UL1 ATING" TIMES. . IS' REPORT CAUSES MKLllaG WILL ii R 's SENATOR fLn to m lu-iwatio.u.m. p:; i it if tm nc nn rnTTiv STAND - BY MEN rM'.! GAVE UP SECRETif1''0'"; PRESlOL'if ,C,L. 1 -r -r"r L3VE mm: t3 mm m point c CTiER MBDH blMln Had Avcragr1 ,'V- lUgt Mtllk . Mooy flroarr to-cM Om Aa. hr to Boy -TsW , , Wm tbor Jmt of . ' . " .) IN4ola. ' , . , (Br Um AmIi4 Pr"! tfoohlagtoe. No. ?1 Tb foa '. sua B ureas to-day lowed a bulimia . plaf log tb amount of eoUos glaaod ' November Hth it T.tl.7 bale. J HM tb product of tb gta aerle up (t Nmwktf ,11 u JIM 41 u la 10J. i.lll.lll bale. Tbe total crop ( 1104 wm 1S.4S1.SS?. bains and) of' 1101. ,i;mo baWe. ' ; , i i la lt04 axat.7l per tnt. ot tb cotton bad beea glanod to November 14th. and la 1101 about It ft per font. ' . ;. : . . Tb prod action by bale (or lbs ' present year by Slate U as follows: Alabama. ' ISl.tlS 11.14 64 Jit 1.43T.0M 181.650 . .. - i . Kct'Q.It: T 1-2 Bales GInncJ Arkaaaaa . . .-' 3 , , Florida . . . . . -Georgia . . V Indian -Territory1 ;" .Kansas . . y.-.. . Kentucky . . Louisiana', , 411 , Mississippi , . ,17 ; Missouri 21,141 . ' Jiorth Carolina . v ...,.! M.114 ; Oklahoma , . , .",.' "Itl.Ul ' " South Carolina, i. .'. 8T4.7TS , Tennessee h , IV'-I SS.S93 ,-: ' Taxaa ..'', i' .'. .. 1,811,141 Vlrjlttli ., lv..V-..;y'.10.S S ,i, Wild Ball Mowinnal, , . New York. No. 11. There waa a wild bull movement In cotton follow lng Jthe K)vlng oat ot the tinnera re-'! port. ;: )' ' x;-, -';'".?', In! ' The - May ; option advanced .97 .polnU. of almost a cent a pound In ' a few minutes. There waa a Jump of forty, points between two sales. Thciy ; was an' excited scene on the floor of ' the exchange as the brokers fought 'one another to bay. v- E8tlmatea as to the showing of the i. report -had averaged clone to ' 8. ' A0M00 bales, and when the actual 'figures .-were published,: 'showing' .7,' . 498,167 bales ginned to" November ' '14 th; the ' rush to ,buy , lollowedl' ' New high records for -the season '. ' were made. The confusion was so great . that different prices were being quoted '-' ' at the same lime at different points ' around the ring, and In some Instances there were gains of 10 to 20 points be ; : tween , sales. , ;,;.;. Before i the advance - was checked . March sold at U.7 asd May at ,11.97 ,or 110 no . 120 points above the low r level of yesterday, and about 10 to M point above the previous high level of the season on November 10. ' . '. Around these figures there was heavy realising.' and prices eased off about JO ' i ' points- from the -top, but showed, con- tlnued excitement and nervoumfoss,- . Excitement at New Orleans, I New Orleans; La.,' Nov. St.-r-The an ' nouncBment of the ulnners report on ' . the Cotton Exchtuure'Was followed by considerable excltemerit.vprices quickly advancing tn M points.. , y:- ity - The future market waa steady during 1 ' the morning, but when the government report was rend at 1 o'clock ' prices jumped qulokly. - 1 " " January went v dowa 10.71 to '.11.08. March gained B4 points, going, from - 10 94 to 11.60. i The reading of the re " port created Intense excitement, and prices continued to advance, . , 1 1:40 p. m. At this hour December has 1 . gained 87 pointy at ll.So; January 87 " . , points tt 11.B8, March 8f points at ll.SO, ' ' and May 87 points at 11.94. The general . expectations was that the glnners' re .' ' port would shoW about 8,000.000 bales :y ginned un t" November 14. ,. .. . NO DrCICIOIT BY ' C Tim cour.T to-dAy. "l lit was announced late this i .after noon that no decisions ' would C be handed down by the Supreme Court. tt had been expected that a decision would be filed In the matter of . a liquor election for the city of Raleigh. STILLS ARE PLLSTllfU irfui3 rn'rrt ftp 4iwwwMibv kiW4 4whl tm ! W ' licit!! Un (katy Tw Nawvits Ms H4f tv 1sKii Tr Maw frskTad Raids. "Dsrteg tks rar 4tag Nos- ar 1st last I brw that I be aaav brr of lllkit or saoMisaiaa tUlter ta la eottattea la this liBBa4UM aec tkS bas a4rsK4.' datlarwd ttrp ty Collector W. O. Pool last blbt pua bis retara fro si a aaco sfal raid asi of hera. "Tbia bas bar a four. Mf day. aa Meal Um for raaalng tae stills. sad I ahoald aot be aarprlaed U ISO la Jobasioa aad 1& la Darbaia eoaaUra war la opcratio to-day," coallaued tb deputy. "Oarlag lb year 41 sUlU wlthla a radius of eight mile of Durham bare bava de stroyed." ; , Aa officer voo tared lb ostimaia that II stills la Jobastoa. 11 la Wake. 11 la PYaakUa. It la Moor. ! la Chatham aad la Col sip bas bavo h?ea rut ap by government of ficers wltbla tba year. t'oder tb WatU law; also the Ward Act, It la tb duly of sheriffs! (0 suppress Illicit distilling aa much It la encumbent oa tba United State Officers, but Deputy Fool aaya that la only two Instance baa b re- rr.ed aid from county authorities. The ' sheriff ' of Chatham got oa mooothln outfit and turned It over to lbs deputies, la Pitt county a deputy sheriff located a still and brulded lha.. government deputies to iS57&7T,n' plaoe. , These are the only in- etaacoe ueputjr rooj nas come ucrosi in this section. - v . 1 Strange aa It may aecm the best informers the government has are women.. The men in tb community become, debauched by Jbe, operation of the still or by liberally patronis ing It and aa a result soma woman gives tb officers a tip to put aa and to the demoralising Influence. Yesterday . while searching for a still three mi lea from Ben ion Depu ties W. 0.;Pool;and C. A, 1 Banks fouad several kegs .of whiskey In the woods near the house of the supposed blockader. j f L--. i:.:: Sunday, while within a mile fend a half of Timothy the 'same deputies seized and destroyed a still, a num ber of gallons of beer,' kegs of low wines and an outfit No one i was present The deputies reached the place about three o'clock In the af ternoon .and; finding the beer In proper condition for distillation 'wait- lag until dark, thinking , that some one would come to begin operations. The still was in a very large woods and at six In the evening the deputies decided that they might aa well cht up the still and make their way home. ? t ,-y FATAL FALL OF; ; - - : SLATE IN MINE -v: 'a (By the Associated Press.) r. 1 Zanesville, Ohio, Nov. 21. Oeorga Robinson was killed, and A. W. Wall and an" unknown Hungarian were fa tally Injured by a fall of slate In mine No. 1 of the New England, Coal Com pany at Sactoy late last night. - Throe tons of slalo fell, Robinson's body being cmshed to a pulp. Wall s back and rlghc log were broken and both : of the Hungarian s legs were broken. . - ; r l. YOUNG THEODORE'S V ; BROKEN NOSE. '-'7 iSy the Associated Press. I J Cambridge, Mass.,, Nov 21i In vestigation ot report that Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., had his nose broken in, last Saturdays foot-ball game be tween the freshmen ot Harvard and Yale, to-day disclosed the fact that the young man will submit to an op eration within a day ;or two for an old injury received in a boxing match, and not on the gridiron. Some time ago one of the small bones in young Roosevelt's noBeyWas broken by a blow L received in a friendly bout.: "i he fractufe was set at the tlme but as It healed the nose became slightly misshapen. AID FOR THE PRINTERS tatti-llvor Iy aw rytosm km as lwr ka T-4-nrVot Assi-i an1 as of Typ" Ma 1JV (be AaM-Ut4 lmoi ) PUubarg. Nor II At lb morals g emoloa of tb Amortraa fedoraUoa of Labor rraek R. ros ier, of Baotoa. rrrj of tb com mute oa pTMtdoat Oomprrs report read a aploBMatary report Tb anatter of tb oifht boar day for tho anion prtatcrs was eadorwsd sad tb exorativ couadl, la gtvlsg 1 tb printers moral ii and S-naarial sspport, was oommeaded. Tb coun cil waa lastractfd to continue their aid to printers if It Is aeresaary until Jaauary 1, 1911. The com m li te reported that th eight hour day for printers Is la force la I4i cities aad towas la thla country aad Can ada, 1 Aa asseeameat of four cents a member waa ordered by the Federa tion to aid the printers In their con test. This asaeasmeat Is expected to yield about 180,900. Tho fifty cent assessment mad by the International Typographical, I'nloa bas been en dorsed by that body by a vot of 11,(84 to 1,844. , Delegate Johaneaaen, of Chicago, mad a sere re attack oa the Indus trial Workers of tb World, charac terising them a enemies - of tree speech and fro government. He ro sented the Imputation that th Amer ican Pederatloa of .Labor was the American Federation of "grafters," as tb Industrial Workers of the World called the federation. ' IDENTIFIED AFTER 1 - ' THREE YEARS Nlles. Mich.'. -Nov. 21 District Attorney John F. Clark, of Brooklyn, N. Y. and his assistant, F. X. Caff- rey, to-day positively Identified Paul Hamilton,' under arrest here, as Ben jamin F. Chosey, a former Brooklyn lawyer,,, against whom an indictment has been pending on the charge of embesslemeat since 1902. Even after the identification by the district attorney and his assistant Hamilton denied positively that he la Cbasey.'and says that he will fight extradition to New York. TO DRAG POTOMAC . FOR J. W. BELCHER '(By the Associated Trfss.) Washington, Nov. 21.-Tho harbor po lice officials have been requested to drag the Potomac River for tho body of J. , W. Belcher, the missing novorn ment printing office employe ami treas urer of on ot the money-lendinK con cerns of that' office; - . The reqUeat came from Mrs. BelchcV through a friend, and the wife says she feels almost sure that her hubhand will ba found In the river, , Ince his brother, the alleged abscond ing .mayor of Paterson,, N. .T., disap- peared, Belther's friends have noticed that he at times became morose and restless and was not his usual self. -,' RESCUED AFTER " IIOPE iYAS GONE " tBy the Associated. Press.) ; ; Vlgov Spain, Nov. 21.-tThe Span ish steamer Octobre, from Marseilles bound to Rotterdam, had a thrilling experience dUring the recent storm.. Boas, washed over the vessel,' her machinery broke down andhe drift ed helpless for four days.' 1 1 When hope had been abandoned, the Octobre waa sighted by the Brit I ish steamer Almadro, which finally with difficulty rescued the crew, num. Uh.I. ft f? 1 The coast iu this vklnity is strewn i with wreckage. TT ( fwir aWr oru H am 9) tm 'Mi (hf b AoriaaM I mo t CHMastn M fitl w n aut " " ' raMoar reu 1 - -I 1 - k. ... ... OMM Mi M oetaJM I. r. ,Mh u u- ii-iu auriiniim "m" r" Th Mv(t4 of iM m.m'..i it soC leti tm a4vaiMO W toe I. f ' C tigreoa, bi t eu r . ....,. ( takeo laat ojirlna oa4 it. 4t- , fBv tl- Aale4 I I ttooai o.U ca.bas U-., ' by n ct.o.n,n .-48'' bVoato, Tboma. C. n.tt Ms b-rtia, ; jObod as s wtloeos beforo tb tasur - Tb- data was oretMiJ 1.. M r. aac lavtiat lag coaaajltloe lo-4ar. AdasMk statlallrUa o ( ln" CMMwm ItwnaiiMiba. and 14 r N '1'. cunb, attomay and raH) tjnilin Tho fnrnMT 1ieontog tK. nurntue Cnenmaroe Cimoihiua and .he taller tho rallwav titera. J It la well kMf that th Inirrstate Commerce Csnimlltee I ttt nn lha mala aoeotkio lavotvod, thm .Mirtr. ring f oom tb lateratat 'hiit CommlMSiai eooer to nln ) nr.fr of a railroad rata. -but V mti.nil,t i. been tnaaa to poll pomtniu-.. .. d- tormina What kind of bill mill he - ortd-. ' ' ' i ' -i M TflTTHV TIC HQ Hamilton activity before, the Legls tU 1 I Ul IlL Ur.jlature. He knew nothing about Aa- Plan to Ho! J 3,000,000 Bales " Promises 'Success HarvtoxJordaa Hay Machinery Asonciatioat Will He In Motloa la ' w ayskjlBlog-r-flaord Acreage Neat " . Year. of (By "th Associated press.) Atlanta, Oa.,' Nov. 21. President Har vle Jordan, of the Southern Ootton As sociation, la on Interview to-dftv said that th preparation i to tto up three million bales of 'cotton and .hold for higher prlcea In fac of an already es tablished short crop and unprecedented consumption; is well under Way and promises successful results. " He said: "The or.tire machinery of the association will bo net In motion within a few days, pledging- the cotton arrowora of the South to a reduced acre ace for next year. We will .begin thus early to hold down the acreage to give thd planters full opportunity to make arrangements for another year." A YOUNG LADY KILLED BY RIFLE. (Special to The Evening Times.) Durham, N. C.. Nov. lO.-fErnest Womack killed Miss Connie Marks at an" oyster-supper given In the1 lower section of Chatham county Sat urday night ' ;? . The shooting was done by a, rifle arid was , an- accident. . The young man waa tooling with -the gun in the presence of the young , lady. The oyster supper -was at the home of Mr. J. A. Marks. ' 13 STEAMERS " ARE ICE-BOUND. ' " ', l. c- v ' "V. . ( ,- . (By the Associated' Press.) St. Petersburg, Nov. 21i-rThe weather Is so exceptionally severe that thirteen steamers are Ice-bound between. St. Petersburg and Cronstadt.-, s u .One of the steamers is ajrround and another, the Vologdai having British subjects on board, bobnd for London, Is Icebound.- . : it- .',t....,,.:vw An ice breaker has been reqnestloned from Llbau to free the.Vepsels...i' -s COAST, LINE " ; ,a . PAYS 3 PER CENT. ? (Special to The Evening TImea) ; 1 New York, Nov; 21. The directors of (he: Atlantic Coast Line Rallwav to day declared a semi-annual dividend of i per cent., which la an Increase of halt of one pter oetat. " lu A. Loek'ood bead. " tBy the Associated'Press.) v Greenwich, Conn v Nov.' M. Lnke Adolphu Lockwood, one of the most eminent members ot tM Masonle Fra ternity In th United tales; and the au thor of tha LockwoOd'S Masonto Juris prudence, died.' of : pneumoniA at his home hera to-day. He was 71 years oldV - - , .'CONTRIBUTED YEARLY 1 1 Jotta hk-iwoi rwl koa4 004 44- Tl 9W4oa-o . . . ilor ' k" Eltbl Rortoty roatrlbutod llt.aoa a yoar to " tWaator Piatt sold tho run Mia is ovbii ids- Uoas wer la cash aad were seat by aneoseairor to his office aad b turn ed them ovor th Stat committee They wer unsolicited, ho said Senator Piatt said he waa ei peri od la return for tb contributions U Influence leglxlatKNi wbea aay aneaa nrr were hostile to the insurance coinnle. i He added .that he did aot know Andrew Hamilton nor anything abont arew v. meias. wno repreoentea IB Mutual Life Insurance Company at Albany. 8enalor Plait aaid also that be had received frequent contributions ot 119,009 each from the Mutual Lite Insurance Compaay. John .A. Nichols, a lawyer and quarantine commissioner of tbe port of New York from ! to 1I9X. who Wrote the letters to Senator Chauncey. M.DepeV lij bebalf of hi "frlehd who usually get around at this time Of the year aad who, he wrote, was getting "rambunctious" and needed help, waa the first wit '(. Continued from Seventh Page.) MERCHANT'S BODY FOUND IN THE DOCK Wilmington. N. C, Nov. 21-The dead body of Frank Hafner. aged about forty years, a merchant of ihls city, was found early this morning floating In the dock at the foot of Prin cess street. , Hafner was last seen alive on the night of November 13. At that time he was drinking. He bad no relatives here. He was a Jew, beinar a native of Austria. RECEIVER FOR CLARK'S COMPANY. (By the Associated Press.) rtttsburg. Pa., Nov. 21. Upon appli cation of the Dollar Savings Fund and Trust Company, of Alleghany, adminis trator of the estate of "Cashier T. Lee Clark, of the Enterprise National Bank. H. S. Calvert was appointed receiver of the International Aluminum Company. The company by Its president. Prank C. Harper, Joined In the praver for a re ceiver. Clark's estate Is the owner of 62 per cent, of the capital stock. He was president and for along time treasurer. The capital stock Is $50,000, assSts $24, 640, and liabilities, not including the capital stock, $6,500. The company was engaged In mining at Rome, Ga. VICTIM OF AUTO ACCIDENT DEAD. (By the Associated Press.) Atlantic Cltyi N. J.. Nov.' 21.-C. W. Greenwaldi who was Injured In the wreck of the. Everard automobile nn the VentoC . Speedway last, night, died at the City Hospial ttt-iay- William Williams and Isaac Bennett, who were fiurt in the crash, are -recovering. r u . 4 y - The automobile con taint kg three men and the ohaffeur was going at a high Speed, ' and in-'trylnsr to avoid a col lision with: a ' wagon the automobile dashed Into a trolley-pole; throwing the men oit., -- " 1 .,t i A STEAMSHIP . T MERGER" REPORTED v 4, (By the Associated . Press. ., i; tuondon, Nov 21. A report is fcurrent In shipping circles that the Interna tional Mercantile Marine Company is about to absorb the Aberdeen Line, trading to Australia and the Blue An chor. Line, which Is In the South Afri can and Australian trade. " - , a M MMiM ka r mr nr t lovttM H"z welarte 11 a erflfcoai fur eaAOUfcifk OOlOitaM. HI rhart4 la lb l.ur. if tfc rww .roS.Uo. of Cwy .Klgjitaa, of tb tltilw la a4"e4 I The H' It tiir is Mr Ktf ; ss's saBsal r-.ii. ku hou uU 1 altlod to tbe ettnauiauoo ms Eaaartastlnos sre geo t-r tbv ,Bi!ai otibosl otwl to afHraoa bt tb rkM i.ailae roll. aU.Uo. (k, (rv.t vtpvaM ,k. M.r,r, .itoa aad ratlac ot faira. rreiwa I a ..i.,-,, ographlag oic. aad rwonmeod. that ra h aiplkant be reulra u ii fort l"' H"ll He scroti fix- ranglBf from 10 erats to 1 1 0 or Bor. orxordlag to I th iaioortaoca of t be pualtloo for which tbe appltraat it etamlawl. H calls attest loo lo lb elfoartalalnc j a.vstenas la other government bureaus' through fee collodion 1t la proposed to aire applicants much fuller laformatloa concerning the scope of eiamlnation, so that ta tolllgeat men aad womea may not be put to aaaoceoaary eipenae It Is aaderstood that several hundred thousand dollars a year, are speat by appllcaats In preparing by private la atruction. by personal attendance at soma school, or by taklag a corres pondence coarse. Mr. Klgaias advocate better pay for' govern men t service. He says: "Tb positions under th govern ment are. considered desirable, and tt Is generally supposed that tb oom mlsstoa (soa lltO difacalty la UUag vacancies aa they occur. Thla, bow aver, la not always tbe case. . WhU sufficient applicants enter tha general examinations there are numerous declinations of appointments when tendered, especially to positions la Washington. Many of the highest eligible on th registers decline ap pointment oa account of the low sala ries offered, which frequently do not equal tha aalarles received by thtm In private employment." RESPONSIBLE FOR BUILDING'S COLLAPSE (By tha Associated Press.) Albany, N. Y., Nov. 21. The Albany county grand jury has found indictments against John Dyer, Jr. the contractor, and Clark L. Dag gett, hla supervising architect, charg ing them with manslaughter in their alleged responsibility for the col lapse on August 8th of the depart ment store building ot the John O. Myers Company, In which thirteen people Were killed or fatally injured and - upwards of thirty others were hurt. PLANTERS WILL CON SIDER SITUATION There will bo a meetlnc ot the Wake county division of the South ern Cotton Growers Association to morrow at noon In Metropolitan Hall, and Mr. T. B. Parker, the secretary, urges all who can possibly attend to be present,, as matters of vital im portance will be discussed. MrvA. C. Orcen( president of the Wake County division of the South ern Cotton Growers' Association, has called this meeting for to-morrow In Metropolitan Hall, and he earnestly desires that every farmer who can possibly attend shall do so. The meeting 1 scalled to discuss the matter of holding cotton, and thereby force th,e prleo abov what It now is. There will be township meetings on December Hie 3d, to elect delegates to a County fleeting to be held on the 10th, which will In turn elect delegates to the State meeting, which convenes In Raleigh on the first Wednesday in January. HE STOLE THE - STATE'S MONEY. . .' '(By. the Associated Press.) - Crockett, Texas, Nov. 81. A. S. Budy, former assistant financial agent of the State of Texas, was yesterday fotnd guilty of misappropriating State funils and given a term ot three years In the- penitentiary. ' , t hi t a 3 PER CENT. CiiIL',3 -rot. Poii ma . lMete4 , a IVrt to 4t4 , Hkw ot MUaii-. ' ltv tba A lt4 frroaa) . l(Mmun4. Va, Ho, tt Tb ooooal' -ii ul otpibbaloars of tfc Allootte ' ' Lin to-dajr otortod T. ht. vr. f Wllalato, .M. r. 4nt. 4 R O. Brolo. rtai4 Hrwoel K-mtooo oxonod otlb lb k-nrtii jl l,m r all ihr -lwr o9Vw aa- mtrmr,.r, r. rW-t ri-p Mr. rCroto. Mr. Eowr wnM hi HI oa tb bo art, Ales HaoilMoa, for tar r-ad to raMnt. was prioold t grot vte prealdotit C B. Oodsdoa was aromot from third to sscaiid Wo-praKJaWC J. R Konly aa made third vies oroat A dlvtdod of 9 pr oant. waa or tared tm tb stork, placing It oa a loatoad of a I per cont. ba la, 'Th annual r-f port showed aa locraoo ta aiioBA gross and not roco lots. Prweldant Emmoraoo otaftod with th rnad as a ctork ka tb frotcht office la Wllmlngtoa, it. C, at O per awota. KILLED BYFRIEin) wim-g innfTiirQ. (By th Aaoooiatod rrosa.) . Rkhatoad. - Va-. i Nor.-, tl. Jntitr ' Oebhardt, a Chicago Bobamlaa. whll .' buating with frWads oa the reaorv- Uon of tho America a Colonftatlon Hoclety of Chicago, near Doawail, Ta.. waa accidentally shot, the wound be ing of such a natur as to caus death la a few hours. ' - ; . ' Ed. Zehle, th maa who did tba -shooting, la distracted with grief. It ' Is said that Oebhardt waa to b mar ried to a Chicago girl wlthla a few weeka. . v, i ACCUSED BANK OFFICERS FEES. (Srtclal to Tha Evening Times.) Fayetteville, N. . C, for. - I J. ' This afternoon. In the case of the alleged embetzlement of ex-Cashier J. C. Haigh and ex-Teller O. . (X. My rover,, defendant. appeared . In court accompanied by . counsel and submitted to pleaa of guilty to the Indictment pending. It appeared that satisfaction had been mad to the bank and to the bonding com pany, on the recommendation--of the Bank of Fayetteville and at the re quest of the solicitor. Judge Moor suspended Judgment on payment of costs and the defendants ' were dis charged. ; ' ; ) ,' ' . SHERIFF TURNER, OF MOORE, DEAD. (Special to The Evening Time,) Carthage, N. C. Nev. 2 Sheriff Alex Turner died here to-day at'J0:3O. . The announcement of his. death was e great shock to the people ot the town and to the crowd ot people In attend' ance tit court. He had come borne sick; from a tax collecting tour ovor a week agoF but no one expected audi a sudden -.critical turn as came i this , morning. Shtift Turner was 38 years of Age and unmar- : rled. -ry.K ; . ' 1 , He was elected . sheriff, in .1902 and'te- ' elected in 1904 and : Waa '.very;, jjopular with Republicans as well as Democrats; -:'. The burial will be at Gaaieron,'-hls old . home, to-morrow at I p. m.' ' . x 1 KILLED HIM v f ?.1. . with;asiiotgot. (Special to the Evening' Time. ) .j. Washington, N. C, Nov.' 81.' Newa was brought lo this city this morning. that David Boyd,, colored, had killed Granville Blade,, also -colored, with a; shotgun, the murder taking place on ' W. A. B. Branch's iarm abont ten -miles from this city. , c ' The murderer made good his escape and as yet has not been captured. TANNERY BURNED ' :;-.L0C3 uco,c:d. (By the Associated Press ) ' t Grand Rapids,' Mich., TTov. 21. The tannery of the Michigan Leatlicr Com pany, located at Mill Creek,--wns de. strayed by ; fira to-day. The . tanner waa to hav been sold to the So-called leather trust soon. '. ; . , t t . -i , t ft:

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