an. " m. m m Bk J I .i vJ lii'--J LB 3, ISO. PRESS LiDSLE I'llEIEO: Eusslia Edict raves fofct?" For Free Srcech la Future - BLOQOT '5DK0AT t!H ' , STAGGER THE LIPIBE OovnU Tku Haa TrowMe ta rwaalag . His CfcMa aa4 Variwaa Graad Dwke ha rt IWw IUO. - m4 Strtts; CotMlBW. (By the Associated Press ) St pBtersbBrg, No. S. All regw latlons heretofore Isso4 to the news papers by circular for their govr--bsbco bava bee withdrawn, aad the chief of lb preae admtnlatralloa U prohibited froa farther lsaalng sock regulations. Aaother appeal to too people in tbo ahape ot an pffldal not u published tbla Morning. Rail road me a have resolved to cootlaao tba strike, which ontalla a coatlnu aaco of bit b price of provisions. " aroat demonstrattot ta promised for Baaday when tbo bodies ot vlo tlma ot tbo conflict of Tuesday wilt b Interred. - Tbo amneaty manifesto did not appear tbla morning and tbo Radicals are Impatiently demanding tbo Immedtato release of all political prisoners, . . - . . . Count Wllto ti having tronblo ta forming bla cabinet on account ot tbo lack of Liberal support. . Grand Duke Alexander Mlchaelovltch, brother-in-law .of, Emperor Nicholas, baa been relieved of bla pott aa bead .of tbo department of mercantile marine, the "department of mercantile marine to bo merged with, tbo new ministry of . commerce. . He is tbo last of tbo in- fluentlal oulntett ot . Grand Dukes who hare been tbo advisers of the Emperor, Grind Dukes Alexia and Michael Mlcholaievltch having been . relieved, respectively, aa grand ad- mlral and president of tbe council ot tbo empire and Grand Duke Vladimir having been relieved aa commander- in-chief of the military district of St Petersburg. Grand Duke Bergius was assassinated at Moscow on Febru ary 17th.' . , . , - FRESH RIOTS Shooting Started Again This Mora Ing and Jewa Flee to Leading - Hotels for Safety Iteiga -.. of Terror Keeps Up. - ':. . (By the Associated Press. f Odesaa,J Nov. S. After a fairly quiet night, shooting ' again ; com menced this morning. The . Red j v, Cross is busyv attending Ho the . wounded. ) - ' 5 - Up to the present tlmo no Chris tian shoos or i houses have , been :::' touched. J Tho principal hotels are full of the better class of Jews seek' ing "refuge from disorders. . v Ott October Slst after the Emper- . ? ors manifesto granting a constitu ' . ,on to Russia ;had been published, the Jews made the 'Russians furious : with rage by malting a prominent display ot red flags, trampling on - I ' the portrait of the Emperor and tear ing down the emblem of the crown.' The massacre of ; Jews ; then . com- ; f a- menced, and lasted during the Mght of November 1st,- , ' -'' - "i . t All Jews found in the streets were .r. v severely beaten and many were killed in their Shops, which were ruthlessly pillaged. In the poorer Jewish quart- ers on the outskirts of the town whole streets were destroyed .the sol diers apparently looking on, A crowd of workmen, rowdies, , women : and children, laden with all kinds of loot, walked openly through .' the streets quarrelling over the spoils. Bombs were thrown in various parts ot the town. : Pillaging continued yesterday and there was heavy firing all over 'town. Nobody was safe in the streets. People carrying arms Who were caught by troops were shot. sisSl.Tlt!!CBKE. a kit te (M,i M "-l.! J U tWa ftlitg M Tra to M a s:L ; Bui f rvi iH ai!.J inlnM M . inol.f a.Bn4 Kf l Ml- frilMS l SMla a wm T!aai 04mm ttm momt T la B0SUr RUNL , rr. rvTt itm iuj v - ,Knb rllrn irprt rl f Kaltnoul HalVUy tf lUWM'rtmrK, Imhm iim Moala. mi UrawraJ tatrdk. T Snt, I'.mliu Hr-Mne- ul tiy tko AmmiU4 Fraaa.) : Agrlt tiliar in. a-ciaaig Ka t rNMoraVarg. I f. at I r Utk. i r Too aaUoaaJ fcolUay ta Wraitoo r of Siaie l adnf Mi Of tko aaalwcaary of too Enifar e ' e!w ir Tfc dlMilbmkuo I. armwloa to ike ikrooo, was atrtH ; laiwo4 i raurM tb grooiaa to-day ay tka fonoaJ ralatag "k Cttaa. M.I i!m aoral auike la L . IViarabtrg. i kno tbo railroad etrtae la not ya, dorlaroo! of. saaay .railroad Bar a ar ; rwtaralag U worti aa4 trains are -! lag gottoa througk, Tbo popala U t later. . ' Dailoraklo rtotlag ta tbe iovtawi ; la still la piogreaa. wrrtaUr ta tki' south. Tko moat horrible etort of saaaaarro and pillage by eioba and attacks apoa Jewa coatlnae to pour la. News from OdKaaa la montre. but Lroado rporu that thna- aand are killed or wonadod. wklrh I. aadonbtodly greatly aaaggeraUHl. The I sksatloa at KJelf la alao grave. Thw , la no troth ta'tbo ramor Emnreaa . haa fled. The thai thr amn.'i.v nkaao haa been signed. Tbo Latest frwen Odraaa. London, Nor. I.-A dispatch from Odeaaa says: Military patrols aro unable to check: disorders. Collisions occurred thla afternoon betwen troops and crowds, and aevantera were killed or wounded. A staff of ficer wan killed In the streets this afternoon by a bullet fired from window. Throe - hundred Infantry Joined with tbo mobs in looting, but werw arrested. , I STILL KILLING JKWK. Freeh klaaaacroa , Occur at Otlcrna, f. 1 Hundreds Being HhoU ' (By tbo Aaaoclatad Press.) Odoasa, Nov. 4. beapatch from RlsblnelT says: "Horrible masnacros have occurred here t and hundreds have been, killed. ." All .hospltaU. pharmacies and hotels are full of owunded and mutilated persons." A telegram from Nicoiaies. says v The whole town la in the hands ot bandits who aro devastating Jewish houses .and shops and beating Jews to death without the slightest hind rance." The authorities have similar news from other southern cities. . Arguments Conclnded in Dispensary. Saloon Matter and Decision May Not Be Handed Down Be- ' ' . fore December. The argument in the case of peti tioners against- the city ot Raleigh t6 Compel the Board of Aldermen, to call an election on the ' question ot saloons or dispensary,- was completed In the Supreme Court this morning. Mr.' Battle for the city was the first sneaker and completed his argument on the same line as begun yesterday afternoon. He was followed by; Col. T. M, Argo and Mr. Wfi. Jones for the oetitloners. v '', - Mr, W. N. Jones closed for the ap pellants, or the city. ; . ' - -1 !' Mr. W. B. Snow, the city attorney, did not address the court, by reason of the fact that : he had expressed his opinion in the open meeting of Lhe Board of Aldermen that the eity should call an electlon-fe It Is not known yet if the Court will hand down - an oblnlon before the regular time, which is the last Tuesday in December. , , t ' . ' Jumped to His Death. ' . ' "(By the .Associated Press.) ) -Rnh . Francisco. .Nov. S.--Louls Levyaald lo, have been a-prominent architect of ,Kew York city, (Jumped from a third story window of k house on McAllister street torday and died soon after,-: v ' ,v ' Final Note to Sultan. ' : Paris, Nov. s 8. The exchange of communications going on between the powers, have reached that stage where k joint naval demonstration against Turkey Is practically assured unless the Sultan promptly accepts the plan of the powers for financial reforms in Macedonia. - . QUESTION B UP TO COURT SILK CHIME' . . . sailase e b4, 0rJ Mi . W IN- trei wi'i at aa aane Uae rarainh aad tw for iaiiry a4 Crj tn.i in the Put aooatd bava raalbrrr) r., Thr irrra oUi t plwai-t ifii; f-- on dry auil aa rarva i'r iikr n or (dual If" Tfcfc.- ir.i tii u- M-at by aii. fei i M la iiutkMs-v r 0 and ( t' than i ttm luorn (baa ii.n . iii v "-iii io ad4rm Tu rifi iih. i.r ikiti( and ajtwt lax i il : n : a runn kejn .!( foi i-ji ii inn' itic aiami'i v,i.,l , i luM dlxtriliU that will lx TM U prolyl lj is. ""n : nmiurrr) ir made by tbo d-;arini(tni. Thofl b want (hem khoulj apiily at oYii. 1'hoM! ho bavi' not tried niik growing Rhnjld n-nd for a ta?t of HBitritn U1. , . ' ' Southern Pine. The plaintiff was; miNCK lHIS IN WAHlXrJTOK. rannUig his trsln wlihom a ron x -. durlor, And stopped at Vhss where filvea l'reMrat Kooapvelt Prtwnjl lrrrlng from King Kdward. , (By the AaRorlaled Ptpsb.1', '- U-..fclntnn Knw 4 4 rronntlnn by the Prenldent at the While Houses. a dinner at the British embway nd a reception and dance at tbe British jpany at Southern Pines, and also embassy were font urea of the pro-. that tbo company did not have sum gram for Prince Ixntls. of Bntlnnhnrrf, 'dent telegraph matlons between here to-dar. Greeted bj the British i Vsiui and Southern Pine, and that ambassador and a anmll deleii :loa ot State and Navy Department offlclalR,! Prince Louis Arrived trora Anna)oliaj at 11 o'clock and waa drlvenv torlhe British embassy for luncheon,' and it 3 o'clock tbls afternoon was re ceived" formally' and "welcomed hy President ftooaevelt. to whom ho pre sented 'ft, friendly letter of "greeting from King Edward, f WhflO the. Prince wns leln Renter talned 'af luncheon by AaibaMadOr Durahd tile cptains of hl sbine werc entertained -at luncheon by tbo cap tains of the America nsquadron. , , While the dinner at the embassy will bo ft brilliant affair, the recep tioti and dance which will follow will be the .smartest function seen in Washington In jwhio time. Several hundred Invitations have been Issued. HELD ON Ml'RDER CH.-UU3K. Mysterious Dress Suit. Csse Iom , Bottton May Be 8olvel H. ) (By the Associated Press.) New York, Nor. 3. Boston police officials arrived here this morning with witnesses who identified, Craw ford and Howard, arrested last night in connection with the "dress suit mutder, and the case now seems complete, The prisoners wore -fO; mahded ;untll- Monday. Meantime warrants ' lor. the arrest of Howard and Crawford on the charge of com mitting an Abortion, were issued in Boston., .. . ' V V Police InSDector O'Brien said that Crawf ord admits having purchased the dress-suit;, cases and to having taken portions of the girl's body to the river, but, he denied having bad any hand in the death ot the girl. Chief Watts said both Howard and Crawford had thrown up their hands, Alfonso Going to Germany. Madrid, i Nov. j 3. King Alfonso, accompanied . by Senor Rios nnd a large suite, started to-day for, Berlin on-a ylsit to Emperor Wil)lam of Germany. - Alfonso s departure fol lowing so soon after President Lou- bet's -visit- and . the fact that SenOr. tlos accompanies dm, has given rise to the belief that the trip is of utmost political , significance. On the other hand, It is stated that the visit has entirely to Uo with a matrimonial project ; ' ,.. '. . .i :' - ' .i ' i Postmasters Appointed. .,: V-'i By the. Associated Press.) - -,: Washington, Nov. St Postmasters appointed ' to-day v were! a, Georgian Sweden William M, McLeodj North Ckrollna Rhodhlss; David M. Clon lnger; South' CarollnarVancluse, Francis C. Stone.i . . , Appointed Commissioner. "(By the Associated Tress.) ' Washington. Nov. 3. -Lawrence H. Graham, tot New York, was ap pointed commissioner,; of interior for ) Porto Rica to-day, :,' ",., WDICTflB '" PUIIFF la f a aa HiUNnirti m S-aal l . t. iw iui Italart glOaai l. ti a!(b iW j i kli7 A . a)ii i. t t- r,nu Mf T. Krr. ait ' . n-alaid Air Um Railaai t:M Inr Ita.aak for the .,.$; mI;)i ( ar scIm4 a lk .i..m . ota 8f. bctwuil la .-f.n. u.' tba 4alDt1ff. awarda h-r ." ot dare- agra. Thta la Ihr v, r. a 'inn i hi utiH baa (-1 (rliyl t:i s.tir t'oort, lb h 'tni' is. .i1ollff b!rg jmuhd on i iid ibm( the ajaoatlna bf ir- as!ir'iu of thr drfrndant ta bih hvii't - i 1 o t Irlt'STalir) ftlatlctak n1 in i". wrat lug lb bWtt k firin n n mat- Irr fnr tb Jury. On Hu- Hn- irm foairl rri'rovi d'lxlon, and ll.e a w:ii t.k in ihr loa-rr -art for irWI Tiw d-fnd -ant's counrl will al- nt i of sp iral from tbla vrrdlit Hjewart. an ona-lniT. rinninn a llht engine from Ki"lei io Abr dea. waa killed In a heid on rollla loa with a freight train at Maara'. a rmall station Iwtacri Vm and be got orders to meet another train. nut bo orders aa to the other one. ! sftor having paused the firal, he rroOWHled WllB IUO above resullH. The plaintiff olalmed negngan.-e on .the Prt of lhe operator of the com- a conductor ahonld huve been on tnc light -locomotive wll,h the engineer, , whose duty 11 waa to look after keep' lax off. tba schedules, ot other trains. v Tho defendant company relied for Its defense on a book of rules which Unclaimed, had beun violated by thr engineer, thereby (bel'n negligent hlmwlfv . j,No verdict waa cxp'ted In this case before to-day. bat it seems that tbo Jury, quickly agreed.' To!day- the case of Leo P. Heartt, administrator of '. Brlnkle'y House, against the Seaboard Air Line, which was to have been tried, waa continued for the defendant on account of the absence 'of a very material witness, and the. continuance -was made On the condition that the defendant m all the costs In the action, including this term of court. This Is the case for damagfrsVfor the killing of Brlnkley House oh1 the road f th6 defendant at Method during the talf of' 1904. House was driving a two-mule team across the track at that place and was kliled by, a train of the defen dant Company. The administrator of the deceased Is suing for $20,00 damages. In the case of Mary E. Smith agttlnst VV. H. Smith for a divorce on the, ground of adultery, the jury brought Jin a verdict grantlhg the petition. ... . . -:VJh Lthe case of the W. T. Calton Liimber Company vs. the W. W. Mills Company, the Judgment was made final and the actton, was dis misses - Jn the case of Klncheloe & Co. for tlmore Computing Scales Company against W. B. Upchurch, the death of tho defendant was suggested ! tno aerenaant was suggesiea. In the case of Armlstead Jones, ad- . . : . - i t- i.j. ?SLrt rL?f ;,TS?:,.XBLB"i minlst Edny Yeargan, George ,H- Bc.lvln and others, it appearing that George H. Belvln was dead his representatives were ordered made parties to the suit, and the case was eontlnued. bEttixj on tar HEEIA Virginia -Snorts Expect Georgetown's - Colors to Be-Lowered To-Morrow. " :'.( Special' to the Evening Times.) Richmond, Ya.i" Nov. ,8. -4-The ad vance sale of tickets for the Georg town-North Carolina foot-ball game i'1'-i!t.-' . we pay 4 .per anuum" , - Compounded semi-annuauy . WAKEXOUJJTY SAVINGS s DANK. tote. Nti ,"- " ss5l aa Catk,ta n)iii a saw io a UUimm a lam iko taMa a4 I f tU bore anawa - TV faUb4 sta ara MM iiajw4 mi raMAii g aaoay a smrrtxai I aaaia ta ta Lxr j GvataaHoea oUl a at a (caJa kr rTr,naru-;: : rl r. f ad ibr lr" air m4 J a a r fsml'iar att r furan aiwa Aas art Camtiaa a tit kr a in an awl airvaax aa Ibr uar It art I afataai (h Vtrfiata rljifc' I nail! ate t-irtt-a T,r Uni t troB tba Old Kurtk &(! atll unit toalikt aad a III xtt Kaiaroa) SMHataa. Gaatoaa'a eira W a( ted 10 raack RkhBkoed ka il unrrow n.rlaa aad ni) ao tar aa ii l"r laultl lo do aa piauarv aota Ix fura Ike (aw la tar aftrraoon beta are bow Orli.( sua4r aad North Carollaa la Ibr favorite Oaa aarvr was aaid to har bara plawd that GoorgrtovB would Bat anorr. bat tbrr la llltla of am h .moary to Inc the roanda of ibr hotrla Thr aarkrra of nark taani nHrnr in Ix loi.fldrni of alBBlaa I.IKK TfTIr:L HIM. I imM-IUII Train ir U Rirhm im1 In Mrrt (ieorgeloMa l-JIrren. I Special to Tbe Kvaning Time I Chapel Hill. Nov. J. Al r.O Tneaday evening the aealor claa of tbe 1'Blvemlty gathered la the dlnlag ball of Plckard's Hotel to enjoy tbemNolves and partake of the annual senior banquet. The pea W era of the evening were Or. Wllllama, Bernard and Howe, of the faculty, and Messrs. Dalton and Stephenson, members of the senior class. Mr. E. A. Love, president of the class, was toastmas ter and started the ball rolling with very appropriate words. The banquet ... nrndurtlve nf mneh rood follow. ' hp be(ww,n the different memhem of the class, and (he feeling that may always bo seen when "good fellows gel together" was very much In evi dence. The banquet In every way was a succeHS. To-morrow the term leaves for Richmond, where It Is to play George- town. Although the team Is not In extra good condition several of the men having born rendered unable to play during tbe past few weeks a good game is confidently -expected, and a score In favor of the Tar Heels will In nbwise be a surprise to Caro lina rooters. Thursday night tbe Shakespeare Club mot for the Urst tlme at Dr. I Howe's study. This club Is under the j supervision of Dr. Howe and Is one j of the Uhlverslty's strongest literary i ofganlaatlons. . In addition to a Bhort address "by Dr. Howe papers were I read By Messrs. Claytor and Pogue. The freshman and Junior foot-ball teams met Thursday afternoon upon tne gnairon. rne result was a uea score, o to u, in ravor or tne rresn men. Mr. A. W. Peace, who tor sevearl years has been cashier of the bank here, has resigned to accept a similar position at Oxford. Messrs. John A. Parker, Gardner and Sadler, of the team, who were confined In the Infirmary the latter part of the week with a throat trou ble which It was feared would de velop Into, diphtheria, were released Saturday; morning. Their Illness prevented their going pn the V. P. I. trip With the team. ' Important Prlxe Fights. Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 3. Edtlie Hahlon ' and Aurella , Herrera are matched for, twenty rounds here to night before the Pacific Athletic Club.' and unusual interest Is dis played in the contest as Herrer.i is w- b d b J. 0 ' LU'," tlcally alL.the fighters,? while Hanlon is weK capable of taking care of him- self jUi. the liveliest scrimmage T. -B. ' Womack, President., " s- W. S.f Wilson . Organized October 4ff 1905. ,t ', .,...; .. , y . . ,v , .' i- .., The obJects(of this,' Association are to enable and encourage Its mem bert to build 'and own their, homes by the payment of small weekly or moiithly amounts, and to afford to those of them who do not wish, to build an opportunity tor, Investing f small amounts a; this highest rate of interest. Every shareholder is a partner In the Association. . ,. . '' f t- 14.' S-I'itf t!'l '-T iiRircfons. J.'R. Chamberlain, Wv C Riddick, - - I -Alfred, Williams, ss TJr.-James-R1. Rdgers, T. B. Womack, . D. K,. Wright, James , Johnson, W. A. Llnehan, , C, B. Edwards, .Apply now Jo the -Secretary and Treasurer.for slock at office of the 'f North Carolina Home tnsurance Company, 118 Fayettevllle Street.' , FEARFUL DEED F 1 Horrible Details or tbe .nissacrc Bj Chinese BanJKs HOSPITAL MURDERED FIVE KJkd M.iiluaarlw lata ar Aflr lKtrulag Haaan ami Haarhrrrd All ItaH Tw. U- rladlaa Mm. and (TilMrr. ttly the Aaaorlated Pre ) Hongkons. No 3. Blahop Meret, of ike Catholic Church, haa rerelvrd a letter eonlrmlng the aeva of (he tnaMKarrr of American miaalonarlea at Menrhow. auJ rIvIdk tbe following lrllrular Pr. Marble requested tbe removal of a atreet theatre near the boapltal on account of the nolaa. Thla requeat Incensed the Chineae. who, becoming violent, attacked the boapltal. A mob then paraded tbe atraeta, ei hlbltlng a skeleton used In the In struction of the medical claaa and alleging that it was an example of the foreigners' Inhumanity to Chinese people. Becoming freniled. the crowd uu'u ln nPtta. ine air.a acnoot and tbe residences of the mlsalon- '"le Dri Machlo, Mrs. Machle. their 10-year-old daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Peale, Dr. Eleanor Chestnut and Miss Patterson took refuge In a cave. Tbe mob pursued them and killed all except Dr. Machle and Miss Pat terson, who escaped. Dr. Machle was badly wounded. Tbe American gunbtiat Callao and two Chinese gunboats with members of the American Board of Missions are proceeding to the scene of the massacre. M'ltl Punish Brigands. Washington, Nov. . Minister Rockblll cables the State Department to-day that the Chinese Emperor has ordered the Infliction ot exemplary punishment upon the guilty officials and perpetrators of the attack on the American Presbyterian mission at Lienchow and directing that com pensation be made and protection 'provided for all missions. Armour Files Protest. Washington, Nov. 3. In the pri vate car line Inquiry before the In terstate commerce commission to day, counsel for the Armour oar lines opposed an Intimate Inquiry into the details ot the Armour Company's business on the ground that the In terstate commerce commission had no Jurisdiction over these private in terests. Ten Students Killed. Moscow, Nov. 3. A procession of students returnlrig with some com-? rades who had been released from prison, was set upon by a mob of workmen and ten students were killed. Snow in Pennsylvania. (By the Associated Press.) Altoona, Penn.j Nov. 3. There Is a severe snow storm in this section, with two Inches on the ground and still failing. D. K. Wright, Vice President. aSewjetary - TreasuiWi - Loan Association, I ! J. 3. Bernarrf,. t. J. C. Ellington, ,Jr. WAliam BSnow, W. a, WJlson. Walters' Durham, , . - f 1 1 .." v - i v.-1 I I. vWr'i?-. ::? tf