Gil .EVENING TIMES. 7 i - ---f IM Aw 3 ii. k. c, tv li-day, sovrnrrs 1?H Mfl AT HIE Fra mi CLOIIIES iltlSELMAal);ON TECTUM THE BILLOT TURK'S U(M FOR BIiL01ICJ,-sb:"lt,n"13 THE B0:iD DEAL of ill.i;;:l... C3 I in- cents static. Ii Vlci:i'-j I Vww,aiwl GIVE PORTE A CHANCE Ma T1-4 HS -4 ttrlW OmAthm Jaariag flairs !. i ao, rvK m . Teas M fwarlW Xrkmm Opcwpo I Ml f Tesrsln MU. IW NrU Nraw. (Br la P aa) ItMIMIMIM, T . K St. rMtArtiMwU fr th I an rr-. Mlliml Wt la4 ai Mytttrne Pus Say trifmaua to arooraca shh ta t-airsrttra- T H-sr AmlrJ lUtterl Vsa Jadina. m4 ureal lb. cuMimm 4 pmii ksiidinca. ., 1 .,: dirty pirr HmK W tr Tin rrmur prorate, but M Tr-! m. fil ul ml- IM hlnn ftUT bftniUn today lrww.i tbM mc. man 4 tn lh rrrnttr U liovmX. u w,. Mm. t. m buna M to, ui fl-l win Uk no ftirthM nctln. ,d-lt M amateur but If 8uiu (m not ntlltw lb I wHk KU ( r,ulu la(nraj to nrcto ( lhe drnuiMls MorRHM ...rain. aad almnld not th wwr tba IWt l ccuaT 1van np without a rMolul ITort lalaml of Tne4ua, off the nut tt rf H from n,, .n4 abuao. Ala Minor. , t. I u (how. la la laat analyaia. la- -Tba porta continue hla eforti I dlffrrM0, of colfrro nutburttlra la re- lain i mudl Seal tif)a of tha Bnanclal )))M(t)J, . , 6nnln4 arhoin nuU maba It m.Mj Jf Jnrdn nM juat returnod from aorvptaoia m '" grand vtaler nlferad t acre to tba aiabllahmrnt of (oar new civil ncenla NtHh the nam fum-tlona aa tha -eclat tng acnla ftt Auatrta and Ituaala, tntl th tmbaaaador declared that no alter lion In the demand of tba pjwfra waa poaaible. . r i - .' tHE TtTtK'UJVKS.-THB JAP. , CP IU Aanoclated TiTm.) . ' Wahlnton, v. 1 It' la believed In ilii.l.iiiiuilo rJrclei here thai 'the re. rent war Intween J)in ami punola baa hat! no tittle to do with tlw tflcanl attitude of Uie Bultaa toward the Ku miiean powera. It la a well known fnt t tht Turkey ha walchod that war with the areatest lntereat. . v Japan and Turkey are no atrangvr to each othor. tor In recent yearn the '.two aovcreltna hare exchanged pree- enia ana expreiwiona on gora win. iu Turkish newapapcre and the TurKish v PUO!IO opinitNi iBrvmi W11V t " Naval author ltl here eiprca th opinion that tne Turn, wno naT.oen irainea ininy . wen . oj w" . French 'oflleern, can defend, the n- . trance to tha See. of Marmora with a good hope of Bucce. - , . " v , SILVER SERVICE TO r PENNSYLVANIA. 1 (By the Asaociated Press.) " ' . Philadelphia, i Pa.,' Nov. 28. In ths presence of many State and pity offi ciate and officer of the United States havy now at the League -Island navy yard, Governor," on be- nail or me Btttie, o-aay preaeniea i the armored cruiser Pennsylvania a handsome ailvor erylce.'t .. . 1 The visitors were, welcomed by two thousand aallora and marines, who . were drawn tip in double line on the pier. Governor Pcnnypackcr and the legislative Committee were the guests of Captain T. C. McLean. ' The service consists of IQ pieces, weighing nearly 750 pounds, and cost 125,000. It -was selected by a commls ' slon composed of ' Governor Penny ' packer. Senator Penrose and the late senator unay. . N , SKELETON AFLOAT - IN A CANOE. i1 (By the Associated Press.) V ; Grand Marals; Mlch.r-NoVi 28. .A frail birch bark.; canoe, containing what was once the body ot an Indian glrii has come ashore hoar hero. In dians fishing along the shore signtea the canoe far out in the- lake and ' were preparing to go out to if whon the wind shifted and blew it ashore, i v The bones of the girl rested ou t rich, blanket, and on he wrists were heavy, silver bracelets. . The Indians buried the body and expressed the belief, that the body was sot adrift . io4hQ cPfo in, comulnoe.with some of the'roiiious'mcs'Of ttto rea men CUT 1 "II ' . .FIVE E0DIE3 STILL: ' , UNIDENTIFIED. Boston, Mass., Nov, 28. No changes Swero reported to-day In the condition ol the persons Injured in the Lincoln v railroad accident whq are receiving treatment; at ;the Massachusetts Gen- eral Hospital. Several of the Injured are still on the dangerous list, though ' their recovery la expected. - i Positive Identification was still lackr Ing to-day -In the cases of the bodies of J four .men and one woman which are In ' the city morgue. Th failure, of Identification-results from the aiutilated and charred condition of the bodies. - M aid k k-aaaMy Aka4Jad as few aaafMtsy sHhwi(fe l tafwW $.Ue irtw- lany l"ia tW run Ksird lt IM IVM f ! Alalawrwtr f- (Mr tt Aaaeriaiad h 'tr.s I aiimti. faX. $ JJ( , Ulvki; , f,,,., tka ok. )Mm kit l mhim - the ikwu cum m 4ar4 -4T. fiaoiea! lia4 U Hair Jnrsaa rrfMHI jr wire lb to fctf fflr U m Urrlf Bl Wiri la a ndery ark ala. lr Ike iM -tta front B4rHg srtars, a ,,,-, AM Ik met $"" V I . . . . .. . . , No- anas." b eat. kka ha . M m ahHak, la it. , in(.oiuYt.i. ..m In a ait!! trip tbrooithaut tha eaat. wtirr b baa bad ampla 'opportunity of ftntlnf tha wldrapread a(IUtlnu aanlnat football. .v While. In "Waihlncto ha waa nreatnt at a conference with rreaWnnt Knna relt and Dr. 1. S. .Whit, profnaanr rf aurawy at tha tjnlvaralty uCPcnnayl vanla, tbtrt meana to remedy tha abuara of tba modern game wera dla CUMMd.. ' ., , - .' ' -. . i ' -. i!LlLi'8llCUAFEL HILL Stomach ol the" fattishall Ionian Sent There Charges Were Toe High Here, so the Chatham County Aathorltiea , Thonglit--I)r. Taylor ' Hajcs Here To-lay. and Mr. Mr. R. II. Hayes and Dr. G. N. Taylor, coroner ot Chatham county, were here to-day making arrange ments to send the stomachs of Erne- line Pattischall and daughter, Josie, who- were boileved to have been poisoned some days ago at their home in Chatham, to Chapel Hill for analysis at the laboratory there. The , Btomacns were first sent to Prof eBsor Withers, of the A. and M. College- here, with" directions that they be preserved and an estimate nfade of tne coat of analysis. The charge was so much more than was anticipated that tho county authori ties would not bear the expense and they found that they could have the work done cheaper at Chapel Hill. No i arrest - has been ' made. The suspicion la that the two-were given an apple, with poison In it by the woman's Bon, but , without , the analysis and the proof of the pres ence of poison In the stomachs there is nothing on which to base a war rant for an arrest, t Many believe that tho women were not intention- ally poisoned, but died from eating cabbage on which Paris-green had been sprinkled to kill worms. - A SCORE WERE slightly Hurt (By the Associated Press.) - New" York, Nov. 28. Nearly a score ef persons were -slightly injured to:day when a crowded passenger, train on tho Long Island Railroad crashed Into a section, of a freight train which had been broken apart a few . minutes be, torn at Newtown. 1 I. "'-' . ' The passonger train was1 not running at hlgll speed, 'but ' the caboose wa crumpled up and : several of the cars tossed to one sldei of the' track before the passenger train stopped, , - vThe passengers, many of whom; were standing In the aisles, were thrown to the floor and against seats with great violence. - ' J Fire, which Immediately broke out among 'the wrecked freight cars, causv ed a panic and threatened the passen. ger train. Borne of the passengers as sisted the trainmen In fighting the names. Three box -cars and the ca boose were completely burned. -;; ;, lei Kk cl inciter CcEtnl; - Strike 70,000 HEN LOCKED OUT UI4 IVndiitnnii nam Caa ta Vaiiara i Tnra AaniBtf AxiU MWf 1 r n MarraUwi l , ailr4 iMM-bm t4 tortaa toimr. favklaf IVUrt, l k4 tBy ln AaHM-Ule hw) L Pelemberg Nor. 2t The orkajr-a ooaarll ihrrla ibe con a try with abolbt-r geaeral strike le conipol the empkirera of rt. Pv terabarg a ho locked out about "u.- 04 Ihca yrstrrday lo re-oiHn th4r toots The mca bad rtftiMd lo re- Itra to ork aador tho old rondl tloaa. Uulegatee have Ixwn dtapatrbed to cities lo Ibc Interior to aorertaln wholkcr they will uport tho niove mral. Dust II at Ion Is rausInK maay vork- nxD hero lo turn against the agita tor. During the Ut strike actual rlarvatioB prevailed. The mca had neither money lo buy food or bury the dead. There were ram of work men remaining naked la bod at home having pawned every ultra of cloth ing to relieve the hunger of their families and themselves. SeUastopol, Nov. 18. The time limit allowed ' Uiv mutinous sailors to surrender expires to-day. . The command of the ruisov OtehaVoff, whoae crew niytliiV-d, ' has beep,' as sumed by IJeutenaat SrbmJJt, who waa dismissed froct the -fort ore -oa account of, h revolutionary tenden cies , f -. '''-', Tho atown council has asked . for help to save the city. THROAT CUT AND , NECK BROKEN. . (By the Associated Press.) Detroit, Mich., Nov. 28. His jugular vein severed and his neck broken, the dead body of Frank W. NoeUel, aged 28, of this city, was discovered to-day lying near the Myrtle' street crossing of the Michi gan Central Railroad. Apparently the mortal injuries had boon Inflicted with a large, heavy knife. . NoeUel, who was married and engaged In the plumbing busi ness, had gone out late In the even tng to-collect a bill amounting to 1200. .It Is supposed that some one familiar With his plans assaulted htm on the way home with the pur pose of robbery. DOUBLE TRAGEDY a IN A SALOON. (By the Associated Press.) Kovvllle, Term., Jfov. 28 A bloody double traced was committed at a late hour last night In an cast-end si- loon.- Two white men, J. G. Edwards and Elsie Luttrcll, who-had had pre vious trouble, met at the bar. ' Edwards, -with an open knife In one hand, advanced on Luttre.i, and be fore the 'latter could shoot him down had Inflicted six serious wounds pn Luttfell. Aftec the second shot from LuttrolVS ; pistol, - Edwards fell Bead Luttrcll .will also die. Both are mar- Tried. men. .i, COMPANY GUILTY; INDIVIDUALS NOT ,S (Special to The Kvetrlns Tlmcg, Greensboro, K. U-Nov. SS.The Jury in the Old Nick cas returned a verdict of guilty cm the first count, Charging the Old-Nick Williams Rec tifying Company with carrying on ajgmia; Mead.v rectifying business to defraud a the j West Virginia! government. ' Against the Individual defendants named in tho other iour counts they returned verdicts of not guilty.;; The f rroman of tho jury stated that thoy found tho corporation guilty and the individuals not guilty. "'' Counsel for the defendants lodged a motion in arrest of Judgment and to set, verdict aside.: Argument Is to be heard at 3 o'clock. - . . It the verdict stands 'the effect will be to forfeit-. propertyand A " fine, supposition is ; that he-. Jumped over ggalust tho corporation.' ' h ' board, . .;,jB..u . Jrr.ri trf aa AakW mr ton4vr Area TWsj I44 IVl h Itreia or lajery be-iajr. (fly tbe Aaantat. I'm) i 1im-V Vie. It - Tb ft,Vf' mm nt a i rwl r iitfc; traw U iA t t Wd d Varna w l.r. a la, the rmi1y f t Hn rHtnt. llre aihtmkr aaeato-, frvr-4 ihi at(X to r ak-t-e tbe awn) e h t Hf f Ha breialHy bii t arn? la eai a Mul t tfetoaa. "Nn ta iay W plarvi ti tbr I -a it hi by r4iw Inai-atf o , St yais ta three ." mM Mi I I'jMnp TW at iriiJ ftvait th air W lb tafuria It i ttu. thai an ! iT b tl talk la M the hoi l,t ktnJ lai-k ! rt an n- I !) IHtt. laaiacrr li(i), taUB4 at n)urtcta ate Ulll H-'lnr4 ankle or a broa4i arm, Tti I. mu- h l ter ha a bkntd ru4 ai ihr t,iln ,mrr tiijurtea hli h nreur ta t f.- !,. r line playa There the ln)urt ar.- inmt apt lo be In the bead ad ,in "la ciin play the sIuckIh ami dirty work euat-tlmea 4r In n rlmnuf would be Impoaallile hfnuw it could be Been. If we ran tH Ihr )imi that the spectators ran all of It. public oplntan win t't f-iul play. What liilng there la ! fra on berauM the crowd rannoi It. Tb tin yard rule .uld allow lighter men t Ire Int.. ih amr. ahlrh would be an miI uI;d that anme people are arglnc I em Inclined to think tint there la a chsiae Cir the ten ).i, rule to be adopted by' tte ruhn commUlnt'. Home of the propward rliamr-a are a!$40.l3 cl.n k t-om Kidder, rea bod 7 radical that they , would practically make a new game. Whai we want to do Is to prenervo the game and elimi nate the objertliir-atile features.". AS TO ' INAUGURATION Committee on Change Meets This Afternoon To Deride What- Day is to Ik- Hecom- mended to Congress, and (Ihmmu Betweeii April 30th, Walintou's Inauguration Day, and La1 Thurs day In April, or Whether any Itec omniendation Im Mode. (By the Associated Precs.) Washington, Nov. S8. The national committee on the proposed change of inauguration day. composed of fifteen Washingtonlans and forty-four gov ernors of 'States and territories, is meeting here this afternoon to decido upon the best manner Of presenting the matter to Congress. The govern ors generally have sent their views in writing. The main purpose of the meeting ih to decide two questions: First, what day shall bo recommended to Congress for the inauguration day, and specifi cally what choice should' be made be tween the 30th of April, George Wash ington's inauguration day,, and the la.n Thursday In April, the day named In Senator Hoar's resolution, which nan twice passed the Senate; and, second, whether any recommendation should be made to Congress as to a change in the time of assembling. -' The governors of Statesiwho have In dicated, a willingness- to servo on the committee, and who have sent their Views tn writing are: Jelks, of Ala-; bama; Brady, of Alaska! KJbey, Ari zona: , McDonald, Colorado: Pardee,; California; Roberts, Connecticut; Lea, Delaware; Broward. Florida; Terrell, Georgia) Carter, Hawaii; Gooding, Idaho;; Denecn, Illinois- ; Hanly, Indi ana; .Cummins, Iowa; J-Ioch, Kansas', Beckham, Kentucky"; Blanchard, Lou isiana; Cobb, .Maino; "Warflold, Mary land; Douglass, Massachusetts; . War ner, Michigan i Johnson, Minnesota; Folk, r Missouri; Toole, Montana: Michey.i " Nebraska; MoLane, . New Hampshire! Stokes, New Jersey; Otero, New Mexico; Higglns, i . New, York; Glenn, North Carolina; Harles, North Dakota; Herrlck, Ohio: Chamberlain, Oregon; Ferguson,1 Oklahoma; Penny packer; Pennsylvania; "Wlhthrop, Por to -Rico; Utter, Rhode Jslanu;. tilroa. South. Dakota; Cox, Tennessee; Sutler, Utah; Bell, Vermont;"' Montague,'; Vlr Washington; . Dawson, LaFollfcttO, Wisconsin. JUMPED OVERBOARD .' OFF HATTERAS. v - 2 . ; i (By the Associated Press.) v Savannah. Ga,, Nov. 28.-The steam ship Lexington, of the Merchants and Miners' Line, . has arrived here front Baltimore, and the captain reports that while off Cape Hatteras Monday morn ing a passenger believed to be A: Ban nam.--of Baltimore, disappeared. , The lx V:;!cJ CHI U;d Sc. ctiito for Er. Shw BIG MONEY FOR LOIN twnif 4 r mt 1.1 IHIa 4 Tr-M tttmm w b-4k i fNMiI MIJIM Mi slti I UHaM MaaV Mtaa Taa IK (V-t (en . IVrkUvL II I In amtai4 111 N lotk. Nov 2 K D Has doliih. treaaanr of tbe Nr ViMk tb- laauraane Inreailtatlwa la-da that daring a imkid of t uarlal Btra-aa anine Maarhurlta boada aad Nc Toik lt bonds nt-lr-tiging to the New Vork Ufe louranre Cum ay were drpnaltcd allh the Called Hialea govrrcnient f.r the Klrat National Haak, of Ibis rlt) This waa done Ihii the Iwretarjr of the Trra aary a demanding a high rlaaa of iMvur !(! against itovernment de- ' The New Ufe meetved for I la tranMrllnn ICA.lioO Iveaidoe la i tereat. aald the wllnina i Mr Hand tl ,h the Arat wit- oks to-day. t'harles K. Hughoa, nmnwl for the comnilttee, aaked him If he had Ixn-n ordered by Preal dnt John A M-"all lo turn the A Co , of Boston, over to George W. Perkins, vhw prcMdiwt of thu New York Life Insurance Company. Mr. Randolph said he wa ao or dered by President MrCail. JHr. Raadolpa said tho loaa of 1930,000 to KJddur, Peabody A Co. wae-ot -acted npoa by I he flnanee committee of th New York Life la stirance Company, borause it was not customary to report loans to that com in It toe. Asked why he did not rash tho check for the New York Life Insurance Company, Mr. Ran dolph said it did not belong on the records of the New York Life. The company's share was S per cent, in terest on the Mexican Central bonds "And to furnibh all the money," said Mr. Hughes. Asked about the removal of $ 700,000 worth of New York city stock from the vaults of the New York Life Insurance Company for a few days and the substitution there for of a check of tho Central National Bank for $700,000, which was told yesterday by Cashier Theodore F, Banta. of the New York Life, Mr. Handolnh said the statement was correct In the main. Ho did remove the stock, as Mr. Banta testified, he Bald, but at that lime he was not the treasurer of thd company, but chair man of the executive committee. He probably acted under Instructions from Mr. Gibbs, then treasurer, now dead. "Who got tho stock?" asked Mr. Hughes. "I do not remember. Only three men then had access to the vaults," he said. James C. Keeler. formerly clerk of tho New York Security & Trust Com pany, said that In 1900 or 1901 the trust company paid Andrew Hamilton $18,- 000 and charged it to an account with the Union Savings and Trust Company of either Tacoma or Spokane. Mr. Keeler said he understood this trust company is now defunct, and that all Its assets were in warrants and deben tures, and were owned by the New York Ufe Insurance Company. ULTIMATUM TO THE MUTINEERS - (By tha Associated Press.) St. Petersburg, Nov. 28. 5:02 p hu . government -. to-day an nounced. , that unless . tho - mutineers k,t Sebastopol surrendered before midnight armed force wilt be used. But there is grave j doubt ' here whether General Baron Meller Gako melskie. commander of tho seventh army corps,' who Is In charge of the situation, dare put the soldiers to tho test of Bring on their comrades It is significant that . although the crews of the loyal ships refused to Join tho mutineers, they declined ac cording to the dispatches to - carry out orders to put to sea. , This, may Indicate their purpose to stand by and meet; force with, force itt the! event ot the soldiers and artillery ashore firing od the sailors' barracks, aaii 1Im r tonaaa rXxa-a Urn I kliinal kaCra r i aai4 m r i i i a fliaa Srmtm a4 t.4b Mwn U law t it A4Mto. 4 9mmm I Wnta S V niif mm r- r4 it ml ($ -4 toi Ae-HtoK.) at m if Tk grHkmM h af Ik kj.Hti ui Miff n nl tlirtr 6tM4 it 1 1 rwibi f im mht it f 1 1 ffto- k 11 toltl rf OmiI i-ull t(1 t drnwMic f 1 kn ud f 1 hr !' if t Is m I ir tttiM lata MMH tf ihr ftM- ii n4 itietn) tt I b ! m'i iffl- in i Uttwd Tl '- tmmntl ttlUAll'! J tefl k f tI'lat1 d tiMftalt1 t aniit-i hiiiti.ihI I (hr i i llai wtit luUtuc h't a diotiMi. ffMHflltM a H4I1M1 f'H UllUrtMl Vttf- frp to (he fvrnW'f and ridnts of TH ii-rflftiti rr )'mtathtMtr Thy mid ihry i .Mt.vr-4 that Ui f(rwniPt of I h Crfl-laturr mas lo I h t) for an n'tmatun nf tht mut frac hWh Han marhlnc iiarllamnl fixm all : laara of KM idy. At th aamc Hint Ihry fn4n4i4 out tb llflloulttra ot dna)n( with ni t at -rau hlitg m reftinn In tha gruUar HlnUa and nattonaJ rvmdltkma riinlina In Aumria, and d rlarvd that It wttutd only ba actom pllahabl hri Parllanwnt rould mM tranquilly without bring awayed by mitaM? trflunrra The l'iHnlrr. Baron Gautch Von Prankenthurn, notlad soon to lay the Intentkma f th (vmmnt tn d (CoBttnuo4 on Seventh Page.) RUFTY IS ACQUITTED Charged With Killing Ecgl neer McConnell Judge Peebles Charged Jury That Itufty Waa Guilty of Manslaughter, But Jury Returns Verdict of Not Guilty. (Special to the Evening Times.) Salisbury, N. C, Nov. 28. Not withstanding Judge Peebles' charge that Henry ftufty was guilty of man slaughter or murder in the Bccond degree the Jury returned a verdict of not guilty this afternoon at 1:15 Judge Peebles said there was not an element of self-defense In the tes timony of the State or the defense. Un announcement of tho verdict Judge Peebles Issued a bench war rant for Rufty on a charge of carry ing concealed weapons. He was re quired to give a bond of $500 for his appearance at the February term of court. The bond was immediately given. BIG SHOE FACTORY DESTROYED BY FIRE. (By the Associated Press.) Palmyra, Pa., Nov. 28. The large factory of the Landts Shoe Company was entirely consumed by Are to-day. Loss, $75,000, partially Insured. The burning of the factory throws about 150 people out of employment. It is thought the fire was due to an explosion in the basement. I TERRIFIC BLIZZARD ON SUPERIOR Superior, Wis., Nov. 28. The city of Superior and Lake Superior have beon lashed by a furious wind since last night. A blinding wet snow ac companied the sixty mile hurricane, with the result that drlftB four to Six feet deep obstruct the principal streets to-day. The street car sys tem Is entirely out of business. The estimated velocity of the wind, which Is blowing with undi minished strength to-day, is between sxtyand seventy miles an hour: Wired are down to a considerable ex tent, 1 : Last night and to-day's hurricane marks the first . real blisard since 1872. t , ' 1 Railroad traffic is either entirely suspehded or moving erratically and snow plows nav been tarteo iromj this constitutes a rebate and is in v1o the dlrlsloa points. v " y.- - - J lalion ot the State law, .r - fbl tie 1 1 1: DID FIST OR FALL l.ILL? kJfgna Q aire ii 4 tltsg i Mattflre fatmtH ii aiay .Imrw Ont t WIM kk Ae- M'aa- kraaa aaf Urala likaJ TW I . lat kJi mm Hare) t ! ' Ikreikv, IUW TVaa lU-s f I'M. . I Hy the Aaarlld 11 ) . ABBapolia. Md Nov. II Tb roun BtarUal raae ef MUahlpmaa Minor Marl wet bar, Jr., caarr4 lth nianalaagbler II ooneeetioai with the deatb ef aaUkklpmaa Jas R. Hranrh, Jr.. aa the fault ef a tat light, resume Ita aeaaloaa Ik I BoorB log Hargeoa A. M. McCortnlck was re called for the tHirpoee of yertfyteg hla teatlatoay, aad waa asked la re gard to midshipmen who had been brought to lb hospital ta a bnitaed condition wheat the witness had beea oa duty at the academy. Bom of these, the witness aald, showed aore external Injuries thaa ta the case ot Branch. ' . Surgeon K. D. Gatewood waa then produced by the defease as tha rt witness to testify aa to matter con nected with th autopsy., - Us cava a minute and technical description of ths coadlUoa which tha aatopay re vealed la tha case ' of Branch. lie aald that there waa ao fracture of thghrsaaU w , lijaar to tsem- -brane of tha ' brala except .that brought about by th surgical opera tion. A large cloVwaa found, how ever, ' andof the membraoe of tha ' f...u a,iuavi wi a uvaii iuu(l and kidneys wera found In normal , condition without evidence of previ ous 111 health 1 these organs. Surgeon Gatewood aald that he be lieved that It 'was mora likely that the Injuries were received , , by Rrinrh'l llAiaH bavllta- Mm. Iliilv in contact with soma hard object rather than by fist blows. Ma his opinion the primary cause of death was hemorrhage. It Increased tha -.' fluid outside of the brain. . Tha In- creased pressure on tha brala sub stance caused death. - Surgeon Gatewood was rigidly ex amined by Dr. E. W. Olaiebrook and Surgeon E. D. Stokes, the medical experts of the defense and prosecu tion respectively. Oh cross-examlna-tlon the witness said that there was nothing shown at the autopsy which ;. disproved that the Injuries had been caused by the fist Mows. ,. The questions by counsel for both sides and by member, of the court , made it necessary for the witness to; ; travel over the same - ground : time : atter time, Dut ne insisted upon nia original statement that the Injuries - were more likely to have been , re ceived from a fall or other violent--'. impact than by Meriwether's fist. The witness said that If the opera tlon had been performed earlier and ' in another -place the saving - of Branch's life was possible. If was a perfectly natural . thing, however, judging from the symptoms, to ope, rate as was done In this case. v k The judge advocate had a tlitvwith ; me wuness, in uranr w niuiu-iiii, answer from him tn tho : nuesttnn t whether or not he considered himself aa ha wnnlii IlaTA bAAti'- bad-.hA bAAn : present both - At the .operations and f the autopsy. Finally after the presl- -dent of the court hacl.inalkted on, Ah . onoatAf fha arltnoaK i aaM i that hoi " would be more capable of reaching a decision if he had been present at the operation. -- y ' - INSURANCE AGENT VIOLATED LAW. ' (By the lAssoeia'tedt' press.) C ' Philadelphia, ' Pa.. ,Nbv. 2 Harold Pierce, General Agent of the New Totk Life Insuranoe Company In. PhlladeH- 1711,.., mi i i mum iui ui mat before a maglktrate,'- this afternoon, charged with discrimination In the Is- ' suance of a life Insurance policy in violation of the laws of, Pennsylvania. : It Is charged that policy for $100, 000 was Issued by Mr. Pierce; to Ben jamin C. Warnlck, a "broker, And that thA- lfllte -Mvaa- n ntntilrsil tft isnv the first 'payment. It Is "alleged that