" t t til liLul.l IliiilihaJ i L,i 9 ahl a YM.. t. tk4 r-r hi4.t.v .ft,? r n v Q.V.DI OKLY 1 i.. .j ii Exceptional Values in All Sections of Store. k.kv. la IU ; rw, mmn$ 4 TV 1mm I IUI TW tr) Hau tW -m to Km JbeJ )Lrt ft Cn a4 tie C- if p4 lU, ScAa, fca Aftf MaV M( W 1 lor ktM IJ li t in m r.ti4i )4ai rWM t imb4 M tVMk ! tw out Ml n-eva d KlMHi WHi44 SMT1 UU MM tatft t lHt nw4 M a. C" kMB4Ua. Uuto A. Mart a. M fy im TW a l kn 4i4l rM la aar t ii tfc ' k 4 lfc til A4MlM l nHltltil tW M I to f lk kanttw Tea itt is tr rr.tU is r;-j."f n ""-3 HJ U cu:h f.-f v ui T vJ, t - : tl'--.t-l Il'Uti.i it triea 111 - cxz?M tt i!:tUru4 f:f lint cvvltr Biiij irj Vn;i ;a lit CMt jprcTti fu:r.r.jlri Hit lt t.:w p-rtTiillrj U lit fkxi::3 cttU.n. Ttt JIU2rc-T te - it C U ivn xt clrf cterUat, UU VWAT CUTIWRA ' DOES fOH WOMEN U aC-citzt tr.it; ti-l vt irt Jr.. If rca witt tt jrrprlj did cc:.;t 2. l LleictiX irl cat imzu4 kirii. 2t;t:Zt tzl jca vi tut tt dlap- T .V I i4i 0' 4 pTttj4 is U4 41 fkjr jI li if 4"n 1 ti44 kl klW fe r M rata. Ta r.k Ik Natltlw W II eoa ry H fc inil la t'MW U. 4 w K4 aa4 I ifc tfci nwiIim4 r4 o i be Mt 1 iml Tle, k rata? 4 rata ifc U l4bt4 tm i hi htal iBlffcl. Tfcr4 III Ik iknit 4 r14f A U TMICaJlEV Srikta Initial M la 4 I Ih (kumL 4 rvj M ttt ntria 4 tfc f I. M4 4 (WUtlMMi l tar wet Mimfni. ktawMkH I. ! a. , feakaAts Mi ". 4n lrrfm f tctlUr trail ltr IW C wiliw k MirrfU isllttaee la I tof Just In for your n, k kart Wfi pnlwJy IT 4l gglXmasCake Ibr r Trrlaw( 1 Jofc X rnltr. ll rlti i of Colfat. Wh . I t4 d4rir to b4Iy thai It rk4 ea my acalp Harpk-ld rompltrh rwrd m" Grj H MrWblrk. of1 Walla Walla. With . H-nl rl4 romplflly cm rod m of a Uad , caa of dandruff of SO ar ind lag " Tb took th onl really wn lb I irimDi. a rmdi thai d atroya th dandraff arro --Nfwhro'a Hrjilrld Slop dandruff, hair won't rail out. but will grow naturally. Imuriantly Allay Itching Initantly and makM hair glomy and aoft aa Ilk 0n bottl will comlnc any donbtvr of Iti mrll Sold by lud lag druicglala. Sfnd 10c In (latuita for aatnple to Th Hrplcldf Co . De troit. Mich Henry T. Hlcka Drug Co . Special Agrnta. ac4 d Ug aJ kvaaar VfMsra trvm ttt my Ami k tally afvrCMtr' lk rn'.? IM pwrr lo aonl taa vffTTj:tion of tvIUh Kurv- to )af fMit4 in Ii bUU. A tt-rr rqrrrtjtjth tlijlay 6f wnah Btiff HtJ ftr trt rr unqurgtiombly the bi variftjr tf fitrret !UU hTf Rhcnrn in m&nj wa 'iiiia There art numrroua excJasirn drijn f-rired at c4 r3 rrlirf. lh rcrtataty prrawMit rri. th afaaolata aaJrty 4 great rroiaaay Ull kt gad Catirara tk aCuar4 ka rdr tV driliawl mU 12 m. hm. tsm rr vi un 1 Now is the timr to Wrin Ntwly Triraat4 Hit, baking for t he holidays. We Thew Hata are made in hate the rftm-DtiaU n"-our own work-rooms and are an to nucrewful rake- arkiKwledged by experts to uiuck. t,. the beat ever seen. We TORTURESG HUMOR Cured by Cutkurm. " I loBrrrd irt jtrt wHh a Urrtbla Itchiag mcrna. my body aa4 Ur b iaf covrrrd with aorra. Ncvrr ia By tire did I ciprrirer tack awfal awflrf iag, and I aoofrd lor death, which I Irltwaaacar. I had tried dortora aad mrdirinci witboat cceaa, tat nay mother iaaiitrd that I try Caiimra. I frit twttrr after thf arat applicatioa of Caticara Ointaimt, aad waa aooa ratirrlywrll Mra. A. F.taoa, Belle tuc, Murk. Culm m niK mm ma m m I' Fre&h Baiiina, Citron, CurrtnU, Orange Peel, Lemon Peel, jStuffetl Daten with Walnuta, iIvAn and Almnd; Fips in tiaftkftA, hrirks and hoxea rU-AIl-No" Afn-r-Dinner Mint. J. R. FERRALL & CO. 222 Fayettcviite Street To-lay la Police- ('wart. In Judge Badger'a court thla morn ing, B. A. Alford, a wgro. aaylng that he came her from Plttaburg. Pa., waa charged with the larceny of $1.50 from another negro by the name of Moaea Amy. He waa bound over to court tinder a $50 bond, which he failed to RlVe. ant) waa Bent to .Jail. .. V... , . DKATH K MHS. V. T. lt.11.KY. Odd tVllowa Active. Mr. B. H. Woodell, grand secretary of the Orand Lodge of Odd Fellowa, announces that there la now great activity In Odd Fallow circles. Appli- n o 1 1 iim tnv tha Aatahllah mAflt nt new lodges are coming dally. A lodge hat beeq recently instituted at Granite Quarry, In Rowan county, and lodges will be Instituted this week at Gib son and Albemarle. Applications have been received from Huntsville, in Mecklenburg county, and Marlon In McDowell county. How to Care Corns and Bunions.' First, soak tile corn or bunion In warm water to Boften it; then pare it down as closely as possible with out drawing blood and apply Cham berlain's Pain Balm twice dally, rub bing vigorously for Ave minuteB at each application. A corn plaster should be worn a few days to protect It from the shoe. As a general lini ment for sprains, bruises, lameness and sheumatism, Pain Balm Is un equaled. For sale by W. O. Thomas and Robt. Simpson. New Enterprises for Rowan. - The Secretary of State to-day is sued a charter to the New Garfield Woodworking Company, at New Oar- field, in Rowan county, and 4s Salis bury. The company will manufact ure lumber, and will deal in kindred. supplies. the capitalization is for $20,0(1, and the corporators are Messrs. Leo pold Graf,, arid W. C. Ketchie, of Gold Hill, and Hayden Clement, of Salisbury. Bred in the Bone. Impersopatprs are born, not made Mr. Gilbert A. Eldridge, who will entertain and impersonate in Ral eigh on October 3 0th. Second num ber of the Star Course;' never took a lesson in elocution in his life, and never wants to. He has been hU own interpreter and regards his own work as being distinctly his own, as regards originality, uniqueness, man ner of presentation and costuming. His line of work reaches all classes, from those who like the kubtle humor of -good old ''David H&rum" to the tragedy of ?.'tJullu; Caesar.", .t After a Short I llara l.aatlng HI nor Kriday Mm Die TfiU Moralag Mr C. T. Bailey, wife of Mr C. ' T. Bailer, postmatter of the city of, Raleigh, died , this morning at' 4 : 15 o'clock, after a abort lllne that had Ita beginning last Friday. The faneral wiil be beld to-morrow at 11 o'rtock from the' Church of the jOood !iiJWd. cbndaciad ty I K. i.ur.v t-nnager.- rector - or, tnat j chifrch, and the following gentlemen i will act as pall-bearers: Messrs. ! Grimes Cow per, Henry Lltchford, W. i J. Andrews. C. H. N. Leonard, R. T. 1 Orir aad Charles McKlmraon. The interment will be In the family plot. In Oak wood Cemetery. Mrs. Bailey was a daughter of Coi. John AVimblsh and Mra. Helen Jones Wlmbish. of Richmond county, Va and waa born in Campbell county, February 22,, 1871. She waa edu cated in Raleigh, having been grad uated from St. Mary's School, where she made many devoted friends who have shown a fealty won by her strong womanliness. She was mar ried January 27, 1897. to Mr. Bailey, since which time she had made her home here among an ever widening circle of warm friends. The mar riage ceremony was performed in Warrenton, in which town much time of her single life was spent. Mrs. Bailey was a devotedly con sistent communicant In the faith of the Episcopal church, where her name was ever associated with a sweetness and gentleness of nature and a rare force of woman character. She was a member of the Church of the Good Shepherd in this city. Such a woman Is more to a community than may be known in a life time's endeavors, and the loss to family, church and friends is, irreparable. She was known among an exteqded circle tor the strength and purity of an unpretentious and nopte pereoa- allty, , and afce inspired , . universal and' unmeasured affection and , re gard. , Aa wife she wa essentially a home-maker of the unselfish type, and one of the real parts of her be ing was exemplified in the beautiful joys of motherhood that was her's only 13 months ago. , , Surviving with the stricken hus band ia this ci)ild, a mere baby girl, whom thj3 feeling sympathy' of. the entire community goes out .-. , .-, The blew of sucjh a death '! all the heavier and more severe because of its suddenness Mrs. Bailey waa out as late .as laSt rlday, having tx tended j)M in company with Tier husband. 'JgryBl Jtelaft came on from an apparent amal aljrasiQ of the skin about the face, and this, coup led with'; tonieitrdnid - dMablllty. Turnip Seed HARDWARE PAINTS Young Hardware Co. 12 East Martin St. tell thousands every teuton. They are aa handsome ami a hJ in Mint of material aiul wt)rkinanshi) as Hats sold at other stores for double the price to be had in all,,thp most stylish and newest rolorinffs and in the latent rUiapea. These are priced at $5.00, $6.00, $7.60 and $10.00. Women's Costumes and Tailor-Made Suits. A brilliant galaxy of the Fall and Winter tmUl ) on The rooe-t tKmuiar f t handane ncwet ttylea, tee new tnat are Mort? in the Htate ean aIvow a brtter or more. repikseniA tire gathering of haulaome PrineeAa Oastiune. IVinre Tallor-MAde BuiU with Em pi re Hlark Jarketa, Kmpire Coat BuitA, JjQng tVvat Buita, Tliree-QuArter Coat Suits, lkx-Coat And Eton BuitA. AUo all the newest and most popular styles in Walk ing Skirts. It is the supreme readiness and completeness of the sections that so agree ably emphasize their impor tance and popularity. Wc can hIiow you everything that is new and authorita tiv'r and we quote lower prices, tvery attribute of ex cellencp considered. Women's Stylish Garments. Stylish Long Coat Suits, rich v copies of imported (Xiatt'.meaV Tailori!Ade B.lk Waists tUro&ts. dt Hints, $10.00, $ilfi0 up to P7i0. (Vwtumr a, $2150. tTJIC to $30.00, Evenjnff Canea, $100, $10 00 and $1150, ScpAraU Skirts, $4.00, $3.00 to $20,00. t t Bilk Waists, $3.00, .$3.00 and $7.50, Bilk Petticoats, $3,00, $10 and $115a Ladies Pine rootwear. These are Cincinnati made Shoes and especially- adapt ed to the feet of Southern ladies, high arch insteps, and to be acquainted with . the line is to be acquainted with shoe elegance. Seven dif ferent styles in Ideal Patent Kid and Glaced Kid for dress or street wear; all sires C, D and E $2.00, $150 and $3.00. lie ready with a warm wi-lcome for "JACK FROST" Of tout-ae, we are talking- about ' Heating Stoves We are the stove men and we have the Stoves Wood Heaters and Coal Heaters. All prices and stsea. Also Stoves put up. Stove Pipe. Elbows, Fireboards, Dampers, ec.t etc. V also repair Stoves. Come to see us. R. E. LUMSDEti & SON, 7 E. Hartf ett St. Right is Might We know that wc are rieht when we claim that our clothes represent lull val ue for every penny we ask for thenr and we "Jeslrc to impress upon you,, with all bur jniehtthe w isdom of supplying your apparef needs from pur splendid Stock Oar garments are made of dependable materials, designed by cutters of expert eticc and tailored by men who know how -f-they are made right at the right price. -What the New Season wrought her death; Housekeepers Attention! - For aext few days e , t offer at private . eale CARROtiLTON HOTEL l&X) nairs of North Caro lina Wool Blankets. 150 North Carolina WpqI Comforts, nice, light and warm as t down. 50 Cotton Cpinforts, nice ones; wnolesaie prices. Blankets, never opened; Comforts nice and fresh; not soiled Dan and- get your winter supply. . PJWCUS LOW. c.iacDONivij). 3rovos onic 3. T7 W ti V ; ' i . V 111 j 1 ,'ik j. .. jd. a. -. M " .-..7 da . r I a . I A MM ; nrmtea oq every- ooitie,r snowing ; umi, wow - wtcoo Chill Tonle Is- Quininfi and Iron; m a tasteless as Mil as ; ih most acceptaole and efficaciousform.. Drives Cst It&tU end E4$ t!j 3ytsi Sold bv all dealers tor 27 years, rfrce.au, cents. - I R, J. fiughcfsi Architect And Builder, Tucker BUV RALEIGH, N. C. has brought forth for the adornment cl the manly form is shown in our clothing department; ' - Worsteds, Cassimers and Cheviots in all the prevailing shades and batterns are here in ample assortsmcnts. Black1 goods in all various w eaves ; and " faVrics aw also on our counters ' If - it's Worthy ol a place in your wardroti yhii will find it in our store. ii-5-v . ' -:. . j 3 JJ . I. 'J FineClothc&MaKcrs4- ; On Ttl or Personal ttourlb Wake County, ,'x I.' ' .-:. '. MONtAC .J..a.iav-. --"V-O - EpiSQN i.;-,:.and' VIQTOR Call and hear the Kdisoat Pbo. nograph and Victor Talking Ma chine, AU the tote records v Jo ' etock npd Drtces pn Machines wlU ' flew r?. ., , rY Vu I also carry a full line of large v .ITotrpr Rorns-Tthf t verf aUet b4n; In Hornm. ., ' ,H iV . Visttors to tttp State, fair av osseV Forinrtber InfonnaUoa .yall or write. ,: - ': ; , '. " 100k or . the "BED HORN" Vet the atreei. . - t 4 - j :l also control two Photograph Stoatoa one at 1S4M nd one. at 191 H Fayettevllle, where I can make yon any kind and priced Jno.P.Hayo, . iS4M Fayettevilie St., RaHgh. i-'rW l UKorth-Carollna. - " " Just Telephone Us When you want Bams, Floor, Cheese,' Crackers, Pickles, Canned Ueata, Canned Vegetables, Butter Eggs, Apples, , Potatoes or anything ia (ho , urecery une, r ' , ... , 4 . . . r - ,' TtzXzl.-ciX Cell No 23 i ' i:;-;p. Tw UOHNGON z'SQNj: 1 !it EAST HAUGETT STREET. f I"- -v' i Co. The J. D. Ricsan C,j:'U 132 Fayettevllle Gt ! , Pny Bftlted Spnlh Peanuts for only 10c. pound. - , ' '-- , White Clinn 'or Decorating from lOo to 1.0O odd kinds, 1 , ' '', ; Pl'f Tour surplies of the Old Glory Flags from Be dosen to f I.7S don any s)?e yon like , , , , , , - . i . , Snpply your bouse with all kinds of China and Crockery from TheJ. DaiiUoLfi Co. ,.r -