South port. Captain Sailers was 76 yeara oiu, and during toe war waa farooui for the great rlaka he took la blockade running, and for his un usual succeaa. Ha is survived by one daughter aad two sons. . Tha Alumni Association of tha elty la to-day celebrating University Day at Lamina. Wrtghtsville Beach 'a ' popular- resort .Mora than 6ne nun dred members will attend, taking part In appropriate exercises. The day will end with a banquet which will be served at Lumlna. The committee having control of tbe af fair Is composed of Meears. Marsden Bellamy, Jr., and E. A. Metts, aad ! (ianrra Davis. President C. W. i Worth, of the association, is toast master. ' v , H . Company for Salisbury, The Secretary of State to-day is- isued a charter to the Mutual Invest- , The capitalization Is for 1100,000, of The Wales Lumber Co , at . Ashe- t vllle, was granted amendmeuts to their original charter, and the name , 0f that concern was changed to that of the Aahevllle Planing Mills Co. Mr. Edwin A. Wales is president and Miss Mary 1. Wales Is secretary and treasurer of the organization. J I Carnegie Institute Exhibition. Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 12. The jury of selection for the tenth annual in ternational exhibition of the Carne Igie Institute met here today. The 1 JU1' Is composed oi eigni Americau i firemen of the White Star Lfne I -to,r no.nln arrpstprt on a asioharge of conspiring to disobey the Skating Kink for Charlotte. (Special to The Evening Times.) Charlotte, N. C Oct 12.-Char-lotte is to have an up-to-date skating rink. Work was commenced to-day upon the task of removing the seats from the park auditorium - at Dll worth, and preparing the place for a rink. .. v Former Chief Justice Dead. -t (By the Associated Press.)..: Philadelphia, -Oct 13. Forme' Chief Justice. Ed ward M. Paxson, of the Pennsylvania' Supreme Court, died to-day. He was 81 years of age. ry K M t f4 trmth ( I lata M Um T avi- Uium

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