L! :: .i i:rsvs - - L... m a I K. a BoyloH - Pearce .r.L::u:J;::::C::xin - M 14 Ull'J , Tm t- V Mwar kal Inn t a W fcM laatf a ---'1 . w a gi . i u4 ke. . n t - U.v. i a M fc- a - ! k . a i it Se i a n . t M.14 SV IM fcl ,Tte Ltrgcii UrUU Dry Coods -; Inmj ii isiio kaaAa b) Dealers la tlie SUte . . taj tv at si aat! f aaia4 4 ,.r V i 4-1 a"f ,7Wf e f u. r. A- At t b a t acta, al o lltl jeakoeellB mtr aa I fhru.ih the If M( a4 BMM ,-jt ha . .1 1.4 rf IM ; ee $ eat fIMJ SBM, ; w a eae e4 t fWty f Ua if tVU. Lai. ' - to it h.. r t- AlliiOiiiiK ac . . Lm.m 1., aa I I 1 1 t ea .ar w a--' wl ' Aaauiate Immtmm 'U r aa far " W" BWlaS CMttia i ta. l ta t.a ' " UM TW 4i.ai lKt m tK mmia (M H ! 1 ( U.a fctua NMMMM al IM N " U1 t Imu a) TM That. Ta l.:Wit. n..rui at Jk rtr tt. kul if'Ma: the rt mux otn Th J. OMlk, .i!WU . i. c El X- . ' Ottkui tMrtn, Oatbrw a 0llrl, , ' a WiaSr. C B (, A. A. f.kk. U a4 1. H. Hal; t.. ft ttktt:8. ' in.iM A Hrrant. B. I. fcTr. T. A ljiua, for AWvodaAi. fvr Curtftfl . Court U of tun (la liwwl Ml IM IWrt fc4 IM mil. -J WmJ V'V C , 4 M at. 4 riXB dUCTJTT. La XtcM Wal T hl) Mlnat fadaal KU ' fur tlw arl-af tru f Trinity tIJt M Rot balBl)f kut USU- t-mphlt' knows la lit cM M tn -Rl Book.- t.U- kJ IntMldM For ' circuit Uai aaMMis tb satratka Of tIM eill( M mn' Uwm Ukaly ta m,fmrK troa. Anf .tataipwt of ' oommuntualtoa ia Vonaitlua.!! prtvl lacad hrn tnaAa bona " Ada mboot 'aomalhtns U ak-h 1) tha fr haa a Iniarwjt or auty; (X) tha kaxrar ht a rarraapondlnv Inlaraat on auty, aad g ban tha utamaai ar rommuntaatkMi la mada U protartloo J at 4 hat tntaraat or In parformanoa of lAat duty.' It 'stuit b uttarwJ lth knaaal baHtf that It . la . truo. Tha tanaard of erlvUf la' Um ausdard I mlo "d mfim. Tha aaVaral aumbara, r tha law. not of tha individual iM rroupa. whk-h ha prfaaolad. wara v tha Drtrtlraa drModa. not on ht th! H ao artlatloally aunt, that It la too1 Indivldaal may hava auppoaad to a rWHal BrtlUaat Ctwal. . To Wnain Oao,". (aura aapalai If Um Man tiaslMmk M M M) r (ritaa4 on toa aiaiai4 aal aanr im rot ofrn wak a waa avwa aadat tnalr aMajOcaa at fUawy Han taat rr. aatnc- Mr. Martla. oho had ama aa orad r Th Woaaaa a Oak" ta clra too Arot wart of tha anna, fully aoataJaal tha antaMa raputatloa ohtch had roroda4 hi a hara. Tha arotraw. kU h aa ao roarmlaaiy randard. Inakd aot ad di4 aat, tafl ta r4at aM hla haaraa, I ha nambara hatns oaro fully atort4 and rroupvd ta that and. Tha lanra-arvd aaarartatiTO aadanr oatla-htod and antbaataatte orar kU epkandld o4oa had traly Batahad par furroanca. , . Tha (tmU Randal Arta "Arm, Arm. Ta Brara." villi whkch tha orvaram opanod, waa nvai-nincaally randarad la trua oratorio atyla and aptrtt. makint ona iah that tha aatira work mla;ht ba kaard. la ordar that Mr. Martln'i naf fact4 aad latcUlfaat voacaplion of tha part mlht bo anjoymf to lha atmoot Ha Mni tha aaw low hot a with a clear rvaoitant tana, auaalnlnc tt with ap pa rant aaaa. Mr. Martln'i compaaa M tndaad rartiarkablo aa tha projram pro roadad thla fact waa damonatrato4 TV barn laaanta o4 bimv af- Owaa. oairataJ-y of ftiato J arya rta-aa, Troaaara? B. R. try. Aadi liar B f. tMtaa, Atlaraaw Oaaorai at U OUaar. afartatat of tatrir ' laa'J-anlaa I. T. iaraor. T. fc. Brw 'aor, at lha japannta! ml AfrWat Itara. WUia Caraiar M. It. naW, H C. Brow of tha CoraoraOoa Caa aalaaai, aad Cat Oida TVa day waa apaat oa tao tana of Mr Baa Cdar ahwat toar aad a half salla Iroai lha cMy, TWy had alih Um a pmxk af ittrty" W tao taaol aoaaiaj la tao ooastrf , tkoaa a a aad r Mr. Caartaa CraaforC Tbay arrta4 a faaa. aad kroooao to raa dotra all Ua taw tfcrr ealrk. Tkara waa roaoral ro d-rot at Ua abararo froa tha cMy of Coaimtaaioaay of AjrtraHara B. L. Pattaraom, ke waa Uat ywar tha aaiwaaafal of all tao party la OTorUktng tka taot-footad haroa. .Ala bitaraat -or duty, but upon what a JudcO -dacldao; aa matter of Uw,tilt tntreat.or' duty; to baya baen. Tha ' Court detarminra what la and what la not prlvllefad. Tha aSaot -of tha t?rlv liata la to cast on the plaintiff tha burdan of knowing malice oa the de- fahdanta part In tterln or pubiiah- ln tha atxiri Mandareua wordo, -K It ' ona axceeda tha plivilcra. IU protea--' tron to ram Meaee and the ordinary 'rulea .'of . liability apply. Whether :e ha actaeded.U and 'whether he waa . artuated'.by malice are ordinarily iiuaattona fof tha Jury." 1 Jatrard oa - Torta. MO. ' 63L lroceedlnia before eohool boarda, ratlgHoua. fraternal, and : Ilka onranli&Uon are within the claaa havlnf only a qualified prlvilece and are protected by such privilege when tt la property Used and not abused. 1 Jacgard, tS9. . Abaoluta prtvliega la a-enerally confined lo judicial and leg . Isiatlve proceedings and ofllclaf eom- munlratlone pt a public nature, 'when the Interest of the public la 1 directly concerned. 1 Jaggard. S2 et aeq. ' The' plalntlft having-declared, on the ' ' . publication of the t pamphlet must ' ahowthat tha defendanta were prompt- ed by. actual ors expreae mallca. in making the publication.-. There la ao cause of action alleged against the d- fondant Kllgo for alander , lit rnakingl ''. hla apeech before the ' board, ih ia .' ( there, a,llegedt against the defendanta, Duke ani Kllgo, for libel In' publish ing the Speech lit; The Morning Post and other newspapers. Testimony, as v to th latter ' 'publication a waa Intro 't -duced - to; show malice In . publishing v and circulating the pamphlets. -a ;ma- Jority of the iudges sitting are of the 'opinion . that, there. Is no evidence of malice a, to the defendant Duke; and that there la no evidence that the de fendahit, Kllgo participated in the pub- Micatlon .pt hla speech il the.newapa ( ' pers. ,Upon the question whether there , Is any evidence that the 'defendant Ktlgd waa actuated by malice In, pub lishing the pamphlets," the Judges are equally divided In opinion, two f the Judges holding that there Is evidence lit the case, certainly . when "coupled - with ! what was Improperly excluded, difficult a matter-to try to make a dls-1 crimination. . C -. . ' One admirable, bat exceedingly rare aoeompllahinent,- Mr. Martin' poaasasM. which must not be fonrotteri, ha enun clatlon was superb, absolutely perfect. Mr. Martin graciously granted ' hla enthusiastic hearers two enooraa. one of them McDowell's Th Beaming kEyeawaa '.never, mora tenderly nor fteotlvely sung. . ; i - j : , . Mr Martin's, Orat appaaranoe tn Rat elgfe was a signal success; ( and un doubtedly, ahould ba coma aaain, 'hj would be greeted by a still larger 'aad lence, than that which had the pleas ure of hearing him last evening. . . A generous share of tha laurels of the evening must be accorded to Mrs. Jessamine Harrison-Irvine,-who showed her musicianship In the thoroughly ar tistic and satisfactory manner In which she played tha very difficult acoompan Iments. Indeed, she waa . especially commended by Mr. Martin, , himself, who waa delighted with her work, re garding her work aa being that .of a .moat accomplished and. finished musii clan, . v ' ' ' ; w. - Paul Gllmore aa "Capk Debonnair. Patrons of the Academy of Music were delighted last night with the presentation of "Captain Debonnalre' by Mr. Paul Gllmore and his splendid company of artists, . The , production was one of the best seen here this sea son. - The costumes ' were rich, the stage settings' all that could bo- re quired tor the ? presenutlbn 1 of -thls splendid play which deal with atti ring romance of the times when gal last knights drew sword for the pro tectlon of fair ladles:-and measured prowess and skill with rapiers for the love ot adventrue... Mr. Gllmore gave an Ideal Interpretation of the. dashing, gallant knight he impersonated,' and the- minor parts. Vera all well taken affording the star of hla ability. a support worthy It will wash and not rub off ' This complexion all envy me tt' no secret jso I'll tell, 1 , n Take thou Rocky Mountain Tea. ; - - - H. T.v Hicks k Co. ' nn-pA nxr: HK i :fis:v - Foii'sPills And -our health, ESTIMOXY OF THE SURGEON 1 1 .'. - Oaa nvtired ajtrmu. pi ) men L for rtJ . of ,re1k'ii- means the per anlt to ilvo la A landlord honaa fur 11 BAoatha aad to hold pomwloi of HI reaA rvoetpU If the Owe Head red monthly pay- BMBta ftf M amount lUwt equal lo the' root feat b-o id to the (Continued from First Page ) head, left temple, hla foraarma. right eye and II pa ware aturh swottaaj and dlacolorad, aad both ayaa were ckaad. When the erellda were miewal with the bead, the ere roiled and generally e4 toaaiea the left- The left arm and leg were paralysed, and there waa a coa vulalv movement la the right arm and Tb are was alight fever, but .the pals waa normal. 4 ', The Operatloa. , The wttnaaa aald that he realised that Branch's condition waa very ear Ions and called Dr. Byrnes, chief stv aeon at the Academy. Into run imita tion. Dra. Finney and Thompson of Baltimore, arrived during the day, and with tha consent of Branch a father an exploratory operation waa determined a do a. , ' . -, - Tha right aide of Ink head waa opened about o'clock In the evening, and im mediately ' there were three hemor rhages from tha brain. The membrane of the brain appeared much distended And there wea a tree flow of rerum when it waa divided. There was also a return of pulsations in the vessels Of the brain. Only a few small clots of blood were found, and these appeared to have formed toward tha vertex ot the brain- and were washed out. Sev eral needle Incisions and one explora tory Incision were made Into the brain substances, but It was not deemed' wise to further expose th brain, .j ' After the operation the paralysis of the limbs waa somewhat relieved.' but there, waa a spasm of the right foot, and It turned in, towards the left. The general' condition aeemed slightly im proved: Dr. Stone stayed on watch from midnight to I o'clock In tbe morn ing, and about 1:21 there was a great Increase of temperature, and a decided change for the worse. He died at lw:Q5 In tha morning. ' Prom the Symptoms and what was disclosed', during the operations. Dr. Stone waa confident that the condition had been brought about ' by external Injuries to the head such as - might have been caused by blows of the (1st. These blows' could have been inflicted on either side of the head. I Much" of the remainder of the direct testimony was on the technical points connected with the Branch's Injury. . On croaa-examtnation Dr. Stone said that ,a similar condition of the brain to Branch's might be produced by some forma of poisoning. - The exact : cause ot the death, in his opinion, was the obliteration of the vital centers caused by the compression of the blood Vessels on the brain,-. He was also ex amined as fo tne. possible effect ot the hot bath to which Branch was treated after the fight. Mechanic)' and Investors' V Union The party would have lived In his owa boas dartsg the time, and st end of 100 month he mould have race! red la eaah ah amount equal to the cost Of pis lot and owned his bouse aad lot free of enrumbrasr. The above ta What we have done for 100 auembers, ' one-half of whom have completed1 tbrlr pa ments. We caa do the same tor ou. ixans made promptly. ' - For further'' Information, or for loans or eertlBcstes. see. or write to. leha!c,Jr' "la vectors' In ton. Geoi-go Allen; Hecu, lulVa building. BtBMBw'aaaMMHJ ffasTAat BaaaastaBaaAa pmm mm m mk4 MAIL ORDERS. e If a rawe reJIy uraBd yaav mi nry. yaa ae aeatly mrnar an trading h he Sr1 aa Baa rwnraahaaal (area Saai as ear Mail tnoo la srtnuisl aad eaaaw isim folly mi I fee waaaa af saiaiay itiai gi s aa Ijl eaaai snail CLOAKS AND BUTTS. wr aad aeeey eUf enar a. a Mag sngaaialiig aa Man a a We. int nssa areata an radf tar it aj sac a hat ao dtat mn iKna a anew m aWy. At tiMI law t ladW sVaia CWa. tn Hi, tea. lKaaw4 Carag. ec WJV tar UuaU niali l lata taa tvaU rvn rang-, lli-M a iA . Tlianlisglving Linen Sale - The aale mt Table lJaaa. ehtrh la held aaauallr st thla llae. Is now la fall Wlaat Maay sooath ago Be laid leb for tkla Tnaakagilng Llaea Bale, Mrtag apodal talaea la Utnii bi opHrtaltls aao Our war These great valaee are bow rradi for loor laeiaitoa. Itamaak by the )ard asd Is match sets. alu Napklna aad Iluriea,- AT 5r. Per )rd I-lnea aad Merrarlsod Table Iaaaak: (I to 71 larboa wide: Rtnarbed and Brown ' I'ai tome are "pot. Dice aad Floral Designs. AT o.V. Per yard only three pieces In this lot Pare Irish Uses, TO larbee wide. Patterns are Wild Koae, try and 8pot Design. jj AT 76. Per ;ard. Irish and German Linen, Bleached and Bllver Bleached; to lecbea aide rerj soft andlBlab; fall Weight without mt.T flue flalah Pall line of patterns; la Koae. Kleur de Ua. Clematis. Know flake and others HA and ftXIr. Per yard, Blearhod and Brown Llneo: (( to 72 lnrbea lde: good 1.00 values Patterns are Tallp. BKt. Lilly. Fleur de Us, Scroll. Snowdrop, etc. AT H.OO Per yard, a most complete show ing. 70 to 72 Inches wide, In tbe Bleached, Brown and Silver starch or iranalag. 1 lva I line of patter aa Pond u:;:-a. I'analna. Rooa Scroll, Spot And Poppj ' - AT and fl.AO. ' A great showlsg. Florai De signs. Stripes . and Spots, ?re Irish Linen, 1 to Tt lachaa vV. -with Napkins to match. ; " ' KAPKJMi. An excellent showing In :i grades in Plain. Fringe add Hem stitched. A showing worth our consideration. x- f ' A tnait is llnowh by the company he Keeps. Co art; the chewera of. OLD DOD recognized to ' be ; discrimin ating Judges cf GOOD TOBACCO . T Olsen Threw Bauer. . , (Special to The Evening Times.) ; Ashevllle, N. C., Nov. 23. Charles Ol sen, the man who defeated A. Ono, the Jap, and Shoenfleld, of New Orleans, again bested his man last night when he put Oscar Bauer's shoulders o the mat for . two consecutive fal1s.i The first' fall Was" won In 27 minutes and the"setona W 15 minutes. 5 . 1 , A nurse of I1.D00 and all net door re- 1celbrt(lfeo W'the-'wInHeV. Olsen! nexi meets,: JarrieS Pa'rf, reputed to, be the champion - ot-England. : in this; city ThanksglvingHinlghti'mtrhe menj will wrestle' for (the uitliamptonshlp belt, which was exhibited! here and is said to be of solid sllver.Vvf v SKILL WINS s i ..,.. " ' In electrto work as well as every thing ele.";. The niipticAtlon of electricity to dif ferent usea, la Tteconiiltg more general every da,i We are. COmpetfnt to figure with you and glve-.ybur advice which we have obtnlned thr our actual experience. Thert ta'no contract too large or too small for us to handle. Us electricity for '.i HJVst ylargett Street. vi f,Becomrnended, By Royal) & Qorden Furniture Co. Valn&blo Land for Sale. Bjr virtue." 6, authority confer' on tne iff dril action en tltie,a H. M. Farnsworth and others against C. H Perry and others, lately depending In Wake Superior Court. I will on Monday, the 1 1th day of December, A. I). IVOR, expose for sale at the court house door la Wake county at public out cry to the highest bidder for cash all that lot or parcel ot land in Wake county. North Carolina, In the cor porate limits of the city of Raleigh, on Bioodworth and . Davie streets, being 244 feet on Bioodworth and 1 05 feet on Davie1 street, and More fully bounded and describe as fol lows: Lying and situate on the South line of South Bioodworth street between Cabarrus and Davie streets. In the city of Raleigh, front Ing 105 feet on said Davie street and running, South along Bioodworth street 244 feet, lot being same con veyed to Charles H. Perry by his mother, Sarah Perry, by deed' record ed in Book 124 at page 138 In the office of register of deeds for. Wake county, N. C, except thirty-six feet on the South end thereof excepted in the judgment. The land will be sold in lots or parcels or as a whole, as may be deemed most advantageous. TIME ot sale 12 o'clock noon. TERMS of sale Cash. PLACE of sale At the court house door in Raleigh. W. J. PEELE, Commissioner. Peele ft Maynard, Attorneys. viouern 1 i Life f'i 1 : 'r AV aj al ala jTm ev ajWIMVAXl At Cheaper RatiS The Demand of the 'Times 1 The Aetna Life Insurance Compan y, the Old Hellabie, Is offering rtegulat Policies at EXTREMELY LOW RATES. These policies include every fee. ture of up-to-date Life Insurance, Hit ended Insurance, Paid-up, ' Loan ant Cash Surrender Values; and are payable In full at death or at age li. Compare these Rates: Ordinary. 20- Payment ' lS-Payment 10-Payment Age. Life. Life. . Lire. Life, . 25 $16.71 $24.48 $2.4 .. " $3.75 SO 19.14 27.01 82.4S . , 4S.72 J5 22.SJ S0.11 N.11 ' ' 4167 40 26.28 3.f4 40.41 ' M.21 50 3S.83 44.90 t2.S5 , M M , 55 48.71 53.27 60.78 - , ',.78.60 . 60 v (2.64 S5.19 72.14 ' v : . (0.62 ' For further information address Jtit iff .ei.- ."j- ,vy :-"iJ' (0 f'i 14 74- ' Shelled Burning Frigate. s,-' (By the Associated Press.) London, - Nov, '23. The old gun frigate Forte, built Jn 1812, was sunk In the Medway river to-day by shells fired by the British gunboat Bustard. Fire broke out this' morn ing on the Forte, which 1 had been used as a coal depot, and 2,000 tons of coal xwere soon ablaxe; ' The fire parties were unable '.owing -to the heat, to get close enough to deal With the flames, so the., shelling was re sorted to in order to prevent the lire from spreading to neighboring shlp 1' ' : ' UP H. HUB E BIT, :; (Late. with A. Davenport, BostonJ UPHOLSTERER . I , 5 -( ' AND DECORATOR. No, .111 South Wilmington St; Trade Building. . ; 'Phones: Bell, ' 2 6 ; Interstate, 286; ' " ' Raleigh, 43. ' K ; Raleish,Qrtb Carolina. J. p.. BOUSHALL, Gen. Agt, Raleigh, N. C. t ii Supreme Court Rend ris: Vols. 137th and 138th Reports NOW ON SALE.'"4 V''' Price $1.50 or $1.80 Postpaid Some recent reprints, with annota tlons by Chief Justice Clark, Vols. 19. 21. 47. 48; 49, 64, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 70 and 71st and 81. Vols. 51 and. M ready In few days. " . . t , , Auction Sale of Land for Assets. ' Pursuant to an order of court ob tained In special proceeding No. 1252, entitled A. Shepard, executor, vs. Charles smith, heir at law of Monroe Smith, deceased, I will sell at public auction at the Court House door in Raleigh, N. C, on Monday, tbe 4th day of December, the following described property sit uated Id the village of Oberlln on the western suburbs of Raleigh, N. C: Loundedon the East by the "old HUlsbord KarJ"; oja the West by H. ' Umlth; on the South by Sidney Manly; on the North by1 Peace street, extended, leading from the said "old Hinsbdini rohd to the Fair Grounds, and known as the Monroe . Smith plac&'x'tW'tfror'tjP will' "be .sold to fire dlvhlons,Ofilot8., Terms of sale, one half cash1,' balance In six months. B. A. JOHNSON, - ,1. --. Commissioner, i "i". " '-" 1 ' 1 1 . "i 1 . 1 1 1 Public and Private Acts, 1905 I Now ready. Price $1.60 and $1.80, postpaid. f ' i1" , ' New Code vVi Will be ready about December 1st, 1905. Tour orders sOllvlted. v ';, t ALFRED WILLIAMS Co5 . v.. ; Southern Hill Stocks AV other Hlgh-Grade Investment 8cnrltles hnnf'jivl on commission by . P 1 ' t, p, ' Tr 1 1 -, t: :.r. :, ::. c. Ko vacation. Enter any time. K Day and Night Sessions. ( This Is the largest business school. best equipped, strongest faculty and Is unrivalled in North Carolina un surpassed In the South. . Call, telephone of write for cata logue and offers. Address , -'t EIXQ'S Bl'SXXGSS COLLrCB, ' rr"-i ruiiairc. rr" -'''Yi 7 vi RYE? WHISSEY S . ... FIVE YEARS OLD SMOOTH AND MELLOW LI FULL rirJS ; sill Z,4 Paid By Us, ; that these irood3 are the . ' n Express Charges A Ma will eonvinCB vo verv best for medicinal and other purposes. Send us your orders arid if Hot perfectly satisfactory, return at our expense arid money will be refunded at once. All shipments are made in plain cases. Remit by Postal or. Express Money Order. Write for price list it other. 11" -