i , . ...... . I J t . ..- ,. . , . ... I I : . f f 1 t ! - mm ;a T re m-m ill c ttfiT, ra.si-i "KU1 .. . . : . . .. 1 . k ill fc tk u! W n I t 1. 1 w4 . tt ma --t f1 4 I Vf 4 k kJ I i I w . 4-. 4. 1. .hS It 4 fcm at 4 DEATH'S Gi D itt i m. " iia- CCUtATtOSl M sVAJItVst nt lilUI Troui that c ttt ut (wv nuwrtn in aitw ccatauatuv, WvAJrr0l fcATt I fTS mmff AM fW,HMMm'' Om er tmrm nsssrfh" 1 Om n.twt I t' i, to i ii irtir -i wta the A4 J tetpmi hUreh I im. WKDNESDAY. OCTOBER 11. i reiMittwr punc scheme. WkM ftasiael Vmrmr prraiSrel of la Boalfcers RUIaaj. ' Weaelncto atodaj altbl. be wwim t my coirtniii Mr. Roosevelt a "rata arhaaar." aa It wee est forth la Ik Raleita ajiaws o railroad tr(UUUon. Mr. Spaeoef kM bm premises! U ret-rentiM tba railroad altlted oe luch VejUla lloa. and eipreeeed hlnaelf la Weas tsftoa m follows: "The Preldet'a epreh I IT SI n -tl fci aTfc.il, , rV4nrM e4 rf-4 wj a, f tkn rVjed iW latue feed e 4I lata lea Uaaa 4 l naiti ,. iarrf W fclli Im Uf " kvtk ki4 a 1 1 iil.Jim J M Ik Mt k4 aiiaatal k ha f w aw pmmt M kta IIIMiMat ka Of lk aa4t4 aiai klw tfcara k Ik all k am ot ika artartto aa tw-tk k tk aal f Rta . Ik; aui at la mm UaM rr4 14 klai a axuii 4lr Uoa la tka ri44 nwr l ki mtm4 aaa tk atraLtk 4 kkj aaruaalHj. At tka mm (la llm m lkl kkoat klM kk-k la wjaaM vlik awtM rr a a i anai)a ikat aauka4 wi4y. WkUa loa atrsactr arijAe'a4 ta r4kaJ. ka ka aJla4 a rnyr ataUy Aajartwk cirlaiia, k aa aa. mt k raaJ faraa Tka ia ktm altract4 tka M brmia4 Too ataa4 ke kaU kla la klk racarC . Back la tka a koaa 4U calls for ajBpaikaUs a&4 atcer ar roar. ladlcalca tkat ka la aot dlaioa4 au to Inaiat that tka power over ralra wklrk k Uvora ahould ka rifrrlird by the iBtermUte Commerce Commlaaloa, but by admlalatratlva body.' I AalB 1b tha Raleigh aptwk the President advoratea that the admln latntlva body ahall have power after complaint and hearing to As only a 'maximum rate,' not an abedlute rate, unalterable thereafter by the carrier aa provided for In the Each Townaend bill. Thla apparently fol low tke opinion of the Attorney General of May 6. In which It wai held that Congress could constitu tionally empower a commiealon to fix 'maximum 'rates which It regards as just and reasonable. "The difference betweeo these two positions Is vital. To fix absolute ratea unalterable by the carrier la many cases Is to determine definitely and arbitrarily by governmental tri bunal the relative advantages of competing cities or regions. To pre scribe maxlmam rates only leaves the carrier free to make reductions, and may, and generally will, result in adjustments which will bring down tiers of rates, leaving the relation of rates as they were and entailing enormous losses to the railways. "For Instance, an adjnstment of rates to Southeastern territory and would be more favorable to Cincin nati, Chicago and St. Louis, as com pared with the rates from the Atlan tic seto board cities, could not be suc cessfully made by a governmental agency limited to the making of maximum rates, for the reason that, if It should be ordered" that the rates from the Middle Western cities should not exceed certain maxima, the railways from the Eastern- cities or the water lines would still be free to lower their rates, and they would be forced to do so In order to retain their' business and to preserve the business of the cities depending on them for transportation facilities. The result would be that substantial ly the same relative adjustment of rates that had existed before the is suance of the order would be restor ed, and no one would have received any substantial or lasting benefit. It Is true that the shippers from' both sections would" have somewhat lower rates, but they would, be obtained at the price of such inroads Into the revenues of the carriers that deteri oration in service might result "The speech at Raleigh indicates also that the President favors glv-; log to t)te railroads more leeway than he formerly suggested by not having the rate take effect immediately, but In 'Some reasonable time, A reason able time for a rate may, mean time for a. review of It by judicial and-not administrative authority if the rights of property are found -. to be In volved." '. 'f: .- .. ;t. -THE ITILDKRXEMM Or aLCTIO.V Th New York Tim dips late tka aoeor again aad tkua altera fortk. It la worth guessing at, bat there to aa uncanny sting at Iks climax of Lbs abort editorial. The paper says: "Aa tha President proceeds through the Statss 'lately la rebel lion' ploua signs of his real presence pring up. Mobils'a psopls plant his breast with the magnolia, flower of tha South and the aymbol of peacs. dons in purs gold and Inscribed 'Blessed la tbs Peacemaker.' Mr. Allen Caperton Braxton, evangel of Virginia's politics, compares bis tour to the journey ot Paul on the way to Damascus, and exclaims that the President has seen a great white light; now Southern Democrats nay support him In his triune demand for railroad regulation, tariff rerorm, and 'white rule In America. Even Col. Henry, Wattersoa saccharines his embittered tongue to hail a Mes siah to the South after its wander ing forty years in the wilderness of sectionalism." 4 II M TW ktM ee lw ke m.mm kivw I artMbr, t.vm M j w tL kx i .. o .mw lav! At t Si st a, t fc nwwtj . SuaAAtaii t.S lW4f l.ml j h . k tfum ike aVnst fmm tin. t if aaai eke fc4 ns fc4.i ei t te terwk asa W tke irta. aioi'MHmt W 4 -.. Ikat iSMMM lfcJ an I kiat e kS) aj rrjuM- . g aiiae t w te tke tmj ' . , Kk tr-k 4 l4 tkr UUwr TU k " tUI I Uke tke ke tt ike Ke Ckre tr iw kck tw. hm mms k k fainitia, av C. e4 as A Vs. i VT ft kmk? 1 ms aeer kt sty lev. s4 aue a tk It tee Si niry tar ate I an ike si i sal Oase. I js tksAAsl ss sa iki I mb a re saea. It ke kaaa et sIsk I rssl e resv It at tke aa.lf ksas re tar saa eeseta twaiai ektekef CK awm, tke Keaeei is a IX ssse ejrear W i Wj fta te srkeat. V ka teas net ere M ksn a ee can. taawk kiai. sa It Is mk saa gotag te tke Kaar. tf he Will ee kJs eax ka Ksaiaf Ul f ru pert. It. aa tke kaad. A Se aas at cavr te fratklag S4 eta klat eaUss It to a as ik: kat mg ssa ar stasnan eke te eta al sH ran earulair 4e se kjr taking a fwr s-aeka eaaree mt treaLsteait to ke Onaeihsrs Keeley lasUtaAe. New. say frtastda. M bm tall yoa right hare, tf ye are la the kakll UUag toe mack streeg drtak tot ftotklag yrseenl year uklng tkU at QreanakTO. N. C If yos kave not the ssoney. borrow K. Let nothtnc heap ywe hack. I knew; I tried as hard aa aay ansa coeid. aad yet I cesU not stop nntil I took Ike I al Greensboro. Now I sever Ulak oX wklakey. T. A, CHEPPkXL. Charlotte Courthouse, Va De cern bar It, lilt. It ro have meads wk slight he baa acted please vend their nam to tka Easier lastitale, Greaaakore, n. a Editorial Jottings. Every famDy ahould get Into tke life-insurance easiness aad man tke offices to order to do well. There the widows are pensioned, the fathers aad falhers-ln-law and sons and sons-in-law given free dips Into the cash bag and thus the philanthropic work goes oo- Dallas News. The President la pleasing the Sooth. He Is talking the sort of pon tics to which the people are not ac customed . aad showing tbeat It Is possible for a President te remember he to the head of the nation and not of some, particular part. Pittsburg Dispatch. The Knoxville (Tenn.) . Sentinel comes to ut greatly eniargea wun special supplements, and la one of the most attractively prepared pieces of work that could come from a staff of special workers and painstaking printers. The Sentinel Issues this as a fall number and presents m vast line of advertising, while many pages are tilled with beautiful Illustrations. The resources of the East Tennessee country are brought to public notice, and her bankers and merchants and professional men look out upon the world through the medium' of half tone plates. There are also given details concerning the growth And advancement of Knoxvllle..i" BadQt Pasha. ' Emperor Menejlk's envoy,- who is hero mt present, has on wife, but somewhere in tha neighborhood of ,Z0v children. No wonder It Is considered unlucky to ask him question on the subject. New York Evening Sun. It begins to look like sure enough cotton! The upward turn of prices comes as the echo of Sully's last serenade, as well as the chorus ren dered by the farmers in -the chamber of the House of Representatives last week. There is much, wisdom in the words pronounced by those In high places, whose words we again re peat: "HOLD YOUR COTTON! "More. fld,fo. lbx.rkMa,4c tober 19th than ever was held by any j government." Such, . was the statement' ' made by "United' 'States Treasurer Roberto in his annual re port- This .' amount, was $?48, ,' Such, figures are startling, and en gage thoughtful attention, is VeH as excite pride as. an evidence of the remarkable growth in the country's resources. - Treasurer., Roberts also offers these other figures; "The total stock of money June 3Q. 1905, was IZ,$83,109,84,: of which $295,227,!11 was held In the Treas ury as assets of the government, and 12,678,382,653 waa in circulation, making a per capita'of $31.08.:iv The growth In the ieiiepal stock of money .during th'sjrea? .;wa 179,605,7297 We are glad to note that the ac tion tprvTsveTv:W?Tk Economist, : of Elizabeth Cttj,, has pmen . discontinued . and hop ..ooo..to hear of that .paper going ' forward again by leaps and Jxmuds. y,.. rr 1 V-' The New -York Times says that certain ' colonel Ad. sought ; Field Marshal Oyama and asked permission to sacrifice himself and his command 6y,Wptdng: cerUlit redoubt, ai 'Which redoubt?" asked Oyama. The colonnel told , him- Oyama, oonsultediiis .notes. " 'uJ. "Mr brother" said h. ''such, glory is not for you. It Jiaa beetf assign ea to anotner. Besiae, n is carry oawn now, and that -redoubt is; setjadwn to be taken at half-past -todiKf'AQC The redoubt was captured on time. 4 Sa rat are tf tWf ai esvtr W hack M taee sum h ieie iaaae hat Am k sack k rar tkat n t-tsa e f ka ike fetters 13 k Ikaf 4 tke ase lUe. tkas tke kereae mi la aars ae Ik teat mt tka aaeaOag kilatel jmm.rm ranaeaUsg tkatr arraj dasVXra Tka aeaa r Ills etraar4iry tmtm rwaJadte as hard I kaaam The tajuriu mt tke lakakttaaia r sat trass tke Beets, kat. Mrae te ear. r ml kae Cagtond sturA tmmtm tke tas s feaadad. skeel till, mo a stagks nente tasny has ead la It Aaaat tke e ill! taa erraae ware etilera4 ea mm ntak ky s family to tke ettresse koaer mm4 f Ik lees, rertkwitJ Is lk roaeiry, ket lk 4td net eta) )o f rUare tke cirtl air tee st-Irwi-n ke keen ssaee k mr$im rasiUkeia te eattte Is tke tees, kal hatk wet semmatly drtira oet Tke Independent. il ) a-M.il aa f rtsn;ia JWJ r aad taa s taaA. kat U . s4 ike k- W a:l InwKm ke teraad aar ae tke s fea4 As tae aaatd niat kaa a la to ! aal tka elad kwae In to t a arrkaj tke t,aaSt4 f lk kaalka ae a Wet IM aid k CkaJtott Ckrai UsjaSrf. A evil I saw iraaattag Ml eke rtalU tke dreg Irs ear k has eru kaard drassiaia tire mt see UMaars k aO-ad tmt s(h keadl la. akrik H was anted far rkrid mr lar ka ad all. J tf ter eklid tker alnteet laarUki reress a.eas t-kankarUln Csgh m mtf Tke raaas tar tkle Is tkat Ikey knee tkar to no danger frost R a4 tkat It leas cere. Tkare Is at tke kwat dastar to grMa" It and tor aeegka. raid aad ermmm It U sar -taaaad Kr-fkl ky W. O and Rekart susjpeo. .a Coolc Stove or a Pkanac N I'nli After you luvt i U4 Uxi t . CAROUHA HARDWARE (0. 215 S. IU1NGT0M;ST. We krtt eajt. Makes dtgeettoa sad saalwllalioa J lte iiatfart. Make new red blond and HriatM. son That 's w kal HaUialar a Rot I y laperl. MoHDlaln Tea will do. A tonic for , Karkeega, tke alrk aad week. II oasts. Tea or Ml Uk,ee TableU. H T. Hfcrka Drug Co. (IW Tyswarwrra. Capital Type writ rr Ezchanrc lfl W. ktorU BU . Ratd2h,N. C Wc don't claim to - Kav tht Bat Store In the World, bet ' cAn pltat the most ftstedious. V J t.mnnn yrmirrinnuiiiimu Why didn't Chancellor MacCrack- en, who ecoluded the name of Poe from the Hall of Fame, burn it down instead, like the antique gentleman did the temple ot Diana at Ephesus, Just to get famous? Houston Chron icle. Arizona preachers want a clause In the State Constitution making prohibition perpetual. At that rate the ' balance of Arizona probably rwon't want statehood. Atlanta Journal. Jacob RiU and ex-Captain Devery declared for , Mayor MeClellan .at about the same time. 'Extremes meet under the MeClellan banner. Springfield Republican. FOR WHITE MEN OXLY. CASTOR I A For Infants and CUldren. Tba Kind Yea Im Ab;s EM ' fiaars th Signaturs of I 1 I This Ohio Town Will Not Harbor Negro Over Night In the town of Syracuse, Ohio, on the Ohio river, four miles, above Pomeroy, a town1 of about 2,000 In habitants, no negro is permitted to live. No negro. is jMJPmittcd to stay in the town over night under any consideration. This Is an absolute rule in jbi year, 105, and it has ex isted for several generations. The enforcement' of this unwi-ttton' lnw itqr eeoin&ihe negro from slaying in tno town over a sinKie.uigni is m.-tne hands of the boys' from 12 to 2tf years or .ge, ,wnue the attempt of a negro to become ' a resident of the tows, la resisted by' the town en masse. When the Colored man is seed In town during the day he is generally told of these, traditions, if he Is so ignorant as not to know them al ready; .and is warned to leave before sundown: If be falls to take heed he, fs surrounded at about' the time that darkness begins and is address ed' bf the' leaders of the gang : ' In About this language:.. ,"No nigger is allowed to t stay in this town over night . We don't care what you are here . lor. 1 Get out of here now, 'and get iou't qbick." He sees from ,25 to 50 , boys around him talking in subdued voices -and Waiting to see whether he obeys.. If he hesitates little stones begin to1 reach him from unseen quarters', and soon persuade Jhlm to begin his heglra. He. is not' allowed to walk, out is told to ''get on his little dog 'trot," The com- MtMMttfMMaiMM KAumun BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. "She new one, Wt good one-Wntch It grow Kvorv noi'sou ran own stock in this institution. Take a'few shares and lav by for a rainy day. The jmrjKwc of the Jlaleijjh . nnd L. AsRtx-iation is to build homos for its stockholder.? on the. easy pay ment plan. ruder Cajwible Management. The Offieers afC: T. It Womark. Prr. It K. Wrtjtlit, Vic Pre. W. It Wllso. Sec ami Treaa. Wna. It Snow, Attorney Directors. T. B. .Womack, Jam I. Johnson. W. C. Rlddlck Edwards. Aifred Wllllsma. D. K. Wright. Joaeph Jt- Oambei laln. J. C. Elllnaton. Jr.. WlllUm B. Snow, J. F. Ferrall, J. J Bernard. W. A. Ltnehsn Dr. James R. Rogers,. .Walters, pur-- ,j I ham. W. 8. Wilson. Books are now open for subscription at the office ! . of the North Carolina Home Insurance, Company. - llllllIIWrMillllllllMIUIHMHlW' ttomry. i k. C. B. J kamber- it J. i. S SHOES POOL'S Are adapted for ill uses for every day ser vice, for Dress occasion, you'll find here the Greatest Variety- of Shoes IIS RECEIOH ' All the foremost makers are represented in 1 1 this mammoth stoci Crosette's, "J and M" and i number of other celebrated brands Shoes ' that fitwear-well and !tmkt life's i r - walK easy.'' " , : .' c - f 1 ' .... - k- - : ... ; c cV;-'" ". S.C PoWs Slioc Store, 131 Fayettevllle Street 1 ; ls- i-"-1 ' - -' . ' . -r-r- GOLD MSDAL 1 T5he HENRY F. MILLER PIANO Is recognised as oa) l Um vrry frw old atsndsvd, artistic makes of this rowatry. - Jbry bare lYcrntly berw sold into Hi. Mary's School and sosn of the moat prominent homes ot this rlt, as follows: St Mary's School, a large Con cert Grand. Mr. John Cross, a small Lyrio ' Grand. Mr. Charles Root, Colonial Up right . , ,,. Mr.- Verney Roy star, Colonial Upright , Mr. James I. Johnson, Colonial, i, Upright' s. . r r i . Mr. Cary Hunter, Renaissance Upright . Prof. Wade R.. Brown owns a Miller. Pedal Piano. -. For prices and terms see & . .... ' Thomias NOTICE. Notice Is hcroLy given that appll- caUon will be tnade for pardon of Ajpheus. Vaughan,: now serring sen tence on the roads', of Wake county for embexslement " .' . HARRIS , & HARRIS. law-4w ' Attorneys. y THE SPLENDIDLY EQUIPPED 4TOIT0EIUM LUNCH COUNTER Is convenient, being tinder Academy of Music, back-ot post-offlc' and directly on your way to Union .station Open day and night' S ' .a.;..1'..- Lunches 'DeUghtfolly Prepared at m : Alomenra KdUcs, ;r,&. l-. '!ili XS'i J-t:--iJ i..-J v.;- mm ' . All si i4' r1 At4f l vkik!( tun ni j ,4 4 'at. bv., i- . H ui iiiv duiciiuiu cAiuuib.wtc nau jat iThursdaQctoberi I hionly supplements the bl sfek we already have to show you r This is the largest business school. " " best equipped, strongest faoulty and i ts unrivalled In North Carolina -ntt-sitrniuised in the South.. ' V .., j ' Cal teiepbond or write for cata( . , r nffarc - AHltrACUl - . . . iuaa auu .j . .... mt -. .1.1 - .. .'- i Raleigh, 'N..!C-.M; . Pollen Building,. ;yayettevlllo. 8t,mi, ;i..-.t-.f.i-:;i: OAKaTY. PRESSING CLUB i : 10 West Martin Street. ; C V Cleamng', . altering and f ; rfinairinsr nfiathr- tlohe ife S on ; Buori, B.Ull ce. T : Yl.4emi'rilov 4 e-isT4w. v t nOIICS AM'U, . 1 1 , lllU-pilSVC, U.Mf.r -. . V.i , ' ' 1 . . i. , a, ,. . ' 'SV. t w .a. .. . Vi t Vv-n is1-' :.-.'.i .'-' " V