If a-JiiL . i!i.V JliiN XIN U- XI Al lULIIalK ChkTZDA. XQXZUZZ&tl, Ji T ' ' - - N rz : 1 ii l a. n' ,u . . v r . Thanksgiving Holiday A.WW l. X m u ib i- -irw sr . . .Wf to announce that the tur will be rl&M all day Thursday. Jn Riving thia timely tni,t we can not too Etromriy, fmjilumiza the im; Hance cf your ut uig ail your Mn'ppuig briorc Utat iav. Yes this has bexn an exreedinRfy profrx-roua year iu all kinda't.f buYmcM, and we rivp tfianka to an Wie Proviilenrr for our share of tbe buiiurns tkat a . thrift v Kple luis so Wnrftopntlr ln-Ktow ed Uon ua. Ye?, ve are th.mkful, very tliauiful, and will take a r.ppt on that. day. Vfter ThankuRiving emus Chri!t-' nia, and this 19 eminently .a Ciintdmas store. , Rugs, Portieres and 4 , ' V" : d Luce Curtains Spcial, 8l topdi r ; 1ty undar r(oUr ' prlr. bene Um Special AttrMtioa. SmjTna Run. fright patterai, 1 by 6 tt, tlr frlni.d $1JM, 9X00 kb4 fJ.OO Royal Art Draprik. tortlera In Red. Bfue, Qrn and Color Combination. A pair...'.. $2.00 to S3.ao Nottlogham JLac Curtalna. Cgr. (ear and floral da alpia. A pair t $JH) 1.7 .l l Hi Mi iti i it i i i Thanksgiving Offering li ':: Of Kid Gloves Something to Remember S. II. A Cu.'h (Inn Tr.l- Iis...unt KtAinj are frt-. Our lki hold ulr worth of atamj, while. oth r cvinjauin mjturr ym ti till a 1 tk and j'et no Uttr mniumK. Wr Mart you off with a book tntainii)K 1 Mamj frir. Our lx.k( an- exrliaORe-alh- for jr-nnum,. nu-n hanJiM- or rank Our tr-miuma are high quality pNls Muted to tin wanti of the stamp colIiNiing ullir. Wo liav- )w tin artil- that you will noon liave to pun lias'. Sf by saving K. H. 1 Co,' I jf'ii Trade Diwount Stamps yu ill Ik- able to get elartlv what vou want absolutely frer. " . v ' ' OC850 . . ' . ' ; ' : Ready to Wear, :, r, ;-. Bo tmmenaoly popular are , Tallormada Garmenta, tha ' thuufactnrera are ro'sbed M never . before, t New sulti re quickly-aold upon arrival."- Something new every day. , v 1 , - r . 8U or eight doxen Satin Sklrta. Panama Cheviot, Serge and Mannish Mixture. In all alxes from 1 2 to 34 Inehea, waist measure; two prlcea. $5.00 and $.7S Genuine ' Cravlnette Rain Coats In Tan and Oxford Grey $14.00, $18.00 and $18.00 $ worn $ i Milllnety ; 'New arrivals of Fine Headwear almost daily.. The larg est stock In the city to select from. - a t 5 & We hare bunched) on one table a little lot of fifteen of twenty fine Drees Hats that are worth 16, 17, $8 und V $10. tnd: make a Thanksgiving offering Choice. .$5.00 v Children's Tobogglnst Tarn's and School, Caps, 25 and 50c Ne Materia s: Velvets, ostricn riumes.. iwu ers, : Flowers, etc. We ire members V' ' ' cf the -MERCHANTS ' -v' ASSOCIATION of Rileiih Take advantage of this liberal offer . of refunding ynur Railroad Ticket. .' , "a two-strike in 1' v- buying now k - .' Yoo can make a two-atrlke In bny ' Ing at this Thanksftvlng Bale. -Tour .'. purrhasea made now : may roran a 1 noticeable aavliTg la your Christmas . buying you can have use of these wares for Thanksgiving and the same purchase, will serve you on ChrlHt ; mai day. In fact, the wares on Bale ' here at this Phenomenal Sale Vlll be ofx Infinite value and Bervlre on any occasion. The prices are irrlststablo. ' Tou . cannot afford, to miss the sale. 'The stock Is large and varied and Includes the most, serviceable and ' , wanted goods 'the kinds and quall- ties that housekeepers find use for, . as well as those wishing novelties and presehts for all occasions. ' 'HOSIERY . . .As a result iOt special efforts we . , lay. before you these extra good bar- - gains and court an Investigation. V One case Ladles', Extra Heavy, Fast Black; Flat Knit Hose regular lSVio. values ..... ioc. ,: r Ladles': Fine Black Lisle Thread Hose, Hermsdort Dye 25c. values at ....... M 10"- : Or S pairs for BOc. i- i One case .' Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Fleece Li nod Vest and Pants Extra heavy 3 Be. quality. 25c. MAGNIFICIENT CHINA WARE Monday we Inaugural th Qrrat--( Kilt of Cblnamar evr coniuc(Nl Id the Slate a al conciiting of more real values than were ever be fore known In the South for mr rhandiHe or ilils rliu. Thli gigantic nl(Kk of China lfe and noveltlo will b a rtvela(lon to buyers of wares of thin kind. Thl huge variety of ThankKKlvIng China consists of Beautiful Turkey B"U. Fish Seta. Chocolate Sets, Wine. Tea. Coffee Kets. etc. The finest Potteries In the work! are- iy?prwntd it) thi mam moth collection. These fascinating China pieces so numerous In variety cannot be duplicated in the South at' our prices. SHOES Selected Shoes, under priced, for this special Thanksgiving Sale; fa miliar lines that you all know. Hurt & Packards "Korrect shape," $3.50 Box Calf and Vice Kid Shoes for : $3.00 The famous Turner Shoes for men. Everywhere 5.00 and $6.00. For this sale $4.00 Ladies Hand-Sewed Kldskln Shoes, Oak Tan Soles bought to retail at 12.50 ........ $2.00 Infant s Turn Shoes, Patent Tip, 1-ace and Button, no heels .... 50c. Spring heel . .' OOc. NOVEL TY POST CARDS Our Post Card Stock Is the largest and most varied to be found In the State. Usual price is two for five. The Newest In Post Cards are Burnt Leather and Burnt Wood in comic styles and catchy phrases 5c. French and Austrian Fans Tbta purchase made at this time o'year la aavaugeous to you as well a ouraelv. All of Utesa are Cveaiar Fans and the price are all la your favor. Values from BOc. to (1 00. Sale price. .29c. 49r, Tfte $1- $$$ OOtiO $$a44) ." . Moviac Vases These were Intended for New Orleans. For MflcUat r aona they were landed In New York. W wore tortaaata , : In securing this one case. . Oeaulae Movlae .Vaaea la ft doten designs, made to sell for tOc. RpcUl prk, SSe. ' ) ) t CB ,v Odd Lots at Odd Prices la this collection are Equestrian Tights, Children's Wool Sweaters, White and Grey Wool Underwear. Unelta Union Suits for Women; Pants, Vesta and Draw ers for Girls and Boys. All at very much reduced prices. .From 14 to U less than actual value. . T '- . - .Garments worth. BOc, 75c, $10, $2.00 Blue penciled 33c, ROcn 9lcH $1.83 V"' ' V ' V') "i? i.' ! 'J o V V i'i ' V) o -i it; i'i O Centemeri is a synonym for goodness., Evtry pair of this brand of Gloves are 1 warranted. v We are exclusive agents -; s for the celebrated P.. Centemeri & Co. Vv Kid Gloves. Fashionable colors, Black. -aid AVhite. The prices are $1.00, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. ,.,'-' - ' ? "VVe guarantee , every pair of our - I f Gloves t against manufacturer 's imper; I j break- and lis l" Viwe will irive another pau in exchange, V 1n4 niAirio ' lml' Lotro.; Ivnnn -nrriVTV (vs 1 1 1 feti6ns: also against tearing or -. incr ithe first 'fhne'tlfeV are put on, V v.if theviarti immediately returned to W fsoiled will Jnotbe.-45changed.''.-''' '' - - nFirni 'pnn mcr.Q . .rn .LiwLJ 1I1UUU Ii UU, M Ay-Ai:-A: ' -A, ';; A ';h;S ; . , jjg?, 11 ' W A1 V 7 - ii ii ii f ii f i i m ww w w ww m u ... iiii i 1 im iv - . iawi.m - w a ai . m vt-v . v if i ii in v. jo n nraer dv man mien ana answereu 111 i mivi r -i i rrwA fliiiffi ii I tA " " r.i ; :'. -:: . .-a. mv vimk-w :v7(r.,:.V Vl li the same W received. We prepay ex- US iH N3 if V IU ' ll press ches on allfurchases of SS.C0, irl U tift WM t i vi i i ii ii u ii ji i ' -. i ' . - . . . . -j . .i hk i : . . 'i i i' ill f ii a i. i. a . - t v . ,1 1 , - v A -t " - Underwear for Men and Boys o Umbrella Specials ' ) Men's Full Black, "Velvet Back" heavy Cotton Shirt and Drawers, all sizes. The last case of this Fin Underwear for this season. 69c. value for the fiat price of 50 eenta. Boy's Jager and Sinltary Heavy Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers. Regular 39c. values for. .... . 25 cents. Ottoman Serge and Gloria Silk Umbrellas, Hardwood Stick and Fancy Horn Mounted, Silver Trimmed, $1.!S value for $1.00 . Standard Patterns The Standard Patterns, reduced in price, but not in value. No matter how elaborate the design, only 5cV, 10c. . , or 15c will be charged for any Pattern. - ; We are the only people keeping a stock 'ylj of Patterns full and complete-bright J- a up to the minute. The Designer is a, -; complete asiuon isook ior women. The Christmas number will -.be", the' ). handsomest ever pubUshed. Price, 10c. 'a copy; 80c. a year, postpaid. - ;V. Standard Fashion Catalogues, issued V.; 1 1 iih.i i.r i i v in:. run inn nurr i.pi n rKi4 . vt SOK83 ft Kt ' tfAVkW SHERWOOD HIGGS -